• Published 11th Jul 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost - ponydog127

The Mane 6 must help Mystery Incorporated, along with some brand-new friends, rid the town of Oakhaven, Massachusetts of a vengeful witch's spirit... unaware of what betrayals could be around the corner.

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The Final Battle (Part 2)

Once the shaking had stopped, everyone looked themselves over, seeing that they were otherwise safe. As Misty ran to Shaggy and Scooby to get them out of the wheel, the others able to get a clear view of the ghostly figure floating above their heads.

She was a ghostly-pale, middle-aged woman with long, white hair that flowed and rippled in the air, and she was dressed in a lavender gown, with a red pendant around her neck and pink eyes, along with a smirk imprinted on her face.

Autumn's eyes widened, looking mortified and enchanted all at the same time. “Sarah Ravencroft... in the flesh...”

“Are you okay?” Sunny asked gently. “I... I think I am?” Autumn said a bit nervously. “A-A mix of emotions, honestly.”

Ben, at the same time, was in a state of wonder with whom he had summoned. “ln my wildest dreams... l could never have imagined such an imposing creature.”

“Thank thee,” the spirit said in a chilling voice. “Thou canst not know what my bondage hath been like. Who art thou?”

“Ben Ravencroft,” Ben introduced himself. “Your descendant, from the modern world.”

“Modern?” Sarah looked around at the puritan village, her eyes eventually falling on the imprisoned Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight. “Not much seems to have changed.”

“Please, don't hurt us!” Mayor Corey begged, causing Sarah to scoff. “The same pathetic peasants groveling for their puny lives.”

“But--” Ben tried to speak, but Sarah merely slapped his hand away. “Sarah, l want to become more powerful. Like you.”

Sarah only laughed in response. “Thou jest!”

“But it was I who released you!” Ben argued. “You should serve me!”

“I serve no one!” Sarah boomed. “Leastwise a worm like thee. Aye, thou hast freed me... so l can punish the world for my long imprisonment!”

With the wave of the witch's hand, she sent an eerie green mist toward the nearby trees, causing them to shrivel and die, and causing the gang and ponies to gasp in shock. “l shall create an era of darkness over this land!”

And to make matters worse, the mist was now heading toward Misty, Shaggy and Scooby, and Shaggy began to freak out upon seeing it. “Like, we're goners, Scoob!”

“Not while I'm here!” Misty argued, grabbing the wheel with her magic aura. “Pull, guys! Pull!”

Shaggy and Scooby pulled against her, and evidently, they got free and flew back just as the mist reached the wagon, turning it to nothing but ash. “This isn't what I envisioned!” Ben protested. “We were supposed to rule the world together, not destroy it!”

“I care not for thy whims,” Sarah sneered. “Cross my path and I shall destroy thee along with thy world!”

“But l have the book! And l will return you back into the book,” Ben opened the book and began to read. “Ancient evil get thee hence only good can recompense for the--

But Sarah's evil laughter caused him to stop. “Thinkest thou art a wiccan? Only a virtuous soul can imprison me.”

The ponies and the gang heard these words and instantly began thinking of their own plan, just as Sarah trapped Ben in a glowing green orb, letting the book drop to the ground as the gang rushed into hiding. “I got an idea, guys,” Velma whispered. “But we need that book.”

Shaggy immediately realized what this meant-- for a second time, to be quite frank. “Like not again!”

“I'm sorry guys, but you two are the fastest,” Velma explained, but the duo were still against it. “Don't worry,” Sunny said. “Misty and I will help you, and the others will create a diversion for us.”

“No way!” Scooby argued, but that's when Velma once again brought out the treats. “How about for a whole box of Scooby Snax?”

“A whole box?!” Shaggy and Scooby excitedly declared, and they immediately nodded, and Velma handed them the box. “Good luck!”

“Thanks...” Misty said, a little nervous. “We're gonna need it.”

That's when Fred and the others started to come out into the open to face the witch. “Hey, broom-rider!” Fred cried in a taunting manner. “Over here!”

“Thou shalt pay for thine impudence!” the witch shouted, launching a fireball right at them. But while it missed the others, the fireball went right through the building, charring the Scooby Snacks until they were pure ash. “Guess snack time's over...” Shaggy whimpered before they ran off in fear. That's when Zipp taunted the witch as she and Pipp flew around her, allowing Fred, Daphne and Hitch to run away. “400 years hasn't helped your aim, lady!”

“Thine mockery shall be thy last!” Sarah shouted as she flew after the sisters, launching fireballs left and right. One of them, unfortunately, hit Zipp in the back, sending her plummeting to the ground. “Zipp!!” Pipp shrieked, diving toward her fallen sister. Zipp groaned as she stood up “I'm fine... but the others won't be if we don't stop her. Come on!”

They quickly caught up with their friends, darting through the pumpkin patch, and Sarah used her magic to make the pumpkins begin coming to life and chasing them!

Velma and Izzy were running from one of these pumpkins as the Hex Girls and Ametista struggled to get free of their binds. Luckily, they quickly turned at a tree, leaving the pumpkin to smash into it, destroying it. But as Izzy and Velma struggled to catch their breath, Sarah blasted at them, causing them to run away.

At the same time, while Ben was struggling to get out of the orb, Misty, Sunny, Scooby and Shaggy ran over, and Shaggy grabbed the book off the ground. “Zoinks. Like this is almost too easy.”

“Don't Jinx us, Shag! There's the old hag now!” Sunny pointed to the witch, who turned around to see that they had the book. “The book cannot help thee!” she shouted, sending them on the run before turning to a nearby turkey. “DO MY BIDDING, BIRD!! Get them!”

The group turned to see the turkey get struck with magic, but none of them saw the turkey being enlarged to the size of an elephant. “A turkey?” Shaggy laughed. “Even we're not scared of that--”

That's when they finally saw the turkey, and this sent them running as the bird tried to bite them on the rear ends. “Shaggy, the book!” Misty shouted. “Throw it to me!”

Shaggy tossed the book over to Misty, who caught it in her magic and led the way as they tried to escape the turkey.

Meanwhile, Fred, Daphne, Hitch, Pipp and Zipp were still running from the pumpkin monsters, but the monster wrapped one of its vines around Daphne’s legs, making her fall to the ground. “Daphne!” Fred ran back toward her as she screamed. “Don't worry!”

But his attempts to pull the monster away failed, as he too was grabbed. “HELP!!”

“Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” Izzy cried, and before they knew it, Autumn was charging toward the pumpkin creature, before she kicked over the butter churn, spilling the butter and allowing the pumpkin monster to slip and knock over the other one, both smashed into pieces. “Whoa, sweet save, Autumn!” Fred smiled as Pipp and the others helped them up. “Don't mention it,” Autumn said. “Come on! We have to help our friends before we put this witch to justice!”

At the same time, Shaggy and Scooby and their friends continued to run from the giant turkey, and they leapt into a nearby house to evade capture. And thankfully, the turkey was too big to enter, leaving the others temporarily safe.

But after taunting the turkey, they turned around to see the witch at the other end! “I believe thou hast something that is mine.”

“Finders keepers, losers weepers!” Sunny shouted, slamming the door in Sarah's face. “Oh, man... I can't believe I just did that!!”

But Sarah, in an act of rage, blasted the door, and the group moved before they were hit, instead watching the turkey get struck in the head by the door. When it finally shook off the daze, Scooby was dressed as a Pilgrim woman and Shaggy as a Pilgrim man, with Misty and Sunny standing in between them. “Normally, Hitch would be against this sort of behavior, but I think he would understand in this circumstance,” Sunny said before looking over at Scooby. “Do you have the stuffing, Scoob?”

“Yeah!” Scooby brought out a bowl of stuffing from behind his back, just as Shaggy brought out the turkey baster from behind his back. “Then let's baste this bird!”

Upon the sight of the baster and the stuffing, the turkey screamed and ran off, much to the group's relief. “Ha!” Misty laughed. “I guess that turkey didn't have the right stuff, you guys!”

Scooby laughed as the four high five, but when they turned and saw the witch heading their way, shrieking, they screamed and ran, ditching the disguises, and Scooby taking control of the spell book.

At the same time, Daphne and Velma freed Ametista and the Hex Girls from their binds, and Ametista sighed first. “Thanks, everypony.”

“I am out of here!” Luna said. “Yeah, that witch is the real thing!” Dusk agreed and the two ran off, but before Thorn could join them, Zipp stopped her. “Wait, Thorn-- we need your help.”

“Me?” Thorn asked. “What can I do?”

“We need you to read the spell to defeat Sarah Ravencroft,” Velma said bluntly. “Are you crazy?!” Thorn cried. “I told you, I-I'm not really a witch, I can't help you against her!”

“But you said you were part wiccan, right?” Autumn asked. “Only 1/16th!” Thorn argued, and Velma grabbed her shoulders. “It doesn't matter. You have wiccan blood, meaning only you can read the spell so you can send Sarah Ravencroft back to where she came from.”

“I hate to say it, Thorn, but the girls are right,” Ametista frowned. “It has to be you to fix this whole catastrophe that Ben released.”

“Forget it!” Thorn dismissed. “You don't even have the book.”

“No...” Pipp shook her head, pointing ahead. “Scooby does!”

As true as her word was, Shaggy, Scooby and their remaining pony friend were racing their way, and Scooby held the book within his mouth. “Misty! Sunny! Scooby!” Zipp called. “Over here!”

“Hurry!” Hitch cried out. But as they raced toward their friends, Scooby felt a yank at his tail, and the witch lifted it up and grabbed the book from the dog's mouth. “Give me my book, you meddling hound!”

“Hound?” Scooby looked around. “Where?”

“SCOOBY!!” Sunny and Misty cried, screeching to a halt. “Zoinks!” Shaggy looked around and grabbed a bucket full of water, racing back toward the witch. “Let my buddy go, you creepy crone!”

He splashed the water all over the witch, who looked at him in irritation with a soaking wet face. “What... was that?”

“You're not melting!” Shaggy said before sheepishly shrugging. “Like, it worked in The Wizard of Oz...”

“Fool, I shall destroy thee!”

Suddenly, the witch felt a burning blast on her back before she could zap the others, and swiftly turned to see Misty with a glowing horn, looking beyond livid. “Not while I'm here, you creepy piece of crud!”

She blasted at Sarah's hand, causing her to drop Scooby, and Sunny led Shaggy and Scooby away while Misty kept blasting at Sarah mercilessly. “Shaggy!!” Scooby wailed. “RUN!!!”

“The book!” Velma kept shouting. “The book!”

Shaggy immediately skidded to a stop and ran back, grabbing the book from the witch. “I'll hold this for you.”

Misty blasted the witch one final time before she and Shaggy made a break for it, causing the witch to yell in anguish. Then, she used her magic to make more pumpkins come to life. “Bring me that book!”

The pumpkins raced toward them, eventually wrapping themselves around Shaggy and Misty, trapping them. “Scoob!”

He threw the book to them, and Scooby caught the book in his mouth. “ENOUGH!!!” Sarah shouted, and blasted more magic, causing a tree to spring to life and grab them. “Whoaaaa!!!” Scooby screamed as the branches of the tree held him in place. “Hang on, Scooby!” Zipp cried as the rest of the ponies ran toward him. “We'll get you down!”

“Thou jest!” Sarah shouted, and with her powers, she trapped the ponies, except Autumn and Ametista, inside a magic bubble, just like the ones Opaline used. “Yikes!” Scooby tossed the book toward Daphne. “Daphne!”

Daphne got the book, but the tree's roots wrapped around her, preventing her from moving. “Freddy!!”

Fred took the chance and ran toward her, grabbed the book and ran the other way, but the roots began to grab him as well. “Velma!”

He tossed the book over to Velma, but it slid past her and out into the open. Luckily, Autumn was able to help Velma grab it before the roots could envelope it, and galloped back to the others. “Here's the spell,” Velma said, showing the page to the remaining Hex Girl and Ametista. “It's up to you, Thorn.”

Roots began to rise all around the remaining four and they shrieked as Sarah cackled. “The book is useless to a mere mortal!”

Suddenly, the book began to glow a bright blue, and it's magic wilted the root right before their very eyes. “But not to a wiccan!” Velma stated. “Nay!” Sarah scowled. “I'll stop thee myself!”

She began to fly toward them at a rapid speed, making Ametista begin to panic. “Hurry, Thorn!” she exclaimed. “Read!”

Ancient evil, get thee hence,” Thorn said as the book began to glow. “Only good can recompense for the misdeeds that you done. Witch return from when you come!

As soon as Sarah grabbed the book, she was flung backward, and the book flew down and it's magic made all the spells she vast begin to break. “Thorn! Girls!” Velma cried. “It's working!”

The tree dropped Scooby and freed Fred and Daphne from its roots, just as the pumpkin monsters freed Shaggy and Misty. But, before they could recuperate, the witch flew past them and began to get sucked into the book. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!”

The sphere that trapped Ben disappeared as he landed on the ground and saw Sarah getting pulled in the spell book. He tried to get away, but his leg was quickly seized by his ancestor. “NOOO!!!”


Although she hated him for the evil he brought to their home, Autumn tearfully stood by her friends and watched in tears as Ben was forcefully pulled into the spell book, never to be seen again.