• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 277 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Intro: Hot/Cold War


There are many planets within the galaxies of the Dimensional Universe; many of which have yet to be discovered, and they all have their own specialties, differences, and some even have their own unique races of creatures.

Some are kind and innocent, while others are not!

One race of happy aliens was just going about their peaceful lives-- working, laughing, playing, and not bothering anyone at all…

…When suddenly, a large, flaming meteor-- the size of a small house-- was spotted high in the sky and heading straight for them!


The massive rock crashed hard into the ground, causing a big explosion, horribly obliterating everything in its path-- village and people alike.

They were not the only ones.

Another planet was suddenly bombarded by a shower of icicle like meteors causing destruction and devastation everywhere.

Two more were hit by fire meteors and strong ice rocks that didn’t even burn up upon entering the planets’ atmospheres-- as if they weren’t ordinary pieces of rock or ice.

All these planets were hit by surprise. All these bombardments just showed up suddenly from the depths of space!

These projectiles were all coming from the same place…!

In a far and unexplored sector of the galaxy, there was a lone star system consisting of only two planets orbiting the star.

One was a reddish and very warm planet: The Planet Moltic. With red skies, and hot temperatures, not deadly. Hot Springs and villages like any other with houses, dugouts, and even small cities with a populace of orange skinned humanoid beings with round ears that had small, serrated edges to resemble flames.

The second was an icy blue world: The Planet Iceinia. With cold mountain terrains with lots of ice and snow. Villages and towns as well. Their populace consisted of icy blue skinned humanoid beings with pointed ears.

The two planets were at war with one another-- constantly launching and firing projectiles at one another.

A large flaming meteor was heading straight at Icenia, but it was intercepted by an equal sized ice rock launched. The two rocks collided with each other causing them to head on out into space in different and random directions.

On planet Moltic; in the royal palace. The ruler of the planet gazed through a telescope and was raving mad.

He was King Flareous: A large, muscular Molticean, with large biceps, and wearing thick red and silver armor. He carried a large sword with a bright hot tip, and he wore a strong Viking-like crown made of iron with large horns on the sides.

“Lucky shot, King Blizzord!”

Then he turned to shout at his royal army of Flame Guards. “Arm another meteor to be fired! We’ll show that frozen freak who’s the greatest!”

The guards all complied and rushed about to fulfil their king’s orders-- digging up large flaming stones from the ground, melting them all into one massive rock, loaded in their monstrous cannon.

While in a royal palace on Icenia, King Blizzord was laughing wickedly. He, like Flaerous, was also large and muscular. He also had an icy-like mustache, and short crystal-like beard. He wore an armored vest with large iron bands on his wrists, and a long white robe skirt that stopped at his knees. In his hands he carried a large silver trident with ice-spike shaped points.

“You missed me again, Flareous!” he bellowed. “Now it’s my turn! I’ll make you pay for what you did to me!”

Then he shouted to his army of ice-guards. “Launch the ice-missiles!”

The mighty rockets were launched, but their tail debris of chucks of rock and ice rained back down on the planet-- crashing into the mountains, causing avalanches, and some pieces even struck near or in the nearby villages, frightening the poor residents into taking cover or fleeing for their lives.

Their king did not care a bit, he was far too focused on his task at hand, but not just attacking his neighboring planet…

“SMARK…!” he bellowed.

A short, and dumpy little alien with white skin, great big, floppy ears, waddled into the chamber. “Coming, your freeziness!” He very nearly tripped over his floppy feet, stopping before the king.

“Well?!” Blizzord growled. “What have you to report? Where is my daughter? She’s been missing for nearly a month.”

Smark looked almost afraid to tell him. “I’m… well, sire, the thing is…”

“Out with it!” snapped Blizzord.

“…Your daughter is rather sly, and we’ve been unable to find her.”

Blizzord looked as if he would blow snow through his large ears. “I bet I know where she is… and after I specifically forbade her!”

“I’ve already sent a squad of soldiers to find and retrieve her, my lord. They should return with her soon.”

“For your sake, they had better!”

At the very same time, Flareous was ordering his Flame Guards, “Get out there, and find my son!”

The foot soldiers complied and dashed out.

“KELTAR!!” Flareous shouted.

A tall, thin alien with red skin, tall ears like a donkey, and a flat, nooseless face came in. “You called, sire?”

The king looked ready to explode. “I thought I told you to keep a sharp eye on my son the prince.”

Keltar bowed nervously. “Forgive me, but your son is as rebellious as ever. I turned my head for one second and--”

“I’m not interested in excuses!” shouted Flareous. “You had better hope we find him.”

Keltar shuddered nervously. “Sire, I have also received word. Ice Soldiers have been spotted.”

Flareous flared up angrily. “Take no prisoners! Destroy every single one of them!”

Far away from the devastated ground and all the battle action, a lone figure wearing burlap cloaks and robes silently made his way across the lands of Moltic.

Finally, he reached his destination-- a small rock mountain surrounded by gas geysers.

He skillfully hopped his way up the rocky slope to a flat area halfway up the mountain where the rock formations made a tiny cave niche.

He checked around to see that he was alone and reached for a small sack in his robe. He pulled out a simple clear orb, with what seemed like a vortex inside of it.

He then threw the orb on the ground; it burst open and unleashed a small vortex portal to appear, while the orb closed and lay on the ground empty.

Almost instantly, someone else--a female-- wearing a burlap robe like he was, stepped through the portal, carrying a second clear orb, and having unleashed a second portal where she came from.

She turned back and aimed her orb inside the vortex, shooting a magical beam from the orb itself, resealing the vortex from the other side back within her orb.

The male then resealed his vortex in the orb he had.

The two beings placed the orbs back in sacks on he then faced each other and removed their hoods.

The male was a handsome orange skinned Molticean, with short blonde hair, and a red band around his forehead with a fire emblem.

Prince Pyron.

The female Iceinian, with long sparkling silver hair and a very pretty face. Around her forehead was a beaded tiara with an Ice Emblem on it.

Princess Glaceia.

They gazed at each other with loving smiles, and they came together in a deep embrace, locking their lips together.

When they separated, Pyron expressed great concern. “Glaceia, you should not have come here. It’s too dangerous, and--” he was interrupted by his love holding his hands together in hers. “I had to see you again, my love.

This war between our worlds has gone on long enough. Both our fathers must be stopped!”

Pyron agreed, but he, like his love, had no idea how.

Pyron shook his head and sighed. “If only The Great Warrior would come. He could stop all this.”

Glaceia agreed, and embraced her love, resting her head against his chest. “Oh, Pyron!” she sobbed. “When will this all end? I can’t bear all the suffering, all the pain any longer!”

Her love only embraced her wishing he could answer.

Suddenly, he felt that they were no longer alone.

The couple turned round and saw a swarm of Flame Guards.

They were a massive army of foot soldiers. They had fiery orange skins, and wore rock armor-- helmets, torso pieces, and even gauntlets and boots, and they all carried hot orange bladed swords.

“So, here you are!” one of them bellowed.

Glaceia held on tightly to Pyron.

“Take the prince back to the palace.” ordered the head guard. “The princess shall come as our prisoner. I’m certain King Flareous can use her as a bargaining chip to bring down Iceinia!”

“You stand down!” demanded Pyron. “As crowned prince of Moltic, I order you to leave us in peace.”

“Insolent boy!” bellowed the guard. “We only take orders from the King. He will be furious when he learns of your disobedience!”

The guards moved in closer towards the helpless couple… when suddenly…!

The guards were bombarded and pelted by shards of ice as a horde of Ice-Soldiers came rushing up the mountain trail.

They wore silver, crystal-like armor over their icy blue skin, and carried crystal-like spears made of incredible strong ice that couldn’t be broken as easily as regular ice.

“Surrender the princess to us!” demanded the head guard.

A fierce battle engaged with the two forces fighting against each other, much to the slight relief of the couple. While they hated to see more fighting, this was their chance.

“Come, Glaceia!” cried Pyron, and he began to run with his love further up the trail.

The Flame Head guard saw them. “They’re getting away!”

Both forces stopped their brawl and gave chase.

…Unaware that Blizzord had launched another large ice-meteor from Iceinia!

At the same time, Flareous, who had seen the meteor, ordered another interception-- shooting at that meteor with one of his own.

The two meteors collided with each other, banging off course, and heading straight to the area where the couple had fled!

Higher and higher up the mountain the lovers fled with the two armies catching up from below, until the couple were trapped on the peak with no place left to run.

“Surrender!” shouted the Flame Guards.

“Surrender!” shouted the Ice-Guards.

The couple still refused to give in, or even let go of each other.

Suddenly, one of the guards looked up and screamed, “LOOK OUT!!” The two rouge meteors were heading straight for the mountain. As small as they were, at the speed they were falling…!

CRASH!! One meteor smashed hard against the mountainside, causing a massive tremor which sent all the guards tumbling down the mountainside to their dooms.

Glaceia screamed, but Pyron held onto her tightly.

The second meteor crashed seconds later. against the mountain base, causing the geyser field to erupt so massively that it blasted the entire mountain up, up, up, like a rocket!

The couple held onto each other hard as they went higher, and higher, and right out of the planet’s atmosphere-- exposed to Dimension Space without proper protection.



The two managed to keep holding each other just a bright flash made them vanish-- warping them deep into Space to who knew where.

…And in the midst of the chaos, Pyron’s vortex orb had fallen loose, and was smashed open unleashing a vortex in orbit at half points between the two planets, while containment its orb was lost-- completely smashed to bits by more debris, making it impossible to seal the hole up