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#HappyBirthday - Party Like It’s 1982

Party Like It’s 1982

Code Word: #HappyBirthday

It’s a packed night at Trotter’s, and the cider is flowing freely while Barley Tender and Caramel Malt do their best to keep up with the party going on around them. At the center of the commotion is a mare named Lucky Star, a lime green pony with both wings and a horn and a four-leaf clover on her flank. As it just so happens, it’s her birthday! Streamers and balloons fill the air around the mare’s table and around all of her friends, and laughter echoes throughout Trotter’s.

“Another round for the birthday party, Caramel!” Barley calls out, placing several steins of cider on the bar.

“You got it, boss!” Caramel replies as she lifts them all in the air with a swish of magical power. She arrives at the table and deposits them swiftly, pulling out a small notepad. “So, what are we getting for the birthday mare?”

“Hi, Caramel!” Lucky says with a grin. “I just wanted to say thank you so much for allowing me to have my party here. I want the best and biggest hay burger you got!”

“Sure thing, Lucky. No worries! I’ll get that order right in for you,” Caramel says, winking. She quickly takes the rest of the table’s orders before dropping the ticket back off in the back kitchen. She rejoins Barley at the bar..

“Doing alright there, Caramel? You look pretty tuckered,” Barley says, tipping his hat back.

“I’ll be alright,” Caramel says. “As long as we only have this birthday party.”

“Should be, Lucky booked the bar for the whole night for her and her friends,” Barley says, pulling up his schedule book from behind the bar. “Wait a minute… Who the hay is…?”

Before Barley can get the words out of his mouth, the door to the bar opens, revealing a deep red and gold dragon wearing what appears to be a beret.

“Okay, ponies! Look out, cuz Garble is here to drop some of the freshest poetry beats you have ever heard!” the dragon says loudly.

The partygoers stop and look over as the dragon makes his way to the bar, whispering quietly amongst themselves. Lucky gets up from the table and heads to the bar as well, hearing the dragon argue with Barley.

“Whaddya mean I can’t perform tonight? You had me booked to play tonight like weeks ago!” Garble says angrily.

“Is everything alright?” Lucky says.

“Everything is fine, I was just explaining to Garble here that due to a clerical error we accidentally double booked the bar area tonight,” Barley says. “I’m really sorry to both of you, I should have checked the books a bit better.”

“Oh,” Lucky says. “Is that going to be that much of a problem?”

“Oh it’s a problem alright. I’ve got a crowd of dragons coming in tonight to watch my poetry jam,” Garble says. “This is what, just a namby pamby pony party? Make them leave. I’ll make your bar way more money tonight with the crowd I’m bringing.”

“Uh, what? It’s my birthday, you can’t just ask me to leave!” Lucky retorts angrily. “Find someplace else to perform!”

“Make me!” Garble says.

Barley lifts a hoof. “Look you two, calm down. We’ll figure out a solution to this,” he says. “Just give me some time to think, please?”

Lucky nods happily. “You’re right. Sorry about that, Garble. I’ll wait and let Barley decide what’s best.”

Garble grumbles under his breath. “Fine, I guess I’m sorry too.”

“Excellent, now Caramel, grab a drink for our fine dragon friend here while I figure out what to do here,” Barley asks.

Caramel nods and fetches a cider for Garble as Barley begins to think.

What should Barley do?

> Send Garble away and schedule him for a different night. (Hero)
> End the birthday party and send everyone home. (Villain)
> Figure out a way to let both events occur at the same time! (Chaos)

“Garble, I’m sorry, but I’m afraid Lucky did book her party way before you booked your poetry jam,” Barley says with a sigh. “I simply can’t have you in the bar tonight.”

“Ugh, well okay I guess, but I did come all this way from the dragon lands to perform,” Garble says grumpily.

“I get that, so I have tomorrow night completely free for you, and I’ll even pay you ahead of time for it if that would help offset some of your travel costs,” Barley offers. “It’s not much, but maybe it will give you incentive to stay. We’d obviously love to hear your poetry.”

“Yeah, I’ll even get my friends to come watch then,” Lucky says with a smile.

Garble thinks about it for a moment and nods. “You got yourself a deal! I’ll see you ponies tomorrow night then! Happy Birthday!”

“Thanks!” Lucky chirps before heading back to her party.

(+1 page for Heroes)

Barley sighs and walks over to Lucky.

“I’m really sorry about this, but I am going to need you to wrap up the party,” he says.

“But I booked way before Garble did,” Lucky replies. “That’s not very fair.”

“I realize that, Lucky, but we’ve been trying to get Garble on the books for a lot longer and we could use the extra bits he’s going to bring in with all the fans he’s got coming,” Barley says. “If it helps at all, I’ll comp all of your party’s meal for the evening.”

Lucky sighs before grimacing. “Fine, we’ll go, but I’m not going to forget this, Barley,” she says before stomping off in a huff.

“Alright, let’s get ready for a poetry jam!” Garble shouts from the tiny stage as dragons of all kinds filter into the bar.

Barley wipes the sweat off his brow and gets back to work.

(+1 page for Villains)

Barley smiles wryly, an idea forming in his mind.

“I have a great idea. I know we double booked you, but for a little extra do you think you’d be able to perform for Lucky’s party?” Barley says, glancing up at Garble. He turns to Lucky. “No charge to you at all, and as they say, the more the merrier right?”

Lucky and Garble share a glance and grin.

“Sure, I’ll perform for the ponies, but what about my dragon buddies coming?” Garble asks.

“They can join my party! There’s more than enough room for everycreature!” Lucky says proudly. “It sounds like a real blast, let’s go for it!”

Garble grabs his bongos and sets up on the stage, launching into his act. Everypony is enjoying the show and as the dragons filter in, Lucky greets each and everyone of them personally, offering them slices of cake and to join in the fun.

“Life is simply better when you have more friends, isn’t that right, Caramel?” Barley says, sighing as he takes in the scene.

“You got it, boss,” Caramel says. “That’s the honest truth.”

(+1 page for Chaos)

Author's Note:

Nov 18th (the Saturday of Ponyville Ciderfest 2023) was actually my wife Lucky Star's birthday! This story was to celebrate that in a way, and she used it as a pass out as Gia the Griffon Mail Bird by sharing sealed gummy treats with con guests with the code word on it.

This also gave me an opportunity to use con mascots Barley Tender and Caramel Malt, which was super fun. Also GARBLE.