• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,503 Views, 111 Comments

Ben 10: Equestria Pony - MLPFan98

After Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko are accidentally summoned by Twilight Sparkle. The two heroes will make new friends and get used to this newest world as famlair enemies plan to strike back.

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Tour of Ponyville #1

Author's Note:

Hey everypony, back with a new update, now last time we got to see Ben and Rook in action and see them take down the Bugbear. now this chapter tey will get to know some of the locals first, which will continue in the next chapter.

So after doing some consideration..this is going to be a harem story (or is it a herd?) And here are the ones who is going to be apart of Ben's herd.

The Mane 6
DJ-Pon-3 (Maybe)
Octavia Melody (Maybe)
Marble Pie (Maybe)
Limestone Pie (Maybe)
Coco Pommel (Maybe)

and these are the choices, the ones labeled as maybe are possible, I need some more time to think them over. But I do know that so far, the harem will consist of the Mane 6 and Derpy..if I decide the toehrs, then I will do it. Let me know, but remember, who I include will be my final decision.

Anyways, lets get right into it :twilightsmile:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belongs to Laurne Faust and Hasbro

Ben 10 belongs to Man of Action and Cartoon Network

Twilight's Castle

“GROANS”* Ben was not a very good morning person, especially not with a big headache. Last night's party took a lot out of him, nothing but stuffing his face with many confectionaries and drinking lots of stuff. “Jeeze,” Ben said as he rubbed his head with his left hoof. “I haven't eaten that much since…well, I can't remember.” He said as he then took a glance at his hoof and gasped a second before remembering that he was in pony form. “This is going to get some getting used to.” He muttered.

Twilight offered them both a place to stay in the castle, even though they both sorta protested a bit, but there was no arguing with her, as Spike stated. Ben then yawned a bit before getting off of the bed and going to go to the dining room, where Twilight, Spike, and Rook were already sitting down.

“Wow, Rook!” Spike said with a smile. “This Harvest Festival sounds interesting. I bet Applejack would love to take part in it.” He said, with Twilight nodding her head in agreement.

Rook smiled. “Being as how she has a farm here. I have no doubt that she would wish to take part.” Rook said as he then glanced at Ben. “Hey, Ben.” He said.

Ben groggily waved and took his seat. “Too much soda and candy…” He mumbled as he put his head down.

Twilight and Spike both giggled a bit. “Well, that's what you get when you have Pinkie Pie coerce you into doing stuff.” She said,

Spike smiled as well. “So, what are your plans for today?” He asked. This made Ben and Rook look confused…what were they going to do? It wasn't like there was anything to do.

“Maybe you guys could go and explore Ponyville.” Twilight said to them. “After all, I got all I needed from talking to you last night about your world.” she smiled. “I just need to contact Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to tell them about your arrival.” She said,

“Oh yea, you mentioned that this world was ruled by princesses, right?” Ben asked, making Twilight smile

“Mhmm, maybe you will be able to meet them both at one point.” She said. “Anyway, I don't want to keep you both in check, so go out and explore.” She said with a smile. Ben and Rook smiled and got up.

“We’ll be back a bit later.” Ben said as he and Rook took off, leaving Spike and Twilight behind


Ben and Rook then looked all around, seeing the smiling faces of everypony in the place. As they were pondering what to do, they heard something.

“BENNY, ROOKIE!" They both turned to see Pinkie Pie immediately zoom in from nowhere. "So how did you like my welcome party last night? Did you love it, did you? Did you?"

Ben and Rook chuckled. "Yes, it was very nice." Rook said.

"Best party I've ever been to." Ben said with a smile.

Pinkie Pie then gasped. "R-really? Best? I threw you the best party?" She asked, making the two smile. "Yayy, I'm so happy!" She then grabbed her hooves and wrapped the two in a big bear hug. And her hug was so strong that it made it hard for the both of them to breathe.

"So what are you doing today?" She asked them with that big smile.

"Well, we were going to explore the town a bit, maybe get to know some ponies better than we did last night at the party." Rook said to her.

Pinkie smiled. "Oh, goody! Everyone here in Ponyville is so nice. And I bet everypony will be happy to be your friend, especially after last night." She said.

Ben chuckled. "Hopefully,"

Pinkie frowned though. "Sorry guys, I would love to join you, but I'm going to be a bit busy today at Sugarcube Corner."

Ben waved his hoof. "No need to worry." He said. "I think me and Rook can manage." He said with a smile. "But we'll see you later."

Pinkie smiled. "Okie dokie, loki." She said happily as they all began to take off, but not before Ben said something.

"Hey, Pinkie." Ben called out to her, making her turn her head back 180 degrees. And despite Bem being sorta weirded out, he smiled. "That really was the best party ever. You're amazing!" He said as he and Rook took off.

Pinkie stood right in her spot as Ben's words began to get processed in her mind. Amazing? Her? Pinkie's face began to blush red. "A hero, a nice guy, likes my parties…and he called me amazing!" She thought. “I think I’m feeling something here! or is the author moving it a bit too fast?”


Pinkie giggled as she was now in la la land over the compliment that Ben said to her, her blush not leaving.

After they left Pinkie, the two heroes were now wondering what to do now. “So…what should we do now?” Ben asked Rook, who shrugged his shoulders. “Nice help.” He deadpanned.

“Hey!” The two then turned around to see three little fillies approaching them. Ben recognized them as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo; the Cutie Mark Crusaders were their name, and helping others find their special talents was their game.

Ben smiled. “Well if it ain’t the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” He said as the three fillies smiled up at him. “How are you doing girls?” He asked them.

“We’re fantastic!” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. “We wanted to know what you two are doing today?”

Ben shrugged. “Well, we figured that we could go around town and get to know some of the locals a bit better. Sure we all met yesterday at that party, but never got a chance to properly introduce ourselves.” He said.

Apple Bloom smiled. “Nice…uhh..can I ask you a question?”

Ben raised an eyebrow. “What is it?” He asked.

Sweetie Belle shuffled her left hoof for a moment. “Would you…be willing to come to our school?” She asked, making the two heroes look at her. “You see, during the party, many of the fillies and colts of our class want to meet you and see more of your alien things.”

Scootaloo grinned. “I know I do!” She said. “So can you come? Can you? Can you?”

Ben and Rook looked at eachother. Why not? After that, maybe they can meet some others along the way. Rook smiled at the three. “Sure thing.” He said. This made the three fillies smile widely.

“Yayyy!” They said in unison, making Ben and Rook smile at their antics. “School doesn't start for another hour, so you have time to explore some more.” Apple Bloom said.

“Do you want us to give you a map of the town?” Sweetie Bell asked. “We did it ourselves.”

“A map would be helpful, yes.” Rook said as Scootaloo handed him the map of Ponyville. “Ok, so the school is not far from here. “I am sure we can find it.”

“Alright, see you all soon.” Apple Bloom said as she and the other two took off, laughing.

Ben and Rook smiled at the three yung fillies, they were so innocent, and downright adorable as well. Ben then took a glance over at the map to see where the tie should go.

“Hey Rook, why don’t we head over to that boutique Rarity mentioned.” He suggested. “She mentioned something about making something for us, free of charge of course.” He then smirked. “And I love free things, free.”

“Of course you do.” rook said. “Alright, let's go then.” He said as the two took off

Carousel Boutique

The two finally made their way toward the boutique, and they were surprised by the design. It looked similar to a merry-go-round..a bit of an odd design for a boutique, but who were they to judge? “Huh, first time I've ever been to one of these.” Ben said. “Rook, does Revonnah have a boutique?”

“Not that I recall.” Rook said as he too marveled at the sight of the building.

“Excuse me.” The two turned to see an Earth pony approaching him. She had a pale, light grayish amber coat, with her mane being Light cornflower bluish gray with a light streak, she also wore glasses and had Moderate phthalo blue eyes. This was Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville. “You are both the heroes from the other world, right? The human-turned-pony and the Revonnhagander? I hope I said that right."

Rook nodded. “Yep, is there something we can do for you?”

The mayor smiled and shook her head. “No, I’m Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville, and I didn't get you to say it last night but I am honored to have both of you here in Ponyville. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay a bit more welcoming.”

Ben smiled. “We;re good for now, but thanks ma’am.” He then snickered. “Wait, Mayor Mare?”

“Yes? Why?” she asked.

Ben snickers a bit. “It’s just a bit funny how your name is Mare, and you have the title of Mayor…which one is your first name and last name?” He asked.

Mayor Mare thought it over, and she too giggled a bit. “I guess you're right, it is kinda funny. But it's my full name, not just the title.” She said as she and Ben laughed a bit, with Rook chuckling.

“But in all seriousness though.” Ben said. “We’re good for now. Thank you though.” He smiled at her.

“My pleasure.” Mayor Mare said as she then took her leave, leaving Ben and Rook to begin.

“I swear, everypony here is nice.” Ben said.

Rook raised an eyebrow. “Everypony?” He asked.

Ben nodded. “Yea, apparently Twilight said to me that that’s what everyone here says..it’s a bit weird, but I’ll manage.” He said. “Now come on, let's get our new duds.” He said.

Rook raised an eyebrow. “Duds? Why would we need faulty ammunition?” He asked.

Ben sighed. “Two years on Earth and you still have a hard time grasping Earth terms…” He sighed as the two went inside.

When they got inside, they were essentially blown away by the many different clothing around the place, dresses to suit, and it smelled of perfume. “Wow…” Ben said in awe.

“I agree,” Rook said in awe. He has been in many different stores in Bellwood, but never in a palace such as this!

“I’ll be right with you!” They heard Rarity call out. “I just need to finish something.”

“ we can wait.” Rook called back to her.

“Ben, Rook?” Rarity called in surprise. “Be right there, darlings!” She said. Ben and Rook looked at eachother weirdly, why did she call them darlings? After a few seconds, Rarity came to greet them at the front desk. “Ah, hello you two.” She said with a smile.

“Hey, Rarity.” Ben said. “I gotta say, thai place is amazing! I've been to a few clothing stores in my dimension..most of the time against my will.” He shuddered at being sent to some clothing stores by force as a younger kid. “But nothing compares to this!”

Rarity giggled. “Why thank you dear.” she said. “But I am curious as to the boutiques of your world though.” She said.

Ben sighed. “As I said, nothing in my world compares to this one, believe me on that.” He said to her. “So we were told by your sister that you had some new clothes for us both?”

Rarity nodded. “Mmhmm, just wait right here.” She said as she then trotted away to another part of the room. “I just need to get them ready."

As they wanted for her, they still took the time to look around the lace and marvel at how elegant and fancy it looked. “Gwen might like this place.” Ben said as he then chuckled. “Good thing she and Kevin ain't here or else she would want to do some shopping and force Kevin to come with her.”

Rook smiled and nodded, but then he frowned a bit. “Hey Ben,” Ben looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure you are comfortable with being in this world for a month?” He asked. “I mean so far my impression of the world is positive, but what about Malware?”

Ben sighed. “I know, Rook. I am worried myself…but there's nothing we can do to get back home…I mean Alien X could possibly make a portal, but I told you about Bellicus and Serena.” He sighed at the mention of those names. “And god help me if I get stuck in their conflict again.” He said with annoyance

Rook nodded. “I understand, I am just-”

“Rook,” Ben said to him. “I know you're worried and so am I. But remember, Gwen and Kevin are back in our world and if anything in Bellwood goes wrong, they are sure to help, and plus they got the Plumbers as well.” He said.

Rook sighed a bit. “I hope so…” He said.

“Ok, you two, come on back!” Rarity called as the two then followed her to the back. When they got back there, they were treated to a surprise. “Voila!” Rarity said dramatically. “For you Ben, I took the liberty of looking at your shirt and your Omnitrix thing and designed this.” She then presente Ben an emerald green T-shirt with the Omnitrix design on it, with the Omnitirx being bedazzled by many different rubies and emeralds.

The sight of it made Ben go wide-eyed. “Wow…Rarity…this is…” He didnt even know how to describe it because it was just so amazing.

Rarity smiled. “I know, darling.” She then looked at Rook. “Rook, I designed this nice body suit for you, I hope you enjoy it.'' She then showed him a nice-looking bodysuit that looked similar to his one, but it was also bedazzled by many gems.

Rokk looked wide-eyed. “Wow…this is amazing!” He then smiled down at the unicorn. “Thank you very much, I don't know how we can repay you.”

“It's fine, dear.” Rarity said. “Since you are both new, these are free.” She said with a smile on her face. “But it's best if you take these when you go back to your own world…don't want them to get dirty now.”

Ben was at first a bit disappointed that he didn't get it now…but it did make some sense. “Yea..good point.” He said.

Rarity smiled and looked at them again. “So if you don't mind me asking, what are your plans for today?” She asked.

“Well, we're going to walk around town to get to know the locals well. If we’re stuck here for a month..it only makes sense for us to know everypony as much as possible.” Ben said. “Plus, your sister and her two cohorts want us to come to their school.”

Rarity giggled a bit. “Yea, after the party last night, Sweetie Belle told me about how much the fillies and colts wanted to see more of your alien things.” She said with a giggle. “Well, don't let me keep you both.”

“Nah, it's all good in the hood.” Ben said. He then saw Rarity raise an eyebrow and told her head a little bit. “It’s a human expression.” He said. “Well, we’ll get going now. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask.” Ben said.

“I won’t.” Rarity said as the two began to make their leave, but not before Ben turned one last time.

“I know you might hear this from everypony around…but you look gorgeous.” Ben said with a smile as he and Rook made their leave. As soon as they left, Rarity began to blush red.

Oh my…I didn't know a human could be a flirt.” She thought as her face still kept on blushing. “And he is such a cute stallion..

Outside the boutique, Rook and Ben began to wonder where to go next, since they still got an hour before they had to go to the schoolhouse. “Hmm, where to go now.” Ben said as Rook got out the map and took a look.

“Hmm, maybe we could go to-”

“LOOK OUT!” They both looked up to see something come right at them and they quickly moved out of the way for the figure to crash land right in front of them. Ben and Rook realized that there was actually Derpy, who was wearing a mail delivery uniform.

“Derpy?” Ben asked in surprise.

The mailpony looked up and smiled. “Oh, hi Ben, hi Rook!” She said as the two then began to help her up. “How are you both today?”

“We’re…fine.” Ben said, a bit cornered for her. “Are you ok?” He asked her.

Derpy smiled and nodded. “Yea, just me being clumsy…again.” She said that last part with some sadness, but it quickly went away. “I was just going over to deliver these until I made my crash.”

Ben looked at her bag and thought of something. “Hmm, hey Derpy, how about I take care of them for you?” He asked.

This made the lazy-eyed pegasus look at him with shock. “What? I don't want to burden you with-”

“It’s totally fine, and plus Twilight gave me a map over all of Equestria, so I will know where to go.” He said with a grin, and while Derpy was actually happy for him offering, she was still unsure. And Ben could see it. “Derpy, it's fine, I can handle it.” He said with a grin.

Derpy looked to see that he was serious, and her blush was beginning to form again. “Well…ok then..” She said as she then took the bag off of her neck and placed it around Ben’s neck. “But how are you going to get to all of them?” She asked.

Ben smirked and activated the Omnitrix and looked through his aliens, with Deroy actually taking a peek. After he selected it, the core came popping out and Ben slammed his hoof on it and was engulfed in green light. When The light vanished, standing in his place was a tall, sei-armored Velociraptor-like alien with large black orbs on his feet, a black tail with four blue stripes, and bulky claws on his three fingers on each hand. He was also wearing a black, cone-like helmet that showed his blue face with green eyes, black lips, and stripes under his eyes. He was also wearing a black bodysuit with a green shirt covering his chest and going all the way to his neck. This is XLR8, the Omnitrix’s sample of the Kineceleran species.

XLR8!” He shouted as Derpy looked at him with awe. He then looked down at her and smiled. “Be back in a flash.” He said as he then put his visor down and dashed right off. The force from the dash actually made Derpy's mane go backwards a bit like wind.

“Wow…” Derpy said in awe and wonder…just what was that stallion? Rook saw her and looked concerned. “He’s so amazing..”

“Derpy, are you alright?” He asked, but Derpy was still lost as her mind was still on Ben, her blush not going away.

After only 5 minutes, XLR8 was finally back in Ponyville, with an empty mail bag around his neck. He then pressed the dial and was turned back to Ben. “Here you go, Derpy.” He said as he handed her the bag, which she exposed.

“Ben..I don't know what to say.” She said with a grateful smile. “Is there anything I can-”

“Nope.” Ben said. “I am a hero after all, and heroes help others. Even if I am not kicking some serious bad guy butt, I am always willing to help out a friend.” He said with a smile. “Anyway, we need to get going.”

“Oh yea!” Rook said. “We got to get down to the school!” He said as the two were about to make their leave.

“Wait at the schoolhouse?” Derpy asked, with the two nodding their heads. “My little sister goes there, her name is Dinky…say hi to her for me, please?”

Ben and Rook both smiled. “Don't worry, we will.” Ben said as they made their leave. When they left, Derpy could feel her heartbeat go fast.

“Sweet Celestia!” She said as her blush was beginning to emerge. “Am I falling-No, no,” She shook her head. “It’s nothing but just a silly crush I will get over…besides.” She then said as she looked down in sadness. “Who would ever want to be with a clutz like me…”

Ponyville Schoolhouse

Ben and Rook finally made their way to the Ponyville Schoolhouse, where they spotted Cheerilee and many students out and about. “Well, here we are.” Rook said.

“Mmhmm,” Ben said. “I wonder what sort of questions they will ask, besides the obvious ones of course.” Ben said as they began to walk towards Cheerilee. “Ms. Cheerilee!” Ben called out.

The mare in question turned around and smiled. “Ben, Rook!” She said as she went up to them. “What are you doing here?”

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo told us to come do0wn here, said something about the fillies and colts wanting to know more about us.” Rook said.

Cheerilee sighed. “Those three I swear. I’m sorry boys.”

Ben smiled. “Eh, don't worry about it. We already agreed to it so no point getting out of it now, right?” He asked.

Cherrilee sighed. “I guess, you two get in the class, and I’ll round up the kids.” She said, The two nodded and made their way inside the school.

5 minutes later…

Well Ben was able to enter normally, but Rook had to duck a bit, it was a bit hard for him since he was a tad bit taller. At that point the class begna t pile in and when they did, they were amazed at seeing the two heroes in their classroom, and they all immediately began to ask many questions, which was a bit overwhelming.

“Kids!” Cheerilee called to them, getting their attention. “I know you have any questions for these two, but please return to your seats and they will answer whatever questions you have for them.” She said, making them all groan and return to their seats. The sight made Ben snicker a bit, he remembered when he had to do school.

“Ok everypony.” Ben said with a smile. “If you didn't already know, I’m Ben Tennyson, the guy next to me who is squashed like sardines in a can is Rook Blonko.

“Ha-ha, I forgot to laugh..” Rook sniped at him as the younger ones giggled a bit.

Ben smirked. “At least he is better at understanding sarcasm.” He said as he turned his attention to the younger ones. “Now, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo said that you had some questions for us, and we’ll answer the best we can.” He said. Many of them all raised their hooves, some more anxious than others, making Ben chuckle a bit. “Ok…let me see ... .you,” He said.

The filly he pointed to has a pale magenta coat with a light violet mane and tail with white streaks, blue eyes, and her cutie mark was shown to be a tiara on her flank. This young filly is named Diamond Tiara, the daughter of Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich, the richest ponies in town. There was a time where she used to bully the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but has since then become their friends, and much nicer as well.

“Is it true that you have over 70 of those alien things in that cool gizmo of yours?” She asked, with Ben nodding. “Can we see one? Pretty please?” and this made the other students plead to him, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders being the most vocal.

Ben smiled. “Alright, alright, just hold your horses everypony.” He said as they all giggled at what he said, and he chuckled as well. “That was a bit ironic..” He said as he then activated his Omnitrix to see what kind of alien to pick out. “Some of my aliens are large, so let me keep things a bit more on the downscale, shall we?” He then smiled as he chose his alien and pressed on the dial and was engulfed in green light.

Standing in Ben's place was a rodentoid alien wearing a green and black jumpsuit in which his ears were shown sticking out and he also wears a pair of white gloves. He is shown to have a big, blond mustache, beaver-like teeth, and a potbelly with the Omnitrix is shown on his green and white belt. This is Mole-Stache.

“Mole-Stache!” He announced, with the entire class looking awed.

“Uh, Mr. Ben?” A young colt asked, he was a young Earth pony with a white coat and brown spots, a dark brown mane and short tail with streaks, and his eyes were a deep, reddish brown color. This young colt’s name is Pipsqueak, a colt who moved from Trottingham. “What kind of..alien is that?”

Mole-Stache chuckled. “Oh little one, even I do not know.” The small alien said. “But let me show you what I am capable of, shall I?” He asked as he then used his mustache to grab hold of Cheerilee’s desk and lift it with no effort, making the class awe in wonder. “I would do more but I don’t wish to damage your teacher's classroom.” He said as he then twirled the desk on his left mustache’s hand fingers, making the class awe even more.

After a few minutes he placed the desk back in its original spot, and pressed the dial to turn back into Ben. “So, does anyone else have a question for me?” He asked. And a few hooves were raised. “Hmm…let me see….you.” He said pointing at a filly.

She was an adorable unicorn with a light violet coat, a blond mane and tail with light, goldish, gray streaks, and her cutie mark on her flank was shown to be a bubble, similar to Derpy. This little one was named Dinky Hooves, Derpy’s little sister.

“My big sister said that you saved her from the Bugbear, is that true?” She asked.

Ben looked at her. “Are you Derpy’s little sister?” He asked, with her smiling and nodding her head. “Yeppers. Saved her and gave that large bear thing a good but whooping.” He said.

“Too bad we couldn't see it!” Said a small unicorn with a grayish opal coat, moderate orange mane and tail, and buck teeth, and a cutie mark being scissors on his flank. This is Snips. “Next time a creature wreaks havoc, I need to see it.”

Ben smirked. “Sure, but keep away from it, so you don't get caught in the crossfire.” He said. “Now, any other questions? Maybe one for Rook over here?” He asked.

“I got one!” A fillie said, she has a bluish gray coat, a light gray mane and tail that was braided and the mane ended tied with a pink ribbon, and had on a pair of blue glasses and a pearl necklace. This is Silver Spoon, like Diamond Tiara, she was once a bully to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but has since become their friend. “Rook, right?” She asked. “Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked

Rook looked surprised and Ben snorted. “Oh, wow, that was a bit surprising.” Rook said but he then smiled. “But yes I do, her name is Rayona, and she lives on my home planet rather than Earth.” He said. Making the fillies in the room go ‘AWemE’

Ben snickered a berth as Apple Bloom raised her hoof. “Your planet..what is it like?”

“Revonnah?” Rook asked as he then smiled. “It is a beautiful place, filled with the terrain of many farms and silos.” He said. “And I know you all think it might be boring, but we also have multiple suns.”

This made the young ones gasp in surprise. Multiple suns? How do they sleep? Dink raised her hoof again.

“Mr. Rook, you said that you and Ben are plumbers…does that mean you guys fix people's plumbing outside of benign heroes?” She asked.

Ben and Rook snickered a bit. “Not really Dinky.” Rook said. “You see, in our dimension, Plumbers are an intergalactic law enforcement, dedicated to protecting the universe from galactic threats.” He said as this made the colts and fillies awe in wonder.

“Well, technically,” Ben started. “I’m more of a superhero than a Plumber but-”

"Ben..” Rook started with a short glare, making Ben roll his eyes. Making the class giggle a bit.

“Hey Ben,” Scootaloo said, raising her hoof. “You told us all about how you recreated the Universe, can you tell us more about your adventures?” She asked.

Ben smirked at her. “Sure, let me explain to you all about how I stopped an invasion.” He said to them as they all went silent and listened closely. “So this was three years ago, me and my cousin Gwen and my best friend Kevin were facing a group of alien species known as the Higbreed, a race of aliens from another planet, from destroying the Earth.” He said.

“Why did they want to destroy your planet?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Ben sighed. “Because they were dying.” He said, making the young ones gasp. “You see, the Highbreed believed that their blood was the purist of any other species, and the result of it was inbreeding. And after so much of it, they were starting to die off. And they figured that if they were dying, then they thought many other species from other planets deserved to go out with them.

This made the young stupidest and Cheerilee gasp in horror. How could they do such a thing? “How horrible!” Cheerilee said with shock in her voice.

“Yes, but I was able to stop it…by saving them.” He said, making some colts and fillies raise eyebrows. “I used the Omnitrix to reconstruct the Highbreed DNA, using the DNA of the many aliens in the Codon Stream; which is a liquid database for the Omnitrix..well the prototype at least.” He said.

The students' jaws dropped upon hearing this story…this was a lot to take in, not even the many heroics of the Mane 6 was in comparison to this.

Cheerilee smiled. “Well Ben, you certainly are the hero that everypony here would look up to.” She said with a smile.

Ben smiled back. “Right, so listen everypony, it was a good time, but me and Rook gotta get going now.” But that was met by many of the students voicing their protests. “Now, now, now. I know you want us to stay a little while, but we indeed want to go explore more of this place, since we are in this world for about a month…we need to get used to our surroundings. But hey we will still be around…maybe see if we can get some jobs.” He said as Ben and Rook began to take their leave, but not before turning back. “Oh, Dinky, your sister says to her by the way.” He said with a smile as he and Rook took their leave as the fillies and colts waved goodbye to them both.

“Ben and Rook are so awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a big smile on her face.

“I agree! Ben saving the world from an alien invasion? Just awesome!” Said Snips.

“Too bad we didn't meet him sooner he could have helped Twilight beat that awful Lord Tirek.” Silver Spoon said.

The only one who didn't talk was Dinky, who looked at where Ben stood and smiled. “Big sis was right, he is nice.” she thought with a smile on her face.

Outside the schoolhouse, Ben and Rook weee now wondering where to go next. “Hmm, how about Sweet Apple Acres?” Rook suggested. “Applejack mentioned that her apples are amazing.”

Ben smiled. “Sure, and let's see if we can help them with anything as well. We gotta earn our keep since everypony here has so far been so nice to us.”

“Yea,” Rook said as they began to make their way to Sweet Apple Acres.