• Member Since 1st Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



With Canterlot High being the target for the destruction of all multiverses by monsters and villains led by a darkness born from different worlds. Powers from riders across multiple worlds must call upon wielders to help defend all life. Even though the price will be having to start a new life with no way to return to their old world.

A Displaced Rider Story.
I'm putting this Rated Teen mostly cause I'm not sure completely what else I'm putting in besides the language a bit so far.

All Kamen Rider and Equestria Girls belong to their original owners.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 43 )

Really curious on what will happen next.

Is there any plans/ideas with Spike too?
Or he is going to be excluded hard due to being stuck as a dog and not one of the "chosen ones"?
Just really bummed he's stuck as a damn dog, since not only it really messed up his potential/involvement in EQG but it was really unfair how everyone else(like Diamond DOGS) get to be humans but Spike is stuck as a dog as if the universe wants to ensure he can't be equals with the girls.

That's all I got to say so far.
Sorry if the comment was iffy..


I do have an idea for Spike. But not the one for Equestria. I just hope my idea is good and works well like I have planned. And yeah. I felt bad for Spike when they put him as a dog in Equestria Girls.

So Equestrian Spike is just screwed then since he's stuck as a dog?
Doesn't seem fair since it looks like there's something for Equestrian Twilight but Equestrian Spike is just shafted.

About the dog bit, why couldn't Spike be human here too?
Or let him turn human afterwards?


Truthfully, I haven't thought that far yet. I was mostly focusing on the chapters that i have in mind right now. So, who knows? Maybe I'll come up with a chapter where Spike will get to have some fun too. Since Spike is one of my favorite characters and I'd hate to leave him out of the action. And there is a reason I still had Spike be a dog in this one. Can't say if it'll be good or bad. I'll just leave that up to the readers to decide.

What kind of fun do you mean?
Him being stuck as a dog really screwed up on what he could do sadly..
And the bit of human Discord shoving him into Twilight's backpack like that gives off the feel of Spike is pushed around by the universe by making him a dog.

Whatever reason why he is a dog, it still screws him over by having him be stuck as a dog.
Like its like the universe is ensuring he's not equals with the girls and saying he's a pet to Twilight instead of a equal friend.
Sorry.. it just bugs me a bunch.
Especially with how in alot of crossover fics with EQG, the girls get to be "chosen ones" and/or get powers but Spike is left out hard due to being stuck as a dog. Or in fics like with Yugioh where he doesn't get to be a duelist.
That and how in the first movie aside from badly restricting what he can do, him being a dog allowed him to be nabbed by Snips and Snails, freaking SNIPS AND SNAILS(how embarrassing is that?)

Sorry if I am bothersome about this by the way..


Nah it's fine. I like talking about ideas and opinions, weather they're good or bad. Though I can't say what I meant by fun. I don't really want to give too much away. Just know I'm trying to go with something by doing this. Not sure if it'll work but I say it's worth a shot. As for the Discord part, I agree with you and true maybe I could've gone with something different. But sadly, what's done is done. I just kind of felt at the moment that it was something Discord would do for a funny moment. Plus, it was at least a tiny bit better than what other things this Discord could've done, I think.

Though doesn't make it ok due to the context of it shows Spike is pushed around more shown with what human Discord did.

Ok then, I just hope that the dog issue gets addressed.


Not that sure myself. If anything, I'm trying to keep it around as long as part 1. Sorry if I'm taking long on part 2. I just like taking my time and going over it to see if there's anything that needs correcting or can be improved a bit.

This and the other chapter are so epic!
The fight scenes was so amazing to see

I loved how Spike is able to become human now while in the human world.
And the scene with him using the Dragon Fullbottle was amazing.
Makes me wonder if he's a "candidate" now or something big is coming up for him.
Him interacting with the human CMC a bit was interesting too.

Curious on how things will go next?


Glad to hear. Just hearing that makes the little pain and annoyance that parts 2 and 3 put me through worth it. Though truthfully, I did that to myself for changing the story a bit when I was making part 1. Hopefully the other chapters won't take as long and will do good. Though I am curious, were you able to picture Jurassic well? And what'd you think of his abilities and the way his belt worked?


That's good to hear. I can't help but keep wondering what others will think and say about him.

That was pretty epic.

Cool on how there was new weapons made as well.

Does this story have female Riders in it?

Cool on seeing info about Primevils.

Given what was shown with Equestrian Spike(who might become Cross-Z), I wonder how things look with human-world Spike?

Is the main character of this story female?


If you mean Kamen Rider Jurassic themselves, then no. He's a guy. I was going to make a bit or some of the other Riders female. Though I haven't thought that far yet on which ones will be female.

Pretty sweet chapter.

"Wait. I thought you finished the invention you were working on." Rainbow said confused while trying to look to see what he was working on. "Is that a dragon Engine support?"

Dragon Engine support? Curious on what that is

Human-world Spike is Wizard and also Drago's brother?

This was worth the wait

This is so epic!
Spike really kicked ass as Cross-Z
And seeing some info on his origins is so cool too.

Banjou's cameo was quite amazing too.

"Hey! Put us down!/Ugh! Get your disgusting claws off me./Let us go!/You fellas should read the script. It's suppose to be Celestia and Luna that are originally captured. I'm going to have a word with the writer later after this." Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight and Discord were shouting with Fluttershy shaking in fear as they were carried off towards the Everfree Forest.

Discord's line was quite funny.
Glad this avoided Luna and Celestia getting captured.

As Reiji, Twilight and the others arrived to see the scene, Emerald wakes up for a moment seeing Build and Cross-Z. She squints her eyes at the three colored fire of Cross-Z. "Nexus." She barely managed to say softly before falling unconscious with only Discord having heard her. He looked at her and then at Cross-Z with a shocked face.

Curious on what this Nexus she was talking about.

So cool of a chapter


Glad to hear you liked it. I actually wasn't confident I could pull this chapter off well. I hope others will like or at least enjoy the chapter also

That was fun to see

Surprised on seeing Tirek from Equestria there.
Wonder who was helping him?

And really surprised that both Turner AND Derpy became Zi-O.
A Woz as a Watch unfolded to a smol Rider is funny. They got a tiny Woz now \ovo/

Personally, I think you should make as many of your Kamen Rider OCs female as possible or at least make it star a female OC. Is Kamen Rider Jurassic from the actual TV franchise?

They watched as Faust disappeared into darkness. Reaper slides the front of the box to find a card at the front of the deck of a robotic looking dinosaur-like creature with a name at the bottom saying 'CYBER GOMORA'

so your adding Ultraman x that would be interesting to see


Nope. He's an OC Rider. But Yeah. I am planning to make OC female characters into some of the main and OC Riders. Both here and in Knights of Harmony


Yup. Well, not Ultraman X himself if that's what you mean. But I do have an idea planned for the cards. Or at least I think it'll be interesting

why now make a Ultraman x like rider or a finally form of a villain anyway you use the card ill be waiting to see

True. A Rider like that would be really fun and interesting to make. Though I'm not sure if I would want to add a Rider like that. I'll have to think on that.

Also please don't over work your self maybe take a week or two to your self to just relax.

Did not expect Shining acquiring a Lostdriver.
Same with Autumn(Breeze?)


Are there two Autumns? The Autumn I put in there was Autumn Blaze. Or did I accidently put Breeze in there instead? Because if I did, then I really need to get my eyes checked


I'm not denying I am overworking myself. Because I probably did on a few days. But what made you figure I was overworking myself

I Figured You work so hard making this story the best that it could be and with the amount of people that read this I thought you were strain to make each chapter bedder then the next one so that is why I thought you where overworking yourself


Well, you are right that I do work harder for the people reading the story. Though you could say I mostly do the fighting for myself because I really love watching the Riders fight scenes. Especially when they gained newer forms and weapons

Now I remember, Autumn Blaze.
I was misremembering the name

That was a pretty epic chapter like usual.

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