• Published 11th Sep 2011
  • 17,081 Views, 565 Comments

Caramel's Light - Squeak-anon

Caramel can't seem to do anything right, when he finds feelings for a certain purple unicorn.

  • ...

A Dinner Invitation

Caramel stumbled through the dark streets of Ponyville on his way home. He thought back to the night he’d had. Everything had gone so well. They’d walked and walked, unsure of the time or the place, with Twilight next to him Caramel could hardly have cared less. Her steady pace keeping up with his, her beautiful mane pressed against his side. It still smelled of old books, like the library in which she lived. He could have stayed there forever.

Still, eventually they had to admit to themselves that if they didn’t go home soon they’d probably get irreparably lost. So they had called it a night. He’d walked her back home. Or at least he’d walked next to her, as he couldn’t remember the way back the library. When they reached her door she’d stopped, turned, smiled that amazing smile and said she’d see him later.

Later couldn’t come soon enough.

Caramel giggled to himself as he reached the edge of his family’s property. This was the best day he’d had in a while. A very long while and now he was finally convinced it wasn’t all a dream. This was real.

He hummed a tune to himself as he opened the door to the main house, dancing towards the kitchen swinging through the halls with reckless abandon.

“So, it went well I suppose?”

Caramel tripped over himself onto the hard tiles. He looked up to find Toffee staring at him much the way a viper might when it’s found a small mouse.

“Come on! I want details! You owe me for saving your flank again you know.”

He leapt to his hooves. “Oh! Hello, Toffee!” he said shakily, a sudden redness creeping onto his face. “Um....”

“The first word you’re looking for is ‘Thank’,” she said smiling.

Caramel chuckled nervously. “Yeah...thank you Toffee, you really did save me back there.”

“You’re welcome, Mel, now, as payment for my good deed, you’re gonna fill me in on everything that happened.” she sat down at the table and stared at him expectantly.

He signed. There’s no getting out of this is there?

Caramel sat down across from her. “Well...it...went....well!” he said. He was still a bit surprised at this fact himself. It felt strange to say it out loud. “Thanks to you she was understanding. She wasn’t mad or anything! It was weird, but....so....well...nice! Nothing went wrong Toffee! Nothing at all....She likes me...she actually likes me..”

Toffee leaned over and hoofed him in the shoulder. “Well don’t look so shocked! You sound like you’re waiting on the sky to fall!”

“Ow!” he yelled. “Sorry! It’s just, this doesn’t happen often! And it wasn’t just the date either! You know the apple cart Grampa Jonagold bought this morning?”


He leaned in, as though he were sharing a secret. “I didn’t just sell a few apples, I sold out.”

Toffee pulled back in shock. “You?!

“I know!” Caramel agreed. “Applejack has a hard time doing that, and she’s the best apple seller in that market!”

His sister eyed him suspiciously. “How did you manage that?”

“Hey! I’m just as surprised as you are. I’m not sure what it was exactly...” He paused, thinking back to that morning. “But I guess it was when Applejack said I should make a sign to attract customers. So I did...It worked! I got this fancy looking citypony to come up to the cart. She asked me to make a sign for her boutique! She told her friends about us, and we were mobbed before lunch.”

“Wait a minute. What did you tell her?”

Caramel paused. “Who?”

“The citypony who wanted a sign of course!”

“Oh....well I said I was busy, so I couldn’t do it.”

Toffee frowned. “Well, would you like to do it?”

“Well...I suppose I wouldn’t mind..why do you ask?”

She got up from the table, and walked towards the hallway. “Well, the way I see it is, you don’t think you’ve been very good at anything in your life do you?”

Caramel opened his mouth to speak, but paused. He really hadn’t.

“Exactly,” Toffee went on, not waiting for his reply. “But, if your sign was good enough for a pony like that to want you to work for her? Well, I’d say you’re pretty darn good at somethin’. If I were you I’d think about it.”

She left him setting in the kitchen pondering what she had said. She was right. He’d done something today, and he hadn’t simply done it, he’d done it well. Could he do it again? Did he want to try?

He got that increasingly familiar feeling of being out of his depth. These were uncharted waters.

“Oh by the way!” Toffee called back. “I invited Twilight over for dinner tomorrow night. She’s cute. Can’t wait to talk to her some more!”

The uncharted waters suddenly turned into lakes of fire.

“Oh Celestia...”, whispered Caramel.

It was at some point during the night, or perhaps it was early morning, that Caramel noticed he was still sitting at the kitchen table. He’d been rubbing his hooves against the wood, and it appeared he’d left a small indent.

“Oh Celestia...”, he whispered again.

His brain had run away with him, at first it ran to escape routes. Could he pretend to be sick? No, Toffee knew him too well for that. She’d spot the fake right away. There’d be no way out there. He considered faking his own death, but he couldn’t do that to Twilight, he’d only just met her. Caramel had very little relationship experience, but he figured that death was usually considered a deal breaker.

She’d be here....he realized. And there was no stopping it. She’d meet Toffee, for the second time actually. But he really wasn’t worried about that. He gazed at the upper floors were Grampa Jonagold lay sleeping. He’d gone to bed early as usual. If he listened Caramel could hear his slight snoring. Caramel loved his Grandfather, despite any flaws he might have had. But that pony was about a subtle as a baseball bat at a tennis game. He wouldn’t hold back anything. He’d ask her all the questions that shouldn’t be asked on the...what was it? Second date? Yes, her buying apples couldn’t count as a date...She’d been a customer then...a wonderful..sweet..beautiful...custo- Caramel stopped himself. He was getting off track. His mind turned back to the looming dinner. It would be a disaster he was sure of it.

Maybe if I hint to her that my family is insane..she won’t want to come? He thought. I mean, it’s got to be a bit weird for her right? Meeting them this soon. We’ve only known each other for a few days. If I can get her to back out...then she won’t see that weird thing Grampa does with his corn...

He decided then. First thing in the morning he would go over to the library and try and gently convince her not to come. He couldn’t outright ask, that’d be awkward. Why is everything about this so complected?

Caramel sighed. And headed up to his room. Where he fell into fitful sleep.

The next morning Caramel woke up before anypony else. He quietly crept out of bed, grabbing a saddlebag and walking gingerly across the old wooden floor. Years of practice had taught him which boards would creak, and which wouldn’t. He silently made his way to the door, slipped out and headed for Ponyville. It was slightly cold that morning, the chill bit into his coat. He shivered slightly, but kept walking. Caramel needed to hurry, he knew his Grandfather would expect a full report on yesterday’s sales and want him out there selling again as soon as possible. He quickened his pace, breaking into a trot. I really need to work out more, he thought. He felt winded by the time he reached the edge of the property and entered the Ponyville proper. He was up very early, only a few ponies were walking the streets, opening shops and setting up carts. He didn’t see Applejack, but vaguely wished she was there. She knew a lot more about this kind of thing than he did. What would be the best way to bring this up?, he wondered. Should I start with a joke? He searched his mind for any witty one-liners he might have lying around. Finding nothing that wasn’t incredibly cheesy, he tried to think of something else.

I need a reason to visit don’t I? I mean...if I just show up, wouldn’t that be weird? He worried. Maybe I’m over thinking this. I’ll just go. What’s the worst that could happen?

He really didn’t want to think about the answer to that.

As he passed a florist’s stand that was setting up, suddenly an idea dawned on him. He thought back to last night. She’d been so wonderful, he really wanted to say thanks for that. Flowers that’s perfect! He’d show Twilight he appreciated her understanding, and have a reason to visit.

He stopped and looked through the florist’s stock, taking in all the bright colors and shapes of the various flowers in all manner of jugs and jars. Which one would be appropriate? Was there a particular color for this kind of thing?....Was there a wrong color for this kind of thing?

The vendor, a cream colored pony with a red mane and tail, walked over.

“May I help you?” she asked.

“Oh,” Caramel stopped his perusing. “Good morning, I was just looking for some flowers for my...” He stopped short....Caramel suddenly realized he had no idea what to call Twilight . Would fillyfriend be too presumptuous? Would not calling her that be wrong? Was there some other word for this?

The vendor gave him a knowing look. “Ah, you’re one of those,” she said, smiling. “Here,” She picked up a bundle of purple flowers. “These’ll be perfect for her.”

Caramel floundered for a moment. “Oh...well, thank you! I mean...these are lovely...for um...my...her....you know..”

“Yes,” The vender nodded. “I know. That’ll be five bits.”

Caramel payed her, and continued on his way.

Okay, now, just open the door and give her the flowers. It’s easy enough, just say something like ‘These are thanks for last night.’ He paused. No, that sounded....wrong maybe something else. This is a token of my gratitude.’ …..Or was that too formal? Perhaps something more casual would work better, like Hello Twi! These are for yo-

His thoughts were interrupted as he walked into the library door. His head making a resounding thud against the solid wood.


“Now who could that be.” He heard a voice he recognized all too well from behind the door. The top portion swung away to reveal Twilight staring at him. He didn’t have time to move, his nose was almost touching her's as she peeked out.

“Oh! Caramel!” she said quickly. They both backed up a few paces, blushing profusely.

“Um...yep! That’s my name!” He chuckled. “I...er....thought I would...you know, stop by....I brought you these! As gratitude for my last night thanks.” Darnit. He reached back into his saddlebags, to find there was nothing there. “Oh no...”, he said under his breath. “Where are they!?” He looked around in a panic.

“Um...Caramel?” asked Twilight.

He stopped looking and stared back at her. “Oh...well, I brought you some flowers...you know....I….well...you were so understanding about me being late and all....I wanted to...well..I wanted to say thanks...but it looks like.....I may have misplaced them.”

Twilight smiled. “I think so. You dropped something.” She pointed behind him.

He looked to find the flowers sitting on the ground a few feet back. There was a gaping hole in the bottom of his saddlebag. “Oh.” He tried to be as suave as possible in going back to pick them up, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t working.

“Thank you.” The flowers glowed a faint purple as Twilight grabbed them. “They’re beautiful.” Her face got a bit redder.

“You’re welcome! You deserve them....I really wanted to thank you..”

The two stood there for a moment, twiddling their hooves, faces resembling strawberries.

Twilight broke the silence. “You know, Spike and I were just about to have breakfast...would you like to come in?”

Caramel’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes!” He said a bit louder than he’d meant to.

Twilight’s face broke out into a smile again. “Great!” She opened the bottom half of the door. “Come right in.”

She turned, and Caramel followed her inside.

To Be Continued.