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Prolouge 2 - The Princess who Waited

"Another day at court, another endless stream of nobles complaining about taxes and tariffs," Raven said with a sigh.

Celestia chuckled. "Ah, the joys of being a ruler. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, is it?"

Raven stared at Celestia's tail and cutie mark for a while before thinking better of it.

"No, it certainly isn't," Raven said instead, returning to the conversation at hoof. "But it's a privilege to serve Equestria and its citizens, even if it can be frustrating sometimes."

Celestia smiled. "Believe me, Raven, I know how you feel. But we must always stay calm and professional. It's our duty as the government, the ruler."

"I understand, Your Highness," Raven said, her tone a little more subdued.

They fell into silence for a moment, contemplating the complexities and implications of policies the stamped off today. Then Celestia spoke up again.

"You know, sometimes I envy the simplicity of a common pony's life. They don't have to worry about taxes or tariffs or noble disputes."

Raven chuckled. "True, Your Highness. But then again, they don't get to live in a castle and wear fancy dresses."

"I don't wear dresses," Celestia replied with a small smile. "As you know, Raven, I prefer to wear my regalia. It saves me from having to deal with the ridiculousness of noble etiquette and constantly changing outfits for every new event."

"Of course, Your Highness." Raven nodded understandingly. As she adjust her outfit, which basically is a very fancy strip of fabric, wearing around her neck.

Comfortable silence reign in as they sat in the dimly lit throne room, their day's work finally finished. They were enjoying a few moments of relaxation.

"So, Raven," the princess said, her posture relaxed. "Have you ever tried to write with a quill in your mouth?"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "I can't say I have, Your Highness," she replied, her tone prim and proper.

"Well, you should try it sometime," Celestia said with a grin. "It's quite the challenge. I used to do it all the time when I was a filly."

"I'll be sure to add it to my list of things to try," Raven said dryly, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

They lapsed into silence for a few moments, enjoying the comfortable companionship of one another. The soft flickering of candlelight cast gentle shadows across the room.

"Raven, may I ask you a serious question?" Celestia said suddenly, her expression thoughtful.

"Of course, Your Highness," Raven said, turning her full attention to the princess.

"I often wonder," Celestia said slowly, "if I am doing enough for Equestria. If I am truly making a difference, or if I am simply going through the motions."

Raven leaned forward, her eyes serious. "Your Highness, I can assure you that you are making a difference. You are loved and respected by your subjects, and your wisdom and guidance are invaluable to our kingdom."

"Thank you, Raven. Your words mean more than you know." Celestia smiled gratefully. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendship she shared with Raven. Despite their differences in rank and position, they were able to connect on a personal level, sharing both their hopes and their fears with one another. It was a rare and precious thing, and Celestia knew that she was lucky to have it.

They lapsed into a comfortable silence once again, enjoying the peace and quiet of the throne room. The clock chimed the hour, signaling that it was time to retire for the night.

"Shall we call it a day, Raven?" Celestia asked, standing up and stretching her wings.

Raven nodded, rising to her feet as well. "Indeed, Your Highness. It has been a long day," she said before turning back to the Princess with a more serious expression.

"Your Highness, if I may speak candidly?" Raven asked, her tone respectful yet firm.

"Of course, Raven. You may speak freely," Celestia said, her expression curious.

"I have noticed that the military budget has been increased significantly over the past few years. And while I trust that you have our kingdom's best interests at heart, I sense that there may be something larger at play," Raven said, her gaze unwavering.

Celestia's expression shifted slightly, and she took a moment to compose herself. "Raven, you have always been astute in your observations. However, I can assure you that there is no cause for concern. I am simply taking measures to ensure that Equestria is prepared for any eventuality," she replied, her tone measured.

Raven considered Celestia's words carefully. While she still had her doubts, she trusted that the Princess had her reasons for keeping certain information private. "I understand, Your Highness. Please know that I am here to support you in any way I can," she said, her tone conveying both respect and loyalty.

Celestia nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Thank you, Raven. I am grateful for your unwavering dedication to Equestria," she said before rising from her seat.

Raven followed suit, bowing respectfully before turning and making her way out of the room. As she walked down the castle hallway, she couldn't help but wonder what secrets Celestia was keeping from her. But for now, she trusted that her duty was to support the Princess, even if that meant remaining in the dark about certain matters.

In the dead of night, the long hallway of Canterlot Castle was shrouded in darkness. The only light came from the lavender unicorn filly trotting along it, her horn aglow with a pale purple aura. Twilight Sparkle was on a mission - to find her mentor, Princess Celestia.

Books levitated in her magical field as she fired off a detector spell, hoping to catch a trace of the princess's magical signature. After a few moments of concentration, suddenly her spell finally detected the presence of her mentor.

"Found you," she muttered to herself, her heart racing with anticipation. With a determined trot, she followed the trail, the books in her magical grasp bobbing along behind her.

The trail led her out to the garden, which was bathed in the soft, silvery light of the moon. It was like stepping into a beautiful painting, with the glittering garden providing a stunning backdrop for the princess, who was basking in the moonlight. But her attention was quickly drawn to traces of tears in her eyes.

Twilight called out to Princess Celestia, who was startled at first, but quickly composed herself.

"My faithful student, why are you awake at such late hours" She smiled kindly and asked the lavender filly why she had come outside.

Twilight was concerned about her mentor's well-being but didn't want to pry because she know how lackluster her she was at these things. She decided to just show off new spells she learned, hoping to distract Princess Celestia from her troubles.

Princess Celestia gave her approval. She even decided to give Twilight a special magic lesson. Twilight was thrilled, and her hope had turned into excitement. She was always eager to learn and improve her magic skills.

Twilight settled onto the bench, her eyes fixed on her mentor. Celestia began to weave an illusion spell, her horn glowing with a brilliant light. Twilight watched in awe as a beautiful, intricate images of spellwork appeared before her, the light swirling and dancing in the air. The best whiteboard a unicorn can have, as they said.

For hours, they sat in the garden, Celestia teaching Twilight about the topic, sharing secrets and wisdom that are not and cannot be written down. Twilight felt her knowledge and skill growing by leaps and bounds, she was practically bursting with excitement.

As the night wore on, Twilight grew tired and sleepy. Princess Celestia, noticing the filly's exhaustion, bid her goodnight and sent her off to bed. Twilight was happy, as she had not only received a special lesson but had also made her mentor happy.

As Twilight lay down to sleep, she couldn't help but wonder why Princess Celestia had been crying earlier. But she trusted that her mentor would confide in her when the time was right. For now, she was content, and her mind was filled with thoughts of the new magic spells she would learn tomorrow.

Look at her faithful student, with sadness and regret. "I am sorry, Twilight," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the night.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and then opened them again, determination replacing the sadness. Her eyes were now filled with cold resolve. "I will save you, no matter the cost," she said to herself, her jaw set firmly.

As Princess Celestia disappeared into the shadows, Twilight slept peacefully, unaware of the destiny that was planned for her.

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