• Published 11th May 2023
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The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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Demons Within Part 2

The next morning Sunset awoke to see that her minions were still standing still like statues outside. She also noticed the number of police cars, news vans, and even a few military vehicles outside the dome. Men with guns and reporters with cameras stood close to it.

She sighed in frustration. “This was suppose to be a quick start to an invasion.”

Snips walked up to her still in his own demon form. “Uh boss me and Snails were talking and a thought just struck us. Doesn’t your world have its own army, military, or something?”

“Yes ponies that use spears unlike you humans with guns.”

“So you’re planning to send mindless drones against an even bigger army that can subdue them?

Sunset was about to retort but then the meaning of his words sank in. She now stared dumbfounded at the students then back to the mirror. She then remembered back when her mentor Celestia introduced her to the Royal guard. Snips broke the awkward silence. “You didn’t think far ahead didn't you?”

“Shut up!”


Down below in the school's basement Sunset approached her tied up captives and showed them the tape. "This came out of the mirror last night before it closed up without warning. What do you know about this?"

Twilight looked at the VHS tape confused. "I don't know. Equestria hasn't made that kind of movie technology. All we have are the super eights and film studio cameras to produce moving pictures."

"Don't lie to me. There's something odd on this tape and only you would know considering you took my place as Celestia's Student."

Twilight plucked up courage and looked up to the demon "Then maybe you shouldn't have ran away like a-"

She was cut off as Sunset Grabbed her by the throat. "You know nothing about me and I bet you don't even know what it's truly like being her puppet. I'll succeed in my plan and if I cant force the mirror open then I suppose you'll make a good ransom."

She released her letting Twilight take a deep breathe. She left the basement leaving the girls and dog alone.


That night Sunset awoke in a strange place confused. She remembered the last thing she saw were the additional vehicles and people outside the dome when she passed a window before laying down on her makeshift bed. But the next moment she found herself in her normal human self on a riverbank seeing a rushing river and trees. she looked to her left and saw further away was a steel railroad bridge. "Why does this place look familiar? And where are my powers?"

She didn't think for long as she suddenly heard someone humming. She looked around and saw what looked like a little girl sitting on the bridge plucking the pedals off a flower. The girl's skin was white like Rarity and her hair was black and so long it covered half her face. Sunset walked closer to her to get a better look.

But as she got closer the girl stood up and dropped the flower into the river. She then stepped towards the edge of the bridge on the opposite of where Sunset was. "Hey little girl what are you doing?"

The girl said nothing as she continued standing with her back facing away from Sunset. Sunset tried calling out to her but she wasn't sure if she was close enough to be heard or if the river was drowning out her sound. Then she noticed the girl was taking a step off the edge but just as she was about to lean forward. There was a whoosh and a screaming whistle.

Sunset jumped in fright as a passenger train charged across the bridge. She couldn't see the girl because of the train. As it passed Sunset had a mix of emotions which were confusion, concern, and fear. When the last car passed, the girl was gone. Sunset didn't see her fall off nor did it look like the train ran her over. So where did she go? She looked down to the river and there, her fear spiked.

There in the middle of the river was the girl. Her once white dress now looked filthy and her drenched hair covered her face. Even though her face was covered Sunset could feel it was staring at her. Sunset just stared as the girl raised her arms and suddenly there was a groaning sound from the bridge. "Hey what are you-"

Suddenly the steel bridge broke apart like it was made of aluminum. Some parts splashed in the river while a good majority of it warped with the track twisting into a curve that aimed towards Sunset. Then another whistle sounded. Sunset immediately figured out what was going on and ran along the bank but couldn't climb up.

A freight train then barreled down the tracks and then tumbled off the end of the broken bridge and into the river. Sunset looked back and saw the engine and the cars were tumbling and flying through the air like toys. Suddenly it was like raining train cars as sunset now found her self running on a now shallow river as cars struck the ground like darts. She barely dodged a few before a boxcar landed in front of her. On it were white painted letters saying 'Six days.' She looked back and saw the engine flying right to her with a whistle blowing like a ghost.


Sunset awoke with a scream as she looked around. Her demon form was still on her. She got up and looked in the mirror. "Six days huh. Very well you little brat. Show me what you got."

Author's Note:

I know this may not have happened in the movies but I thought it would be fun to twist it a little. Also i'm taking a trip to Pennsylvania soon.

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