• Published 11th Sep 2011
  • 17,080 Views, 565 Comments

Caramel's Light - Squeak-anon

Caramel can't seem to do anything right, when he finds feelings for a certain purple unicorn.

  • ...

Home Life

Applejack had been awfully nice about the whole thing after they’d managed to stop the cart. Somehow it had managed to roll halfway across town before it finally slowed enough to be caught. He’d collected the apples that had fallen along the way, which took up the rest of the day and returned them, slightly bruised, to the farm. Caramel felt terrible, for once he’d thought he’d managed not to screw something up for once, but everything had gone bad, as always. Somehow the fact that his cousin was being so kind about it made it worse. She’d even still let him come to dinner, though it was cold by the time they got there. Granny Smith gave him the evil eye whenever she thought he wasn’t looking the whole time. The apples couldn’t be sold in that condition, they’d have to be made into pies and other deserts to hide the blemishes, which meant extra work for all of them. Knowing this, he very much wanted to sink into a large hole and never come out. He hardly touched his food.

They sent him on his way with what he didn’t eat wrapped up and put in his saddlebag. Even if Granny Smith was angry she was still an Apple, hospitality came first.

Applejack walked him home, there was an awkward silence as they progressed through the emptying streets of ponyville toward his own farm at the edge of Hoofdale.

“Aw, don’t look so glum, sugar cube,” said Applejack. “It wasn’t your fault. Just a bit of bad luck is all.”

He sighed. “Yeah, bad luck...my only luck.”

“Now don’t you go frettin’ bout it. Your luck’ll change. Just you wait and see.” She patted him on the back. “Just don’t give up, that’s the Apple Motto.”

He nodded, avoiding her eyes. They approached the edge of town where his farmland began.

“Really now, you cheer up, and give the family my regards ya hear?” Applejack turned to head back to her own farm. “You can make it on your own from here right?”

Caramel managed a small smile. “Yeah, I’ll see you later Applejack.” He began to walk into the trees that bordered the land, he glanced back once, to see the orange earth pony waving him on his way.

He felt a little better, perhaps she was right, maybe things would change for him soon. A pony could hope right? His steps were a little more lively as he came towards the house, a rather old two story red brick building. He could see that all the work had be finished while he was away, as usual. The apples were all stored away in the shed, and the apple trees closest to the house were bare.

Caramel knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” asked a voice.

“It’s me, I’m back.” He peered through the peephole.

“Oh, welcome back Caramel.” The door opened and Caramel stepped inside. His sister, Toffee Apple stood there looking him over. She was a rather stocky pony, her coat was a pale brown to offset her blond mane and tail. “No broken bones...that’s a good sign.” She smiled.

“Thanks.” Caramel rolled his eyes.

“So, how did it go? Don’t leave me hanging,” she said, leading him into the living room.

“I managed to sell a few apples if you’re wondering.” Caramel muttered.

“Oh that’s great Caramel!” She slammed her hoof into his back in the exact place that was still sore from his earlier encounter with Applejack.

“Thanks....” he groaned. “But I have to be honest....not everything went well..”

Toffee’s smile faded. “What happened?”

“Well, I may have knocked the applecart off its blocks.”

She sighed. “And?”

“And it might have rolled half way through town.”


“And most of the apples might have fallen off and got bruised...”

“Oh Mel...” Toffee put a hoof to her forehead.

Caramel hung his head. His earlier good mood evaporating. “I’m sorry. They really didn’t mind all that much...they can still make pies out of the apples...”

Toffee looked at him for a moment. “Oh, it’s not that bad I suppose...you’ve had worse days right? At least you managed to sell some Apples. I won’t tell Grampa Jonagold if you won’t.”

Caramel looked up towards their Grandfather’s room. He knew the old stallion would probably be asleep. If he got wind of another screw up, Caramel would never hear the end of it.


Toffee nodded. “Good. Come to think of it, how many apples did you sell?”

“Oh,” Caramel’s face flushed. “Well....I sold a couple...”

“How many is a couple?”

“You know.....a few...”

“And just how many is a few?”

Caramel twiddled his hooves. “Three...”

Toffee shook her head.“Well....that’s not.....nothin’. Right?”

“True enough.” Caramel turned towards the stairs. “I think I’ll go up to my room.” If Grampa asks, tell him I sold more than that. Please?”

Toffee nodded.

Caramel walked up the stairs to his room. Making sure to walk softly past Grampa Jonagold’s door, he went inside and stat down on the bed. He felt quite a bit worse having talked to his sister. She did her best he supposed, but really Toffee could only do so much. Their Grandfather was getting on in years, and it was looking more and more like he certainly wasn’t up to the task of taking over the farm. It was going to her, and he was well aware of that. Caramel didn’t mind this fact. She worked hard, and enjoyed doing the odd jobs around the farm. He was more than happy for her, but he really hated feeling like a burden. It seemed as of late that everything seemed to be going downhill as far as he was concerned.

He reached over and opened the drawer of his nightstand, pulling out a bag of caramel chews, he dumped a few onto it’s surface, and poked at them with a hoof.

“Perhaps I have some really awesome talent I just haven’t discovered yet?” he mused. “I’ll probably stumble upon it any day now. Yeah...that’s it.” He thought about this for a moment. “Maybe I’m meant for something bigger. Maybe I should look into being part of the royal guard or something.” Caramel thought about this. He’d probably look ridiculous in armor, and in anycase he wasn’t a pegasus. “Then again...maybe I’m just a lost cause...” he popped a caramel chew into his mouth.

He sighed. “Why am I so delicious?”

Caramel’s mind turned to the day’s events. There wasn’t much he wanted to re-live, but one memory stuck out in particular. The unicorn who had purchased the apples from him. She’d remembered his name. She’d seen him screw up before, and still wanted to talk to him. She wasn’t even a relative! She didn’t have too.

But she did.

He briefly wondered if he’d see her again. Or if he wanted too. Why ruin a perfectly good memory? She’d probably want nothing to do with him if they ever got to know each other. But...she’d been so nice. She wouldn’t really do that would she? The kind mare who had been the only good thing in his long day? He wondered if Applejack knew her. She probably did. If he asked, she might even take him to see her again. They could talk then. He’d like that. He had seen she liked books, perhaps if he bought one for her she’d be more inclined not to laugh in his face. But which one to buy? Would giving her a gift on only the second-or maybe it was the third- time they met be awkward?

For the second time that day Caramel felt horribly out of his depth.

To Be Continued.