• Published 11th May 2023
  • 3,030 Views, 347 Comments

The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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Invincible and unkillable Part 2

Discord just strolled around town taking in his own chaotic sights and causing mischief. He saw an earth pony mare running in the distance. He reached her with a very long stretch of his arm and dragged her close. The mare looked at him in fear. Discord looked at her. “Hey I remember you. You’re that school teacher who bought those ponies to my part of the garden. How about I give you a lesson to bring to your students?”

Cheerilee squirmed in his grasp until she felt her head being kept still with his other claw. “Too much pride can inflate one’s ego and you do such a good job as a teacher.”

"Oh well that's nice of you but mmph-"

He then blew into her mouth causing her body to inflate like a balloon. He soon stopped after she resembled a sphere with hooves, a head, and tail sticking out. He laughed as he grabbed her tale and started towing her around like a child with a balloon at a carnival, he even spawned a lollipop for added effect. “And having too much might lead to you having an inflated opinion of yourself.”

“The creature of chaos, we meet at last.”

Discord perked up at the sound of the voice. He looked around and then noticed a giant reptile with a skull like head with hair and a body that nearly resembled an alligator. After staring at it he began to laugh. “And just what are you suppose to be? Some lizard who came from a parlor in a swamp?”

“No just someone who has an ultimatum for you. Restore this place and leave in peace or stay and face your demise.”

Discord just stared before laughing again. “Oh ho ho that just rich. Do you really think you can take me out single handedly?”

Then everything happened at once. The spirit of chaos was met with a tail slap that send him flying. Cheerilee was let go and started floating upwards but was soon caught by two Pegasi in black uniforms and taken away. The monster then ran in the direction discord went. One of the Pegasi watched as it left in pursuit of Discord. “Go get him 682.”

Discord went flying and crashed into a floating house. He emerged from the hole looking surprised and annoyed. "Cheap shot. Lets see how he likes it."

He then snapped his fingers and conjured up a carrot. He then pulled leaf and stem and threw it at the running monster like a grenade. In fact thats what it was. "You think a vegetable can stop me-"


"Ha ha boom goes the weasel!" Sang Discord.

"I am a reptile not a mammal."

Discord smile immediately went away as he saw that the monster had barely a scratch on him. He then roared and charged again. Discord then teleported behind him and bashed him from behind with a pink locomotive only to see it not damage the reptile but left a very huge imprint of it's back on the locomotive's metal body. The monster didnt turn only it swatted him with its tale again sending him once again flying in a direction. "This guy is tough. I'll give him that." said Discord before he crashed into the ground.

He slowly got up and saw what looked like a train near the edge of town. Some ponies saw him and pulled out odd looking weapons. “Claws up Discord!”

“Nope” and with a snap of his claws the weapons became either confetti, snakes, or just burst into flames. Amidst the madness he saw a filly wearing a yellow dress watching the scene in fear and asked one question “Where’s Lizzy?”


SCP-682 charged towards the train. He hoped his Allies would’ve either caught him or at least distracted him. But when he arrived he saw the ponies in black either panicking or on the ground injured being tended to by medics. Soon agent Sweetie Drops raced up to him. “682 we got a problem 053 is missing.”

The reptile was now in shock. “Wait what? Where did she go?!”

“You mean your little pony?”

Everyone looked to see Discord holding the filly by the back of her neck while hovering in midair. The filly looked frightened.

“NO! Put her down!”

“Oh please like I would take orders from a mere lizard. Catch me if you can!”

His legs became what looked like wheels and he dashed away. 682 was now growling with the rage of a lion.

“That’s it now it’s personal.” He then raced off once again in hot pursuit.

One medic simply looked to a scientist he was examining. “Will Discord be affected by 053’s effect?”

The scientists shrugged, “I doubt it considering both 682 and Discord are practically immortal beings and 682 never attempted to harm her despite always being in close proximity to her. Either way the spirit of chaos won’t last long with both of them.”

Author's Note:

The name lizzy came from the scp animated series on YouTube.
I wonder if there’s anyone here who is willing to do fan art of this story maybe a new cover.

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