• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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18. Deadliest Flier in Equestria

Metroid Equis

Chapter 18

Canterlot II: Deadliest Flier in Equestria

“Okay… and what exactly will I be doing?” Samus asked, begging for more information. She took little issue with the ponies taking charge of the defense of their capitol, though the least they could do is provide her with a bit more background information on what was exactly to be done. The Pirate Frigate creeped ever closer, slowly but surely, towards the Equine capital.

“You are familiar with a ‘Sonic Boom,’ yes?” Luna asked. Celestia and the others went to help Rainbow Dash get ready for the inevitable mission to come.

“Yeah… it’s the sound that’s generated by an object traveling through the air at faster than the speed of sound. Which, in reality, is kinda harmless,” Samus responded, trying to create some sort of logic.

“Indeed, but the ‘Sonic Rainboom’ not only generates sound, but the shockwave it creates is magically charged,” Luna began explaining, ‘talking’ with her hooves. “After the first time Loyalty accidentally performed the anomaly, flying pegasi were thrown out of the sky within a half-mile radius in all directions, with other effects persisting beyond that.”

Ahhh… like why entering slipspace within a planet’s atmosphere is so dangerous because of the shockwave it creates. It can decimate buildings for miles!

Samus understood things perfectly now. The Pirate Frigate would probably have some fail-safes in place for incidents with slipspace waves… but magically charged waves? Not a chance!

“Alright that makes perfect sense. Then I’d figure Rainbow would need to perform the act at nearly point-blank range to do any form of damage to that ship,” Samus mused.

“That is precisely where you and the Canterlot Air Wing come in. Our air guard will serve as a distraction to any airborne defenses. You, however, have the ability to engage air-to-air, and as such, you will protect Rainbow Dash as she sets up and ultimately executes what she must,” Luna further explained.

“What about you??”

“Get to your ship now! I need you to follow me first! Rainbow Dash, ride with Samus now!” Luna yelled with a sense of urgency. Rainbow was by the Hunter’s side immediately and the two sprinted to her ship. Celestia and the rest of the Elements saw the three off as the gunship took flight after Luna. After several minutes of flying where Luna was able to stay ahead of Samus’s engines at cruising speed, much to her surprise, the Lunar alicorn signaled for them to stop. They hovered about a mile ahead of the impending capital ship.

“What are we doing?” Samus asked, wondering why they stopped. Rainbow shrugged in response. Immediately then, the two heard a loud banging against the ship’s upper hatch. Samus opened it up and the elevator lowered the Lunar Princess inside.

“We shall set this plan in motion. The last part of said operation will involve a boarding party.”

“How are you getting a boarding party into a Pirate Frigate? This I’d like to know,” Samus asked, not entirely sure how Luna was to pull this off. Luna only smiled and charged her horn. The colored aura faded as it slowly became brighter and brighter. Once it was white-bright, it began to pulse like a beacon. Not ten seconds later, three teleportation spells went off in the confines of Samus’s ship, signaling the arrival of three Magickakorp troops, identities completely concealed through their armor and helmets.

“Whoa… who are you?! You guys look awesome!” Rainbow Dash asked with wide eyes. The three elite troops all turned their heads to the Element of Loyalty and said not a word.

“That is not important right now, Rainbow Dash. Samus, I need you to fly us under the ship so we may teleport inside. It matters not where you decide to place us,” Luna instructed. Samus only raised an eyebrow but she was willing to let her take charge of this little operation without a fuss. She maneuvered her gunship back towards the Pirate Frigate, careful to stay low and avoid any frontal guns that could possibly have gotten a lock on her. She then altered the course, ascending steadily until they reached the bottom of the ship, the Hunter slowly ascending even more until the top of her ship nearly touched the metal plating of the gargantuan ship. Samus placed her ship in synchronous movement with the Frigate.

“Alright, this shall do nicely. Warriors,” Luna addressed her three troops. “I am generating a portal into the enemy warship. Prepare for combat!” She then fired up her horn and shot an electrical charge right in front of her, generating a flat-planed portal into what looked like nothingness. She then closed her eyes for several moments as if searching… which soon bore fruit as an image began to show within this two-dimensional rift: the inside of the Frigate. Once the image completed, the three troops stepped in one-by-one. Before the Lunar Princess herself stepped in she turned back to Samus with an interesting expression on her face… one of slight fear and gratitude, mixed with determination.

“We shall attempt to distract the internal order of this vessel. You keep Loyalty safe no matter what! However, if this fails, just know that we are grateful for all you have done, and it has been an honor,” Luna uttered. Samus hardened her look and nodded in return.

“See you on the other side.”

Luna grunted in affirmation and stepped through, the portal collapsing on itself once her tail made its way through completely. Samus turned back to her console and disengaged the synchronous motion with the Space Pirate warship. She piloted her gunship out from under the behemoth until Rainbow Dash piped up:

“Let me out here, I need to fly and judge average wind vectors.”

“You sure about this?” Samus confirmed, taking the ship to a gradual halt in the air.

“Positive. I’m gonna need a lot of flight time to perform this and we probably only got one shot. I’ll be fine, as long as you’re covering my ass,” Rainbow affirmed.

“Alright. Good luck out there,” Samus iterated. Rainbow only smiled one of her cocky, determined smiles before offering her right hoof to the armor-less Hunter. The latter grasped the cyan appendage in her right hand, giving it a firm squeeze and shake.

“I got this,” Rainbow said as she grinned. She then stepped into the lift, to which Samus let the pegasus out into the open air. Rainbow flew in front of the cockpit and just hovered, attempting to judge best wind direction. Samus strapped herself into her pilot’s seat, waiting to play escort to a prismatic-maned pony.

All four of Luna’s hooves touched down onto the foreign floor, her troops rallying by her side immediately. She magically equipped her battle armor and observed her surroundings. Judging by the equipment, the… sectioned stalls and… what looked like faucets…

“A lavatory. Really now…” Luna commented out loud. Nevertheless, the group of four made their way to the only exit in the room, sealed with a blue door much like her experience in the Space Pirate forward base.

“Take heed in every direction. We are to cause as much damage as possible for the greater good of Samus, Loyalty, and our Air Force,” Luna issued final directives. She then activated a radio within her armor: “Universal order to Canterlot Air Wing, launch immediately. We are attacking.”

She then beckoned her troops with her head as she shot the door with a magical bolt, having it open. The four exited out of the lavatory and it promptly sealed behind them. What the ever observant Princess overlooked, however, was the small maintenance drone that was hidden, working in one of the stalls. A red light shone on one of its sensors and pulsed in an urgent manner.

The group of four entered the first transit hallway outside of the lavatory and found no resistance. Looking down the right, it was a dead end, so their only choice was to go left. This time, Luna was not looking to be discrete. As she had said, she was looking to do as much damage as possible to draw attention from the outside, inward. She kept this goal in mind as the small squad came to the end of the hallway, sealed by another blue door. However, before they were to open it, Luna’s ears picked up something from the other side: movement towards them. She held her hoof up, signaling her troops to stand guard and wait. Sure enough, several seconds later, the door lost its blue hue and opened, revealing a single Pirate Trooper. The moment said trooper made eye contact with the Lunar Princess, a charged magical round shot straight into his chest, throwing him off his feet and landing on his back, dead.

Luna, remembering her experiences, put herself and her troops on guard, as the first shot had been fired. Unlike last time, however, no attackers came. The soldier on Luna’s right jerked his head to the side.

“What was that!?”

“What was what?” a second soldier asked for confirmation.

“Could’ve sworn something passed me…”

On their guard, the four found nothing. They stood back-to-back, as little ‘hunches’ or feelings of being watched started to surface.

“Something’s watching us…” the third soldier spoke up, feeling her fur starting to stand up on itself inside the armor.

“I concur…” Luna replied. She closed her eyes and re-opened them, revealing nothing but bright orange light of her magically augmented thermal vision. In front of her, nothing but a straight hall; nothing to their sides either. As she gazed behind her, however, Luna found an imposing creature with a large blade drawn right on top of her rear soldier, right as the enemy moved to strike.


But there was nothing Luna could have done quickly enough as the Shadow Pirate’s blade pierced straight through her elite soldier’s neck. Energized metal punctured metal as the unicorn soldier gagged in final agony, being lifted into the air by the invisible entity before being thrown violently off his blade and onto the ground. Luna fired a powerful Night Beam round with shotgun like properties at her soldier’s killer, disengaging the active camouflage and obliterating his chest cavity.

It was for naught though… as in Luna’s eyes, that Shadow Pirate had already claimed a victory. Luna searched frantically for any other cloaked attackers. There were none, but in their stead, two Space Pirate Troopers entered through the transit-way door where they had killed the first unsuspecting Pirate. Luna and one of the remaining unicorn troops engaged and eliminated them easily with combined torrents of magical-beam fire while the second attempted to do something…anything… for their fallen comrade. There was no use. Her blood slowly poured out on the floor and magical scans showed no life signs. The second soldier regrouped with Luna and the first.

“Corporal Myst Shroud confirmed KIA.”

“Very well. Let us not let her death be for naught!” Luna spoke with conviction, internally cursing herself and shouldering complete blame for the loss of her elite trooper. The smaller squadron of three moved onward, ready to do battle with the inevitable Space Pirate Forces sent to engage them.

And Luna promised no mercy.

Samus waited patiently as the seconds drew themselves out. Rainbow Dash was still trying to determine the best flight path, and she was clearly close to deciding. However, a few warning beeps from Samus’s ship’s radar signaled the approach of enemy fighters from the west.

“Rainbow, you better make up your mind quick or this is gonna be a short mission…” Samus spoke out loud. Only finally did Rainbow Dash point with her hoof and she took off with frightening speed. Samus hit her thrusters and followed suit, catching up with her within twenty seconds. Several fighters banked off in Samus’s and Rainbow’s direction, while the others went to defend the ship. Samus checked her radar and found dozens beyond dozens of smaller contacts entering the airspace: The Canterlot Air Wing. Pegasi began to swarm the skies in random flight patterns, clearly attempting to do their job.

Samus banked her ship upward and initiated a full loop, attempting to get a drop on the three attackers from behind. She kept a fixed point on Rainbow Dash’s marker on her radar to keep track of her whereabouts and her surroundings. Like she had hoped, two of the tadpole-like snub fighters attempted to follow her into her loop, but one zoomed straight past, heading straight for Dash. Samus decreased the thrust of her ship to make a tighter loop and floored her engines right when she exited the maneuver. She armed her ship’s weapons as she sped after the aggressing Space Pirate fighter. Closing the gap as fast as she could, her computer attempted to lock onto the target in front of her.

“Find it… FIND IT!”

Right as her console confirmed a lock, the enemy fighter shot at Rainbow Dash, who happened to be looking over her shoulder and was able to barely roll to her side, the fighter’s beam weapons managing to snip one of her primaries. Right then, Samus fired a missile, blowing the Space Pirate out of the sky as the guided missile pierced the fighter’s armor and blew it up from within. Samus flew through the small fire-storm of debris , finding Dash straight ahead and in good health. Two more fighters were still behind her, evident by the three beam shots that just flew past her ship.

Samus held her stoic expression the entire time, although a small sheen of moisture was present on her hairline. She shifted her thrusters to maximum acceleration, overtaking even Rainbow Dash (to the latter’s great surprise), before turning right and circling back around half way, facing straight at her oncoming opponents. Kicking her thrusters into maximum once more, Samus armed two more of her ship’s air-to-air missiles and sped straight at the oncoming duo of Pirate Fighters. She managed to evade a few of their beam shots, although two found their mark in her ship’s front hull but the shielding held firm. Samus tilted her double-joysticks and went into a full three hundred and sixty degree roll, firing the missiles as she prepared to fly straight in between the two advancing enemies. She flew past them as they attempted to bank off in opposite directions, exposing the underbellies of their fighters to the oncoming missiles. The two were nearly simultaneously annihilated.

Samus held a small grin of accomplishment. Rainbow Dash was in one piece still and from the looks of it, getting ready to start her ‘rainbow run.’ Before Samus turned back to play escort once more, she glanced back at the aerial battle over the Pirate Frigate. Not only had more fighters joined the fight, but the Frigate had deployed Vigilance-class turrets on its upper hull, evident by the globules of energy being shot in every which direction, attempting to pick off the pegasi who were swarming the ship like flies. Most of the time they missed… sometimes they didn’t. Samus swore that before she turned around, she saw a speck of what was a pegasi just explode when at Vigilance turret scored a direct hit. They were far enough away where she couldn’t pick out too small of details but she was sure that was exactly what she saw.

Samus sped back towards Rainbow Dash, who finally decided to slow down and judge her trajectory towards the Frigate. Samus guided her ship next to the hovering pegasi and aimed her cockpit to where she was looking.

Hope Luna managed to find something useful to do.

When the thoughts left the blue-eyed Hunter’s head, she and Rainbow Dash witnessed, from afar, a rather small section of the starboard hull of the Frigate blow open with a frightening explosion from within.


After several small explosions, one final eruption of energy became the finale of Luna’s and her troops’ efforts as they detonated the ammunition rack of a small anti-ship cannon. The explosion blew open the cover to the outside world, exposing the charred ruins of this particular battle station. Luna and the two remaining troops of the Magickakorps emerged from their cover and disengaged their magical shields.

“Excellent work, soldiers. But we are not finished yet!” Luna commented, entering another battle stance.

“Yup! Enemy troops!” the soldier on her left announced, the remains of the door on the opposite end of this station being blown open, revealing several squads of Commandos and Grenadiers.

“To battle!” Luna shouted, leading her two troops to the next set of debris that they used as cover, returning fire the entire time. The trio was able to carefully poke their heads over and continue to lob magical bolts at their enemy and hold them at bay, although this combat was not how Luna was hoping it would play out. She hoped to be constantly doing damage, not being bogged down fighting so soon. Thoughts on how to proceed were interrupted when another door perpendicular to their position was blown open, revealing another set of Pirate Troopers.

Luna was able to seal off the door where they entered the artillery station, but as more enemy troops poured in, the chances of them being surrounded slowly could come to fruition. As her troops returned fire and Luna peeked over even more to get a better shot, time slowed down as two long, red beams flew straight at her. One whizzed right by Luna’s neck, but the other pierced right through her armor and through her left shoulder.

AAUUUCHHH!” Luna bellowed as her leg buckled, her entire form falling on her left side.

“Prince—!” Her soldier on her left didn’t get to finish his sentence as another long-beam pierced right through the side of his helmeted face, his head lurching to the right and his form crumpling to the ground completely lifeless. Luna’s eyes widened, tear-stained due to the pain, and she managed to crane her neck right. She found her last soldier taking cover.

“Princess Luna!” she shouted over the hailstorm of Pirate assault cannon fire.

“B-Be aware! Sharpshooter!” Luna was able to utter through the throbbing pain in her shoulder.

“Do you need—”

“I’ll heal! Provide cover, soldier!” Luna hissed through her agony, tears running down her face and matting her fur between her skin and helmet due to the most pain she had felt in over a millennia. Her horn flickered to life as she concentrated a powerful healing spell on the clean hole in her shoulder. There was no bleeding to stop, as the nature of the ionized-hydrogen beam weapon cauterized any broken vessels immediately. She applied a magical anesthesia and, through great concentration in calling upon a spell she hadn’t used since the last time she fought in a war, inserted a luminescent magical body into the wound, which was speeding along healing functions of her body as well as restoring some function to any broken nerves, muscles, or tendons. She was finally able to put some weight on her front-left leg and she returned to the fight with a vengeance, erecting a shield to protect against such an unforeseen attack.

Luna looked to the outside world via the port that was blown open by their actions.

“Please hurry, Loyalty…”

Rainbow Dash turned to Samus’s ship and nodded, signifying that she was ready to go. Samus nodded back and gripped her ship’s controls. On Dash’s mark, the two sped off. Samus’s ship had absolutely no issues in keeping up with Rainbow, but nevertheless, the speeds the pegasi was able to achieve were nothing short of astronomical. The miles slowly began to whittle away between them and the Frigate. Samus’s radar picked up two Pirate Fighters heading straight for them, and this was not a good time to have company right now. Her targeting computer wouldn’t be able to get a lock on them at this range, and even though they were closing in on each other faster and faster over the passing seconds, by the time they were in range, Rainbow could have been shot out of the sky.

Samus armed her ship’s plasma torpedoes. These were capital ship-grade munitions that could easily rip a large hole in the side of some lighter armored vessels as well as traveling three times as fast as standard air-to-air missiles, but her ship carried very few of them and since said ship’s ammunition factories didn’t make them… let’s just say that they aren’t cheap or easy to get her hands on. Nevertheless, she had little choice. Her computer locked onto the offending craft immediately as they closed the distance even more, high in front.

The bright-blue torpedoes took not even half a second to find their targets and obliterate them completely. Debris almost hit Rainbow Dash as a small cone of air was starting to form at her front.

This is it…

The bodies piled up. Luna lost count after sixty-two, and that was just in this particular room alone; the same artillery station. She fancied a look and found Samus’s gunship flying parallel to Rainbow Dash’s form, and they were not even four miles out by her estimates. A cone of air could be seen from her perspective and only a bit more effort on Loyalty’s part would be necessary to conjure a Sonic Rainboom. Before that moment hit, though, Luna and her remaining soldier would have to get out of the ship, because if the Rainboom worked like Luna hoped it would, the subsequent events would most likely not allow them to escape without severe injuries or being killed in the process.

“Soldier, be prepared to abandon this vessel. On my order, run as fast as you can and follow me!” Luna ordered, yelling over the constant noise of the firefight.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Luna peeked over and delivered an electrical shock to two more Commandos, who fell to the ground and convulsed violently.

“On my mark…”

The Canterlot Air Wing was doing its part at keeping the rest of the fighters at bay. Time slowed down as that cone of air in front of Rainbow Dash started to glow lightly. They were not even a mile out and at these speeds, they’d pass under the Pirate Frigate in seconds.

“Warning! Magical anomaly detected! Trajectory alteration highly recommended!”

Samus’s computer picked up the beginnings of what Samus assumed was the Sonic Rainboom, but it was too late to alter the course as they passed right under the Frigate. She jerked the controls right, but it was of no use as a bright, multi-colored light began to blind her vision.

NOW!” Luna shouted in her amplified voice. Right as her soldier took off running to the gaping hole they created, Luna generated a shield, reared up, and stomped hard on the ground with all her might, releasing an enormous magical shockwave upon impact that threw all the Space Pirates within forty feet of her and sending them careening into the ground, walls, equipment, and one another. She then took flight towards the opening.


She passed her running unicorn soldier, only to hear her get cut down by one of the Pirate Sharpshooters, crumpling to the ground. She attempted to stop and retrieve her.

“NO!... unghn! GO!” she ordered her Princess through her pained breaths. She knew the job. She knew the sacrifices that might have had to be made. She swore an oath to protect the Princesses and Equestria.

The Princess would live, no matter what the personal cost.

Luna’s brain was working on overdrive and, with a fleeting glance behind her once more, she jumped with the aid of her wings straight out of the ship as Rainbow Dash and Samus passed under; a bright, prismatic-colored light slowly blinding her field of view as she took her leap of faith…

Celestia and the rest of the Mane six had watched the entire aerial battle unfold. At that moment, a massive explosion sounded, the epicenter directly below the impending Frigate. Simultaneously, the enormous magical shockwave with the distinct rainbow pattern exploded outward, its top hemisphere warping around the enemy vessel as magic collided with foreign metal. Instantaneously, a magic-electrical shock appeared through the entire warship as its nose banked upward and the engines in the rear flickered. Its course changed as the Rainboom eventually disappeared, (Rainbow Dash’s residual trail shooting far off into the south) as the sudden jerking of the entire vessel caused large-scale infrastructural damage.

One-by-one, the Frigate’s engines died out and its trajectory changed completely north as it slowly but surely lost altitude. The six watched and turned their heads in synchronization as one of the Pirate Warships, the beacons of darkness that surrounded them, plummeted into an uninhabited valley and violently dug itself into the earth.

Silence reigned supreme amongst the Solar Alicorn and the five Elements. They were all thinking the exact same thing:

It worked…

“Ha… hahahaha!! Whoa Nelly!!” Applejack yelled out in pure excitement.

“AHAHAA YES! YES!! RAINBOW DASH DID IT!” Fluttershy, of all ponies, jumped into the air and cheered her best friend’s name. Soon enough, all six of them wore a genuine smile of joy. Celestia even more so.

A victory for Equestria.

Samus had literally no time to evade the oncoming blast as the Rainboom hit with full force. Her last attempt to evade was unsuccessful as the shockwave warped around and through her ship. Her ships engines flickered and she saw stars and dots as pure magic from the Rainboom passed through her corporeal form. She was losing control of her ship from the shockwave, as was evident by her ship turning erratically and falling out of the sky. She equipped her suit (still somewhat damaged from the fight with Ridley) to help aid against the inevitable crash landing.

“Warning! Warning! Engines malfunctioning! Gyroscopic Stabilizer offline! Ship is losing altitude rapidly, brace for immediate impact!”

Samus’s ship collided harshly with the ground in the outskirts of Ponyville fields, bouncing several times before sliding to a halt in the dirt.

There Samus lay, slumped backward in her chair with violet visor obscuring her unconscious form. Her ship was a wreck on the inside and out, unfortunately. Nevertheless, her life signs were stable. However, as a result of her unconscious state, she missed a notification that appeared on her visor”

“Powerful magic has energized your suit. Scanning…”

[Rainspark Acquired!]

[Magical energy of Equis Rainbows has supercharged your Speed Booster systems. Impact against any object while Speed Booster/Shinespark is active will result in the generation of a magical shockwave similar to the Sonic Rainboom.]

Edited by Tatsurou

Author's Note:

Hope you liked this chapter, as it looked like many were getting quite anxious for it.

Hopefully I pulled through! :D

Let me know what you think!

Awwww yeah! A thousand comments, thirty four and a half thousand views, and almost six hundred likes!

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