• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 311 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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Escape Junkertown!

Junkertown’s main chamber
Tuesday 1:00 AM
Thrown room

Experiencing the searing pain of a gunshot wasn't new to me, but this one felt different, worse somehow. My mind was a fog of confusion, unable to grasp what had transpired. The throbbing ache in my back only added to the discomfort, reminiscent of being dragged across rough terrain for hours. Amidst the agony, a nagging feeling gnawed at me, hinting at something more sinister at play, whether it be further injury or some other unforeseen trouble.

As I gradually regained consciousness, I felt a firm finger pressing against my arm, prompting a hiss of pain as the sting of my gunshot wound pulsed through me. Gritting my teeth against the discomfort, I pushed myself onto my knees and rubbed my face, my senses slowly coming back to me. Taking in the room before me, I cursed under my breath at the sight of the disheveled surroundings. My attention was drawn to the Junker Queen, cradling Spike in her lap, her touch seeming almost tender despite the discomfort etched on his face. Had he attempted to escape?

"Hello, Moss. Rested well?" The Junker Queen's voice cut through the haze as she rose, gently placing Spike on the throne. His eyes met mine briefly before he darted towards Twilight, seeking solace in her presence. "Twilight, are you alright?" I asked, relief flooding through me as she nodded in response. But before I could fully register the moment, my attention snapped back to the Queen, a knife gleaming menacingly in her grasp as she directed it towards me.

"I've had my fill of fun and games," she declared, advancing towards me with measured steps. "I never intended to challenge the rulership, but your inept guards have pushed me to..." Her words trailed off as the blade drew dangerously close to my neck, the pressure increasing with each passing moment. Despite the threat, I maintained my composure, meeting her glare with steely resolve. Silence hung heavy between us for what felt like an eternity, until finally, a chuckle escaped her lips as she withdrew the knife, the tension dissipating momentarily.

"You see, scrappers never do that... what makes you so special, Moss?" Her question pierced through the air, causing me to avert my gaze. My eyes found Twilight, who was attempting to soothe Spike's distress while he whimpered softly behind the muzzle guard that restrained him. "Can you please remove that thing from the dog... I can't stand seeing him like that," I pleaded, my voice heavy with empathy as I glanced downward. The weight of Spike's stare bore into me, even as the Queen chuckled lightly in response to my request.

"So you care for this dingo? Ha! Very well, but he is mine now!" Her declaration rang through the room as she snatched Spike up and removed the muzzle guard, tossing him onto her throne. "Spike!" Twilight's cry echoed with concern, her attempt to rise thwarted as she was shoved back onto her knees. The Junker Queen leveled her knife at me once more, her tone laced with finality. "I welcomed you to my city, Moss. Yet, you've brought nothing but trouble with my men. I gave you fair warning... and now, you'll pay the price for it." Horror washed over me as I contemplated the fate that awaited not only myself but also Twilight and Spike.

"Wait! What about them?" I motioned towards Twilight, my desperation evident in the gesture. The Queen's laughter filled the air before she seized Twilight by the neck with her gauntlet-clad hand.

"Ah, Twilight! Cease this, release her now. Your quarrel is with me, not her!" My demand rang out, but the Queen dropped Twilight with a dismissive gesture, turning her attention to her bike. "How shall we proceed? A bullet, a beating, or perhaps a collision with a vehicle?" Her words dripped with malice as she strode over to her axe. Panic surged within me as I scanned the room for anything, my gaze landing on a large decorative bone on the roof. It was a long shot, but it might just be our saving grace. With Spike trembling beside me, frozen in fear, I formulated a plan. "I think I have an idea," I thought to myself before letting out a sharp whistle, capturing Spike's attention.

"Ah, decisions, decisions... Perhaps the mighty Junker Queen should opt for a more fitting weapon to dispatch this pitiful soul," I remarked, subtly signaling Spike to glance up at the oversized bone suspended above. Catching on to my plan, he nodded eagerly, leaping off the throne to search for a route up. Twilight's silent question hung in the air, but I remained silent, focusing on maintaining the facade. The two wreckers seemed oblivious to Spike's movements, their attention fixed on the impending execution below. With the Queen now positioned directly beneath the hanging bone, our plan was poised to unfold.

"You know, for once, you're right, Moss... There's nothing quite like the sight of my axe drenched in blood," she remarked, signaling her Wreckers with a snap of her fingers. They swiftly subdued me, pressing my head to the ground as the Queen prepared to deliver the fatal blow. Just as the axe was poised to descend, Spike's intervention came just in time, gnawing at the rope holding the bone aloft.

"Wait, stop!" Twilight's desperate plea rang out, her confusion adding to the chaos. Ignoring her, the Queen raised her axe high, boasting of Junkertown's ruthless reputation. But her proclamation was abruptly silenced as the bone began to plummet. Spike yelped as he slid off, landing safely behind me and Twilight, while the massive bone crashed down upon the Queen, forcing her to relinquish her weapon in the process. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly rose, delivering a punch to one Wrecker and a kick to the other before helping Twilight to her feet, our escape now within reach.

"We need to get out of here!" I exclaimed, scooping Spike up in my arms. "Anon!" Spike's voice was urgent as he nuzzled my chin and cheek, a moment of warmth amidst the chaos. "Any ideas, Twi?" I asked, turning to her for guidance. She tapped my shoulder, directing my attention to the Queen's bike. With a smirk, I wasted no time in mounting the bike.

My movements halted as I heard the Queen's enraged growls and her futile attempts to free herself from beneath the bone. "You'll pay for this, Moss!" she spat, reaching desperately for her axe. Ignoring her threats, As I worked on hotwiring the bike, the Queen's frustrated attempts to free herself echoed through the room, her enraged growls serving as a backdrop to our urgent escape. "Hurry, Anon!" Twilight urged, her voice laced with a mix of fear and determination. With a final twist of the wires, the engine roared to life, a symphony of defiance against the Queen's tyranny.

Sensing our chance, I gestured for Twilight to climb onto the bike behind me, ensuring Spike was securely tucked away beneath my shirt. His presence was a comforting weight against my chest, a reminder of the stakes we faced and the need to protect each other at all costs.

As we prepared to make our escape, the Queen's threats only fueled our resolve. With a defiant smirk, I revved the engine, the vibrations beneath me a tangible declaration of our defiance. "Hang on tight," I called to Twilight. Ignoring the Queen's enraged shouts, I flipped her off defiantly before revving the bike's engine and tearing out of the castle with Twilight clinging tightly to my back. As we raced through the winding corridors of Junkertown, adrenaline coursing through our veins, I couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph at our daring escape.

However, the Queen's fury was not so easily quelled. With a fierce determination, she retrieved her axe and unleashed a wild barrage of swings, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoing through the halls. In a fit of desperation, she grabbed a nearby radio, her voice dripping with venom as she broadcasted her orders. "The bastard stole my bike! Wrecking Ball, get them!"

The urgency in her voice only fueled our determination to stay ahead of whatever forces she sent our way. With each passing moment, the distance between us and Junkertown grew, but we knew the Queen would stop at nothing to reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers. Our only hope was to outrun her pursuit and find sanctuary beyond the city's borders.

"Twilight, use this!" I shouted, thrusting the gun into her hands. She yelped in surprise but managed to grasp the rifle, her eyes wide with uncertainty. "But I don't know how to use it!" she shouted back, her panic mirroring Spike's whimpering under my shirt.

"We don't have much time, just do something!" I urged urgently as we navigated around a corner, the Wreckers hot on our trail. With a mixture of fear and determination, Twilight clutched the gun tightly in her hands, her eyes darting between the weapon and the approaching danger.

As the chaos unfolded behind us, marked by the screams of the wreckers, I breathed a momentary sigh of relief. "Good work! Wait... where's the gun?" I asked, scanning our surroundings frantically, realizing the weapon had vanished from Twilight's grip. "I used it," Twilight confessed, her grip tightening around me as we sped through the chaos. Despite my initial frustration at her choice, there was no time for recriminations now; our focus had to remain on escape.

As we raced past the rat hideaway, I hoped desperately that we could lose our pursuers in the labyrinthine streets. However, our hopes were dashed as Wrecking Ball, in his formidable machine, managed to catch up, rolling alongside us with alarming speed.

"The front gate is close, be ready!" I shouted over the roar of the engine, preparing for whatever obstacle lay ahead. But before we could reach safety, Wrecking Ball surged forward, positioning himself dangerously close to us.

"Hang on— Oh, shit!" I exclaimed as Wrecking Ball's presence loomed large beside us. Twilight's unexpected greeting to the mechanical menace left me momentarily stunned, my gaze shifting from her to the looming threat outside.

"Hi Hammond!" Twilight's cheerful greeting to Wrecking Ball caught me off guard, prompting me to shoot her a bewildered glance. "The fuck is Hammond?" I muttered under my breath, my attention quickly returning to the task at hand as I skillfully navigated another sharp turn.

Twilight's yelp of surprise echoed my own as we banked around the corner, the rush of wind and adrenaline fueling our desperate bid for freedom. Ahead, the front gate loomed into view, tantalizingly close and mercifully open. A surge of relief flooded through me at the sight, spurring me to push the bike to its limits as we raced towards the beckoning promise of escape.

"Close all gates to the city!" Wrecking Ball's authoritative command rang out, sending a shiver down my spine as I heard the gates beginning to creak shut behind us. Bullets whizzed through the air, narrowly missing us as Wrecking Ball took aim with his gun, the threat of his firepower looming dangerously close.

With Twilight's panicked shouts and Spike's terrified plea echoing in my ears, I gritted my teeth and focused on the task at hand. We couldn't afford to falter now. As we raced towards the closing gate, the Wreckers stationed atop it unleashed a barrage of gunfire, their relentless assault threatening to cut short our bid for freedom.

Twilight's cries of fear mixed with Spike's desperate plea intensified the urgency of our escape. With the gate inching closer, I pushed the bike to its limits, a surge of adrenaline coursing through me as we hurtled towards the narrowing gap. The gate was our only hope, and failure was not an option.

"Hold on, everyone!" I shouted, my heart pounding in my chest as I released the brake and gunned the engine, propelling us forward with newfound speed. The relentless barrage from Wrecking Ball's turrets intensified, but it was too late; we were already escaping the clutches of Junkertown.

As we burst through the closing gate, Spike's exuberant cheers filled the air, punctuated by Twilight's joyous laughter. "We're out... we did it!" Spike exclaimed, his excitement contagious as I couldn't help but join in their jubilation.

Glancing back at Junkertown receding into the distance, a mix of emotions washed over me. The years spent surviving in that harsh environment flashed before my eyes, but now, we were free. No more tattered clothes, no more dirt-streaked faces, no more constant struggle for survival. As we raced away from Junkertown, the landscape stretched out before us, a vast expanse of possibility. The wind whipped through my hair, carrying with it a sense of freedom that I hadn't felt in years. Twilight's laughter and Spike's barking filled the air, their joy infectious as we left our troubled past behind.

As the adrenaline of our escape began to ebb, a sense of relief washed over me. We had defied the odds and emerged victorious, forging our own path away from the oppressive grip of Junkertown. Ahead lay a world of endless potential, where the only limits were those we imposed upon ourselves. With a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, I turned to my companions, their faces illuminated by the golden light of the setting sun. "We did it," I said, the words heavy with the weight of our shared triumph. "And now, anything is possible."

My laughter rang out, buoyed by the sheer exhilaration of our escape, as we spotted a road stretching out before us. Turning to Twilight with a beaming smile, I spoke with unwavering determination, "We're going to find your crown soon, okay, Twi?" Her smile mirrored my own, a radiant expression of hope and anticipation, as she wrapped her arms around my back in a tight embrace.

Feeling Spike's gentle embrace around my belly, I winced slightly as his touch grazed my wound. Sensing my discomfort, Spike withdrew, his remorse evident in his eyes. "Sorry, it's just... I couldn't stand that place anymore," he muttered softly, his voice filled with a mixture of sadness and relief. With a reassuring pat on his head, I smiled warmly.

As we continued down the road, the warmth of companionship enveloped us, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and newfound camaraderie. With each passing mile, the weight of our past struggles seemed to lighten, replaced by a palpable sense of optimism for the future. Twilight's determination to reclaim her crown served as a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there was always the possibility of redemption and renewal.The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the landscape, I felt a sense of peace settle over me.

As we turned down the road, a small town came into view on the horizon, its quaint charm a stark contrast to the rugged landscape we had left behind. With a sense of cautious optimism, we approached the town, hopeful that it would offer us sanctuary from the harsh realities of the outside world.

As we neared the outskirts of the town, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. Here, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, perhaps we could find a sense of normalcy, a respite from the constant struggle for survival that had defined our existence in Junkertown.

Though most of the population consisted of junkers, I remained hopeful that the townsfolk would be welcoming and accepting of outsiders like us. After all, in a world where alliances were forged in the crucible of adversity, perhaps here, in this small town, we could finally find the crown. With that thought in mind, we ventured forth, eager to begin the next chapter of our journey.

Sunset grunted in frustration as she made her way down the dimly lit hallway to her boss's room. With each step, the weight of her responsibilities seemed to grow heavier, a constant reminder of the challenges she faced as a member of her organization. As she entered the room, she was met with the sight of Reaper and her boss, their attention focused intently on a large screen displaying footage from one of Australia's surveillance cameras.

Her eyes narrowed as she observed the scene unfolding on the screen: two humans and a dog riding a bike, their figures illuminated by the glow of the setting sun. Something about the image stirred a sense of recognition deep within her, igniting a spark of intuition that urged her to pay closer attention.

"Miss Shimmer, it seems we've found our little pony," Doomfist's deep voice resonated in the room as he rose from his seat to tower over Sunset. She responded with a contemptuous snort, her gaze unwavering as she met his gaze. "As I suspected, they've utilized a different gateway, indicating the presence of one in Australia," Sunset explained, her tone tinged with a mix of determination and frustration. She turned her attention to the figure driving the bike on the screen, her mind already racing with possibilities.

"Looks like she's got a royal guard with her too," Sunset remarked, her voice cool and calculated as she observed the figures on the screen. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she analyzed the situation, already formulating a plan of action in her mind.

Before Doomfist could respond, Reaper stepped forward, his sudden movement drawing Sunset's attention. She watched intently as he spoke, his words carrying a weight that she couldn't ignore.

"No... I know that man," Reaper's voice was tense, his clenched fist betraying his inner turmoil. Sunset exchanged a glance with Doomfist, her curiosity piqued by Reaper's cryptic revelation.

"He is an Ex-Overwatch agent, his name is Anon Mous," Reaper continued, his gaze fixed on the figure of Anon on the screen. Sunset's mind raced with possibilities as she processed this new information. An ex-Overwatch agent... the implications were significant.

"He knew Reyes a long time ago... when he was younger," Reaper added, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia tinged with bitterness. Sunset absorbed his words, sensing that there was more to this story than met the eye.

"So... an Overwatch agent is helping the princess? Not good at all... Sunset," Doomfist's voice cut through the tension in the room, his gaze fixed firmly on Sunset. She met his gaze with a steely determination, her arms crossed defiantly.

"I didn't know that there are more out there. I thought that all of them were killed off," Sunset replied defensively, her tone laced with frustration. She had thought that the threat of Overwatch had been eradicated, but now it seemed that there were still remnants of the organization lurking in the shadows.

Before the conversation could continue, another woman emerged from the darkness, her presence commanding attention. Sunset's eyes narrowed as she studied the newcomer, her instincts on high alert. "Widowmaker..." Sunset's voice dripped with disdain as the top assassin strode past her, her eyes rolling in exasperation at the woman's presence. She watched silently as Widowmaker approached their boss, her posture rigid and her expression unreadable.

"Sir, I have returned with our target dead. I request another mission," Widowmaker stated bluntly, her voice as cold as ice. Sunset's gaze flicked to Doomfist, her curiosity piqued by the exchange unfolding before her.

Doomfist turned his attention from the screen to Widowmaker, his gaze piercing as he considered her words. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly, his decision made. "Very well, Shimmer. Keep a close eye on the cameras. Moira will be attending to the crown. Reaper and Widowmaker... find and kill that agent... and bring the girl here to me," Doomfist ordered, his voice firm and unwavering.

Sunset nodded in acknowledgment, her mind already racing with the implications of their new directive. With the hunt for Anon Mous and the princess now escalated to a matter of life and death, Sunset knew that the stakes had never been higher. As she prepared to carry out her orders, she steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to prove herself worthy of her boss's trust.

As Reaper and Widowmaker swiftly departed, Sunset's curiosity watched the screen and sees their conditions. She turned to her boss, a questioning look in her eyes as she observed his contemplative expression.

"Judging from their conditions... they're moving away... out of the country," Sunset remarked, her voice laced with intrigue as she analyzed the situation. She watched as Doomfist remained silent, his gaze fixed on the screen displaying the agent's image.

Without a word, Doomfist continued to observe, his mind undoubtedly calculating the next move in their deadly game of cat and mouse. Sunset couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within her as she waited for his next command.

Finally, Doomfist tore his gaze away from the screen, his eyes betraying a steely determination. "You'll be a simple fly... swatted off the world for good... be ready, Mous," he declared, his voice carrying a chilling promise of retribution.

Sunset nodded solemnly, her resolve hardened by the weight of their mission. As she prepared to embark on the hunt for Anon Mous and the princess, she knew that the coming days would test her to the limit. But with her boss's words echoing in her mind, she was more determined than ever to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

[Location: Searching...]
[Anon Y Mosu: 64%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Twilight: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]