• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 282 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Episode 5: Tour De La Paces


Swift Star was so nervous as he sat in the test hall with the many other cadets and officers ready to take the written promotions exam.

“I can do this! I can do this!” he kept muttering to himself, then suddenly a huge stack of papers was dropped with a loud thud right in front of him.

“What the--?!”

“What’s wrong? Not giving up already, are you?” teased the examiner.

The rest of the test takers all snickered at him with evil-glowing eyes as they plowed right through the test without much effort.

Swift was just about to take the first page off the top, when a whistle blew. “Sorry. Test is over.” sneered the examiner.

“But I haven’t even started!” cried Swift.

“But I haven’t even started!” mocked the examiner. “You should’ve studied harder and worked faster. Now it’s time for the field test.”

In a big spin around, Swift found himself at the starting point of the most dangerous obstacle course he had ever seen. It was loaded with so many hazards and traps-- flame-jets, crushers, beams shooting from the walls, pits opening in the floor and many more things.

“This is too advanced!” he protested.

Again, the examiner taunted him, “Can’t you do it? Do you want to be promoted, or just be a low-level wannabe your whole life?”

The other officers who had already passed the test hooted at him. “Low-Level! Low-Level! Low-Level!”

Swift was determined not to let them get away with this, and yet he took one step into the trial, and the whole thing crumpled, and he fell with it, deep, deep into nothing with everyone laughing at him.

…That’s when he fell with a thud on the floor, out of his bed, surrounded by open books and papers.

He was relieved that it was just a dream, but he didn’t feel as well knowing the tests were just a few weeks away.

“I’m doomed!” he grumbled into the mattress.

Meanwhile, Blitzy Heart awoke in her suite at the palace in New Canterlot. It had been a few days since her arrival, and all that time she mostly kept to herself.

She would hardly leave her room and resorted to calling room service. She hadn’t made any attempts to make plans to leave United Equestria, yet, until she was certain she could take Lightning away with her.

…Her first attempt had failed.

She had sent a letter of recommendation to their majesties asking-- demanding-- that they make Lightning resign from Starfleet, but she received a letter almost at once saying that her request was denied.

Blitz finally got a chance to have a short audience with their majesties in the throne room, where they both further denied her.

“I’m sorry, the answer is “No.” said Grand Ruler. “We will not decommission Commander Lightning Dawn, nor will we ask him to resign.”

“But why?” wailed Blitz. “You’re both his superiors. You both can do it.”

Celestia shook her head. “Lightning is one of the finest and most valuable assets to Starfleet. Unless he does something that forces us to act, there is nothing we can nor will do.

It is not up to you, or to us whether Lightning wishes to remain in Starfleet or resign. Only he can decide that for himself.”

Blitzy looked furious, and Grand Ruler spoke softly but deeply to her, “We understand how you are feeling-- Lightning told us everything.”

“He did?”

“Yes. We can understand your indifference to our world and our ways, but you must realize that we are also struggling through dangerous times.”

“Exactly my point.” protested Blitzy. “Lightning is a Harmonian Pony. All this fighting and warfare-- it’s all wrong for him.”

Their majesties could see there was no getting through to her, and they had other things to tend to.

“Are you sure it’s wrong for him, or not just yourself?” asked Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed with his wife, and then told Blitzy. “We are trying to be kind and patient with you, but I should warn you, do not allow your personal emotions and issues to interfere with our business, and if you intend to cause trouble, we will be forced to take action.

This meeting is over. We have much to do.

Good day.”

Then their majesties left, and Blitz had no choice but to head back to her room.

“Why can’t the see?” she grumbled to herself. “This whole setup is wrong. They had no right to make Lightning a part of it all.

How can I get Lightning to see all this?”

Just then, there was a knock at her door. “Come in.”

Lightning came in, “Um… hi, Blitz.”

She was surprised to see him after thinking of him for so long.

“I have a special treat for you today.”

She blinked once, “What kind of treat?”

“Follow me.” he simply said, leading her out of her room and down the halls.

Swift was waiting outside, near the foot of the palace drawbridge. He was pacing about feeling a bit irritable.

He recounted earlier when Lightning had come over to his house.

“I notice you’ve been cramming a lot for the promotional exam.”

“Yes, sir, I have. I was just getting ready to begin on the rules of arresting.”

Lightning held up his hand cutting him off, “I also notice you’ve been losing a little sleep. All this anxiety combined with work is not good for you.

You need to take some time to relax and to clear your mind. So, I’m putting you on a special assignment today.”

“But sir…” Swift tried to protest, but Lightning wouldn’t have any of it.

“You’re going on this assignment and taking a break from your studies. That’s an order.”

Swift could not refuse or object.

He still felt irritable and grumpy. “I get pulled away from my studies to take some pony on a tour of the kingdom; just lovely.”

Just then Lightning came along, “Glad you made it swift.”

Swift then took one look at Blitzy, and all sudden, he felt warm, and fuzzy inside. This was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen, especially when she flicked her mane back and gave her wings and small fluff.

Lightning introduced them. “Lieutenant Swift Star, Dr. Blitzy Heart.”

Swift slowly extended his hand, “Uh… how do you do.”

“Pleasure.” Blitzy said in a low tone, but she accepted his hand anyway to be polite, which made Swift feel his temperature go up. He barely managed to regain control himself.

“I have a lot to do today.” explained Lightning, and he looked at Blitz, “I’m hoping this tour can make you a bit more understand that this world isn’t all that bad.”

Blitz remained uncertain.

Lightning then said to Swift, “Try to patient with her, and try not to push her.”

“Yes, Sir.” Swift complied.

Lightning headed back to the palace leaving the two on their own.

Swift gulped softly. “Um… should we go then?”

“I guess so, but I don’t know why I’m bothering.”

Swift cleared his throat. “Well, you can’t stay cooped up in the palace all the time, and this tour may do you some good.”

Before long they were soaring over the planet on a magic flying open coach with railings and a hood that took them all around.

They soared over the New Crystal Empire, where they saw Cadance and Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, and many others were watching a magic show, with Abra Kadabra and Trixie performing.

Everyone seemed so happy and cheerful.

Then it was off to New Cloudsdale, where Rainbow Dash and Wonderbolts were performing an airshow of their own. All the flight patterns they made were quite astounding, and Rainbow’s Sonic Rainbow was the toast of the show.

“Wow!” said Blitz. “That was… sort of neat… I guess.”

The more she saw, the more astounded she became. “Everyone seems so… so…”

“…Normal? Happy? At peace?” asked Swift. “You didn’t think that just because this was the main base of Starfleet that there would only be harshness, military bases, and round the clock routines, did you?”

Blitz remembered in all her travels, “I’ve been to many planets; some that had many towns, villages, and some even had their own armed forces, but the peace still stood with some, like modern societies.”

Swift began to feel maybe they were starting to get somewhere.

Blitz was even impressed by the sights of New Las Pegasus, New Vanhoover, and even New Filydelphiea-- all the massive metropolis, businesses, and creatures just going about and living ordinary lives.

Then there were not so cool places, like the New Badlands, where the dragons were being just as nasty and as mean as ever, and the volcanos erupted, filling the craters with lava.

Blitz thought the dragon rude, ugly, and nasty. “I wouldn’t want to hang around creatures like that all the time, and I had to treat some.”

“You treated dragons?” asked Swift.

“I’ve treated all kinds of patients.”

“Well, you know… we do have dragons in Starfleet. Some dragons aren’t like others; they’re kind, noble, and they fight for the same cause we do.”

That word, “Fighting” really made something slam inside of her.

“Please don’t use that word, I just… I…”

“…I’m sorry.” Swift said. He felt stupid with himself. He remembered Lightning telling him about Blitz and her… rather unique attitude towards the force and fighting altogether.

Swift decided to take her someplace a bit friendlier; New Ponyville.

It was a nice sight, probably one of the nicest on the tour yet.

Tree Hugger was teaching her Yoga class with many kids and teens in the open fields.

Fluttershy and Rhymey were tending to the animals near the woods, with little Button Fly nestled in his stroller.

Applejack was pulling her wagon through town selling fresh-baked apple pies.

Rarity and Spike were out with little Twilight and met up with Starla who was out with her kids too.

Blitz couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “It reminds me of… Home; on Harmonius.”

She clenched her fists remembering how horrible it was that day when the planet was destroyed.

“I’m sorry,” said Swift. “I know all about the story of your planet. Commander Lightning told me. I’m sorry for you both.”

“It’s okay.” said Blitz. “I can’t change the past.”

Swift couldn’t stop gazing at her and how pretty she looked in the glow of the midday sun.

“Wow! She’s really pretty.” he thought. “Hey, what am I thinking? I’ve got to get a hold of myself.”

He clutched his head trying to rid himself of these strong feelings.

“Are you alright?” asked Blitz.

“Oh, I’m fine. Just a little tired, I’ve been studying a bit hard lately; promotion exams and all.”

Blitz didn’t like the sound of that, because of the relations to Starfleet, but she did finally note the slight bags under his eyes.

“Come here a minute.” she felt his forehead with her hand, and then his wrist for his pulse.

His heart raced with feelings from his crush, but she felt it and assumed, “You’re overly stressed out.” She let go of him and sighed, “Just another thing bad about the whole Starfleet thing.”

Swift’s features hardened, but he spoke calmly. “I can’t change your mind, but I do wish you’d stop badmouthing the force.”

She looked at him sternly, but kept her own voice level, “I don’t see why I should. This planet may be nice, and all those creatures down there may be living a good life, but I can’t feel that happy for them-- knowing that they’re always caught in the middle of some danger, or needless fighting that’s about to commence.

Why would anyone want live here like this, let alone be part of the force in the first place?”

Swift could see by now she was still obsessed with Lightning and getting him to leave.

“Tell me something…” he put a lot of thought into what he was about to say. “…Why did you become a Space Doctor?”

“I owed it to my Foster Folks. They saved my life, and they trained me. I felt it was the right thing to do.”

“Is that all?”


“How about “saving lives.” Isn’t that the number on part of your job?”

Blitzy didn’t have to answer, but she did anyway, “Of course it is. It’s what makes the job worthwhile.”

“Well, maybe those of us in Starfleet are the same. A bunch of bad guys just pop up out of nowhere and, without warning, they attack us with the intent of destroying or conquering us.

Why did they come? Why are they doing this? What did we do to deserve it?

We don’t know, and frankly it doesn’t matter to them. Evil is as Evil comes.” He paused long and hard worrying about what he was about to say next, but it had to be said. “…Just like on Harmonius.”

Blitz gasped softly, as if her honor had been insulted.

“Your people lived in total peace, harmony, and all the things many of us strive for as well, but the big mistake you made was giving up any ways to defend yourself.

You had no magic, weapons, armies, or any connections with anyone or anything that could save you or jump into actions to help you, and as soon as your planet was attacked, that was it. It was destroyed as easily as stepping on an insect while you walk.

You didn’t ask for it to happen, you didn’t want it to happen, but that doesn’t stop it from happening anyway.

Starfleet’s made quite a name for itself, all the races we managed to save, all those we’ve helped to protect.

We struggle and strive to wipe out the bad guys, and it doesn’t seem to do much good, because there’s always more and more of them, and it takes all we have to stop them from spreading their wickedness too far.

And that is exactly what Commander Lightning is like. He lost Harmonius just like you, and he’s seen what Evil can do.

He was rescued by the very forces you opposed to, and he felt he owed them much. They helped him get back on his feet, find a purpose in life and made him the pony he is today. Nobody forced him, really, he decided on his own accord.

…And all you can think about is how Lightning has betrayed you and betrayed your entire race of ponies that died long ago.

You don’t even show gratefulness that the very force he commands saved your life too when you crashed.

But I hope you can at least consider this. You may be against Starfleet and all for what you think it stands for, but there is much more to it and to have than to not have it.”

Blitzy had a look of extreme shock on her face, but not out of realization, but pure insult. She was never so offended in her life.

Swift suddenly realized he had gone too far himself, even if he was right that was no excuse for being overly harsh.

She quickly leapt over the side and flew away.

“Doctor Heart!” Swift called. “Come back here this instant! That’s an order!” but Blitz was already too far gone, and Swift was ready to kick himself about.

“Nice going, Lieutenant. Now what am I going to do?”

He knew Lightning would be furious when he found out about this, but the most important thing was to stop Blitz and get her back.

Since Swift could neither fly, nor use magic, he had another trick up his sleeve, and switched the tour coach from auto-drive to manual, and he began the chase using the onboard computer scans.

He also activated the alert on the panel, sending an alert to other Starfleet officials than an tourist had escaped and was roaming loose.

Officers and sentries were alerted and began a search.

Blitz had already taken refuge behind an alley down below, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be caught.

“Great, now I’m a runaway.” she grumbled to herself, but she was still very upset about things Swift had said-- practically insulting Harmonian ponies and their ways of peace.

“What a jerk!” she growled, and she angrily kicked a garbage can over.

Suddenly, she heard fighting coming from out in the open.

A group of Starfleet Protestors were arguing with a group of supporters, and they were really starting to disturb the peace with their voices.

“Get out of here, Protestors!”

“Why don’t Starfleet go, then there can be peace around here again!”

“You’re crazy!”

“Anyone who supports Starfleet is brainwashed and retarded.”

“Don’t make me come over there!”

“Oh, yeah, tough guy?” The nasty protester angrily kicked a small pebble on the ground that accidently flew straight up straight down the supporter’s throat.

The support gasped and choked for dear life, turning blue in the face.

“What have you done!” a mare shouted.

The protestor and his posse all gasped in horror, but this didn’t help the choker.

“Help! Someone, help!” the mare called.

Blitz couldn’t ignore this, and she rushed out of the alley and onto the scene. “Get back!” she said to everyone, and she quickly lifted the choker up in her arms. Then she began to squeeze pressure on his gut in a rhythmic pattern, helping him to cough up the pebble.

He gasped heavily for air, and so Blitz lay him down on the ground, with the other ponies huddled around her.

“I said stay back!” she balked.

The ponies did as they were told and watched her perform CPR, saving the pony and getting him breathing again.

“Thank you.” he said with a bright smile.

Blitz felt strange inside, saving this Starfleet Supporter, while the rest of the supporters were relieved and thankful.

The protesters were a bit relief, but they didn’t show it well.

“Well… um… guess we’ll be going.” said the one who kicked the pebble. He and his posse turned to run for it, only to run straight into Starla, Spike, and Rarity, and they looked very cross.

“We saw what happened.” said Starla. “You kicked that pebble into his mouth.”

“Hey, it was an accident.” whined the protester. “I didn’t mean to kick it in his mouth. I didn’t even aim for it.”

“Which changes nothing!” balked Rarity. “You deliberately kicked that stone, and that counts as assault.”

“And for that, we’re placing you under arrest.” added Spike.

The other protestors stood in front of their friend to protect him.

Just when things looked to get heated up, the supporter, back on his feet, insisted, “I’m not pressing charges. Don’t arrest him.”

The protesters were shocked, especially the kicker.

“Why bother?” said the supporter. “They never learn no matter how hard we try to convince them that their ways are wrong, and you arrest him you’ll only make the rest of them angrier.”

Starla could not believe her ears.

“But you very nearly choked to death because of him.” said Rarity.

“Are you sure you don’t want to charge him?” asked Spike.

“I’m sure.” said the protester.

Even Blitz was astounded by this act of mercy.

Starla sighed. “Alright, but the next time something like this happens, I don’t care if it’s accident or not, you get a week’s community service, and/or a month in jail. Understood?”

“Sure, no problem.” grumbled the protestor.

He and hie posse picked up their signs to leave, but he balked at the officers. “One day, you Starfleeters are going to push us decent folks too far.”

“If that’s what you call “Decent” I wonder what you call “horrid.” Spike whispered to Rarity.

His wife snuffed in agreement.

As the supports left to go on their way, the choker again thanked Blitz for saving him, and then he left.

“Blitzy?” said Starla, finally noticing her.

Blitz looked at her, but with rather stern features.

“So, this is Lightning’s friend?” asked Rarity. She approached her and held out her hand trying to be polite, “It’s pleasure.” but Blitz wouldn’t reciprocate.

Rarity cleared her throat, “I see…” she remembered what she had been told about Blitzy’s attitude.

The trio also heard of her jumping from her tour.

“There you are!” bellowed another voice. Swift leapt down from above where his craft remained on free float.

He was very angry, but then he saw the others and quickly saluted, “Generals.”

The trio nodded at him. Then Swift said to Blitz, “I think it’s time we got you back to New Canterlot.”

Blitz didn’t want to, but seeing as she had no other place to go, was forced to comply.

“Wait.” said Starla. “I don’t understand you, Blitz. We’re all trying to do our best, be your friend, and treat you well. Don’t you think it’s time you stopped with this cold attitude?”

Rarity and Spike felt the same way, but Blitz shook her head, “I just can’t.”

“You mean you “Can’t” or you “Won’t?” remarked Swift.

“What does it matter? I don’t think I can ever trust any of you.”

“What about that guy you just saved?” asked Spike. “He was a Starfleet Supporter, and you’re supposed to be against everything that is Stafleet.”

“I am, but I also have an obligation as a doctor. Besides, he only ended up in that condition because of Starfleet. Just more points that shows how bad it is, the whole thing!”

The officers would have protested, but they knew Blitz was just too stubborn to be reasoned with.

She flew up to the coach, and Swift could only sigh miserably.

He cast a look at the others, and they all had the same feelings and expressions as he did.

He leapt up high onto the platform, which nearly shocked Blitz at how high he could leap.

Soon, they arrived back in New Canterlot, at the palace where Lightning was there waiting, with his arms folded and tapping his foot.

“Oh, boy.” sighed Swift.

Blitz was sent immediately back to her suite and ordered by the staff not to leave until further notice. Guards on the battlements kept watch of her windows in case she tried to take off again.

“What was I thinking?” she thought to herself. “Now everyone’s even madder than ever at me. Probably just as well, it makes it easier for me at least.”

There was a knock at her door.

“Come in…”

It was Lightning, and he looked disappointed at her. “Swift Star told me what he said to you. I’m sorry that you got offended, but that’s no excuse for what you did either.”

Blitz hung her head low in shame.

Lightning’s features then softened, “But my wife told me that you helped someone today, and I suppose that’s something.”

A moment of silence passed.

“Look, Blitz… you need to stop it with all this self-righteousness.”

Blitz looked at him sternly and said, “But you can keep going with all this? The way you keep supporting all this fighting, and anger, and misconduct.”

Lightning wanted to try and explain to her again, but he knew it would be in vain.

“I’m just going to have to lay it on the line for you. I’ve had a little discussion with their majesties, and…” he paused deeply, feeling great pain at what he was about to say “…They’re giving you an ultimatum.

Blitz felt her heart skip a beat, “Excuse me?!”

“…It’s their decision, not mine. We can’t keep putting you up in the palace for free like this, especially after the bad move you pulled today.

You can either get a job, earn your keep, become a full-fledged resident of United Equestria.

Or… you can make plans right now to leave and continue your life as a space doctor.”

Blitz shook her head in disbelief, “And you’re actually going along with this? You’re going to make me choose?”

“It’s not my decision. Their majesties issued this, and they outrank me. I’m sorry.”

Blitz stood where she was, totally frozen with shock, anger, and a feeling of sheer betrayal.

Lightning felt the pain eating away at his own soul for having to tell her all this, and what he said next, “You have three days to decide.”

He got up to leave, and Blitz already told him. “You already know my decision; I want to leave, but I want you to come with me.”

“For the last time: That is out of the question. My place is here, and even if I wasn’t part of Starfleet, I still wouldn’t just up and leave my family.”

“Then bring them along. I’m at least willing to offer you that! You don’t have to leave your family, but can’t you see that being in Starfleet is no good for you, or your kids.”

Lightning really decided to leave before he really lost his temper, and he headed for the door.

“So, I was right about you all along. You really are a traitor to Harmonius!”

Lightning stopped dead in his tracks wide-eyed and struck.

“I bet you agree with all those things that Lieutenant of yours said-- that Harmonius was foolish for its peaceful ways and deserved its fate!

What would your parents think of you now?”

Enough of this! He couldn’t bear another word! He just left the room, not even looking her way, closing the door ever so quietly.

Blitz couldn’t hold it in. She threw herself onto her bed crying into her pillow.

As for Lightning, he walked down the halls of the palace. His stomach was upset, his head ached, and his mouth felt dry.

Swift saw him and rushed up to speak with him. “How did it go, Sir?”

Too upset to get into anything, Lightning merely said, “That will be all… Lieutenant.” And he walked off to be by himself to cool off like a sensible officer.

Swift felt his knees growing weak with worry. He was still ashamed of himself for having told Blitz off that day, and his heart was all mixed up again as he pictured her with her mane fluttering in the wind and her coat shining in the sunlight.

“She’s so beautiful, and yet she’s really disturbed.” he thought. “Well… one thing’s certain, I think I just blew my chances at promotion.

You really did yourself proud today, Lieutenant.”

He slumped sadly away, still worrying about his own future.


In our next episode: Blizzord decides to take it upon himself to recruit Starfleet by sending a creature that turns hearts cold, turning friends and loved ones and even our heroes against one another.

Can our heroes overcome this cold wave that threatens their friendship and their futures?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Hearts of Ice”)

Author's Note:

-This has officially become a running gag for Swift Star: He always falls in love with, or ends up as the affectionate target of kooks, weirdos, and villains.

Also, Blitzy is taking this way too far, acting all presumptions, self-righteous, and putting words in peoples mouths.

World Peace is not a bad thing, but leaving yourselves totally defenseless and with no way to save yourselves (Like the Harmonians did) IS very bad.