• Published 11th Sep 2011
  • 17,081 Views, 565 Comments

Caramel's Light - Squeak-anon

Caramel can't seem to do anything right, when he finds feelings for a certain purple unicorn.

  • ...

Finding the Light

Caramel stood behind the applecart for several minutes. He was completely motionless as he was still convinced this was all a dream and that if he moved too much it would all pop like a giant soap bubble.

She said yes....He thought. She said yes...

“Mommy...is he alright?” said a small filly walking by. Her mother glanced Caramel out of the corner of her eye. She’d thought he was a statue until her daughter had pointed him out. She noticed he wasn’t blinking.

“Don’t stare honey.” she said quickly, rushing the small pony past Caramel’s cart.

“She said yes...” he whispered under his breath.

It talks!” the child yelled as she was pushed into the crowd.

She said yes...” He said it again. Still not quite sure it was true. “She said yes, she said yes, she said yes!!” Unable to keep still any longer Caramel jumped around the cart happily. “She said yes!”

“Well, landsakes Caramel, what’s got you in such a state?” said a familiar voice.

Caramel missed a step, falling head over a tail onto the ground. He landed at the hooves of his cousin Applejack, who was staring at him oddly.

“Are you alright?”

“Ow.” Caramel groaned. “Yeah, I’m alright...wait...I’m better than alright! She said yes!” He was on his feet again in seconds. “She said yes!”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Who said yes?”

“She did!” Caramel hopped happily. “She said yes. To me! Do you believe it?”

“Well I can’t rightly start if you don’t tell me the poor gal’s name!”

“Twilight!” Caramel yelled. “Twilight....” Caramel paused. “Oh no....Does she have a last name? Oh Celesita...Did she ever tell me? I’ve forgotten haven’t I? This is teri-”

“Woah, there Caramel. Did you say Twilight? As in Twilight Sparkle?”

“Sparkle! That’s it, thank you Applejack. I was panicking for a minute there.” His face split into a dreamy grin. “Twilight Sparkle....”

Applejack tsked. “Wow, he’s got it bad.” She waved a hoof in front of his face. “So, you got yourself a date. Well I’m plum proud of you, Caramel.”

Caramel’s face flushed. “Date? Is it a date? I mean we never really called it that...I mean she might think it’s weird if I start calling it a date. We’re just...” He paused again. “I have no idea what we’re doing...” he realized. “Oh horseapples I have no idea what we’re doing! I have to plan something! But what? Maybe a nice dinner.....no wait... is 4 o’clock to early for dinner? Is going for food moving to fast? Maybe we should just take a wa-”

He was cut off as Applejack shoved a hoof in his mouth. “Calm down, sugarcube. I know Twi as well as anypony here, and you want me to tell you somethin’?

Caramel nodded.

His cousin lifted a hoof to his ear and whispered, “She was talking about you yesterday.”

“She was!?” Caramel yelled.

Applejack shushed him.

“Sorry,” he said, lowering his voice. “She was? What did she say?”

“Well, don’t tell her I told you this. Normally I wouldn’t but honestly, and I mean nothin’ by it sugarcube, you need all the help you can get.”

Caramel was forced to agree.

“She was talking to Fluttershy yesterday, and I overheard as I was bringing my cart to the Apple celler. She was sayin’ she fancied some colt from the market. Blushin’ like a red delicious I reckon.”

Caramel froze. “A colt in the market?” his ears drooped. “So...she likes someone else?”

He was almost knocked off his feet as Applejack punched him in the side.

“No! She was talkin’ about you for peat sakes!” She sighed. “Look, what I’m tryin’ to say is, she likes you Caramel. Just be yourself and stop worryin’ so gosh darn much. Ya hear?”

“She...she was talking about me?” Caramel’s heart fluttered.

“You’re missin’ the point sugarcube.” Applejack patted him on the back. “You’re gonna be fine.” She paused. “Come to think of it, what’re you doin’ in the market today anyhow? Shouldn’t you be helpin’ on the farm over in Hoofdale?”

Caramel suddenly remembered what he was here for in the first place. “Oh no...”

“What is it?”

Caramel slumped, sitting on his haunches. “Remember how I sold those three apples yesterday?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ah thought you said it was two apples?”

“Oh...” He’d neglected to bring two apples to replace the one’s he’d given away. “Well you see there’s a funny story about that...”

“You gave them the Twilight didn’t you?”

Caramel nodded.

Applejack sighed. “Continue.”

“Well...” he looked at his hooves. “You know my sister Toffee sometimes exaggerates right?”


“Well she might have made it sound a little better than it was.”

Applejack eyed him suspiciously. “How much better we talkin’?”

He squirmed under her gaze. “It may have been a bit high...”

“Spit it out.”

“Forty apples...” Caramel murmured.

She stared for a moment. “Fourty apples!? She get kicked in the head or something!?”

“I don’t know!” Caramel cried. “I told her not to tell Grampa I didn’t sell many yesterday. I

guess she thought she was looking out for me. Now he’s gone and bought this cart. He expects me to do it again today!” He looked up at his cousin. “I need your help Applejack. I can’t disappoint him again, I just can’t...We really need the money....Please?”

Applejack smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t be much of a cousin if I didn’t help you out a bit, now would I? But no more of this lyin’ business, you hear?”

Caramel brightened. “Deal!”

“Good, now, we’re gonna need a sign.” She turned walking towards her farm. “I’m gonna go get some wood. You stay here.”

“Alright Then....Wait!” he called after her. “what do I do in the mean time!?”

“What’dya think? You try to sell some Apples!” Applejack disappeared into the crowd.

Caramel stood there for a moment. Well......how do I do that?” he thought.

Applejack always yelled out her sales and tried to entice customers over. He could do that couldn’t he?

“Hello sir!” he said to a passing stallion. “Would you like some delicious apples toda-”


This was not going as he had planed. “B-but they’re really juicy and...”

The stallion just kept walking.

Caramel sighed. He tried again on a passing mare. “What about you ma'am? Would you li-”

“Just had lunch, sorry.” She hurried past.

“Oh...alright..... How about you two foals?” he asked, spying two fillies walking home from class. “A nice apple will keep those teeth nice and shiny! What do you say?”

They sized him up. “No thanks. We don’t buy apples from losers.”

Caramel was taken aback. “Well, that’s not very nice you-”

The fillies ran away giggling.

“Know...” he finished lamely. “How does she make this look so easy?”

He tried this for a while longer before giving up, if anything this got him less interest than when he’d simply been quiet. He stared at the passing ponies, hoping one would eventually stop, but none did. He tried not to look too eager, but when that didn’t work he tried looking pleadingly at everypony who passed. The results were the same.

“Oh come on!” he implored. “They’re good apples! See?” He took a bite out of one. “Delicious!”

This earned him a few odd stares, but no customers.

“You’ll get it eventually. But for now, stop makin’ a mule out of yourself and help me with this stuff.”

Caramel turned to find Applejack had returned with Big Mac in tow. He carried a large fencepost in his mouth, and a larger plank of wood on his back. He opened his mouth and it fell to the ground with a heavy thunk. Applejack had some paint, which she sat down next to it.

“Here we go, all the stuff we’ll be needin’ for a proper sign. How’s business goin’?”

Caramel looked out into the crowd. “Not so well. I haven’t made a single sale since you left....” he said, hanging his head.

“Well we’re gonna change that. All we need this here bit of wood and pain, and in two shakes’a my tail we’ll get you some customers. Right Mac?”


Caramel smiled. “Thank you guys for doing this, I really appreciate it. I’ll pay you back for the supplies...”

“Don’t you worry none, Sugarcube. We’re family remember? Apples help Apples, it’s our way.” She gestured to the paint sitting on the ground. “Now enough flappin’ our gums. We need to get to work if you’re going to get them sales before your date.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow. “Date?”

Caramel blushed. “It’s...not a date really...it’s more of a....well....”

“Date.” Applejack finished. “With, Twilight.”

Big Mac eyed her for a moment. Then looked Caramel over. “....Really?”

His sister hoofed him sharply in the chest. “Yes, really! Now like I said let’s get started! You nail the sign together, Caramel and I’ll paint it.”

The large red stallion walked over to the plank of wood, he carefully placed it over the fence post. Applejack passed him a nail, which he positioned over the two. With a quick jab of his powerful hooves it was done.

“Thank you Big Mac. You can go back and help Granny with those pies now.”

“Eyup,” he said turning to leave. He looked back at Caramel over his shoulder. “Good luck on your date Caramel.”

His face flushed again. “But it’s....I mean I told you it’s more of a....”

Big Mac had already walked away.

“Will you stop doing your best impression of a strawberry and help me? I need to know what this sign ought to say.” Applejack stood poised over the paint cans.

“I thought you had that part figure out?” Caramel asked, looking at the blank wood.

“It’s your sign, not mine, I just know that you need one. It’s your cart, if you want to sell apples, it’s gotta be your message, somethin’ important.”

Caramel put a hoof to his chin in thought. He couldn’t think of anything, he wasn’t a salespony, how should he know what to put on a sign?

It’s gotta be your message, something important, he thought. That’s what Applejack said.

He had an idea.

“Can I hold that paintbrush?”


A short time later Caramel finished. He stepped back and examined his work.

“What do you think?”

Applejack stepped back to get a good look at the sign.


Caramel’s ears drooped. “You don’t like it?”

Applejack’s mouth hung open for a moment. “It’s beautiful...”

Caramel pulled back in surprise. “Really? You think so?”

Applejack examined it closely. “Shoot, I’d say you have quite the talent there Caramel. If this don’t get you some business, I don’t know what’ll do it!”

“A talent you say?” He looked at the sign. It was a strange feeling, nothing had gone wrong or exploded and it seemed like everything had gone according to plan. This was new. Caramel smiled. “Yeah..maybe so. I hope you’re right.”

“Excuse me,” said a voice behind them. Caramel turned to find a rather plump unicorn mare in a rather opulent dress standing behind them.

“What’d I tell you?” Applejack clapped him on the back. He was quite sure he was going to have a bald patch on that area. “Already got a customer. Go get’em.” She shoved him towards the curious mare.

Caramel stumbled for a moment before regaining his balance. “Um...yes ma'am, how may I help you?”

“Are you the the owner of this cart?” she asked.

“That’s me. How may I help you? If you’re looking for apples we’ve got every type you can think of, gala’s red delicious braebu-”

“Nononono, you misunderstand me sir.” She looked past him at the cart. “I would simply like to know where you got the sign. I have to say it’s simply marvelous!”

“Oh!” Caramel said, surprised. “Well...I made that sign actually...just finished it. The paint’s still wet.”

The mare eyed him in shock. “You?”

Applejack stepped up eyeing her right back. “And just what do you mean by that may I ask?”

The mare backed up a bit. “Oh...well I mean nothing by it my good lady-”

Applejack’s stare got a bit harder.

“It’s just that the colt hardly seems the type.” She looked Caramel up and down again.

Caramel sagged a bit.

“Have you got a point to this miss?” Applejack asked curtly.

The mare looked affronted. “Well!” she huffed. “If you must know, I own a mane styling boutique on the other side of town. I was wondering if the creator of that sign, could do something like that for me.” She turned to Caramel. “So I suppose that means you. Now matter how rude your...assistant is.”

“Assistant!?” Caramel leapt to hold Applejack back. Struggling against her brute strength.

“What my cousin, means to say is. I don’t make signs, sorry. I’m selling apples though, so if you want one of them I’d be happy to sell it to you.”

The mare signed. “Pity. You seem to be quite good, despite outward appearances.”

Caramel grunted as Applejack tried to push forwards again.

“But,” she continued. “I suppose it can’t be helped. Give me two of your best red galas.”

Caramel paused. “...What?”

“You said you’d sell me some apples, so I intend to buy some apples. If I can’t have a sign from you I can at least get that much I assume?”

“Y-yeah! Sure you can!” Caramel quickly pushed Applejack over to the side, and rushed to fetch her apples. He placed them in a small bag and passed them to her. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” Her horn glowed as she floated the bag over. She inspected the apples closely, before taking a bite of one. “Hmmm...”

“How is it?...” asked Caramel.

The unicorn produced a handkerchief from her saddlebag and wiped her lips.

Applejack whispered something that made Caramel blush.

If the mare heard her she didn’t acknowledge it. “This,” she began, pausing for overly dramatic effect. “Is delicious.”

Caramel spoke before Applejack could. “Thank you miss! I hope you’ll spread the word! I could use the business.”

“Well, I believe that can be arranged. Though your establishment is....” she looked over the cart. “...quaint, your product is good, and your sign is just darling. I shall recommend you highly.” She leaned into Caramel’s ear to whisper something. “Though I would fire that assistant, she is quite crass.”

Caramel quickly shoved an Apple into Applejack’s mouth. “Um...no I think I’ll keep her, she does good work.” He shot her a look.

“Very well then.” She turned to leave. “Have a good day sir.”

Caramel had never been referred to as ‘sir’ before.“...Sure, you too.”

Applejack spit the apple out, stomping a hoof angrily. “What in tarnation you do that for? You should’a let me give that hoity-toity filly what for.”

“Sorry Applejack. I didn’t like her either, but we really need the money...who knows if we’ll get another sale?”

Applejack softened. “It’s alright I suppose sugarcube. Don’t you worry, I’m sure you’ll sell some more before the day is over.”

Caramel smiled. “I hope so, I’ve still got thirty-eight more to go!” He looked at the mare

disappearing into the crowd. “She said she’d tell her friends, who knows? Maybe it’ll drum up some business.”


“I’ll take two gala’s and a Granny Smith.” said a rather pudgy green mare with a pearl necklace.

Caramel rushed to fill the order. “Sure thing one second please! I have to-”

A stallion in a monocle shoved his way forwards. “I’ll take five golden Delicious and a jonagold.”

“Well....please wait your-”

“I’ve been waiting. Where are my apples young colt!?” yelled an irate pony from somewhere in the crowd.

“Wait! One at a time! Don’t shove, please! I’m trying my best!” Caramel fought his way though the line of ponies, giving out apples faster than he ever thought he could move. He’d lost count, but he was pretty sure he was well past forty at this point.

“Well!” Applejack yelled from a hay bale at the edge of the crowd. “I’d say she told her friends!”

Caramel was jostled and bumped as he tried to find out who ordered what. “Yes, I think it’s safe to- Please miss, don’t shove!- say that.”

Applejack smiled. “Well, isn’t it nice to have customers?”

“Oh yes it’s- Ow! Don’t kick please!- just wonderful. I think I’ve gone over forty apples at this point.”

“Congratulations Caramel. Looks like your sign worked better than you expected. It’s a good thing you were so nice to that city-mare from earlier huh?”

Caramel dodged a stray knee. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

“A fair bit, yes I am.”

“Well, at least Grampa won’t be disappointed. Wait’til he sees all these sales!” Caramel managed a smile between rushing through the crowd. “If this keeps up we’ll be able to do all those repairs. I can’t wait to see Toffee’s face.”

Applejack got her feet. “I really am happy for you Caramel. I bet your Grandpa’s gonna be right proud of you.”


“Will you two stop you insipid conversation and procure my produce? I have a meeting at six.” The stallion at the front of the line snapped.

Caramel froze. “What...?”

The stallion scoffed. “I see I’ll have to dumb down my language. “Can you get me my apples please?”

“N-no...after that, what’d you say?”

“I said, I have got a meeting at six, young colt. Now if you pleas-”

A slow feeling of dread crept through the pit of Caramel’s stomach. “What time is it?...”

With a sigh the stallion checked his watch. “It’s half past five.”

“Oh no...”

“Young colt?” he waved a hoof in front of Caramel’s eyes. “Young colt? I still require my apples. Are you quite alright?”

I missed it....” Caramel whispered. “An hour and a half...

The crowd began to mummer.

“He looks awfully pale...”

“Is he quite alright?”

“I think he’s in shock, has anyone got some smelling salts?”

“Oh, I do, just let me check my saddlebag. He’ll have to pay be for them of cour-”

Applejack cut a path through the crowd. “Sweet highsteppin’ horseshoes! Caramel, I’ll take care of this. Go!”

Caramel stood despondently. “I missed it...

“Go!” she shoved him roughly in the direction of the library.

Caramel stumbled for a moment before he found his footing.


He didn’t need to be told twice. His hooves pounded the cobblestone road of the market as he sped outwards the old oak in the center of town.

Things had been going so well. He couldn’t screw up now, not again, not with her, not this soon. They hadn’t even started, the first person who’d been kind to him on his first day in the market and he’d let her down. He hoped she was still waiting.

Caramel skidded to a stop as he came to the tree, he looked around wildly, but she wasn’t waiting outside. His heart sunk as he scanned the town square. She was nowhere to be seen.

Walking now, he came up to the door. He stared at the green wood for a long time.

Should I knock?

Would she be mad? Probably, who knows how long she’d waited outside for him, he was more than an hour and a half late at this point.

Caramel’s head drooped. She’d probably want nothing to do with him now. He’d screwed it up, like everything else in his life. Another thing he’d failed at, another pony who’d probably relegate him to being useless, the first mare who’d ever taken any kind of interest in him.

He felt low, lower than he’d felt in a long time.

What was the point?

Caramel turned to leave.

“So, are you ready?” said a voice behind him.

Caramel’s ears perked up. It couldn’t be. Slowly he turned, to find Twilight standing in the doorway, smiling at him.

“Wha....but I’m....but I’m late....I kept you waiting....you still?”

She nodded.


She nodded.

Caramel paused. “Why?

Twilight walked over to him, blushing slightly. “Well, several reasons. One, you seem sweet.”

Caramel turned bright red. “...And two?”

“Two, your sister came by earlier, and told me you probably wouldn’t show up on time.”

Carmel stepped back. “Toffee!? She was here? But ho-”

“Apparently you talk in your sleep.” Twilight shuffled her hooves. “You mentioned a few things.”

Caramel’s face was burning like a small sun at this point. “Whatever I said, I-I didn’-...I wasn’t awake...”

Twilight smiled. “Oh don’t worry, you didn’t say anything too embarrassing.” Her face rivaled his. “Apparently you’re quite the gentlemen when you’re asleep.”

Caramel floundered, still confused. “B-but how did she know about the date? I haven’t been home...”

“Big Mac came by your house, apparently he told Toffee.”

“And she came here....”

“Yes, said she was looking out for you...good thing too. I’m sure you didn’t mean to be late.”

“No! Not at all! I couldn’t help it. I had so many customers, and I couldn’t get away. I wanted to be on time, I really did but....”

“It’s okay Caramel, I understand.” She walked past him into the square. “So...you ready to go?”

“You really still want too?”

She nodded.

“Even though you know I’m a screw up?”

She shook her head. “You’re not a screw up Caramel. All you need is a bit of help...I could give it if you want.”

“S-sure!” Caramel rushed to her side. “I’d love that, I need all the help I can get!”

She laughed that fantastic laugh. “Well we’d better get started.”

They walked though the square, past the buildings, and into the market. The sun had almost set, the stars crept in at the edges of the sky as they walked.

They came to Caramel’s cart, Applejack was gone, along with all the apples he’d brought. Apparently he’d sold out.

“Wow.” said Twilight. “Looks like you had a good day.”

“Yeah, I did, my Grandfather is going to be really happy.” he smiled.

“I see you got that sign.”

Caramel froze. The sign....

“Oh! Um...I hope you don’t mind...it’s just that Applejack said I should paint something important and....well....”

“Oh...” Twilight blushed.

“I mean..um...it could be any two ponies...you know....love is importa-” Caramel paused. “Not that I’m....you know......Well...we’ve only just met...but I needed something and...well...”

“Yeah...I know.” Twilight leaned into his shoulder.

Caramel did his best not to fall over from shock. He wasn’t sure what to do for a moment. But then he just walked forwards, she followed, still leaning. They walked till they were at the edge of ponyville.

“You have no idea where we’re going do you?” asked Twilight.

“Well...not as such but....You see.....No...” said Caramel.

Behind them, the sign sat in the ground next the cart, on it, in fresh paint, was a picture of an apple in the shape of a heart, a light brown colt and a purple filly on either side.

Two ponies, both bright red now, with no idea where they were going, kept walking.

To Be Continued.