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#SinisterSeven - The Sinister Seven Convene

The Sinister Seven Convene

Code Word: #SinisterSeven

“I hereby call this meeting of the Sinister Seven to order!” the little filly’s voice calls out from across the round table. After several seconds of silence, Cozy Glow jumps onto the middle of the table, fuming. “Hey, you guys! Listen up! I’m in charge here!”

“You are not in charge,” the silky voice of Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Hive responds casually. “You just think you’re in charge.”

“As much as it pains me to agree with the bug, I also say you’re not in charge,” the hulking form of Tirek says as he places his massive hands on the table. “I’m in charge, of course.”

“Idiot, you are not in charge,” a harsh feminine voice says. “None of you are as powerful as the fire alicorn Opaline!”

“You have very little power,” the dark and shadowy voice of King Sombra replies. “In fact, I’d argue that any of us are more powerful than you.”

“Agreed,” the rough voice of Grogar chips in. “But we are all magically weakened by those pitiful ponies. If anyone here should be in charge, it should be me. I am the oldest amongst us.”

“Is that accurate?” Ahuizotl says. “I’ve been around for centuries at this point. Maybe I should be in charge.”

“Shut up all of you!” Cozy Glow roars. “Arguing isn’t going to get us anywhere. I’m in charge here because I acquired this.”

She reaches into her saddlebags and puts an ancient, withered-looking page onto the round table in front of the other villains. A hum of power fills the room. Immediately the others straighten up and stare at it.

“That is one of the pages from the Book that the ponies are looking for,” Tirek says, licking his lips. “The magical power… I can almost taste it.”

“You moron, it’s not for consuming,” Chrysalis interjects. “This is magic to be used.”

“Thankfully, none of you know how to use such magic,” Grogar says with a growl. “Only I can master such powers.”

“Uh-huh, and how do we know you’re the real Grogar?” Cozy Glow says, flying up to the ram. “The last time we saw Grogar, he was Discord!”

Grogar reaches down and produces an old, cracked bell from his collar. “I can assure you that I am the real Grogar. If you will remember, I freed you from that stone prison of yours.”

“Still don’t trust you,” Cozy replies. “Don’t think you should get the page either.”

“The one who gets the page should be the most competent of us all,” Ahuizotl says, scowling at the others. “Suffice to say, I’ve never had any issues defeating my nemesis, Daring Do. I would say that is more than competent.”

“Daring Do? That old pegasus? Please. We fought the entirety of Equestria,” Chrysalis says. “I defeated the Princesses.”

“Yes, and you all lost spectacularly and got turned into stone for nearly an eternity,” Opaline says. “Perhaps it is time for some new blood to run things for a while. Clearly what you’re doing isn’t working.”

“And just where is your fire magic, fire alicorn?” Tirek says, cracking his knuckles and stepping around towards Opaline. “Oh right, you need dragons to gain your powers back. That’s too bad. I can pull magic from anything.”

“Will you two knock it off!” Cozy Glow shouts, flying in between the two. “There’s a better way here to do things, if you would just listen to me.”

“Please… not another song, I hope.” Chrysalis says with a yawn. “That last one about friendship and magic didn’t exactly go our way.”

“No, no more singing, you dolt,” Cozy Glow says, landing back on the table next to the page. “We use the page equally. Divide Equestria all across time and space between the seven of us. We all get a piece of the pie.”

“And how do we know this isn’t just another trick by you?” Grogar asks, raising an eyebrow. “You are not exactly the most trustworthy of us.”

“You don’t,” Cozy Glow replies bluntly. “But it’s the best option you’ve got, old goat.”

“I’m a ram,” Grogar says angrily.

“Whatever,” Cozy says. “So? Do we have a deal?”

“There’s always a second option,” a voice says from the shadows all around the villains. “You could always give the page to me.”

In the darkness above, a pair of yellow eyes with red pupils appears. A grin with a single tooth pointing out appears below, floating in midair attached to nothing.

“Discord,” Tirek says. “Pathetic weakling. What makes you think you can challenge us for control of this item?”

“Me?” Discord replies, his voice unearthly. “I’m not challenging you for anything. I’m simply asking that you give me that page.”

“And why would we do that?” Grogar says. “What could you possibly offer us for such a thing?”

“I will offer you what you want the most… each other. I understand the tension in the room here better than anyone else. You want the others here out of your way so you can be in control. If you give me the page, I’ll give each of you the power to do just that,” Discord says wryly.

“What do you gain out of this bargain?” Opaline asks.

“I get what I always want. Unending chaos! The page is in the wind and the game is still ahoof, and nopony is sure who the winner or the loser is!” Discord says with a chuckle.

“Don’t trust that failure,” Cozy says angrily. “Remember what he did to us? He posed as Grogar and deceived us! We can work together and become greater villains than anypony in this world has ever seen! Let us use the page together!”

“Or… you can have the power to destroy each other like you’ve always wanted,” Discord says, his grin widening. “Let’s put it to a vote, shall we?”

How do they vote?
> The Sinister Seven work together and use the page. (Villain)
> They give it to Discord for ultimate power. (Chaos)

“I’d rather work with you pathetic weaklings than give anything to this… thing,” Tirek proclaims. “Let us use the page together as Cozy has said.”

Grogar nods. “Agreed. This feels like the best course of action,” he says.

“I don’t like any of you, but I like him far less,” Chrysalis says, putting her insectoid leg on the table.

“I don’t know him well enough to trust him in the first place,” Opaline says.

“Sorry, Discord, you lose yet again,” Cozy Glow says with a deep menacing grin. “Now all of Equestria will fall to the SINISTER SEVEN!”

(+1 pages for Villains)

All the other villains besides Cozy Glow lift an appendage of some sort. Cozy shrieks with rage.

“But why? Why would you side with HIM?!” she shouts angrily.

“Because I would much rather have the power to destroy you,” Tirek says, flexing his muscles. “You are far more irritating than Discord has ever been.”

“I hate to agree with the muscle-head, but he’s right,” Chrysalis says.

“You are quite annoying,” Opaline says matter-of-factly.

“I don’t even know you all that well and I already dislike you,” Ahuizotl chips in.

“Excellent,” Discord says, a spectral claw extending from nowhere to collect the page. “Get ready for the ultimate Battle Royale, the chaos event of the century!”

A snap comes from another claw that appears out of nowhere, and suddenly Tirek begins growing to larger size. He roars and growls as he strikes at Opaline, who blocks the attack with powerful fire magic.

Discord laughs as he leaves the fighting villains to their battles against each other.


(+1 pages for Chaos)

Author's Note:

This one was my first of several stories where the options were either a Villain ending or a Chaos ending.

I liked the idea of utilizing the Villains having to decide to either unite or hate each other in order to get to the ending. Cozy Glow is so much fun to write, too.