• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,920 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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11. A Costly Mistake

Metroid Equis

Chapter 11

A Costly Mistake

“No, Your Highness, we haven’t seen her all day,” yet another Royal Guard answered when Princess Celestia asked where Luna happened to be. It was another late night for the Solar Alicorn, almost one in the morning to be completely honest, and she hadn’t seen Luna in the castle. This last talk with yet another patrol of Guards confirmed that she probably was doing some routine flying around. With that, she strode to Luna’s room and awaited her return… which was almost perfectly aligned with Celestia’s entrance. Right as the elder princess stepped into Luna’s bedchambers, the latter landed gracefully on her balcony, fluttered her wings a bit and strolled inside. A smile graced her face as she spied her older sister.

“Greetings, dear Sister. To what do I owe the pleasure of finding you waiting in my quarters?” Luna asked, giving a friendly nuzzle and embrace to the pure-white Alicorn.

“Just checking up on you, seeing as you’re just as overworked as I am these days,” she replied with a tired but friendly tone. Luna chortled gently.

“I see. I just got done flying around the Ponyville area. I found the Hunter in one of the many parks there naught an hour ago, actually,” Luna acknowledged.

“Oh? And what was Samus doing out at this hour?”

“Partaking in a late dinner with a sandwich,” Luna giggled. For some reason she just found the situation… interesting.

“Indeed. Safe to assume you chatted?” Celestia asked. Luna nodded in response. “Did you extend our offer to her?”

“She said she would consider it. No more, no less. As well, I delivered another bit of technology that I crafted for her use.”

“Yeah? What did you make her? And why don’t you tell me anything anymore?” Celestia joked.

“Oh pray thee, Celestia, you know I would tell you when I was able. Nonetheless, I magically crafted assisted vision that would help detect magic potential. I felt it would be useful in her upcoming part in the Cloudsdale Operation,” Luna explained. Celestia had a thoughtful expression plastered on her muzzle and she voiced her concerns:

“Lulu, do you really feel it’s wise to inject Samus with all this magic so quickly?”

“She shall be fine. The Kinesis Object left behind by The Visitors allowed her physical and mental form to tap into the magical universe. Other than a few side effects, which are quite common to unicorns who are very powerful, I foresee nothing that could be a potential hindrance, even though she may be a human” Luna replied, dismissively waving her hoof before turning towards her dresser and setting her regalia down. Celestia shook her head and approached her younger sister.

"Not what I was getting at. In truth, I'm actually very very concerned about one thing in particular." Luna looked at her sister oddly out of the corner of her eye before turning to fully face her.

"And what might that be?" Luna prodded, her curiosity having piqued completely.

"To be completely honest, and getting straight to the point, I'm worried about Samus... and the Nightmare," Celestia came out completely and spoke her peace. Luna's eyes widened for fractions of a second before she continued with her standard, stoic gaze. Nothing was said for several seconds as the Lunar Princess continued to process the information and formulate a response.

"W-What about the Nightmare?" she finally asked, not particularly eager to discuss "potentials" relating to a rather dark time in her life.

"I'm afraid that Samus will succumb to it. Need I spell it out more?"

"And why do you feel that is the case?"

Celestia looked away for a bit, forming her words. She then turned back to face Luna.

"Despite her remedial skill level, you cannot deny that she has taken remarkably well to magic. Her armor-suit has already completely integrated with it and I can literally feel the untouched magic potential within her once she becomes more skilled in the art... it is within the range of Twilight Sparkle's own abilities should she be able to harness her full power combined with her armor-suit and hybrid augmentations," she began. Luna nodded along.

"Naturally, sister. I could feel her potential as well. My Aura Vision is nearly blinded by her presence."

"Indeed. But I'm not sure if you also have felt it... but her emotions... her feelings and thoughts. I can feel them too. She has so much sorrow... so much anger, bitterness, and hate built up and locked away in her mind... it's completely ripe for the Nightmare to fester." Luna understood completely now. Her ability to read emotions, thoughts, and the like was not as strong as her older sister's, but her ally was in dreamwalking. In Samus's dream, Luna recalled a few very important details.

"I see... and I can concur to some degree. In observing one of her dreams, a nightmare in particular... she witnessed her mother get torn apart at such an impressionable age, as well as the slaughter of the rest of her people. She was the sole survivor."

Celestia looked into Luna's eyes with urgency.

"Luna, you've been through this before... an experience that I still hold guilt for not trying harder to avoid... tell me, do you feel, based on all of our analysis, that Samus could fall to the Nightmare? A new Nightmare created in her psyche?"

Luna thought on her words. Based on her experiences, she could only run through familiar scenarios and look back into her sisters eyes with a deep fear.

"It is nigh certain."

Celestia pursed her lips and sighed in defeat.

"How long would it take?"

"I am not entirely sure, sister. With one who has relatively no physical or mental experience with the art of magic, her potential is essentially nullified. Should the Nightmare fester, it could corrupt her mind in mere days, and that is possibly being generous. Worst case scenario maybe around three days, and I would not be surprised if she started exhibiting and experiencing symptoms."

"We must warn her, Luna," Celestia said resolutely.

"I am well aware of that. I shall take care of that job, seeing as I supplied much of the magic to aid her. The Cloudsdale Operation will require our full attention but with her help, should not last more than a day and night. I'll pull her aside not a moment later, when all the elements are reunited so we may be ready to preemptively cleanse her."

"See to it, Luna. If she exhibits several symptoms on our journey to Cloudsdale, I'll be forced to reveal the information myself. You two are hitting it off somewhat, so I shan't interfere with your judgment and purview on this. Get it done, Luna. The Nightmare cannot take her... she would subdue the Elements if that were the case and all is lost."

Luna narrowed her eyes.

"I'll personally intervene should she succumb. The Nightmare will not have Samus, mark. My. Words."

Author's Note:

Rewritten 15/04/2014

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