• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 1,503 Views, 111 Comments

Ben 10: Equestria Pony - MLPFan98

After Ben Tennyson and Rook Blonko are accidentally summoned by Twilight Sparkle. The two heroes will make new friends and get used to this newest world as famlair enemies plan to strike back.

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Manehattan Battle

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter was a bit short everyone, I'm dealing with also of stuff at the moment, and my stress level has not been doing kind things for me... I was sick over the weekend so I had to deal with that....yay...

so in case you are wondering. King Charlatan is going to be the first threat the heroes will deal with, and then we will focus on Vilgax, Albedo, and Tirek.


Ben, Rook, Spike, and Starlight were now standing against a group of large snow monsters, all of whom were growling and glaring hard at them all with intense fury on their faces, but were these heroes going to give up? No!

“Alright, what’s the plan?” Spike asked as he was now on Starlight's back.

Ben smirked at him. “The plan, my little buddy is the one I usually go for.” He said as he slammed his hooves together. “Kick the hell out of anything till it stops moving!” He said, but all that did was have everyone in the group look at him funny.

“Well, that might work for Rainbow Dash…” Starlight muttered under her breath, but she still had a smile, seemingly going along with this plan of action.

Rook sighed a bit, but he did give a small smile already used to Bens's antics right at this point. One of the large monsters raised its giant fist and prepared to deliver a devastating blow, but the heroes were able to dodge out of the way in time.

Ben smirked and activated his Omnitrix. “Alright, snowmen! Get ready to feel the heat with Heatblast!” He said as he slammed the dial and was engulfed in a green light. When the lash ended, standing in Ben's place was a humanoid plant creature with light green skin, his face was yellow, orange, and red colored, with his eyes showing no pupils. He had black hands with four yellow claws and yellow holes on the palms. He is shown to have six red horns with yellow spots; two of them were on each forearm, and one on each shoulder, as well as one green horn on each foot, knee, and elbow. It is also shown sporting a large collar raised around his neck, which is yellow on the inside, and the Omnitrix Symbol is on his chest. This is Swampfire, the Omnitirx’s sample of the Methansonian species from the planet, Methanos.

“Swampfire!” He shouted in a booming voice. Spike and Starlight are shown to be shocked and amazed by the new alien next to them.

“Alright! Ne-” but when Spike took a whiff, he immediately covered his nose. “Yuck! What's that smell?” Starlight took a whiff and her face turned green as she covered her nose with her hooves.

“It’s nasty!” She complained.

Swampfire turned to them and smiled bashfully. “Sorry, it’s methane.” He said as he turned to the snow monsters. “I was going for Heatblast, but this could work too.” He said as he then extended his hands and shot out a torrent of flames right at the snow monsters, but when the fire hit them, much to the shock of the others, the fire didn't do anything to them. “What?” Methansonian exclaimed.

King Charlatans Kingdom

King Charlatan, the guards, and Edgar were watching the fight on their screen, but some were surprised and confused by the sight of two unfamiliar creatures.

“Papa, who are those creatures?” He asked as he pointed at Rook and Swampfire.

Charlatan was just as confused. “I’m not sure…but either way, fire won't work against them, not when they have a piece of my ice crystal in them, as long as that crystal stands, they will not melt!” He said with a cocky grin.


Swampfire had to dodge another attack as he kept on firing flame after flame, but these snow monsters just wouldn't melt! “Why won't these stupid things melt?” He asked.

Rook looked at them closely. “If this world is run by magic…these could be enchanted by something…the only question is, what is it that's making them invulnerable to flames?”

Starlight then teleported to a rooftop and fired many blasts of magic at them, causing the snow to get fire right off, but instantly regenerated. Starlight gritted her teeth as she fired more blasts, but the snow kept on regenerating. “Ok, snow is not supposed to regenerate, what is going on?” she asked herself.

Spike then blew some of his dragon breath at the snow beasts, but like Swampfire, his fire proved ineffective, making him confused. “Ok..what is going on?” He asked, but then he was instantly grabbed by one of them, and he yelled out. “Guys!” He cried as the snow monster smirked and was about to eat him, but then was blasted away, making him drop the young drake, who was saved in time by Starlight, who glared at the beast.

“Don’t you mess with my friend!” She exclaimed with fury. Rook glared at the beast as he then used his Proto-Tool to fire many more blasters at them, and while the snow was going away, they were still regenerating.

“There must be something keeping them all together!” Rook said. “Even with Spike and Ben using fire, they won't melt.” He said.

Swampfire looked at his partner and up at the snow monsters and he was right, even with flames they were not going down ...there was something else to this. “Guys, let's see if we can try to get as many pieces of snow off of them as possible! There must be something in them that is keeping them together.”

“You mean like some sort of magic item?” Spike asked, with the Methansonian nodding his head. Spike looked up and sighed. “Ok, Starlight, Rook, let’s see if you can blast some of the stomachs off, I’ll be with Ben.” He said as he hopped off Starlight's back and ran towards Swampfire.

“Please, be careful, Spike!” Starlight said to him as she and Rook looked at eachother. “So, can you show me how that thing works?” She asked with some excitement.

Rook smiled and nodded. “Of course.” He said as he then had his Proto-Tool and turned into it's bow and arrow form and he began to fire arrows at the snow monsters. Starlight, while being amazed by such a weapon, still focused her attention on the enemies. If they were being protected by something, it had to come from inside the bodies…but what could they be?

Ben and Spike were together, trying to find an opening. “What are we doing Ben?” Spike asked.

“Rook and Starlight are going to distract them while we try to attack from behind. If we can attack from the back, we might be able to find an opening and see just what we are dealing with.” He said as he spotted a torrent of fire from his hands onto the backside of the snow monster, as the snow melted, he began to take notice of something at the very center.

Spike himself noticed this as well and he assisted Swampfire in burning the back down, and when they did they got a good glimpse of what was on the inside, it looked like a piece of a blue gem of some sort. Spike smiled. "I think we found the answer to our snow monster issue.” He said as all of a sudden a blast fired out of nowhere and hit the gem right in the center, causing the monster before them to start shaking a bit before stopping and all the snow dissolved onto the ground.

Ben and Spike were surprised, but then they saw Rook, who had his Proto-tool out and smoke coming from it. “So I can assume it was that weird gem?” He asked, with Spike nodding.

“I don't know what that gem is, but all we gotta do is either remove or destroy it and we should be able to take these guys down!” Spike said,

Starlight then looked determined and had her horn glow bright as she fired a large magical ball at the snow beast's stomach, exposing the crystal longed it Rook used his grappling hook to fire at the crystal and pull it right out, causing the Snow Monster to shake once again, and that gave Spie the change to fire a fire breath at it, causing it to melt in an instant.

When Rook pulled the crystal out, Starlight used her magic to levitate it toward her and she inspected it. “I better show this to Twilight as soon as we get back to Ponyville.” She said with keen interest.


But unfortunately, she was not paying attention and she got squished by a giant snow fist, which buried her a bit.

“Starlight!” Spike called out in worry as she glared at the snow monster. “You ugly snowman!” He exclaimed as he then unleashed another torrent of fire at the beast, this time aiming for the head and the fire caused the head to melt right off, but it then regenerated in an instant.

Swampfiue then formed a massive fireball in his hands and threw it right at the snowman's abdomen, causing it to melt and partially reveal the crystal that looked right in. With one mighty arm thrust, a torrent of flame sprouted out and it hit the crystal, causing it to shatter, and for the snow monster to immediately melt into a big pile of slush.

And with that. The snow monsters were defeated.

King Charlatans Kingdom

King Charlatan, his son, and his soldiers were shocked at what had just happened….his snow monsters were beaten…just like that! He was not too happy about it either.

“WHAT??” He shouted loudly, so loud that it shook the entire throne room. “Just who were they? And what were those things? More importantly...WHO IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA WAS THAT PLANT CREATURE??” He shouted loudly.


The monsters were beaten and the heroes emerged victorious, with Starlight shivering a bit as she emerged from the snow. “Alright team!” Ben said as the others smiled. “We’ve taken care of the enemies.” He said as he and Spike gave each other a hoof/fist bump. Rook went over to grab a piece of the blue shard to inspect it.

“I wonder what sort of shard this is to make those snowmen move and take on all of our attacks without melting…” He said. That was when Starlight took the crystal out of his hand with her horn and she inspected it.

“I feel like I have seen this crystal somewhere before.” She said as she closely inspected it more thoroughly. “Guys, we should get the shard back to Twilight, maybe she might know about it.” She said and the others nodded their heads in agreement.

King Charlatans Kingdom

“RAAAGGHHHH!!” Charlatan was throwing a nasty tantrum. How dare those ponies take down his snow beasts, how dare they? The guards were doing everything they could to calm him down.

“Now ki-”

“Don’t you even say it.” Charlatan growled angrily, making the soldier step back a bit and whimper. “Just what were those two creatures? The one who can shoot flames and the one who had that weird weapon?” He asked. “I want to know who they are and see them taken care of, you hear me?” He asked in anger. “Before they tear my hopes and dreams apart!”

Edgar, who had been watching the whole time, was actually amazed by such power, but he too was wondering, who were those two creatures that helped that unicorn and dragon?

“Send my snow sparkles, and follow that group!” He ordered. “I want to know where they are going and how to track them down, now!” Charlatan ordered.

Edgar, who was watching in awe, had retreated back to his room and there was only one thing on his mind: how did those creatures fight off his father's snow army? He had to know what they were! And how to do it? Follow the snow sparkles and sneak out of the castle!