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Chapter 13 - After Party’s Somber, We Consume.

The lavender mare, Twilight Sparkle, lay in her bed within the serene confines of the Golden Oak Library.

Her body language spoke volumes of her distress—her limbs were tangled within the sheets, and her once neatly styled mane lay disheveled around her.

Her eyes, the eyes of ever thirsty scholar, usually filled with intelligence and curiosity, were now clouded with guilt and sorrow.

"I hurt somepony again," she thought bitterly, her heart heavy with remorse as she fully came into her sense and assess the situation properly.

The memories of the incident flooded her mind, an impulsive action she hadn't been been fast enough to control.

It now reminded her of a similar incident in the past, one that had left her scarred by the weight of her mistake.

She had vowed to herself that she would never let it happen again, yet fate seemed to have a different plan, for here she was, repeating her transgressions once more.

As if the universe itself sensed her anguish, a soft knocking echoed through the library.

Knock Knock Knock!

Sudden knocks on her bedroom door shattered her thoughts, causing her heart to skip a beat. Each rap on the door seemed to magnify her internal turmoil.

She knew who stood on the other side, concerned and caring. Nightmare Moon, her loyal and understanding friend, had come to check on her.

"Come out, Twilight. You need to eat," the calm voice of Nightmare Moon called out from the other side of the door, her tone laced with concern.

But Twilight's inner turmoil resisted the notion. She couldn't bear to risk causing any more pain, especially to Nightmare Moon.

"No, please go away!" Twilight whimpered in a barely audible voice, her words quivering with self-doubt and desperation. She couldn't bear to see anypony right now.

But the night alicorn persisted, her voice gentle yet insistent. "Please, Twilight," Nightmare Moon pleaded.

The alicorn waited for Twilight to open up, to let her in and share her burdens. But this time, Twilight remained silent. She couldn't bring herself to respond.

Uncomfortable silence reigned within the library, thick with unspoken emotions. The weight of unspoken emotions hung heavily in the air.

Twilight's heart ached, torn between her desire to be in Nightmare Moon's embrace and her longing for solace, for understanding, but most of all, she yearned for the ability to forgive herself. She feared the consequences of her actions and the pain she might inflict on those she cared about.

Finally, Nightmare Moon broke the silence, her voice filled with a mix of compassion and resignation. "It's alright, Twilight. I'll leave the food here for you,"

The sound of an object being placed in front of the door reached Twilight's ears, it was the sound of the dishes gently touching the floor, a tender gesture of care.

As the sound of Nightmare Moon's retreating hoofsteps faded away, retreating down the stair, Twilight found herself once again in the confines of her solitude.

The room was quiet, save for the haunting echoes of her own thoughts. She lay there, consumed by the haunting memories of her actions, immersed in her thoughts, for what seemed like an eternity.

However, the rumbling growl of her stomach shattered the silence, letting out a loud gurgle, demanding attention.

It's a reminder of her neglected hunger. Twilight suddenly realized that she hadn't eaten a proper meal since the previous night before.

With a heavy sigh, she slowly opened the door and peered down at the plate of food outside, patiently waiting for her. It was a simple set of meal.

A daisy flower burger with hayfrieds, its homemade appearance somewhat amateurish, but the aroma that wafted from it was tantalizingly delicious.

The dish had been lovingly prepared by the Mare of the Moon herself, a gesture of care and concern that was specially prepared for Twilight.

Twilight ignited her horn, a gentle purple magic aura enveloping the plate as she levitated it into her room.

She then promptly locked the door behind her, shutting out the world and retreating into her self-imposed solitude.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, she examined her dinner closely with her eyes, casting a discerning gaze before gently lowering it down to the level of her muzzle.

The burger moved closer to her open jaws, touching her tounge, enticing her senses. She took the first bite, savoring the flavors that exploded in her mouth.

The second and third bites followed in quick succession, each morsel devoured with increasing speed. "Hunger is the best spice," she recalled from a novel she had read, and it rang true at this moment.

Each bite brought a renewed sense of satisfaction, the unicorn consumed her meal with a mix of gratitude and melancholy, savoring every bite.

and as she finished her meal, Twilight let out a contented sigh. The food had provided some respite, but despite the satisfaction it brought, it wasn't enough to fully satiate the hunger she felt, both for nourishment and the role she was supposed to play.

She was meant to care for Nightmare Moon, not the other way around.

“Heh” A bittersweet smile tugged at Twilight's lips as she considered the irony of the situation.

After all, she was supposed to be the one taking care of Nightmare Moon, guiding her through the intricacies of the modern world.

Yet, here she was, moping around while the alicorn had not only learned how to use kitchen appliances but had also taken it upon herself to cook for Twilight.

"What a useless pony I am," Twilight bitterly whispered to herself, her voice laden with self-disappointment. Negative thoughts clouded her mind, threatening to overwhelm her.

Even when she rationally understood that she wasn't alone. Even when she knows she had ponies who cared deeply for her, ponies who were willing to go above and beyond to show their support.

Her heart cried out, because it operate not with her logical mind.

In the quiet of her room, Twilight's mind continued to race with such thoughts. However, A wave of weariness washed over her, and exhaustion began to settle in, weighing heavily on her weary body.

She let out a tired yawn, then slowly climbed into her bed, letting herself be enveloped by the soft cushion, her thoughts gradually fading as she succumbed to the embrace of the dream world.

Nightmare Moon floated lazily in the dream realm, a slice of pizza held delicately in her hoof, her eyes widened with a mix of anticipation and ravenous desire.

It was no inferior vegan pizza portrayed in pony's cookbook. This was a real, meaty human pizza.

Without further ado, she lifted a slice to her dark, alluring lips, the scent of the meaty goodness engulfing her senses. She took a moment to savor the sight before her—a slice of pure ecstasy.

She took a bite, and her world transformed.

Time stood still as the first bite made contact with her tongue. An explosion of flavors erupted in her mouth, sending waves of delight cascading through her body.

It was a divine harmony of textures and tastes, as the succulent texture of many ingredients mingled with the tangy sauce and melted cheese.

The cheese melted in her mouth, blending perfectly with the seasoned mincemeat. Each bite was a blissful experience, a reminder of times near forgotten.

She closed her eyes, reveling in the pleasure that food could bring. In this dream construct, the sensation of nostalgia was almost tangible.

A low, guttural moan of pleasure escaped the alicorn's lips as the flavor enveloped her being. It was a sound born from a place deep within, a testament to the satisfaction that had eluded her for far too long.

Nightmare Moon continued to consume, consume, and consume, shoving the imaginary food down her throat, savoring the taste as it danced upon her taste buds.

It was a nostalgic flavor of her old world. a wave of pleasure washed over her again after another, sending shivers down her ethereal form.

She wasn't confident if the dream construct of the food captured the taste of the real thing without a real point of comparison, but she dammed sure perfected the important part of why it exist, of why junk foods exists, to the point that it might even surpass the original!

As she enjoyed the monster of a dream construct, she glanced around the barren dream realm. The alicorn realized something was amiss. It felt empty, especially when compared to Luna's memory.

It’s as if something was blocking her from accessing the dreams of other ponies.

She knew the reason behind it, her physical body remained in the Golden Oak Library, and that was the starting point of her journey into the dream realm.

There was a puny barrier, hindering the flow of magic in and out. Although it could only repel the weakest of spells, it also hindered intricate dream magic.

Nightmare Moon took another bite of her pizza, relishing the fact that she didn't have to worry about health concerns in this realm.

"No chance of cardiac arrest, no need to watch out for calorie intake. Dream foods are the best," she purred, lost in her enjoyment, immersing herself in a pleasure of culinary delight.

After a while, her mind began to wander, considering the situation at hand.

Breaking out of the confinement with brute force wasn't an issue, but it would draw attention to her actions, that's the reason she refrained from doing so. No need to start another mess when the current one is still too much for her.

And for now, she welcomed the fact that someone else had made the decision for her. It spared her from the moral dilemma of choosing between her moral principles and pure tactical advantage.

In her life as a human, she held various beliefs, some questionable and others common. One principle she clung to was the sanctuary of the mind.

To her, the mind was the essence of one's identity, and she firmly held the view that the most archaic form of the Castle Doctrine should be applied when facing any unwanted mind invader.

Stand your ground, no retreat. Anything can be used against intruders, even using deadly force as the first offensive is acceptable.

Dreams were fascinating things, granting glimpses into the deepest thoughts of their owners. They were like pathways that granted direct access to the mind.

Having someone else make the decision to block her access to others' dreams was a relief as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her.

However, the barrier only prevented her from reaching outside the library. It did nothing for those who were already inside. Nightmare Moon gazed at the two doors before her in the dream realm.

One led to Twilight's dreamscape, and the other to Spike's. She glanced at Twilight's door, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts. But ultimately, she shook her head.

No, she wouldn't invade anyone's mind if she could help it. Besides, she knew that delving into their dreams would likely exacerbate the situation. She wasn't a therapist, after all. She chuckled softly, trying to lighten her own mood.

Taking the last bite of her pizza, Nightmare Moon slipped out of the dream realm. After all, there were many things she wanted to accomplish tomorrow morning, and she couldn't waste her time lingering in the dream realm too long.

Author's Note:

You guys who want romance... please go read my test samples and give feedback.

credit: alfa995

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