• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 282 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Episode 8: Heated Hearts


Pyron and Glaceia walked past each other in the halls of the palace, but one look at each other and they turned away with sour expressions on their faces. They wouldn’t say a word to each other and just walked along to do their duties.

Lightning saw them and he sighed…

*Breaks Fourth Wall*

“You’re probably wondering “What’s up with those two?”

Well, it all started a week ago.”

*Normal Resume*

One evening, Pyron and Glaceia were standing out on a terrace of the palace, just gazing up at the stars and the moon.

“Oh, Pyron, what a lovely night.” Glaceia said as she relaxed in Pyron’s arms. “It’s so beautiful and peaceful.”

Pyron held her close and agreed with her, but he felt uneasy. “I wish nights could be like this back home on Moltic and Iceinia.”

Now Glaceia felt uneasy too, wondering what Flareous and Blizzord were up to that moment, and what horrible plans they had for the planet next.

“Glaceia, I have been doing a lot of thinking.”

“What about?”

Pyron hesitated and finally admitted, “Ever since I first met you, my ways of the warrior have faded, because I believe in bringing forth peace to both our worlds.

…And yet, Starfleet has been so wonderful to us while staving off attacks from our fathers, but I still feel ashamed for subjecting them all to this.”

“What are you saying?”

Pyron cringed at what he was about to admit. “I don’t think I can face it any longer. I think it’s time I got back into action and picked up my sword again.”

Glaceia gasped. “No! You can’t! You mustn’t!”

Pyron expected she would act this way.

“Pyron, you swore that you would never raise your sword in anger again.”

“I realize this, but what I wish to do now is for other means; to protect this world and others from our fathers and their wrath, and to repay Starfleet for all they have done.”

Glaceia still disapproved. “We already have repaid them by the work we do for them, and we have already learned so much in the ways of peace and ways to reform our worlds.”

“Yes, we have… but the peace to our worlds may never happen so long as our fathers are at war. If I were to Starfleet, that peace may be obtained all the faster.”

“Have you thought of how long it has been since you even battled? Perhaps you are out of practice, and you have never faced the monsters our fathers send.”

“But Glaceia…” Pyron said, but before he could protest more, Princess Luna hovered down from up high, clearing her throat to capture both their attention. “Would you-two mind keeping your voices down? You are beginning to disturb the sleepers in the palace.”

The couple felt embarrassed and promised to try and tone it down.

“Pyron, please understand.” said Glaceia. “I really don’t want you to enter the battlefield again, and I put my foot down to it.”

She raised her foot and stomped it down softly.

Pyron was beginning to feel angry, but he didn’t show it, not in front of her, and due to his being unresponsive, Glaceia assumed he complied and bid him “Good night.” as she went off to her room.

Though they were lovers, it was proper that they each had a separate room.

Pyron just couldn’t get to sleep. Glaceia talking to him like that was shocking enough, but what really bothered him was that he was unable to shake up his urge to get back into action.

He even got up and took his sword in hand and practiced a few moves in the wide-open space of his room, but he soon found Glaceia was right about him being out of practice.

She couldn’t seem to get his techniques down, and he ended up slipping and falling down several times.

“I need to train up.” he said to himself.

He recalled what Glaceia had told him, but his urge to battle was too strong, even over his love for her.

“Maybe it’s because of my love for her that I’m willing to do this.” he wondered. “She must understand, I only wish to fight to defend, not to be the warrior I used to be.”

He recalled the times of how brutal and vile he was during the war. He would attack and brutalize every Iceinian that dared oppose him.

Now he had a better reason to fight than ever, and he made up his mind.

“Tomorrow, I better start getting back in the game.”

The next day, he spoke to their majesties.

“You wish to train?” asked Grand Ruler.

“I do.” Pyron explained why.

“We see,” said Celestia. “Does Glaceia know of this?”

Pyron hesitated to answer, which told their majesties enough. Celestia whispered to her husband, “Princess Luna told me of their argument last night.”

Grand Ruler got the picture, however, “I have skepticism regarding this request. However, seeing as you have some battle experience, and we could use an extra hand in the war we face, if you wish to proceed, there is nothing we can do to stop you.”

Pyron intended to proceed, and he requested, “Please, I beg of you, don’t let Glaceia know of this.”

Their majesties sighed softly, knowing what dangers it was to keep secrets like this.

“Very, well,” agreed Celestia, “But don’t you think Glaceia should know regardless?”

“I do feel that, but I also don’t feel that now is the right time. I am hoping to convince her that my reasons are sound despite her wishes.”

Grand Ruler felt mor uneasy than ever, and while he agreed to keep the secret, he whispered to Celestia, “I think there’s going to be trouble from this.”

His wife agreed.

Nevertheless, Pyron began training in secret.

He was taken to the open fields, far away from the palace so Glaceia would not find him, and merely lied to the fact that Pyron was busy at work he was assigned to.

The guards would volunteer to have spars with Pyron, to help him get his game back on.

Their majesties requested that Spike and Rhymey-- expert swordsmen-- come over to help further Pyron’s training.

Lightning oversaw the sessions like a referee.

“Attack… Ho!” he shouted.

Pyron was getting stronger, and better, almost feeling like his old warrior self again, although rhymey and Spike proved to be tough themselves.

“DRAGON FLAME WHEEL!” Spike came rolling in for a strong attack, and Pyron blocked him with his sword, and pushed him off, but then left himself wide open for Rhymey to come in with his sword.

“I must… train… harder!” Pyron growled as he swung his sword, parrying Rhymey’s and trying to get at him, but Rhymey’s master swordsmanship held up.

Spike then came in with his own sword, and Pyron ended up having a two-on-one battle.

Yet all his training was paying off. He managed to find his focus, and he didn’t slip as much anymore.

The three blades all clashed together in a massive struggle, and in a massive force, the three men knocked each other back hard.

“That will do,
I think we’re through.” said Rhymey.

“You’re telling me.” panted Spike, and he powered down his armor.

Pyron held his sword up high and clenched his other fist tightly. “I haven’t felt like this in a long time.

Thank you, gentlemen. I believe I am truly ready to battle again.”

Spike chuckled, “Easy there, now. No need to jump into it right away.”

Rhymey agreed,

“You only just got your skills back,
You may know how to defend and attack,
But the battles ahead are rough you bet,
We don’t know if you are quite ready yet.”

Pyron agreed, “You may be right. I may have defeated hordes of soldiers before, but these monsters and new resources are far different.”

“We’ll have to ask their majesties if whether or not you can join us.” said Lightning, “But…”

Pyron waited for his answer, “But what?”

“Don’t you think you should really tell Glaceia all this?”

“No! No, I couldn’t. It’s not the right time to do so.”

The men all sighed, fearing what was bound to happen.

“If there’s one thing I know about secrets,” said Spike. “It’s that they have ways of coming out.”

Lightning and Rhymey agreed.

On their way back to the palace, they were all approaching the main gate at the drawbridge. Other than the two guards at their posts, who else was there, but Glaceia, and she looked extremely peeved.

“Glaceia?” said Pyron, “I… I didn’t know you were here.”

“Uh, oh…” Spike murmured. The others felt cold too.

Glaciea approached Pyron and looked him, “I suppose you were out working?”

“Um… yes, I was.”

“And you had to bring your sword with you too I suppose?”

Pyron stammered and stuttered trying to find his words, “I… uh… just kept it with me in case of… well… just so…”

“…So, you could train to battle behind my back!” Glaceia practically yelled. “I saw you! I know what you’ve been up to!”

For a warm being, Pyron’s blood went cold.

Glaciea explained how she had been helping the palace staff gather laundry from suites when she passed by a window and saw a big explosion from far off. She assumed it was trouble, but when she used a telescope on the battlements to view far away… she saw everything!

Knowing he was busted, rather than try to act ashamed, Pyron’s features hardened. “Glaceia, I have told you why I wish to do this. It’s very important to me.”

“And I suppose I am not!” thundered Glaceia.

Back and forth they traded yelling and protests. The trio kept looking back and forth like watching a Tennis match, until Lightning finally intervened. “Stop it, both of you!

Pyron, we warned you she would find out…

And Glaceia, it’s his decision to fight in the war to help us, and we could use it.”

Overly infuriated, Glaceia stomped off in a huff.

Pyron did the same and went off in a different direction.

“Well, that went well.” said Spike. Lightning and Rhymey gave him a disdainful look.

For the next few days, Pyron and Glaceia had little or nothing to do with one another. They wouldn’t talk to or even go near the other, and if they happened to walk into one another in the halls, they wouldn’t look each other’s way.

Glaceia had a soft cry into her pillow on the first day.

The scene changed back to Lightning in the hall.

*Breaks Fourth Wall*

“And that’s why those two are acting this way. I really hope they snap out of it soon.”

*Normal Resume*

Meanwhile, Flareous ordered more attacks against Iceinia.


More meteors were launched towards the opposing planet, but there was more trouble already occurring on his own world as Ice-Guards came through the invisiports.

“Armies… To arms!” Flareous ordered as his own Flame-Guards ran in to counter the oncoming forces, while at the same time head through the ports to attack Iceinia directly.

“This isn’t getting anywhere?!” he growled. “I need more power to stop Blizzord.”

Suddenly, he had an idea. “KELTAR!” he bellowed.

His lacky appeared in almost no time. “You called, your majesty?”

“I need a monster, one that can really bring the heat on those Freeze Freaks on Iceinia.”

Keltar tries to protest. “With all due respect, sire, we must save what resources we have to deal with Starfleet.

Perhaps if we sent a monster to United Equestria--” he stopped there when Flareous began to flare up with rage. “I didn’t ask for your opinion; I gave you an order!

Make me a monster and send it to Iceinia! NOW!!!”

Keltar shuddered in fear, “Y-Y-Yes, your majesty!” and he dashed off to get a monster badge while grumbling, “Overblown hothead! He wants a monster; I’ll give him just the monster he wants.”

He found just the badge he wanted and called for a guard to use it on.

Flareous was growing impatient. “Where is my monster?!” he shouted.

He suddenly got his answer when a wall was smashed down by a powerful explosion, a very large, flaming monster came stomping in.

Its body was a fiery orange like the Molticeans, only his body was huge, muscular, and seemed to be blazing with flares.

Flareous recognized this creature. “It can’t be! Not you?!”

The monster roared at him. “Flareous! It be some time since you fight Magmus!”

“I remember you!” bellowed Flareous. “You were an out-of-control villager who mastered such fire power that you turned to pillaging the villages and trying to overthrow the crown!

The Great Hero conquered you, and I thought I heard the end of you until now!”

Magmus snickered, “Only now… Flareous… WILL END…!!”

He flared up and shouted, “MAGMA TRAIL!” unleashing a fiery, bubbling trail of lava straight at the king, forcing him to dodge and draw his sword.

“Magmus not scared of you!” laughed the monster.

Flareous could not believe this. Apparently, it meant that the monster badges not only contained the powers and essences of the creatures defeated, but also their thoughts and subconscious.

This monster, while still a guard, had thoughts of the actual monster’s desire for trouble and vengeance against all of Moltic.

Magmus picked up a large piece of debris from the wall, causing it to flare and glow which he threw at Flareous, which he destroyed with one swing of his flame sword.

Flame Guards, alerted by the noise, came out to defend their king, but that brutal monster punched them all away with his huge fists, knocking them all out and injuring them severely.

Flareous wanted a monster, but not like this! He had to get him out of the palace and to the nearest invisiport… and he had a plan.

He dashed out onto the observation terrace with the monster rushing after him.

“You no escape!” Magmus bellowed.

The two confronted each other on the terrace and they began to brawl.

Flareous swung his sword about, and Magnus parried his every strike with his flaming fists alone. His muscles and the heat made him strong enough to take it and more.

“You gone soft!” taunted Magmus, “Me squash you like ember flame!”

He charged straight for Flareous, but the king pulled a fast one, and using his great strength, he ducked down and kicked him hard in the back, sending the monster far off the terrace, down, down below where he vanished through an invisiport.

Flareous sighed in relief.

“Well done, sire.” commented Keltar. “Wherever he has gone, it is their trouble now.”

Flareous glared at him. “Let that be a blessing on YOUR sake! How could you sick that monster loose?!”

Keltar tried to make his excuses, but he was lucky when Flareous said, “Never mind, I shall deal with you later!” and he went off to continue his onslaught on Iceinia.

Pyron continued to train, but he was starting to slow up again as all he could think of or see was Glaceia’s face.

He couldn’t figure if he was angrier at her, or angry with himself.

It caused him to have a few slip-ups during training, and he couldn’t fight very well.

“Enough!” said Lightning, and he ordered the spar to end.

Rhymey and Spike complied and powered down their suits.

“No! I can’t! I must keep going!” shouted Pyron, and he charged forth for another strike, forcing Lightning to rush in and hold him by the arms. “I said “That is all!”

Pyron finally complied, and he dropped his sword to the ground while cringing in woe. “How could this happen?” he said miserably. “How can Glaceia just not understand?”

Lightning assured him, “Give her time, she’ll come around.”

Glaciea was out in town with Starla, Fluttershy and Rarity, after they left the children at the Royal Palace Daycare.

The ladies sat at an outdoor café having tea and biscuits.

“I tried to appeal to their majesties to stop him, but they brushed me off. They said only Pyron can make the decision.”

She felt like pounding the table in frustration.

“Now, now!” said Rarity. “That isn’t very ladylike. No pounding.”

Glaceia sighed. “How can he do this to me? I thought I understood him. I really thought we had something special.”

“You still do…” said Starla “Don’t think that just because of this one little falling out means you’re both finished.”

Glaceia had to agree, “But I don’t understand. Why would he want to fight again?”

Fluttershy guessed,

“Though you hoped he’d grown out of it,
He still has a strong fighting spirit.

He wants to get back into the game,
But the way he does is not the same.

Instead of creating hate and war,
He wants to defend us all and more.

You shouldn’t his fighting sport,
You should be proud and give him support.”

Glaceia didn’t know what to think about all that. “How can I support the very things I protest?” she asked, “And how can Pyron put me second to it. Maybe he doesn’t love me as much as I thought.”

“Darling, you’re speaking nonsense!” protested Rarity. “I understand well how you must feel, I always dreamed and searched of the perfect male companion to live by my side.

Mind you, I had rather long and strict itinerary.”

“The point is,” Starla cut is. “When you accepted Pyron, you had to make a compromise-- you must accept everything that comes with him, including things that you may disagree with. There’s never any way around it.”

The other wives agreed. Though no one watched them all the time, this implied they sometimes had arguments with their own respective husbands.

“That’s what makes it good and true love,” Starla continued, “Being able to accept certain things and take them as they come.”

All the wives looked down at their wedding rings and remembered their vows, all declaring at the same time.

“For better or worse,
Through bad times and good
Let our love shine through,
As a good wife should.”

The diamonds or the gold of the rings gave off a strong shimmer.

Glaceia said nothing, but she was astounded by the wives’ devotion.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded, followed by the sounds of screams and dozens of ponies and others running for shelter.

Starla said to Glaceia. “Get inside the café, now!”

Glaciea agreed, but as she got up and ran towards the door.

“Look Out!!” Rarity screamed as she saw a large burning wave heading straight for her.

Glaceia looked and screamed, but Starla quickly rushed over and pulled her away.

The ladies all looked back, and saw the monsters growling and then laughing at them.

“You dodge Magmus? That no fun!”

The barriers had already engaged, leaving Glaceia trapped outside.

“Sentries!” called Starla. Two guards show up, and she instructed them to take Glaceia someplace safe.

The guards complied and lead Glaceia away while Starla stood with her friends.

“Starla, you’re on maternity leave.” Rarity pointed out.

“This is an emergency. I can fight. I’ve been edging to get back into the action.”

“Well, if you’re sure,
Let’s toast this monster!” said Fluttershy.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

Once the ladies were transformed, they stared the monster down.

“Magmus not scared! Magmus get fired up!” and he did. His big body flared up with fire all around him.

“Whoa!” Starla cried as she scanned the monster with her visor. “His power is increasing rapidly, so is his external temperature!”

The monster snickered wickedly, and he began to stomp forth. His body was so hot and flaring that his feet left burning marks.

“He’s burning everything in sight,
But I’m ready to fight.” said Fluttershy.

“Wait!” said Starla “Let me try something.”

She stepped forth, “STAR SHOWER” she had unleashed her magic stars. The monster didn’t even bother to put up any defenses or dodge-- he didn’t have to. His flames were so hot the stars disintegrated on contact.

“Didn’t work!” Starla grumbled.

“Ha, Ha, Ha!” laughed Magmus, “Now me give shot!

FIRE BELCH!” Magmus shouted, and he let out a huge burp sending a massive wave of flames at the trio, which they dodged by leaping high up into the air.

“How rude!” growled Rarity, “Perhaps this will teach you…!” and she took a great deep breath and unleashed her dragon fire at him.

The fire struck the monster, but he just laughed and absorbed the flames, increasing his own.

“Rarity! You only made him stronger!” shouted Starla.

“Oops!” peeped Rarity.

“How are we supposed to beat him?
All our attacks just overheat him.” wailed Fluttershy.

Starla then noticed, “It’s worse than that! Look!”

The fires were starting to spread. The barriers would protect the homes and buildings, but the plant-life and flammable objects would lead to worse things.

Fluttershy quickly rushed to the nearest lamppost and sounded the Fire Alarm, alerting the sentries to man their stations.

One of the guards who was escorting Glaceia to safety had to go back and help, leaving his partner to protect her alone.

“Keep going!” the guard said. “We have to get you further away.”

Glaceia didn’t know how much longer she could keep running for.

Suddenly, she and the guard ran straight into more trouble; a whole swarm of flame guards and Keltar was there too.

“Going somewhere?” he hissed. “I think you are. You’re coming with me, to Moltic, as my prisoner!”

The guard stood in front of Glaceia and got his lance ready to take on the swarm himself. Many of the other sentries were either still helping other civilians get far away from the danger, or helping stop the fire spreading.

“You can’t be serious.” teased Keltar, and he called to the guards, “Attack!”

The Flame Guards rushed forth. The guard did his very best, but he was overpowered by the swarm. They knocked his lance away and thrashed at him hard making sparks and explosions fly.

Glaceia was frightened to the point of tears. Then she screamed as two guards apprehended her.

“Let me go! Let me go!!” She fussed and struggled to the point where the guards were ready to clobber her.

“No! Don’t!” yelled Keltar. “King Flareous would want his enemy’s daughter alive. You will help us force the Iceinians into complete surrender.”

Glaceia shuddered at such a thought while Keltar snickered.

Suddenly, “Hold it right there!” someone shouted.

Spike and Rhymey landed on the spot with their swords at the ready.

“Let her go!” demanded Spike.

“Take them!” shouted Keltar.

The guards rushed forth.

Rhymey and Spike nodded at one another, and they rushed to attack.

“Take this!” Spike shouted, and with a swing of his sword he slashed the weapons out of his enemies’ hands.

“My turn,
To bring the burn!” said Rhymey. “THRASH SLASH” He powered up his sword and with a single, massive slash, he struck all the guards hard, blowing them in the rocks they were made of.

“Let’s get out of here while we can!” said Keltar.

Just as he and his guards were ready to take Glaceia away to an invisiport, someone else intervened-- Pyron just leapt down from the sky with his sword clutched in his hand.

“Pyron!” cried Glaceia.

Their eyes met, and Pyron yelled at the villains, “Let her go, or face my wrath!”

“Your highness, really?” chuckled Keltar. “If you wish to accompany us back to your father, by all means--”

“I said “release her!”

The guards did so, but they rushed up to attack him.

“Pyron!” cried Galceia, but then she and Keltar watched as Pyron fought back, parrying the guards’ swords with his own, and he proceeded to slash at the guards, blowing them into stones, much to Keltar’s shock.

Then he found his prince pointing his sword straight at him.

“Um…” Keltar chuckled nervously. “I was… just leaving… bye!” and he ran off.

“Come back here!” Pyron yelled, as he chased after him, only for Keltar to escape through an invisiport.

Pyron stopped where he was, and yet he shouted at where the port was, “Tell my father never to lay a hand on my love again! NEVER!!”

The was the very first time Glaceia had seen him in action, and he did seem rather gallant, like a true warrior prince instead of a warmonger, and the fact that he had just saved her from a horrible fate played even stronger.

He looked at her with his strong eyes, which seemed to glisten in the sunlight, re-igniting the strong feelings in her heart.

More guards then tried to rush him, but he swiftly turned and hacked them into fire pellets.

Meanwhile, Pegasi had brough in loads of rainclouds to shower upon the flames allowing ground forces to put them out with magic and firefighting tools.

As for the monster, the three frontline ladies lead him away from the village and into the open fields.

Despite the rains the Pegasi brought, it didn’t affect Magmus at all. His flames were so hot that the water evaporated before it could reach him.

“Magmus not scared of little rain shower.” he mocked. “Magmus get fired up!”

“Oh, yeah. Then so will we!” said Starla. “Ready ladies, it’s time to turn our own powers up.”

Fluttershy and Rarity agreed, knowing what to do.


Their suits were all glowing and sparkly. “There, now we’re stronger and protected from more of the heat!” said Starla.

“Big deal!” growled Magmus. “FIRE BELCH!” he unleashed another burning wave, but the ladies just stomped their ways right through it, taking all the hits with ease.

“I state again… How Rude!” Rarity gagged. “Fire may not faze you, but this may!” and she fired a huge light-beam from her horn which damaged him good.

“That hurt!” he bellowed.

“Perfect!” said Starla. “The light is not fire, so he can’t absorb it, and it’s not flammable either.

Ladies, let’s get busy!”

The others agreed, and ley all jumped in

Magmus punched and kicked at them like crazy, but they dodged his every blow, and with her Super-Mode protecting her, they punched and kicked him hard in the face without suffering much damage from the flames.

“Now Magmus really mad!” the monster growled, and he flared up so hard, he was nearly turning pale yellow-- close enough to be white-- and scorching all the grass around him.

“MAGMA TRAIL!” he unleashed such a force of magma that it burned a crater right where he stood, forcing the ladies to fly up high into the sky.

“Where they go?!” Magmus growled.

“Up here!” Starla shouted, and she and the others came soaring in from above.

“STARLIGHT ARROW” Starla fired a few shots from her bow making sparks and explosions fly all around the monster, blinding him.

Rarity soared in and gave him a huge slash with her claws, and Fluttershy gave him a huge booting to the belly, sending him up high and crashing down hard.

“I think I’ve had enough of this brawl.
Let’s finish him once and for all.” Fluttershy said.

Starla agreed, “This one’s mine. It’s been a while, but here goes…!”

She powered up her finisher and aimed her bow squarely at her target. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!”

POW!! The massive shot fired and struck Magmus hard.

“Me Magmus! Me can’t lose…!!” but the monster already exploded-- changed back into a guard, imprisoned in a sphere, and the monster badge broke.

The ladies cheered for joy and came together for a big group hug.

“That felt hot.” Starla joked, having enjoyed her first real battle in a while.

“Starla!” Lightning called as he finally came in on the scene. “Sorry, I couldn’t make it. I had to help with the fire teams. Are you okay?”

His wife smiled and nodded at him.

Lightning was pleased with his wife and friends.

Meanwhile, Flareous received word from Keltar…

“So, Magmus was defeated, and my guard imprisoned?”

“I should assume so, your majesty.” replied Keltar.

Flareous snuffed, “Good riddance. Even that monster was too much, even for me. Now I can concentrate on what’s important.”

He went off to continue the war, leaving Keltar to silently fume at him in thought, “you thought this was bad? Just you wait… “Your Majesty!”

The Damages were all taken care of, and the rain clouds were wiped away. All was as it was in New Canterlot, including something else…

Pyron was training solo in the fields with his sword.

Earlier, he was brought before their majesties.

“You did noble thing today, and we appreciate the assistance.” said Grand Ruler “But you must not take things too lightly. This war is far from over and there will be greater battles ahead.

However, since you are prepared to take the risks, and your help can be beneficial, I am hereby willing to assign you to aid and assist in battle, but only if necessary. So, don’t go barging into every bit of battle that happens.”

Pyron was more than accepting of this new role, and his determination to bring down his father and Blizzord was flaming brighter than ever.

He leapt up high, and came slamming down with his sword, sending flaming waves through the ground, and obliterating his practice targets.

Panting softly, he felt he had done enough, for the evening was starting to settle in, and he sheathed his sword. “Another day.”

As he turned round to leave, he was surprised to see Glaceia. She had been watching him train all afternoon, with interest rather than shame.

“I didn’t know you were there.” he said.

His love approached him softly. “I want to apologize, Pyron. I’ve done a lot of thinking, and I have talked with our friends.

I have been very pushy lately. I understand now. You only wish to help others now and help end this war with our fathers.

Pyron agreed.

“But I should have told you this before.” she paused “…I was afraid that if you went off into battle, that something would happen, and I’d lose you.”

“I know exactly how you feel. I often fear losing you too, and I very nearly would have today had I not helped.

You are the most important being of all to me, Glaceia. I don’t think I could bear it if I lost you, and I’m sure that others feel the same about their loved ones.”

This brought on the pain of losing their mothers.

“I’m sorry that I worried you,” said Pyron. “If you want me to quit battling, I can.”

Glaceia shook her head. “…You have my support, and my prayers. Just please, try not to leave me.”


The couple embraced under the darkening skies, and their lips came together.

Though it wasn’t nice to look, the three couples stood from afar watching the reconciled couple embrace.

The husbands held their respective wives close just enjoying the blissful peace.


In our next episode: Blitzy begins to work at the hospital when more casualties cause emergencies. Meanwhile, Swift Star is still struggling with his problems and his growing feelings for her, and things get harder when he himself is hospitalized under her care.

How will Blitzy’s new job affect her thinking, and what will become of Swift?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Doc-Torn Up”)

Author's Note:

It is such a contradicting road of twistedness

-Some people, like parents, or concerned ones don't want you to be a hero and do your job because they fear they would lose you. (That's understandable)

-But if the hero does not do their job, then everyone could be wiped out, including themselves, so it won't matter anyway.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few