• Published 11th May 2023
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The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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Family Value Part 3

“I’m telling you ladies. You all have to be responsible for what’s going down on our property!”

The library was quite a scene. The local six heroes of Ponyville were gathering to hang out but for some reason, the Flim Flam brothers decided to visit after something happened. They both awoke to find many wagons of construction material and freshly made cider from the once repaired cider machine destroyed by something destructive.

“And I keep telling you two we would never resort to such methods.” Said Applejack.

“Well when you think about it, it kinda serves you right for taking a family’s land.” Smirked Rainbow Dash, earning a sharp glare from the brothers.

Twilight Sparkle raised a hoof silencing everypony. “Listen you two I’ve been helping you investigate this matter and I can assure you none of my friends are the ones behind it. Because the damages I’d seen couldn’t be caused by a pony our size. Who ever did this had to have the strength of a full grown dragon or at least a group of Minotaurs.”

Before the brothers can say anything else the doors opened and a certain filly entered. “Hey guys look what I’ve found.”

Flam rolled his eyes from being interrupted. “We’re busy you little- Ah! What is that!?”

Applebloom sat at the entrance cradling the little creature in her forelegs like a foal. The creature was sound asleep. Everypony looked towards the strange creature and many cautiously gathered around it. Applejack broke the silence “Applebloom what is this and where did you find it?”

“Found it near our house in an alleyway. It was scared but I managed to earn its trust can I keep it?”

“Oh my. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Looks like some kind of arachnid.” Said Fluttershy.

“Hey, it’s head nearly looks like those cabins that appeared in the fields.” Said Flim realizing something.

“Therefore it must be our property.” Said Flam.

Twilight got in front if them before they got close to Applebloom. “Hold on you two we don’t know what this thing is. Wait did you say there are cabins that look like this thing?”

The creature stirred awake and looked around in curiosity. It looked to the mares seemingly fascinated. Then it spotted the two stallions. That’s when something changed and everything happened at once.

The yellow window eyes became red, it made a screeching sound, it leaped out of the filly’s hold and charged at the two like a spider on an attack. It then leaped into the air and lashed on to Flam. “AAHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!”

Flam was so startled he just ran around and bashed himself against the bookshelves trying to get his attacker off. Soon Twilight was able to catch the creature with her magic and managed to pry it off his face. Flam’s Mustache was removed and he had multiple scratches and splinters on his face. Everypony was shocked at this, even Applejack but a small part of her actually found this amusing.

The creature was soon put in a cage where it basically just thrashed around trying to get out. Twilight managed to get a sample of the wood and examined it. She returned to the others from her lab basement. “I managed to examine the wood and it clearly matches that of an apple tree.”

Applejack perked up. “You mean it came from the orchard?”

“We’re not sure but if anything-“

“Wait a minute! If what you say is true and that thing resembles the cabins then that means…”

Within a moment everypony came racing out of the library and straight to the once family owned acres. Along the way they saw a stallion running pass them in the opposite direction. “RUN! HELP! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!”

Soon more ponies came running as they got closer to the farm. Some of them looked injured. And as they approached the entrance they could hear the sounds of buildings getting destroyed. They charged through the gate and there they saw them.

Tall wooden house head creatures destroying the buildings owned by the brothers. Flim and Flam were mortified. “Our industry!”

That yell somehow got the attention of the house heads. They all stopped and turned towards the group then they charged towards them only for them to stop and for one of them to grab the two stallions with a branch-like vine. The two were immediately hoisted in the air. They were panicking and yelling for help.

Twilight charged her horn but then felt a hoof on her back he then turned to see Applejack giving her a stern look. "No I think I know what should be done and it's for the best."

"Applejack are you mad?! Sure they've taken your home but they don't deserve to die!"

"Wait for it..."

Meanwhile in the air the Househeads were examining their pray and soon one of them opened it's door which inside revealed sharp-mashing teeth. The two were now scared and could only squirm as they were bought closer to the door which was a mouth. "WE"LL LEAVE!"

The movement then stopped then the two were dropped to the ground. Despite the hard fall, they ran away screaming. Applejack watched them run away before turning to the tall creatures with a smile. One of them knelt down closer to the orange mare who began patting its wooden frame. "Heh you make mama proud."

Rainbow Dash watched the scene with a raised brow before speaking. "Ok I have too many questions but I think I should ask aren't you worried those two might tell Princess Celestia on you?"

"Hmm... Nope"

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