• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 311 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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It’s wrecked or be WRECKED! (Edited)

Junkertown crabby hotel lot
Monday 9:00 AM

Another day, another search begins... But Twilight informed me that her gateway home was... gone. She said that her chance of return is now lost, and she's looking a bit homesick, so I told her to stay at my apartment. Spike was eager to go and train today, so I decided to take him and explore around.

But so far, I think... that girl is going to change. Without a way home, it means that she has to adapt to this new reality. Anyway, I'm outside with Spike as we make our way to the Bombers District, home to the scrappers. Spike was starting to get used to the surroundings and stopped hiding behind people. He may be a dragon from his other world, but here, he's a beast among the wolves.

"So, uh, what's the story about this place?" Spike asked.

"Huh? Oh, well, this was recently built for the scrappers. I was thinking about moving here, but we'll see what I mean," I said as we passed the sign. Not even a minute passed before sounds of glass breaking and gunshots filled the air. Spike shivered as he looked around the more populated area. "So, you're still thinking about moving?" Spike said, looking up at me as I laughed. "No, I think where I am is fine," I said before ducking as a bomb was launched at a house and exploded.

"What's going on? Sweet Celestia, they're biting each other's arms!" Spike said, watching more of the junkers fight. I sighed, rolling my eyes. *We're never going to find this crown here!* I thought before I saw some Wreckers pick up some scrappers and punch them into the wall.

"Uh, Anon! Mind telling me what happened over here?" Spike said, jumping over a passed-out body. I looked down at him and sighed. "This was one of the recent areas that the queen made after she had the crown," I explained to the dog, who then scrunched his muzzle in confusion.

"Wait, what if the Junker Queen had the crown?" Spike asked, looking up at me. "No way. If I know her, she would break the thing or shove it down someone’s throat," I laughed.

"Darn, another dead end... What should we do?" Spike asked, looking up at me. I rolled my eyes once again as I noticed the wrecker from the other day. He was drinking a beer but spat it out as he saw me. He muttered something to the other Wrecker and then got up and walked over to me... oh, shit.

"Oi, Scrappy!" The Wrecker said, walking up to me with a face full of anger as he grabbed my scarf. "You listen here, you little piece of crap. You listen to us... and if you decide to mess with us... you get WRECKED," he threatened, lifting a fist for a punch. I braced myself, knowing I had to take the blow. His companion joined him, cracking their knuckles. I let them deliver the blow... I didn't want to risk angering the queen by fighting back against her Wreckers, so I had to take it. Spike whimpered as he watched me stay still. A fist connected with my head, causing me to stagger back, feeling blood trickle down my brow. But before the next blow could land, Spike growled and lunged, biting the man's leg.

As the Wrecker's companions tried to kick Spike off, I attempted to move to help him, but I was stopped by a knife to my shoulder from the first Wrecker. "I warned you, you bastard... now you get to watch your damn dog die," he snarled. Despite the pain, I watched helplessly as Spike was kicked to the ground. Anger surged within me. It was time to teach these thugs a lesson.

With a grunt, I forced the knife out of my shoulder and swiftly retaliated, cutting the Wrecker's leg again. Then, I dashed forward, stabbing his hand and head-butting him, causing him to drop the knife. Without hesitation, I reached for my pistol, aimed at the other Wrecker, and shot his arm. I then turned my attention back to the first Wrecker, firing another shot into the same spot I had stabbed him in the leg.

As I set Spike back down, his whimper tugged at my heart. I scanned our surroundings, realizing that we were now surrounded by a crowd of scrappers and Wreckers, all eyeing us with a mix of curiosity and hostility.

"We need to find a way out of here," I muttered, my mind racing with possibilities. "Stay close, Spike."

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the crowd. It was rough and authoritative, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Hold it right there!"

With Spike's reminder fueling my urgency, I picked up the dog and ran, my muscles straining with each stride as we dashed through the crowded streets of Junkertown. The distant shouts of the pursuing Wreckers echoed behind us, growing louder with each passing moment.

Ahead, I spotted a narrow alleyway between two dilapidated buildings, barely wide enough for us to squeeze through. Without hesitation, I veered sharply into the alley, my heart pounding in my chest as we navigated the tight space. The walls felt like they were closing in on us, but there was no turning back now.

As we sprinted through the chaotic streets, the shouts of the pursuing Wreckers grew louder behind us. I glanced around desperately, searching for any means of escape. That's when I spotted it—the towering wall that separated the lower district from the upper parts of Junkertown.

"Come on, Spike!" I shouted, grabbing him by the collar as we veered towards the wall. With a surge of adrenaline, I propelled myself towards it, using the momentum to scale its rough surface. Spike yelped in surprise but clung tightly to my side as we ascended.

My muscles strained with exertion, but I pushed myself harder, driven by the urgency of our situation. As we reached the top, I threw myself over the edge, rolling to a stop on the other side. Spike landed beside me, panting heavily but unharmed.

"How did you..." Spike began, but I cut him off with a quick shake of my head.

"No time to explain," I said, scanning our surroundings for any sign of danger. The distant echoes of the Wreckers' shouts spurred us into action once more.

"We need to find cover," I said, grabbing Spike and pulling him along as we melted into the bustling crowd. As we disappeared into the throng of people, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. We had narrowly escaped our pursuers, but our ordeal was far from over. With determination in my heart, I led Spike through the maze-like streets, our eyes fixed on the horizon as we continued our quest for Twilight's lost crown.

The angry shouts of the pursuing Wreckers echoed through the narrow alleyways, sending a chill down my spine. I tightened my grip on Spike, feeling the weight of his presence reassuring me amidst the chaos.

"We need to move fast," I whispered to Spike, my voice urgent. "They're not giving up easily."

Spike nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with apprehension. "Where do we go?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I glanced around, searching for any sign of escape. "We'll have to find a way to lose them in the maze of streets," I replied, my mind racing with possibilities. "Stay close to me, and follow my lead."

With Spike by my side, we slipped deeper into the labyrinth of Junkertown, our footsteps quick and purposeful as we sought to evade our pursuers and find sanctuary amidst the chaos.

The gravity of our actions' dire consequences became increasingly burdensome as Spike's whimper caught my attention. The impending descent of the Queen's wrath loomed over me like an impending storm. "We must find a means to keep a low profile," I murmured to Spike, my voice heavy with worry. "Remaining here any longer is not an option, especially since the crown isn't here either."

"Twilight might not be happy," I said.

"She's already not," he replied. "Our way home is gone. We have to wait so long just to get it opened again... and you are all we have for help," he continued as I looked away. Memories of an argument with Twilight flooded back.

"The hero look," she had said. I remembered feeling a bit weak hearing myself being labeled as such. I sighed as I picked the dog up and pet his head, causing him to pant lightly.

"You've done good, Spike... thanks for helping me," I said, soon remembering the stab wound. He licked my face before giving my cheek a lick, causing me to chuckle. He blushed and quickly apologized.

"So, any tips while we try and get back?" He asked, now resting in my arms as we walked down the hall. "Dogs follow simple commands, attack or watch... you're different but that doesn't mean you can't fight. Like if I whistled, you'd hear a simple command..."


"Yes, but it's not as easy as just saying 'bite them.' You must know a weak spot on them. Humans usually get bitten on the arm to try to disarm them if they're wielding a weapon," I explained.

"I wish I didn't have to fight... I never want to hurt anyone," he said, causing me to stop and ponder his words. He's young, for a dog or a dragon—whatever he is, he's young and sees the world with the innocence of a child. I looked down at him as he glanced around, trying to take in his surroundings.

"I wished that too... but the world always seems to find reasons to perpetuate hate," I said, this time placing the dog down as I sighed, leaning against the wall.

"What should we do now?" He asked.

"Home... and maybe rest... and then tell Twilight the news," I said, spotting the familiar road up ahead. I contemplated what to do next regarding the whole Queen situation... she's not going to like it one bit.

"Ah! I don't like that one bit!" The Junker Queen shouted, hurling a trash can at a wrecker as the three of us formed before all kneeling before her. She paced back and forth, squeezing a small toy in her hand. "Never, and I mean never, shall a scrapper hurt my soldiers!" she snapped, pulling out her knife and stabbing it into the wall. The queen then rubbed a spot off her special bike. "Any information on this 'Scrapper'?" she asked.

"Oh! His name is Anon Mous, ma'am. He, uh... kind of kicked our asses," the wrecker said, wincing with a messed-up leg. The Queen scoffed and pulled her knife as an image of the man was handed over. Oh... him.

"That no-good dingo! Find me his address! And bring him here with all his teeth intact! I'm going to show how we punish rogue junkets in my town!" she declared, prompting cheers from all the Wreckers. She lifted her knife up, grinning at it menacingly.

"This will be bloody good," she chuckled, laughing loudly before abruptly stopping to notice her men still present. "The fuck are you doing? MOVE YOUR ASSES!" she shouted, prompting the group to cheer and rush out of the chamber, guns loaded and cars starting.

"This will be your last day living here in Junkertown... 'Mous' heh, more like moss, ha ha!" she sneered, her laughter echoing through the chamber as she prepared for the confrontation.

[Junkertown search rate: 45%]
[Anon Y Mosu: 98%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]