• Published 11th May 2023
  • 3,029 Views, 347 Comments

The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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Nightmare Moon: The warning of the night Part 1

Nightmare Moon simply sat on her throne with a triumphant smirk. Her plan gone off without a hitch. All she had to do was to make sure those six mares couldn't get to her old castle to activate the stones called the elements of harmony, and they never made it. All that everypony knew was that they entered the Everfree forest and never came out, but the Nightmare knew what happened in that forest. Trapping them was so easy as well taking away the stones before they could get to them. Now they are sitting in a dungeon in that same castle.

It didn't take long for some ponies to rebel but those rebellious forces didn't stand a chance. As for Princess Celestia, Nightmare thought it would be fitting for her to be imprisoned inside the same place she was trapped in; on the moon. She originally wanted to send her to the sun but thought it would be more humorous to have her on the moon so she can see the kingdom ruled under her hoof. The thought of her made her excited but she couldn't get too excited now. Not when there are still royal duties to uphold.

She sat on her throne as she waited for somepony to enter the throne room with a concern she, as a ruler, could fix. Sure enough a pony entered flanked by two guards. The pony an elderly green earth pony mare. She slowly hobbled up to the throne and bowed respectfully at her. "Rise dear subject. What is it that you seek from me?"

Granny Smith slightly shivered then looked up to her and asked one of her two questions. "Where is my Granddaughter? I- no. We need her with us."

Nightmare just scoffed and looked down at her. "She can re-enter society when she learns to behave for now she is under my watch. Now is there anything else you need?"

Granny tried her best to fight back the tears as she asked her second question. "Can you please raise the sun so my crops wont die?"

The maids gasped and the guards pointed their spears at her as if she offended her. "Please yer majesty! The trees are dying and the apples are rotting. We need sunlight to grow our food and it'll be worst when winter comes!"

"ENOUGH" the mare shrieked. "Like I told you and everypony the night will last forever. Now be gone!"

Granny Smith was simply escorted out. If one had good ears they would hear her crying outside knowing she was losing two of the greatest things in her life. Throughout the next hours many ponies, mostly gardeners, farmers, even diplomats had the same issue. A need for sunlight, but they were all met with the same answer in the form of the Royal Canterlot voice.

Nightmare just sighed in frustration. Surely these ponies can forget about their problems and learn to love the beauty of her night could they? She wished those mages she hired could cultivate a plan for the crop problem soon. The complaining farmers were starting to annoy her.
Meanwhile in the castle of the two sisters, six mares huddle together in a cell. The night was cold and despite them knowing each other for a short time. They knew they had to trust each other. Little did they know they were being watched. Outside a tall creature rose from the ground. It may not have eyes but it could see the sadness in those ponies. It had a purpose in this world unlike any other. It turned towards Ponyville and slowly made it's approach.

Author's Note:
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