• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,503 Views, 111 Comments

Ben 10: Equestria Pony - MLPFan98

After Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko are accidentally summoned by Twilight Sparkle. The two heroes will make new friends and get used to this newest world as famlair enemies plan to strike back.

  • ...

Edgar in Ponyville

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, I apologize for waiting so long, my life is just one big crap show, so I hope you can forgive me. Sorry if this chapter is not good, I did the best I could, I have been out of the game for months.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Lauren Faust and Hasbro

Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network


“C’mon Crusaders!” Apple Bloom said as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and herself were walking through Ponyville. “We gotta go get Dinky.” She said as they all took off. But one had a question.

“Hey Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo said to her. “As much as I like Dinky, why do we need to get her?” She asked.

“Because I was thinking of having her join our club.” She said with a smile, making the other two crusaders confused a bit.

“But why?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I mean don't get me wrong, Dinky is nice and cool, but why do you want her to join?”

Apple Bloom then smiled. “Well not only because she is nice, but because of something else.” She then turned to her friends. “But I won't tell you till we get her, alright.” She said as he began to tear off, Sweet eBelle and Scotaloo were still confused,but figured that Apple Bloom will tell them more when they get Dinky and head to their clubhouse.

Sweet Apple Acres/Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse

A bunch of snow had circled around the clubhouse and dropped to the ground, and then materialized into Edgar.

“What a ride.” He said with a smile as he looked at the small snow flurry that was next to him. “Thanks for bringing me here.’ He said with a smile, but he then looked around and raised an eyebrow. “Where exactly is ‘here’?” He wondered. He then noticed a small ladder and looked up to see a tree in a house. “A house in a tree?” He asked. “How particular..” He never really saw one of these before…to be honest..he never even seen a real-life treehouse before either! All he knew about the outside was from his father, so this was a new experience for him.

But then all of a sudden, he heard some noises coming from nearby and he panicked a bit. “Oh, crap.” He said as he looked around. “What should I do? Should I wait? Should I hide?” He asked as he then wondered what to do… maybe he should have thought of Thai more carefully. He then noticed a tree nearby and he nodded and pointed. “Definitely hide.” He said as he then quickly ran over and hid behind a tree. Once he got into his hiding spot he peered his head out to see fillies approaching with smiles on their faces.

“Alright, everypony, we need to have a meeting.” Apple Bloom said as she, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Dinky all smiled and went up the treehouse and entered inside. Edgar peered out of his hiding spot and looked up with wonder.

So those were ponies?” He asked himself. “They look so adorable!” He thought with a smile on his face, but then his face morphed into one of confusion. “Should I go in and introduce myself? Or should I listen in?” He wondered

Meanwhile, inside Apple Bloom made an announcement. “Ok everypony, I have called you all in here for a specific reason.” She said, “Everypony here is fond of those newcomers from the other dimension, right?”

“Heck yea!” Scootaloo said with a smile. “Ben and Rook are so awesome! I mean not as awesome as Rainbow Dash, but awesome nonetheless.” She said,

Sweetie Belle and Dinky nodded in agreement. “Did you see the way they took out the bugbear over two weeks ago?” She asked. “It was amazing!”

“Derpy told me how he turned into some seed alien to help deliver her mail.” Dinky said with a smile. “And you obviously saw how he beat Rainbow Dash at the race.” That made Scootaloo tense up a bit, but she quickly shook it off.

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yea, but now we are facing something.” She said to them all. “Have any of you heard anything from your sisters about Ben?” She asked. “Because every night, I overhear Applejack talk about how Ben is amazing and stuff, and I keep seeing her blush.”

This made the other three fillies ponder about it, and then it made them realize something. “Now that you mention it.” Sweetie Belle said. “Last night, while Rarity was tucking me in. She told me how Ben is such a kind gentlecolt…and almost prince-like. And she blushed a bit.”

“Rainbow Dash told me how awesome she thinks Ben is, and she told me not to tell anypony, but she thinks he is kind of cute.” Scootaloo said to them all.

Dinky then thought of something. “Come to think of it…” She began. “Derpy does have a crush on Ben. She told me herself.”

“What?” The three fillies said in unison and Dinky nodded her head in agreement.

“She told me herself that she feels it’s love at first sight, after he rescued her from the bugbear. Plus he helped her out with the mail as well. She thinks he is kind and very cute, but at the same time she feels a bit nervous.” She then frowned. “She told me that maybe he won't like her back due to her being, as she called herself ‘a dumb clumsy pony’”

The CMC frowned at those words. Sure Derpy was a clutz, but she very much tried her very best to ensure that everypony got their mail…even if there is the occasional slip up once or twice that is…but either way, she should call herself that.

Edgar was listening in and he was figuring out who this…Ben creature was, but at the same time, he could not help but overhear these small children discussing many things. To him, it was very similar to the many issues that happened in the Ice Kingdom at one point.

So these ponies have the same relationship issues that some of Papa’s subjects go through…interesting.” He thought with interest as he then got out a notepad and began to scribble down some notes…what more could he learn from these ponies? As he was wondering…maybe…could he..


But then, Edgars' train of thought stopped as his eyes winded and he slowly turned his gaze to see the four little fillies, now looking right at him with looks that ranged from shock to surprise. Edgar and the fillies all looked at each other for a bit, not knowing what to say…until one of them broke the silence.

“Uh…hi?” Edgar said nervously to them.

“Woah!” Dinky said as she got up close to him. “A-are you a Penguin?”

Edgar looked confused. “Well, of course, I'm a penguin, what else would I be?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

The other fillies looked at him curiously. “Well…we have never seen a talking penguin before.” Apple Bloom said to him as she looked at him. “We never saw a penguin dressed up either.” She said to him as they all inspected him.

“You haven't?” He asked. “Wow…” He said with awe. The CMC's and Dinky looked a bit confused however, where did the penguin come from? Well, it was a bit impolite to not introduce themselves.

Sweetie Belle smiled. “Well, I’m Sweetie Belle, these three are Apple Bloom, Scotaloo, and Dinky Hooves. And together, we are-”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders!” The three said in unison, Dinky sort of looked away a bit.

Edgar looked at them all with interest. “Cutie Mark? What are those?” He asked, making the fillies gasp a bit.

“Wait, you don't know what cutie marks are?” Scotallo asked him.

Edgar thought it over. “Hmm…not really, I mean I think my father once told me they were some sort of fancy tattoo on your butts…but I don't know, it's been a long time since he told me anything about ponies….” He said.

Dinky and the CMC’s looked at each other with confusion. “You aren't from around here aren't you?” Dinky asked.

“Nope, I am from the Ice Kingdom.” Egar said to them. “I am Prince Edgar, son of King Charlatan, ruler of the Ice Kingdom.” He said with a proud smile, but the fillies..well…they didn't seem impressed they seemed a bit confused. Edgar noticed and just looked awkward. “Ok then…” He said.

“Sorry buddy,” Scotaloo said. “We just never heard of you, or of this Charlatan guy either.” She said. “But still, you a prince? That’s so cool!”

“Yeah, we actually have a princess living here in Ponyville actually.” Diny said.

Edgar’s eyes winded. “Wait, a princess? Here? In this kingdom?”

The fillies giggled. “Well, Ponyville ain't exactly a kingdom persay.” Sweetie Belle said.

“But it is a nice town.” Dinky said to him, and then she gasped. “Wait! Why don't we give you a tour?” She asked him

Edgar looked at them with a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure? I mean…we just met and all.” He said to them.

Apple Bloom laughed. “So? Everypony here in Ponyville enjoys meeting new faces and making new friends.” She said with a smile as she and the CMC’s began to lead him to town. “So come one!”

“Uh, wait, can we talk about this?” Edgar asked but he was escorted. The small flurry that traveled with him shook a bit with worry and flew right back to the Ice Kingdom.


“And so, Spike and I unleashed a large torrent of flames, and Starlight and Rook both shot the crystals, eliminating them.” Ben was currently telling Deroy about the events that transpired in Manehattan, and the mailpony was listening with awe.

“That sounds frightening.” Deoy said with a surprised look on her face.

Ben however scoffed a bit. “Meh, nothing that we couldn't handle.” He said with a smile. “So anyway, Derpy…I was wondering.” He said, with the mailpony looking at him. “About the gala, do you maybe want to do dinner first and then go? Or should we get something there?” He asked her.

When he asked, once again her face turned red a bit. “Well…uh…I..um…I guess you choose. I don't mind.” She said, feeling a bit flustered a bit. Ben could notice her nervousness and he inwardly chuckled a bit, finding it cute.

“Well, I guess we can wait and see what happens.” He said with a smile. “You know this isn't exactly the first time I went To another dimension, you know.”

“Really?” Derpy asked with awe.


Meanwhile, The CMC’S and Dinky were leading Edgar around Ponyville. Many of the townsfolk were a bit surprised to see a penguin in their midst, but they paid him no mind and went around their business.

“You girls have such a nice town.” Edgar said with a smile, he then turned to see a mare who looked surprised and he frowned a bit. “But something tells me they don't have penguins that can talk…”

Apple Bloom looked at him. “Some ponies in town are a bit wary of new faces, but they will quickly warm up to you.” She said with a smile.

“Did sompony say new face?” They all turned to see a familiar pink mare zip right over to them. “Where are they? Wh-GASPS!” As soon as she saw Edgar, she gasped super loud and zoomed over to him, making the young penguin recoil back in fright.

“Uh….hi?” He said feebly. But then he was then quickly snatched up by the pink mare.

“You are the cutest thing ever!” She said with a smile as she hugged him…rather tightly. Her hug was so tight that it was making the penguin prince turn blue a bit.

“T-thank you!” He wheezed. “Choking ... .can’t breathe!”

Pinkie saw the penguin's condition and she meekly stopped hugging him. “Oopsie, sorry.” She said with a smile. “Who are you? What are you?’

Edgar coughed a bit as he brushed hsi feathers a bit. “Well, I am Edgar….from the Penguin Kingdom.” He said proudly. But like the little fillies, his boast only made Pinkie tilt her head in confusion. “Ok then…you never heard of it either."

“Nope, never heard.” Pinkie said with a smile. “GAH!” She shouted. “What am I doing? I got something to do!” She said as she zipped right away.

Edgar watched her go and he tued to the fillies. “Uh…”

“Don;t worry, she is always like this.” Dinky said to him.

“Ok then….

Meanwhile, Ben was talking to Deroy about the time he was sent to another dimension where he met and befriended Rex Salazar, a boy that can turn his hands into weapons, and the mail mare was very amazed at the story.

“A boy who can turn his body into weapons? That sounds so cool.” Deroy said with awe in her voice.

Ben nodded. “Yea…me and him didn't exactly get along right away, but we soon hit it off and I helped him take down that large EVO.” He said with a smile. “Anyway we also-”

“BEN, DERPY!” The two’s eyes winded at the sound of a familiar hyper pony yelling as she zoomed over and grabbed both of their tails with her teeth without stopping and dragged them on the ground.

“P-Pinkie!” Ben exclaimed. “W-where are we going?”

“No time! Sugarcube corner! NOW!” She shouted as she made haste

Sugarcube Corner

The Quartet of fillies finally led Edgar to an area he had yet to see yet. “And this is Sugarcube Corner. Where we can get many delicious pastries like donuts.” Apple Bloom said with a smile as she looked at Edgar. “Do you have pastries in your kingdom?”

Edgar shook his head. “Not really, well since we are penguins, we mostly only eat fish. Fish tacos, fish casseroles, fish something.” He said to them, making the fillies shake their heads..disgustingly.

“Well, wait till you try a pastry from here you will love it.” Dinky said with a smile as they got to the door and opened it up to-



Edgar let out a shriek of fright as she saw numerous ponies in the place, all of them slinging widely as many balloons, streamers,s and many other party things were all over the place. He then looked up to see a banner that said ‘WELCOME TO PONYVILLE’ “I-Is this…for me?” He asked with shock in his voice.

“Yesiree!” Pinkie Pie said as she came over and looked at the young penguin right in the face, making him look surprised. “Do you like it? Doyadoyadoyadoya?” Edgar, not used to Pinkie's hyperactiveness, was a bit dumbfounded and nervous.

“Pinkie, don;t frighten the poor dear.” Pinkie turned to see the rest of the girls come over to her, and the pink mare sheepishly smiled.

“Sorry.” She said to Edgar as she backed off.

“Uh…your wel-Oof!” He was then scooped up by Fluttershy, who squealed.

“Aren't you the most adorable penguin I ever met?” She cooed at him.

“Adorable?” He asked. “Uh..well..uh..

Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my, you can talk! I never met a talking penguin before!”

“Huh…well..first time for everything, right?” He asked nervously.

Twilight then motioned for Fluttershy to let him go and she did…albeit reluctantly. “Sorry about that. But still, I’m surprised to see a talking penguin here.” She said to him, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, that’s AppleJack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.” She said with a smile.

“Hey!” They all turned to see Spike, Ben, Rook, and Starlight Glimmer approach them. “What are we? Chopped liver?”

Twilight gave a small giggle. “Oh, and this is Spike, Ben, Rook, and Starlight.” She then looked back at him. “Who are you?”

Edgar coughed a bit and stood proudly. “I’m Prince Edgar of the Ice Kingdom, son of the great King Charlatan!” He said with a smile and looked around, hoping that at least some of these ponies would react to the name…but nopony reacted at all. “Ok…I guess no one here has heard of him.”

“Not really.” Twilight said to him. “I never really heard of an Ice Kingdom before…would you mind telling me about it?” She asked.

“Now wait, Twi-Spri.” Ben said to her. “He just got here, the least we can do is party, and eat food till we puke, and then we get some answers.”

“I’m down for that!” Spike cheered as he and Ben gave a hoof/claw bump.

Rarity cringed. “Ben, darling, no need to be crude.” Ben sorta shrugged his shoulders at that.

“Everypony!” Sweetie Belle said, getting their attention. “Edgar here hasn't had any confectionaries before! We need to get him something right now!”

“I got it!” Pinkie said as she zoomed to the kitchen and came back a few seconds later with a strawberry frosted donut. “Here you go!” She said with a smile.

Edgar looked at the pastry in front of him and he looked at everypony else and took a breath. He used his left flipper to grab the donut and gave a small sniff. “Well..it doesn't smell nasty, it smells rather sweet.” He thought, as with some gestation, he opened his beak and took a big bite of the donut. And once he did, his eyes winded and fireworks went off in his mind.

“YUMMY!!” He shouted with joy, with everypony else smiling widely.

Ice Kingdom

“EDGAR!” Charlatan shouted. He has been looking around for his son for a while now, and he hasn't heard or seen him, and he was getting annoyed. “Edgar! Get your royal, furry bottom out here!” He shouted, but still no reply, making him Goran a bit. “Where is that boy?”

*Twinkle Twinkle*

Charlatan turned to see the small snowflake coming over to him. “You! Where is Edgar?” He asked as the flake then went over to his ear and he leaned in. “Mmmhmm, yes.” He said, and after a few minutes, his eyes winded. “HE DID WHAT?” He shouted.

Comments ( 10 )

Someone is not happy penguin dad. Also love the slice of life chapter can't wait for next.

Good chapter😊, I'll be waiting for the next one. You do it very well 😁👍

I hope Ben tells them that thanks to Big Chill he had 14 alien babies at the age of 15, they'll look WTF 😆.
🤔how they will react when he tells them the times he "Died"☠️

When is a best estimate to when
your releasing more chapters?

What would your version of Ben 10000 be like for this story?,What happened to Skurd, does he appear in OV season 8? Who would be Crononaut (Ken, Ben's son in the future) in this story?

Apple Bloom nodded. “Yea, but now we are facing something.” She said to them all. “Have any of you heard anything from your sisters about Ben?” She asked. “Because every night, I overhear Applejack talk about how Ben is amazing and stuff, and I keep seeing her blush.”

If the goal of the meeting is to get them (her sisters) on a date or something with Ben, why don't they try a love potion? and that ends up being a poisonous love potion, by accident😏😉

To me, it’s hard to find gold in fanfiction. Some is bad some is cringe, but this this actually feels good. I can read it and actually feel happy that I read it me feel happy that I was able to find gold in this kind of crossover.

As an idea for a chapter you can have the princesses, the six mane, Derpy and Rook see Ben's past to better understand these two enemies they are going to face but at the same time see all the adventures that Ben has had.since he was ten years old and how he learned to become a hero.

It would be what was seen in the original series, Ben's two animated movies from when he was ten years old, what was seen in the Omniverse flashbacks, what was seen in Alien Force, the live action Alien Force movie (It's Canon ), Ultimate Alien, the Crossover with Generator Rex and Omniverse (Maybe if you want you can also play the Ben 10 games🤷) This way you will know much more about Ben (Also Rook).

That you put the reactions of each of them to the adventures, battles, emotional, sad, critical moments, etc. while they see their memories (I would also like them to mention the change in animation and drawing that exists between the Ben 10 series and the movies, because that's actually canon in the series) I guess you understand what I'm saying 😅 Obviously this thing about them seeing his memories is with Ben's permission.

(it's just an idea that occurred to me, I hope you read it 😊)

Why the fuck did you cancel the fanfic please finish it Im begging you to finish it

Come on dude, why did you cancel this good story?

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