> G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost > by ponydog127 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > More Ponies Out There/A Family Heart to Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had only been a few days after the Mane 6 had gotten back from their previous Unity Quest, and already, Detective Zipp was already on another case-- this one was her biggest lead so far, other than figuring out what Opaline could be capable of with her dragon fire magic back. Nopony knew what kind of lead it was except Sunny-- Zipp didn't want to tell a whole lot of ponies until she was sure that her theory was correct. Finally, two days after she told Sunny her theory... she was ready to tell the story of her theory to everypony else. XXXXXXXXX “So... what exactly is this theory about?” Hitch asked as they piled into the bedroom around Zipp's investigation board. “Whenever we go keep an eye out for Opaline or do our usual things, you're in here working.” “I noticed a pattern or two from the last couple of adventures,” Zipp stated, “and I wanted to make sure it was a solid lead before I told anypony else... well, other than Sunny. She was actually the one who pointed it out to me.” Misty blinked in confusion. “Am I the only one who's incredibly confused?” Zipp pointed to the first picture on the investigation board-- a dark blue kirin with a bluish white mane and tail, and blue eyes, alongside her mother and sister. “Who here remembers Midnight Breeze and her mom and younger sister?” “Who could forget?” Pipp playfully scoffed. “Her singing is top notch, and we never could have saved the Grimwood girls if it weren't for her betraying that uglier than life spider witch.” “But, Midnight mentioned to us that her herd wasn't always from this world,” Sunny reasoned. “They came from Equestria before magic disappeared... as did Riverstream and Skygrace.” That led Sunny to point to the next picture of the current royal sisters of Mount Aris. “Their colony was disbanded after the Equestrians forced them out, so their magic wasn't taken, and the magic of the royal pearl of Seaquestria was what kept them living for so many moons, not aging a single day!” “And that leads us to our final group in our examination,” Zipp pointed to the final picture. “The Gemstone Princesses!” “Rose Quartz? Sapphire Rainfall? Topaz Sunset and Emerald Forestpath?” Hitch named off the sisters one by one. “Ooh, I love those bat ponies!” Izzy chirped. “Didn't their family come from Equestria too?” “Yep. The Equestrians forcing the bat ponies to flee to Kissteria is what caused King Cobalt to become untrusting of us to begin with,” Zipp stated. “That leads us to our ultimate theory. What if more creatures from ancient Equestria moved to other worlds, had families of their own, and their families are still out there, not knowing that the Equestrians have reunited and magic is in our lives again?” That got the ponies to thinking... maybe Zipp was right-- it did make sense, since they encountered so many other creatures other than ponies in their past couple quests. Maybe there were more out there, waiting to be found. Hitch was first to speak. “That's a pretty sound theory, girls. But, the question I have is... where do we find these other pony and creature kinds when there are so many places to explore?” “And how do we convince them that the Equestrians can be trusted again?” Misty added. “I mean... if they did leave before magic disappeared, they'll try and blame the ponies again, like King Cobalt did.” “We're not sure about the specifics... yet,” Sunny spoke up. “But, we need to help them keep an open mind.” “Good point, Sunny,” Pipp said. “Some people could still be a little... rattled. Why don't we take some time to think about strategies on how to talk them into joining forces with us on our missions?” “Ooh! Unicycling always helps me think!” Izzy said as she skipped off. “I have to go downstairs and get Sparky before we go off on patrol,” Hitch said in agreement. “Come on, Pipp. I'll walk you down to Mane Melody.” “Sounds good to me,” Pipp said before the two left. “Um... if you two don't mind,” Misty said, “I think I'm gonna stay up here with you. There's just... a lot on my mind.” “Sure thing, Misty. I'm gonna go see if Izzy has some more string to tie our theories together,” Zipp said as she flew downstairs, leaving Sunny and Misty alone. However... Sunny didn't look too happy. She was staring at the investigation board before she picked up a nearby picture frame. It was a picture of a younger Sunny, without the rainbow streak in her mane, and another, older pony. He had a light blue coat, a royal blue mane and tail with white and purple streaks, cornflower-blue hooves, and purple eyes. His eyebrows and sideburns were dark violet, and he wore dark maroon-rimmed glasses and a wooden pendant hollowed out with the outline of Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark, and his cutie mark was a yellow shooting star. Misty glanced at the way Sunny was looking at the photo for a moment, and spoke up after a moment. “Sunny? Is... is that your dad?” Sunny nodded slowly. “He was one of my best friends growing up. What I know about the Guardians of Harmony and the ponies living in unity came from him. While most ponies thought he was crazy, me and Grandma Figgy seemed to be the only ones who had faith in what he believed in.” “Your dad and Hitch's grandma were friends?” Misty asked. “They were. Figgy didn't understand a lot of things about what Dad knew, but she respected him and what he believed in. Phyllis Cloverlead, Sprout's mom... well... she is still kind of...” “Unsure about what to think of all this?” “Exactly. Hey... remember when I told you after we first met that my dad passed away when I was a filly?” Misty nodded, still a little confused as to where she was going with this. “Well... nopony else besides Hitch and Sprout knows this, but... my dad actually was sick for a long time. No pony knew, not even me, until my dad was on his death bed.” “Oh, Sunny... I'm so sorry,” Misty apologized sorrowfully. “I guess I just... felt really alone after he passed,” Sunny wiped her tears away. “Until I met you guys, I... I thought that's what I would always be.” Misty let silence fill the air for a few moments before she spoke up again. “I know what it's like to feel alone. Not in the same way as you, but... I got lost when I was a filly, before Opaline found me. But it was when I was really young, and I really don't remember my parents all that much. And even though I'm away from Opaline now... I still think about them. If... they're still looking for me.” “I'm sure they are, Misty,” Sunny smiled softly. “And... if you want... I can help you find them.” “You'd help me find them? Really?” Misty asked. “Thank you, Sunny!” “Of course... hoof to heart.” “Hoof to heart,” Misty recited before hugging the earth pony mare tenderly. At least they had another thing in common besides both of them wanting to be rid of Opaline... they felt alone more than one point in their lives. And Misty felt relieved that it wasn't crazy to think such a thing. Suddenly, their cutie marks began to glow, and Misty knew what that meant. “Man... those Unity Crystals don't quit, do they?” “We better get hold of the others,” Sunny said, getting ready to pick up her phone. “We can't risk Opaline being out there again.” > A Museum Reunion/Ben Ravencroft and Autumn Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “We're going on a Unity Quest again? That's the third one this month!” Hitch panted as he and Pipp rushed into the Brighthouse. “I know, Hitch, but we can't waste any time,” Sunny pointed out with a firm look. “Anytime that Opaline could potentially be involved, we have to take action into our own hooves. Where's Sparky?” “Kenneth and the other animals are keeping an eye on him while he takes a nap. Hopefully with the time change, he'll be asleep until we get back,” Pipp said. “And even if she were to come on a total dragon hunt, Opaline shouldn't be able to find him, since he sleeps in a highly complexly guarded cabinet.” “Okay then,” Zipp said. “Sparky will be taken care of until we get back. Izzy, grab my detective gear on the way up. And Sunny? Make sure to grab your dad's journal.” “Good thinking,” Sunny said before taking a rather deep breath. “Okay then, everypony... let's go potentially kick some alicorn butt.” They galloped up the stairs, grabbing their necessary materials in the bedroom before heading up to the Crystal Room, standing around the Unity Crystals in a hexagon formation as the Unity Crystals grew brighter... and brighter... and brighter, until... ...our heroes vanished from the Brighthouse once again. XXXXXXXXX By the time they came out the portal, Sunny and her friends gained control of things and stepped out of the portal rather easily. But what they didn't know was where they were at first. The floors were cold, and wherever they came out was dark. “Izzy? Misty? Light your horns,” Sunny instructed in a whisper. “Zipp, use your goggles. The rest of you, get out your phones.” Misty and Izzy's horns dimly lit in the darkness, Zipp put her goggles on her face and Pipp, Hitch and Sunny brought out their phones and turned on the flashlights. They seemed to be in some sort of museum, with dinosaur skeletons and tapestries and many other artifacts around. Sunny hummed in thought as she trotted around the space. “The museum looks like it's closed or getting ready to close. We need to keep our eyes peeled and make sure nothing suspicious goes-- DOOOOOWN!!!” Sunny had been grabbed in a tight net, which had been triggered by standing on some sort of floor tile. Suddenly, a group of lights and voices came closer, and one of the voices spoke to the others. “All right, gang-- let's see who the ghosts of the vikings really-- Sunny?!” The group of lights dimmed immediately to reveal the Mystery Incorporated gang in different themed costumes, looking with wide eyes at seeing one if their pony friends in the trap they had set. And oddly enough... they seemed to be dresssed in different kinds of disguises. “Oh! Scooby! Freddy! Guys!” Sunny chuckled nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed at the situation she got herself in. “Um... feel like hanging out with us?” Daphne and Fred immediately undid the ropes that held up the net, and they helped Sunny back down onto her hooves. “Are you guys here for another Unity Quest?” Daphne asked the ponies as they approached their friends. “Not many people other than us lurk around museums looking for ghosts.” “Well, we are on a Unity Quest, but it seems like you guys are already wrapping up another mystery,” Zipp said, eyeing their outfits with a bit of a chuckle. “We are getting ready to wrap up,” Velma stated, “but we could always use some extra hooves.” “Great! We'll help you guys wrap up this case, and then we can work on finding our mission,” Sunny smiled. “Pipp, can we work on some disguises?” Pipp shot her a playful look. “Sunny, you know me far too well!” XXXXXXXXX A few minutes later, the dean was set to leave his office for the night, walking through the museum as Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, Scooby and the ponies were around the museum, dressed as different exhibits in hopes of catching the ghosts. But as he was leaving, a pair of tombs opened, causing him to quickly turn at the sound of the noise. “Is anyone there?” As expected, no one answered. The dean backed away and accidentally pressed a button, causing one of the exhibits to speak out and causing the dean to jump and drop his paperwork. “I really must switch to decaf…” the dean muttered as he began to pick up his papers off the ground. But since he was distracted, he didn’t see the two warrior mummies coming at him with their axes… all except Shaggy, Scooby, Pipp and Misty, who were in the exhibit behind him. “Professor…” Shaggy whispered. “Behind you…” And just like that, the monsters attacked, but as the dean was able to slip to safety, they set their sights on Shaggy, Scooby and their friends, with Shaggy holding his caveman club out in defense. “Like… stay right there!” Seeing that the monsters would not back down, Shaggy threw the club at them while Scooby threw his saber-tooth tiger costume, but both proved ineffective against the monsters’ weapons. “My turn!” Misty shouted, firing lasers at the monsters with her horn. But, they dodged and ducked, coming closer and closer. “Shaggy!!” Scooby cried, but luckily, Pipp knew what to do next. “Now, Scoob!” Scooby grabbed the rope next to him and allowed the net to fall on the monsters, who roared as they tried to escape. “Yes!” the four of them cheered. “The trap worked, Scoob!” Shaggy exclaimed. “Yeah!” Scooby giggled. “Gimme four!” The four of them bumped hands, hooves and paws against each other, not seeing that the two monsters were beginning to escape the trap on them. “You’re the man, Scoob!” Shaggy told the Great Dane. “You’re the man!” Scooby said back to Shaggy with a laugh. But then, the monsters poked their shoulders and let out another roar, causing the four to scream and run away from them. The chase took them all throughout the museum, but as the monsters were getting ready to corner them, a foot came out from behind the tapestry, tripping one of them and causing both of them to collide into a nearby catapult. When the four opened their eyes from the collision’s sound, they were surprised to see that the monsters were no longer going to be a problem. “Nice going, guys! You caught them!” Fred complimented as he, the rest of the gang, the other ponies and the dean and the police arrived. “Uh… right,” Shaggy said unsuredly. “No problem, Freddy. But, like, we did have a little help.” A tall man wearing glasses with black hair soon emerged from behind the tapestry, along with a gorgeous earth pony mare with sapphire blue eyes, a brown coat with lighter socks, dark brown hooves, a brown mane twisted into a light braid, blue feather accessories in her mane and tail, and a cutie mark of leaves blowing in the breeze. Both of them wore kind smiles, looking happy to see them. “Who are you?” Daphne asked, and Velma gasped in surprise at who the man was. “ I don't believe it! You're Ben Ravencroft, the famous horror writer!” “That's right. And let's see who they are,” the man, now known as Ben, said as he went over to one of the monsters, pulling off their mask to reveal an ordinary man the dean seemed to recognize. “It’s Perkins!” “And Griswald,” Velma took off the other monster’s mask. “Disgruntled archaeologists from the museum's Babylonian project. They were upset with you for cutting their funding, Dr. Dean.” “And we would've gotten away with it too. If it wasn't for this... meddling writer!” Perkins sneered before he and Griswald were led away by the police. “Like, that’s a twist,” Shaggy spoke. “Yeah… at least he didn't call us kids. I hate that,” Fred agreed. “Guess you beat us to the punch, Mr. Ravencroft,” Zipp smirked. “We're sorry,” the earth pony mare said with a frown. “We didn't mean to upstage you.” “So what are you doing here?” Fred asked curiously. “I was doing research on my latest novel when I saw these archaeologists acting suspiciously and decided to investigate,” Ben explained further. “Mr. Ravencroft, I am a huge fan of your work,” Velma shook the author’s hand eagerly. “I have read all your books in which my opinion are the best horror stories ever written.” “Thanks, Velma,” Ben thanked her, and Velma gasped in surprise. “You know my name?” she asked. “And Daphne and Fred’s,” Ben added, when he was tapped on the shoulder by Scooby’s tail. “And Shaggy and Scooby’s. And even the names of your Equestrian friends.” Scooby giggled happily knowing that he, the ponies and Shaggy had been recognized, but Zipp and Sunny looked at each other while they wondered how he knew about them to begin with. “And what about you? What’s your name?” Daphne asked the unknown earth pony mare with a kind smile. “Autumn,” the mare bowed pleasantly. “Autumn Rain.” “Autumn has been my faithful Equestrian companion in my writing career for the past year and a half,” Ben explained, patting her on the head. “The both of us have admired your work on revealing the supernatural mysteries for some time now. I mean, basically we're in the same business of mystery and the acult, right?” “Oh please, what we do pales in comparation with the sheer ponderable fright of your novels,” Velma said in disagreement. “I wouldn't say that,” Ben tried to say, but Velma continued on with her praise. “I mean, take the dead mole for example; oh, that creepy jewerly store owner was an incredibly complex character.” “You’re very kind,” Autumn said politely before Ben got what seemed like a good idea. “Listen Velma, Autumn and I are going back to my hometown in Massachusetts this weekend, to the house where I worked on my early books,” he explained. “I go back every year for the fall color, and it's forests are where Autumn's family is from. It's very peaceful and relaxing. Why don't you and your friends come visit?” “Really? Oh, that would be great! Uh, wouldn't it gang?” Velma turned to her friends. “Yeah. We can use a break from all these spooky mysteries,” Daphne said in agreement. “And Oakhaven does have one of the best restaurants in New England,” Ben told Shaggy and Scooby, who lit up at the offer. “Like we're sold! Eh, Scoob?” Shaggy asked excitedly, causing Scooby to nod. “Yeah!” “Hey, Autumn?” Sunny called. “Do you wanna ride to Oakhaven with us in the Mystery Machine? We could get to know each other a little bit, and we could tell you about some of our adventures.” Autumn looked to the group of ponies and smiled, finding herself right at home with these newfound friends. “I would be honored.” Then it was settled. The next morning, they would be heading out to Oakhaven. But all the same, Zipp and Sunny couldn't help but wonder where this Unity Quest was gonna take them. And were Ben and Autumn as friendly as they seemed? > Arrival in Oakhaven/Sighting of the First Three Witches > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Mystery Inc and their new friends headed to Oakhaven, Massachusetts, with Ben and Velma riding in Ben’s car and everyone else in the Mystery Machine. Fred had upscaled the Mystery Machine to fit the ponies when they were with them, and currently, Autumn Rain was having a pleasant conversation with her new friends in the back of the van. Currently, they had been telling Autumn about the first time they met Scooby and his friends, and Autumn seemed incredibly interested in the tale. “Wow... so you're saying the Unity Crystals that hold all magic sent you to the gang in hopes of helping them with the Moonscar Island mystery?” “Yeparooni!” Izzy chirped. “And ever since then, we've run into them every once in a while,” Zipp explained, “helping them solve all sorts of mysteries. Plus, we couldn’t have it any other way.” “But what about you, Autumn?” Sunny asked. “How did you end up with a famous horror writer?” “My grandmother raised me in the forest outside of Oakhaven, where she taught me how to be in tune with the forests around me,” Autumn explained. “After my grandmother passed, I walked into town one day and stumbled into Ben. After I helped him with a writers block scenario, he decided to take me on his book tour and provide him ideas.” “Wow... you must be really creative!” Pipp said with a smile. “Maybe I should put you up to writing some new song lyrics for me.” Autumn chuckled in amusement. “I would love that, Pipp.” “So, Autumn? How did you and Ben find out about us Equestrians?” Zipp asked. “Honestly, Ben found out about you all before I did,” Autumn shrugged, unsure about the situation herself. “He found a picture of all of you in the mailbox of the hotel we were staying in at the time, but every time we found you, you disappeared on us again. I was about to give up when we saw you in the museum last night. I'm very happy that ponies have seemed to have made up from their dispute.” “You knew about the fights between pony kinds?” Misty asked out of curiosity. “My grandmother got the story from her grandmother, but everypony else in our family denied it,” Autumn said. “I always knew that something had to cause it... but I was never sure what.” “We might know,” Sunny said, “but let's wait till later, after we're settled into Oakhaven.” XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, Velma had been going on and on about how amazing Ben's book was… like she had been since they started driving. “And that scene at the end where the caretaker's flesh dissolved was so brilliant,” she continued, “I--” “Oh, look. We're here,” Ben made a left turn at the 'Welcome to Oakhaven' sign. “Welcome to Oakhaven,” Ben said, but then his smile turned to complete surprise-- the quiet Massachusetts town was now full of honking cars! “I thought you said this was a quiet little town,” Velma said to Ben. “It was.” Hitch sighed as they got out of the Mystery Machine. “If this is quiet, I would hate to see stone silent.” “Wow, this is a pretty popular spot,” Fred spoke. “Do many people come here often?” Sunny asked. “Sure we always get a few leaf peepers but never like this,” Ben said, bewildered about so much bustling activity. “This is a circus! Oh, there's the mayor. He'll know what's going on.” “Like, maybe he'll know a place to eat,” Shaggy told Scooby, and they followed their friends over to where the mayor was greeting some tourists. “Welcome to old Oakhaven. Have a wonderful time. So glad you can come.” “Mayor! Mayor Corey!” Ben called out, and the mayor turned to him in delight. “Ben, my boy!” he shook Ben's hand eagerly. “I'm glad you and Darby could come home to see this. And I see you brought some friends and their dog.” “Dog? Where?” Scooby looked around. “Welcome!” the mayor said to the gang. “The more the merrier!” “But… what is all this?” Autumn asked, gesturing to the large scene around them. “It's great, isn't it? Business is booming, not like a few months ago when it was slower than maple syrup on a cold day,” Mayor Corey explained, just as another man came forward. “Hey, Ben.” “Hi, Mr. McKnight,” Ben greeted the man, coming over with a box full of t-shirts. “Welcome home, you two,” Mr. McKnight told Ben, handing him one of the shirts. “Here, have a T-shirt before my store sells out. You can wear it to the concert tomorrow.” “Concert?” Autumn questioned... there was never a concert this time of year. “The Hex Girls!” Fred exclaimed. “You’ve heard of them, Fred?” Daphne asked. “Just now,” Fred answered with a shrug, pointing to a nearby banner. “Oakhaven Autumn-Fest,” Zipp read. “Featuring the Hex Girls.” “Do you know about them, Pipp?” Misty asked. “No... not really. I don't know about many of this world's bands,” Pipp murmured. “A local group. You’ll like ‘em, kinda spooky,” the mayor told the group, just as Ben lifted up one of the t-shirts Mr. McKnight was selling. “I met the ghost of Oakhaven… and lived?” he questioned, and hearing that very word made Shaggy and Scooby tremble in fear. “Ghost?!” “Jinkies! Looks like you got a ghost in your own backyard, Ben,” Velma said. “Not only that,” Mayor Corey told her, “but it's his own ancestor, the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft.” “That's ridiculous. I thought we'd got past over this witch nonsense,” Ben told the mayor with a frown. “What can I say, Ben?” the mayor asked. “Ever since, we built our puritan villiage, her ghost has appeared many times.” “Don't tell me, you disturbed her spirit with the construction?” Fred guessed. “And now, she's haunting the town,” Zipp concluded. “H-How do you know?” the mayor asked them in a confused manner. “Ghost hunting’s our specialty,” Velma explained. “I see.” But there was one thing Ben didn’t understand. “Did you say… puritan village?” XXXXXXXXX Mayor Corey then led the group to an older-looking part of town, where folks were dressed like they were from the Middle Ages-- maybe even farther back. “What you're seeing is a perfect recreation of life was like back in the 1600's, as renunacted by our locals.” “Oh my pony... this is so hooftag vintage!” Pipp said, flying ahead with Zipp and taking picture after picture. “Yeah, I gotta admit,” Zipp shrugged with a smile, “this is pretty impressive.” “When did all of this go on?” Autumn asked, astounded by what she saw around her. “About 6 months ago,” the mayor answered. “This is amazing, mayor!” Velma exclaimed. Daphne then saw a stand nearby, and small dolls were on top of it, dressed like the Pilgrims we read about in Thanksgiving stories. “Oh! Corn husk dolls!” she said, picking one up. “Aren't they cute, Fred?” “Yeah… charming,” Fred replied with a smile. Shaggy, Scooby, Sunny and Izzy were walking around amongst themselves for a little bit, and Scooby and the girls discovered Shaggy in one of the wooden headlocks they kept for prisoners back in those days. “Look, Scoob-- I’ve been a baaad boy!” Scooby, Izzy and Sunny let out a giggle at this-- Shaggy and his goofy antics got them every time. Even some other tourists were laughing and taking pictures. Soon once Shaggy got out of the pillory, they approached a young woman, showing the tourists how to churn handmade butter when she turned to Scooby with a smile. “Wouldst thou like to churn?” “Huh?” Scooby looked confused. “Like it's your turn to churn the butter, old buddy,” Shaggy explained, and Sunny came over to demonstrate for her friend, seeing videos of how the colonizers did it in the olden days. “See, Scooby? It’s easy-- just grab the wooden part with your paws and move up and down with it,” she explained, doing so with her own front hooves. “Wanna give it a try?” “Uh huh!” Scooby nodded, and did as she told him to, gathering the attention of many people. Once he knew he was the center of attention, Scooby started using the container and mixer as a guitar almost, making many laugh at the stunt. But a little bit of butter slipped onto the ground, causing Scooby to trip and fall on his back. “Oops!” “Now all we need is the popcorn,” Shaggy joked as Izzy and Sunny helped Scooby onto his paws. XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, Velma, Hitch and Zipp were talking to Mayor Corey, Ben and Autumn not too far away from Scooby’s little publicity stunt. “So you say a ghost has been appearing here?” Velma asked. “Ah-yup. That's right, young lady,” the mayor answered with a nod. “Apparently, we disturbed the spirit of Ben's ancestor, who was persecuted as a witch. Way back in 1657.” “Wow... she came back after over 300 years...” Hitch trailed off. “Unjustifiably persecuted. Sarah Ravencroft was a medicine woman who practiced natural healing, and was unfairly accused because of her asencted ways!” Ben said in defense. “Just like the Salem witch trials,” Autumn recalled what her mother once told her. “Many men and women who were a bit different or didn't conform to the codes of the colony suffer the same fate.” “Sarah was a healer,” Ben went on passionately. “It was said she even kept a journal of all the patients she cured with her herbal remedies.” Meanwhile, Scooby, Misty and Sunny approached the corn husk dolls and looked at one curiously. “Look, Shaggy,” he said, grabbing a tiny hat in his teeth and flinging it onto his head. “It's a perfect fit, Scoob,” Shaggy told the Great Dane. Suddenly, the hat blew off Scooby’s head, and right into the paws of a small gopher. “Hey there, little guy,” Sunny said sweetly. “Could you give my friend that hat back? He was just messing around with it.” The gopher simply answered by diving back into the hole. Scooby sniffed the hole before reaching his paw in before he yelped and brought it out a few moments later, yelping in pain. Okay, that was the last straw. He began to dig at the hole furiously for a few seconds before reaching his head inside. When his head emerged from the hole, a square metal item was in his teeth. “Like what you got there old buddy?” Shaggy asked him. “I don’t know,” Scooby spit the metal thing out as he answered, and Shaggy inspected it a little more closely. “Wonder what this is.” “Looks like you found a old shoe buckle, my boy. Probably over 400 years old,” the mayor answered. “Cool!” Misty said excitedly as Shaggy put the buckle on his shoe. “Let’s find another one, Scoob-- so he can have a matching pair!” “Okay,” Scooby nodded. “A-yeah, we found all sorts of items from the old colony when we cleared this area for construction,” the mayor explained. “Handmade nails, horseshoes, farm equipment.” “How about a book?” Ben asked. “Book?” the mayor questioned in a confused manner. “You know how long he’s been searching for Sarah's journal,” Autumn explained the mayor. “To offically clear Ben's family name.” “Sorry, Ben. Nothing like that,” the mayor apologized. “So, what makes you think it’s Sarah’s ghost haunting the place?” Fred asked. “Because the ghost says so. Maybe you'll see her tonight.” “Oh boy…” Fred muttered under his breath. “You never know, Fred,” Daphne told him with a smirk. “Sunny and her friends turned out to be real, didn't they?” “Well, yes, but that's an entirely different circumstance!” Suddenly, Shaggy's stomach began to growl loudly. “Hey, we’d like to see a puritan pizza joint. We're starved,” he spoke up. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Don't worry, boys, we got the best restaurant in all New England,” the mayor assured them. “It's back in town, I'll walk you there.” “Misty and I will go with you. I wanna check out that restaurant and see what trending foods I can post!” Pipp giggled. “Do you kids wanna go, or do you want to see my studio?” Ben asked the others. “Wow, would we ever! Shaggy, we'll meet up with you later!” Velma bid them farewell as she and the others followed Ben away. “Mayor! Tell Jack that anything they order is on me!” Ben called. “Zoinks! Like what a great guy,” Shaggy told his group, just as Daphne chuckled. “You're gonna regret that offer, Ben.” Autumn and Ben looked confused at that statement-- what could that mean? XXXXXXXXX At the Oakhaven Restaurant, Shaggy and Scooby began to melt on the inside at the sweet smell of all the wonderful food around them. “Jack's gonna take care of you, boys,” Mayor Corey told them. “You're gonna love his cooking.” “We sure will, your honor,” Misty said respectfully. “Enjoy your stay at Oakhaven,” the mayor bid them farewell as he left. “Thanks your dudeness!” Shaggy waved. Scooby’s eyes laid upon a lucious steak at another table, and immediately darted over to it, drooling all over the man’s shoulder before another man by the name of Jack came over with a hearty laugh. “Well, boys, are you hungry?” “Man, are we ever!” Shaggy beamed. “Come over here to the back, I've always have a table for V.I.P's.” “Iconic...” Pipp sang. “Come on, Scooby!” Scooby snapped out of his food induced trance and followed his friends to the back table. “You're Mr. Ravencroft's guests so order up anything on the menu, fellas. I've got a nice juicy ham bone for your dog. What do ya think?” “Bone? Yuck!” Scooby huffed. “Heh… Scooby’s allergic to bones,” Pipp explained, taking a sniff of the air around them. “We’ll have whatever that great smell is.” Jack smiled proudly at the unicorn mare's answer. “Well, that's our Yankee pot roast, New England clam chowder, maple baked ham and beans, Roast turkey with chestnut stuffing, and apple cinnamon pie.” Shaggy and Scooby’s tongues hung out of their mouths at the sound of how amazing that sounded. “Sounds great!” Shaggy exclaimed. “Give us four orders of everything!” To this answer, Jack laughed happily. “Oh, I love people who love to eat!” XXXXXXXXX At the same time, Ben and Autumn had led the rest of the Mystery Inc gang to Ben's home not far away from the puritan village. “Wow… so this is where it all started,” Velma said in awe as she gazed around Ben’s studio. “Yes, I wrote all my early novels here,” Ben nodded. “Now I spend must of my time in Europe, but I come back once a year to recharge my batteries. Go ahead, Velma, sit down.” “Jinkies, this is a dream come true!” Velma excitedly sat down in Ben’s chair. “You have some cool things here, Ben,” Hitch said as he, Daphne and Fred looked at the things Ben had on the walls. “I’ll say,” Fred nodded in agreement before they noticed a portrait hanging above the fireplace. “So who’s portrait is this?” “This is Sarah Ravencroft,” Autumn explained. “I think it was painted by a grateful patient.” “Wow... she's beautiful!” Izzy's eyes sparkled in awe. “Of course, she wasn't very popular with the town's doctors,” Ben continued. “Sarah was untraditional in her approach to medicine. She was a wiccan.” Autumn shifted nervously, but no one else seemed to notice it as they became confused at the term of which Sarah was defined. “A what?” Hitch blinked. “I’ve read about them,” Velma explained. “Wiccans were people who were in tune with the forces of nature and use them for healing purposes.” “Exactly,” Ben nodded. “She believed in using herbs and other natural elements to draw from the Earth's power to heal the sick. Sarah helped many people who cannot afford medical treatment. She treated her patients under a large oak tree, which she believed to have healing powers.” “Hey, I saw a huge oak tree like that in the town square!” Sunny realized. “B-Ben and I’ve already searched the area around that tree, but never found anything,” Autumn shrugged, stuttering a little after clearing his throat. “That book can finally prove that Sarah’s innocence,” Ben went on, “and that she was a wiccan-- not an evil witch.” “Wiccans have been misunderstood, accused of sorcery,” Velma added. “In fact, the word witch comes from wicca.” “I'm impressed, Velma,” Ben commented. “You know, doing research on Sarah and the wiccans led me to read almost everything about the world of supersation. That's how I started writing stories to frighten people.” XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby were on an eating rampage back at the restaurant, devouring most everything in sight while Pipp and Misty tried to keep themselves from getting hit by flying food. Jack soon returned with some more to please Shaggy and Scooby, chuckling nervously. “I never seen anything like this,” he said. “Are you at least tasting my food?” Shaggy and Scooby, although their mouths were completely stuffed, nodded in response before they swallowed. “It’s the best food we’ve ever had,” Shaggy said. “Delicious!” Scooby complimented, slurping down the tomato soup before him and causing one man to run out in disgust. Soon, the others arrived, Daphne smirking over at the four friends. “So, how's the food?” “Of what didn't land in my mane, it's pretty darn good,” Pipp said, wiping down her mane again. “Is there anything left in the kitchen?” Zipp asked with a chuckle, just as Jack emerged from the kitchen. “I’ll be right back, boys. I gotta make a run to the market!” he said before leaving the building. “It’s getting dark, guys,” Fred told the others. “Let’s go see if that ghost is gonna make an appearance.” This made Shaggy and Scooby quite nervous-- they didn’t wanna spend this vacation hunting ghosts like always, they wanted to actually enjoy themselves. “Like, we’d love to,” Shaggy said, “but we haven’t had our dessert yet.” “Yeah, yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Okay,” Sunny smiled. “But after you’re finished, meet us at the puritan village.” “Ben’s already gone ahead, and Autumn is gonna meet us there after she's gone to check up in the part of the woods she used to live in,” Velma explained, and with that, Fred, the ponies and the girls took their leave. “Great!” Shaggy said. “Like if the ghost gets there, just start screaming without us!” Scooby then tried to eat the chicken leg that Shaggy was holding, but Shaggy quickly pulled it away before he could take a chomp out of it. “Hey!” XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, it was already darker when the group arrived at the puritan village, but people were already becoming impatient. “Come on, we've been waiting here an hour,” said one of the tourists. “The ghost is a no-show.” “Maybe she'll show up in the concert tomorrow,” a second tourist shrugged, and everyone took their leave except for Ben and the gang. “Too bad,” Ben said with crossed arms. “I was going to have a little chat with my ghostly ancestor. I wanted to ask here where she'd hid her journal.” “Boy, Ben seems to be pretty obsessed with that book,” Daphne whispered to Fred and the others. “I’ll say,” Zipp nodded. “Rather suspicious if you ask me.” “Well, we should leave, too,” Ben told the gang. “Let’s give it a chance, Ben,” Daphne urged him. “Yeah,” Fred nodded. “It’s probably a hokey bedsheet on a wire or something. This could be funny.” “You never know what could happen, Fred,” Sunny said. “I say we stick around and investigate-- just to be sure.” XXXXXXXXX Back at the restaurant, Shaggy and Scooby had finally gotten themselves stuffed to the brim after a boatload of desserts. “Thanks for everything, Jack,” Shaggy said as they guided themselves outside. “It was great… especially those last 12 pies.” “Glad you liked ‘em…” Jack sighed among all the dirty dishes, just as the group took their leave, walking out into the empty streets of Oakhaven. “Like, was that good eating or what, Scoob?” Shaggy asked the Great Dane. “Yeah!” Scooby nodded before he burped. “Excuse me.” But that’s when, as they walked, they noticed several people leaving from the puritan village. “Gee… looks like everybody’s leaving,” Shaggy observed. “I wonder if the ghost showed up.” But as they kept walking, a creepy feeling began to wash right over Shaggy. “Like, with no one here, this place is almost spooky, Scoob. Heh heh heh...” “Yeah...” Scooby chuckled nervously, then his eyes darted over to a nearby alley, where some silhouettes caught his attention. “Shaggy!” Shaggy turned immediately when he heard Scooby call for him, and they saw three female figures coming toward them from the alley. “Look-- girls!” “Yeah! Girls!” Shaggy and Scooby immediately made their bulged stomachs look like muscles, flexing and smoothing their hair to look impressive enough for the approaching women. Finally, they were ready, and Shaggy finally decided to speak. “Like, hi, girls.” “Hi...” That's when the three girls came from the alley and revealed their true appearance... they were witches! > Autumn's Secret/Music of the Hex Girls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three girls that came out of the alley all had standardized appearances, scary fangs, creepy smiles, goth looking clothing, deep lipstick, and... well... looking downright terrifying! Seeing the girls' appearance as something they feared and didn't expect, Shaggy and Scooby screamed and ran away as fast as their feet could take them. And as soon as they were far enough away, Shaggy looked back to see if they were being followed. “I think we lost them, old buddy!” Hearing this made Shaggy and Scooby screech to an alarming halt. “And I thought there was only one ghost witch,” Shaggy shuddered. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Anyway, with all that running,” Shaggy said, “we've worked off that big meal. But you know? Now I'm hungry again.” Scooby nodded at this. “Me too!” But before they could go off to find their friends, they could have sworn they heard a beautiful humming coming from the stretch of trees not too far away from them. And then... that humming turned into singing. Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a river full of memory Sleep my darlings safe and sound For in this river all is found Shaggy and Scooby never heard a voice so beautiful before... but they had a strange feeling that they knew who it was, despite just hearing this voice. Curiosity got the better of them though, so they decided to go through the woods until they were able to the source of the singing. In her waters deep and true Lie the answers and a path for you Dive down deep into her sound But not too far or you’ll be drowned Parting some bushes aside, Shaggy and Scooby were stunned to see the voice of the singing belonged to... Autumn Rain herself! She was in a cozy, private nook in the forest, with different plants, hoofmade shelves on the trees, a cauldron and a garden of rainbow colored flowers growing nearby. Autumn seemed to have been sweeping up the homemade stone floor, singing that little song to herself, unaware that Shaggy and Scooby were listening. Yes she will sing to those who hear And in her song all magic flows But can you brave what you must fear Can you face what the river knows Where the north wind meets the sea There’s a mother full of memory Come my darling homeward bound When all is lost, then all is found “Like... whoa...” Shaggy gasped quietly, but enough for Autumn's ears to flicker until she saw them. “Oh! Shaggy, Scooby!” the mare smiled nervously as they approached. “I... I didn't see you there. Did you see the witch with the others?” “Well, heh... we saw SOMETHING, all right,” Shaggy chuckled. “But, uh... what was that little tune you were singing to yourself?” “Just a little something my mom used to sing to me whenever I had trouble sleeping,” Autumn admitted as she set the broom down. But then, she looked at them with a serious look. “Nopony else followed you this way... did they?” “Uh uh,” Scooby shook his head calmly, and this caused Autumn to calm down with a deep sigh. “Good. Well... I guess I can show you both around my workshop... since nopony else has ever seen it.” “Not even Ben?” both Shaggy and Scooby questioned in surprise. “Especially not Ben,” Autumn said before she showed them around. “I come to this special little nook all the time when I'm in town with Ben. My family has used this nook for potion making and spell casting for moons upon moons.” Shaggy gulped, not sure what to make of this information. “So are you... like... a pony witch of some kind?” Autumn sighed when she heard this, her ears slightly pinning. “People of this world may think so, but whether the spell caster's intentions are good or evil determines whether they are a witch or not,” Autumn admitted. “In my opinion, I'm more of an... enchantress and a wiccan. My mother taught me the things my grandmother taught my mother, and so on and so on. And before she passed... my mother gave me this.” She pulled out a short, gray branch with silver swirls along it, smiling in admiration. “This is my family wand, made by my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother and passed down from generation to generation for as long as I could remember.” “Ooh, pretty,” Scooby pawed the wand before Autumn put it back in her bag. “My mother showed me how to make potions to infuse into the wand, so I can cast spells like unicorns can, and she taught me how potions can also become a useful weapon. I think it might be useful against this so called Ghost of Sarah Ravencroft.” But then, as if she was suddenly realizing something, Autumn turned to Shaggy and Scooby with a pleading look. “You won't tell Ben or anypony else about this, will you? I want to tell them when I feel like I'm ready and when they're ready, and with Ben being so determined to find his ancestor's journal, I just... don't want to upset him.” “Autumn, your secret is safe with us,” Shaggy promised sincerely, and he and Scooby made the hoof-to-heart motion to her. “As Sunny always says... hoof to heart.” “...yes. Hoof to heart,” Autumn made the same motion before she began to cover up all the entrances to the nook with branches, leaves and blankets she had laying around. “Come on... I better get you boys back to your friends before they get worried.” Shaggy and Scooby followed their new friend toward the edge of the woods, determined not to let her down in keeping this a secret. But as they walked along, the wind began to get stronger, and then a sinister cackle. And out from the top of the trees came the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft! Her frightening green glow and her piercing red eyes was enough to send thr group screaming and on the run, even though Autumn wasn't sure if it was the real thing or not. “This town shall pay for what it did to me!” the witch shrieked before she began launching fireballs at them, to which they thankfully avoided. “lt's every coward for himself, old buddy!” Shaggy shouted to Scooby as they rounded a corner... ...and ran smack dab into the others, causing a heaped pile right on the sidewalk. “Ooh...” Autumn groaned. “That has to hurt...” “What in Equestria is going on, guys?” Sunny asked. “Ghost!” Scooby tried to say. “Roast?” Ben repeated what he heard as the others all got back on their feet and hooves. That's when Scooby decided to quickly clarify. “Witch's ghost!” “You saw the witch's ghost?” Misty asked with wide eyes. “All three of us did,” Autumn said as she approached. “We can show you if you want us to.” “Like, do we have to?” Shaggy whimpered. “SHE THROWS FIREBALLS, MAN!!” “Oh, can you at least get off me first, Freddy?” Daphne groaned, since Fred was still sitting on top of her. “Gee, uh... sorry Daph,” Fred apologized as they got up, and Shaggy pointed his arm fearfully down the street they came down. “Like, down this street.” But when they looked, there was nothing on that street now, to which Autumn became suspicious of. “We thought we'd gotten away from the first three witches,” Shaggy said, “when this ghost chased us from down there.” “First three witches?” Ben questioned in surprise. “Psst. Velma,” Zipp whispered from close by. “Check this out.” Zipp had found some sparkly powder on the ground, and Velma kneeled down to examine it. “Hmm... you said she threw fire balls right?” “lt was like this, Velma,” Shaggy pointed to the shirt hanging up in the window, “but a thousand times worse!” “Okay, Shaggy, I think that might be a little bit of an exaggeration,” Autumn chuckled. “But she did throw fireballs at us.” “Is this the street she chased you down?” Zipp pointed down the street, making Shaggy shudder in fright. “Don't remind us!” Pipp was walking down the pavement when she stepped on something. And when she looked down, she discovered a broken branch in underneath her hoof. “Huh?” The pink pegasus stepped off the branch and Fred immediately picked it up, looking toward the line of trees on the side of the street. “Check out these branches-- they were all broken from the tops of these trees!” “And in a perfectly straight line,” Daphne observed, and Velma adjusted her glasses in thought. “This is getting interesting, Ben.” “Uh, guys?” Misty spoke up, pointing over to the distance. “I think we should be more worried about that light and music over there instead of worrying about broken trees.” “Huh?” Everyone looked off in the direction in which Misty was pointing, and true to her word, brights lights and music were coming from the forest. “Shaggy!!” Scooby wailed, running into his best friend's arms. “Like, not again!” “What is that?!” Daphne wondered. “Let's go see!” Izzy chirped, bouncing forward. “Maybe it'll be some new friends we can play with!” Shaggy and Scooby spared each other a nervous glance as they followed their friends toward the forest. But what if Izzy was wrong about the lights and music being from a potential friend? XXXXXXXXX They wandered through the forest with their phone flashlights leading the way, and when they parted some bushes, they revealed a stage on the other side. On the stage were three girls that looked strangely familiar to Shaggy and Scooby... but they weren't sure where they saw them. “Hit it, sisters!” one girl shouted to the others before turning around and hissing. “Zoinks!!” Shaggy shouted in fear. “It's the witches!” “Easy, guys,” Fred quickly reassured. “It's just the Hex Girls!” And so, the group crept out of hiding to hear the Hex Girls' performance. Thorn: I'm gonna cast a spell on you You're gonna do what I want you to Mix it up here in my little bowl Say a few words, and you'll lose control! Hex Girls: I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you (I'm gonna put a spell on you) I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you (Put a spell on you!) Thorn: You'll feel the fog as I cloud your mind You'll get dizzy when I make a sign You'll wake up in the dead of night Missing me when I'm out of sight Hex Girls: I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you (I'm gonna put a spell on you) I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you (Oh yeah) Thorn: With this little cobweb potion You'll fall into dark devotion If you ever lose affection I can change your whole direction Hex Girls: I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you (I'm gonna put a spell on you) I'm a Hex Girl and I'm gonna put a spell on you... We're gonna put a spell on all of you! The gang, Ben and the ponies applauded and cheered happily as the smoke effects cleared the stage. “Thanks,” said the lead singer. “What are you doing here?” “The concert's tomorrow,” the girl with pig tails who played the drums stated. “Well, we heard this spooktacular music on the other side of the trees,” Pipp said, fluttering forward. “And we thought we would come and see who was making it. You three really know your stuff.” “Heh, thanks,” said the third girl before she noticed something familiar about Ben. “Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you Ben Ravencroft?” “Why? You not gonna bite me, are you?” Ben asked jokingly, and the lead singer led her bandmates down off the stage to greet him. “Cool, I always wanted to meet you. You're like... one of us.” “Yeah,” the third girl nodded. “You understand what we're into.” Shaggy, Scooby and Misty glanced at each other in confusion, just before the girl in pig tails smiled at them, showing off her fangs. “Hi...” “H-Hello,” the three of them stammered, shaking in fear as Zipp approached the band. “That's quite an act, Ms... uh.. ” “Thorn,” the band leader smiled. “This is Dusk and Luna. We're eco-goths.” “Eco-goths?” Shaggy and Scooby became incredibly confused, and Dusk, huffed with her hands on her hips. “And we don't need your approval.” “Oh! Uh... we didn't mean to send any unwanted messages, Ms. Dusk,” Misty rapidly shook her head. “We just, uh... never heard of an eco-goth before.” “Hmm... sure. I buy it.” Fred took the opportunity to step forward, a small smirk gracing his face. “Gee, all those explosions at the end were pretty mystifying, eh, Velma?” “Yeah...” Velma nodded. “Very mystifying.” Then, a gentle, calm but eerie voice spoke up from the shadows. “Thank you... they were all created by me.” Wisps of shadows emerged from the forest before swirling together before forming the shape of a figure... more specifically, a unicorn. She had fur as gray as ashes, with even darker hooves to match. Her black mane and tail seemed to flow in an invisible gust of wind, and her purple eyes radiated with mystery, as well as her violet rose cutie mark and the deep, midnight blue cloak. Shaggy and Scooby yelped in surprise, the former letting the latter jump into his arms. Luna, the girl in purple, merely chuckled at their response, smiling as if it was natural. “Don't worry-- this is our special effects pony. We met her a few years ago while we were on the road, and her magic talents are just what we needed at the time.” “Ametista Blackpetal-- at your service,” the mare responded with a bow. “Nice to meet you, Ametista,” Zipp smiled. “Huh... I've never met a pony whose mane and tail move like they're in a nonexistent wind before.” “I was told to be the descendant of a miraculous sorceress called Mistmane,” Ametista stated. “She too had great appreciation for beauty, and her mane moved just like mine.” Sunny's eyes lit up when she heard about Mistmane-- she was an old figure her father once told her about! “Ametista, I think you and I are gonna get along just fine!” “So, where are you girls from?” Ben asked the Hex Girls as the ponies chatted. “Oakhaven, but we won't be here for long. We're close to cutting our first CD,” Thorn said before shaking Ben's hand. “Well, it's been killer meeting you.” “Same here.” “But we better get back to our rehearsal,” Thorn spoke. “Ametista? You coming?” “Of course,” Ametista nodded. “It was wonderful to meet you and your friends, Sunny, but I have to be going now. I hope to see you all tomorrow night at the concert?” Sunny smiled at that, touching Ametista's outstretched hoof. “We'd love to be there. Count on it.” They began to go their separate ways, but as they did, Misty began to get nervous around this Ametista pony and these Hex Girl characters. Sure, they seemed nice, but what if it was all an act? And worst of all... what if they were allies of Opaline? One thing was for sure, she had to find out. XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, Opaline was watching everything from her castle, humming to herself. “This is taking a very interesting turn of events... and it would be a real shame if I twisted events into my own pleasure... a real shame.” > Splitting Up (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While Opaline began to plot her next move back in Equestria, the gang, the Equestrians and their new friends had wandered out of the Hex Girls' earshot, where Fred finally took the time to speak about the encounter they just had. “Those Hex Girls seem kinda suspicious.” “I'll say,” Velma nodded. “But... Ametista seemed really nice. All four of them did,” Sunny pointed out with a frown. “We can't automatically suspect them because of something they do or how they look.” “Yeah. And they have great style!” Pipp agreed, and Zipp gave her sister a side glance. “Uh, I mean... great, mysterious style.” “Daph and I will keep an eye on them,” Fred volunteered, and Velma found herself smirking at the blonde haired leader of Mystery Incorporated. “Gee... why is it that you always pair off with Daphne, Fred?” Daphne began to blush heavily as Fred began to explain himself. “Uh, well...” “Never mind. It is a good idea,” Velma said before turning to the ponies. “You guys can split yourselves off however you need to. Shaggy and Scooby, you guys stay here-- we wanna take another look at where the guys saw that ghost.” “You guys go on ahead-- we'll be right behind you,” Sunny told the groups as they split up, and once the ponies were alone, Sunny turned back to her friends. “All right... which ponies wanna go with which group?” “Hitch and I will go with Fred and Daphne to keep an eye on the Hex Girls,” Pipp volunteered. “Hey... Pipp? Mind if I come too?” Misty asked with a timid look. “I mean... three pony kinds together are better than none.” “Oh. Sure, Misty,” Hitch nodded. “And the rest of you can follow Velma, Ben, Shag and Scooby to where they saw the witch.” “All right then,” Zipp sighed. “Then let's bag us a witch.” XXXXXXXXX Zipp, Autumn, Izzy and Sunny soon got back together with Velma, Ben, Shaggy and Scooby, inspecting the street where the witch's ghost was last seen. “Let's take a look behind these trees,” Velma said, leading the group behind the trees, and as they wandered around, Zipp was the first to notice tire tracks on the ground. “What are all these tire tracks doing back here?” “That's strange,” Ben hummed in thought. “The road is back there.” “Right. Let's see where these tracks lead,” Velma said, leading Shaggy and Scooby to become nervous. “Like can't we follow them tomorrow, like after breakfast?” Shaggy whimpered nervously. “Very funny, you two,” Sunny said, nudging Shaggy forward with her rump. “Come on, let's get to following those tracks.” Shaggy gulped as they were pushed along the road. “I guess that's a no...” So, the group began to follow the tracks through the woods, and along the way, Zipp noticed Autumn picking several ingredients from off the side of the dirt road. That got her detective instincts fired up immediately. What could she be doing with them? And was she really putting on an act to get them to think she was on their side but really WASN'T? Her train of thoughts was interrupted when the group paused just before a huge barn, illuminated by the moonlight. “The tracks lead over there,” Sunny said. “Huh... that's strange,” Autumn hummed. “Why would--?” “Shh!” Velma shushed them as they all hunkered down, watching as the mayor emerged from the barn. “Jinkies! lt's the mayor!” “What's he doing here?” Ben wondered. “l don't know, but we're gonna find out what's in that barn,” Zipp said firmly, before turning to look at the others. “Sunny, Izzy? You guys, Shaggy and Scooby can follow the mayor.” “We will?” Shaggy blinked, not really sure how he felt about the role. “Fine,” shrugged Velma. “Then you search the barn, and we'll follow the mayor.” Shaggy and Scooby looked at the barn looming in the moonlight, and instantly tensed up with fright. “On second thought, we'll take the mayor. He'll never know we're on his tail, eh, Scoob?” Scooby nodded to this. “Yeah!” But when Scooby got up to leave, it was revealed that Shaggy had been standing on his tail, and Shaggy quickly moved off of it. “Oops. Sorry, Scoob.” Scooby whimpered in pain as he held his aching tail with his paws, and Autumn carefully examined it, humming in thought. “It doesn't look too bad. I have a special cooling cream that would settle its discomfort.” The earth pony enchantress reached into her saddlebag and brought a light green bottle, applying some into her hoof and rubbing it onto Scooby's tail. And after a moment, an icy feeling washed over Scooby's tail, causing him to giggle in amusement. “That tickles!” “There. The cream should help settle your discomfort for about 2 hours,” Autumn told him as she rubbed his head. “Now, you all get going, following the mayor, I mean.” “Right,” Sunny nodded. “Come on, guys. Let's follow him before he gets too far off.” Zipp hummed to herself after the four friends left, wondering how Autumn knew just how to treat Scooby's injuries. But then again... maybe it was just her rambunctious detective side getting the best of her again. But now wasn't the time to think about that. She had to help her friends get inside the barn and investigate what the mayor could have been doing. XXXXXXXXX At the same time, Fred and Daphne were walking behind Hitch, Pipp and Misty as they kept a close eye on the Hex Girls. “So, Freddy,” Daphne said after a moment, “why do you always pair us up?” “Well...” Fred trailed off, a little bit nervous, “...I thought about that for the longest time and there's never been a good time to tell you... maybe it's time that I... well, that I--” “Guys, enough of the goo goo romance and more of the hiding!” Hitch whispered. “The Hex Girls and Ametista are coming this way!” They quickly hid in the bushes as the Hex Girls and their unicorn companion came down the walkway. “l think we're going to need to perform our ritual, girls,” Thorn said. “Not tonight, Thorn,” Dusk said, rather tired out. “My powers are weak from rehearsing.” “Mine too,” Luna stated. “How about tomorrow just before the concert?” “Good idea,” Ametista said. “A good ritual will make sure we're ready for what comes tomorrow.” “Never mind. I'll do it myself,” Thorn dismissed. “See you in the morning. Bad dreams, sisters.” “Bad dreams, sister Thorn.” And just like that, Ametista led Dusk and Luna one way, and Thorn walked off in another. “Did you hear that, guys?” Misty whispered. “Those girls have something to do with this ghost... and potentially Opaline. I just know it!” “Thorn seems like the leader,” Fred supposed. “Let's follow her.” “Are you sure you're not just stuck on Thorn, Freddy?” Daphne smirked before she and the ponies snuck off the way Thorn went, Fred right on their heels. XXXXXXXXX The barn door was locked, and the only way inside was an open window that Velma was trying to be lifted into by Ben. While Velma and Ben tried to get inside, Autumn went over the plants and other things she had gathered a few minutes before. “Dandelion, eagle feather, mint, tree bark and the blue rose. There... that should be everything.” “What should be everything?” Autumn leapt out of her skin when she heard Zipp's sudden voice, and looked up to see the pegasus princess looking suspicious over the ingredients Autumn had gathered. “Autumn, be straight with me. What is all this stuff? What's your motive? Did Opaline send you to make sure we failed this mission? Or... are you Opaline?” Autumn felt a little intimidated by that, and reluctantly sighed. “The thing is, Zipp... I'm an enchantress. And this Opaline, whoever she may be, did not send me. I was born and raised right in the forests of Oakhaven.” Zipp blinked in confusion, the gears in her brain spinning rapidly. “An enchantress? But... wait... that's why you gathered those ingredients? But what are they for?” “It's for a healing powder that I can use on some vines to make an enchanted bandage,” Autumn explained. “But I don't want anypony else beside you, Shaggy and Scooby to know what I'm doing... for Ben's sake.” “Oooh boy...” Zipp's face reddened in embarrassment. “I'm really sorry, Autumn. I was just... worried that something would hurt my friends.” “It's all right. No harm was done, and all is forgiven. Hoof to heart?” “Hoof to heart.” Finally, Velma found her way inside the barn... by crashing after Ben managed to get her through the window, causing the ponies to wince in pain. “Velma? Are you okay?” Thankfully, Velma opened the door not too badly banged up. “I'm fine. Come on.” The others quickly followed her inside, where they discovered chairs and a cherry picker truck. But upon scanning the truck with her visor and feeling it with her hoof, Zipp came to a surprising theory. “It's still warm, guys.” “But who will be driving it, this late at night?” Ben wondered. “That's the mystery,” Velma pointed out. “But we better find the others and tell them what we've found.” > Splitting Up (Part 2)/Capturing the Ghost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorn had walked to a shed not too far from her home, and Fred, Misty, Hitch, Pipp and Daphne stealthily followed after her. Thankfully, Misty had spied for Opaline for so long, she was pretty much an expert. The only good thing that came out of her living in that wicked alicorn's presence. All members of the group peered inside the window of the shed to see Thorn brewing some sort of mixture inside, with all sorts of herbs and other things. Everyone gasped and immediately hid in order to avoid Thorn seeing them. “What's she up to?” Fred wondered. “If I didn't know any better...” Hitch said in concern, “...I'd say Thorn is a witch!” “...do you think that Opaline sent her and the other Hex Girls to this world in order to seek vengeance on us?” Misty asked nervously, ears pinning. “Well, Opaline didn't create them or send them. They're from Oakhaven, originally,” Daphne pointed out. “But, it does make me wonder if Opaline did have something to do with it.” Misty whimpered nervously... that was exactly what she was afraid of. XXXXXXXXX Sunny, Shaggy, Scooby and Izzy had been following Mayor Corey all throughout the streets of Oakhaven, watching as he went into different stores, dropping things off and picking things up, all while occasionally looking back to see if he was being watched. And in order to spy on the mayor at one point, Shaggy and Scooby even dressed up as a romantic couple, grossing Sunny and Izzy out, but they didn't say anything after that. Once Shaggy and Scooby got changed out of their disguises, that's when they saw the mayor entering some sort of warehouse. “Hoo hoo! We got him now, guys!” Izzy cheered. “Let's go see what the mayor is really up to!” They crept over to the door, and making sure they all knew to be silent, Izzy and Shaggy pried the door open with Izzy's horn and stepped inside the dark warehouse. But when they stepped into the warehouse, the mayor had virtually disappeared! “Like, where do you think he went, Scoob?” Shaggy whispered as they crept around the warehouse. “I don't know,” Scooby shrugged. “We have to keep our senses wide open,” Sunny told them quietly. “The mayor could be anywhere in--” Suddenly, a squeaking sound caught their attention, and when they slowly looked up, they saw the witch glaring at them from the rafters before she attacked! “How dare you disturb my resting place?!” “AHHHHHH!!!” the group exclaimed, not wanting to find her in here. “This town will pay!!” the witch shrieked before diving toward them. “Like, send them a bill! But leave us alone!” Shaggy shouted. “Yeah!” Izzy said, lighting her horn and grabbing some pinecones. “Leave our friends alone!” She threw the pinecones at the witch, and when she stopped at their impact, that's when Sunny and Izzy ran out through the warehouse doors... while Shaggy and Scooby ran right through the wall. But as they ran, they knocked the mayor right over, as well as Velma and Ben before Shaggy and Scooby in a nearby mailbox, completely avoiding Autumn and Zipp. Velma and Ben even put on each other's glasses, apologizing before putting on the right ones. Everyone else came toward them, clearly worried after what just happened. “Hey, what's going on?” Misty asked. “Ask Shaggy and Scooby,” Ben said as they were helped up. “Well, where are they?” Fred questioned, and Velma looked over toward the mailbox with a smirk. “That's no mystery.” Sunny and Izzy stood right by the shaking mailbox, trying to console their frightened friends inside. “So, what happened guys?” Zipp asked, and Velma opened the mailbox flap to speak to them. “We followed the mayor to some warehouse,” Shaggy trembled, “and that ghost attacked us!” “It did?” Zipp asked before groaning. “There goes our cherry picker theory.” “Cherry picker theory? Wait till you hear what we saw at Thorn's place,” Fred added. “Hey!” Shaggy said as he slid out of the mailbox. “We were reporting first, right, Scoob?” “Yeah,” Scooby nodded, trying to wiggle out of the mailbox himself. “The mayor was one busy guy. Picking things up...” Shaggy said before Scooby fell on him, “...and dropping things off.” “Like what?” Velma asked, but before Shaggy, Scooby and their group could say, the mayor barged over to them, clearly displeased. “What is going on here?! What's the big idea running over me?” “Uh oh...” Sunny gulped. “I think we better explain it to the mayor by showing it to him.” XXXXXXXXX “As you can see, there's nothing here. Except for the damaged wall,” the mayor pointed to the warehouse wall. “Sorry about that, Mayor. Scooby and Shaggy just lose it when they get scared,” Velma apologized. “In fact, I'm worried that staying in Oakhaven might just be too frightening an experienced for them. I think we should leave.” Autumn and Ben looked completely surprised at this. “Really?” “What?!” the ponies cried in unison, with Scooby happily licking Velma's face. “Well, I'm sorry to hear that,” the mayor apologized. “But, I need to get one more clue before the night is over,” Velma said. “Then I think I'll can solve the mystery of the witch's ghost before tomorrow's Autumn Fest.” “Oh, great, I'll do anything I can to help,” the mayor said as he turned to leave. “l should've known leaving wasn't an option,” Shaggy said as Zipp looked to her friend. “What was that all about, Velma?” “You have a plan, right?” Autumn asked, and luckily, Velma did. “Here's what we're going to do.” XXXXXXXXX After Velma explained her plan to everyone, they went over to the Hex Girls' stage, where Scooby removed the sheet and started playing Dusk's drums and Shaggy started playing Luna's keyboard. But that's when Dusk showed up with her hands on her hips, clearly unpleased. “Hey.” “Sorry,” Scooby nervously gulped before hiding under the sheets, and Shaggy continued playing while speaking to his best friend. “Like, why'd you stop, old buddy?” “No one touches my keyboard,” Luna said with a frown, causing Shaggy to nervously chuckle and dive underneath the sheet. “All right, calm down, both of you,” Ametista told Dusk and Luna, using her magic to lift Shaggy and Scooby out from under the sheets. “They were just naturally curious about the instruments-- nothing wrong with that.” “Thanks for coming, girls,” Velma said as she and Zipp walked onstage. “We should be resting for the concert tomorrow,” Thorn stated. “We only came because Ben asked us to.” “Hey, I'm just following orders,” Ben told the Hex Girls with a shrug. “So what do you want?” Luna asked. But before anyone could respond, an eerie wind began to blow, and the witch's ghost showed up again, throwing fire balls right at them! “THIS TOWN MUST PAY FOR IT'S FOULED DEED!!” “Everypony, run for it!” Sunny cried. That's when all the group bolted as fast as they could, until Velma tripped and fell to the ground. “Help me! I've fallen and I can't get up!” Shaggy and Scooby stuck right by her, and Zipp and Pipp rushed to their friends aid, stretching their wings wide as the witch got closer. That's when Zipp put the plan into action. “NOW!!” Izzy released the tree branch just as the witch flew past, slamming the witch backwards and into the nearby soccer net. “Yes! You did it guys!” Velma exclaimed. Izzy and Misty giggled and high hoofed, but as she came forward to watch the unmasking, Izzy felt a pain in her leg, probably from when she leapt off the stage. But there would be time to worry about it later. Fred was the first to approach the witch. “Okay, let's see who's behind all this.” He pulled off the witch's mask to reveal one of the first people to greet them when they first arrived in town. “Like, it's the T-Shirt guy!” Shaggy exclaimed. “Mr. McKnight?” Pipp blinked. “The pharmacist?” “Daddy?” Thorn questioned in shock, and the unmasked Mr. McKnight smiled up at her. “Hello, Sally.” “Your dad's the ghost?” Luna asked. “Your real name is Sally?” Fred questioned, leading Hitch to smack him scoldingly. “I don't believe this, Daddy,” Thorn said with a betrayed look. “Why would you do something like this?” “You mean... you didn't know?” Misty asked, leading all the Hex Girls, even Ametista, to shake their heads. “The girls have nothing to do with this,” Mr. McKnight said after he stood. “What in the world is going on this evening?” Mayor Corey asked before gasping, seeing Mr. McKnight in his costume. “Is that you, McKnight?” “Maybe I can explain. I found flash powder residue where Shag and Scoob saw the ghost,” Velma explained before revealing a device on Mr. McKnight wrist. “This is the device to throw the fireballs which was just wads of flash paper. He got it from his daughter's stage props.” Misty shrieked as a flash was shot out, sending her on her behind just before she noticed a truck hiding in the trees, out of sight. “What's that over there?” “Its the cherry picker that made the ghost flie above the trees with the use of an extention device,” Velma explained, shining a light on the truck. “And there's the fan that created the eerie wind. It took more than one person to pull of this scam. Isn't that right, Jack?” “Jack?!” And just like that, Jack walked out of hiding, much to everyone's shock. “Velma is right,” Zipp pointed out. “It would take someone pretty strong to hoist Mr. McNight around.” “Like, you should be cooking pot roast, instead of cooking up trouble,” Shaggy scolded before Velma turned to the forest. “That goes for all of you!!” “All of you?” Ben repeated, watching as several more people came out of hiding. “Sure,” Zipp nodded. “There had to be more people involved to make this hoax work. Especially you, Mayor Corey.” “What?!” the mayor cried. “That's preposterous!” “But, you knew more than anyone that the town's popularity was taking a downfall,” Hitch said. “So you used the witch ruse to get more people to come into town to boost your fundings.” “I'm very disappointed in you, mayor! And all of you!” Ben scolded to all the townsfolk. “For lining your pockets by dragging Sarah Ravencroft's name through the mud!” Scooby shook his head in disapproval, and Sunny smiled at everyone else. “Come on, guys. Let's head back to Ben's house and try and relax after this whole witch ordeal.” > Secrets Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone followed Ben and Autumn back to their house to celebrate the success of their mystery against the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft. But during their walk, Autumn couldn't help but notice that Izzy was limping. And that got her to thinking... would that new powder she was working on be just the thing to help? When they got inside, Izzy finally had the chance to approach Autumn, wincing in pain. “Hey, Autumn... how's it going?” “Izzy, you look uncomfortable,” Autumn frowned at the unicorn's suffering. “Do you need some help?” “Aww, psh... don't worry about me,” Izzy assured. “I'm as right as rainbow rain, and-- OUCH!!” “Whoa, you all right, Izzy?” Hitch asked worriedly as the other ponies gathered around her. That's when Autumn suddenly took charge. “Somepony get her to the couch!” Shaggy and Scooby lifted Izzy off the ground and placed her on the couch of the office, using pillows to make sure she was comfortable. “Hmm... doesn't look badly sprained,” Autumn hummed. “Sunny, can you create a flexible vine?” “Uh... sure thing,” Sunny nodded and used a nearby pot of soil that she used to grow the vine. “Now... everypony give us a few minutes alone,” Autumn said firmly. “This requires intense concentration.” As the others looked rather unsure, Zipp came to face the group. “Don't worry, everypony. I trust her... she'll take care of Izzy.” So, the group decided to trust Autumn and left her alone with Izzy before they went back to Ben's office. That's when the Hex Girls and Ametista spotted the portrait of Sarah Ravencroft on the wall nearby. “So she was a real wiccan?” Luna asked, leading Ben to nod. “That's right.” “So cool!” Dusk commented, and Ametista gazed longingly up at the picture frame. “She's beautiful...” “Yes, l think so, too. That's why l get upset when people accuse her of being a witch,” Ben said. That's when Fred, Daphne and Misty decided to approach, with Fred speaking first. “l think we owe you girls an apology for thinking you were...” “Witches,” Daphne said. “We saw you perform some kind of ritual in your shed. And Misty thought that you were working for an evil alicorn who was after all magic in Equestria.” “Witches? We just pretend that stuff,” Dusk said with a smile. “lt's just a gimmick for our band.” “The girls and I are eco-goths... kinda like wiccans,” Ametista explained. “Just ask Thorn-- she is one.” To this, Thorn chuckled with a smile. “Yeah, right. Sally McKnight. 1/16th blood on my mother's side. And that ritual you saw was just peppermint and cloves to sooth my vercal cords. You think it's easy singing this stuff?” “Thorn's herbal vapor is awesome,” Dusk added. “We all use it before and after every show.” “...that does actually make a lot of sense,” Sunny hummed. “Peppermint and clove are often used to sooth sore throats. Kinda like olden time mist medicine.” “Ooh! I gotta think about using that before my next performance!” Pipp said. “But, what about your fangs?” Shaggy asked. “My dad's a dentist,” Luna took out her fangs and showed them off. “He outfitted the band.” The fangs were enough to scare Scooby into Shaggy's arms, but Thorn and Dusk took theirs out as proof. “We knew it all along, right, Scoob?” Shaggy asked, but was scared into Luna's arms after seeing Scooby with Luna's fangs in. “I'm sorry I judged you,” Misty apologized. “I guess I was so worried about Opaline, that it completely clouded my judgement.” “There are no hard feelings, Misty,” Ametista smiled. “We all understand how wrapped up somepony can be. We'll be on the lookout for this evil alicorn you speak of.” “Phew... thanks. I needed that.” Then, Autumn came out of the office with Izzy, and the unicorn was wearing a bandage made of vines on her leg. “Izzy should be just fine, everypony,” Autumn sighed. “She just needs to keep that bandage on her leg for a few hours.” “Thank goodness for that,” Velma said. “But how did you heal her so fast?” “Because... I'm an enchantress.” There was a mix of gasps from that, but Autumn was prepared to defend herself. “But I only use herbs and remedies to heal, not to gain power. And I don't want to hurt anyone with my skills. I hope this doesn't put a hindrance on our friendship.” “Are you kidding? You helped Izzy, despite wondering what we would think,” Misty said with a smile. “She's right, Autumn. Doing this healing and magic is a great way of giving back to Oakhaven,” Sunny smiled. “And we would still love to be your friends.” Autumn sighed in relief and smiled at them... just before the mayor and Mr. McKnight arrived. “Mayor?” Ben said in confusion, leading the mayor to speak. “We've been ringing your doorbell for sometime and...” “Sorry about that. I really need to fix that thing for years. What's up, mayor?” “Well Ben... I feel really bad about everything and I wanted to apologize for using your ancestors in our little publicity stunt,” the mayor said sympathetically. “The tourist trade was so slow,” Mr. McKnight said. “We were desperate.” “Right,” the mayor nodded. “And you once told me that supernatural phenomenal always attracts people.” Mr. McKnight then seemed hesitant to speak the next time. “lt was just natural to use Sarah because... we accidentally dug up her grave.” The ponies found themselves gasping in shock while Ben's eyes widened in surprise. “What grave?” “I'm sorry, Ben,” the mayor apologized. “But, you see I lied to you when you asked me that if we advice of Sarah's while we were building the puritan village.” “We did,” Mr. McKnight added. “It was her grave marker. We found it in a bulldozed pile of dirt and rocks, we didn't want to upset you.” “But that's all we found. No bones,” the mayor added. “No book?” Ben asked. “Nothing but that grave marker. We swear, Ben,” Mr. McKnight nodded, and the mayor nodded. “We don't even know where her grave is.” “That could be true,” Autumn pondered. “It could be anywhere between Miller's Creek and the old tree stump.” That's when Zipp suddenly thought of something when she looked at Sarah Ravencroft's portrait. “Shaggy, do you still have that little shoe buckle Scooby found today?” “Like, this one? Here,” Shaggy handed the buckle to her, and after a bit of observing, Zipp turned to Scooby. “Scooby, can you show me exactly where you found this?” “I think so.” XXXXXXXXX Scooby sniffed and led everyone in the direction of where he found the shoe buckle, leading them right to the old tree stump Autumn mentioned. Ben knelt down to the tree stump, and Velma knelt by his side. “All these years I was searching the wrong oak tree,” Ben said. “Right. I believe this is was left of the tree where Sarah did her healing,” Velma said. “You never even noticed it because it was cut down hundreds of years ago.” “You gotta dig deeper, Scooby,” Zipp advised the Great Dane, who immediately shook his head. “Nuh-uh.” Velma then pulled out a familiar box of snacks. “How about for a Scooby Snack?” Scooby seemed tempted, but still was unsure about the whole thing. “No way!” “Two Scooby Snacks?” That was when Scooby relented with a happy smile. “Okay!” “And with some speed endurance powder,” Autumn said, sprinkling some pink powder onto the treats, “you'll be able to dig that spot up much faster. Catch them, Scooby!” She tossed the treats into the air, which Scooby caught in his mouth, ate and immediately got to digging, even faster than usual thanks to the speed powder on the treats. Dirt went flying, causing everyone to quickly back up. Then, there was a loud thunk, and Ben immediately spoke up. “What did you find?” “Box!” “Rocks?” Ben repeated what he thought he heard. “Hang on...” Zipp flew to Scooby's side and helped him hoist a small chest out of the hole Scooby created. “A box!” Ben immediately rushed toward the box, picking up and groaning a little. “Ben? Are you okay?” Misty asked in concern. “Just... a little... excited.” Ben carefully opened the chest, and a book was what they found inside, much to Ben's excitement. The book was medium-sized, and its front cover depicted the picture of a demonic skull-like face that showed long fang-like teeth and a small keylock. Pipp flapped her wings and glanced over Ben's shoulder as he dropped the chest right onto the ground. “No offense, Ben, but it looks kinda evil to belong to a wiccan healer.” “...Pipp is right,” Autumn whispered to Zipp. “Something doesn't feel right about this.” Ben flipped through the book, and as Velma glanced over Ben's shoulder, she found her concern rising. “Ben, that doesn't seem to be a journal at all.” “Because it isn't, Velma,” Ben said, turning to her sinisterly. “It's a spell book.” Velma, Autumn and Zipp gasped in shock, and everyone backed up as Ben turned toward them. “You see, Sarah wasn't a wiccan. She was indeed... a witch!” Everyone gasped in total surprise, and Ametista gazed toward her fellow Hex Girls with wide eyes. “A real witch?” “Heavy...” Dusk said. “Since Sarah's blood runs in my veins,” Ben continued, “I guess that makes me... a warlock.” “Warlock?” Scooby said as Shaggy whimpered worriedly. “The wiccans imprisoned Sarah in her own spell book!” Ben continued. “And you helped me find it.” “Autumn... did you know about this?” Misty asked with concern. “No, I-I swear!” Autumn shook her head violently. “He told me the same thing he had been telling you from the beginning! I... I was also fooled...” “You lied to me, Ben,” Velma said angrily. “You lied to everyone! Even Autumn, even after she trusted you with her own secrets!” “Well, gee, l had to. l'd been searching for years. Then l read about your exploits,” Ben told Velma wickedly. “l knew if anyone could help me find the book... it was you and your friends. l orchestrated the whole mummy scheme... paying off the archaeologists and the security guards... just to lure you to the museum, so we could meet. Heh heh, yes, Velma. l tricked you into helping me, and it worked.” Fred quickly turned to Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight in anger. “And you were in on Ben's plan, too.” “No!” Mayor Corey declined. “We're as surprised as you are. Honest.” “For once, he's telling the truth,” Ben scoffed. “That stupid fake ghost was the town's idea. But it did work to my advantage.” “But what about us?” Zipp asked with a narrowed gaze. “You know about us, and yet we never saw any newspaper articles with our pictures in them. How else could you have known about our existence if Autumn didn't know about us?” “I found an Equestrian scroll in one of the areas I was searching, and it told me all about what I needed to know about your species,” Ben said as he stared at the group of ponies. “Plus... someone else reached out to me and told me all about her, and the power she would give to me if I got rid of you meddling ponies for good.” “She...?” Misty trailed off, looking suspicious and fearful in the same look. “Who's she...?” “...I suppose I could say her name, since your lives will be over very shortly,” Ben said after feigning a moment of pondering. “She was a wonderful alicorn named... Opaline Arcana.” > The Final Battle (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny and her friends felt their blood run cold when they heard Opaline's name, realizing how much power she had in that moment. After a moment of trying to comprehend that Opaline had a hoof in the scheme, Misty felt her voice return and decided to speak up. “How... how did Opaline get in contact with you? She's in Equestria, and you're here!” “She used her mirror pool to contact me while you all were at the diner,” Ben explained. “She knew the truth about my ancestor, and that fueled my desire to find the spell book even more. To someday match up to her strengths. Opaline vowed that she would make sure that I had the strength I deserved... by putting you miserable pony pests out of her way for good.” “Well... you failed. Because Sunny and her friends are still here, and we'll do whatever it takes to stop both of you!” Velma said furiously, standing beside Fred and Daphne. “Why go through this elaborate scheme?” Daphne wondered. “Why not just ask us to find the book?” “I know why,” Autumn said, deeply hurt and angry. “Because if we knew what that book was, you all would never have helped him! And neither would I...” “But even you can't imagine the real power of this book,” Ben chuckled. “No pony or mere mortal can...” “You've been reading too many of your own horror stories, Ravencroft!” Fred exclaimed. “A typical mortal response. But l am descended from a superior breed,” Ben smirked. “l shall unlock the power of the imprisoned Sarah Ravencroft!” While everypony else stood ready to attack, Autumn and Misty stood with Shaggy and Scooby to protect them and get them to safety if it were to ever arise. “Like, I don't like the sound of this...” Shaggy whimpered, and Scooby rapidly shook his head. “Me neither!” “Together, we shall reign supreme!” Ben said before he began reading from a spell in the book. “Let the evil from the past breathe again with fiery blast!” Dark clouds began to loom over the group, and an eerie wind began to blow. “No!!” Velma shrieked, but that didn't stop Ben from continuing. “Let the dark wind whip the night to blow away the force of light!” “I know what comes next, you guys!” Misty shouted to her friends. “BIG trouble!!” A tree fell down in the wind, causing Shaggy and Scooby to bolt while the others were blown back as Ben finished the spell. “Now I summon ancient power... this is evil's finest hour!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!” Sickening green magic emerged from the book, and after swirling into the sky, it slammed right back into Ben, infusing him with Sarah Ravencroft's full power. “NO!!” Velma cried, and she got up, despite the wind and stood before Ben, who cackled. “What's the matter, Velma? Don't you like the new, improved Ben Ravencroft?” “No! Frankly, I don't!” “Well, get used to it.” Ben then smirked over at Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight running away, and aimed his hand at them, prompting them to lift off the ground. “Leaving so soon? The party is just beginning!”prolonged? Then, with one swift motion, Ben sent the mayor and Mr. McKnight into the pillory, locking it up tight as the mayor strained. “Let us out!!” “Daddy!!” Thorn cried, and she, the rest of the Hex Girls and Ametista ran toward them to get them out. “Oh how deeply moving,” Ben said sarcastically, and used his powers to tie up the screaming girls and unicorn to a post with some yarn on a nearby spinning wheel. “Ha ha ha ha ha!! Can I spin a yarn or what?” Sunny leapt in front of Ametista and the Hex Girls, with Zipp, Hitch and Izzy in tow. “Ben, this isn't the way to get what you want!” Sunny pleaded. “There's a chance for you to turn things around, but you have to let the power of your ancestor go!” “Never!!” Ben used his magic to flick them aside. “These powers are my birthright, and you ponies can't do anything to stop me! Not even harness those pathetic alicorn powers of yours, Starscout!” Sunny tried to fire up her alicorn powers to prove him wrong, but it turns out he was right-- when Ben's powers were around, her alicorn magic was useless! “He's right! His powers are blocking out mine! Another thing Opaline had a hoof in!” “How could I ever liked your novels?!” Velma groaned in frustration. “Now, guys! Grab the book!” The ponies, Fred and Daphne were approaching from multiple sides, causing Hitch and Sunny to grab Ben by the legs and Fred was just about to grab the book before Ben jumped into the air and out of sight. “Where'd he go?!” Daphne wondered as Zipp checked the skies with her visor, but failed to spot him. “I don't know!” But that's when everyone looked up at the sound of cackling, and they saw Ben up on the roof nearby, standing victoriously. “This isn't one at your silly little mysteries-- you can't solve me so easily.” Then, Ben quickly cast a fire spell that surrounded them in a ring of fire, causing many of them to to scream in fright, all while Ben cackled evilly. This caused Zipp to snarl in response. “You won't get away with this, Ben Ravencroft!” “Why? Because of you horses and meddling kids?” “Hey! We're not kids!” Fred called back. “And we are NOT horses!” Pipp stomped her hoof. “Geez, will we have to engrave it on his head in order to get it right?!” “But enough of this minor magic. l want to see how powerful l can really be!” Ben declared maliciously. “lt's time to summon Sarah Ravencroft!” “If he releases Sarah from the book, we may never be able to stop them!” Sunny said. “We need a plan! And quick!” But unfortunately, Ben began to chant the spell from the book, with no intention of stopping. “Dreadful darkness, hear my cry. Bring back one who cannot die!” Before he could finish, the Mystery Machine screeched right to a halt, its dust putting out the fire, and Scooby opened the doors to their friends, and Daphne beamed. “Are we ever glad to see you!” Not wasting a single second, the group got into the van before Shaggy slammed on the gas and drove off. “Nice going, guys!” Fred congratulated. “Like, we're going, all right!” Shaggy whimpered. “Away from Witchville!” “Shaggy, we have to go back for that book!” Autumn argued. “Book?! Can't we wait for the movie?” Shaggy whimpered. Misty looked around and saw a pile of pumpkins nearby, and instantly got an idea. “Shaggy, gimmie the wheel!” “Huh?!” Shaggy blinked as Misty grabbed the wheel and yanked, causing the Mystery Machine to slam into the pile of pumpkins. Ben slipped on the pumpkins as they rolled past, leaving the hand with the book up in the air, and Scooby yanked the book right from him. Shaggy laughed as Scooby got the book safely inside the van. “You're the man, Scoob!” As Ben got up, he quickly used his powers to blow the van's tire, causing the Mystery Machine to drive out of control and crashed through the gift shop and destroyed it, causing the mayor to scream. “Not the gift shop!!” Ben then used his powers to blow the second tire, causing the van to go into the hay, much to everyone's disgust, and once they managed to drive straight, Shaggy chuckled. “Looks like I'm starting to get the hang of this!” “Not exactly!” Sunny pointed ahead, and the van was getting ready to slam into Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight! The ponies leaned against the van's side as Shaggy turned, and they managed to barely miss the captured duo, but instead ran into the turkey barn before Ben blew the third tire, causing the van to slow to a stop. Luckily, no one was hurt, and Shaggy managed to find one sliver of good luck as Autumn took the book from Scooby. “Well, at least we have one tire.” And ironically, that last tire blew on its own. But at least they still had the book... at least, until Ben leapt onto the Mystery Machine, causing the gang to scream. “I'll take that!” he said, swiping the book from Autumn before leaping back. “Now... where was I?” “Autumn, do you have anything that can stop him?!” Zipp asked. “I... I don't, and I could never hurt him if I did have the right potions!” Autumn said. “Looks like we're going to have to do this the old fashioned way!” “Dreadful darkness, hear my cry! Bring back one who cannot die!” Ben chanted the spell as the gang and ponies rushed toward him. “Let the witch who perished here live again and reappear!” The gang began to crack and shake, sending the ponies and the gang scattered all over the grounds of the puritan village, even sending Shaggy and Scooby into an old wagon wheel. Ben cackled as a spooky white figure began to form in mid air. And then, before their very eyes, the gang watched as the ghost of Sarah Ravencroft appeared above the village... and it was clear that she was not happy being shut in the book for the last 400 years. > The Final Battle (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the shaking had stopped, everyone looked themselves over, seeing that they were otherwise safe. As Misty ran to Shaggy and Scooby to get them out of the wheel, the others able to get a clear view of the ghostly figure floating above their heads. She was a ghostly-pale, middle-aged woman with long, white hair that flowed and rippled in the air, and she was dressed in a lavender gown, with a red pendant around her neck and pink eyes, along with a smirk imprinted on her face. Autumn's eyes widened, looking mortified and enchanted all at the same time. “Sarah Ravencroft... in the flesh...” “Are you okay?” Sunny asked gently. “I... I think I am?” Autumn said a bit nervously. “A-A mix of emotions, honestly.” Ben, at the same time, was in a state of wonder with whom he had summoned. “ln my wildest dreams... l could never have imagined such an imposing creature.” “Thank thee,” the spirit said in a chilling voice. “Thou canst not know what my bondage hath been like. Who art thou?” “Ben Ravencroft,” Ben introduced himself. “Your descendant, from the modern world.” “Modern?” Sarah looked around at the puritan village, her eyes eventually falling on the imprisoned Mayor Corey and Mr. McKnight. “Not much seems to have changed.” “Please, don't hurt us!” Mayor Corey begged, causing Sarah to scoff. “The same pathetic peasants groveling for their puny lives.” “But--” Ben tried to speak, but Sarah merely slapped his hand away. “Sarah, l want to become more powerful. Like you.” Sarah only laughed in response. “Thou jest!” “But it was I who released you!” Ben argued. “You should serve me!” “I serve no one!” Sarah boomed. “Leastwise a worm like thee. Aye, thou hast freed me... so l can punish the world for my long imprisonment!” With the wave of the witch's hand, she sent an eerie green mist toward the nearby trees, causing them to shrivel and die, and causing the gang and ponies to gasp in shock. “l shall create an era of darkness over this land!” And to make matters worse, the mist was now heading toward Misty, Shaggy and Scooby, and Shaggy began to freak out upon seeing it. “Like, we're goners, Scoob!” “Not while I'm here!” Misty argued, grabbing the wheel with her magic aura. “Pull, guys! Pull!” Shaggy and Scooby pulled against her, and evidently, they got free and flew back just as the mist reached the wagon, turning it to nothing but ash. “This isn't what I envisioned!” Ben protested. “We were supposed to rule the world together, not destroy it!” “I care not for thy whims,” Sarah sneered. “Cross my path and I shall destroy thee along with thy world!” “But l have the book! And l will return you back into the book,” Ben opened the book and began to read. “Ancient evil get thee hence only good can recompense for the--” But Sarah's evil laughter caused him to stop. “Thinkest thou art a wiccan? Only a virtuous soul can imprison me.” The ponies and the gang heard these words and instantly began thinking of their own plan, just as Sarah trapped Ben in a glowing green orb, letting the book drop to the ground as the gang rushed into hiding. “I got an idea, guys,” Velma whispered. “But we need that book.” Shaggy immediately realized what this meant-- for a second time, to be quite frank. “Like not again!” “I'm sorry guys, but you two are the fastest,” Velma explained, but the duo were still against it. “Don't worry,” Sunny said. “Misty and I will help you, and the others will create a diversion for us.” “No way!” Scooby argued, but that's when Velma once again brought out the treats. “How about for a whole box of Scooby Snax?” “A whole box?!” Shaggy and Scooby excitedly declared, and they immediately nodded, and Velma handed them the box. “Good luck!” “Thanks...” Misty said, a little nervous. “We're gonna need it.” That's when Fred and the others started to come out into the open to face the witch. “Hey, broom-rider!” Fred cried in a taunting manner. “Over here!” “Thou shalt pay for thine impudence!” the witch shouted, launching a fireball right at them. But while it missed the others, the fireball went right through the building, charring the Scooby Snacks until they were pure ash. “Guess snack time's over...” Shaggy whimpered before they ran off in fear. That's when Zipp taunted the witch as she and Pipp flew around her, allowing Fred, Daphne and Hitch to run away. “400 years hasn't helped your aim, lady!” “Thine mockery shall be thy last!” Sarah shouted as she flew after the sisters, launching fireballs left and right. One of them, unfortunately, hit Zipp in the back, sending her plummeting to the ground. “Zipp!!” Pipp shrieked, diving toward her fallen sister. Zipp groaned as she stood up “I'm fine... but the others won't be if we don't stop her. Come on!” They quickly caught up with their friends, darting through the pumpkin patch, and Sarah used her magic to make the pumpkins begin coming to life and chasing them! Velma and Izzy were running from one of these pumpkins as the Hex Girls and Ametista struggled to get free of their binds. Luckily, they quickly turned at a tree, leaving the pumpkin to smash into it, destroying it. But as Izzy and Velma struggled to catch their breath, Sarah blasted at them, causing them to run away. At the same time, while Ben was struggling to get out of the orb, Misty, Sunny, Scooby and Shaggy ran over, and Shaggy grabbed the book off the ground. “Zoinks. Like this is almost too easy.” “Don't Jinx us, Shag! There's the old hag now!” Sunny pointed to the witch, who turned around to see that they had the book. “The book cannot help thee!” she shouted, sending them on the run before turning to a nearby turkey. “DO MY BIDDING, BIRD!! Get them!” The group turned to see the turkey get struck with magic, but none of them saw the turkey being enlarged to the size of an elephant. “A turkey?” Shaggy laughed. “Even we're not scared of that--” That's when they finally saw the turkey, and this sent them running as the bird tried to bite them on the rear ends. “Shaggy, the book!” Misty shouted. “Throw it to me!” Shaggy tossed the book over to Misty, who caught it in her magic and led the way as they tried to escape the turkey. Meanwhile, Fred, Daphne, Hitch, Pipp and Zipp were still running from the pumpkin monsters, but the monster wrapped one of its vines around Daphne’s legs, making her fall to the ground. “Daphne!” Fred ran back toward her as she screamed. “Don't worry!” But his attempts to pull the monster away failed, as he too was grabbed. “HELP!!” “Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” Izzy cried, and before they knew it, Autumn was charging toward the pumpkin creature, before she kicked over the butter churn, spilling the butter and allowing the pumpkin monster to slip and knock over the other one, both smashed into pieces. “Whoa, sweet save, Autumn!” Fred smiled as Pipp and the others helped them up. “Don't mention it,” Autumn said. “Come on! We have to help our friends before we put this witch to justice!” At the same time, Shaggy and Scooby and their friends continued to run from the giant turkey, and they leapt into a nearby house to evade capture. And thankfully, the turkey was too big to enter, leaving the others temporarily safe. But after taunting the turkey, they turned around to see the witch at the other end! “I believe thou hast something that is mine.” “Finders keepers, losers weepers!” Sunny shouted, slamming the door in Sarah's face. “Oh, man... I can't believe I just did that!!” But Sarah, in an act of rage, blasted the door, and the group moved before they were hit, instead watching the turkey get struck in the head by the door. When it finally shook off the daze, Scooby was dressed as a Pilgrim woman and Shaggy as a Pilgrim man, with Misty and Sunny standing in between them. “Normally, Hitch would be against this sort of behavior, but I think he would understand in this circumstance,” Sunny said before looking over at Scooby. “Do you have the stuffing, Scoob?” “Yeah!” Scooby brought out a bowl of stuffing from behind his back, just as Shaggy brought out the turkey baster from behind his back. “Then let's baste this bird!” Upon the sight of the baster and the stuffing, the turkey screamed and ran off, much to the group's relief. “Ha!” Misty laughed. “I guess that turkey didn't have the right stuff, you guys!” Scooby laughed as the four high five, but when they turned and saw the witch heading their way, shrieking, they screamed and ran, ditching the disguises, and Scooby taking control of the spell book. At the same time, Daphne and Velma freed Ametista and the Hex Girls from their binds, and Ametista sighed first. “Thanks, everypony.” “I am out of here!” Luna said. “Yeah, that witch is the real thing!” Dusk agreed and the two ran off, but before Thorn could join them, Zipp stopped her. “Wait, Thorn-- we need your help.” “Me?” Thorn asked. “What can I do?” “We need you to read the spell to defeat Sarah Ravencroft,” Velma said bluntly. “Are you crazy?!” Thorn cried. “I told you, I-I'm not really a witch, I can't help you against her!” “But you said you were part wiccan, right?” Autumn asked. “Only 1/16th!” Thorn argued, and Velma grabbed her shoulders. “It doesn't matter. You have wiccan blood, meaning only you can read the spell so you can send Sarah Ravencroft back to where she came from.” “I hate to say it, Thorn, but the girls are right,” Ametista frowned. “It has to be you to fix this whole catastrophe that Ben released.” “Forget it!” Thorn dismissed. “You don't even have the book.” “No...” Pipp shook her head, pointing ahead. “Scooby does!” As true as her word was, Shaggy, Scooby and their remaining pony friend were racing their way, and Scooby held the book within his mouth. “Misty! Sunny! Scooby!” Zipp called. “Over here!” “Hurry!” Hitch cried out. But as they raced toward their friends, Scooby felt a yank at his tail, and the witch lifted it up and grabbed the book from the dog's mouth. “Give me my book, you meddling hound!” “Hound?” Scooby looked around. “Where?” “SCOOBY!!” Sunny and Misty cried, screeching to a halt. “Zoinks!” Shaggy looked around and grabbed a bucket full of water, racing back toward the witch. “Let my buddy go, you creepy crone!” He splashed the water all over the witch, who looked at him in irritation with a soaking wet face. “What... was that?” “You're not melting!” Shaggy said before sheepishly shrugging. “Like, it worked in The Wizard of Oz...” “Fool, I shall destroy thee!” Suddenly, the witch felt a burning blast on her back before she could zap the others, and swiftly turned to see Misty with a glowing horn, looking beyond livid. “Not while I'm here, you creepy piece of crud!” She blasted at Sarah's hand, causing her to drop Scooby, and Sunny led Shaggy and Scooby away while Misty kept blasting at Sarah mercilessly. “Shaggy!!” Scooby wailed. “RUN!!!” “The book!” Velma kept shouting. “The book!” Shaggy immediately skidded to a stop and ran back, grabbing the book from the witch. “I'll hold this for you.” Misty blasted the witch one final time before she and Shaggy made a break for it, causing the witch to yell in anguish. Then, she used her magic to make more pumpkins come to life. “Bring me that book!” The pumpkins raced toward them, eventually wrapping themselves around Shaggy and Misty, trapping them. “Scoob!” He threw the book to them, and Scooby caught the book in his mouth. “ENOUGH!!!” Sarah shouted, and blasted more magic, causing a tree to spring to life and grab them. “Whoaaaa!!!” Scooby screamed as the branches of the tree held him in place. “Hang on, Scooby!” Zipp cried as the rest of the ponies ran toward him. “We'll get you down!” “Thou jest!” Sarah shouted, and with her powers, she trapped the ponies, except Autumn and Ametista, inside a magic bubble, just like the ones Opaline used. “Yikes!” Scooby tossed the book toward Daphne. “Daphne!” Daphne got the book, but the tree's roots wrapped around her, preventing her from moving. “Freddy!!” Fred took the chance and ran toward her, grabbed the book and ran the other way, but the roots began to grab him as well. “Velma!” He tossed the book over to Velma, but it slid past her and out into the open. Luckily, Autumn was able to help Velma grab it before the roots could envelope it, and galloped back to the others. “Here's the spell,” Velma said, showing the page to the remaining Hex Girl and Ametista. “It's up to you, Thorn.” Roots began to rise all around the remaining four and they shrieked as Sarah cackled. “The book is useless to a mere mortal!” Suddenly, the book began to glow a bright blue, and it's magic wilted the root right before their very eyes. “But not to a wiccan!” Velma stated. “Nay!” Sarah scowled. “I'll stop thee myself!” She began to fly toward them at a rapid speed, making Ametista begin to panic. “Hurry, Thorn!” she exclaimed. “Read!” “Ancient evil, get thee hence,” Thorn said as the book began to glow. “Only good can recompense for the misdeeds that you done. Witch return from when you come!” As soon as Sarah grabbed the book, she was flung backward, and the book flew down and it's magic made all the spells she vast begin to break. “Thorn! Girls!” Velma cried. “It's working!” The tree dropped Scooby and freed Fred and Daphne from its roots, just as the pumpkin monsters freed Shaggy and Misty. But, before they could recuperate, the witch flew past them and began to get sucked into the book. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!” The sphere that trapped Ben disappeared as he landed on the ground and saw Sarah getting pulled in the spell book. He tried to get away, but his leg was quickly seized by his ancestor. “NOOO!!!” “I WON'T GO BACK ALONE!!” Although she hated him for the evil he brought to their home, Autumn tearfully stood by her friends and watched in tears as Ben was forcefully pulled into the spell book, never to be seen again. > A Musical Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone stared at the closed spell book that had just imprisoned Ben and Sarah Ravencroft within its pages, just before a flaming tree branch from Sarah's earlier attack fell on top of it, completely destroying it. But, Zipp was actually happy that the witch and her descendant would never be returning. “Ben Ravencroft's last book is one the world will never buy.” “Thank hoofness for that,” Pipp said shakingly. “But like, it would have been a hot best seller,” Shaggy said, making a joke to the flaming branch on the book, and Izzy giggled at that. “Hot best seller... I get it!” At the same time, Dusk and Luna unlocked the prison that held Mr. McKnight and the mayor, and Thorn gasped in relief. “Daddy!” she exclaimed, running up and hugging him. “Are you okay?” “You're the one I was worried about, honey,” Mr. McKnight said. “But, you did it! I guess you are a witch after all.” “A wiccan, Daddy. A wiccan.” Ametista sighed in relief. “I am just so relieved that this whole mess is over,” she said. “I'm just sorry about Ben, Autumn. Are you doing okay?” “...I guess. I should have seen the signs, though,” Autumn said quietly. “Maybe I could have steered him in the right direction.” “I know first hoof how that feels, Autumn, and it's not your fault,” Misty said reassuringly. “And don't let anypony tell you otherwise. What matters is what you do in the end to fix it. So... what's your next plan?” “...I'm going to stay here in Oakhaven as it's resident enchantress, helping the sick and injured,” Autumn said. “This is my home... and despite what Ben did, I'm not going to let him or his ancestor shake my views of this place or the people who live in it. I just hope that you all will come back and visit.” “Um, of course we'll come back and visit!” Sunny said. “Nopony can ever leave a friend like you behind.” “And whenever me and the band come to visit,” said Ametista, “you'll have a friend in us too.” The group of ponies hugged one another, just as Mayor Corey took a glance around the puritan village, gasping. “This is a disaster! No witch! No village! What are we gonna do for our Autumn Fest?!!” “Well, you still got the Hex Girls,” Thorn stated. “No offense, girls,” said the mayor, “but we need a bigger attraction.” “Uh... mayor?” Shaggy pointed behind them, a d the mayor gasped at the shock of the giant turkey behind them. “I'm sure I can convince him to become an attraction for the festival,” Hitch shrugged. “And, maybe I can help you guys with your act!” Pipp said to the Hex Girls. “I mean... if it's okay.” “Of course it is!” Ametista smiled. “In fact... I know just how to do it.” XXXXXXXXX The next night was the Autumn Fest, and with the ponies and Mystery Incorporated with instruments and costumes lined up, the Hex Girls were ready to perform... with Ametista performing vocals for the very first time. Thorn: Earth, wind, fire and air Hex Girls: We may look bad, but we don't care Thorn: We ride the wind, we feel the fire To love the earth is our one desire Hex Girls: To love the earth is our one desire Thorn: Love the earth it's only fair It's one big earth that we must share Hex Girls: We love the earth with all our fire Thorn: It's in our souls, our one desire... Earth, wind, fire and air Hex Girls: We may look bad, but we don't care Thorn: We ride the wind, we feel the fire To love the earth is our one desire Hex Girls: To love the earth is our one desire Now, it was time for Ametista's vocal debut, and based on the crowd's cheering, they totally loved her. Ametista: Nature is a precious gift It will make your spirits lift Hex Girls: Love the earth with all your fire! Thorn: It's in your soul, your one desire And then, thanks to Scooby's rocking drum solo, the final chorus with the ponies joining in began. Hex Girls and Ponies: Earth, wind, fire, and air! We may look bad but we don't care We ride the wind, we feel the fire To love the earth is our one desire To love the earth... Is our one desire! The crowd erupted in cheers, and then, Scooby howled triumphantly to the crowd, “Scooby-Dooby-Dooooooo!!!”