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#ISawAGriffon - A Letter To Be Mailed

A Letter To Be Mailed
Code Word: #ISawAGriffon

You’re taking a short break from the hunt for pages from the Book, heading towards the local hayburger joint for a bite to eat, when a griffon letter carrier barrels past you, dropping what appears to be a letter out of their bag. Before you can call out to let them know they’ve dropped it, they’re nowhere to be seen!

You pick up the letter and realize it’s addressed to Spike, the dragon friend to Princess Twilight Sparkle. It appears to be from someone named “Gabby” with an address in Griffonstone, and it’s marked urgent! You recall the last time you had seen Spike was at Twilight’s School of Friendship, so you decide to take it over there yourself.

When you arrive, you’re told by a few of the ponies milling about the courtyard that you just missed Spike, having left to attend to an errand the Princess had asked him to. Unfortunately, none of the ponies you ask seem to know exactly where he went.

You take a short breather on a nearby park bench outside of the school while pondering what to do. You could take the letter to the nearby post office and try to get it delivered that way, but the letter being marked urgent gives you pause. You contemplate opening it to see what’s so important, but worry you might be intruding upon Spike’s privacy.


A tiny griffon appears on your right shoulder. She appears to be wearing a white toga dress and a miniature halo hovers over her head.

“Hiya! I’m your angel! You definitely should not open that letter,” she says. “Getting it to the proper authorities so it can be delivered to Spike is top priority!”

“But what if they don’t get it to him in time?” you ask the tiny griffon, completely aware that you probably look like you’re just talking to yourself on a park bench.

“It’s a private letter between two good friends,” the griffon replies. “Breaching that trust would weigh on your conscience forever!”


“Don’t listen to that namby pamby griffoness!” another tiny and slightly more angry voice says from your other shoulder.

You glance over to see another griffon. In fact it’s the same griffon, but instead of a halo and toga dress she has a pair of tiny red horns and a forked tail. Held in her claws is a miniature red trident.

“And you are?” you say.

“I’m the griffon telling you that this letter is important and you need to know what’s inside it!” the tiny devil-griffon replies, twirling her tail as she floats next to you. “The fate of Equestria itself could rest with you, and you would never know it because you won’t open the letter!”

“It’s not up to them!” the griffon with the halo shouts from your other shoulder. “It’s private! It might even be a love letter!”

“A love letter? Uh, last I heard Spike is not exactly into griffons,” the devil-griffin retorts. “Besides, if it was so important why did the mail carrier drop it in the first place?”

“She has a point,” you mumble, feeling a bit like the third wheel in this conversation.

“It was an accident! The proper authorities need to be notified! Not only is it a breach of trust, but it’s mail fraud!” the griffon with the halo says.

“Look, all I’m saying is that you open the letter and it’s nothing, no big deal, but if it’s important enough to involve Spike then it’s probably super important,” the devil-griffon says. “It might even have something to do with finding these pages you’ve been looking for.”

“[USERNAME], don’t you dare listen to them. They’re asking you to do something very bad,” the griffon with the halo says.

You have to make a decision.

> Return the letter. (Hero)
> Open it. (Chaos)

“That’s it, I’ve had enough of this!” you say in frustration, scaring a few ponies walking through the park away. “I’m returning the letter and that’s final!”

“Well, you’re no fun,” the devil-griffon says before disappearing in a tiny ball of flame.

“You’re doing the right thing,” the other griffon replies before disappearing in a flash of light.

You get up and race to the Ponyville Post Office. Out front you see the griffon who had dropped the letter! You run up and get her attention, showing her the letter.

“Oh my Celestia! I can’t believe I dropped this,” the griffon says.

“I tried to return it earlier but you were gone before I could get it back to you,” you say.

“Thank you for being such a good pony and returning it. I was delivering this for my good friend Gabby to Spike here in Ponyville. It’s very important. We found one of the pages of the Book in Griffonstone, and we had to rip it out of Grandpa Gruff’s greedy claws to get it here before he could cause any real damage with it,” the griffon says. “I’m going to get this to Spike right away!”

You wave goodbye to the griffon as she flies off, hoping that she finds Spike in time and that yet another page is safe and secure.

(+1 pages for Heroes)

“Okay you know what,” you say. “The little griffon with the horns is right. What if this is so important that it can’t be ignored? What if the authorities don’t have time to get it to the right dragon? I’m opening it.”

“You got this, [USERNAME],” the devil-griffon replies. “Trust me, you’re going to be remembered for this.”

“I have to say I’m very disappointed in you,” the griffon with the halo says.

Both tiny griffons disappear from your shoulder as you pull out the letter and open it. Besides the letter itself, inside is what appears to be an aged piece of paper. Upon further inspection you realize it’s one of the pages from the Book! You start to read the letter.


I’m not able to deliver this personally, I’m sorry. We've been dealing with a lot here in Griffonstone since this whole issue with the Book started. In fact, that’s why I’m writing to you.

Enclosed is one of the pages of the Book. Grandpa Gruff of all griffons found it when he was scavenging out in the nearby chasms, and well… he tried to use it. Turned a lot of things into gold in an attempt to bring back the glory days of Griffonstone. It took myself, Gilda, and Gallus to snatch it away from him and use it to get things back to normal… but Spike, we can’t keep this kind of power. It’s too chaotic for us.

I hope that you can keep this safe. The courier carrying this is some griffon I trust deeply. She’ll get it to you. Please write back when you can and let me know you’re okay.

Your Friend,

You look down at the page and grin widely. These things are pretty powerful and now that you’ve got one, you might be able to have a little fun with it. Nothing too harmful of course, but just the right amount of chaos would suffice.

(+1 pages for Chaos)

Author's Note:

I wrote this one specifically for my wife Lucky Star as an app story for her to pass out during the event. She was fursuiting as her griffon Gia the Mail Bird, and for this one she made ribbon badge flair to pass out.

This was a fun and rather straightforward choice though.