• Published 11th Jul 2023
  • 1,033 Views, 19 Comments

G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost - ponydog127

The Mane 6 must help Mystery Incorporated, along with some brand-new friends, rid the town of Oakhaven, Massachusetts of a vengeful witch's spirit... unaware of what betrayals could be around the corner.

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Splitting Up (Part 1)

While Opaline began to plot her next move back in Equestria, the gang, the Equestrians and their new friends had wandered out of the Hex Girls' earshot, where Fred finally took the time to speak about the encounter they just had. “Those Hex Girls seem kinda suspicious.”

“I'll say,” Velma nodded. “But... Ametista seemed really nice. All four of them did,” Sunny pointed out with a frown. “We can't automatically suspect them because of something they do or how they look.”

“Yeah. And they have great style!” Pipp agreed, and Zipp gave her sister a side glance. “Uh, I mean... great, mysterious style.”

“Daph and I will keep an eye on them,” Fred volunteered, and Velma found herself smirking at the blonde haired leader of Mystery Incorporated. “Gee... why is it that you always pair off with Daphne, Fred?”

Daphne began to blush heavily as Fred began to explain himself. “Uh, well...”

“Never mind. It is a good idea,” Velma said before turning to the ponies. “You guys can split yourselves off however you need to. Shaggy and Scooby, you guys stay here-- we wanna take another look at where the guys saw that ghost.”

“You guys go on ahead-- we'll be right behind you,” Sunny told the groups as they split up, and once the ponies were alone, Sunny turned back to her friends. “All right... which ponies wanna go with which group?”

“Hitch and I will go with Fred and Daphne to keep an eye on the Hex Girls,” Pipp volunteered. “Hey... Pipp? Mind if I come too?” Misty asked with a timid look. “I mean... three pony kinds together are better than none.”

“Oh. Sure, Misty,” Hitch nodded. “And the rest of you can follow Velma, Ben, Shag and Scooby to where they saw the witch.”

“All right then,” Zipp sighed. “Then let's bag us a witch.”


Zipp, Autumn, Izzy and Sunny soon got back together with Velma, Ben, Shaggy and Scooby, inspecting the street where the witch's ghost was last seen. “Let's take a look behind these trees,” Velma said, leading the group behind the trees, and as they wandered around, Zipp was the first to notice tire tracks on the ground. “What are all these tire tracks doing back here?”

“That's strange,” Ben hummed in thought. “The road is back there.”

“Right. Let's see where these tracks lead,” Velma said, leading Shaggy and Scooby to become nervous. “Like can't we follow them tomorrow, like after breakfast?” Shaggy whimpered nervously. “Very funny, you two,” Sunny said, nudging Shaggy forward with her rump. “Come on, let's get to following those tracks.”

Shaggy gulped as they were pushed along the road. “I guess that's a no...”

So, the group began to follow the tracks through the woods, and along the way, Zipp noticed Autumn picking several ingredients from off the side of the dirt road.

That got her detective instincts fired up immediately.

What could she be doing with them?

And was she really putting on an act to get them to think she was on their side but really WASN'T?

Her train of thoughts was interrupted when the group paused just before a huge barn, illuminated by the moonlight. “The tracks lead over there,” Sunny said. “Huh... that's strange,” Autumn hummed. “Why would--?”

“Shh!” Velma shushed them as they all hunkered down, watching as the mayor emerged from the barn. “Jinkies! lt's the mayor!”

“What's he doing here?” Ben wondered. “l don't know, but we're gonna find out what's in that barn,” Zipp said firmly, before turning to look at the others. “Sunny, Izzy? You guys, Shaggy and Scooby can follow the mayor.”

“We will?” Shaggy blinked, not really sure how he felt about the role. “Fine,” shrugged Velma. “Then you search the barn, and we'll follow the mayor.”

Shaggy and Scooby looked at the barn looming in the moonlight, and instantly tensed up with fright. “On second thought, we'll take the mayor. He'll never know we're on his tail, eh, Scoob?”

Scooby nodded to this. “Yeah!”

But when Scooby got up to leave, it was revealed that Shaggy had been standing on his tail, and Shaggy quickly moved off of it. “Oops. Sorry, Scoob.”

Scooby whimpered in pain as he held his aching tail with his paws, and Autumn carefully examined it, humming in thought. “It doesn't look too bad. I have a special cooling cream that would settle its discomfort.”

The earth pony enchantress reached into her saddlebag and brought a light green bottle, applying some into her hoof and rubbing it onto Scooby's tail. And after a moment, an icy feeling washed over Scooby's tail, causing him to giggle in amusement. “That tickles!”

“There. The cream should help settle your discomfort for about 2 hours,” Autumn told him as she rubbed his head. “Now, you all get going, following the mayor, I mean.”

“Right,” Sunny nodded. “Come on, guys. Let's follow him before he gets too far off.”

Zipp hummed to herself after the four friends left, wondering how Autumn knew just how to treat Scooby's injuries. But then again... maybe it was just her rambunctious detective side getting the best of her again.

But now wasn't the time to think about that. She had to help her friends get inside the barn and investigate what the mayor could have been doing.


At the same time, Fred and Daphne were walking behind Hitch, Pipp and Misty as they kept a close eye on the Hex Girls. “So, Freddy,” Daphne said after a moment, “why do you always pair us up?”

“Well...” Fred trailed off, a little bit nervous, “...I thought about that for the longest time and there's never been a good time to tell you... maybe it's time that I... well, that I--”

“Guys, enough of the goo goo romance and more of the hiding!” Hitch whispered. “The Hex Girls and Ametista are coming this way!”

They quickly hid in the bushes as the Hex Girls and their unicorn companion came down the walkway. “l think we're going to need to perform our ritual, girls,” Thorn said. “Not tonight, Thorn,” Dusk said, rather tired out. “My powers are weak from rehearsing.”

“Mine too,” Luna stated. “How about tomorrow just before the concert?”

“Good idea,” Ametista said. “A good ritual will make sure we're ready for what comes tomorrow.”

“Never mind. I'll do it myself,” Thorn dismissed. “See you in the morning. Bad dreams, sisters.”

“Bad dreams, sister Thorn.”

And just like that, Ametista led Dusk and Luna one way, and Thorn walked off in another. “Did you hear that, guys?” Misty whispered. “Those girls have something to do with this ghost... and potentially Opaline. I just know it!”

“Thorn seems like the leader,” Fred supposed. “Let's follow her.”

“Are you sure you're not just stuck on Thorn, Freddy?” Daphne smirked before she and the ponies snuck off the way Thorn went, Fred right on their heels.


The barn door was locked, and the only way inside was an open window that Velma was trying to be lifted into by Ben. While Velma and Ben tried to get inside, Autumn went over the plants and other things she had gathered a few minutes before. “Dandelion, eagle feather, mint, tree bark and the blue rose. There... that should be everything.”

“What should be everything?”

Autumn leapt out of her skin when she heard Zipp's sudden voice, and looked up to see the pegasus princess looking suspicious over the ingredients Autumn had gathered. “Autumn, be straight with me. What is all this stuff? What's your motive? Did Opaline send you to make sure we failed this mission? Or... are you Opaline?”

Autumn felt a little intimidated by that, and reluctantly sighed. “The thing is, Zipp... I'm an enchantress. And this Opaline, whoever she may be, did not send me. I was born and raised right in the forests of Oakhaven.”

Zipp blinked in confusion, the gears in her brain spinning rapidly. “An enchantress? But... wait... that's why you gathered those ingredients? But what are they for?”

“It's for a healing powder that I can use on some vines to make an enchanted bandage,” Autumn explained. “But I don't want anypony else beside you, Shaggy and Scooby to know what I'm doing... for Ben's sake.”

“Oooh boy...” Zipp's face reddened in embarrassment. “I'm really sorry, Autumn. I was just... worried that something would hurt my friends.”

“It's all right. No harm was done, and all is forgiven. Hoof to heart?”

“Hoof to heart.”

Finally, Velma found her way inside the barn... by crashing after Ben managed to get her through the window, causing the ponies to wince in pain. “Velma? Are you okay?”

Thankfully, Velma opened the door not too badly banged up. “I'm fine. Come on.”

The others quickly followed her inside, where they discovered chairs and a cherry picker truck. But upon scanning the truck with her visor and feeling it with her hoof, Zipp came to a surprising theory. “It's still warm, guys.”

“But who will be driving it, this late at night?” Ben wondered. “That's the mystery,” Velma pointed out. “But we better find the others and tell them what we've found.”