• Published 11th Sep 2011
  • 17,081 Views, 565 Comments

Caramel's Light - Squeak-anon

Caramel can't seem to do anything right, when he finds feelings for a certain purple unicorn.

  • ...

Breakfast At Twilight's

Caramel stepped across the threshold into the library, the smell of old paper washed over him like a wave in a hurricane. It was like the smell of Twilight’s mane, only multiplied by some number he couldn’t begin to imagine. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell by any means, just a strong one. It was accompanied by the smell of cooking food, and for some reason a smell not unlike burning plastic.

Though Caramel’s brain only dimly registered any of this. His most prevalent thought was: Oh Celestia she invited me in for breakfast.

He walked behind her, trying to stare at anything that wasn’t Twilight in hopes of not making her uncomfortable. But he thought that might make him look like he was up to something, so he stared directly at Twilight for a while.

No wait that’s creepy....

He settled on focusing on a point just to the left of Twilight’s head.

The library was extremely neat, all of the shelves were perfectly organized, the books seemingly ordered both alphabetically, and by size. Caramel didn’t even know it was possible to do both. The few books that were lying about were stacked to perfection, not so much as a page out of place. He briefly wondered how often ponies came in to check out books, this place was so immaculate it looked new.

They reached the kitchen, the hard wood of the library floor being replaced by tile. It was just as neat as the library, with spices and ingredients lined up against the walls in neat little groups. Along with several other things that weren’t spices, or indeed anything Caramel could begin to guess at. A small purple creature stood in front of the stove, stirring something.

“Spike,” said Twilight. “We have an extra guest for breakfast. Would you mind making some more daisy pancakes please?”

Caramel remembered now. This was the small dragon Twilight had bought the apple for when they’d met. He briefly remembered seeing him around during the Winter Wrap Up. Mostly asleep. This was where the burning plastic smell had come from. It appeared to be how he normally smelled.

Spike turned around, he was wearing a ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron and a large chef’s hat.

“Sure thing Twilight, we’ve got plenty to spa-” He paused when he saw Caramel. “Who is this?”

Twilight’s face colored a little bit. “Oh, this is Caramel. You know, you’ve met him before. He’s been around Ponyville for a while.”

“Oh.” Spike noticed Twilight’s blushing. “Oooohhh.” His face broke out in a teasing grin. “I see.”

Twilight’s face colored a bit more. “Just make the pancakes will you?” she sighed.

“Sure thing,” he said, pouring a generous amount of mix into the pan. “One ‘lovers’ special’ coming right up!”

Twilight was an unhealthy shade of red by this point. A mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. Caramel hung back in the doorway, trying not to let his own embarrassment show too much. You’re here for a reason. He thought, Just act cool.

He took a deep breath and stepped forwards. “Um, Twilight, would you like to sit down?” he nudged a chair out from the table and sat down on the opposite end. He noticed that the table was set perfectly. In the middle there was a small bowl of fruit, four apples sat around the edges with a single pear in the middle. Caramel wondered if one of the apples was from him. In front of this sat a small pair of salt and pepper shakers shaped like ponies. Caramel recognized them as a pair of characters from a foals’ book The Secret Tree, a small red colt in a baseball cap, and a little filly in a bow tie. He remembered the story from when he was a foal. He’d always thought it was odd that the filly wore a bowtie of all things, but he could still remember when his Grandmother would read it to him. There was still a copy in his house somewhere.

Twilight’s voice interrupted his thoughts. He made a mental note to stop letting his

mind wander.

“Sorry about Spike, he might be annoying sometimes, but he’s a good cook I promise.”

Caramel waved it off. “Oh, no really he’s fine. I know how that goes, I’ve got a sister myself. She’s always saying doing stuff like that. You two have met right?”

Twilight’s face broke out in a smile. It was just as wonderful as he remembered. “Yes, she told me you were going to be late yesterday. Among other things.”

Caramel chuckled a bit louder than he’d intended to. “Ah yes...the dinner...at my house.... tonight?”

Twilight clicked her hooves together. “Yes! At eight o’clock sharp. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve read up on the subject. It’s customary to bring something you’ve baked yourself correct? Normally some kind of side dish, so as not to upstage the host’s main dish. Tell me, will this be formal or casual? And if formal will I need to RSVP?”

Caramel stared for a moment. “Uh...wel-”

“Oh! And does your sister like hay stew?” she began to fiddle with the salt shakers. "There was a recipe for that in a book of mine, it looked very good.”

“Yes bu-”

“ And you live with your Grandfather right?” she asked. “Is there anything he might have a hard time eating? I want to know ahead of time so I don’t offend him by bringing anything he couldn’t enjoy. I would like to get things off on the right hoof.” Twilight rocked the shakers back and forth. “I mean, I know some ponies have a hard time with certain fruits, so I figured I’d ask.”


“But then again, if I assume he can’t eat something would that be rude? What if he gets offended? I wouldn’t want to offend him. The book on being a proper dinner guest mentioned not to make assumptions, to let your host dictate what should be done and what shouldn’t be.”


She fiddled a bit more. Rocking the small objects even faster. “I wonder if I should make two different things just in case. I could get Spike to help...anything to make sure I’m a good guest! I certainly don’t want to be a bad guest because that would be..” she paused “Well....bad! I need to make a good impression after all!”

The shakers fell over, spilling salt and pepper onto the table.

“Oh no! Let me clean that up, one second.”

Before she could get up Caramel reached across the table and placed his hooves on her’s.

“Twilight, calm down!” He suddenly realized what he was doing. Caramel quickly took his hooves away. “Um...I mean, calm down.” he said a bit more softly.

Twilight looked away for a moment. Brushing the salt and pepper around the table. “I’m sorry. It’s just...I’m a bit nervous I suppose.”

Tell me about it. He thought. Now’s the perfect time to convince her not to come! This is excellent!

Carmel opened his mouth to say something. But in that moment, she looked so small and a little scared. She really was worried about this dinner, she’d apparently been reading about how to act since she’d heard. Looked up recipes, thought about what his grandfather might enjoy and had really gone over what she should be doing. Twilight had been trying really hard to make a good impression for his family. Then he realized, it was all for him.

He sighed, he couldn’t try to convince her not to come after all that.


She looked up from the table.

“You’re going to be fine, great even. I’m sure they’ll love you, Toffee already likes you, and if my grandfather has any sense, he will too.”

Twilight brightened a little.

“You’re going to be great, okay?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Okay.”

Caramel smiled. “Good, now, forget these books and recipes. It’s a dinner and we invited you. Come as you are, and we’ll try our best to be up to your standards. Not the other way around. Deal?”

Twilight returned his smile. “Deal.”

Spike chose then to come into the kitchen with the pancakes. He placed a steaming plate in front of the pair of them.

“I’ll leave you two alone for a while.” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

The pair of them turned beet red as he left.

Twilight was the first to take a bite. She went methodically through the pancake, starting at the front, and working her way down in a row until she got to the other end. Then repeating the process.

That’s adorable... Caramel thought as he watched her eat. She’s very neat. I wonder if she’s always like this? The library is so well kept, not to mention the kitchen. I’ll have to clean a bit when I get home...I always thought Toffee kept things neat, but now...

“Are you hungry?” asked Twilight, not icing he hadn’t eaten any of his pancakes.

“Oh! Yes, yes I’m very hungry. Just thinking I suppose.” Caramel took a bite of the pancake in front of him. It was good, very fluffy, he detected a hint of cinnamon somewhere.


Twilight laughed. “Yes, for all his teasing, Spike actually does know how to cook. It’s one of the reasons I keep him around.” she said, shooting a look towards the kitchen door, which shut with a sharp click.

Since he didn’t want to talk with his mouth full, Caramel nodded.

This is actually nice. He thought. Though he’d failed to convince her not to come, and in fact ended up encouraging her to do so, he felt good. Still, something bugged him, the same thing that had been bugging him for the last few days and would continue to bug him unless he got an answer.

“Um...Twilight, can I ask you something?”

She looked up from a particularly stubborn corner of pancake. “Oh, sure. What is it?”

“Well...it’s just, I’ve been wondering something...for a little while.”

“What’s that?”

Caramel paused, trying to think of how to put it. “It’s.....I just need to ask....well. Why me?”

Twilight looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“I mean...why do you like me?” Caramel asked. “I can’t figure it out. Since I first saw you in the market I thought ‘Oh wow, look at her, she’s lovely, smart, kind’ all that stuff. There’s tons to like about you. But me? I didn’t think I had a shot in all of Equestria.... I’m not... big or strong... or all that brave. I’m not really good at anything, or handsome. But....you like me...I mean I hope you do... But I’ve been wracking my brains trying to figure out...why? I keep thinking it’s just a fluke or a mistake, or I’m asleep. But you said yes to me in the market I’m here today, you’re coming to dinner at my house, and so far...no one has woken me up.”

There was silence in the kitchen for a while. Twilight stared at him.

Oh no... He thought. Oh no...I blew it...I freaked her out didn’t I? I should have just kept my mouth shut. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

“Caramel...” she said at last.

He looked at her.

“You know why I like you?”

He shook his head.

“Well, because you’re not half as bad as you think you are.”

This took him by surprise. “Huh?”

She got up, and walked over to his chair. “Remember when you lost the grass seeds during the Winter Wrap Up?”

Caramel nodded.

“When that happened, I saw how disappointed you were in yourself. But you know what? You still helped, even though you messed up a lot, you still pushed the snow plows-”

“Into the lake.” Caramel interrupted.

“Beside the point. We fished it out...eventually, and you kept going. You’re sweet.” She pointed to the flowers he’d bought her, sitting on the windowsill. “Thoughtful, and you’ve got a good heart. I like that, and I like you. Besides...”

“Besides what?”

Twilight shuffled a bit in her seat. “Well....I never thought anypony would ask me...”

“Wait...You?” Caramel asked, shocked.

Twilight nodded. “It’s....It’s just I’m not exactly the outgoing type...I spend all my time in

here, reading books, and studying magic. I’ve been here for months, and no one’s ever asked.” she looked up. “Until you....”

Caramel paused. “Oh....” he looked at her for a moment, she let a small smile creep onto her face. “Well I’m glad I did.” He reached across the table and put a hoof over hers again. “I really am.”

She blushed, but didn’t pull away. “So am I.”

They finished their pancakes, and Caramel got to his hooves. “Thanks, Twilight.” he said, walking back into the Library with a smile on his face. “That was really nice.”

“Yes it was, you could...come back again tomorrow...if you want.”

Caramel’s smile grew even wider. “Yes!” The sound echoed around the empty library. “Oh...Um...I mean I’d like that.”

Twilight laughed. “So would I...Oh, wait a minute.” her horn glowed. “Before you go, you’ve got something on your face.”

He froze as a napkin floated up to his face. She stepped in front of him, peering at a small amount of butter on his cheek. She was about a good hoof shorter than he was, so she had to look up. He couldn’t help but blush again, she was very close.

“There, all clean,” Twilight said, putting the napkin away. She suddenly seemed to notice where she was, she stiffened a bit. “So....I’ll see you tonight.” she said, backing up a bit.

“Um...yeah. See you then.” he headed towards the door. Before he opened it, he thought of something. “Oh...and Twilight?”


“You know how you asked if there was anything you shouldn’t bring?”

She nodded.

“Don’t bring corn.”

To Be Continued.