• Published 11th Jul 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost - ponydog127

The Mane 6 must help Mystery Incorporated, along with some brand-new friends, rid the town of Oakhaven, Massachusetts of a vengeful witch's spirit... unaware of what betrayals could be around the corner.

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The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sunny and her friends felt their blood run cold when they heard Opaline's name, realizing how much power she had in that moment. After a moment of trying to comprehend that Opaline had a hoof in the scheme, Misty felt her voice return and decided to speak up. “How... how did Opaline get in contact with you? She's in Equestria, and you're here!”

“She used her mirror pool to contact me while you all were at the diner,” Ben explained. “She knew the truth about my ancestor, and that fueled my desire to find the spell book even more. To someday match up to her strengths. Opaline vowed that she would make sure that I had the strength I deserved... by putting you miserable pony pests out of her way for good.”

“Well... you failed. Because Sunny and her friends are still here, and we'll do whatever it takes to stop both of you!” Velma said furiously, standing beside Fred and Daphne. “Why go through this elaborate scheme?” Daphne wondered. “Why not just ask us to find the book?”

“I know why,” Autumn said, deeply hurt and angry. “Because if we knew what that book was,
you all would never have helped him! And neither would I...”

“But even you can't imagine the real power of this book,” Ben chuckled. “No pony or mere mortal can...”

“You've been reading too many of your own horror stories, Ravencroft!” Fred exclaimed. “A typical mortal response. But l am descended from a superior breed,” Ben smirked. “l shall unlock the power of the imprisoned Sarah Ravencroft!”

While everypony else stood ready to attack, Autumn and Misty stood with Shaggy and Scooby to protect them and get them to safety if it were to ever arise. “Like, I don't like the sound of this...” Shaggy whimpered, and Scooby rapidly shook his head. “Me neither!”

“Together, we shall reign supreme!” Ben said before he began reading from a spell in the book. “Let the evil from the past breathe again with fiery blast!

Dark clouds began to loom over the group, and an eerie wind began to blow. “No!!” Velma shrieked, but that didn't stop Ben from continuing. “Let the dark wind whip the night to blow away the force of light!

“I know what comes next, you guys!” Misty shouted to her friends. “BIG trouble!!”

A tree fell down in the wind, causing Shaggy and Scooby to bolt while the others were blown back as Ben finished the spell. “Now I summon ancient power... this is evil's finest hour!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

Sickening green magic emerged from the book, and after swirling into the sky, it slammed right back into Ben, infusing him with Sarah Ravencroft's full power. “NO!!” Velma cried, and she got up, despite the wind and stood before Ben, who cackled. “What's the matter, Velma? Don't you like the new, improved Ben Ravencroft?”

“No! Frankly, I don't!”

“Well, get used to it.”

Ben then smirked over at Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight running away, and aimed his hand at them, prompting them to lift off the ground. “Leaving so soon? The party is just beginning!”prolonged?

Then, with one swift motion, Ben sent the mayor and Mr. McKnight into the pillory, locking it up tight as the mayor strained. “Let us out!!”

“Daddy!!” Thorn cried, and she, the rest of the Hex Girls and Ametista ran toward them to get them out. “Oh how deeply moving,” Ben said sarcastically, and used his powers to tie up the screaming girls and unicorn to a post with some yarn on a nearby spinning wheel. “Ha ha ha ha ha!! Can I spin a yarn or what?”

Sunny leapt in front of Ametista and the Hex Girls, with Zipp, Hitch and Izzy in tow. “Ben, this isn't the way to get what you want!” Sunny pleaded. “There's a chance for you to turn things around, but you have to let the power of your ancestor go!”

“Never!!” Ben used his magic to flick them aside. “These powers are my birthright, and you ponies can't do anything to stop me! Not even harness those pathetic alicorn powers of yours, Starscout!”

Sunny tried to fire up her alicorn powers to prove him wrong, but it turns out he was right-- when Ben's powers were around, her alicorn magic was useless! “He's right! His powers are blocking out mine! Another thing Opaline had a hoof in!”

“How could I ever liked your novels?!” Velma groaned in frustration. “Now, guys! Grab the book!”

The ponies, Fred and Daphne were approaching from multiple sides, causing Hitch and Sunny to grab Ben by the legs and Fred was just about to grab the book before Ben jumped into the air and out of sight. “Where'd he go?!” Daphne wondered as Zipp checked the skies with her visor, but failed to spot him. “I don't know!”

But that's when everyone looked up at the sound of cackling, and they saw Ben up on the roof nearby, standing victoriously. “This isn't one at your silly little mysteries-- you can't solve me so easily.”

Then, Ben quickly cast a fire spell that surrounded them in a ring of fire, causing many of them to to scream in fright, all while Ben cackled evilly. This caused Zipp to snarl in response. “You won't get away with this, Ben Ravencroft!”

“Why? Because of you horses and meddling kids?”

“Hey! We're not kids!” Fred called back. “And we are NOT horses!” Pipp stomped her hoof. “Geez, will we have to engrave it on his head in order to get it right?!”

“But enough of this minor magic. l want to see how powerful l can really be!” Ben declared maliciously. “lt's time to summon Sarah Ravencroft!”

“If he releases Sarah from the book, we may never be able to stop them!” Sunny said. “We need a plan! And quick!”

But unfortunately, Ben began to chant the spell from the book, with no intention of stopping. “Dreadful darkness, hear my cry. Bring back one who cannot die!

Before he could finish, the Mystery Machine screeched right to a halt, its dust putting out the fire, and Scooby opened the doors to their friends, and Daphne beamed. “Are we ever glad to see you!”

Not wasting a single second, the group got into the van before Shaggy slammed on the gas and drove off. “Nice going, guys!” Fred congratulated. “Like, we're going, all right!” Shaggy whimpered. “Away from Witchville!”

“Shaggy, we have to go back for that book!” Autumn argued. “Book?! Can't we wait for the movie?” Shaggy whimpered. Misty looked around and saw a pile of pumpkins nearby, and instantly got an idea. “Shaggy, gimmie the wheel!”

“Huh?!” Shaggy blinked as Misty grabbed the wheel and yanked, causing the Mystery Machine to slam into the pile of pumpkins. Ben slipped on the pumpkins as they rolled past, leaving the hand with the book up in the air, and Scooby yanked the book right from him.

Shaggy laughed as Scooby got the book safely inside the van. “You're the man, Scoob!”

As Ben got up, he quickly used his powers to blow the van's tire, causing the Mystery Machine to drive out of control and crashed through the gift shop and destroyed it, causing the mayor to scream. “Not the gift shop!!”

Ben then used his powers to blow the second tire, causing the van to go into the hay, much to everyone's disgust, and once they managed to drive straight, Shaggy chuckled. “Looks like I'm starting to get the hang of this!”

“Not exactly!” Sunny pointed ahead, and the van was getting ready to slam into Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight! The ponies leaned against the van's side as Shaggy turned, and they managed to barely miss the captured duo, but instead ran into the turkey barn before Ben blew the third tire, causing the van to slow to a stop.

Luckily, no one was hurt, and Shaggy managed to find one sliver of good luck as Autumn took the book from Scooby. “Well, at least we have one tire.”

And ironically, that last tire blew on its own. But at least they still had the book... at least, until Ben leapt onto the Mystery Machine, causing the gang to scream. “I'll take that!” he said, swiping the book from Autumn before leaping back. “Now... where was I?”

“Autumn, do you have anything that can stop him?!” Zipp asked. “I... I don't, and I could never hurt him if I did have the right potions!” Autumn said. “Looks like we're going to have to do this the old fashioned way!”

Dreadful darkness, hear my cry! Bring back one who cannot die!” Ben chanted the spell as the gang and ponies rushed toward him. “Let the witch who perished here live again and reappear!

The gang began to crack and shake, sending the ponies and the gang scattered all over the grounds of the puritan village, even sending Shaggy and Scooby into an old wagon wheel. Ben cackled as a spooky white figure began to form in mid air.

And then, before their very eyes, the gang watched as the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft appeared above the village... and it was clear that she was not happy being shut in the book for the last 400 years.