• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 310 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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The running never ended (Edited)

Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Tuesday 9:30 AM
Living Room

"And so we must take precautions," I explained, pointing to the map of Junkertown. Yesterday, I had to break the bad news to Twilight. She's still not happy about losing her portal home. Now, hearing that I have to move soon too, she's even more displeased. Time is wasting, and we still have no clue about where this stupid crown is! I grunt and slump onto the chair, frowning at the TV as the news continues to play in the background. Maybe moving to London is safer now... it's been a while, and I think I can find someone for favors. I stopped as Twilight picks up the map and rubs her chin in thought.

"I might have an idea," she said, placing the map down in front of me. "Maybe we could try and sneak into the castle to find the—"

I interrupted her before she could finish. "Twilight, as much as I want to help you find this crown, I'm not risking my life to search for it at the queen's home," I said firmly, crossing my arms. She groaned and sat down next to Spike, starting to scratch his head in frustration.

"We've got to think more clearly on this. I might have some options that are either the right or wrong call," I said before raising a hand. "One. We give up searching," I stated, causing both Twilight and Spike to protest instantly.

"But!" I interrupted them. "We look somewhere different," I said, standing up to flip the map over to show the world map. "Now, I won't really recommend America. That whole state is crawling with Talon agents, and I'm not looking to be killed off that easily," I explained, pointing at the marks indicating their potential locations.

"Wait, that word Ta—" Twilight was interrupted again as the door was knocked loudly. "OI, SCRAPPER!" Shit! I stood up tall, shocked to hear what sounded like a wrecker outside my door. "Fucking— how did they find me that fast?" I thought before grabbing my holster and gun, getting my gear on. I adjusted my scarf and looked back at Twilight and Spike. I nodded towards my room. "Go to my closet, I have some gear for you and Spike," I whispered as I slowly walked to the door.

The door was knocked loudly again as Twilight and her dog made their way to my room. "Oi Anon, please come out... I don't want any trouble," my neighbor said, making me slowly take my pistol out and clear my throat.

"What do you want?" I asked through the door. Sounds of men laughing lightly as one guy cleared his throat. "The Queen wants a word with you, Mous," said one of the wreckers. Confirming my suspicions, I gripped my pistol tighter, now looking back at Twilight. She had a similar set to mine, but her scarf was shorter and matched the color of her hair. Spike now had a collar on that was attached to some small plated armor around his neck.

"The queen, huh? What for? She and I are on good terms," I said, making the group laugh even louder. "Yeah, right. As if a scrapper like you would ever be able to talk to the queen! I mean, you're not like those other strange guys in black and red armor and—"

"Shut up, Grubber," a wrecker said.

I grunted a bit as I looked around the apartment for something. Then I saw my window and got an idea. The group muttered before the knocks grew louder, and the wood began to creak. Twilight and Spike stepped back from the door and walked over to me.

"Anon... I don't like this idea at all," she said, looking at the window and already guessing my plans. "There's more in there! Wreck the door!"

I gasped and quickly grabbed Spike and Twilight's arms, dashing towards the window. "Hold on tight!" I shouted as the glass shattered and we fell to the ground. Quickly, I pulled Twilight close and turned Spike away from the ground as we landed hard. It wasn't my first time, so I got up swiftly.

Not long after we jumped, gunshots rang out, causing people all around us to run away. Twilight covered her head as bullets whizzed past, and Spike began whining and panicking.

"Come on! We've got a head start! The front gates are a good way away, so move!" I said, putting my pistol back in its holster. Twilight got up and dusted herself off, following closely and picking up Spike along the way as we started running.

Not having much luck, we heard the wreckers shouting as we turned the corner. The gates were on the other side of town, and we were on the opposite side. Now thinking about it, we might have to make some noise once we're close... because the gatekeepers won't just let us through. "Hey, Anon! They're gaining on us!" Twilight said, running close to my side as we dashed down the hallway. It was difficult trying to stay ahead when the junkers just stood and watched us run past them. But soon, we stopped as we saw the one thing I wished I didn't. Not too far away, I saw... the champion of all Junkertown, Wrecking Ball…

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says... stand down..." the ball said, cocking its guns. Twilight gasped at the rodent but shivered at the sight of the weapons. Soon, the Wreckers were behind us and grabbed Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight!" I shouted, quickly running up to the wrecker and punching his gut, freeing the two. Thinking fast, I handed my gun to her and shouted, "RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!" She nodded and ran down the alley, with some Wreckers giving chase, leaving a few and the ball with me. I glanced back at the champion and then at the remaining grunts, ready for whatever came next.

"Shit... gotta say... big fan of your fights," I said, looking over at the hamster. He nodded slowly before smiling lightly. "Hamster sounds... He says thank you," the ball said before slowly walking up, but then stopped. The hamster then crossed his furry arms together and nodded at the two wreckers, one of whom grabbed my shoulder, but I shoved him off. The hamster then frowned. "You are smarter than this, Mous," the ball said, with the hamster nodding in agreement.

"I'm not... I just wanted..." I stopped as I saw the grunts come back with Twilight and Spike. I gasped, seeing the bruises on her arms and Spike not looking the same. I growled, "What the fuck did you do to her and the dog?" I said, making the wrecker grin. "She's in trouble just as you are, scrapper—"

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says... we do not hurt the females... and bang?" The hamster then slapped the top of the ball, who then looked at the grunt and shot a bullet towards his leg, making him fall down. The one behind me panicked. "Mr. Wrecking Ball! I'm sorry for my friend's action—" The hamster lifted a paw.

"Hamster sounds... the hamster says not to pull stunts like that again without permission," the ball said before walking up to me. "Anon Y Mous, you are under arrest for disobeying the law in Junkertown. The Junker Queen wishes to see you. If you resist, we will open fire," the ball stated, making me grunt. We had failed the escape, and it was going to be a lot worse now... fuck! I slowly raised my hands up and nodded to Twilight to do the same. She sighed and compiled as the Wreckers surrounded us. Twilight was in cuffs, and Spike was picked up with a muzzle guard on. He blinked in horror and looked over to me with hope, but I looked away. I didn't want him to see me like this... Soon, I was shoved to the ground.

"We will inform the queen. We'll see you there, Mous," the ball said before turning into a ball and rolling away. But as the champion was gone, the wreckers all chuckled lightly and walked up to me.

"Now that he's gone... we can show you what happens when you mess with us, scrapper," one of the goons said before kicking me straight in the face. Soon, I felt my back getting kicked by more grunts.

Ah, got it! Let's adjust the scenario accordingly:

Twilight's voice pierced the chaos, her eyes wide with horror as she and Spike struggled against the iron grip of the Wreckers. I lay helpless on the ground, battered and bloodied, my senses reeling from the onslaught. Spike's frantic barks echoed through the air as he strained against his restraints, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and fury.

"Stop!" Twilight's cry rang out, her voice trembling with raw emotion. But the Wreckers showed no mercy, their grip tightening as they continued their assault.

With a surge of adrenaline, Twilight fought against her captors. Spike's growls grew louder But the Wreckers were relentless, their blows raining down with brutal force. I lay helpless, my body battered and broken, the warmth of my own blood seeping into the cold pavement.

The Wrecker's ominous declaration froze the air, sending shivers down my spine. Before I could fully process his words, the cold barrel of my own pistol pressed against my abdomen, its weight a cruel reminder of my vulnerability.

"No!" I snapped, my voice cracking with anger as I struggled against the hands that held me captive. With a surge of desperate adrenaline, I lashed out, aiming to knock the weapon from the Wrecker's grasp.

But fate, in its merciless whims, had other plans. In the heart-wrenching moment that followed, the pistol discharged with a deafening crack, the world around me exploding into a haze of agony. A searing pain ripped through my belly, stealing the air from my lungs and leaving me gasping for breath.

I crumpled to the ground, my vision swimming with tears as waves of pain washed over me. Twilight's anguished cry pierced the chaos, her frantic struggles against the Wreckers a blur of motion in my fading awareness. Spike's frantic barks mingled with the cacophony, a symphony of fear and desperation.

I felt the world go quiet for a split second as the gunshots rang in my head. I felt the wreckers let go of me, making me look down at my body. There it was... the bullet wound. Blood was covering my shirt in red. I then looked up and blinked for a second. I swear I thought I saw him... my captain... Gabriel... along with Cole, Genji... then I saw my commander Jack... I couldn't help but smile.

"Cap... tain... what's on the agenda?"
