• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 277 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Episode 1: Fire and Ice Wars: Part 1


Shining Light, Son of Commander Lightning Dawn and Supreme General Starla Shine was nearly three years old. He could walk, talk, even feed himself and dress himself, and pick up his toys, but he was still just a little colt.

He was being babysat by Pinkie Pie while his parents were at the hospital.

They had been away for three days, but Pinkie took great care of the little fella. It also did good for him to play with her son, Biscuit Pie, who was about one and a half years old and just learning to talk and walk.

The two children were playing a clapping game on the floor and making cute poems as they played…

“I am your friend, you are mine,
I’m so happy, I could shine.”

The two children laughed and giggled, which Pinkie found adorable. She cooed as she smothered the boys, “Aww, You two are just so cute. Yes, you are… Yes, you are!” and she pecked their little heads making shining blush.

Just then, there was a rattling at the front door.

Shining Light jumped joy. “Mommy’s home! Daddy’s home!”

Lightning came in through the door with a suitcase, “Hello.” he playfully called.

“Daddy! Daddy!” cried Shining.

“Ah, there’s my big boy.” Lightning said as he took his son from Rarity and hugged him warmly.

As Starla came in, Lightning motioned for everyone to keep their voices down.

“Hi, Mommy.” Shining said softly.

“Hi, sweetie.” Starla said and she pecked her son sweetly on his head. “Look who Mommy brought home.” She held up a little blanket wrapped around a new baby alicorn mare. “This is your little sister, Twinkle Star.”

Everyone’s eyes fell over the little sweetheart. She had a white coat, a purple mane like her mother, and big brown eyes like her father.

She also had an anti-magic manacle sealed on her horn to prevent her using magic, and an alti-lift patch on her wings to prevent her from flying.

“Baby?” peeped Biscuit.

“That’s right, honey. That’s their new baby.” cooed Pinkie. She was trying her hardest not to burst out and get all hyper, especially while carrying her son, but she was weakening, and shaking, which Biscuit felt was fun as he jiggled in her arms.

She finally put him down. “Sorry, honey. Mommy has to do this.” and she zipped off, coming back with a tiny cupcake, with a pacifier-shaped candle at the top.

She drew in a deep breath as if to start going crazy, much to everyone else worry, but she left out softly, “Happy Welcome Home Day… wittle Twinkle Winkle.”

The baby just blinked her beady little eyes softly, but Lightning and Starla sighed in relief.

“Aw, she’s so beautiful.” cooed Pinkie.

“She really is.” sighed Starla.

“What do you think, son?” Lightning said as he lifted Shining up. “Do you like your little sister?”

Shining looked at the baby and she looked up at him. Her little lips then curled into a soft smile, and it made him smile too.

“I’m a big brother!” he cheered softly.

“Yes, you are…” cooed Starla, and she pecked him again, and then her daughter.

Lightning just looked back and forth at his wife and children, and he shed a small tear.

“…You okay?” asked Pinkie.

Lightning nodded, “That was a tear of family joy.” With his one free arm he brought Starla and the baby closer. “My family!”

This made Pinkie feel like crying too, and she scooped up her own son in her arms. “I love you, Biscuit. Yes, I do.” and she pecked him multiple times.

Her son gave his mother a little peck on her cheek, which made the tears flow from her eyes. “Love, Mommy.” he chirped.

The moment of bliss was interrupted by the sound of the world air-raid siren going off outside, which made Twinkle and Biscuit cry by the frightening noise, and Shining Light cover his ears.

“Not again!” groaned Lightning.

“That’s the third time this month that’s happened.” complained Starla.

The air-raid siren was a warning that a large object-- possibly a meteor or an asteroid-- was heading towards the planet, and Starfleet squads were prepared to intercept it.

There were two objects this time… one was a flaming meteor, and the other was a large piece of ice that turned into a comet the closer it got to the sun.

Many citizens of United Equestria could see the objects coming with the naked eye, even in broad daylight.

Hardly anyone showed any fear, some even had bored expressions.

Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia ordered the intercept squads out.

A large fleet of Space alicorns and unicorns stood together in the New Canterlot fields. Combining their magic all together…

POW!! They fired a massive stream of magic up, up into the sky, out into space, colliding into the burning meteor, nudging it just enough to bang it off its course, sending it smashing into the second meteor, and both rocks were sent straight into the sun where they vaporized harmlessly.

Normally, this would cause an eruption of cheer and rejoice, but due to the common occurrences, the people just sighed and went back to their daily routines.

Starla and Pinkie calmed the babies down, and Lightning patted his son on the head, “You can take your fingers out of your ears now.”

Shining hugged his father, still a little afraid. “It’s okay. It’s all over now.” Lightning whispered to him.

Pinkie was still grumpy with all. “This is nuts! Where are all these chunks of rock coming from?”

“I’d like to know that too,” said Lightning. “Reports have been coming in that these rocks have been showing up out of almost nowhere and striking other planets, not just ours.”

Starla remembered hearing about these reports weeks before she went to the hospital. “There’s no chance of tracing their places of origin?”

Lightning shook his head, “We don’t have any leads so far. The Observatories have been tracking the objects by the trails they leave as they move through space, but the trails only go so far and only seemed to stop dead in the middle of space.”

This meant there was no way to tell exactly where the objects came from or how far they traveled. As far as Starfleet knew, they were just bits of flaming/ice rocks bumping around through space.

“So, a search is useless?” asked Pinkie.

“Afraid so.” replied Starla. “Frankly, it’s not our planet I’m concerned about. We can intercept them easily, but what of the planets that can’t?”

A long moment of silence followed as everyone had looks of worry and horror on their faces.

“Daddy?” chirped Shining Light. “Are we going to get smashed?” He sounded very scared and worried.

His father hugged him warmly and assured him, “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. We won’t let it happen, will we, Mommy?”

Starla nodded proudly, although she wouldn’t be doing too much as she on maternity leave, but she would have her remote droid-double to do any battling for her.

Meanwhile, up on the Moon, there was Lunar Base one-- the research facility built out of the battered hulk of a old crashed enemy spacecraft.

Many ponies or other creatures of Starfleet and Science worked and stayed at this massive base to conduct private research, or to observe the stars and the galaxy from a greater viewpoint rather than on the planet itself.

Right now, their main project was tracking those meteors and trying to find any clues as to where they came from and if any more were on the way.

Lightning’s friends often visit the base upon orders to help with research or delivery food, water, and other supplies.

Today, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were tasked and ordered to make that delivery with Krysta’s help-- bringing crates of food and drinks to keep the storage bunkers stocked up.

The Moon’s low gravity made it easy to ship the large boxes.

Rainbow was grumbling softly. “All that combat training. All those exercise drills, space flights, combat practices… just so I can deliver a few intergalactic groceries.”

Rarity felt just as annoyed by all this as she patted dust off her uniform. “I have a Fashion Shoot to prepare for, and here I am scraping up Moon Dust.”

Spike was growing annoyed. “Will you two quit complaining already. It was kind enough of their majesties to let us put Twilight Sparkle Scales in the palace Daycare until we got back.”

“We’re almost done anyway.” said Applejack. “So, quit your whining and get to work.”

“Besides, you all got a trip to the Moon out of it.” added Krysta. “How often do you get to come up here anyway?”

Rainbow was not convinced. She was longing for more action and excitement rather than menial tasks. “When is something exciting going to happen around here?” she complained.

“Come on, Rainbow. Don’t go wishing for trouble.” said Spike. “We’ve already got our hands tied with all this meteor stuff. What else could happen?”

The second he said that there were large flashes of light striking over the lunar hills.

The alarms went off in the base and the creatures began rushing to their stations.

A team of scouts left the building heading out over the hills to investigate.

“What’s happened?” asked Krysta.

One of the soldiers replied, “We’re detecting readings of life.”

Rainbow’s eyes and sense of exactment lit up brightly.

“Rainbow!” snapped Krysta “You have your orders. This isn’t your assignment!!” but Rainbow had already dashed over the hills.

“Ugh!” groaned Applejack, and she flew off after her.

“Hey! Wait up!” Krysta hollered as she followed.

“Oh, dear!” groaned Rarity.

“Come on, honey.” said Spike.

When the gang and the squad arrived on the scene, they could not believe their eyes; two unconscious aliens in burlap clothing lay flat on the ground.

Spike, as a General, ordered, “Get these two into medical-care, and prepare them for transport to the planet.”

“Yes, Sirl!” the troops replied.

Very soon, the two aliens were placed on special stretchers and brought back to the Lunar Base.

Suddenly, there was another series of bright flashes in the sky.

“What now?” cried Applejack.

Everyone looked and saw tiny shooting objects, like shooting stars falling into the atmosphere of United Equestrian, and they vanished into nothing.

“Whatever was that?” wondered Rarity.

“Probably just bits and pieces of the meteor that was just intercepted.” suggested Rainbow.

Krysta was not convinced. “When was the last time you heard of meteors giving off flash storms with no warning?”

Right now, they had bigger things to do, like get the aliens back to base.

Meanwhile, Flareous was fuming at Keltar.

“All my Flame Guards were wiped out?!” he bellowed. “My son was seen with Princess Glaceia, and they were blasted out into Space?!”

“Yes, sire.” replied Keltar “The scouts informed us of their observations. Prince Pyron has vanished.”

Flareous flared up, ready to incinerate his lackey in a fit.

“…Sire please!” shouted Kalter “There may be hope yet to find them!”

Flareous calmed down. “You had better make this good. I have enough to worry about without Blizzord hearing of all this!”

Keltar motioned up to the big vortex which could be seen with the naked eye. “That is warp vortex. It serves as an instant gateway between this portal and wherever a second one is placed.”

“I’m well aware of this!” snapped Flareous, and then suddenly he realized and chuckled wickedly, “Of course… it just may work.”

While at the same time, Blizzord was speaking with Smark.

“What is that vortex, my king?” Smark asked.

“Don’t you know anything?” the ice king balked. “That vortex was used by The Great Warrior, who defended our two worlds from disaster, long before this war began.

He used them to instantaneously transport himself from one area to another to confuse his enemies and get the better jump on them.

When the warrior disappeared, two of his portal orbs were left behind. One was kept on Motlic, and the other was kept here on Iceinia.”

He began to understand now. “Glaceia! She must’ve taken the vortex orb from its resting place, and used it to rendezvous with Flareous foolish son, Pyron!”

Blizzord was looking angry enough to melt his icy skin, which frightened Smark to the point of backing away from him.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash in the sky.

The vortex was going crazy, and it just exploded into tiny little fragments that rained down all over Icenia and Moltic, vanishing into seemingly nothing.

“What has happened?” wondered Blizzord.

“I don’t know.” peeped Smark.

Flareous had seen the light shower as well. “What happened to the vortex?”

“I am uncertain,” replied Keltar. “Perhaps an investigation is in order?”

“Yes, you do that.”

“Me, sire?”

“Yes! Is that a problem?”

“N-N-No Sire, it’s just perhaps I shouldn’t go alone, and I did want to demonstrate my new form of Flame Guard to you.”

“What new form?”

Keltar demonstrated by revealing a handful of dried-up rocks with hot streaks across them. He threw the rocks to the ground, and in small flares appeared Flame Guards, only they were artificial beings only made to fight, had little to no fear, and never questioned orders.

“I had been working on it for months,” explained Keltar, “I thought perhaps we would use them in the war so as not to waste our best soldiers.”

Flareous looked at all the guards, and he snickered, “Interesting. You just may have pleased me, Keltar.”

Keltar bowed, and then he said, “I also have one other thing to show you.” and he motioned for a real Flame-Guard to approach.

Flareous grew impatient, and-- not interested in more delays-- bellowed “JUST GET OUT THERE AND INVESTIGATE!”

“Let’s go!” Keltar cried to his guards, and they all rushed out together. The real Flame-Guard followed them too.

Meanwhile, Smark was trekking through the icy terrains of Iceinia. He was sent to investigate the strange occurrence as well.

“Why do I always have to do the hard stuff?” he grumbled. “It’s dangerous out here.”

The feeling of facing an angry King Blizzard to be worse, he continued to the point where one of the flashes was seen.

“This is where it was.” he said to himself, but he couldn’t see anything at all.

“Hello…” he called up expecting something to happen.

“Hey! Will something happen already?!”

Still, nothing happened.

His tantrums alerted a lone Ice-Soldier patrolling the lands-- a real one.

“What are you shouting for?” he asked. “I almost thought you were a Moltician.

Smark felt insulted but explained himself and his mission.

“Come with me…” said the guard and he led the dumpy little fella to an empty area. “I noticed one of the flashes seemed to settle here, and then it just vanished.”

Smark and the guard both investigated the area together.

“There’s nothing here!” growled Smark. “Thanks for waiting my time, when I could have--” but as he ranted, he raised his arm up high, and suddenly, both he and the guard were caught in some force that made them both vanish in rays of light, and they were gone.

Meanwhile, Pinkie had gone home with Biscuit, while Lightning and Starla were putting little Twinkle down for her nap.

The proud parents looked down at their sleeping angel, only for Lightning to be distracted by Shining Light softly poking his leg and wanting to get up and see.

Daddy picked up his son and let him look.

“She’s cute.” Shining whispered.

“Isn’t she…?” cooed Lightning.

Starla smiled lovingly at both her children, but then she whispered into her husband’s ear. “What do you think those lights were?”

He whispered back, “I’ve already received word that the research is underway. Hopefully we’ll know soon enough.”

Suddenly, without warning, Krysta appeared in their home crying out, “Lightning! Lightning!”

Lightning and Starla both gasped in fright, and poor little Twinkle woke up crying loudly.

“Ooh! Sorry, I forgot about the baby.”

Starla comforted the baby attempting to calm her.

Lightning put his son down. “What is it, Krysta?”

“You need to come to the palace, it’s big-time urgent.”

When it came to Starfleet, duty always had to come first unless there was a good reason not to, and being a father with a new baby was not one of them. As Commander, Lightning had his obligation, while Starla would stay behind as she was on maternity leave and needed to tend to the baby.

She understood this and nodded at him, “You better go. I can handle things here.”

“And I’ll stay and help, Mommy.” offered Shining Light.

Lightning patted his son on the head, “That’s my boy.” and he hugged him, and then pecked Starla goodbye before he warped away with Krysta.

Once at the palace he was greeted by Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna.

“Glad you made it, Lightning.” said his majesty.

Lightning bowed respectfully and then he asked, “What’s going on?”

“Come and see for yourself.” replied Celestia.

Lightning was led to Sickbay where he was greeted by his other friends, but what he saw next nearly left him speechless.

“Galloping Galaxies!” he exclaimed softly when he saw the two aliens in their tubes and hooked up to life-support.

The two had been analyzed while on the Lunar Base, their vital signs were normal, while their body temperatures were understandable that of higher/lower than normal beings as they were of Fire and Ice, but not so high or low to cause any concern.

“They don’t look like any known creatures I’ve seen.”

“This was our trouble as well.” said Grand Ruler. “If all our preliminary data holds, they were definitely transwarped through Space and crashed on the Moon.”

Lightning nodded, “Which means we don’t have the slightest idea who they are, what they are, where they come from, or much else.”

“So, we’ve pretty much discovered a new species.” said Spike.

Rarity shuddered at the aliens’ unsightly burlap cloaks. “Whatever would possess them to wear these ratty things?”

“How wicked is this?” chuckled Rainbow. She was still gloating over being among the first to actually see the aliens and come into contact with them. “I can just see it now…”

And she imagined herself being on the cover of all important magazines or being praised for this discovery and having statues in her honor.

Luna cleared her throat snapping her back into reality.

Rainbow felt embarrassed, “Sorry.”

Celestia then said, “The only way we’ll know more of them is when they wake up.”

“But even then, it is uncertain if whether they are friends or foes.” cautioned Luna.

“Agreed,” said Grand Ruler. “Until further notice, they are to remain under close guard and be examined for any details.”

The Sickbay staff agreed and continued to do their work.

As Lightning continued to look back and forth between the two aliens, and noting their elements of Fire and Ice, he began to ponder, “Maybe these two know something about all these molten and ice meteors we’ve been tracking.”

Everyone else had the same idea as he did, although Rainbow kept more of her ego imagination-- dreaming that she’d get credit for unlocking the mystery of this as well.

Suddenly, the Red Alert sounded.

“Quick, to Main Ops!” ordered Grand Ruler.

He quickly teleported himself and the group to the Control Center.

Captain Shaina was there being briefed already.

“Your majesties!” she cried “Just moments ago we detected strong, unusual teleportation energies occurring around New Ponyville, followed by unidentified life readings.”

Lightning’s insides immediately crawled with worry, “Starla!”

Everyone was just going about, minding their own business, working, playing, or just hanging out, when suddenly these strange creatures just appeared in bright flashes.

The alarms were instantly sounded, and the ponies began to run for the nearest shelter, while Starfleet sentries.

“Interesting!” mused Keltar. “I wonder what this place is?”

“Freeze!” shouted a voice.

Buddy Rose landed in the middle of the road, already in his super-armor, and he wasn’t alone.

Joining him were, Rhymey and Fluttershy, Artie, Pinkie Pie, and the Spanish Twins Dyno and Myte.

“Ah, you must be the welcoming party.” teased Keltar.

Buddy, taking charge of the group demanded, “We are Starfleet of Planet United Equestria. State your name, your place of origin, and your purpose for being here.”

Keltar looked confused, “Starfleet? United Equestria?”

“You’ve head of us.” said Artie.

“No. I just want to remember that when I report back to his majesty.”

“Majesty?” everyone felt.

Rhymey then spoke severely to the stranger.

“We ask you again, where are you from?
How did you get here, and why have you come?”

Fluttershy then added,

“This is your last chance,
Answer now, or we’ll advance!”

Keltar was really becoming intrigued by these creatures and their stance of aggression. He just had to find out how serious they were.

“Get them!” he shouted to his Flame Guards.

The soldiers, holding their swords high, rushed forth.

“Guess it’s the hard way.” said Dyno.

“Andale!” shouted Myte.

The team all rushed forth, combating the now, hostile aliens.

“Ha!” Buddy shouted as he gave one a huge kick in the chest. The guard fell over backwards and crumpled away like the molten rock he was made from. “They’re artificial!”

This was good for the others to know.

Another guard swung and slashed his blade at Artie, but Artie dodged every swing, and then blocked the guard’s arm with his own. He could feel the heat coming from the creature’s hot body. “Whoa! You seriously need to… chill!” Artie shouted as he kick-tripped the creature down.

Pinkie was surrounded by three more guards. “Can’t we start over and be friends?” she asked innocently, but the alien soldiers stepped forth with their swords ready.

“Didn’t think so.”

The aliens struck for her, but she leapt up high, splitting her legs in midair like a gymnast, and then spun rapidly, kicking the aliens in their faces.

While the ponies all continued to make quick work of the Flame-Guards, Keltar stood where he was feeling more and more amused by the minute at their fighting skills.

“They’re beating all my guards like they are nothing. I must test them further, and I have just the thing.”

He reached into his robe a pulled out a larger fiery-glowing rock badge with a carving of an alligator on it-- the very other thing he had intended to show Flareous.

He then motioned for someone to come forward-- the real Flame Guard whom had followed him, but was asked to keep out of sight.

“I am ready.” The guard said.

Keltar nodded and stuck the badge on the guard’s forehead.

At once, the guard growled and wailed, and finally there was a big explosion, just as the ponies finished off the last of the artificial guards.

“What was that?” cried Dyno.

“Look!” said Myte.

The smoke from the explosion had cleared, revealing a large, hulking creature. It was twice the size of the ponies. It had a huge alligator face with teeth and everything, and its entire body was coated in red hot rocks… and it laughed wickedly. “Now this is what I call power!”

“Check it out!” exclaimed Buddy as he scanned the creature with his visor. The creature was unknown, but apart from realizing it was a mutated living-being, its temperature was super-high, and its strength levels were strong, almost as if it were made from a kind of molten rock.

“How do you like my Lava-Gator.” hissed Keltar. “I’ve been meaning to test these badges out, but they can only be used on real Flame-Guards, rather than those hollow fakies.”

The ponies didn’t like this one bit.

While all that happened, right before the battle ever started, Lightning realized, “I’ve got to go back and help the others.” but just as he and Krysta were about to teleport away, the alarms went off again.

“Another teleportation reading!” cried Shaina. “Unidentified beings have just appeared within New Canterlot Village.”

Lightning growled.

Grand Ruler clenched his fist. “Celestia, Luna, you two stay here and help monitor. The rest of us will investigate.”

His wife and sister-in-law agreed, and Celestia pecked him for luck, “Not that you need it.”

Lightning and the girls decided to transform.

“Starfleet Magic!”

“Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!”

“Dragon Power!”

Smark and the Ice-Guard that was caught with him suddenly appeared in the middle of town, instantly scaring the civilians, and the alarms were sounded.

“Hey!!” Smark growled as he pulled his floppy ears shut. The civilians screaming as they ran away for shelter made it worse.

“What is this place?” wondered the Ice-Guard.

“Halt!” shouted a voice, and that’s when a horde of royal knights stood together.

The lone Ice-Guard looked ready to take on the swarm of ponies, but Smark had a feeling, “I think you’re going to need some backup.” and he threw on the ground a load of icy-like crystals, which transformed into artificial Ice-Guards evening the odds.

The two forces looked ready to brawl when…

“Stop!” shouted Grand Ruler as he and the others landed on the scene before the guards.

Shaina scolded the sentries, “You all know fully-well we’re supposed to wait and see if they mean us harm.”

The guards stood down at their Captain’s orders.

Grand Ruler and Lightning’s team softly approached the aliens.

Smark looked at his majesty and asked, “I take it you’re the boss here?”

His majesty nodded, “I am Grand Ruler Celesto: Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet and Co-Ruler of the Planet United Equestria.”

“United-Equestria?” asked Smark “Doesn’t ring a bell, but I do like this “Starfleet” thing.”

Lightning stepped forth. “Who are you, and how is it you came to this planet without our noticing?”

Smark’s features hardened. “Hey! You can’t talk to me like that, why, I’ll… I’ll…!”

“Stop this!” insisted Grand Ruler “We don’t wish to hurt you, but if you mean us harm, we will defend ourselves.”

Smark was starting to like this assertiveness. “I may have been sent to find the Princess and her so-called lover, but I think I’ve found more.”

“Princess and her lover?” said Rarity. “What’s he talking about?”

Spike wondered, “Do you think he means those two aliens we found?”

Smark overheard them. “So, they are here. That’s all the sweeter.” He then cleared his throat and declared “I demand you hand over the Prince and Princess immediately… please.”

Grand Ruler and Lightning put two and two together. These strangers had some connection with the two aliens in the Sickbay, but even still…

“We will not hand them over to you until we know more about you.” insisted Lightning.

Smark’s features hardened. “Look, I don’t have all day here. Just hand them over and come with me to see King Blizzord. I’m sure he could use fighters like you in his army against Planet Moltic.”

These names still made no sense to the team, but Grand Ruler said clearly, “We state again… we shall not comply with you until we know more about all this.”

Smark lost his patience. “Guess we’re doing this the hard way.” He then pulled out an icy badge with the marking of a horse on it and tossed it to the real Ice-Guard. “Put it on your forehead.”

The Ice-soldiers rushed forth, and Grand Ruler-- now classifying the aliens as hostile-- cast them all in with a barrier dome.

The Ice-Soldiers slammed against the walls furiously pounding at it.

“Yeah! That should hold them.” cheered Rainbow.

“You think so?” teased Smark, and he and the other aliens jumped off the ground, vanishing into thin air.

“What?!” exclaimed Grand Ruler.

“How did they do that?” wondered Lightning, but his visor suddenly showed that the very air was loaded with tiny fragments of teleportation energies.

“I can’t be…!” said Krysta, but she knew it was. “…Invisiports!”

Everyone looked her way, “Invisi-- wha…?” asked Applejack.

Krysta, being an expert on teleportation arts, explained, “It’s a form of invisible portals that can instantly transport beings from one place to another-- like an interdimensional tunnel.”

Suddenly, the aliens reappeared.

“We’re back!” chuckled Smark.

He brought more artificial Ice-Guards, but that was all.

Right next to him appeared a large and fearsome horse-like creature. He had sparkling, icy skin, a crystalized mane, and he snuffed strong icy winds through his nostrils.

“Ice-Hoof, at your service.” he hissed.

Smark snickered, while the fighters all stood ready to intercept.

“It’s go-time!” hollered Lightning.

Grand Ruler agreed, and he instructed the knights. “You take on the foot soldiers, we’ll handle the beast.”

“Yes, sire.” replied Shaina. She raised her lance up and shouted to her knights, “Charge!”

The knights complied and rushed into action against the alien soldiers, leaving his majesty and the others to stare down the monster.

Ice-Hoof stomped his hoof and snuffed threateningly, and then he came rushing through at incredible speed, forcing the fighters to leap out of the way.

As the horse sped by, he stirred up a trail of icy winds which everyone felt.

Ice-Hoof then reared up and stomped down hard, shouting, “ICE MANE BARRAGE” unleashing loads of sharp ice pellets from his mane that exploded as they hit the ground, hardly hitting the fighters.

“Talk about Freezer Burn!” cried Rainbow.

The monsters charged again, but Spike stood ready!

“DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” curling himself up in his flames, he rolled out and slammed hard into the charging horse, resulting in an explosion that sent them both flying up and crashing down hard.

“Spike!” Rarity cried as she ran to her husband’s side.

Spike was fine, but he was outraged. “For a guy of ice, he can sure take heat.”

Lightning clenched his fists, but now that the monster was wide open, he rushed right for him, roaring and aiming a strong punch, but the monster dodged-- sprinted right ahead of him, and prepared to buck kick him hard, but Lightning managed to quickly spin round and put his arms out front to intercept the kick, which sent him backwards on his feet a few yards.

“You think you’re so tough?” bellowed Ice-Hoof, only for a lasso to lash around his neck.

“We don’t think; we know!” bellowed Applejack.

Ice-Hoof jerked about trying to break free, and Applejack could barely hold her ground, but Rarity came over and lassoed the creature’s body in a light stream from her horn.

“Get him!” she called her friends.

POW!! Grand Ruler kicked the beast hard in the side.

BAM!! Rainbow gave a soaring punch to the creature’s big face.

“Take this!” Lightning shouted as he fired multiple pulses of Uniforce, and Krysta added by firing many beams from her wand, and Spike gave a huge fiery breath to boot.

Sparks and explosions flew about, and the monster tumbled over with a loud thud, shaking the ground.

“Whoa!” cried Smark. “This is getting too dangerous for me.” And he quickly went through a warp.

The creature growled and bolted back up on his hooves. “That was uncool, so now try this!” he bellowed. “FREEZE FISSURE!” He stomped his hoof sending a blue shockwave through the ground, splitting the ground open into big pits spouting harmful snow and ice.

KAPOW!! The force of the eruptions blew the fighters off their feet hard as tons of snow fell on them.

“Lightning!” cried Krysta.

To Be Continued…


In our next episode: Our heroes continue to struggle against their new foes, and upon a successful defeat, they begin to learn more of the situation going on from their two new allies.

How did all this begin, and what is the story behind the two aliens?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Fire and Ice Wars: Part 2”)

(End Credit)