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#OhYEAH - The Match of the Century

The Match of the Century

Code Word: #OhYEAH

“Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the Mare Stream Arena! Tonight you are witnessing history in the making! Are you ready to RUMBLE!” the announcer’s voice echoes throughout the arena.

The crowd starts to roar and cheer as the lights around the arena begin to zoom about with various spotlights, creating a very disorienting effect.

“Our match this evening is going to be stunning, friends. Let’s bring out our first competitor, shall we? In the far corner, weighing in at a massive SIX HUNDRED POUNDS of PURE MUSCLE, the powerful and incredible BULK BICEPS!”

An exceptionally large pegasus appears rather gracefully in the air and lands on the far corner of the ring. His snow-white coat glistens in the light. He’s wearing an overly tight bright orange spandex shirt, his muscles rippling through it. His face is covered in a bright orange and red luchador mask, leaving only his piercing red eyes and a hole for his mouth. You’re surprised to see his wings are quite tiny. He lifts a hoof and grunts loudly.

“YEAHHHH!!” a shout erupts from inside the mask.

The crowd eats it up, shouting for the pegasus’ attention. A sudden hush draws over the crowd though as the announcer speaks once more.

“And now, our reigning champion… you know her, you love her… give it up for the ONE, THE ONLY, THE MYSTERY MARE!”

A lithe earth pony, much smaller than the pegasus, leaps into the opposing corner of the ring. She’s covered from head to toe in green and yellow spandex, obscuring any possible identifying coloration. A grin is on her face as she sizes up her opponent.

“Both opponents have agreed to a single round tonight, no holds barred and no holding back. Both ponies are laying it down on the line for you, so let me hear you scream and shout for them, so I ask you again… ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!”

The crowd goes wild once more as Bulk Biceps suddenly launches across the ring at the Mystery Mare, moving to body slam the seemingly unsuspecting mare. The Mystery Mare grins once more, shifting slightly out of position. Bulk soars right past her, slamming hard into the corner post. In an almost cartoon-like fashion, Bulk falls backwards and lands on his back.

“My opponent got a little too ahead of himself, didn’t he?” The Mystery Mare calls out to the crowd. “Y’all want some more?”

The crowd roars. The Mystery Mare daintily moves out of the way once more as Bulk attempts to grapple her. He lands in another heap on the floor of the ring, groaning and growling. The crowd laughs and cheers loudly.

“Look folks, I’d love to stay all night and play, but I got places to be!” The Mystery Mare crows out to the audience. “Who wants to see the Spinning Appleloosa Roll? Huh?!”

Your eyes stray from the Mystery Mare for just a second as you see Bulk Biceps pushing himself to his hooves. Somewhere from above you see a pair of menacing yellow eyes and a claw snaps. Bulk looks down at his hooves to see a glowing withered old page surrounding him in pale blue light. The crowd’s loud cheering stops and the Mystery Mare spins about as Bulk Biceps begins to grow in size.

“You’re finished, Mystery Mare!” Bulk roars angrily as his frame grows three times, then five times his normal size. “YEAH!!!”

The crowd begins to shriek in fear, dispersing all around you. Through the chaos you can see Bulk has the Mystery Mare pinned down against the corner of the ring with one of his hooves. You don’t know how, but you manage to exchange a glance with her, her eyes pleading for help.

What do you do?
> Run away. (Chaos)
> Help the Mystery Mare. (Hero)

[ENDING A: Chaos]
You decide it’s far safer to run away. You’re just one little pony, what can you do against a threat like Bulk Biceps, especially since he’s so huge! You join the crowd in scampering out of the arena as Bulk continues to grow, his massive frame breaking through the ceiling as he stumbles out into Las Pegasus. The last you saw, the Mystery Mare was still in the arena as the ceiling dropped.

You run out, watching in awe as Bulk Biceps rampages across the city of Las Pegasus. Above the cityscape you can see a pair of yellow eyes and a maniacal laughter echoes across the strip. Bulk continues to rage across the city and the laughter gets ever louder.

Eventually you are forced to evacuate the city before the Wonderbolts are sent in to contain the situation. Bulk returns to normal size seemingly out of nowhere and is seemingly confused as to how he got there.

Somewhere above, the laughter continues on.

(+1 pages for Chaos)

[ENDING B: Hero]
You decide to rush into the fray, jumping over other ponies if you have to in order to get closer. Thinking quickly you scoop up a boxing glove left by the stage and chuck it up at the massive pegasus.

“Hey ugly! Pick on somepony your own size!” you shout.

Bulk turns, lifting his hoof just enough to let the Mystery Mare free. She quickly jumps out of the ring and lands next to you.

“Thanks!” she says. “Got any ideas on what to do here?”

“It’s the page!” you shout. “If you can get the page, you might be able to beat him!”

The Mystery Mare grins widely and nods. She rushes forward, deftly dodging each attack by the enlarged pegasus. She lands on the pegasus’ arm and runs up as Bulk continues to get bigger by the second. In a flash she races to where the pegasus can’t reach and snatches the page up out of his other hoof. She lands across from you.

“What now?!” she says. “He’s not getting any smaller!”

You think quickly. “Use the page and grow bigger as well! You can defeat him and then we’ll return the page to Ponyville!”

The Mystery Mare nods, focusing her energy on the page in her hooves. With a soft glow, it begins to work! The wrestler begins to grow as well, quickly rivaling Bulk’s incredible size. Both contenders burst out of the arena’s ceiling and into the city of Las Pegasus.

Bulk Biceps roars loudly but even much larger he’s still slower than the Mystery Mare. With a quick grab on his midsection, she launches the pegasus into the air and spins him around, dropping him onto a nearby abandoned building. The pegasus groans as they both begin to shrink back down.

“Whoah,” The Mystery Mare says as you meet her outside. “That was one heck of a Spinning Appleloosa Roll!”

“That was incredible!” you exclaim. “You knocked him out cold, he’s going to feel that in the morning when he gets up.”

The Mystery Mare nods, handing over the page in her hooves. “If you’re headed back to Ponyville, stop in and let my sister know I’m okay. She’s the school teacher there, name of Cheerilee.”

You blink for a few seconds.

“Wait… you’re Cheerilee’s SISTER?!”

(+1 pages for Heroes)

Author's Note:

This one was pretty goofy. I had the idea of a Kaiju style luchador mask between Bulk Biceps and Cheerilee's sister from the comics.

I think it turned out pretty fun for sure.