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Chapter 15 - Not A Bully

In the vibrant city of Canterlot, a diligent guard from Ponyville found himself in an unexpectedly joyous predicament. Tasked with delivering a message to Princess Cadance, the guard couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

The guard was having the time of his life.

Princess Nightmare Moon (title pending), his VIP, had only instructed him to swiftly deliver the message, without mentioning anything about a swift return.

With a wide smile plastered on his muzzle, he strolled through the streets towards his third favorite establishment, the best day pub in Canterlot. It was the perfect place to relax and unwind, especially since his first and second favorites were only open at night, but that was beside the point. Surely, she would be proud of his choices.

After all, wasn't his new boss banished to the Moon due to something involving 'ponies sleep at night' right?

Once inside, he planned to quickly rent out a private room to store his armor, allowing him to fully indulge in some well-deserved fun. And the best part? It would all be paid for by Nightmare Moon's royal stipend. Yes, his esteemed VIP had generously granted him and his coworker enough bits to cover a luxurious week-long trip to Zebrican!

Thinking about his comrade, who was sent out to Baltimare makes him shudder. Breaking this news to Captain Shinning Armor, news about his beloved sister...


"My sister what!?!" A voice bellowed out in the middle of the Baltimare Asylum's cafeteria, causing heads to turn and conversations to halt abruptly.

The poor stallion stood there, his hooves fidgeting nervously, as he looked at his beloved Princess Celestia with pleading, puppy-dog eyes. He knew that at this moment, he needed her more than ever to come to his rescue.

Meanwhile, the princess of the sun sat at a nearby table, wearing her custom-made patient uniform that gave a certain unique look when contrasted with her bloodstained bandages, gracefully sipping her tea as if the commotion around her was of no concern.

She was the epitome of calm and composed, seemingly unaffected by the desperate cries for help from her loyal guard. It was as if she had a personal bubble of serenity around her, shielding her from the chaos unfolding around them.

Sorry, my little pony, she thought to herself, but you're on your own.

After all, alicorn biology is not the only thing that kept her from alive this long.


Yike. Luckily that the poor soul is not him. He does not want to die young.

As the guard swaggered past the pub's front door without breaking his stride, the vigilant security personnel ignored him. He had become a regular patron, and the pub's security had long since memorized his face. No ID was required—just a friendly nod as he strolled in.

Without skipping a beat, the guard swiftly rented out a private room at the pub, stowing away his cumbersome armor. After all, he deserved a bit of relaxation and fun before heading back to Ponyville, right? And who could argue when Nightmare Moon's royal stipend generously covered all the expenses?

The new alicorn had swiftly climbed the ranks of the guard's VIP list with her extravagant gestures. In fact, she would have secured a spot in the top five if she hadn't been confined to a backwater town.

..or does she just not understand the value of our currency?

No matter, the guard was determined to make the most of his newfound fortune.

But just as he was about to order his first drink, a voice called out, interrupting his merriment. "Hey! Where do you think you're are going?" Startled, the guard turned around to see a middle-aged unicorn stallion sitting there, a grumpy smile on his face,

Agent Furlong of the secret governmental organization called S.M.I.L.E. He’s a senior agent, very senior, like nea- “Are you thought of something rude.” Oops, must have shown on his face.

Money comes in and information goes out, that’s the name of their relationship.

S.M.I.L.E. is a very secret organization, so secret that even most of the Equestrian government doesn’t know about them. So secret to the point that they have to resort to unofficial means to acquire some official records.

"I knew you would end up here," the stallion said, taking a sip of his... ugh, bucking cheapo apple cider of all things. "Now, tell me, how is my ward doing? You were there when her secret identity was exposed, right?"

There goes his paid holiday, but who can refuse easy bits?

Rainbow Dash groaned as she slowly regained consciousness and opened her eyes, squinting against the bright light filtering through the window. she is in the sterile hospital room. Every inch of her body ached, and she winced as she shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed.

Bruises adorned her once vibrant coat, and her wings were bandaged to aid the healing process. She winced as she shifted, the pain is a constant reminder of her failed attempt, the memory of her failed attempt to harm Nightmare Moon still fresh.

As The rainbow mane pegasus slowly recalled the events of yesterday, her anger towards Nightmare Moon and the purple unicorn grew. She had been on the brink of launching an attack successfully when that Canterlot unicorn intervened. Rainbow Dash seethed at the memory, feeling her pride wounded by that mare's interference.

"Rainbow Dash!" a familiar voice filled with relief called out. "You're awake!"

Rainbow turned her head to see her loyal and self-proclaimed number one fan, Scootaloo sitting by her bedside, The young filly's eyes were filled with worry and concern, her loyalty to Rainbow Dash unwavering.

Rainbow Dash managed a weak smile. "Hey, kid," she rasped, her voice hoarse. She then glanced at the clock on the wall and then back at Scootaloo. "Have you been waiting here all night?"

Scootaloo nodded fervently. "Of course! I'm your number one fan, remember? I couldn't leave until I knew you were okay."

Just as Rainbow Dash was about to respond to the orange filly, another pony entered the room. She is an earth pony with pink coat and a talent in making ponies smile.

Rainbow thought that her usually vibrant pink coat seemed a little dimmer today. "Hiya, Rainbow!" she said, her tone more subdued than usual but still trying to maintain her usual cheerfulness. "How are you? Are you hungry yet? ” She held up a cupcake “Or do you–" but before the pink mare could continue her sentence, Rainbow Dash cut her off.

"See? I told you it was a bad idea to invite that alicorn." Rainbow's words trailed off, her frustration evident. "Now she has a unicorn lackey and-"

Pinkie Pie's usually bouncy mane now lay flat, losing even more of its luster color at the pegasus's response, her voice tinged with disappointment. "No," she interjected, cutting the speaker off. she frown at the injured mare. "Rainbow, you're the one who tried to attack Nightmare Moon first. Twilight Sparkle simply-"

"Twilight Sparkle?" Rainbow Dash sneered, interrupting Pinkie Pie. "You called her by name? Being buddies with that spy-"

Pinkie Pie's next interruption was firm and resolute, her tone was laced with disappointment. "No! You're wrong! What's wrong with you, Rainbow? Why are you resorting to violence?"

"But...but Nightmare Moon hurt Princess Celestia!" Rainbow Dash retorted, her voice filled with even more frustration.

"It's different. The Princess is an alicorn, and Nightmoon knows it." Pinkie Pie replied, her tone softening. "She has a healing factor. She looked worse than she actually is, her organs survived mostly intact," Pinkie recited information that she gathered from Princess Celestia's medical record, for partying purposes only.

Hoping that the pegasus won't question her about how she knows such information, the pink mare continues. "Most damages she got are areas around her face, neck, and upper body. Her internal organs are protected by her ribcage."

Letting the information sunk in, she continues "The face is hardest to heal because of complex organs such as eyes and nose, but Nightmare Moon knew what she is doing and intentionally left half of Princess' face intact"

"She understands that Celestia can get off the hospital bed within a day and her injuries would be fully mended within a few weeks." Pinkie Pie finished, looking at her friend for reactions.

"How the buck was I supposed to know that?!" Rainbow Dash shouted back, her anger mixed with pinkie-being-pinkie prevented her from noticing such weird little details. "And if that's the case, then Nightmare Moon would recover if my attack landed on her, right? She's also an alicorn!"

An uncomfortable silence settled in the room, the weight of their words hanging heavily in the air. Pinkie Pie's voice broke the stillness, filled with a mix of sadness and exhaustion. "...You bully."

The word "bully" hung heavily in the air, piercing her heart. Rainbow Dash froze, feeling as if the ground had been ripped from beneath her. She couldn't believe those accusations. No, she was not a bully, coming from her friend.

Bully is the lowest of the low, something she never wanted to become. It's Nightmare Moon that's the bully! The mare who hurts Princess Celestia.

"Without asking questions or doing any research, you resorted to violence and made a rash decision to attack her, just because you wanted to hurt her." Pinkie Pie continued her voice barely above a whisper. "Not knowing about her healing factor, you, the fastest mare in Equestria, launched an assault with your full speed. An attack that could have permanently crippled any average pony... or killed."

Rainbow Dash was shocked, as the reality of the situation sunk in. An attack that could k-killed somepony? by her?

A killer. A bully.

Pinkie Pie now realized what she has implied, make no more argument and slowly walked out of the room, her head hung low, leaving Rainbow Dash in a state of profound sadness and self-reflection. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over, but she fought to hold them back.

The weight of her actions, the future that could happen, and the consequences they had brought crashed down upon her like a tidal wave, enveloping her in an overwhelming sense of remorse and regret.

And in that somber moment, her eyes welling up with tears she refused to let fall. At that moment, she felt the weight of her injured pride and the realization that she had become someone she never wanted to be.

A bully, the lowest of society, the kind of pony who take pleasure out of hurting innocence.

The kind of pony that nearly killed her friend, Fluttershy.

The room fell into a heavy silence, filled with unspoken regret and a shattered friendship. Rainbow Dash's wings, once vibrant and strong, now felt broken and heavy. And as she closed her eyes, she couldn't escape the deep sadness that consumed her.

Author's Note:

One of the major downside of keeping nightmare moon in ponyville is rainbow dash.

Not the somewhat matured one in later season mind you. It's the queen of prank rainbow crashes down into everyone's rooftop.

Let me deal with her real quick, okay?

And I will keep that guard as a noname background character for now as I am not sure I'd like to give him the same role as in original plan, I might come back later and edited in a name.

credit: cloudy glow

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