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Chapter 5 - Princess’s Second Try

"With all due respect, are you sure, your highness?"

"Yes, I am quite sure."

"Are you absolutely sure this is what must be done?"

"Yes, we needed to do this much if we wished to get to her."

"Twiliy, says something!"

"Shining, she is her LSBFF, her Little Sister Best Friend Forever!"

"Ugh! Why you sided with her!"

Pinkie Pie was up early, ready to greet the day with her usual energy and enthusiasm. She was walking with purpose, a big smile on her face, greeting all the ponies that came to pass. She saw Bonbon walking by her candy shop, and she waved to her, calling out a friendly hello. "Hey there, Bonbon! How's the candy business going? Any new flavors you want to share with me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Bonbon smiled back at her, happy to see Pinkie in such good spirits. "Oh, hi Pinkie! Business is good, thanks for asking. I'm working on a new candy recipe that I think you're really going to love. I'll have to bring some by the bakery later for you to try."

Pinkie bounced up and down on her hooves, clapping her hooves together. "Yay! I can't wait! I love trying new things, especially when it comes to sweets." She then turned her attention to Applejack, who was pulling the empty cart to the apple orchard. "Hey there, Applejack! How's the farm treating you today?"

Applejack smiled warmly at Pinkie, glad to see her friend in such high spirits. "Oh, hey there, Pinkie! The farm's doing just fine, thanks for asking. The apple trees are blooming nicely, and the crops are coming along just fine. We'll have a good harvest this year, I reckon."

Pinkie beamed at her friend. "That's great to hear, Applejack! You always know how to keep those trees growing strong. I bet they'll be delicious this year." She then spotted Twilight Sparkle walking out of Ponyville General Hospital, looking a bit tired but relieved. She is wearing oversized purple armor.

Pinkie rushed over to her new friend, eager to see how she was doing. "Hey there, Twilight! How's the princess doing? Is she feeling better?"

Twilight smiled at Pinkie, happy to see her friend so concerned. "Yes, she's recovering nicely, thank you for asking. She's still a bit weak, but she'll be fine in no time."

Pinkie let out a sigh of relief. "That's great to hear, Twilight! I'm glad she's on the mend. So, where are you off to now with that getup? Isn't the library in the other direction?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Twilight smiled mysteriously. "Oh, I'm just heading to meet a certain pony. It's nothing you need to worry about, Pinkie."

Pinkie couldn't help but feel intrigued by Twilight's answer. "Ooh, a certain pony, huh? Sounds exciting! Maybe you'll tell me all about it later. Oh, and speaking of exciting news, I'm planning a welcome to Ponyville party for a new pony too! Guess who it is?"

Twilight looked at Pinkie, puzzled. "A welcome party for a new pony....? That's great, Pinkie, may I know who's the pony?"

Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. "Nightmare Moon, of course!"

Twilight froze in her tracks, her eyes widening in shock. "How, how do you know about our plan?" she stammered.

Pinkie chuckled, enjoying her friend's reaction. "Oh, Twilight, you're so easy to read! Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. But you know what they say, two heads are better than one, so why don't we team up and make this party a real blast?"

Twilight is speechless, and walks away without words. A small part of her mind tagged "Pinkie Pie" as a "Research Topic". For now, she has a mission to complete.

Pinkie giggled.

Raven Inkwell was holding day court with the Princess of Love in the absence of Princess Celestia. She was leading the court for young Princess Cadance in her first court when suddenly she was cut off by a loud poof as a scroll appeared on the table in front of her. A Dragonfire letter with the royal seal appeared before her.

It was from Princess Celestia. She paused the court and opened the letter, scanning it quickly. Her expression went from focused to shocked, her face quickly turning pale as she read its contents.

Dear, my faithful assistant

"What is it?" Cadance noticed Raven's stunned expression and asked, her voice filled with concern.

With that in mind, you have full reign on how to prepare lessons on modern Equestria for her. As we have discussed las-

Raven wordlessly handed over the scroll. She took the letter from her, reading it herself.

-to inform you that I'll be taking a much-needed vacation for the foreseeab-

Her eyes widened as her face quickly mirrored Raven's as she read the letter's contents.

-and in my absence, I hereby give you, Raven Inkwell, and my niece, Princess Cadance, my full authority to approve laws and make any necessary decisions on behalf of the kingdom.

"Why?" Cadance asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Miss Raven, why would Auntie do this to us?"

PS. Captain Shining Armor will deliver my signature stamp to you

The sun was shining through the dense trees of the Everfree Forest, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. It was a wild and untamed place, dangerous but also beautiful. Nightmare Moon walked through the forest, her black coat a stark contrast to the lush greenery around her. The sound of her hooves echoed against the stone floor of the ancient castle that was once the center of Equestria as she loses in her thought.

Why does Pinkie Pie know about her and why does she call out to her like that? It's definitely not her who screwed this up. She is not the one who acted out of character first.

But at least the sexual harassment was fun.

The mare of the moon continued to ponder over the strange situation she had found herself in. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, and the odd behavior of Twilight Sparkle only added to her confusion.

To her confusion, Twilight also was acting weirdly calm and collected, which was not what she had expected from the neurotic, boot-licking unicorn. She doesn't even register her corpse of a mentor from the looks of it.

Speaking of Twilight, Nightmare Moon also does not remember seeing Spike beside her. He should be there, fainted on the unicorn's back after being intimidated by the mare of night.

Her mind was racing as she struggled and tried to make sense of the situation that had occurred, she knew that she needed to rely on her analytical mind and her ability to think logically in order to make progress.

A quote from a certain great writer has come into her mind "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

At the moment, she can only think of two possible scenarios, but only one that is not only the simplest and made sense to her. The first one is she somehow influences events from the moon, very unlikely given how the seal actually functions, and the second and most likely one is....

"Alternate universe" she muttered to herself; her eyes narrowed in deep thought. then shake her head.

It no longer matters, what's done is done.

As she walked through the hallways, the silence of the abandoned castle was deafening. The dust-covered floors and walls told a story of a place long forgotten.

Nightmare Moon couldn't help but wonder what events had led it to such state, as if ponies had just been left in a hurry and never bothered to come back.

She could hear the faint sound of her own breathing as she walked through the corridors, each step echoing against the stone walls. The castle seemed to go on forever, and she found herself lost in the labyrinth of endless corridors.

But she pressed on, driven by the determination to find it.

The armors, fabrics, and books were still here, untouched for centuries. Nightmare Moon walked past the entrance of the library, inside it filled with tomes and scrolls, some of them adorned with intricate patterns and symbols that were lost to the cruelty of time. It was as if she had stepped into a time capsule, frozen in a moment of history.

She lost herself in her thoughts, pondering the mysteries of event that lead to creation of this place until she reached the half-destroyed throne room.

Only then she finds five familiar-looking white marbles were there on the ground, lying under dust and debris.

Nightmare Moon lit up her horn and approached. Lifted up the marbles to examine them more closely. They were the Elements of Harmony.

They are not supposed to be here. Why are they still here? She did collect them, right?

Her brain halted at first, and her breath caught in her throat. Then slowly, she closed her eyes, hoping it was just her mind playing tricks, before opening them again

They are still here. Lazily emitting excess energy as they always has been, inelegant and inefficient just like every other piece of junks their creator made.

But such property can serve purposes, and it's not hard to deduced what purpose it is serving currently.

And she just had to moved them around without checking them out first.

"Fuck" she muttered to herself, frustration in her voice.

Author's Note:

'It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature.'
-Star Swirl the Beard

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