• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 310 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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The Mirror to another world (edited)

Today felt strange, Twilight Sparkle mused as she and her friends journeyed to the Crystal Empire for a significant visit. Their agenda included meeting not only Princess Cadence but also Princess Celestia. Since being crowned the next princess, Twilight had embarked on a journey of learning how to fulfill her new role, making this trip vital for her and the future of the realm.

"Why me?" she pondered quietly, casting her gaze downward. "I'm just a solitary pony who happens to have experience with magic." Lost in thought, she was soon interrupted by one of her friends inquiring about their next steps. Twilight would then confide in her friend, admitting that adjusting to her newfound wings hadn't been easy. It felt as though they had a life of their own, harboring an inexplicable aversion toward her.

Unbeknownst to them, deep within one of the alleys, a mysterious figure lurked, patiently awaiting the next move. Glancing back at a cloaked pony behind them, the figure nodded subtly before vanishing into the mist, shadowing their target as the other individual faded into obscurity. Meanwhile, Twilight pressed onward with her companions, the urgency of their journey weighing heavily upon them. However, a sudden chill crept up her spine, causing her to glance back at the surrounding houses uneasily.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Spike's voice broke through her thoughts, drawing her attention back to the group. With a faint nod, she replied, "Uh... yeah, I'm coming," trotting back to join them. As they continued, atop a nearby house, a swirl of black mist dissipated into another alley, prompting Twilight to mutter in bewilderment, "What the..." Upon their arrival, Twilight inadvertently collided with a guard before clearing her throat nervously. She was warmly greeted by Princess Cadence, Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia, who extended their welcome to her and the rest of the Elements, detailing the plans scheduled for the following day.

As they dispersed, Twilight found herself lost in her thoughts, still grappling with the question: "Why me?" Trotting down the halls, she mulled over her doubts. Spike noticed the unease etched on her face and halted, causing Twilight to come to a stop as well. "What's wrong?" Spike inquired, prompting Twilight to glance down at him. "Oh, it's nothing, Spike. I've just been thinking, that's all," she replied softly as they entered her room together. "Really? Because the rest of us don't think it's nothing, Twilight. What's been bothering you?" Spike pressed, concern evident in his voice."It was that obvious?" Twilight thought, inwardly chastising herself before sighing softly. "I just don't know how to feel about being this," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"I get it, Twilight. The Crystal Empire is a bit... different," Spike began, attempting to offer reassurance. "No, no, that's not it," Twilight interjected, interrupting him. "I mean being a princess." With a heavy sigh, she removed her crown, delicately placing it on the nightstand. "Sure, I'm an Element of Harmony, but why do I need the crown and these wings?" She glanced at her wings pensively. Spike rubbed his chin in contemplation before turning to her. "Why is that?" he questioned.

"I don't know. I mean, it's too late to go back, but I just don't feel... ready to take over, and to live forever," Twilight confessed, her gaze drifting downward as she wrestled with her thoughts. Suddenly, Spike placed a claw on her leg, drawing her attention. She looked down at the small dragon, who gazed up at her with a warm smile.

"Twilight, you don't need to worry about that. That's the future. You need to focus on today," Spike advised gently, his words bringing a small smile to Twilight's face as she nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I guess I still need more time with this, even if I have to deal with these stupid wings!" Twilight exclaimed in frustration, attempting to make them flap to no avail. "Let's just go to sleep," Spike suggested, settling down onto his bed and closing his eyes. Twilight groaned as she attempted to find a comfortable position, her wings sticking straight up before she finally managed to settle down. With a sigh, she began to drift off to sleep, preparing herself for whatever challenges tomorrow might bring.

As night fell, the hooded figure from earlier concealed themselves as night guards patrolled the area, silently making their way past. With utmost caution, the figure continued on, evading detection by any guards. Eventually, they reached the door to the new princess's chamber, where their prize awaited, sitting innocuously on a nightstand next to the bed.

The crown emitted a soft, blue aura as it levitated toward the hooded figure, who deftly placed it into their satchel. With cautious steps, they retraced their path back outside, but a sudden noise made them freeze in place. Twilight stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open as she noticed her crown missing from the nightstand.

"My crown! Someone stole my—" Her words caught in her throat as she glimpsed a figure near the door before they dashed off. "Someone stole my crown!" Twilight's alarmed cry roused her friends from their sleep, prompting them to join her pursuit of the fleeing pony. "I've been spotted! Go to plan B," the thief muttered, turning a corner only to find themselves face-to-face with two guards. Twilight and her friends caught up, effectively cornering the thief.

"Now, thief! Give me back my crown! You're done!" Twilight demanded, her voice laced with determination. The figure chuckled before removing their hood, revealing a vibrant yellow and red haired pony. Twilight was short-lived as black mist swirled around the figure, coalescing into a towering black beast with a haunting white visage, causing Fluttershy to tremble in fear.

"I'm done? Heh, no, I think you are done here, Twilight Sparkle!" the theif taunted before teleporting behind the guards. Meanwhile, the beast took shape, clutching something ominous as black mist engulfed the hall. A deep, menacing voice reverberated through the air, chilling Twilight and her friends to the bone.


The room began to disintegrate around them, forcing Twilight and her friends to dodge around corners to evade the chaos. As the cacophony subsided, they cautiously peeked around the corner, only to find the two guards lying lifeless in the hall, a grim testament to the danger they faced."What... what was that?" Spike's voice trembled with unease as he looked to the others for answers. Applejack took charge, urging them to press on while she attempted to call for help.

They continued their way, hastening their pace until they caught up to the pony and the beast standing near a mirror. "Thanks for the crown, your highness. Talon will take good care of it!" the pony declared before leaping into the mirror. The beast followed suit, its laughter echoing ominously as it dissolved into mist and disappeared into the mirror as well. Twilight stood in shock, her eyes wide as she watched them vanish. Slowly, she turned back to her friends, her ears drooping in dismay as the reality sank in - her crown was gone.

Celestia gazed solemnly at the mirror, a flicker of regret in her eyes as she wished not to see it again. She explained that the pony, Sunset Shimmer, was once her student but had left after encountering some difficulties, disappearing into the mirror. Now, with her return to steal Twilight's crown, the situation became significantly more problematic.
"The crown symbolizes the defense of Equestria, and without it, our foes become nearly impossible to stop," Celestia emphasized, her tone grave. The group listened with growing apprehension as she continued to speak.

Rainbow Dash piped up, suggesting that she and the others accompany Twilight on her mission, sparking excitement in Pinkie Pie. However, Celestia cautioned against it, warning that a larger group would attract more attention and potentially leave Equestria defenseless. She explained that if Twilight missed the next full moon, she would be trapped inside for a long time until the next 30 full moons.

"But if I go in, would I change?" Twilight inquired, her gaze searching the princess's eyes for answers. Celestia nodded gravely in response. Spike, unable to contain his anxiety, chewed on his claws, watching Twilight closely as she was handed a pack. The group rallied around Twilight, cheering her on as she approached the mirror. With a determined expression, she lifted a hoof to the portal, ready to embark on her mission. Suddenly, Spike dashed forward, gnawing on his claw before impulsively leaping into the portal, leaving the others startled and uncertain. They exchanged uncertain glances before turning their attention back to the mirror, unsure of what to do next.

Flip the table presents…


Feeling the inexplicable pull of the portal, Twilight struggled to maintain her composure, but the force proved too strong, causing her to succumb to darkness. Unbeknownst to her, Spike had jumped into the portal alongside her.

As Twilight slowly regained consciousness, she felt the solid ground beneath her, confirming their safe arrival. "Uh, Twilight?" Spike's voice interrupted her daze, prompting her to focus. With a start, she realized his presence. "Spike, why are you here?" she inquired, her vision beginning to clear.

"Sorry, I got a little nervous... I just couldn't let you..." Spike trailed off, his words faltering as he glanced over at Twilight. Suddenly, she noticed something odd about him. "Wait... Spike? Why are you a dog?" she questioned, confusion evident in her voice. "Don't worry about me... I should ask what you are?" Spike responded, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Twilight lifted her hands to inspect them, only to find two peach-colored hands staring back at her. A wave of panic washed over her as she screamed at the sight of her altered form.
Spike, still retaining his purple color but displaying more dog-like instincts, scratched his ear nervously. Twilight continued to examine her transformed body, her heart racing with anxiety as she took in the unfamiliar features.

"What does the rest of me look like?" she asked, her voice trembling as she attempted to stand up. Spike struggled to find the right words, ultimately blurting out, "Like you... but not you." Twilight leaned against a nearby wall for support, taking in their surroundings as they both tried to come to terms with their altered appearances and the unfamiliar world they found themselves in.

Twilight surveyed the desolate surroundings, taking in the sight of ruins strewn with junk and dried-up dirt. The buildings, though in odd shapes and predominantly made of stone, boasted a good number of windows. The inhabitants shuffled about, covered in dirt and clad in tattered clothing. Examining herself, Twilight noted her clean clothes, a stark contrast to the grime and disarray surrounding her. "But where am I?" she muttered, her gaze returning to the portal, now appearing as a simple wall. Tentatively, she extended a finger towards it, finding it solid and real, eliciting a sigh of resignation. Turning her attention to a large door nearby, she read the sign: "Junkertown?"

With a determined resolve, Twilight steadied herself and took slow, cautious steps forward. Spike, now in his dog form, easily navigated the terrain, having walked on all fours before. However, Twilight, now a towering peach-skinned creature, found herself adjusting to the unfamiliar experience of walking on two legs.As Twilight and Spike cautiously explored the unfamiliar terrain of Junkertown, they encountered a curious man who approached them, eyeing Twilight with bewilderment.

"Oi, what's wrong with you lot?" the man exclaimed, scrutinizing Twilight's appearance.

"Uh... I don't know," Twilight replied, uncertain of how to explain her situation.
"Why do you look like that?" the man persisted, clearly perplexed. Confused, Twilight glanced down at herself before realizing the man's concern wasn't about her appearance, but rather the absence of dirt covering her.

"What, this?" she gestured to her clean clothes, puzzled. The man shook his head in disbelief. "Nah, where's all the dirt? It's standard Junker rules," he explained, rubbing his chin in contemplation. "Dirt?" Twilight echoed, her confusion growing. Suddenly, the man gasped and hastily retreated back indoors, leaving Twilight and Spike exchanging puzzled glances.

Determined to find Sunset and reclaim her crown, Twilight pressed on, her resolve unwavering. "You may know how it works here, but I will get my Crown back!" she declared silently as they made their way towards the market, unaware of the presence lurking nearby, watching their every move.