• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 1,121 Views, 7 Comments

Knights of Harmony - NexusZero66

With kaiju beginning to appear in Equestria as well, the land will need heroes of its own more than ever before.

  • ...

Chapter 4- New History Revealed

The Everfree Forest

Above a mountain, a portal opens high in the sky for a few moments and closes after Decade, Den-O and Wizard come falling out of it. The three scream as they fall down. Wizard quickly switches to his emerald, green ring.

(Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!) Now in Hurricane Style, Wizard creates a green cyclone that helps him fly to the ground instead. Though the other two weren't having as much of a fun ride as he was.

"Damn you, you damn wizard! Stop this damn thing!" Den-O shouted while being spun around along with Decade in the cyclone.

"Wizard!" "Consider this the pay back for what you did to me earlier, bro." From there, he ignored their shouts until reaching the mountain where he dispels the cyclone. "There! How'd you like my successful resc- Whoa! Hey!" He leaned back to avoid Den-O sword, following with jumping back to dodge Decade's swing at him, using his wind to get a good distance from them. "What was that for?"

"You know why, you damn little brat." Den-O angrily shouted with Decade then saying, "I think a little beating like in our training days is in order."

(Connect, Please!) Sticking his hand into the circle, Wizard pulls out his weapon, the Wizarswordgun in sword mode. "I'd like to see you try."

Wizard and the two Riders remained still for a few seconds but then let out battle cries and charging at each other. They dash towards each other about to strike one another until a loud noise catches their attention. Looking down towards the forest, birds could be seen flying up into the lit sky of the setting sun in fright.

"I guess we found the reason we're here. Probably."

Havoc spread within the forest as two blurs, a white and black, moved clashing throughout the forest. Many creatures ran to hide in an untempt to avoid the conflict. Cockatrices ran into bushes, the hydra dove back under the muddy swamp, even Timberwolves even fell apart into piles of wood.

The other reason for this being that each time the blurs clashed, a small shock wave would be created before a few trees would fall over having been cut through. The sounds of blades clashing echoed off the shock waves, as well as flashes of sparks from the blades.

"How long do you think you can keep this up, Zero?" Rouki spoke to AbareKiller as they moved through the forest. "You seem to be tiring out, old friend. I don't remember you having such a small amount of stamina."

"What about you? You think after years of imprisonment, you'd learn to repent for what you did and decide to turnover a new leaf." AbareKiller countered while the two clashed mid-air, struggling for a second until shoving each other back. Instead of continuing, the Ranger dashes off with Rouki pursuing him. "Why hold onto vengeance? It was your own actions that forced me to imprison you and the others." He spoke out to his once comrade.

"We were supposed to had fought side by side till the end. Kill off the creatures that invaded your homeland. But you let that righteous heart of yours turn against me and your Fenrir brethren." Rouki shouted out.

Shooting out from the trees, AbareKiller had led Rouki to Ghastly Gorge. They continued their battle as they went down the gorge. Jumping from wall to wall on their way down, sparks flew off from their blade colliding with each other. AbareKiller avoids Rouki's next swings by jumping over him with energy blades forming on the Ranger's wrist that lands a few hits on the villain's back.

"Moonlight Sonic!" Having only stumbled a bit forward, Rouki turns to launch a powerful yellow sonic wave.

AbareKiller rolls away from the attack before using the Wing Pentact in tact mode to draw multiple arrows and send them straight at Rouki. The villain easily defended against it with swings from his blade. Rouki fires out blue electricity from his left hand. AbareKiller counters with the laser from his weapon which creates an explosion when the two collided.

"I only wanted to fight to protect our home. But to attack those who weren't part of the fight, that was something I was never going to be a part of."

"And for that you turned your back on the Fenrir went against orders of the chief and stayed to fight for their home. That's why by their wish and my anger for sealing me, you must die. This gorge will be your grave, Zero." Spinning his blade a few times, Rouki holds his blade over his shoulders while crouching down.

"If that's what you've decided, then talking to you is pointless." Spinning his weapon to build up energy, Killer takes a crouching stance while holding the Wing Pentact to his side. "Just know I don't plan to hold anything back."

Seconds pasted with the two just standing perfectly still facing each other. They wait for the right moment to make their move. But this ends when a pebble from the top of the gorge broke off and fell to the ground. The moment it did, the two dashed towards each other at high speed. "Lunar Wave!/Sigma Edge!" They both disappear for a second and reappear a few feet away from one another with their backs turned to each other. A crescent slash appears on AbareKiller's chest, making him stumble a bit with sparks flying off him.

Rouki stands up right before looking at AbareKiller from the corner of his eye. He turns about to attack. "Haaa- Ugh!" Before anything could be done, multiple slashes appear all around Rouki's body causing him to fall to one knee with sparks to fly off all around him.

"Ah!" Energy beings to spark around AbareKiller causing him to drop his weapon to clench his chest. "No...Not now." Killer spoke with pain in his voice.

"Oh, what's this we have here." Rouki spoke with amusement. "Despite betraying your comrades and cause, you haven't returned to the pack. Why is that?" He questioned the Ranger as he got back on his feet.

"I have no reason to explain myself to you." Killer said as he picked up his weapon and turned to face the villain.

Rouki scoffed. "Whether you were exiled like the others or just refuse to return of your own free will, the effects you're experiencing speak for themselves." Aiming his blade at Killer, a dark aura builds up around Rouki. "But despite those effects, I still plan to end your life here, Zero."

"I may not be in great shape," With sparks of energy still around him, AbareKiller began having a red aura emit off him. "but it'll be another six thousand years before you ever take my life."

"ZERO!!" Rouki shouted as he and Killer are both engulfed in their auras.

The two auras flew towards and into one another. Both struggled to overpower one another which ends, resulting in the two causing an explosion that shoots upward through the clouds as a tower of light with a shockwave spreading throughout the area. After the light faded, a chunk of the gorge surrounding them had been widened from the explosion. AbareKiller and Rouki were both still barely managing to stand in what's now a crater.

The wolf kaiju prepares to attack again. (Attack Ride. Blast!) "What?" Coming towards him, Rouki uses his blade to shield himself against multiple shots. Though he fails to notice three silver bullets from both his sides curve into him, making sparks fly off him. "Ugh." (Bind, Please!) Red spell circles appear around the kaiju, with silver chains shooting out and wrapping around him.

Rouki struggled to break his arms free from his sides before rising his head to find a blade's tip pointed at him. Standing in front of him is Den-O in his sword form, with Wizard and Decade standing beside the Rider with their guns aimed at Rouki himself.

"Not sure what the hell is going on here, but it's easy to tell who needs to get his ass beaten back to the pound." 'Momo, he's wolf. I'm not sure if a dog pound can take them in.'

Rouki examines the situation he's in. Form what he could see, Den-O and Wizard didn't seem like they be much of a threat. But when his eyes settled on Decade, he could tell that he'd be more of a challenge, especially with the help of the other two and the Ranger who's regaining his stance.

"Haha. You should count yourself lucky, Zero. Seems like we'll have to leave this battle for another day." Decade notices energy had built up in the Rouki's free hand.


The three quickly jump back, away from the wolf kaiju as he fired blue lightning at the ground. (Defend, Please!) Wizard used his defense magic to protect them and Killer from the wave of blue electricity that spread around when the attack made contact with the ground.

"Rouki, we're not finished-" AbareKiller ran out from the cover and looks around as the dust settled but finds no signs of Rouki anywhere. "Damn it. If he's free, does that mean-" He lets out a sigh before looking back to the Riders. "Thanks for the assist. I take it your friends of Cross-Z."

"That's right. But who the hell are you supposed to be?" Den-O questioned walking up to the Ranger, in an attempt to intimidate him. 'Momo, please behave.' (Extend, Please!) "What the?"

Wizard had wrapped his stretched out arm around his friend and brought him back over to them. "Sorry about Den-O. He has a lot going on in his head to think well." "Hey!"

AbareKiller shakes his head. "It's fine. I'm AbareKiller. You could say I'm an ally to the Knights of Harmony." Decade snaps his fingers.

"So, you're one of the Sentai Rangers that helped out in Canterlot." Killer nods to him. "Yes. Though I'm not sure about the ranger part." "If that's the case, what are you doing out here?"

"Look, I would stick around to explain but I need to-" AbareKiller said as he turned to leave but only manages to take two steps before dropping to his hands and knees.

Three quickly rushed to his side. "Hey, are you alright?" Wizard question as Killer's transformation coming undone to reveal their friend, Negi's appearance before changing back into his wolf self, looking as though he had been beaten all around. He's only able to stay standing for a few seconds before needing to be caught by Wizard.

His body going limp, gives them a scare until they see he's still breathing. "Perfect. He's out cold. Now we have to figure out the next part on our own." Annoyed, Den-O takes in their surroundings. "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!?" His voice echoed throughout the gorge.

"Den-O? Decade?" Hearing the familiar voice, the two, along with Wizard, looked above themselves to the top of the gorge. There they find Twilight with her friends, Spike, the CMC, and two others looking down at them. "Is that you two?"

"Do you know of any other bipedal heroes in armored suits?" Decade sarcastically questioned, which earned him a deadpan stare from her and Spike. "Seems you found your answer." He ends with undoing his transformation with the other two following suit.

Not seeing an easy way down, Lockjaw decides to use his magic as his eyes glow for a moment before large vines shoot out from the edge under them. They grow spiraling down the gorge along with smaller vines while bunching themselves together into the shape of a slide. Everyone is surprised to see a Diamond Dog with such an ability.

"Anypony going down?" Makena asked everyone for Lockjaw. "I'll race anypony who is." She glowed orange with her rear end changing into the lower half of a ghost tail. She flew around before settling next to the slid.

"Oh! Me! Mememe!!" Pinkie answered before even a second could pass. She zips over to the slide with the CMC and Spike excitedly rushing while shouting, "Us too!", leaving the others still surprised by their new Rider friends' abilities. Aside from Rainbow and Fluttershy, Twilight and the rest of her friends soon followed after their friends and Lockjaw slid down.

The moment they reached the bottom, Spike and the group locked eyes with the second Spike, being surprised of finding another him. Discord opened his mouth to say something but is suddenly tackled to the ground by a smiling pegusas who resembled a shy friend of his.

"Discord, I'm so happy to see you. I was starting to get wor- Oh...You're... you're not the Discord we know, are you?"

With Fluttershy backing off him, Discord stood back up dusting himself off. "True, we may both be the image of perfection, but there is a difference. I'm surprised you were able to tell."

"HI, again!" Pinkie pops up in front of Ressha, startling the life out of him.


'Damn that demonic cotton candy! Someone needs to put a damn bell tower on her./You're just a coward. She has to do better than that to scare me./I dare you to sat that again./Don't say that, Griz. Usually when someone says that they get proven wrong./Hi! I'm Equestria's Pinkie Pie! It's always nice to meet new friends./WHAT?!'

While his three other selves screamed, Ressha blinked both surprised and freaked out by just having heard Pinkie in his head. Mostly feeling the second more than the first. He had been watching her in front of him the whole time and Pinkie had done nothing different.

"How did you do that?" He asked taking a step back.

Pinkie tilts her head while still keeping her smile. "Do what?"

Ressha stopped himself from continuing and decides to just brush it aside. "Sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know what's going on here?" Ressha apologized walking between Discord and Fluttershy.

"I'm sure a lot of us want to know that." Human world Spike said before Equestria Spike and the CMC notice their savior on the floor. "ZERO!!" They were about to run to him but get stopped by Applejack and Twilight getting in front of them protectively.

"Apple Bloom, you and yer friends get back. He's dangerous." The four were taken aback by how serious Applejack sounded.

With Makena following, Lockjaw runs over to the wolf to check on his condition. "A Fenrir? What's one doing here in the forest?" The CMC and Spike heard the name of Zero's species, remembering back from when Emerald had mentioned it before.

"Not sure. But he seems to be fine. He is injured but nothing life threatening. Mostly just exhausted. We need to get him somewhere to be treated. Ah?" With magenta chains wrapping around the wolf, especially around the mouth, Makena and the others looked to Twilight. "What are you doing?"

"Twilight, isn't that a bit much, dear? " Rarity questioned with Rainbow landing next to her friend to add, "Yeah, I mean he's already out cold. How dangerous could he be?"

"Do they eat ponies?" Twilight looks down to find Pinkie staring back up at her from under her. "Can his howls make your head hurt until they explode? Are they like vamponies that suck up all your blood until you're nothing but a husk? Or, or-"

Having put her hoof over Pinkie's mouth, Twilight sighs to herself. "Pinkie, no. They don't do any of that. Fenrirs are more dangerous than any of those. That's why we need to quickly take him to Princess Celestia."

Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Twilight looks to a confused Spike. "Twilight, what's a Fenrir?" He asked with an equally confused CMC wanting to know as well.

"They were a species that originally owned the land of Equestria. At first, both our species were peaceful to one another, but then there came a conflict that caused both sides to go to war with each other."

"Granny Smith told me and Big Mac bout that battle as a bedtime story a few times." Applejack interrupted, taking over. "Many lives were lost in that battle. Especially since Fenrir's were able to devour anything magical. Many creatures feared them. Granny said even dragons were afraid of them because they were able ta tear through their scales easier than slicing into a fresh apple pie. Many thought they were gonna wipe all us ponies out."

"But then for unknown reasons, their leader surrendered even though they came close to defeating us. He asked for a truce to be made between us. One that involved them giving up and leaving their land. Even to this day, nopony knows why." Twilight ended.

Spike and the CMC looked to Zero with shocked looks. Never before had they heard of such a creature that could bring fear to so many different species. A mixture of fear and curiosity with worry filled their bodies. The fear was mostly just from knowing what he's capable of. The other being that they wondered what could've brought him back here in the Everfree Forest. But there was still one important question they needed to ask.

"Then why are you trying to capture him? Wouldn't that end the truce." Scootaloo questioned.

"It's because of the truce that we need to capture him before he wakes up." The group all turned to Twilight.

"One of the conditions of the truce was to imprison any Fenrir from the pack that stayed behind or crossed back into Equestria and they would do the same to any pony they came into contact with. It was a way to prevent both sides from interacting from one another. If not, then the truce between us would end." Twilight explained. "It's not our usual methods, but there's no telling what his leader will do if the truce is broken. Which is why we have to let the princesses know about this and have him imprisoned in Tartarus as quickly as possible."

"You can't!" Sweetie Belle suddenly shouted, surprising everyone. Scootaloo follow by saying, "Zero is our hero and friend. He doesn't deserve to be sent to Tartarus."

Rainbow quirked a brow. "Hero? Friend? How do you four even know him?"

Apple Bloom steps forward. "He saved us when the kaiju first attacked Ponyville. We got cornered by Imps and other grunts while in the Everfree Forest. We thought that was the end but then Zero took them all down movin' even faster than Rainbow Dash." "Hey!" Rainbow shouted with a frown. "He even brought us back to town. Or at least brought us close to it."

"Twilight, he's a friend of Aunt Emerald." Spike added looking to his sister. "Twilight please, we can't tell Celestia and let them throw him in Tartarus when he's done nothing wrong. Please." He and the CMC pleaded at the end to their sisters and friends.

The Mane 6 look to each other for a second before setting their sights on the unconscious Fenrir. They had heard they were saved by a wolf, but they just figured it was a normal wolf since they never mentioned how he spoke and took them back to town. After a moment, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to have decided. Though Twilight and Applejack were still stuck in their thoughts. Unlike the rest of their friends, the two knew more about Fenrirs in their group.

Applejack gave Zero a judging look, not knowing if they should trust such a creature that caused so much death in the past. But then she also wondered 'Could such a deadly creature be so friendly? Or be willing to come to the aid of others?' in her mind. All she knew from them were from stories. She's never met one before or heard of them hurting others in this present time. Her expression softened on the most deciding factor. Which is if he hadn't saved the four, they would've lost Apple Bloom for good and never had known what happened to her.

"Well, if yah'll be willin', can yah help me bring him back to Sweet Apple Acres?" She had said as her decision.

While Spike and the CMC smiled at the idea, her friends were surprised by her request. Like Twilight, she knows what Zero and his kind is capable of. Normally she would want to do all she can to keep her family safe and not want him anywhere near her home. Yet here she is asking them for exactly that.

"Are you sure about this, Applejack?" Twilight questioned. "Unlike with Discord, there's no telling if the Elements will work against a Fenrir."

"We Apples repay any debts we owe." She looks back to Zero. "And we fer sure have a big debt we need ta pay back. Plus, if Apple Bloom and her friends believe in him that much, then I'm sure he's worth givin' a chance. Twilight, as yer friend, I'm also askin' yah, please don't tell Celestia about any of this." She ends looking eye to eye with Twilight.

Twilight is caught a bit off guard by the surprised request. She was still unsure if they should take such a risk. This would not only be dangerous if the Fenrir decides to attack them once he's recovered, but they could also be punished severely by the princesses if they find out they kept this from her and endangered the truce. Unsure of what to do, she looks to her other friends.

Looking to them, she receives an immediate nod from Rainbow Dash while Fluttershy and Rarity's were a bit hesitant, but end up nodding as well, seeming to trust Applejack's judgement. She turns back to Celestia not having needed to check the energetic Pinkie Pie, who was begging her with a huge grin and was begging with her front hooves held together.

She signs in defeat and yet still smiles. "If he's a friend of my aunt Emerald and you're all sure of this, then I'll support the decision."

"YEAH!!" Spike and the CMC shouted cheerfully causing the others to laugh and giggle at the sight of their joy. "Hey, wait." Spike begins searching around. "What happened to uncle Dusk?"

Coming to the realization, Twilight and her friends looked around. "Now that I think about it, we haven't seen him since the attack. What could had happened to him?"

"Up here." Hearing the loud familiar voice, the group look to the top once again, finding Construct with Dusk next to him.

He teleports the two of them down to the group. Dusk rubbed the back of his head while saying, "Sorry for the scare there. I chased off some of the grunt out into the Everfree forest."

"Though after using up the little amount of strength he had, your uncle here took a nap and came close to being a snack for the Timberwolves. Lucky for him, I went and found him a second before they could." Dusk glared at him from the corner of his eye.

"There was no need to bring up that part."

Rainbow Dash zoomed up to Construct, startling him for a second. "What the hay, Construct? Why didn't you tell me about something as awesome as all this kaiju fighting action?"

A bit annoyed, he lets out a sigh before pushing Rainbow a bit back. "Aside from me not being obligated to tell you every secret of my life, I left that life and was never planning to ever go back. And I certainly had no intention of ever telling anypony or creature about it. Now, with Dusk safely with all of you, I'll take my leave."

Without another word, the unicorn teleports himself back to the top of the gorge and turns to begin his walk back to town.

"Hey, get back here!" Rainbow shouts flying after him. "I'm not letting you off that easy. You're going to tell me everything you've been hiding." That was the last the group could hear from them as they got farther away.

Still looking up, Dusk shook his head before turning back to the group. "We should head back if we want to hear what our new friends here have to say." He pointed out, directing everyone's gazes to both the new and recently arrived Riders.

Rarity walked up next to Ressha. "Though I feel our Rider friend here should change into a pony. I'm sure everypony is going to be a bit jumpy after today's disaster."

A Few Minutes Later

After having made it back from the forest, the group quickly made their way to Sweet Apple Acres to avoid anyone from seeing Zero. Once they did, Applejack led Lockjaw to a guestroom where they could rest the wounded Fenrir. Granny Smith had her help with treating him. She agreed to help once she heard a short explanation of what was going on. The CMC were the first to try to explain but she couldn't understand anything the three were saying, speaking all at once.

"Never in my life would I thought I'd meet a real Fenrir. Or even be fixin' them back ta their hooves." Granny said as she finished bandaging up Zero's front right leg. She then turned to the CMC. "Where'd yah say you three youngins' find this fellah?"

Apple Bloom was the first to answer. "He was at the bottom of Ghastly Gorge."

"Ressha said he was fighting a wolf kaiju." Sweetie Belle continued with Scootaloo then saying, "He must have been really tough. Because Zero is so fast and strong that grunts were a piece of cake for him to take down."

The elder Apple then turned to her other granddaughter. "And yah made this his temporary home ta make himself cozy at, I hear."

Applejack stared down unable to make eye contact. "I'm sorry, Granny. But after hearin' how he was the one who saved Apple Bloom and brought her close ta home, I couldn't just let him be sent ta Tarturas without repayin' him fer it. After all, it's always been our way ta repay those we owe to."

She shut her eyes expecting a lecture from her grandmother for making such a decision on her own. But it never came. Instead, she felt a hoof resting on her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she looks up to find Granny Smith giving her the same warm smile she always gives them.

"Yah did great holding true the good name of our family. I'm actually real happy ta hear all this." She looked back to Zero. "Truth be told, I never believed all that hogwash bout the Fenrirs." Applejack and her brother were surprised by what they just heard. "Fer such horribly feared creatures, yah would hardly find any stories of them attackin' any other creatures. Makes one wonder if there was any truth ta them stories."

"Then why would yah tell us all those stories about them if you never believed any of them?" Big Mac nodded agreeing with his sister.

Granny chuckled waving a hoof. "With how full of spunk yah two had as a colt and filly, I knew a story of the Fenrirs would do the trick in settling yah down. Though they did give yah two nightmares. Oh well, all's well that ends well." The two frowned at how their grandmother just swept it aside with no hesitation whatsoever.

"Is he goin' to be alright, Granny?" Apple Bloom questioned turning to face her along with her friends.

"Fer a Fenrir, I'd say death isn't one of his choices with just these scratches." She begins walking towards the door. "There's nothin' left fer us ta do but let the fellah rest fer the moment. I'm sure he'll spring back ta his hooves once he's rested enough."

Once Granny exited the room, the CMC turned back to Zero. They wanted their friend to recover well but also felt impatient at the same time. Aside from wanting to know who he fought, they were curious on what he did once he had left them and what had brought him back to the Everfree Forest.

Their thoughts are interrupted by Applejack having come up next to them. Placing a hoof on her sister's shoulder, she motions for them to head to the door while saying, "Come on, you three. Let's leave him alone to rest." They were a bit hesitant, but decided to listen to her as they followed her out the room with Big Mac following behind them.

"So, you two were around a long time ago?" They could hear Ressha's question a second before coming into the living room. They find him and the other Spike on the floor sitting with pillows. Applejack had explained to Big Mac and Granny Smith for him that he was a peaceful and friendly Changeling. Though he still had taken Rarity's advice and took on a pony form as to not scare them the moment they saw him. His pony disguise was adorned with a snow, white colored coat and a charcoal, black mane.

The group rested themselves in the living room to discuss things with the Riders. Though not all of them had stayed. Fluttershy needed to take care of her animals while Pinkie said she needed to get tomorrow's holiday party ready, as well as the party for the new Rider friends they just gained. While Rarity and Twilight sat on the couch, Dusk stood standing by the front door with Lockjaw leaning back against a wall by the window and Discord relaxing on a recliner he had poofed in himself.

"I thought we were the first Riders to awaken." Spike shrugs to the confused Ressha. 'Great. Just what we need. A Rider scavenger hunt./Do you mean back in our world or here in Equestria?/Does it matter? It's still annoying no matter how you see it.'

"You were. We just woke up a few hours ago." Lockjaw answered.

The moment Lockjaw spoke, Makena's head popped out of the ground in front of the Apple siblings, scaring the life out of them. "Technically, we were awakened first." She flew out of the ground and floated around the room as if she was drifting in space. "We were originally supposed to be with you all, but you could say our transport here was interrupted. Which caused us to be knocked into the past when we entered."

'How is she able to do that?' "What do you mean by 'reawakened'?"

"I assume Zi-O has awakened, am I right?" Spike looked questionably at him. "Yeah, 'they' did. How'd you know that?" Lockjaw shows them his orange Lockseed. "A spell was setup a long time ago by a Zi-O that visited us and five other Riders, that would store us in our main items when we died and would bring us back to life in the ages that we were when we first arrived."

Discord sat up with an intrigued expression. "Zi-O? Not Zi-Os?" Makena hovered upside down into his line of sight.

"Yeah, exactly. She did say that two others would succeed her." "How would she had known that?" She turned herself right side up while flying in front of Twilight. "Her magic ability was to look into the future. Though since it drained a lot out of her, she began to hardly use it after she gained her Zi-O 2 transformation."

While Discord was stuck in thought stroking his guotie, Apple Bloom walked up next to the couch. "Are you able to fly around because of your magic?" She asked, getting the zebra's attention.

"Mhm. Before our magic was different. But in order to gain our stronger forms, we had to evolve our magic by completely making it our own. To do that, we needed and had to use a certain amount of our Rider forms or items, along with putting our complete focus in what we wanted our magic to become." She then flew back in front of her three fellow Riders. "If any of you were from our original world, you'd had guessed I changed my magic to act similar to the powers of the ghosts from Danny Phantom. Like for instance..." She scans the room before locking eyes with Big Mac, who feels a chill go down his spin when he sees her gain a devilish grin. "Watch this."

"Nope!" Not liking where this was going, Big Mac tries to escape by running into the kitchen. Makena just flies in after him with the big stallion screaming a second after. The group just stared until Big Mac came walking out having orange glowing eyes and a smug smile plastered across his face. "See. I'm a big strong stallion now. Who is tough and has a big-" Stomping a hoof down, Makena accidently makes Big Mac's hoof break through the floor. "OOPS! I am so sorry." She apologizes before getting out of the oldest Apple sibling.

Human world Spike stands up, walks over to the hole while bringing out a ring. (Restore, Please!) The hole is fixed within an instant.

"Thanks for that, um..." Applejack paused unsure how to address human world Spike when there's two of them. "You can just call us by our Rider names. Not like we have to keep our identities a secret here." "Alrighty then. Thanks for that, Wizard."

Wizard does a quick bow to his audience. "That's defiantly some useful information to know." He makes a fireball in his claw. "My magic lets me switch between four elements to use."

Makena surprises him by phasing through his face. "Oh! That would work great with Dragon Slayer magic. Maybe become a bender. Or, or maybe..." She flew around while saying but then stops and chuckles nervously when she sees Wizard confused along with the others. "Right, you wouldn't know about any of those." Clearing her throat, she turns to Lockjaw with a frown. "Though someone wanted to be boring and just went with controlling plants."

"Hey, some of us just want to make our magic work alongside our Rider forms."

"Can you tell us about that giant kaiju Spike and Guardie had battled?" Twilight questioned with Rarity adding, "And can you explain about the spell you used to change the area around us?"

Makena moves in front of them with her flip phone. "We call these the MagiSpark. They may look like the phones used by the Magiranger, but they also work similar to the transformation items used by the Ultras. They allow us to change into titan forms and use powerful spells like the one you mentioned, the arena changer spell, without draining any of our magic. It creates a field made of the home areas of the species the Riders are. Though it doesn't mean these spells don't come at a cost."

"Though only for the Riders within the field." Lockjaw spoke up to add. "As for the fusion kaiju you saw, we call them Tartarus Fiends. They're come into existence when the negative energy within the area pours itself into the remains kaiju. They're creatures with no heart or sense of mercy. They'll destroy anything that crosses their path and won't stop until there's nothing living around them."

'A fusion of the three?' is what they all thought for second before it made sense them. The kaiju did have parts of the three recent kaiju the Riders defeated today around its body. Twilight and her friends could not believe such a horrifying creature can came to life by such a way.

"I see." Dusk spoke out loud. "That would explain why Junior and the other kaiju are so focused on creating negative energy recently. But how does he know about these Tartarus Fiends?" "He must've remembered." The group all turned to Makena. "What do you mean by 'He must've remembered'?"

Lockjaw moves off the wall. "This isn't the first time Junior and the kaiju have been around. Just like how we Riders were brought to keep the peace within this world, Junior and the kaiju were drawn here to be this world's darkness to balance out with the harmony. They're needed here. Meaning"

He stops seeing Twilight understand what he's saying. "Meaning they'll eventually come back after some time passes. Princess Celestia and Luna need to know about this right away." "Twilight, just hold on a sec-" With Rarity's words seeming not to reach her, she quickly dashes passed her to get to the door, but then stops. "Come on, Spike!"

The small dragon walks only a few steps before stopping to look back to the hall. He was reluctant to leave. He knows Zero would be in great care under Applejack and her family, and knew the Fenrir wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon. But he still couldn't help hesitating to leave. That is until Dusk pats his head. Not needing his uncle to say anything, Spike could understand he was trying to reassure him that it'd be fine to leave.

Nodding to Dusk, Spike runs over and hops on his sister's back, who then rushes out the door. The group moves to outside the house to watch Twilight dashing out the front gate of the orchard and go down the road back to town until she was out of sight.

"Years later and she's still the same niece I always knew." Stretches out first, Dusk sprints off to catch up to Twilight and Spike.

"And there they go. Twilight ought ta learn to slow her roll down." Applejack commented, tilting her hat a bit up.

Rarity looks to the CMC, noticing they're a bit exhausted. "Though I do suppose she has the right idea. We should call it a night."

"True. I'm sure we could all use some sleep after today." While Dusk spoke, Lockjaw and Makena nod to each other before turning to leave.

Applejack raises a brow. "Where do yah two think yer goin'?"

"Aren't you going to stay?" Rarity also asked.

The two look back. "I need to go make sure the other Diamond Dogs aren't planning on doing anything now that I've revived." He answered with Makena then following up with, "And I have a something number of 'great granddaughter I need to go greet back in the forest."

Before the others could question them, Makena flies into the sky and goes towards the Everfree Forest. Lockjaw dashes on all fours to the front gate of the orchard and digs underground once he reached the other side of the road.

'And they're gone. Great. Couldn't we at least figure out why we were sent here?' "From how it went for Connor and Reiji, I think we're going to be around for a while." 'They did say trouble happened a few days after they got here./But where and when is this trouble going to happen, is the damn question!/We'll just have to wait./As a damn bug that seems to be hated? God damn, this is going to be annoying./And off goes the short fused peach again./What was that? Sounds like someone could use a beating./You're welcome to try. Because all I'm hearing is barking./That's it!' "Guys, no fighting. Can't you please just get along for a while?"

The Apple siblings stared at Ressha with brows raised as the changeling was talking to himself, not knowing that he's working to try and break up a fight between two of his other selves.

Outside the Crystal Empire

In the night, a portal opens on top a snowy mountain with a raging blizzard going on around the whole area. Prince Blueblood, the unicorn known as Princess Celestia's nephew, comes stepping out of the portal. Bringing out binoculars, he sets his sights on the Crystal Empire despite the blizzard being in the way.

"So, this is the Crystal Empire." The white coated unicorn spoke to himself with a smirk. "Wonder how well their empire fare against this." He holds up a bronze Zetsumetsukey with his magic. On it is the image of some kind of robot on it with only 'IMPARAIZER' on it. "I say they'll be destroyed in a matter of minutes. What's your opinion on this, Brutus?"

A large full-grown muscular dragon is the next to come out of the portal on all fours. Multiple scars covered the dragon's darkened green scales. Spikes stuck out the knuckles of the dragon's claws, as well as the wings and going from the top of the spine leading all the way to the end of its yellow axe tail.

Aside from large yellow rhinoceros' horn, its red piercing eyes is what stood out the most and were directed towards the empire. The blizzard did little to block the sight of Crystal Empire in the distance. The dragon suddenly began to growl with teal flames sipping out from the edges of its jaw. Brutus suddenly catches a whiff of something as he begins sniffing the air. Following the scent, he turns and looks outs towards a certain direction with a growl.

"Something the matter? Hardly anything catches your attention like this." Blueblood looked out towards the same direction for a moment before turning to the dragon.

"The plan has changed. You'll have a second job aside from the first."


The moon had replaced the sun in the night sky hours ago. Ponies were now fast asleep in their own homes. With only nocturnal creatures or anypony pulling all nighters being the only ones awake.

Twilight and Spike were also asleep in their room. Spike was peacefully snoring asleep tucked into his basket. Twilight also deep asleep in her bed with Guardie curled up at the end of her bed. Though the dog's eyes suddenly opened. He slowly stood up and softly hopped off the bed to not awake Twilight from her sleep.

Once he did, he quietly walked to Spike's bag, stuck his head inside it, dug through until pulling out with the dragon Fullbottle. Guardie then made his way out the room, moved through the hall and down the stairs. He stopped for a moment from Dusk's sudden snore before continuing his way towards the basement.

Once inside, he proceeded to set the bottle the same as last time on the machine with then an empty Fullbottle after. Guardie then once again sent light into the gem container. The machine came to life as the process began. The dog nodded in satisfaction before turning to leave out the basement.

The Next Morning


Cross-Z rolled along the grass with sparks flying off him. Across from him stood his opponent, Wizard, who took a few steps forward with his sword resting on his shoulder and his other hand against his side. They we in a middle of a practice match in front of the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse, with the three members watching from the railings.

"Want to call it quits, Cross-Z? No offence but I'm sure your brother or uncle would be better for you to practice with?" The mage Rider suggested twirling his sword around before resting the blade on the palm of his other hand. "The rules of the match may be simple but for a newbie, it'll be tough."

"COME ON, CROSS-Z!!" Scootaloo shouted as their friend stood back up with the other two following with, "You can do it!" "Yah just need ta land one hit!"

(Beat Closer!) Taking ahold of his weapon, Cross-Z charges towards his opponent. "Haaa!!" Letting out a battle cry, he takes multiple swings at Wizard, but the mage Rider avoids and parry's each swing with ease. (Hippare! Smash Hit!) Cross-Z had pulled the hilt after having swung a while and launches the attack. He figured that Wizard would have no choice but to guard against this attack considering how up close he is. What he didn't expect was the mage Rider's reaction speed. "Wha- Ugh." Wizard had jumped, twirling over Cross-Z, which he then swung a kick into the Rider's back, knocking him to the floor as the mage landed.

Wizard chuckled. "That was a nice try. You're definitely quick on thinking on the spot. Then again, you are me after all. Now it's my turn." He announced to his other self the moment he got back on his feet.

"Uh-" Wizard comes at him swinging multiple times, only giving him time to guard against the attacks. When Wizard thrusts his sword at him, Cross-Z guards against it, which his opponent anticipated as he twirled his sword against the Beat Closer, causing him to loosen his grip on it and is disarmed as Wizard spun. The Rider lands a slash across Cross-Z's chest as his sword came back around, sending his opponent falling flat on his back with the Beat Closer stabbing into the ground in front of the steps of the clubhouse.

Cross-Z is kept from standing by Wizard holding the sword against his neck. "And that was the finale." He moves his sword away to hold out his hand, helping his other self back to his feet.

"Man, I really thought I had you there." He said, sounding a bit frustrated while slamming his fist into his palm.

"Hey, you were pretty good, even for a me with no training. With the right teacher, I'm pretty sure you'll only get better." He tried reassuring Cross-Z as the CMC ran up to them.

"Yeah, Cross-Z. You already been having a winning streak against all the kaiju you've fought up till now." "That's not true. That one made of bones made Cross-Z change back in one hit." Scootaloo frowned at Sweetie. "That didn't count. He attacked Cross-Z from behind."

Just being reminded of the encounter, in truth, made the Rider feel afraid. Cross-Z knew even if he had been facing Junior fairly, the outcome with the Yokai would've been the same no matter how it went. The difference in strength, power and experience was too great. At least, for the moment.

Apple Bloom takes notice of Cross=Z's fist tightening. "Wizard, face me again. I'm sure I'll do better this time."

The mage sighs, shaking his head. "Look, I get you want to get better but right now this is your limit. I haven't even used my other forms and rings. And yet you still couldn't land a hit. Maybe you shoud-"

"Please!" The sudden shout cut off Wizard. "I really need to get stronger. If I can't, then I don't know if I'll ever be able to meet my older siblings. Or, I at least don't want them to think that I can't take care of myself on my own." The mentioned of siblings seemed to affect Wizard in some way. "Please help me get stronger. Please."

The mage sighs looking away seeming to be in thought. He thought over his options while taking in the sight of the apple orchard. Though when he looks to the floor, he finds the three fillies looking up at him with pleading, puppy dog eyes. He sighs in defeat after a moment, turning back to Cross-Z.

"I don't know anything that would make you stronger without some training. There's also nothing wrong in relying on others to help. But I can teach you the only two aura techniques I was able to learn from watching some dragons." Wizard looks around. "Come on. Follow me."

Cross-Z and his friends follow Wizard as he leads them towards the orchard's fence. While walking, both Riders undid their transformations which earns a confused look from Scootaloo.

"Okay, this is going to be confusing. How are we going to be able to tell you two apart?" Wizard deadpans at her, holding up his claw.

"I have rings on. Plus, unlike the others, my belt always sticks around." He points to mini-sized version of his unactive Driver to make his point.

Sweetie speeds up her pace to walk alongside Wizard. "So, where are we going, Wizard?"

He says nothing until reaching the fence. "You four watch from here." After walking under the fence, the four watched as he went across the road to a bolder that was close by. He turns to back face them while knocking on the rock. "Normally some creatures our size wouldn't be able not even leave a dent on this, right?" Seeing the group nod, he turns back to the rock.

The small dragon began taking a few deep breaths. They watched as his right claw had a faint glow appear as his concertation grew. Once ready, he swung his claw at the bolder and claws a chunk of the rock of with ease. The four were shocked by what they just witnessed. Wizard steps aside allowing Spike and the girls, who he had heard run over, look over the rock that just lost a chunk of itself.

Spike looked back to his double. "How'd you do that?" He asked to his grinning double.

"It's called enhancement. Dragons us it to give themselves a boost such as becoming more stronger, which is how I broke through that rock." The whole group look to said rock for second. "It can also be used to become faster, scales tougher, fire breaths more powerful, and etc. It works by building your aura into what you're trying to boost."

Scootaloo raised a brow. "That's all?" Wizard shrugs. "Pretty much." "Then what was all that standing around for?"

"For one, you have to be careful on how much aura you're building up. Too much on the body will leave your too sore to move for days. As for the second, I'm still not sure about it."

"What do you mean?" Sweetie asked.

"Normally, it's easy for a dragon to build up aura." The double then looks down at his claws seeming unsure. "But it almost feels like something is keeping me from using my magic fully."

Spike looks at him questionably until Apple Bloom asks, "What can the second one do?"

"For that I'll need some assistants." He answered holding up four different colored rings with the shape of a creature on them.


Applejack and Big Mac were hard at work just like any other day, picking apples from two on different sides of the farm. Though today they had the assistance of Ressha and Discord as thanks for letting them spend the night in their home.

Big Mac bucks into one of the trees, shaking it up, causing the apples to come falling down into baskets placed around the tree. He looks around with a smile at the other trees he's already picked from, satisfied at the work he's done.


Hearing a load thud behind, he takes the moment to check on his helper. He turns to find Ressha with the front of his black mane have a yellow strip and his coat being puffed out like a bear's fur. From what he had been told, the yellow on him means that his personality known as Griz is in control at the moment. He could tell this personality liked to test his strength. This was mostly due to how the Changeling disguised pony was knocking the apples out of the tree by using his head to ram into the tree's trunk.

'Damn it, Griz! Enough already! I'm getting a headache from all this banging./I do have to admit, it's not really a nice feeling your leaving on our head.' "But this is a great way for one to improve their strength. Don't you agree, Big Mac?"

"... Yup." He answered with a raised brow.

While this happened, Wizard had led the group all the way out of the orchard and to the front of the house. Spike and the girls watched as Wizard put one of the four rings on. (Garuda, Please!) A red with silver model kit tray appears in front of him. Once the pieces fly off the tray to put themselves together into a bird-like creature, Wizard takes off the ring and sets it in Garuda's chest.

"Wow!/Cool!/Aww it's so cute." Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shouted amazed.

"What is it?" Spike asked full of curiosity to Wizard, who shrugs before saying, "From what I read about them, they're basically familiars that helped Wizard out with many things"

(Unicorn. Please! Kraken, Please! Golem, Please!) Wizard repeated the process with the other familiar rings which create a blue unicorn, a yellow horned octopus-like creature, and a purple ape-built, golem-like creature. Once they built themselves, he places their rings into Unicorn's chest, Kraken's forehead, and the top of Golem's head.

Scootaloo pokes Kraken. "This guy looks funny. It even has horns." "This unicorn's horn looks like it was made to cut things." Sweetie Belle commented at Unicorn's blade-looking horn.

Apple Bloom laughs as Garuda lands on her head. "Nice ta meet you too." Seeing Golem fidget as it looked around, she lowers herself to its eye level. "Are you alright there, little guy?" The purple familiar flinches, jumping back away from her. It takes a few steps back before turning and running to hide behind a tree. "Did I do something that scared him?"

"From what I learned; Golem is just a really shy familiar. Okay then, fellahs," The familiars all turned to Wizard as he spoke. "I need your help demonstrating something to my friends. I need you all to go and hide randomly anywhere around here and in any way you can. Can you do that for me?" The three roared as a sign of understanding. "Okay, good. Now, you guys might want to cover your eyes." He said confusing the four as he switched a ring with the image of a dragon with a four-pointed like star from its eye.

"What for-" (Light, Please!) He, along with the others, are a little late on shielding their eyes from a blinding, shining light from the ring. "You know, that wasn't really much of a warning if you say it a second before you are about to do it."

"Sorry. I had to make sure no one could see where the familiars hid." He pointed out with no trace of the four familiars anywhere around. "Okay, Spike, do you know that eye thing that animals like alligators have?"

"Kind of. I overheard Fluttershy talk about them once before when she and Twilight were talking about a book on reptiles. It's supposed to help them see underwater, if I remember that right."

Wizard snaps his fingers. "Yeah, that! This second spell is kinda like that. The aura will act like a lens that allows its user to see things that one normally can't. Emerald did teach you how to transfer aura, right?" Spike nods. "Okay, good. Now focus on doing that but send the aura to your eyes instead."

Spike hesitates for a moment but looking to the side, he smiles seeing the CMC giving him gestures of encouragement. Now determined, he faces back forward, closing his eyes to try and focus in sending aura towards his eyes. Like the transfer he's done before, he could feel the movements of the aura inside himself, moving around freely before having the flow move up towards his eyes. Spike begins to panic when the auras movement starts to slow down. He tries hardening his focus but fails when the movement stops completely.

He sighs feeling both down and frustrated. "I almost had it. What did I do wrong? What?!" Having opened his eyes, he finds everything in his sight having a light blue color.

"Spike, are you okay?"

Not only jumping back from being caught by surprise, he was also startled to find Apple Bloom with a red aura surrounding her body. Spike looks to his other friends to find the same with them. Though theirs were different colors. Scootaloo's being sky blue color while Sweetie has green.

"What's going on? Wait..." He looks down at his hands to find them surrounded in a blue flame looking aura. "Is this" Looking up, Spike sees his double with Wizardragon's shape around him.

(Connect, Please!) "Hunter's Gaze." Wizard reaches into a spell circle and pulls out a handheld mirror to hold in front of Spike, showing him his eyes having a blue glow. "Think of it as wearing 3-D glasses. Now, try to see if you can find the familiars."

"Okay. I'll try." Looking at where they last were, Spike sees nothing at first. But looking at his surroundings, he finds colored trails matching the familiars that each lead in different directions. "This way." He instructs while following the red trail into the orchard.

Spike walked the group through the rows of apple trees following after the red trail. He was amazed by what he was experiencing. How even the trees and other plant life gave off a glow that he assumes was their own aura or energy. He could even see birds flying through the air or resting in trees and small insects moving around above and below the ground. The search continued until he stops seeing Garuda's red aura shape through a cloud.

He points up and shouts, "Up there!"

They look up in time to see Garuda poke his head out from on top the cloud. The red familiar flies down to the group and perches itself on top Apple Bloom's head. "That's one." She said giggling at the bird familiar.

"Hm?" Through the trees, Spike spots a yellow aura body. "Over there!"

Following him, the group rush through the trees until they wind-up at a pond. Spike searches around for the yellow aura. After a quick look at the sky, he looks around the pond and finds the yellow aura, in Kraken's shape, swimming around inside the water. Scootaloo squints catching a glimpse of the octopus looking familiar before it pops its head up.

"I see him! Kraken deadhead! Wha?!" She quickly ducks when the yellow familiar shoots water at her. "Hey. Watch it." While she tries swatting at Kraken when it flew over to them, Spike and Wizard felt the ground shake a bit.

"What? Oh, Unicorn!" Spike announces seeing the blue aura move through the ground, on a course back towards the house. Looking back to his friends, he finds the CMC giving him judging looks. "Come on, you can't really blame me for saying that. It is its name." He said in his defense and then running after the underground familiar.

Kraken followed along with the group as the ridicules chase began. Unicorn went around the orchard, having the group chase him by looping around trees, zigzagging left to right, and going forward and back at times. After this continued for a while, Wizard begins to become irritated by the chase.

"That's it. Enough of this."

Wizard switches to a ring having the image of a dragon with an outline of a bigger one around it. (Big, Please!) Ending up back of the house, Wizard stops to put his claw through a spell circle which comes out huge on the other end. He holds it up before slamming it onto the ground, shaking the area around them, resulting in the blue familiar to come shooting of the ground. Wizard takes ahold of the unicorn even as his claw shrunk back to normal.

"You really know how to cause some trouble." He said to the blue familiar with a smile.

"Just one more to go." Scootaloo spoke with excitement.

"But where could he be?" Sweetie Belle questioned.

Right as Spike search around for any signs of Golem, a sudden loud slam sound from the house scared them all. They turned to the house to see the down had been swung open. A drenched Granny Smith comes walking out of the house with Golem in tow, who's holding an apple pie over his head. The elder Apple spewed out apple juice from her mouth like a fountain before she and the familiar walked over to Spike and the others.

"I was thinkin' yah all might want a treat from all the fun y'all been havin'. Though seems one of yah thought I was parched." Wizard chuckles nervously when she immediately set her sights on him.

"Sorry about that. I sometimes forget to be aware of my surroundings." Having apologized, he takes notice of a difference in Golem. "Wait. He was a nervous mess the last time we saw him. How did you get him to be normal."

Granny laughs at the question. "When yah been around as long as I have, yah pick up ways on winnin' different ponies over." The group waited a moment for her to explain how she did it but when she stayed silent, Apple Blooms decides to ask. "And how'd you do it, Granny?" "Reward 'em with an apple pie."

"Well, that would explain why he has a pie." Puzzled she looked to Wizard. "Do these guys even eat?"

He just shrugs as Spike spoke up. "Has Zero woken up yet?"

"Nope. Still out like a critter hibernatin' fer winter." Seeing the four's worried faces, she proceeds to pat her granddaughter's head and give them a reassuring smile. "No need ta fell so down. He'll wake up eventually. Just have ta wait it out."

"True. What we should be worrying about is the Crystal Empire."

Turning around, they find Discord wearing sunglasses as he relaxes and sunbaths on a lounge chair. They thought he'd still be out in the orchard. Wizard is the first to walk up to him.

"Discord, what are you doing? Weren't you supposed to be helping Applejack pick apples?" The draconequus lowers his glasses with a grin.

"I am." He snaps his fingers making a cool glass of lemonade appear. "Me staying out of her way, is me helping."

Wizard slaps his claw over his face. "Discord, we promised Applejack and her family that we'd help them out around the farm as thanks for letting us stay here until it's time to head back."

Gasps sarcastically offended. "I made no such promise. That was all yours and Ressha's choice. I was more on board with just taking their offer on staying without needing to be repaid." He holds up a finger to stop his little brother from lecturing. "Besides I say I deserve some rest after such tiring work."

"Work? I thought you just said-" A huge pile of scrolls had dropped from a silver veil and on top of the small dragon.

"Ding-ding! Correct. And there's where the real work began, my dear little bro-!" He quickly ducks as green fire shoots out from the scrolls, turning them to ash before flying off. "Thanks. Maybe a little less off the top next time, torchy." He glared down at his little brother while using his lion paw to put out the flame on the tip of his horn. "I went back to our world to see where exactly the problem is. Which is the Crystal Empire."

The moment he heard this, Spike rushed next to Wizard and Discord. "Then what are we waiting for? We should go see what's happening."

Aside from two being taken aback by this, the CMC and Granny Smith could understand Spike's sudden outburst. His unicorn brother and alicorn sister-in-law, Shining Armor and Cadance, both ruled the Crystal Empire. Just knowing something dangerous could be attacking them filled him with worry.

"Is that so?" Discord spoke in a gentle tone before going stern to say, "Well, not happening. From how it went for Connor and Reiji, nothing could be happening yet and those sparkly ponies could just be going about their happy lives."

"But something could be happening too." Wizard interjected. "We should at least look into it. Even if it's just to make sure everything is fine."

Discord groans with annoyance. "Fine. Let's put your familiars to good use." Snapping a silver veil into existence, he quickly snatches Garuda, Kraken, and Unicorn from the group, tells them, "Look around the area, even outside the field, for any danger and report back once you're done.", before tossing them into the veil and closes it. "Now with that done, on we go to the Tree of Harmony."

Wizard and Spike look to each other before they look back for the mage dragon to ask, "Us too? What for?"

"Lockjaw wanted all Riders present with Twilight and her friends to talk about kaiju. Or something along those lines." While his little brother signed, nodding in disapproval for his brother's lack of attention, Spike turned back to his friends.

"What do you think he's going to tell us? We should hurry on over."

Apple Bloom shakes her head. "Sorry, Spike. Yer gonna have ta tell us about it later."

"Why? Aren't you three coming with us?" He questioned sounding a bit disappointed.

Sweetie sits to hold both her front hooves together in an apologetic position. "We are really sorry, Spike. Rose invited us go see her parent's shop."

"We were going to invite you along." Scootaloo added. "But seeing as you have Knight business to get to, you will have to see it some other time. You better not leave out anything cool they tell you. And don't you guys go saving the day without us."

"Yeah, just leave the destructive kaiju to run wild while we wait up for you." Wizard playfully remarked. With a frown the pegasus filly, he turns back to his brother. "So, I'm guessing one of us gets Ressha and the other Applejack."

"Nah. Too much work. I'll just send everyone there along with us."

Wizard goes wide-eyed as he waves his hands in a panic. "Discord, no! We don't know what the others are-" With a snap of Discord's fingers, the three Riders were gone after a silver veil passed through them, leaving the three fillies alone with Granny Smith and Golem. Things remained quiet for a moment until Scootaloo gasps loudly.

"WAIT A MINUTE!! We should have told them to bring something back from the kaiju as a trophy."

The Tree of Harmony

The cave wall behind the tree crumbles away from Lockjaw tunneling in. He searches around to see if any of the others had already arrived. No finding any signs, he figure he was alone. But then his left ear twitches.

"Makena, if you're going to sneak up on someone with great hearing, then you should try holding in your giggles."

"Aw." The zebra's head phased out from the ceiling. "You could've at least played along until I popped out." She wined as she floated down to him. "I was waiting hours to scare someone out of their bodies. You think someone would've arrived early. I mean, what could they be doing?"

A silver veil catches them by surprise as it passed through them. What followed after, were the sounds of something breaking and someone tripping with glass shattering. Makena turns around with Lockjaw looking over her to find the rest of their fellow heroes.

Decade, Wizard and Spike had appeared next to the tree. Dusk, Construct and Den-O seemed to had been in the middle of something. To the three's left were Dusk and a frowning Construct laying on the floor. The older unicorn was lying on his back with a newspaper covering the top of his body. While the other layed flat on his belly with the remain of a glass cup and orange juice. Not far behind the two, they find a Changeling trying to pull their head out of the wall. Though Twilight and her friends seemed to be the only ones still missing.

"Decade, seems like you missed Twilight and her friends." She said to the two while flying over to Den-O.

"Strange. I thought for sure they would've been at Twilight's house." Decade searched around with binoculars before grinning at the struggling Changeling. "You three each look like you were in the middle of something. Especially you, Den-O."

"Geez, you don't say." The muffled, sarcastic Momo continued trying to get his head out. "Decade, you asshole, how about next time you give us a warning."

Makena helps her fellow Rider by grabbing ahold of his tail to make him intangible along with her. Not realizing this, Momo pushed himself with great force, causing himself to back into the Zebra and tumble over along with him. They rolled across the ground until crashing into the tree's trunk.

"Agreed. Some of us were working on important things." Construct stood up, patting himself off with Dusk crumbling up the paper and burning it up with his magic as he stood. "As for Twilight and her friends, they aren't home at the moment."

Lockjaw walked over to the three as Spike raised a brow at Construct. "What do you mean they're not the library? They were supposed to be there to celebrate a holiday party. Did you do something?"

"Kind of. But it was all Rainbow Dash's idea. You see, right from the beginning of the morning, she came barging into my lab to force me to explain my past. I refused of course. But as we all know her, she isn't one to give up anytime soon. She asked me question after question until I almost lost it. So, I decided to distract her." Makena flew and hovered over him. "With what?" "I tried pushing her onto Twilight by telling her about the delay to a book she's been going on nonstop about. Though that just backfire on me."

"How'd it backfire?" Wizard's question makes the unicorn remember back to the event.


"Ow. Ow. Ow." "Come on, Construct. Hurry up already." Rainbow Dash complained down to her annoyed friend.

Being flat on his belly, Construct is dragged along by his tail. She had flown dragging him all the way from his lab through town as she sped towards the library. Inside the library, Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 were dancing, enjoying their party until the door swings open with Rainbow rushing in with Construct in tow. The group froze, stunned by their friend's sudden arrival.

Rainbow releases his tail, letting Construct slide to a stop in front of Applejack while she went up to Twilight. "Are you okay there. Construct?" "Applejack, remind me to invent a way to keep rainbow maned pegusai out of my lab."

"Twilight! Twilight!" The magenta unicorn took a step back from Rainbow putting her face so close to hers. "Tell me it isn't true. Has the next Daring Do book really been delayed back another 2 months? Also, what are you all doing?" She looked around the decorated room with balloons all around, and the table in the center having cupcakes and two cakes.

"Yeah. The publisher announced that AK Yearling won't be able to finish the book for another two months. As for the party,"

"We're celebrating National Random Holiday Party Day!!" Pinkie ends blowing a party horn in Rainbow's face.

Construct moves away from the two before shaking the dust off himself. "Well. Rainbow Dash, now that you're here, I'll be heading back to my-" "NO!" She quickly tackles him down.

"You can't go yet, Construct." She turned him towards herself and begins shaking him while saying, "You know I won't survive another 2 months. 5 months and 26 days is too much torture for me."

"Yeah. I can vouch for that." Fluttershy agreed as her and the others crowded around them.

"Oh! I know!" Rainbow stops shaking Construct and jumps back to her feet. "You could tell us your secret past hero deeds and why you stopped being one."

The stallion curses himself under his breath. The whole point of having told her about the book to distract her had become pointless now that'd they were back to square one. He looks to Twilight and the girls hoping that they could help him out. But his hopes end up being futile. He frowns at the group who are looking to each other and smiling at the idea. Except for Fluttershy, who he was thankful for at least her respecting his secrecy.

Twilight levitates and holds up a paper, quill and ink to her side. "It would be nice to learn more about you, Construct. And all the things you've experienced and saw that no normal pony would."

"Yah also might as well stick around and enjoy the party with us." Pinkie fires confetti into the air after Applejacks suggestion. "The more friends the marrier!"

"The punch and deserts are quite good too." Construct ignored Rarity and the others while rubbing the temple of his head, stuck in thought.

His eyes suddenly shoot open with inspiration and his horn lighting up. "Actually, I have a better idea. Why not instead of waiting for the book, I could just send you to AK Yearling herself?" The sudden suggestion surprises the girls. "You know were AK Yearling lives?" "Kind of. I just tracked down the area based on all of her travels in the books and spots that'd have plenty of cover and not anypony other around."

"If she's living somewhere remote or secluded, wouldn't that mean she wants privacy and for nopony to bother her."

Construct is unaffected by Twilight's argument. "As I've learned, wants on privacy are meant to be ignored." He ignores the girls aside from the excited Rainbow Dash as they're enveloped in magic and are teleported away. Using his magic, Construct closes the library's door and cleans up the party. He sighs in satisfaction before teleporting himself in front of a one-story house. "Now for a cold glass of juice before resuming my work." He told himself as he entered the house.

End of Flashback

"Construct, you know opening up a bit of your past wouldn't hurt you know." Dusk steps away Construct when he shoots him a piercing glare. "Or not. I just thought that'd help your friend Rainbow get off your back for a while."

"If you knew anything about Rainbow Dash, you'd know that wouldn't work. Even giving in an inch will just encourage her to be even more persistent." He argued as they all moved to the front of the tree. "So, what was so important that even a quitter like me had to come?"

Makena moved next to the Tree of Harmony to give it a few pets. "What can you tell us about this tree?"

Dusk raises a brow. "You mean other than how it keeps control over the Everfree Forest and can help restore harmony in the land? No idea. Its magic is similar to the Origin Souls, but the tree and the Elements are still a mystery. Even to us guardians."

"Truthfully, neither do we." Lockjaw moves away from the group to stand next to the tree with his zebra friend. "We only know of its existence because Zi-O told us about it, the Elements, and where it'd be. It's the whole reason I, along with magic that the other Riders sent, set for this forest to grow."

This piece of information shocks Spike just as it would anyone else in Equestria. Even Dusk and Construct were shocked to hear this. The Riders were just seemed surprised. Though Spike was the one who felt this the most because of all the dangers he, Twilight and the others had to go through because of the Everfree Forest's existence.

The small dragon runs up to the Diamond Dog. "Your Rider magic created all of what's outside? The forest, creatures, the weather and so on?" Spike questioned, sounding more upset as he spoke. "Why? What would make you think of making this terrible place? Do you know all the dangerous things that live here? What they have done or almost could have do to somepony or any other innocent creature?"

"Why do dragons live in volcanic areas? Or Daimond Dogs underground? Or even Sirens in the ocean? It's because to them that's home. Some of these creatures don't even mean any harm. Grogar created them to be that way."

"Grogar?" Construct spoke up. "The Grogar? The first emperor of Equestria? The father of monsters? I thought he was only a legend. He really existed?"

"To be correct, he still exists." Makena flew down to the group. "He was the only enemy that all eight of us Riders had to come together, along with AbareKiller, to defeat. Though technically it wasn't until Gusty took his bell that we were able to defeat him."

Dusk made a curious look at the mention of his fellow guardian's name. He and Construct took notice of Lockjaw give them a quick wink without the others noticing. The two figured that the two Riders knew of AbareKiller's identity and nodded in understanding.

"We can talk about the more important stuff when Twilight and her friends get back. They should hear all about this too. As for now," Lockjaw expression changes to a serious one upon turning to Decade, Den-O and Wizard. "there's a message Zi-O left for all the Riders."

'I don't like how he became serious like that.' "Me either." Den-O whispered.

"She told us of three sets of seven stone or crystal-like objects that'd represent light, darkness, and balance. They're supposed to be the keys to defeating the darkness."

Discord summons Rarity's fainting couch. "Oh goodie, a scavenger hunt." He dropped himself onto the couch in sarcastic joy. "Where should we start? On Earth? Here in Equestria? I can't contain my excitement." The others gave him deadpan looks.

"We aren't sure of two of the sets, but one is here." Makena ends gesturing to the Tree of Harmony which confused Spike. "The Elements? But there's only six Elements. Not seven." "You would be right. Spike. But this will answer the seventh."

She flies up to the trunk of the tree and places her hooves on the sun and crescent moon marks. As she moves her hooves together, the sun and moon moved along as well until they overlapped, forming an opening in the trunk. Inside the trunk, was an empty shape that was similar to when the Elements had been removed from the tree before.

"I have to admit, very clever." Construct admitted while holding a hoof to his chin. "Though now the question is, where's the seventh Element?"

Makena shrugs. "Who knows. Zi-O only knew that it'd be missing by the time we reawakened. Me and Lockjaw were kinda hoping Twilight and her friends would know how to find it. Maybe like a tracking spell of sorts." Construct deadpans at her suggestion.

"Maybe Twilight or by some random wacky chance Pinkie Pie, but the rest won't be of any help on that." He tapped his chin again in thought. "Though they do have a tendency to surprise others. So, I won't count them out completely."

Decade notices his little brother's guilty expression from the corner of his eye. Wizard looks to him almost seeming wanting to say something. But he stops him, shaking his head a bit as a sign to not say anything. Den-O almost missed this action. He turned wanting to say something until he caught a glimpse of Wizard's expression before the dragon hid it behind a curious one.

'Now that's suspicious. Or am I the only one who caught that?/He and that bastard Discord are hiding something. Ressha, you need to call them out on that.' "But what if there's nothing going on and accuse them for no reason?" 'Though not saying anything will get us nowhere.' "I guess that's true." Ending his whispering discussion, Den-O moves around the fainting couch to get to the small dragon. "Um...Wiz-"

Decade had been cursing Ressha under his breath. He thought he was going to have to come up with a believable enough lie until some luck dropped onto their laps. The cave suddenly began to shake. The group struggle to stay on their feet from the rumbling while hearing muffled explosion sounds coming from the outside.

"Woah!" Wizard helps Spike back up before saying, "What's going on?"

Seeing bits of the ceiling coming down, Makena flies up to the tree and presses her hooves against it to make it intangible along with her. "We need to protect the tree." Dusk turns to Construct.


Understanding what he wanted him to do, Construct lit up his horn creating a barrier around them. He then expands the walls of the barriers to press against the cave to keep the whole place from collapsing on top of them.

"Ungh! If you all don't mind, how about doing something about whatever is happening outside?" Lockjaw takes his human form before holding up his Driver.

"Let's suit up everyone."

Makena first sets herself back on the ground before following the others lead on changing to human form and placing their Drivers on. They each took out their respective items. (Orange! Lock On!/Eye! Bacchiri Minaa!/Shabadoobi, Touch Henshin!/Wake Up! Cross-Z Dragon! Are you ready?) With the other's transformation's standby, Ghost's base form's jacket flies around Makena while Orange Arms hovers over Lockjaw from the unzipped space.

"Henshin!" (Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage!/Kaigan! Ore! Let's Go! Kakugo! Go Go Go! Ghost! Go! Go! Go!/Sword Form!/Kamen Ride. Decade!/Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!/Wake Up Burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!) Makena's suit formed on her before the jacket places itself on her and the orange ghost face slides up with the horn. Orange Arms lands on Lockjaw's head with his blue suit forming on him and then the armor opens up and folds in.

Having completed their transformations, the Riders all rushed to and out the cave's entrance. There they nearly get hit by what seemed to be a meteor. Looking ahead, they find a whole bunch more incoming. Ghost takes a deep breath before letting out a loud orange energy wail that destroys a huge number of them. Gaim uses his magic to sprout huge vines from the ground and the gorge's walls to shield them from the rest.

With the vines retracting back into the ground. the Riders spot a person covered in a cloak far across from them. "Uh." Decade remembers the person from the battle on the school's roof. He and had planned with Negi to attack the person from behind while Negi attacked from the front along with Connor and Reiji. "It's you. Didn't think I'd run into you here."

"It's a pleasure to see you again as well, Decade." "You two know each other?" Ghost asked with her and the others looking to him. "I believe these are yours." The person holds up Wizard's familiars struggling in a magical aura.

"Wizard's familiars? But they were sent to the Crystal Empire." "Hey, you let them go right now." The mage Rider demanded.

The cloaked person holds up their right hand. Magical aura covered the hand to drain the magic out of the familiars until the bodies disappeared, leaving behind only the rings. Having served their purpose, the rings are launched at Wizard, who easily catches them with one hand.

The Riders watched as the magic begins to be twisted around with the color changing into a dark purple. 'What are they doing?' "Most likely another pain in my ass."

"Wait. That's-" Gaim and Ghost recognized immediately that the magic had been molded into negative energy.

The person releases the energy straight into the sky. Everyone watched as the dark aura from yesterday became visible with energy merging into it. Black lightning then shoots out in three different directions. They could see one land above the gorge at the Castle of the Two Sisters. While the others went towards Ponyville and Ghastly Gorge.

In town, the lightning nearly hits Lyra and BonBon when it hits the ground behind him. They and other ponies scream moving away from the lightning. They all watched as remains appeared before flying up back to and into the dark aura. The same happened to the other two areas.

"I'll admit, that's a new one for us too." Ghost admitted sounding a bit impressed.

"Cross-Z" Said Rider looks to Gaim, with the others doing the same. "Let me barrow Guardie's cards. I'll handle the Tartarus Fiend while you all handle this and the Crystal Empire." "The Crystal Empire? What do you-" "The fact that they were there, and this person brought them here, means something must be happening over there."

"Or has happened." "What'd you do to Shining's and Cadence's kingdom?" Cross-Z questioned the person in a demanding voice. "That you'll have to find out for yourself."

A chill ran down Cross-Z's back. He's met a few villains that each had different reasons and personalities. But this is the first he's heard someone seem to be cold and emotionless just from how they spoke.

"Cross-Z." Looking back to Gaim, Cross-Z gives a nod before making the three cards appear and handing them over.

The moment he did, the person shoots red lightning out from their sleeve at Croos-Z. (Final Attack Ride. D-D-Decade!) Decade intercepts and cancels out the attack with his own blast. The dark aura disperses while this happened, leaving a dark sphere that shatters in the sky to reveal the fused kaiju.

The body mostly resembled that of Vampaira's but with a blue body instead of red. His arm had been moved to the back to full act as wings. Huge ice claw arms like Hyogakki's had taken their place. The shoulders had horn-like spikes coming out of them that resembled Tire Orge's horns. The head was of Vampaira but with Hyogakki's jaw and the blades of Tire Orge's tire axes as the horns. The kaiju lets out a roar that just about scares every creature within the forest to hide. This is Tartarus Fiend- Ice Devil.

Having watched the creature emerge, the Riders look back to the cloaked person, who launches purple lightning into the ground. Riotoozes begin emerging one after the other from the cracks in the ground and walls until they just about made an army. Decade lets out a small chuckle before taking a step forward along with Den-O and Ghost.

"Wizard, you and Cross-Z head to the Crystal Empire. We'll deal with these gonks of slime." "What? But-"

Cross-Z was about to argue until Wizard stops him by holding out his arm in front of him. "Alright then. Come on, Cross-Z." "But-" He has Cross-Z take a few steps back with him before sorting through his rings. "Here we go. Just focus on spot within the Crystal Empire." Wizard instructed while putting the teleport ring on his finger.

"Wait...what? Wizard, hold on-" (Lupachi- Teleport, Please!)

With the two teleporting away, Gaim sets Guardie's card into his MagiSpark. (Guardie! Fusion Standby! Bakuryuu Tyrannosaurus! Kishiryu Tyramigo! Cross Fuse! Guardie! Kyoryu King!)

Back at the library, Guardie was waiting down in the basement for the new bottle to finish. His body begins to glow. He could feel he was being called and knew something was wrong. He was hesitant to leave the bottle but knew his friends needed him. He changes into a ball of light before flying through and out the library to head towards the forest.

Ice Devil roars, descending down to attack the Riders. Though before he could even land next to the castle, Guardie appears ramming into the Tartarus Fiend in his fusion state. The kaiju is quick to recover, rolling back to its feet. Both giant creatures roar at one another waiting for the other to make a move. "Rah!" The Riotoozes take the roar as a signal to attack.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Den-O shouts out as he, Decade and Ghost charge at them.

"How about we change the battlefield." He dials in '1-0-7' before holding the MagiSpark up. (Maagi Magi Magika!) An orange spell circle with his symbol in the middle appears high overhead him.

Gaim jumps up to and through it. He comes out the other side as a giant Diamond Dog with the same color and design as his blue suit. The ring around the neck and the fur shaped back were silver. This is Gaim's Majin Dog form. As Ice Devil is about to take to the sky, Gaim uses Guardie to jump from and knock the Tartarus Fiend back to the ground by slashing at it with his claws. (Magika Maaji Majuna!) Only his symbol appears before creating the Quantum Field around the three of them while leaving the others outside it. A giant cave now surrounded them with gems and crystals sticking out randomly around the area.

"Now you'll see what a samurai can do. Maagi Jiruma Magi Jinga." He jumps up as his spell circle appears over them and goes through it. About nine pieces of armor that resembles Orange Arms come out along with him. (Maagi Jiruma Magi Jinga! Rider Gattai!) Guardie straightens himself out with the same pieces as before disattaching again.

Two of the pieces bottom ends bend outward before connecting to the legs to become armored feet and then two others attaching to the sides. Another connected to where the tail had been with the sides folding around the waist. Two long armor pieces attach to the front pieces of the cannons that placed themselves on the shoulders. The two unfolded pieces of the cannons connect onto the back before an armor with two flags places itself over them. While Guardie's chest piece placed itself onto the left arm, Gaim's attaches to the body with his back facing outward after the legs retrack and the arms curled over them. His silver back fur comes off, rotating to complete the armored waist skirt. The transformation is completed after Gaim's head flips into the body to bring out a mouthpiece resembling Gaim's that connects with Tiga-Oh's head piece and the last armor that's round with the inner being blue and having a golden symbol of his in the center attaching to the chest.

Being in the room of light like Cross-Z, Gaim places his MagiSpark on the alter. "Awaken! Tiga-Oh Arms!" Two Daidaimaru shaped swords appear in Tiga-Oh's hands. "Ready, Guardie? This is our stage now!" Tiga-Oh copies Gaim's crouching stance.

Ice Devil roars charging at them. Tiga-Oh waits a moment before dashing forward. The kaiju brings its two huge claws down on him, but Tiga-Oh stops them with his swords and then shoves Ice Devil back to land four slashes. He lands two strikes as he ran past the recovering kaiju. Both turn to face each other with freezing winds circling around Ice Devil's claws.

"Guardie." "Naginata Formation!" The shoulder armor, the flags with the back piece following after, and Guardie's chest piece rearrange by the chest piece connecting to the back, the shoulder armor combine to the sides of the back to form a shield, and the flags retract into the poles before connecting to each other. One sword disappears so Tiga-Oh could take ahold of the now staff to connect the sword to one of the staff's ends.

Tiga-Oh charges forward as Ice Devil swings its arms, launching pointed shards of ice. The mecha makes it through the shards undamaged thanks to the shield and follows with thrusting the naginata into the Fiend's chest causing it to shriek in pain with sparks flying off it. Not giving it a chance to recover, Tiga-Oh twirls around to bring the weapon's blade on the kaiju before thrusting it into the Fiend again and knocking it onto its back.

A Few Minutes Back

Ponies in the Crystal Empire were screaming, running for their lives as powerful fireballs destroyed everything they hit to bits. Crystal guards were spread throughout the area to help the citizens get to safety. Unicorn guards created magic shields to defend against the attacks while the pegasus and earthpony guards helped and directed others towards the castle.

"Hurry. Keep moving. Ugh!" A pegasus guard gets knocked out of the ground by a fireball hitting a building close to him. Another pegasus guard swoops down shouting. "Got'cha!", grabbing him a moment before another hit him and flies off with him. "Thanks for the save." "Anytime." Is all she says while flying them towards the castle.

Seeing a guard signal to her that all the citizens have been cleared, a unicorn guard yells out, "Fall back.". The other unicorn guards follow the order to retreat, walking backwards away.

Following after the ponies slowly step by step is a bulky Magia. Its body mostly had rusted gray looking armor on the arms, legs, chest and head. The head and shoulders armor were round with two gunport turrets on both shoulders. Over the head is a three-barreled cannon. The Zetsumeriser around the waist has wires jammed into the Zetsumetsukey that Brutus had. This is the Iron God Magia, Imperializer.

Imperializer continuously launched fireballs around randomly from its turrets. One hit from the attacks would leave cracks on the guards' shields. Before they shattered, the guards would make another behind the shield. Though the number of times they did this trick was beginning to take its toll on them. Just as the castle came into Imperializer's view, a magic barrier came up as the last of the guards got close to the castle.

The Magia searched around through the barrier for the source, spotting Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in front of the guards that are protecting the citizens. It could see that the two were combining their magic to make the barrier stronger. Imperializer begins attacking the barrier with an assault of fireballs. Shining smirks seeing the shield hold up well against the kaiju's attacks.

Shining looked his wife who nodded before looking back to Imperializer. "I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, but I will not stand for any creature doing harm to either my kingdom or citizens. Leave now or face the consequences." She warned with Shining following with, "I'd listen to her if I were you. There's no way you're breaking through our barrier anytime soon."

They wait to see what the Magia's response will be. The citizens waited quietly with only a few whispers within the crowd. Cadence's demand is answered when Imperializer's three barrels begin turning with energy building up.

"Shining!" "I know!" The two brace themselves for the attack about to come. Imperializer fires a powerful spiraling orange and yellow beam. The second the barrier is hit, the two could feel the strain the beam is leaving. Not even a moment passes as they struggle to hold the barrier. Imperializer adds to their struggle by firing its turrets as well. The strain of both attacks begins to crack the barrier. Fear fills the citizens from the sight of the slowly growing number of cracks. The guards ready to jump to their princess and captain's aid the moment the barrier breaks, even if it leads to their deaths.

Up above, the teleport spell made Cross-Z and Wizard appeared high up where Spike had fallen with the Crystal Heart. They stayed floating, looking around until the two noticed where they had appeared and begin falling.

"WHAT THE HELL, CROSS-Z!!" "I'M SORRY!! THIS IS THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND!!" The two luckily, yet unintentionally, come crashing into Imperializer, causing the Magia to cease its attack as it stumbles back a few steps before toppling over. "Ow...what did we crash into?" "Maybe a train." He groaned along with Wizard, trying to shake off the fall.

"Spike?" Cross-Z hears two familiar voices. "Yes./Yeah." They turn to face Cadance and Shining Armor who are both surprised by both responding. "Wait you're both Spike?" The question goes unanswered at the sound of Imperializer standing back up. Both face back, taking a fighting stance at the Magia.

"Showtime, Cross-Z!." "Right behind yah." (Connect, Please!/Gaburyu Breaker!) Summoning his knuckle weapon, Cross-Z charges along with Wizard at Imperializer after the mage pulls his sword out from the spell circle.

Wizard slides under Imperializer swiping its arm at him while also delivering a slash to the waist. Seeing the opening, Cross-Z thrusts his weapon into the Magia's chest causing it to stumble back. He tries to go for another hit, but Imperializer's left hand morphs into a spike mace to guard with and then shoves Cross-Z back to follow his example to thrust its mace into his chest. Wizard goes for another swing to back up Cross-Z. Imperializer's upper half of his body twists around to stop the sword with the mace and then before Wizard could pull back, it twists around again to cause him to stumble forward into Cross-Z. Morphing its right arm into a large blade, Imperializer swats the two Riders to the side and towards a building. It adds damage to the Riders by shooting fireballs at them before they hit the building. "Agh!/Ahh!" Smoke and bits of flame could be seen filling the building through the huge hole.

"Spike!!" Cadence and Shining shouted in worry. Hearing out loud the name of the dragon seems to spur the citizens in some way.

(Water, Please! Sui-Sui, Sui-Sui!/Sapphire Dragon! Devour!) Imperializer heard as it approached the smoke-filled building. (Lupa- Liquid, Please!) A trail of water comes shooting out from the smoke, wrapping around the Magia before changing back into Wizard in his Water Style form. (Dragonic Sonic!) Speeding out in sapphire flames, Cross-Z rapidly hitting the kaiju with the Gaburyu Breaker while the Magia was held in place. The speed also helped in him jumping away in time when Imperializer breaks free from the hold.

Wizard goes back and forth from being water as Imperial swings its blade at him. Each time it did, he would reform to to slash at the openings the Magia left. (Emerald Dragon! Devour! Dragonic Driver!) With Wizard giving him an opening by kicking Imperializer forward from behind, Cross-Z swings the spiraling emerald flame covered weapon into its should, destroying a chunk of it. Flinching for only a second, the Magia shoots a fireball at Cross-Z with its undamaged turret. He manages to guard against it in time, though it does manage to drag him away a few feet before knocking his weapon out of his hand.

"Shoot. Huh?" He watched as Imperializer's shoulder restored itself. "It can heal its self?" "Ugh!" Imperializer breaks free again from Wizard's hold, slamming its shoulder into him and then fires each turret twice towards Cross-Z. "Whoa!" He manages to narrowly avoid each shot.

The four fireballs all curved around back towards Cross-Z. "Spike!!/Great and Honorable Spike the Great and Glorious!!" Hearing his family and the crystal ponies, he sees the attacks heading back towards him from four different angles. He was thinking of avoiding them but looks back in time to see Imperializer fire another four shots.

(Teleport, Please!) Imperializer looks to Wizard only to find him gone. He reappears next to his fellow Rider while switching to his green ring. (Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!) Now in Hurricane Style, he switches out the teleport ring. (Defend, Please!) He holds his hand downward to create a wide green cyclone around, redirecting all the fireballs upwards and explode from colliding into each other above them.

"This guy is definitely different from the rest me and the others have faced. We can't afford to go easy. So, don't hold anything back." "Alright." (Beat Closer!) Taking ahold of his sword, Cross-Z rushes at Imperializer along with Wizard.

Outside the Cave

"HAAAAAA!!" Den-O forces his way through Riotoozes, striking them down as he went by. "Out of my way." He drop kicks a one before getting hit in the back of the head by another. "Why you little shit." Turning to grab the Riotooze, Den-O slams his head into the grunt's and then tosses it over himself and into a group charging at him.

"Uh!" Holding up his arms to guard, Den-O braced himself as blasts came down on him from Riotoozes stuck high to both sides of the walls. "Those little shits." (Full Charge!) With his sword's blade flying off, the finisher to slam and drag against the walls as the blade follows Den-O's wild swings.

'Momo, please control yourself./True. You might cause the gorge's walls to come down on us./That's a good idea. Time to switch.' "What? Wait, Griz, hold on." He spoke while struggling and failing to keep his hand from pressing the yellow button and then runs the pass by the belt. (Axe Form!)

With his form changing, Den-O walks up to one side of the wall while changing his weapon into an axe. "This is the results of my training." Slamming his palm onto the gorge's wall causes a few small and large bits of rock to break off as the wall rumbled. "Te wo tsuite!" Facing back in time, Den-O swats the large rocks into the Riotoozes. 'You lying bastard. You used your head in your training.' He chops through three grunts running at him before slamming his palm into another Riotooze, sending it crashing into others.

"Come on, fellahs. Try to keep up." The joyful Ghost moved and easily avoided the grunts. She
drops herself, along with levitating off the ground, to avoid a Riotooze's swiping at her from above and another below. She kicks one grunt across the face while twisting around and landing on top the second grunt's head. "Oops. My bad. Hm?"

Riotoozes rush at her which only brings a smile to her face under the helmet. The moment the first few got to her, she became intangible causing one grunt's fist to punch four others when it went through Ghost. Ghost continued to go in and out of being intangible causing some Riotoozes to tackle, punch, kick, or even blast each other. She stops after a moment to look back at the damage to find a good number of grunts lying on the ground with some having puddled remains next to them.

"Follow me guys." Ghost taunts the Riotoozes into chasing after her as she back flips away from them. The chase comes to a stop upon reaching the wall. Though instead of stopping, she flips into the wall and thrusts herself forward, sliding under and in between the grunts. "BANG! BANG! BANG!" Ghost continuously shouts shooting orange energy beams from her fingertips.

She comes to a stop in the middle of the group of grunts with her sword, the GanGunSaber, being summoned out. "Hold this for a second please." Making sure the Riotooze holds onto the blade of the sword that slides off, Ghost dis-attaches the blade as she spun around to fire beams at the grunts around to make room with her re-attaching the sword's blade to the hilt as it came back around to become its naginata mode. "Thanks. Here's my payment." (Daikaigan! Gan Gan Mina! Gan Gan- Omega Stream!) Having activated the finisher, Ghost spun around again with the blades charged with blue energy that hits all the grunts around her, destroying them with rapid slashes.

(Attack Ride. Slash!) Decade uses his attack to knock the Riotoozes blasts to the side and then uses another card. (Attack Ride. Blast!) He destroys all the grunts that fired at in with multiple shots. "Small fry are so boring. What do you say we-" Turning to face the cloaked person, Decade gets hit by an explosive attack that engulfs him in flames. The person looks into the flames in search of the Rider. (Kamen Ride. Hibiki!) A fiery purple aura appeared in the flames as the echoed sound of a tuning fork could be heard. The flames dispel to reveal Decade having transformed into a purple Rider with two silver horns pointing forward and a gold oni face crest in between. This Rider with red hands, silver rings around the arms and ankles, and two silver straps along the chest is Kamen Rider Hibiki.

(Attack Ride. Onibi!) A mouth forms to allow Decade to breath out purple fire. A barrier formed around the person to defend themselves. "I'll admit, I might sound normal but you've really pissed me off." (Attack Ride. Ongekibou Rekka!) Decade reaches behind himself with both hands to bring out Hibiki's two red taiko drumstick weapons with oni heads at the end, the Ongekibou.

"You might had sent your attack towards this world's Spike but none the less, you still tried to bring harm to my little brother." With a venomous tone at the end, he charges towards the person. He launches balls of fire from the Ongekibou that the person just keeps swatting to the side until the Rider reached them. Decade swings at the person numerous times with the person avoiding and shrugging away the hits while taking steps back. The person tries to strike back, but Decade stops it with the Ongekibou. They struggled for a second before shoving each other back. (Rod Form!) Den-O and Ghost ran up to stand side by side with Decade. "You'll regret having dared shown yourself here." The three then all charged at the person, resuming the battle.

The Quantum Field

Ice Devil flew through the cave. It looked back a moment to see Tiga-Oh chasing along. Facing back, the Tartarus Fiend shot out sharp icicles while flying backwards.

"Guardie." Tiga-Oh holds up its shield in defense, his pace not slowing down as he moved through the attack. "Don't get too full of yourself, Fiend." Gaim proceeds to push his belt's knife down once. (Soiya! Orange Squash!)

Using his weapon, Tiga-oh pole-vaults towards Ice Devil with orange energy around his right leg that he sticks out into a kick. The Tartarus Fiend turns to fly faster but was to slow that ends with Tiga-Oh bringing Ice Devil smashing down onto the ground. The floor collapses, dropping them down a largely, wide bottomless pit.

Gaim uses his magic to have a giant root sprout from the wall closest to him. Tiga-Oh changes back into its original formation before landing. He watched the Tartarus Fiend continue falling into the depths before recovering and heads back up.

"Formation change." "Archer Formation!" With the two armor and front cannon pieces on the shoulders flying off, Guardie's chest piece to dis-engages itself along with both swords. Both swords pressed back-to-back against each other before connecting to the inner side of the chest piece. The cannons side by side connected to the other end, making them seem like thrusters. The weapon attaches to the right arm as the two armor pieces connected to the sides of the cannons to give the weapon a bow and arrow look.

Pulling the Musou Saber's tab, Tiga-Oh copies Gaim in pulling back an energy bowstring and holds their position until Ice Devil stopped midair across from him. They release the string to fire four arrows that hit their mark and pin the Tartarus Fiend to the wall on the other side.

"This will end it." (Soiya! Orange Sparking!) Having pressed the belt's knife down twice, both Gaim's and Tiga-Oh's swords are coated in orange energy as they're moved in a circular motion to create a sliced orange. They then swing the swords in a cross motion to launch the attack. Ice Devil struggles wildly to break free until the orange slice hits it, cutting the Fiend into pieces from the white lines having acted as slashes and explodes the second after. "And that brings this act to an end."

Crystal Empire

Wizard flew around avoiding fireballs on a green cyclone while shooting others with his weapon in gun mode. After Cross-Z jumps to the side to avoid set of fireballs, Imperializer turns back to Wizard with its beam charging. He dives towards the Magia a second before firing its beam.

(Come on a Shoot- Hurricane Shooting Strike! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!) Wizard activates the finisher after narrowly avoiding the beam. Circling around the kaiju, he fires multiple powerful shots of wind, dealing a good amount of damage. The attack continued until he had to break off from Imperializer to avoid its mace. (Special Tune! Hippare! Hippare! Million Slash!) The Magia finds a volcanic equalizing bar slash going straight into it the moment Wizard moved from its sight.

The mage Rider lands next to Cross-Z as the attack causes an explosion. "Did that do the trick?" He question is answered by a damaged and dented Imperializer teleporting behind them. They only turn around in time for Wizard to get punched by the mace. "Arh!" "Wiza- Ugh!" Cross-Z gets sent flying to the side by the huge blade.

"SPIKE!!" While Shining, Cadance and the Crystal ponies worries were focused on the Riders, no one takes notice of Prince Blueblood walk up to the Crystal Heart to stick a blank Core Medal onto it. The unicorn then uses a spell on the Heart causing it to begin to spin.

Wizard gets back on his feet in time to witness Imperializer restore itself again. "Okay, now I'm mad. Time for Land Style." He proceeds to switch hurricane with the yellow ring.

(Sha- Land, Please! Dododo Dododon, Don Dododon!) He has a yellow spell circle appear beneath him with bits of rock came out of the ground as the circle passed through him. The green on his suit had changed to yellow along with the shape having gone from triangles to squares.

"Strength for strength." He changes his weapon to sword mode while running up to Imperializer. The Magia tries striking with its huge blade, but using both hands, Wizard stops it with his sword. He then used his right arm to guard after noticing Imperializer about to strike with its mace next. "Back off." Shoving the Magia off, Wizard hits Imperializer with a few slashes before ducking under the huge blade being swung at him again and follows with elbowing the kaiju's chest.

"Ow." Cross-Z slowly stood up from rubble, shaking the dizziness off. He had been sent crashing into another building that also collapsed on top him. "He can make weapons, heal himself, and now even teleport? What exactly is that thing?" Looking back to the fight, he sees Imperializer had restored itself once again and that Wizard was in a different form. "How are we supposed to beat this thing? It just keeps healing itself. What can we do?"

As if to answer his call, the Fullbottle that had been in the middle of being created lights up the moment the machine finished. It flies off the slot before disappearing. "Huh?" Cross-Z is surprised when the bottle appears from a shining light in his left hand. He notices how this new bottle resembled the Tiga Fullbottle, though the image of the chest was different, having blue as an additional third color, and the Color Timer was in a diamond shape.

Cross-Z suddenly sees a vision of the Ultraman. "Ultraman Trigger?" The bottle glows for a moment with the Beat Closer raising from the rubble and flies to float in front of him. "You want to help?"

(Defend, Please!) Wizard creates a thick stone wall to defend himself from Imperializer's turrets. "Damn this thing." Switching to gun mode, he rolls away the moment the wall broke apart and aims to shoot. "Wha?" The Magia was nowhere to be seen. He quickly searches around for it but the moment he looked away, Imperializer appeared from his left. Wizard first gets punched by the mace with then three swings of the large blade following after, each hit making sparks fly off him and ends blasting him with fireballs. "Ugh...Uh!" Wizard quickly guards against a stomp by using his weapon but Imperializer now had him pinned against the ground.

"Wizard!" Croos-Z takes ahold of his sword. (Special Tune! Hippare!) Aiming the sword forward, he draws back an energy bowstring as Imperializer charged its beam. (Smash Slash!) A blue flame arrow is shot out from the sword. Hitting Imperializer before the charge could be finished. Seeing the Magia off balance, he uses this chance to change his weapon to sword mode to thrust the blade into the kaiju's chest and rolls away as Imperializer stumbled back.

"Thanks for the save, Cross-Z." He receives a thumbs up from his fellow Rider. "Of course."

Imperializer changes its attention to the dragon Rider with the beam resuming to charge. Seeing this, Cross-Z readies himself. (Hippare! Hippare! Million Slash!) He stabbed the sword into the ground sending a red equalizing bar shockwave the moment the beam is fired. The two attacks collide, battling to overpower one another for a moment before the shockwave pushed through the beam and hits Imperializer, destroying its cannon.

"Alright! Let's keep this momentum going." He switches rings. (Lu- Extend, Please!) Swinging a kick with the spell circle, his leg stretches out to Imperializer, knocking it off its feet. Wizard twist around from the kick and follows with a flip that has his leg kick the Magia upward. (Lu- Big, Please!) Enlargening his arm, Wizard reached all the way up to Imperializer to slam it down into a two-story building.

(Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!) Wizard changed back to Flame Style as he and Cross-Z ran back to each other's sides with their sights focused on remains of the building.

"Did that do it?" "With our luck, I doubt it." As if on cue, the rubble begins to rumble. "Are you kidding me? What's it going to take to finish this thing off." "Well, this calls for what me and my brothers know best." Wizard changes his weapon to sword mode. "Which is?" He then switches to a ring with a falling dragon. "Improvise and hit them hard."

(Hippare! Hippare! Hippare!/Flame Slash Strike! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!) Imperializer burst out from the rubble the second they activated their finishers. Its upper body begins spinning with the beam charging while fireballs are continuously shot out in all directions. The whole area became like a war zone as explosions rained down, buildings caught on fire, and rubble came falling. Cross-Z and Wizard held up their arms to shield themselves from the fireballs causing explosions all around them.

The two heroes we concealed within smoke. Imperializer stops spinning, firing its beam into the smoke as (Fall, Please!) could be heard within it. Cadance and the Crystal ponies gasped while Shining screamed out "SPIKE!!". The Magia stood in wait to find out what happened to the Riders. The smoke cleared in time for the kaiju and ponies to see a large hole that closes up after a moment.

Changing its sight into an x-ray function, Imperializer kept its sights on the underground Riders for a moment before the two disappeared. The confused kaiju searches around for its targets. (Mega Slash!) Turning towards the castle, it looks above in time to see a fire slash and purple energy slash come at it forming an 'X'. Imperializer tries countering with fireballs and its beam, only for the slashes to go straight through them, only having been slowed down for a moment, and hit the Magia, leaving an 'X' shaped damaged across its chest.

Shining and the others look up upon hearing, (Lup- Choine! Kick Strike! Saiko!/Ready? Go!), to find the two Riders high up where they first appeared. Wizard switches to a ring with a dragon head and wings coming out a drill while using Coss-Z's shoulders to push himself higher up. "Now for the finale!" (Drill, Please!/Dragonic Finish! Yeah!) Both belts called out as Cross-Z's dragon appeared in front of the barrier to launch him forward with fire and Wizard thrusts down towards Imperializer before spinning to form a fire drill.

Imperializer had yet the chance to repair itself. Cross-Z's finisher is the first to hit with his kick breaking the Magia in half, shattering the belt and key to pieces. With its upper half still in the air, Wizard pierces through Imperializer, leaving a gaping hole in the middle. Both Riders come to a stop a few feet from Imerializer with the kaiju exploding with their backs still turned to it.

"Yes!!" "Alight!!" The two high-five with the ponies cheering in the background. The two turn to see the barrier come down which prompts Wizard into taking a hold of Cross-Z's arm. "Hey!" "No time to stick around, bud." (Teleport, Please!)

They two teleport away as Shining, Cadance and the Crystal ponies had ran over to congratulate them. This had also kept the ponies distracted enough not to notice red shards gather towards the Crystal Heart and into the blank Core Medal. With a dark glow, Blueblood grins to levitate a now black unicorn Medal with the image crimson red and the unicorn's horn curved.

Back to the Others

"Ha!" Den-O thrusts his rod at the cloaked person who twirls past it and hand still in the cloak, palm strikes him. "Urgh!"

Ghost jump flips over him to thrust a kick into the person. They stumble back a bit before ducking past her next kick and elbows her from behind. "Ugh!" The person turned about to thrust their arms into Ghost but gets blocked by Decade getting in between the two. He shoves their arms apart to hit their chest with the Ongekibou in a drumming motion. The person catches the next hit and follows with blasting Decade back with lightning.

They fire lightning at Decade again but is blocked by large vines. The vines then move apart to allow Gaim to come in to strike at the person, to which they jump back to avoid the attack. (Million Slash!) The person reacts quickly in deflecting away silver bullets and equalizer bar slash that went past Gaim from both sides. Wizard and Cross-Z come running up next to Gaim.

"Well friend, you better choose your next move wisely." The person looks behind to find Ghost phasing out of the ground with Decade and set themselves next to Den-O. "Because that choice may either end well or badly for you."

The choice the person chooses is to shoot lightning from one sleeve towards Decade's side and an explosive orb towards Gaim's. (Soiya! Orange Squash!) With orange energy covering his swords, Gaim sliced the orb apart while Ghost created a barrier wall to defend against the lightning. (Full Charge!) Blue energy build into Den-O's rod before he throws it at the person who turns to hit it aside.

"Think again." (Connect, Please!) Wizard has spell circles next to him and in front of the rod. The cloaked person had no chance to counter in time from the weapon going through the circle and out the other to hit them from behind, changing into a blue hexagonal symbol.

"Now!" Following Decade's lead, all Riders jumped up and thrust Rider kicks down at the person.

The person breaks free, shattering the symbol. They then used their magic to make the shards of the symbol create a ring around them. The kicks collide with the ring and struggle for a moment before the person puts more magic into the ring to knock the Riders away. While the Riders groaned, still trying to pick themselves up, the cloaked person combines the last two attacks they used, making the orb larger, and sends it towards Cross-Z.

"Uh!" Cross-Z could only brace himself for the incoming attack.

At that moment, a green glow shined from within his backpack that was still inside the cave. Suddenly a green energy beam comes in from above over Cross-Z before the attacks reached him. All the Riders were surprised by this as they watched the attacks struggle. This only lasts for a moment before the two begin pushing the large orb back towards the person. They open up a portal to escape into. The attacks reach the spot and create an explosion a second after the portal closed.

Cross-Z turned around, looking up to see who or what had saved him from the attack but could not find any signs of any other. "What just happened?" Gaim and the others came to stand beside him.

"Seems to me, we had a helping hand. Probably best to just leave it at that for the moment."

"Looks like our job is done here too." Decade's words prompts everyone in turning around to find a portal open.

"Strange it would open automatically when Connor and Reiji were here for a while." 'Maybe it just means there's nothing left for us to be around for.'

Wizard looks to Gaim and Ghost. "Are you ready to meet the others?"

"No. Not yet." He said shaking his head along with Ghost and then the two moved over next to Cross-Z. "I'm sure we're needed more here right now."

"Plus, Cross-Z is going to need help in finding the other Riders and fighting the kaiju that are appearing here."

Den-O and Wizard wanted to argue against the decision but knew that what they were saying is true. After the battle they just had, they knew fighting enemies like these would be difficult for Cross-Z to handle on his own. Then the same could be said for the other sealed away Riders. There was no telling if or how difficult it'd be in finding them and if there would be enemies or obstacles that'll interfere along the way.

Gaim walks up to his fellow Riders and brings out three items that he holds out to Decade. The destroyer Rider was confused by this for a moment but then holds out his hands excepting them. Gaim places three Ridewatches in his hand. Two were blank watches that had neither a year nor a Rider symbol. The thrid was a stone watch with the kanji for 'key' on it.

"Zi-O said that she would be hiding more than just the Zi-O's power at the palace. Not sure what she saw, but she said that the key would be safe with us until it was time to be awakened. As for the blank watches, I'm guessing she left them as a gift to your two Zi-Os."

Decade chuckles at the memory of his adventure there with Ressha, Derpy and Turner. "Now that was definitely a smart choice."

(Connect, Please!) Taking this moment, Wizard brings out the magic stone he had gotten and walked over to Cross-Z. "Think you can do me a favor? Please give this to Rarity."

"What is it?" He took ahold of the stone while speaking. "And why do you want to give it to Rarity? Because if you're after her, then go for your own Rarity back in the human world."

Wizard sighs shaking his head. "It's probably because of how we grew up different, but I don't know what you see in older girls. Because I don't see her as anything but a friend back in my world." "Then what is with the stone?" He holds up the Flame ring. "It's what my rings come from. I was hoping Rarity or Twilight could find someone to change it into rings for me."

"Alright, you can leave it to me, Twilight's number one assistant and a member of the Knights of Harmony." Satisfied with his Equestian self's reassurance, Wizard gives a nod before walking back over to Decade and Den-O, who had moved closer to the portal. Cross-Z remembers about something they forgot about. "Wait, Wizard. What about Golem? Isn't he still with Granny Smith."

"I'll leave him here for now. His ring will probably help with making rings from the magic stone. Plus, I'm sure Twilight would love to study him." He answered back, only looking back to him from the corner of his eye.

Ghost suddenly shouts out, "Bye guys. Come back and visit real soon. And Den-O, I'd be happy to help coming up with an idea for your magic if you ever need it.", while waving them off. The Riders had already taken a few steps inside the portal when Den-O turned to her to say, "That'd be really helpful. I'll remember to do that if I need help.", in Ressha's voice. He then turns back to follow the others into the portal, that closes a second after.

"Come on. We should go back and see if the tree is alright." The two nod agreeing with Gaim. They undo their transformations as they enter cave.

Inside they find the cave walls with a bit of cracks. Lockjaw inspects the damage as they walked further in and reach back to the tree in no time. There they only find Dusk looking into Spike's backpack and no Construct nowhere to be seen anywhere.

"~We're back!~" Makena sang in a cheerful tone. "Looks like you were able to keep the tree alive. But where'd the other guy go?"

"You just missed him. After he made sure the cave wouldn't cave in, he teleported back to his lab to continue his work. So, what happened out there? And where's the others?" He asked looking around for them.

"Same as any other battle. We fought, took names, and saved the day." She answered why swinging punches and kicks in the air. Lockjaw then says, "The portal opened to take them back home."

He stroked his chin while continuing to inspect around the cave. "I should be able to fix the damage. Though I better reenforce while I'm at it."

With a confused look, Spike walked over to his uncle. "Uncle Dusk, what are you doing with my backpack?"

"Oh, well a stone on the inside seemed to be glowing." At the mention of the glow, Spike shoots past Dusk, almost knocking him over, to search into his backpack. "Whoa there, Spike. What's the rush?"

Bringing out the stone his aunt had given him, he finds it giving off a green glow. He knew what the glow would be glowing for. It's supposed to light up the moment one of his siblings was close by. Spike remembers back to the green beam that had saved him from the attack not that long ago.

He stands to leave the cave. "Spike. Spike, where are you going?" Dusk's voice fell on death ears as the small dragon runs out the cave.

From outside, blue sapphire eyes could see Spike rushing out the cave to search around the outside. The eyes belonged to someone hiding within the clouds which gave off a faint silhouette of a dragon. The being stood only a second later before flying off while still remaining hidden.

To Be Continued

Comments ( 1 )

Great chapter

The teamup with Cross-Z and Wizard is fun to see

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