• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 1,139 Views, 7 Comments

Knights of Harmony - NexusZero66

With kaiju beginning to appear in Equestria as well, the land will need heroes of its own more than ever before.

  • ...

Chapter 2 Part 2- The Hidden Heroes of Equestria

Middle of Vanhoover

Junior and Akumaro were on top of Skeletal Tyrant, who walks away from the crater it had left when it fired a blast at the Riders and the group. It was facing towards the direction of Canterlot as it moved through the city.

"Now it's time to bring Canterlot to its knees." Akumaro spoke out loud.

"But first, some fun. Skeletal, halt!" Skeletal obeyed Junior as it came to a stop. "Level the city! Leave nothing standing!"

Skeletal roared as it stomped a building next to it breaking it to bits and then swung its tail through two buildings. The creature then begins blasting through and destroying many buildings, home, businesses and others to burning bits.

Else Where

Inside a dark empty cave with only the center being lit up by a glowing gem at the top of the ceiling, a portal opens an inch under the gem with the Riders, Twilight and the others dropping out of it. Twilight, Emerald and the kids land on top of Build, OOO and Discord.

"Ow," Sweetie Belle and the others groan as they stood up. "That didn't feel anything like how Discord usually teleports us."

"That's because it wasn't me." Discord admitted while rubbing his back.

Twilight and the others looked at him confused. "If it wasn't you, then who-" "That would be me." Startled, everyone jumps turning around to see the silhouette of a unicorn and a human shape. Emerald moves in front of Spike and the CMC in a protective manure as Twilight took a step forward. "Who's there?"

"That depends on which of us you're asking, Twilight." The voice sounded like it came from the human, who sounds like a man.

Twilight backs up a bit next to Build. "How do you know who I am?"

Instead of answering, the human silhouette walks forward into the light and almost make the Riders go speechless by who they see. A human completely covered in a red and black suit with a triangle on the chest, but the downward tip has three points instead of one, and a device with the same color on the left wrist.

A gun looking weapon is being held by a holster on his right side of a belt with a triangle buckle. His face is covered by a helmet that is mostly red with the mouth cover being silver, having lips molded onto it, and the front being a black visor with a red jagged triangle in the middle of it.

"TimeFire." Build barely manages to say from still being in shock by who is in front of them.

"Yes. That is a name I've come to be known by. But you and Spike know me by another name." He said while glowing red for his transformation to come undone and is now a dark purple coated unicorn stallion with a black messy mane wearing a trench coat walked out of the shadows. Having the device still on his left arm, that's now his left forehoof.

Build and OOO were about to get in front of everyone, but Twilight and Spike run past them smiling. "Uncle Dusk!" The two screamed in joy hugging him, which he happily returned. "We've missed you so much." Seeing this, both Riders relax while changing back to their pony forms.

"Yeah. You would not believe how sad we were when you just up and disappeared." Spike said after they broke the hug. "What did happen to you exactly." Spike asked with Connor taking notice of something about Dusk.

"We all want to know that." Twilight added curious to the answer as well. "You just never showed up to your royal guard duties 5 years ago. Mom was especially worried about you."

Dusk sighed rubbing the back of his head. "That will take a while to explain. All I can tell you for now is that it has to do with Junior and Akumaro." The two are shocked and surprised by this, while Connor and the others are curious on how he knows about them. "I'll explain everything at Canterlot Castle-"

"Wait? Why Canterlot Castle?" Twilight spoke up, interrupting Dusk. "If you need to warn the Princess about something, she should still be at Vanhoover."

Dusk shook his head. "No. The moment they saw the huge creature, they used their magic to take the citizens and your friends to safety. They're back at the castle probably about to-" He paused for a moment as Spike belches out fire that changes into a letter from Celestia. "Yup, like always. But Spike, we're going to need you and Discord to stay here."

Spike raised a brow confused. "What exactly do you need me and Discord to do, Uncle Dusk?"

"Short version, we need you to help the creature that Junior and Akumaro have named Skeletal Tyrant." The unicorn silhouette said walking out of the shadows, revealing to be Construct with an annoyed look. "You were the last one to connect with the big guy."

"Me?!/Spike was what?!" Spike and Twilight shouted both shocked and confused while the others were noticing how Construct resembles Connor. "What do you mean I was connect to that huge thing?!"

Construct sighs annoyed. "I don't have time for this. Dusk. Can I just send you and the rest to Canterlot, while leaving him and Discord here to meet up with Killer? He should almost be here with the shards." The name Killer brought a bit of fear to Spike.

Twilight was about to telling how rude he's being but that's when her and Spike barely notice the resemblance he shares with Connor as they look back and forth between the two. "Uncle Dusk, who is this? And who is Killer?"

"When you say Killer, do you mean AbareKiller?" Connor asked seeming to have some thought in mind.

Dusk nods confused. "Actually yes." He answered which seemed to put Connor in deep thought. "And this is Construct. Construct Match. You could say he and Killer are allies but... with some complications you could say." Dusk introduced trying to make a short explanation. "I'll explain it all later. But we're running low on time right now. So alright, Construct. Do it."

"Wait! But you can't just-" Before Twilight could finish her question, Construct had already lit up his horn with a purple aura and teleports her, Dusk, Connor and Reiji away. Construct then fires his magic at the ceiling gem, the magic travels from it towards a wall ahead of him, and it opens up to a stone staircase leading up to an opening of light.

The group decided to follow the unicorn as he walked up the steps. They become surprised when they get to the top and find themselves in the Tree of Harmony's cavern.

Discord strokes his goatee. "So, that was part of the tree's cave. But," He pauses to teleport in front of Construct. "how do you know about the Tree of Harmony? Also, why aren't you terrified or show any distaste for me? You're the first pony aside from Fluttershy and her friends to not be afraid or hate me."

"You and I both know that the harmony magic the tree gives off is easy to find if you know the right spell to track it." Construct answered with a bored expression.

"True enough." Discord said literally nodding his head off agreeing.

"As for the other question, I actually had no problem with your chaos. I actually found it interesting to study. So, I'm actually happy that you're free and continue coming to Ponyville. It means I get to study your magic more often." He spoke to the head while using his magic to hand to back to the body.

Discord's body places the head back and spins, screwing it back on with a grin. "You're definitely an interesting one. So, what exactly do you need the ex-Lord of Chaos help with?"

"I'll leave the explanation to Killer. I've got other projects back at home I need to get back to."

With that said, Construct leaves without another word, leaving some of the others confused and the others wondering who they'll be meeting next.

Canterlot Castle

"What's taking so long?" Rainbow questioned no one in particular while pacing back and forth. "Shouldn't they have gotten here already?"

"Would yah calm down, Dash? It's barely been a minute since the letter was sent." Applejack said with the rest of the girls sitting alongside her.

They were in the throne room. while the girls were in the middle of the room, Celestia and Luna were sitting on their thrones. Waiting for Twilight to send a letter back or for them to appear before them using Discord's magic.

They were filled with worry. Even from where they were, they were able to clearly see the horrifying huge creature that came bursting out of the ground.

Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity wanted to rush into the city the moment they saw that creature to look for their sisters, but Luna stopped them with her magic as Celestia used her magic to teleport themselves and the citizens back into Canterlot Castle before the creature made a move.

Rainbow stopped to look at Applejack. "Calm down? How the buck can you expect me to calm down?" She questioned back upset. "Scootaloo and the girls could still be back there with that...thing! For all we know that thing could've..." Rainbow stopped not even wanting to finish the thought. "Aren't you two worried at all about Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom?"

"Of course, we are, Rainbow." Rarity honestly answered. "But I'm certain Twilight and the others made it out of their safely with the girls. You know she and...at least Reiji wouldn't leave without making sure everypony made it out safely."

Right at that moment, Twilight, the guys and Dusk appear in the room between the girls and the princesses. "Twilight!!" Was the first thing Twilight heard before she was dragged by Rarity's magic up to them. "Where's Apple Bloom?/Where's Sweetie Belle?/Where's Scootaloo?" Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow shouted worried asking her.

"Calm down, girls. Your sisters are safe with the other back at...um..." Twilight looks to her uncle. "Uncle Dusk, where exactly were we back at the cave?"

"We were in a part of the Tree of Harmony's cave." "WHAT?!" Dusk jumped at the sudden shouts from everyone around. "What? Did I say something- Oh that's right! You all barely found out about the tree. It slips my mind at times that the Tree of Harmony isn't known by many."

"Dusk Light?" He looks up to Celestia who's looking at him with a look of disbelief. "Is that really you?"

Dusk smiles turning around to fully face her, straightens himself and salutes. "Former captain of the royal guard, Dusk Light, at your service once again, Princess Celestia."

Celestia smiled at his act while Luna looked over his appearance, trying to judge his character. "So, this is Dusk Light that you spoke of sister. I presume he didn't always look like this." She said making her sister chuckle.

"No. He's always looked like this when not on duty." Celestia honestly admitted with a smile before walking down from her throne to give him a hug. "It's really great to see you again, Dusk."

"I do have to admit, it's good to be back home." Dusk said while returning the hug.

As they broke the hug, Celestia takes notice of the device on his left forehoof before the coat's sleeve covers it up. "Dusk what is that?"

He was confused by the question until he followed her curious eyes. "Oh. You mean this?" Dusk asked while holding up his left hoof to show the device as the sleeve fell back. "This is called the-"

"The V-Commander." Everyone looked to Connor spoke up, finishing Dusk's sentence. "It's what the user uses to transform into TimeFire, the sixth ranger of the Timerangers."

Dusk was surprised by this. "I'm not sure what a Timeranger is, but the rest is right. How do you know so much about it?"

"Well...you see uncle Dusk, that's a bit of a long story...and um..." Twilight said trying to think of how to explain but Connor breaks her out of her thoughts by using his magic to create holographic projections of the villains they had just faced.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can go down memory lane some other time. For now, we need to quickly fill in on what we know and what we discovered." Connor instructed making everyone gather at the bottom of the throne's steps while Celestia flew back up to her throne.

Reiji scratches the back of his head. "And to be honest, things aren't really looking good for us."

"Gee, you don't say." Rainbow said full of sarcasm. "Of course, things aren't good! Did you see the size of that thing!"

Twilight looks to Reiji. "You called it by a name before, right? If I'm remembering right, you called it Guardie. Is it another kaiju from the Rider world?"

"No. He's from a different world. One where giants of light known as Ultraman would fight huge kaiju that attacked the innocent or caused destruction constantly. Guardie was part of Ultraman Tiga's world. He was actually a good kaiju there, but he died trying to stop his master."

While Reiji explained, Connor uses his magic to bring out an image from his memory showing how Guardie originally looked as he arrived in a city. His body didn't look like a skeleton, he had three fingered claws and his skin was white and gray with no large crystal spikes anywhere. His eyes looked normal and had a blue light on his chest.

The image changed after showing Guardie for a while trying to stop a humanoid silver giant, with him now on the ground with a second giant of purple and red covering most of his body arrive. As Guardie tried to stand with the light on his chest blinking red, the silver giant took notice of him and fired a blast of energy from their hand at him.

Guardie fell back to the ground after the attack hit, along with his life ending a second after the blinking red light went out. The girls and princesses all gasped at the merciless scene with the giant showing no remorse for what he did. Tears ran down Fluttershy and Rarity's eyes seeing Guardie how die.

"H-How could someone he saw as his master do that to him?" Fluttershy asked Reiji feeling a bit of anger at the cruelty but mostly sadness seeing how hard he tried stopping his master.

"It might've been his master but the human that forced the merge with him was the one that caused his behaviour. So, the human had no trouble with ending Guardie's life." Reiji sadly answered.

"And now he's being used the same way his master was." Connor added before looking to Dusk. "And I have a feeling you know how that happened."

Twilight frowned at Connor for what she thought he was implying and was about to say something, but her uncle stopped her, holding his hoof in front of her and shaking his head at her.

Dusk looks back to the others. "I didn't know the creature's name, but I do know how he came back to life in our world. You see, hidden in our world are stones with tremendous amount of pure natural magic. Magic that is neither good nor evil. They become this way by absorbing magic from every living thing around them over the centuries. My group calls them the Origin Souls."

"Your group?" Luna questioned raising an eyebrow. "What's this group you're talking about? And do these Origin Souls, as you call them, do exactly?"

Dusk sighs. "That'd take too long to explain. Short wise, we work to protect the stones and every creature in the land without any of them knowing. We don't actually have a name for ourselves." He then looks to Connor and Reiji. "But since me and your friends here are somewhat the same, I guess you could say we're Knights of Equestria as well."

"True enough." Reiji admits with Connor nodding.

Dusk looks back to the others as he continued. "As for the stones, they can create miracles to those that they choose worthy of them. Which can be by either taking a physical form or granting a wish."

"Meaning the stones are alive in some sense." Connor cut in. "Which would explain how Guardie came back to life in this world." "What do you mean?" Twilight asked as he sends a message on his Primal Cell. "The world itself drew shards of his essence here and were absorbed into one of these stones which brought him back to life. But if that's the case, then this world itself is the reason they're attacking."

"What do you by that our world is the reason?" Celestia questioned. "What could our world do to them that they would resort to attacking our lands using Guardie?"

Connor undoes his spell making the images disappear. "That can be answered later. We're already running low on time, right now."

"Low on time? What are we low on time for?" Luna had an unsettling feeling from how they were in a rush.

"That's because Junior and Akumaro are coming here with Skeletal Tyrant to destroy all of Canterlot." Connor answered normally.

"WHAT!!?" The guards heard the Main 6's voices through the castle. Back in the throne room, the girls are shocked by the piece of news they were told, along with the princesses.

Twilight used her magic to drag Connor next to her. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS SOONER!?" She shouted into his left ear.

Connor hisses in pain rubbing his ear. "Do you have to do that?" He complained looking to her. "The reason I didn't say anything is because-"

"Oh!Oh!Oh! I know! I know!" Pinkie interrupted jumping in between them and takes a deep breath. "The reason you didn't say anything is because you know once you tell us, the princesses ready all the guards while we rush to move everypony somewhere safe. Which is what Junior and Akumaro are waiting for before beginning their attack to cause chaos and fear while they make their way here with Guardie. And when that happens, we won't be able to make a plan on how we're going to beat the bad guys."

Connor just sighs rubbing his forehead with his hoof. "Yes. That's exactly why. We needed to get things sorted out before we made a plan and took action."

"But how can you be sure they're on their way here?" Luna questioned.

Connor responds by holding up his Prime Cell with his magic to everyone as an image comes up on it. Taking a look, they all see it's a live video feed from high up in the sky of Skeletal Tyrant making its way across the land. The others weren't really sure what it meant, except for Reiji who goes wide eyed and looks to his friend.

"Connor, did you" He smirks nodding. "Yup. Before Junior had Skeletal attack us, I called in Jet and Rocket a few buildings away from us so they could tail them from up high." Connor explained while thinking back to the event.


"Now that all you fools are together, it's about time we wrap this up." A moment after Junior says this, with Skeletal Tyrant bursting out of the ground, Build held his cell behind his back, put it in silent mode and typed in the codes for Rocket and Jet.

The two Engines appeared seven buildings behind them, flew high up into the sky and stayed hovering high above Skeletal as the creature fired its blast at Build and the others.

The memory switches to while Build and the others were in the cave. "You're wasting our time playing with this pathetic town." "Quiet! I've waited long enough having to deal with this world's light." Build heard Akumaro arguing with Junior from the Engines transmitting the feed directly to his helmet while still paying attention to what was happening in front of him.

Flashback Ends

While the others were shocked by all he did, Celestia was amazed Connor had been able to think that far ahead even with all the unexpected surprises that kept appearing. "You're really remarkable, Connor. You might be as wise as our teacher, Star Swirl was." Connor makes an annoyed look, waving off the compliment which made Celestia and the others chuckle and giggle. She then looks to Dusk. "And what has brought you back home, Dusk?"

"My reason is just about the same as theirs." Dusk said motioning to the Riders. "I wanted to let you all know what we'll be facing." "I take it you have a plan." Luna asked which Dusk nods to. "Yes. Though whether it goes well or not is anyone's guess."

"Will you save Guardie?" Fluttershy spoke up asking. "It's just...I feel bad for him. If he's still the same as he was back in his world, then they're forcing him to hurt and terrorize others."

Dusk smiles holding up his V-Commander. "It is my duty as a Knight of Harmony to protect the innocent and the Origin Souls." Fluttershy smiles, glad that he intends to help the kind kaiju.

But Rarity makes a concerned look. "Not to sound negative, but how do you plan to free him? We can't do anything to help him now that we don't have the Elements of Harmony."

"That's why he's betting it all on Spike." Connor spoke up saying which shocked the girls to hear. "That was the reason you had him stay behind. His connection to Guardie and the shards your friend mentioned having something to do with the plan on freeing."

Dusk chuckles. "You got it right on the dot. You're really sharp on figuring things out."

"Not that sharp when it comes to girls though." Reiji mumbled to Pinkie causing her to chuckle. "So then, what exactly are your guy's plans? Because I'm sure you both have different plans."

Connor and Dusk both look to each other with the two giving each other a knowing look. "Actually, I think we have the same plan." Connor said before looking up to the princesses. "Though before that, can you both call in your captains?"

Tree of Harmony's Cave

Spike and the others had been waiting at the entrance of the cave for Killer, or AbareKiller as Connor called him, to arrive. Even after a while of waiting and Scootaloo complaining, there still had been no signs of anyone showing up.

Spike's Primal Cell receives a message once 15 minutes passed. Taking the phone out of his bag that's strapped across his chest and looking at the message while sitting at the cave's entrance, he and the CMC see it's from Connor letting them know on who Skeletal Tyrant actually is and who he used to be. They felt really bad for Guardie after reading his story and how he died.

"Poor Guardie. I'm sure he doesn't want ta be used to hurt others when he likes helping." Apple Bloom felt sorry for the kind kaiju.

"We should free him." Scootaloo said with determination.

"But what are we supposed do?" Sweetie Belle questioned sadly. "We aren't like our sisters. We don't have any special magic to fight bad guys with."

Apple Bloom looks to Spike. "What do you think we should do, Spike? Spike?" She called his name again when he didn't say anything while keeping his eyes on the picture of Guardie. "Spike, is something wrong?"

"No. It's just..." He pauses to look to them. "I think I saw Guardie in my dream this morning."

"You mean like one of those future seeing type of dreams?" Scootaloo asked with a brow raised.

Spike taps his chin. "It was more like..." 'You were the last one to connect to the big guy.' He paused again thinking back to on what Construct said. "It was more like a connection. I think Guardie calling someone for help."

"But how did he connect to you? I mean, he did come from far away." Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"That'd be something easy for Nexus to connect with." "DISCORD!!" inside the cave Emerald yelled at Discord from a couple of feet behind them. "What!? He bound to find out about it at some point. Why not just tell him now?"

Spike and the CMC looked at each other confused before looking back to the two. "What's Nexus?" They all asked having hopeful looks that were making it hard for Emerald to think.

"U-Um...Well...you see..." She sighs not being able to think of a way around the question. "You see Spike, Nexus is-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Spike and the CMC get startled a white blur raced by, taking him and Emerald along with it. A second after the Primal Cell hits the floor, a bag full of black gem shards drops in front of the CMC.

"What the hay was that!?" Scootaloo shouted at her friends while Discord's eagle arm stretching over them to pick up the bag.

"I don't know. But it took Spike and Emerald." Sweetie Belle said in a worried tone.

Apple Bloom turns to Discord. "Discord, can you- Discord, where are you goin'?! We need to find Spike and Emerald." She questioned him as he walked further into the cave.

"They'll be fine. Spike just needs a small push. As for me," He stopped to wave the bag to them. "I'm going to need your help with this. So, follow me." He said before continuing walking into the cave.

The CMC looked at each other worried about their friends but decided to trust and follow Discord, running to catch up to him after Sweetie Belle picks up Spike's phone with her magic.

"What would you need our help with?" Scootaloo asked as they walk next to him. "You're the Lord of Chaos who can make anything he wants appear. So, why ask for help with those gems?"

"Origin Souls come to life from natural magic filling it. Natural magic is neither good nor evil." Discord said explaining. "So, in order to restore these to take a new form, I'm going to have the Tree of Harmony pour magic into these along with me. Doing this will the magic natural from the two mixing together."

The CMC nod showing they at least partly get what he means. "Then what will we have to do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm going to be busy concentrating on pouring magic into the gems. So, somepony will have to think of a shape and form for the gems to take." Hearing Discord say that they'll get to help create something excited them. "I still need to set up the spell circle for the transfer. While I'm doing that, why not look through the phone to see if it'll give you any ideas on the form the shards should take. Think you three can handle that?" He ends with a smirk which the girls return.



Still within the Everfree Forest, the white blur goes all the way up to the top of a mountain. Spike is dropped to the floor while Emerald is dropped across from him. Chains with glowing marks shoot out of the ground and wraps around her neck, wrists and legs.

Spike shook his from being dazed a bit before noticing his aunt. "Aunt Emerald! Uh!" He was about to run to her, but the white blur stops in front of him.

Standing in front of him was another humanoid being in a suit like his uncle, but this suit was white with black jagged edges. He also has a white chest armor, with three black streaks on both sides and gold tracing the edge. The helmet only has a red visor that looks like it has an X-shape but has more of a V-shape with black tracing the edges. The top of the helmet has a black fin with two small red marks on both sides of the fin, making the top look like the face of some creature.

Around the waist is a gold belt with a symbol on the buckle and the same feather-looking weapon he had seen in his dream holstered to his left side. This weapon is know as the Wing Pentact. The weapon matches the suit's main colors and has a head of a creature at the hilt. On his left wrist is a device with the same face as the weapon.

"Who are you? And why did you chain up my aunt?" Spike asked feeling a bit mad.

"I am AbareKiller. Now transform." That was all Killer said while crossing his arms. "How did-" Before Spike could finish his question, Killer unholsters his weapon and fires a laser from the head to the ground in front of him. "I will not repeat myself a third time. Transform now."

Feeling enraged, Emerald tries breaking free but the chains shocks to the hands and knees. "S-Spike, don't listen to him- Ugh!" Killer aimed and fired the laser at the ground in front of her.

"Aunt Emerald!" Spike looks to Killer with an angry expression while pulling his belt out of his bag with Cross-Z Dragon flying out as well. "I'm not sure why you're doing this, but no one gets away with hurting my family." (Wake Up! Cross-Z Dragon!) The belt announced after Spike had changed into human form putting on the belt and inserted Cross-Z Dragon once he put the dragon Fullbottle into it. Turning the crank, the construct formed as the standby jingle play. (Are you ready!) Henshin! (Wake up burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!) The construct closes on him, transforming him into Cross-Z.

"Ugh!" The moment his transformation finished, Killer punched Cross-Z and sent him flying back, landing on his back a few feet from him.

"Spike!" Emerald yelled out concerned while Killer twists the head of his weapon making the tip of the feather extend out and now holds the weapon like a sword.

As Cross-Z got up, Killer held his blade against Cross-Z's neck. "How long will you entertain me, I wonder." He kicks Cross-Z back a step, slashed him across the chest with sparks flying, grabs onto his armor and tosses him towards Emerald while turning around.

"Ouch. That really hurt." Cross-Z said rubbing the back of his head while standing back up. "Spike, be careful." "That's easier said than done." (Beat Closer!) The weapon announced itself after the belt summons it out.

Killer chuckles as Cross-Z readies to charge at him. "Let the game begin." He announces before dashing towards Cross-Z, with the Rider doing the same.

Canterlot Castle

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" Half of the castle staff got startled hearing Celestia's captain loudly shout out from the throne room.

After the two captains had arrived, Connor had begun explaining his plan to the group who were circled around each other in front of the steps leading up to the princesses and their thrones. The ring consisted of Celestia's captain being on the left side of the steps, having Twilight and her friends next to her. While Luna's captain was the right side with the guys and Dusk next to him.

"Let me get this straight," The mare captain said while rubbing her forehead and pauses to look back up to Connor. "You want every guard her, including with the princesses and the Element bearers, to remain here in the castle with all the citizens while you three are out in the city fighting the enemy alone."

He sighs and just responds with a nod. "That has got to be-" Celestia clears her throat as a signal to stop, which the captain caught clearly. "I'm sorry, my princess." She said bowing to Celestia before looking back to Connor with glaring eyes.

"I'm sorry, Connor but I must agree with Captain Gale that this plan has some risks to it." Celestia had said while walking down the steps to them with Luna doing the same. "What is your reason for having us all remain in the castle?"

"Because there's no telling if or when they'll put up the spell circle again." Gale becomes annoyed knowing he's right. "Though I have a theory that they're not going to bother with it this time."

Luna's captain looks at him in disbelief. "Why wouldn't they. It's what gives them the advantage over us. And if that theory is true, then you should at least allow us to fight alongside you."

Connor shakes his head. "No. You shouldn't make a decision based on a theory alone. Though whether you go or not, doesn't really matter to me." With that said, he turns to leave the room.

"Hey Connor, wait! Where are you-" Rainbow had called out landing in front of him, only to get shoved to the side by Gale who's looking at him with glaring eyes.

"You have some nerve speaking that way to the princesses. Who exactly do you think you are looking down on us guard like that? Do you think your opinions are so important?" Gale questioned angrily while poking Connor's chest with Rainbow behind her wanting to get back at her but is being held back by Applejack.

Being unfazed, Connor simply brushes off his chest. "Look, we Riders have no right to interfere with the decisions you all make since this isn't our world. Reiji can follow your plan if he wants. That's his choice. But not me. I'll do all I can in my own way to help protect your home. Even if it means me dying to prove my theory. But if you're really planning on going out there," He turns to look back to the princesses and then the main 6. "Then do your best to protect each other."

Connor turns back, walks around Gale and continues to leave out the room. The girls tried calling out to him but were ignored as he left out the room.

"He can't really mean to fight on his own?" "He does and he will." Reiji answered Rarity's question while still looking towards the door with a grin.

Twilight turns to him. "Aren't you going to stop him?" "Nope." He said shaking his head. "Why not?"

Reiji walks a bit forward before looking back at the group. "Because he is actually right, Twilight. Remember, we're just here to give you girls support. Though technically we're actually supporting Spike this time." He and the others get startled by surprise from hearing the faint shrieking roar of Skeletal Tyrant. "Guess they're almost here. We'll try to buy enough time for as long as we can."

"Reiji, wait!" Twilight called but he had dashed out of the room as a blur after the stripes in his hair all changed to yellow.

Connor had made it outside of the castle and was heading towards the city when the blur came out of the castle. It kept going till came up next to Connor and slowed down so Reiji could run alongside him.

"So, what do you think our chances are based on the conditions we're in?" Reiji asked looking over to his friend while they ran.

"Doesn't matter. We just need to buy Spike and the others enough time to finish whatever it is they're trying to do." Connor grins to him while pulling out his Driver. "Besides, chances have never changed your mind before."

Reiji returns the grin also bringing out his Driver. "You know me so well." He said as they looked forward and changed into humans, putting on their belts.

(Phoenix! Robot! Best Match!) Connor's belt announced having inserted the two Fullbottles and turned the crank, playing the standby jingle, while Reiji inserted three Core Medals into his and ran the scanner over them. (Are you ready?) "Henshin!" The two shouted with the constructs that formed closing on Connor and rows of medals appearing and stopping on the three medals in front of Reiji and merged into one before flying into him.

(Fujimi no heiki! PhoenixRobo! Yeah!) (Taka! Pegasus! Batta!) Having transformed into Build and OOO, the two Riders took to the sky with Build using the Phoenix wings and OOO with the pegasus wings. From the sky, the two could see Skeletal Tyrant from a far distance, moving at a slow pace while shooting crimson flames at the area around it.

"I'll head towards the areas near Celestia's school. You should go and help around the housing and train station." Build instructed.

"Leave it to me, bud." OOO flew off ahead while Build flies off from his left.

Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns

"What did Mr. Beat say we'd learning tomorrow?" A light blue unicorn filly with a puffy white mane asked her friend happily to the other as they were leaving out the entrance of the school passing a couple other unicorns.

Her friend that's also a unicorn, with a magenta coat and a rose-pink mane tied back as a ponytail, thought for a moment. "Hm...If I remember right, I think it was-"

The filly stopped walking when her friend suddenly stopped. "Rose? Rose, what's wrong?" She asked her friend who seems to be terrified looking ahead with her eyes open wide.

Confused, she looks in the same direction as her friend. She sees nothing ahead out of the ordinary. The only thing she could see was the road, some buildings and a hand sticking out from the gap of a closed window. It takes her second to think back on the last thought and looks back with her eyes opening wide with fear as a whole creature spawn out of the gap.

The creature is humanoid shaped but has a head that's fully red with only a big open mouth for a face with white sharp teeth. Wearing a yellow and gray armor, holding a sword. More of the same creature began coming out of gaps all around with some holding swords and others holding bows and arrows.

"Rah!" All the creatures roared out as they started destroying anything around them. Ponies all around began to scream and run the moment they saw or took notice of the creatures. The filly runs for a moment but stops when she notices her friend isn't next to her and looks back to see she's still standing in place with her legs trembling with fear.

"Rose!" The filly shouted running back next to her. "Come on. We have to- AAAAHHHH!!" She and her friend both screamed as a group of the creatures charged towards them. (Ready Go! Vortex Finish!)

The creatures stopped to look up and got mowed down by a flame covered Build flying through them. They all drop to the floor, exploding behind him as he landed.

His belt summons the Vortex Saber in gun mode. "Run to the castle. You'll be safe there." The fillies just nodded their heads and ran while Build looked back to shoot a few of creatures with swords as they ran up to him. "Nanashi, you really have to pain in the ass wherever you go, don't you." He switches his weapon to sword mode as he avoided and ducked under the swords of the ones that managed to reach him.

"Enough with that." Build annoyed, grabs the arm of a Nanashi with his robotic left arm claw after avoiding its sword, swings it around to slam into the other Nanashi around him and then tosses it into a group that were charging towards him. "Time for a switch up." He said while using the claw arm to block and hit aside two of the grunt's swords and spun around to slash the two.

Build proceeds to remove the two bottles and brings out hedgehog and tank. (Harinezumi! Tank! Are you ready?) "Build up." Having changed, Build uses the hedgehog arm block four Nanashi swords which they then get pierced through by the needles on the arms extending out.

The two fillies were watching in amazement from around the corner of the school as the Nanashi exploded after the needles retracted and they dropped to the floor. They had stopped running curious and wanting to watch Build battle the kaiju. So, they decided to sneak back around and watch from a good distance as this mysterious warrior fought against the terrifying creatures.

"Misty, do you think that's-" "Yeah. I think it is." Misty answered nodding as they watched Build slashed down two Nanashi and then blocked the sword of another before backhanding it. "A Knight of Harmony." The two friends said watching the Rider blocking another attack with the saber and then punching the Nanashi across the face.


Around the housing area, ponies were both confused and worried by the commotions that can be heard coming from within the city.

One in particular was the unicorn stallion known as Fancy Pants, who was standing out in his yard with his marefriend, Fleur de Liz, and other upper-class ponies. They had been conversing with one another until they heard the commotion and could see smoke in the distance over the buildings.

"What in Celestia's name is happening?" Fancy questioned.

"Could it be the changelings again?" Fleur de Liz suggested making the other ponies panic a bit.

He shakes his head. "That is a possabilty. But it I feel" Fancy paused as a tray with a cup of tea is held out to him. "Thank you. But I feel like the cause is something else. Wouldn't you agree, my good fellow?" He had thanked and then asked looking back to the server.

Though his and the others eyes go wide finding a Dorodoro standing next to him dressed as a butler. With some of the ponies screaming, other Dorodoros appeared out of nowhere and surrounded them.

(Scatter Cell!) Multiple energy shots came down from above and takes out every Dorodoro, except for the one dressed as a butler. It takes a second for the Dorodoro to notice his allies are all down. After looking around, he gives Fancy a quick bow before hitting himself with the tray and keeling down to the floor.

Fancy and others stare at the Dorodoro, confused by its actions before looking up to see OOO come down and land in front of them with the Medabuster in hand.

"Is everypony okay?" "Yes. Thank you for coming to our aid. I presume you are one of the Knights of Harmony that Princess Celestia spoke of, correct?" Fancy asked which OOO responds with a nod while resting his gun on his shoulder. "Yeah. Though others usually call me OOO. Look I have to go and help the other ponies. Go to the castle. You'll be safe there. On your way, can you help direct other ponies to the castle?"

"Yes. Of course." Fancy then motions for his marefriend and the others to follow. "Good luck to you, OOO." He said to the Rider as they ran past him.

OOO watched them for a moment before turning around and was about to take off but hisses from a stinging feeling from his back and stumbles a bit.

"Damn that stings." OOO then looks up ahead himself after hearing glass break to see Dorodoros and Golem Soldiers wreaking houses and chasing after ponies. "No time to rest. I have to help for as long as I can still stand." He proceeds to switch out the medals and runs the scanner over them. (Komori! Kame! Cheetah!)

With his form having changed and using his Primal Cell to summon his sword, OOO dashes forward, moving at high speed to strike down the grunts as he went by while also shooting through the ones in the houses. Seeing groups of grunts blocking the roads, OOO runs up to them while holding up both of his arms in front of him, bringing both shell halves together that create an energy shield. He uses the shield to ram through them, sending some flying to the side or high up into the sky.

"Run now while you have the chance." He shouted to the ponies he just helped. Which they waste no time following and ran as fast as they could. After they we gone, OOO looks back to more grunts appearing, with some Nanashi coming out of gaps as well. "Spike, you better hurry with whatever it is you're doing. hurry with whatever it is you're doing."

A far distance from Canterlot

Slowly making its way across the land, Skeletal Tyrant was shooting flames out onto the trees and plants around or near it as it continued its marches towards Canterlot. Akumaro and Junior were still riding on top its head with Junior laughing maniacally.

"Enough of this, Junior." Akumaro shouted in an irritated voice. "If not for your damn pleasure, we'd already have destroyed Canterlot and shattered the ponies hopes by killing their princesses."

"Does it really matter? The end result will still be the same." Junior responded in a bored tone before looking face to face with Akumaro. "But if you think you can order me around, then I'd like to see you try."

The stare down between the two lasts for a moment till Grifforzer landed in between them. He holds up his right hand, holding a crimson gem. "That might not be completely true."

The gem glowed and projected two images in front of them. The first image shows Build now fighting a couple other grunts around a library. He thrusts his needle knuckle into a Dorodoro with the needles extending to pierce through a couple others grunts, then quickly turns around to use his saber to hit a couple arrows to the side before changing it to gun mode to shoot the Nanashi with arrows.

While the second image shows OOO slash down a couple of the grunts around a train station and then jumps over a group, using his gun to shoot them all.

Junior laughs uncontrollably. "So they survived. I have to give them credit for pulling a fast one on us. I was sure the draconequus wasn't going to be able to save them."

"They must've had some outside help. Meaning" Akumaro waves his hand over the gem, making it blink for a moment before projecting an image of Canterlot's castle with a faint light coming from it. "Thought so. Seems like our friend Dusk is the cause for their survival."

"Then let's go thank him for making this more interesting for us." Junior said in a maniacal tone before he and his two allies disappeared leaving Skeletal continued to burn everything around itself while making its way to Canterlot.

Tree of Harmony's Cave

Inside the cave, the CMC were sitting against the caves wall while they were using Spike's Primal Cell to look through a list of many different items that Riders and Sentais have used while Discord was finishing up drawing a spell circle around the tree.

"And that should do it." Discord said out loud while admiring his work.The girls got up to walk over to him and see that besides the spell circle around the tree, there was another circle in front of it a few feet away with a smaller one in between the two. "Are you girls ready?" He asked looking down at them.

"Almost. We were just finishing reading about the world Guardie came from." Sweetie Belle responded while using her magic to hold up the phone for Discord to see.

"Yeah. It sounds both scary and awesome from how many giant kaiju appeared and how they had a giant hero who protected them. His name was...um...Ultra something." "Ultraman Tiga." Apple Bloom spoke up interrupting Scootaloo. "Yeah. That was the name."

Discord tapped his chin with a grin forming as he read. "An ancient warrior of light, huh. We could use one of those."

"Say Discord, why did you draw all this by hoof? Why not just use your magic?" Apple Bloom asked with a confused look.

"It's because if I did, the tree's magic would undo it right as the magic transfers. Which meant I'd have to do this the tiring way to make sure the transfer wouldn't be interrupted." He then made the bag of shards appear on his lion paw. "Everything is all set up. All that's needed now is the form for the shards to take."

The CMC look to each other before looking back at Discord with grins. "READY!"

"Good. Then let's get this started." Discord excitedly said dropping the shards onto the small circle and does a quick stretch by his mismatch body parts separating and literally stretch themselves out before slamming back together. "One miracle coming up."

Both spell circles began to light as Discord raised his arms and began to build up chaos magic into his paw and claw, with the Tree of Harmony doing the same by the other five Element sending their power into the Element of Magic. After a moment, Discord unleashed a crimson blast of magic with black lightning circling it and the tree firing a rainbow blast with white lightning circling it.

The moment the blasts were going to collide, the smaller circle creates a dome around itself which drew the two magics to swirls around each other over it until they met at the tip of the dome. The two magics had become a golden light of magic from within the dome that hits the shards.

The girls waited to see if anything would happen as the golden magic split into the shards but weren't showing any signs of change yet.

"Is it working?" Sweetie Belle worryingly asked.

"Discord, are you sure you didn't make a mistake?" Scootaloo questioned Discord.

"Look!" Apple Bloom shouted pointing a hoof at one the shards with the tip regaining its original red color. "It's workin'."

Discord's magic flickered for a moment. "Discord, are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked with the three of them giving him worried looks. "I'm fine. It's just been a while since I've used so much magic at once." He assured them with a grin. "Just sit back and let the master do his part." Discord continues to pour his magic to the shards.

While on the Mountain

"Ah!" Cross-Z is sent flying off the side of the mountain and falling into a lake that was at the bottom. Standing back up, the Beat Closer lands stabbing into the lake's floor in front of him with AbareKiller standing across from him out of the water.

"Pick it up. The isn't over." Killer ordered in an amused voice. "Unless you don't care about what happens to your aunt if you lose this game."

"What do you mean?" "It's simple. Those chains have the same spell that was used to turn the Lord of Chaos to stone." Killer answered while resting his weapon over his shoulder. "What?!" "Don't get your tail in a bunch. All you have to do is defeat me if you really want the chains to disappear."

Cross-Z's fists tighten. "Why are you doing this? What is your reason for wanting to go this far? Aren't you my uncle's ally?" He angrily demanded which makes Killer laugh.

"That's a good one kid. I may be an ally, but I do whatever I want whenever I want. And what I want right now is to have some amusement before I go destroy Skeletal Tyrant."

"You can't!" Cross-Z shouted at Killer. "He's being force to hurt others. It isn't his fault."

Killer switches the Wing Pentact to tact mode. "Does that really matter? The creature is now just a tool to be used for destruction by the kaiju. It's better to just show it mercy and destroy it before any lives are taken. That's the simplest thing to do." He had said with no emotion at all which made Cross-Z even angrier.

(Hippare! Hippare!) He had taken his sword out of the water and pulled the hilt. "What gives you the right to decide that?" (Million Hit!) Cross-Z shouted as he launched the equalizer bar slash. seeing the attack Killer uses the tact to draw a square that acts as a wall that blocks the slash. "Wh- Ugh!"

While Cross-Z was surprised, Killer ran through the water and drew an 'X' on his chest as he ran past him. The 'X' caused a small explosion the moment he stopped a few feet behind Cross-Z, making the Rider fall to one knee.

"Your opinion means nothing to me." Killer spoke to him while both of their backs were facing each other. "If you want your words to have meaning, then show me your strength and defeat me."

"Fine. If that's the only way to save my aunt and Guardie, then I'll do it." Cross-Z brought out Ryuga's lock as he stood up and turned to face towards Killer while charging the lock with the Sapphire Fullbottle. Ryuga comes to life unfolding and roars as he flew arounds while covered in sapphire flames. "Let's go, Ryuga!"

With a roar and flying around at high speed, Ryuga charges along with Cross-Z at Killer as he turned to face them.

Within Canterlot

(RabbitTank! Yeah!) Build battle with the grunts had led him to a shopping area part of the city with rows of different shops.

Wrapping his arms around the necks of two Dorodoros, he uses them to lift himself up to kick and sent a Golem flying into a wall. Build shoves the two Dorodoros in front of him to shield him from Nanashi arrows, then shoots the grunts, making them explode as they fell to the ground.

Panting a bit, he looks around himself as grunts begin to surround him. "Okay. Lets end this." Build told the grunts while tossing his weapon into the air making them all look up at it. Bringing out the dragon bottle while they're distracted, he also enters a code into his phone. (Drill Crusher!) The grunts look back to see the original primary weapon is summoned in gun mode and Build inserting the bottle into it. (Ready, go!)

They all try to attack him at once with their weapons but Build jumps up high in time to avoid them and then throws up the second weapon to bring out two bottles while grabbing the first. (Soujiki! Gashapon! Cross Combo!) The Vortex Saber announced having inserted the bottles and firing down the attack which begins sucking the grunts into it after hitting the ground and trapping them all in a large capsule.

Landing onto his feet, Build catches the Drill Crusher and pulls the trigger while having it aimed at the capsule. (Vortex Break!) A blue fireball is fired out that destroys the grunts in the capsule. Build then falls to one knee panting for a moment. "I hope Spike and Discord are almost done. I'm not sure how much longer me and OOO will be able to keep this up."

"Seems like you're ready to beg for mercy, Build."

Build gets surprised when the Kunoichi appear surrounding him.

He lets out an annoyed sigh. "You girls just have to always go with the cheap tricks, don't you?" Build said looking to Ayame as he stood up. "Because I really hate hate cheap tricks."

"Don't worry. This will be the last time. Considering you'll be dead by the end, Build." Ayame announced while they drew their swords.

Build switches the Drill Crusher to sword mode before getting himself into a ready position. "You can't really be certain of that until the end."

Another Part of Canterlot

Using echo location to quickly find grunts and patients, OOO moved throughout a hospital at high-speed taking down enemies with his sword on his back and helping evacuate patients. Slamming grunt into walls, OOO ran through the halls carrying an earthpony mare with a newborn foal out of the hospital and sets them down at the center of the city.

"Thank you so much for saving us." The mare thanked the Rider with a grateful smile.

"Anytime." OOO said to her before running back. Though as he arrived back, Grifforzer landed in front of him at last second and gets OOO in the chest with an energy blast from his eyes. "Ugh! D-Damn... Now that really hurt." OOO groaned as he stood up. "Grifforzer!? What do you want? I don't have time for your games, right now."

Grifforzer points his sword at OOO. "If you want to help the ponies, you'll have to defeat us first."

"Us? Whoa!" OOO barely manages to duck under a huge blade from his left but then gets hit by a fireball from his right. "Ugh! What was- Uh...You're" Two new kaiju had appeared a couple feet from both his sides.

The kaiju to the right has an oyster-like appearance with a black human face, holding a large shell-shaped shield that resembles an eye. While the kaiju on the left is red and silver, a lion-looking face with a red wind whirls covering the left half, a centipede body with a weasel head as its hair wrapped around its body and holding large sword with a scythe tip and a jagged back edge.

OOO looks to the left kaiju. "You're Ootsumuji." He then looks to the right. "And you're Hitomidama."

"Nice to hear my name is known." Hitomidama joyfully said. "Be thankful you'll be destroyed by the strongest Ayakashi around."

Ootsumuji rests his sword on his shoulders. "Hopefully you won't prove to be a disappointment and entertain us for a while, hero."

OOO pulls out his medals to switch them out as the three kaiju circled around him. (Yunikon! Kame! Condor!) Having changed forms OOO pulls his sword off his back and readies himself. "I have friends counting on me. And I'm not about to let them down by losing to you three clowns."

Canterlot Castle

Twilight, her friends and the princesses were on the balcony as royal guards helped citizens into the castle. Twilight and the girls watched out into the city with worried expressions as explosions kept popping up in two areas.

Dusk and the two captains were standing behind them, waiting to see what Twilight and her friends will decide to do. Dusk smiles when he sees Rainbow's expression change to frustration and stomps her hoof making the other look to her.

"That's it! I don't care if it's risky to go out there. I'm going to help the guys." Rainbow declared with Applejack nodding.

"She's right. How can we leave Connor and Reiji put their lives on the line for us, while we just stand around here doin' nothing." She then looks to her four other friends. "Aren't we the bearers of the Elements?"

Pinkie hops in between everypony. "Yeah! Let's go beat the badies even with the risk of getting really hurt, help save Guardie even though he might squish us, and then throw a party to welcome him to Equestria and to celebrate his rebirth!" She said all in one go before taking a breath and turning to Twilight. "He can stay in Ponyville, right? Please! Please! Please!"

"I-I think we should go too." Everypony get surprised from Fluttershy actually speaking up and saying she agrees with going out as well. "I really want to help Guardie." She pauses as they hear the faint screeching roar of the giant creature. "He's crying. He's sad and hurting from what he's being forced to do."

Rarity nods smiling. "I'm usually not one for these sorts of adventures. But I for one can't let these horrible brutes do something so cruel to such a poor creature."

Twilight smiles to all her friends before looking to her mentor. "We're going to go help our friends. You two should remain here, Princess Celestia. Everypony will feel safer with you, Luna and the royal guards here to protect them."

"Doesn't seem like they'll get a choice in that matter." Dusk spoke up before Celestia could respond making them all look to him.

"What do you mean, Du-" Celestia is interrupted as the castle shook.

"What the hay did that?" "Dusk, show yourself!" Everypony except for Dusk get startled by the loud shout.

Twilight immediately recognizes the voice and looks down from the balcony along with the others to the front of the castle after the screams of citizens could be heard. Standing in front of the castle is Junior and Akumaro with the royal guard standing at the ready to attack them.

"We have a score to settle with you, dear friend." Akumaro shouted up to Dusk while having energy form into a kemari ball. "I'm sure you wouldn't refuse our request."

At that moment Junior fires blasts of energy towards the guards on his side. Three unicorn guards tried to shield them all by creating barriers, but the energy blasts shattered them upon impact that cause an explosion that send them flying back.

While Akumaro just began to bounce the kemari around with his feet. The guards tried to rush him all at once, but they get hit, flying back by the kaiju kicking the kemari at them glowing as it slammed and bounced off them. All the guards were taken down in seconds.

Akumaro looks up to Dusk while walking over to the guards with his hands becoming large and his fingers turning into sharp claws. "What will it be, Dusk? Either you come down." He holds his claw over a guard's neck. "Or their deaths."

"Twilight, listen to me closely." Twilight looked to her uncle who is glaring down at the two kaiju. "Truthfully, most of my power is gone. Meaning my chances of defeating them are slim. So, if anything happens to me, take the V-Commander and find a new wielder for it."

"Then we should-" "No. You and the others need to help your friends." Dusk said cutting Twilight off. "You friends are still hurt and exhausted from their previous battle. They're probably barely holding out at this point. I promise you I'm not planning to die. I'll be doing the same as your friends and hold out until Spike and my ally arrive."

Twilight seemed unsure of what to do and want to think of a way to help her friends and uncle. But the answer answered itself as Celestia and Luna walked and stood next to Dusk.

"Dusk Shine won't be facing this enemy on his own, Twilight." Celestia assured her student. "I don't plan on letting a friend lose their life."

"And we can't just standby and do nothing as they attack our castle and harm our guards." Luna looks to their captains. "Captain Gale and Captain Midnight, you two are to go with Twilight and the other Element bearers to assist the Riders." This made the two captains look at her with shock.

"But your majesties-" Gale spoke with worry but stopped as Celestia walked up to them. "We'll be fine with Dusk, Captain Gale. But we can't afford to lose our two allies. Especially when they were willing to defend our citizens despite their conditions."

Seeing that they can't change their minds, the two straighten themselves before saluting to them and saying, "We will not fail you, your majesties."

"Fly over us as soon as we begin battling them." Dusk instructed Twilight and her friends.

Seeing them nod in understanding, Dusk looks back out the balcony with the V-Commander glowing, changing him into a human form which is Chief Dusk.

Hold his left arm against his chest and shouts, "Timefire!", into the V-Commander before jumping off the balcony. As he fell, he became covered in light and fire, and lands on one knee in front of the castle having transformed into Timefire.

"My first time back home and you two decide to threaten it." Timefire spoke in an angered voice to the two kaiju as he stood up and pulled out his gun shaped like a rex head, known as the DV Defender, from its holster. "I'm telling you this now, you two aren't leaving here in one piece."

"Then let's not waste any more time." Junior declared before firing blasts of energy at him.

Timefire rolls out of the way of the blasts and sees Junior running up to him with his sword. "DV change. Defender sword." He called out to his gun after pushing a red button that makes a blade fold out and extend from it. The Ranger runs up to meet his foe and they begin clashing with Timefire ducking under the next swing to try and get a hit from behind but Junior turns in time to block with his sword.

Akumaro about to join in, quickly jumps back to avoid a yellow and purple magical beams. He looks up to see Celestia and Luna flying down to join the fight.

"So, the princesses want to play too." Akumaro spoke in an insulting tone. He stops the princesses next beams with his claws and builds them up into an orb, that changes into a blue flamed orb. "Fine by me. Let's play!" He shouted launch the orb at them, which they quickly fly to the side to avoid it.

While the princesses continued firing beams at Akumaro, Twilight along with Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack are carried over the battle by their two friends and the captains as they made their way towards the city.

Back Around the Mountain

(Special Tune! Hippare!) The Beat Closer announced with the Ruby bottle slotted in while Cross-Z used it to block energy arrows that Killer drew and launched at him.

"Uh?" Killer was about to dash at the Rider but Ryuga circled around him, shooting chains that wrapped around him. (Smash Slash!) Seeing the chance, Cross-Z launched a burst-like slash made of ruby flames. "You'll have to do better than this." With sheer strength, Killer breaks the chains off him and fires a laser from his weapon to counter the slash. "Let's see if your little friend wants to change teams."

Killer switches his weapon to blade mode and begins waving it around like a conductor's baton with a wave of aura coming of it that moves into Ryuga. The small dragon stops mid in the air over Cross-Z.

"Ryuga? What's wrong?" Ryuga seemed to be struggling with something for a moment but then surprises Cross-Z by circling and chaining him. "Ryuga, what are you doing?!"

"Seems to me he's just joined the winning team." Killer swings and launches an energy slash towards Cross-Z with Ryuga boosting it by breathing blue fire. "Ugh!" The attack hits the Rider and sends him flying back. Though before he fell to the ground, Killer runs up to him, placing the hilt of the Pentact against him. "Up you go."

He fires the Pentact's laser at point plank range, dragging Cross-Z back up the mountain and landing back on the spot from where the fight started with his sword stabbing into the ground next to him.

"Spike!!" Emerald shouted worried seeing her nephew hurt clenching is chest. She tries struggling again to break free, only for them to shock her again.

In a blur, AbareKiller once again stopped in between the two, dropping Ryuga as a lock again next to Cross-Z. "Is that it, kid? All that talk earlier, and this is all your strength amounts to. Pathetic." He lets out a sigh of disappointment before turning to Emerald. "Seems this game has come to its end."

Killer holds out his hand which glows sending out electrical energy to the chains, making them glow and began to slowly turn Emerald into stone. Seeing this, Emerald struggles more trying to use all her strength while also doing her best to withstand the shock but still having no luck even cracking it.

Cross-Z tries to stand but collapses back onto the ground. "You proved to be interesting. But not enough to allow a pass." Killer turn to face the Rider. "To think your friends are expecting you to come with the key to saving everyone. And yet, this is all their last hope is capable of." Hearing this makes Cross-Z tighten his fist. Not from anger but from frustration thinking that AbareKiller is right.

"Spike, don't listen to this-" "No! This is something you have to realize, kid. Out in the real world, there are many battles happening for warriors like us. And in those battles, your limits will be pushed," Hearing this made him remember when his aunt used herself to shield him. "you'll come face to face with stronger enemies" He thinks back to Cobolda, Junior and Akumaro. "and at times you'll have to face these threats on your own." Now he thinks back on how Connor and Reiji were able to face enemies on their own but for his two battles, he needed his friends help.

"But you wouldn't survive with how you are now. You're nothing but a burden for your friends." The green flame on Cross-Z's armor begins to fade. "At least that won't be a problem soon. I'm sure by the end of this battle, they will be dead." The green flame completely disappears as the Rider presses his head against the ground.

Everything around Cross-Z goes silent as he just shuts everything out. Even his aunt who seems to be shouting at him while her body becomes stone. The only thoughts that raced through his head was 'Is this really all I can do?' and 'Can I really not protect anything?'

"I'm so pa-" 'Don't you dare finish that!' He was quietly saying to himself until he was cut off by the same female voice he had heard during his battle with Cobolda. 'This game isn't over yet.' The male voice also spoke to him. 'Do you really going to give up on your friends when they still believe in you./They haven't given up on you. Can't you feel them? It may be faint but the bond you share with them is there./Close your eyes and focus on them.'

Cross-Z does as the voices say closing his eyes inside his helmet and tries focusing on his fellow Riders. 'Come on girls. Is that the best you can do?/Grifforzer, you know I won't go down so easily.' "Connor? Reiji?" Hearing the voices he tries focusing on them.

Canterlot Shopping District

"Kyaaahhhh!" Ponies screamed in terror from building getting hit by rockets. Three were about hit some citizens but are all shot down before they got too close.

Sighing in relief, Build quickly turns back in time to block Ayame's sword with the Drill Crusher and the Vortex Saber in gun mode. "Damn it, Ayame! That didn't mean for you damn furballs to attack the ponies."

"It doesn't matter to us who gets caught up in our battle. In the end they will all share the same fate as you. Death!"

Getting shoved back by her, Build barely manages to duck under the Purple Orchid, Ran's sword but then gets struck in his right arm by Sakura, the Pink Cherry Blossom, making him drop the Drill Crusher. Build jumps up high to avoid the two trying to swing at him again but is surprised by Suiren and Yuri, the Green Water Lotus and Orange Lily, who were on roofs of two building and shoot at him with a machine gun and rocket launcher.

Sparks flew off him as he fell back to the ground. Struggling a bit to stand, Build is met with two slashes to the chest by Ayame before she side kicking him into light pole. The rest of the Kunoichi all meet back up a couple feet from Build while he was trying his best to stand back up.

"It's over, hero." "You might as well make it easy on yourself." "You can either let this be a quick death." The other Kunoichi then brought out and aimed rocket launchers at him. "Or our favorite way, as painful as possible."

Build grunts struggling to stand. "No matter what, I have to keep holding out until Spike gets here." He quietly said to himself as he barely manages to stand.

"Goodbye, hero." Build braces himself as they're about to pull the triggers. "Uh?! Kyah!" Ayame and the other Kunoichi screamed as they're hit by two armored flying ponies ramming into them. One from below knocking them over and the second hitting them from above, making them flip before hitting the floor.

Build was confused by this until the two ponies land in front of him. "C-Captains? What are you doing- Ugh!" Unable to keep his balance, the Rider collapse onto one knee thanks to Midnight quickly moving to his side to help him stay up.

"Easy there, Build. Try not to push yourself. The princesses sent us to assist you. And it seems we came just in time."

"But- Ah!" Build hissed in pain from Gale having socked his hurt arm. "That'll teach your sorry flank to run off on your own." "But-" He gets cut off when she turns and stomps her hooves in front of him. "Look here, this is our home, and we have every right to help defend it. You can either be on board with that or stay out of our way. Come on, Midnight." She ended looking to her fellow captain.

With a nod, Midnight sets Build down before taking off with Gale, flying up high and then diving down towards the Kunoichi.

"Damn equines." Sakura angrily shouted as she and the other Kunoichi stood back up. "Shoot them down!" Yuri, Ayame and Sakura brought out machine guns while Suiren and Ran stuck with rocket launchers.

Build watches as the Kunoichi began firing at Gale and Midnight with the two maneuvering around to avoid the bullets and rockets. "I can't just sit around and do nothing." Managing to force himself to stand while picking up his weapon, Build switches the saber to sword mode and inserts two bottles. (Obake! Magnet! Vortex Match!)

The drill spun being covered in a white energy and makes a phantom waling noise as it's launched as a spiraling slash. The Kunoichi take notice of it too late as it split into five and each hit their weapons, making their guns fly into the air before being crushed by a magnetic force.

"Damn You!!" Ayame shouted with anger charging at the Rider. "Bring it, you damn fucking cat." Build does the same charging at her and start clashing as they reached each other with the other Kunoichi pulling out their katanas to continue attacking the captains.

In Front of Canterlot Hospital

Inside the hospital, ponies were stuck watching the battle between OOO and three kaiju from the windows. They were trapped by the grunts but to their surprise, the Dorodoros had made the other grunts halt their attack on them so they could watch the fight.

OOO fires magic at the ground and makes the ground under Ootsumuji liquified, sinking the Ayakashi halfway into the ground. Hitomidama launches fireballs from behind the Rider, which he quickly turns around to use the condor leg's talon-like attachment to slash through them and then uses his magic to launch chunks of rubble at him.

"Ugh!" OOO at last second manages to turn to his left, creating the energy shell shield to block Grifforzer's energy beams. "I have to admit this is becoming di-" He gets hit from behind by a gust of wind in the shape centipede body which was formed by Ootsumoji spinning his hair around. The Ayakashi uses it to break himself out of the ground before getting another hit on OOO, making sparks fly off his back.

The Rider groaned in pain as he stood up only to be kicked back down by Hitomidama, making him roll across the ground. The moment OOO stopped, Grifforzer brought him back onto his feet to slash him across the chest and then fired energy beams into the Rider's chest as he stumbled back, sending him flying back and landing onto his back.

Hitomidama laughs as he took a few steps towards OOO. "This has been amusing but it's time for the lead role to take the stage. I'm sure I could put you to better use by attacking the ponies." The Ayakashi's face glowed before firing a blast of dark energy towards OOO.

'Shit!' OOO shouted in his mind as it flew quickly towards him. Trying to move despite the pain, Hitomidama thought his attack would hit and earn himself a puppet to use. But all that shattered when Twilight teleports next to OOO and teleports them both away in time.

"What?! Where'd he-" "SPECIAL DELIVERY!!" Pinkie shouted appeared jumping in front of Hitomidama and slamming what looks like a pizza-looking pie into his face. "How dare you- What!? What'd you do to me!?" The Ayakashi angrily shouted in a muffled voice trying to pull the pie pan off while the pinkie pony ducked under the reader's sight.

"It's a gumball pizza pie. Be careful with it though. It's really sticky." Pinkie says jumping back into sight next to her friends in front of the hospital doors with Applejack and Twilight helping support OOO up. "Why'd you-" "Me and Discord have been baking many different pies and cake to add in Sugarcube Corner." She cut off, answering Rainbow's question.

"What are you guys doing here?" "We'll talk later. Rest up for now. Leave Grifforzer to us for now." Twilight instructed him. This makes him smile under his helmet. "Like hell I will." Despite his condition, OOO manages to stand as Hitomidama finally rips the pan off his face. "But you're welcome to help."

The girls smile to that before getting into ready positions and charge a second after with the ponies and the Dorodoros cheering for them.

Back to the Mountain

Cross-Z opens his eyes having heard what his fellow Riders said and even felt how they're pushing themselves to keep buying time. 'You see. Your friends haven't called it quits yet./Now the onkly question is, are you willing to do the same.'

He looks up seeing AbareKiller with his back turned to him, watching the spell as it was now up to Emerald's neck. "Not yet." Cross-Z softly said as he began trying pick himself up, catching Killer's attention.

"Oh. Do you still have some fight left?" The ranger spoke in a mocking tone while turning to face the Rider. "Sadly though, the game is over. You've failed to entertain me enough and your aunt is about to become stone."

"I don't care about your dumb game." Cross-Z was saying as he managed to get himself onto his hands and knees. "I'm doing this to protect everypony I love and protect anypony who asks for help. That includes Guardie. He asked for my help" Shaking a bit, he pauses to look directly at Killer. "and that's what I'm going to do. Because I'm not just a Kamen Rider. I'm a Knight of Harmony!/A Knight of Harmony!" The two shouted with the green fire reappearing on his armor.

The Cave

Discord and the tree had been pouring their magic for a while now with just about all the shards having regained their color except for one that was half ways done.

The CMC had been watching the whole time, waiting to play their part. But they began to get worried from how Discord seemed to be flickering between transparent and being solid.

"Discord, are-" "I'm fine." Discord answered Apple Bloom before she could finish. "Just start focusing on the form the shards should take. Once you do, hold your hooves over the shards after they're completed and focus that image into them." He had instructed them with a reassuring smile.

The girls look to each other before turning back still with worried looks but nod in understanding, knowing he's doing this because of how much he cares for his friends and their home. They all look back in time to see the last of the shards fully regain its color and begins shining floating up close to the ceiling, with the others doing the same.

"Now!" Discord shouted while he and the tree kept their hold on the shards. The CMC follow what he had instructed them to do and ran up to the shards. They each place a hoof over one another as they held them up towards the shards and closed their eyes to focus.

After a few seconds, the girls open their eyes and watched in amazement as the shards shined brighter merging together and then flying out the cave in an orb of light. Discord then collapses onto the floor once him and the tree released their hold.

"DISCORD!!" The CMC shouted worried running to his side. "Are you okay?" Sweetie Belle asked in a worried tone.

"I'm fine. That was nothing." He answered with a weak smirk while shakingly standing back up. " But I did used up a lot of my magic. I need to get back to my realm to rest for a while. Can I trust you girls to wait here next to the tree until Emerald comes back?" The girls are concerned about letting their friend leave on his own in his condition but decide to nod. "Good. Then be safe you three."

Discord vanishes in a flash of light, leaving the girls alone with the Tree of Harmony. "Will he really be okay?" Scootaloo asked looking to her friends. They stared at each other in concern for a moment before looking towards the entrance of the cave. "I hope we were able ta make something that'll help Guardie." Apple Bloom said hoping along with her friends.

Back at the Mountain

"Why'd you-" Cross-Z was about ask being confused by what Killer had said along with him but is cut off as the orb of light had made its way to him and flies into the right side of his belt. "Is this my Primal Cell?"

Reaching for it, the shards had become a flip phone similar to the MagiPhone used by the Magirangers but it had a similar blue color as Cross-Z's armor replacing the gold color with the black color having been replaced with gold. The Magiranger symbol at the center was replaced with a red gem with a card reader on the left side of the phone. He opens the phone to see his symbol above the number dials.

"Seems you've passed, Spike." Cross-Z looked back up to Killer confused by what he said but then sees him snaps his fingers making the spell on Emerald crumble undone a moment as it was about to be completed and the chains shatter.

"Aunt Emerald!" Cross-Z ran over to his aunt side seeing her fall to her knees and helps her stand. "Thank you, Spike. I'm fine now." The two look back to the Ranger. "What do you mean I passed? I thought you said your game was over."

Killer crosses his arms. "It was all a lie. The real goal was to get you to awake your Nexus enough to connect to Skeletal Tyrant. Though regardless of the reason, I apologize for what I've done." He bowed to them for a moment. "Nexus?" "It's a great power that chose you the moment you came into this world as an egg. It can bring many together to form bonds and create miracles for when the time is right."

"How do you know about the Nexus?" Emerald questioned him with glaring eyes. "That would be because you were the one who told me about it." She glare became a confused look for a moment before she went wide eyed with shock. "Wait! You're-" "No time for that now. Cross-Z, you need to unit with Skeletal now. He would've reach Canterlot by now."

"But how could I-" Right then, the phone begins to ring making Cross-Z open it and gets surprised when the upper part opens to have a hidden piece extend out with the number dials 5-6-0-1 light up. "Does it want me to push these?" He pushes them in the order it showed and then pushed the 'ENTER' button. (Jinga Majiro Maji Maaji!)

Before he could question or say anything, Cross-Z became a body of light that shoots up into the sky and flies off towards Canterlot.

"What just- No wait! Tell me, are you-" Emerald turned back to find Killer was gone.

Canterlot Castle

"Ah!" Timefire is sent flying back with sparks flying off his chest. Rolling back to his feet, he changes his weapon back to gun mode and pushes the button. "DV Change! Vulcan Mode!" He then fires multiple red laser shots at Junior who's walking up to him.

The Yokai takes the shots easily, seeming to take no damage as he continues walking towards the Timeranger. Timefire looks confused by this till he falls onto one knee with the color from his suit fading.

Junior chuckles at the sight. "Seems like you still haven't found a way to restore your magic. And yet you still decided to face us." He swings his sword upward upon reach Timefire and lands a diagonal slash across his chest.

"Dusk!" Celesta shouted concerned seeing her friend get beat around. She flew to his aid, but Akumaro intercepted jumping up in front of her. "Leaving so soon, princess?" The Ayakashi spoke in a mocking tone.

Akumaro swings claw at her but gets tackled from behind by Luna. "Hope I wasn't forgotten." He flips landing onto his feet. "Of course not. As a creature that embraces darkness, you are a princess Ayakashi like me could never forget." "Sad to think I'd hear that first from a horrible creature."

Luna fires a beam of magic towards Akumaro. He was about to counter it, but to his surprise the beam hit the ground in front of him. "Seems someone needs practice." "No. I hit my mark." The Ayakashi is confused by this until shadows stretched towards and shot off the ground to wrap around him. "Impressive. I'd like to see more of your magic." Akumaro said breaking out of his binds.

Back with Junior he fires his energy blasts at Timefire after he tried using the vulcan laser again but with still the same result. "I'd say it's time for us to part ways for good, Timefire." Junior said while the Timeranger fell to the floor and began building up energy into his hand.

As the Yokai launches a powerful blast, Celestia lands in front of Timefire and fires a powerful yellow beam of magic. The two attacks begin pushing each other back and forth for a few seconds before canceling each other out.

"Dusk, are you alright?' "I'll be fine." Timefire answered the princess, grunting as he stood up. The two, along with Luna, get startled by the loud shrieking roar. "Sounds like the executioner is here." Junior said as they all turned to see Skeletal Tyrant arrive at the entrance into Canterlot.

The giant creature begins its rampage by firing a black flamed blast at the train stations and completely destroys it and a large chunk of space around it.

"Skeletal, rampage and destroy everything!" Junior yelled out to the giant creature that roars in understanding as it begins following the order shooting blasts at different parts of the city in front of it.

He laughs in enjoyment listening to the ponies inside the castle scream in terror as Skeletal demolishes their city. He then looks to the sky to see dark clouds form over Canterlot.

"Now to add to the fuel by killing you pathetic fools." Junior shouted shooting a blast at Celestia and Timefire, who reacts in time by creating a barrier to defend herself and him. The Timeranger then charges at the Yokai. "DV Change! Defender Sword!"

Junior and Timefire resumed clashing swords with Celestia trying to act as support while Luna created a night sky field around herself and Akumaro to try attacking him from different angles in the shadows with purple magic beams. While their battle continued, no one takes notice an orb of light goes straight into the red center piece of Skeletal's chest.

Inside Skeletal

Cross-Z lands and looks around finding himself in a dark void with nothing around for miles.

"Where am I?" "You're inside me." He jumps startled for a second but then recognizes the voice. "Guardie? Is that you?"

There was no response. After a moment, the view of the city being destroyed appeared in front of him that was coming from Skeletal's point of view.

"I had wished to see this world. But not like this. What I've done is unforgivable." Guardie's voice could be heard in a sad tone all around. "It's not your fault. They're controling and forcing you to do all this." "That may be true. But as one that used to be a guardian of light, I cannot forgive myself for being manipulated by darkness so easily."

"If you really feel that way, then why not help me save my friends and everypony? That could be your way of showing you're actually peaceful." "I wish I could but this control they have on me is too strong to break." "Maybe not alone. But together we might be able to. Just tell me how I can help."

Guardie stayed silent making Cross-Z think he didn't have the will to try. He's proven wrong though when a round object matching the center piece he entered in appears in front of him incased in a dark aura.

"Pour your energy the Color Timer. If we can restore it, I should be able to regain control of myself. Do you think you can manage?" "Won't know until we try." Cross-Z holds his hands out to it and begins pouring his energy into it with Guardie doing the same from energy of light going into it.

Canterlot's Shopping Area

"Watch your six, Gale." "Watch your own flank, Midnight. I've seen them nearly get you a couple times already." She shouted at him while landing next to and bucking Sakura into a wall.

Ran appeared next to her swinging a katana. Gale manages to take a step back in time for the sword to graze past her armor and quickly flies back into the sky. Midnight dived down towards Suiren and Yuri. The two timed the moment to strike and swung the moment he got too close to avoid but Midnight tucked in his wings and flew through the middle of the swords. Having avoided them, the two turned only to get sent flying back from Midnight bucking them.

As for Build, from the damage he's already taken and exhaustion, Ayane was able to move around better than him. The Rider jumps from building to building while firing at Ayane only for her to get past and slash him across his back, making him fall to the floor.

Build groaned standing back up but is met with Ayane slashing at his back again. Turning to face her, Ayane hits Build's weapon to the side when he tries guarding and slashes him across the chest with the second sending him rolling to the ground with sparks flying.

"Build!" The captains shouted seeing the Rider barely manage to get onto a knee. They wanted to go help him but the other Kunoichi kept preventing them from going.

"Ah!" The Kunoichi had put the blade of her sword against his neck. "So, that's your name. Well then, farewell Build." Ayane was about to deliver the finishing blow but gets hit by two blinding lights that were shot towards and exploded in front of her face. "Kyah!" She screamed in pain from the lights having hurt her eyes.

"Wha- Uh!" Build looked to the left to find the two unicorn filles he had saved before in front of a building a couple feet away from them. "Why are you-" "Damn brats. Ninpo, Falling Cherry Blossoms!" Having crossed her hands against her chest, she holds them out with her palms pointing outward that launches an attack made of energy petals and sparkles at the fillies.

The fillies gasp. "Look out!" Build sprints up and uses his rabbit leg to jump ahead of the attack and uses himself to cover the girls as the attack land. "Gyah!" The Rider screamed out from the attack exploding on him and the building, causing chunks of it to fall on top of them.

Canterlot Hospital

The ponies and Dorodoros were still cheering as Hitomidama kept firing fireballs at Fluttershy, Rarity and different objects that Pinkie kept popping out from behind or inside of, such as mailboxes and bushes, saying "Missed me!" each time.

"Damn it! Stand still you annoying pony!" The Ayakashi shouted stomping his foot in frustration. "But that's not how the game works silly." Pinkie said having appeared next to him. Hitomidama quickly tries grabbing her after having gotten startled by her but only manages to grab stick his hand in another one of Pinkie's sticky pies. "How'd you!?"

"Ready!" "What?" Hitomidama turned around to find Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity holding pie with a huge stack behind them. "Where'd you-" "FIRE!!" They start launching pies one after the other at the Ayakashi as he runs back and forth trying to avoid the pies but mostly failing.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was flying circles around Ootsumuji who's swings his sword trying to land a hit on her. "You're fast. Just what you'd expect from a cowardly species." "Who are you calling a coward?" Rainbow had stopped to shout down at him with glaring eyes. "Do you see any other one of you up there?"

Rainbow hardens her glare before racing down towards the Ayakashi. He chuckles seeing his plan worked and readied himself to cut down the pegasus. But before he could, Ootsumuji is hit from behinds by a chunk of rubble. Rainbow pulls back up into the sky as the Ayakashi stumbles.

"Who did-" Ootsumuji angrily turned only to get hit with another piece of rubble. "Hope I'm not cuttin' in on anything important." Applejack yelled out to the Ayakashi from a far distance, then proceeds to buck another chunk at him. "You'll regret that." Ootsumuji said slashing through the rubble.

He charges towards Applejack who responds by continuing to launch chunks at him. Ootsumuji cuts through them as he got closer to the apple farmer but only gets half ways before Rainbow rams into him from behind, knocking the Ayakashi over.

"I didn't need your help, AJ." "If you had kept goin' then you wouldn't be here sayin' that." The two had began arguing but it gets cut short when they quickly duck down from Ootsumuji's wind attack and then jump to opposite ends as he tried slamming it down on them. "I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart."

"Ah!" OOO landed on his back after getting hit by Grifforzer's lasers. The chimera turns around to shoot blasts of flame at Twilight. She does her best to avoid the blasts and use her magic to fire beams at him.

"How much can you and your allies continue this resistance, OOO?" Grifforzer turned back to the Rider while using his left arm to hit the beams to the side. "Why not just surrender while you have the chance?"

OOO slowly stood back up. "You and I both know I'd never do that. One way or another, we're going to send you all packing back to where ever you crawled out of." The Rider then charges at Grifforzer. Grifforzer fires his lasers at him but OOO just takes the hit and runs through it before bringing his sword down on him. The chimera took the hit being unfazed by the slash.

"Was that supposed to hurt?" Grifforzer hits OOO's sword out of his hands and slashes him across his chest as the sword landed stabbing into the ground. He then dropkicks the Rider to the ground.

"OOO!" Twilight rushes to help her friend but the chimera takes notice and fires his lasers at her. She stops to put up a shield to protect herself but is knocked back when the lasers hit and exploded shattering her shield.

Seeing her down, Grifforzer turns back to OOO, who tries standing back up, and begin approaching him slowly. "This is the end, OOO."

Within Skeletal Tyrant

Cross-Z and Guardie were still pouring their energies into the Color Timer with the dark aura still being uneffected by their efforts.

"Ugh." Cross-Z collapses onto his hands and knees panting. "All of that and yet that stuff hasn't even slightly faded." "I don't think there's anything else we can do. Even your friends don't seem they'll last much longer." "No. We can't give up." He said getting back onto his feet. "Everyone has done too much to get us to this point. You know how I feel, right? Even with how hopeless it seemed, you never gave up on wanting to stop your master even until the very end."

Guardie remembers back on how he tried to stop his master. Even when he kept attacking him, Guardie never once tried fighting back against him.

"Unite." "Unite? What do you mean?" "If we unite into one, we might be able to turn this control they have over me into our own power that we can send to restore your friends. Though there's no guarantee that it'll work." "Well, I'm willing to give it a shot. How do we unite?"

Instead of answering, particles of light built up in front of Cross-Z, forming into a red card with Guardie's original image molded onto it. He was confused by this at first until his new phone rang again and showed a new set of numbers to press after opening it, with a slot under it having opened up.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Cross-Z shout in a determined tone and inserts the card into the phone. (Rebirth Set!) He then dials in 9-1-0-7 and presses enter after he holds it up. (Majuna Maaji Maji Majika!) Cross-Z changes into blue light the shoots into the Color Timer along with a red light. The Color Timer lights up brightly dispelling the dark aura and turning it into a golden aura.


Skeletal Tyrant was continuing its destruction now having gotten to the center of the city. It looks towards the castle and begins charging an attack. But before it could finish, the huge creature lets a shreek causing everyone to turn to see it turn to stone.

"What?!" Junior was confused by what just happened along with Akumaro. "What's happened to our pet?" Right then the red center shattered to reveal the Color Time as it unleashes a bright blinding light. "What is this damn cursed light?" Akumaro shouted covering his eyes along with everyone else.

Having their eyes covered, the Kunoichi and captains didn't see the golden aura that comes out of the Color Time and splits into two before one shoots past them to enter the pile of rubble that buried Build. The second shoots to and into OOO causing his body to glow making Grifforzer back away from him.

The light for Skeletal dies down enough for Grifforzer and the Ayakashi to see OOO stand and cross his arms as the glow got brighter. "GYAAAAAAAAAH! HA!" He shouted out swinging his arms apart after the glowing stopped.

"How are you able to stand again?" The chimera questioned pointing his sword at the Rider.

"I'm not really sure myself but I've heard my friend's wish and I plan on granting it now." OOO declared before proceeding to switch out the medals again. (Mukade! Hachi! Ari! Mukachiri Chiri! Mukachiri Chiri!)

OOO whole appearance changed with the helmet now having a purple centipede body going through the middle of his face with now eye visor eyes. His arms has yellow running through it to show the shoulder pads to now have a bee wing shape and honeycomb image running down the arms that now have a bee with a long stinger on the right arm and a honeycomb shaped shield on the left. His legs now had silver with black ant shapes going upward from the tip of his boots to his knees.

Grifforzer takes a step back and readies himself with Twilight and her friends having ran to OOO's side. "Twilight, you and the others head back to the castle." "But-" "I'll be fine now." He pauses to look to her. "But I can't fight seriously if you all stay here."

Twilight is reluctant at first but nods before turning to her friends. "Let's go girls." Her friends were unsure as her but nod as they run off with her, but Rainbow stops to punch his shoulder and says, "Beat them good for us." as she flew off.

OOO looks back to see the Akaykashi to his left and right side, both readied as well. "Now, I shall judge your greed." OOO said while getting into a stance.

While the girls made their way back to the castle, Applejack looked back for a second. "Was it really a good idea ta leave him on his own to face them?" She asked looking to Twilight who's holding up the Coreseeker with her magic searching for something before going wide eyed. "What's the matter, Twilight?"

"What he changed into is a poison form." She answered making them all go wide eyed. "Hopefully it's not spreadable poison."

Back at the fight, OOO kicks Grifforzer's sword to the side and follows with a sidekick to the chimera's chest, send him flying into a wall that's a bit far. He then blocks Ootsumuji's sword with his shield and the two try pushing each other back while Hitomidama got into position a couple feet behind the Rider.

"You're mine now!" The Ayakashi shouted about to launch his black energy attack from his face. OOO uses the centipede on his head by having it grow longer and moved it around like a wipe to hit him multiple times. "Why is everything spinning?" Hitomidama said wobbling around from the poison centipede put on him.

"What'd you do?" "Simple. This!" OOO shoves Ootsumuji back and knees down to stab the stinger into the ground causing poisonous gas burst out around them. While the Ayakashi choked on the poison, the Rider jabs him a couple times with the stinger and follows up with an upper cut with his left fist.

Grifforzer stands back up growling. "You'll regret that, OOO." The chimera shoots energy beams at OOO, who rolls out of the way towards the direction of his sword to quickly grab it and connects the scanner to it.

"I think you need a reminder of what this sword can do." Loading Cell Medals into the sword, OOO scans it over the belt. (Sync! Mukachiri Charge!) A purple centipede body with stinger legs forms around it that extends when OOO swings it at Grifforzer.

The chimera jumps flying up into the air to avoid it. "You'll have to- Gah!" Grifforzer was about to fire energy beams again but gets hit by the swords attack form it having gone up after him, grazing against his chest with the stinger legs getting him multiple times, and then gets slammed into the ground.

Though the attack doesn't stop as OOO swings his sword upward to drag Grifforzer across the ground. "Damn that- Ah!" Ootsumuji is cut off by getting hit and dragged along with the chimera until they get slammed into a building.

Turning around, the Rider runs up to the still poisoned Hitomidama and kicks his side multiple times before side kicking the Ayakashi back. "What? What's happening?" (Scanning Charge!) "Huh?" Hitomidama looks up to see OOO had jumped up and thrusts down towards him with the centipede body circling around the Rider with the tip positioning itself next to the sidekick.

"Waitwaitwaitwait- Gah!" Hitomidama tries stopping it with his shield, but the finisher breaks through it and hits the Ayakashi across the ground. Seeing him down, OOO turns in time to see the other two burst out of the building.

"Next set." He says to himself switching medals again. (Kuwagata! Kamakiri! Batta! Ga-ta Gata-gata-kiriba! Gatakiriba!) OOO had completely turned green having the stag beetle head, mantis arms, and grasshopper legs. The two kaiju charge at the Rider, with him doing the same.

Using his sword and one of the Kamakiriswords, OOO clashed swords with the two for a moment before blocking and getting pushed back a bit by them. "You don't seem so tough now." Ootsumuji mocked as they were about to pin OOO against a wall.

"Yeah. This form might not be that strong. But what it lacks in strength," At last moment he creates four copies of himself to help stop them by pushing him from behind. "What?!" "it makes up for in numbers." Two of his copies helped in shoving the two kaiju back while the other two ran by to slash at them, with another two copies to spawn off them to kick Grifforzer and Ootsumuji back into the three to slash.

Hitomidama groaned standing back up. "You're gonna pay for belittling the star here." Right when the Ayakashi shoots his black energy attack from his face, four newer copies of OOO appeared in between them and fired green lightning from their horns to counter his attack and electrocuted him. Recovering from the shock, Hitomidama sees the OOOs multiply into a ring around him. "How many of those can you make?"

The OOOs inserted Cell Medals into the swords and connected the scanners. (Sync! Gatakiriba Charge!) The sword called out playing the combo's melody as the OOOs readied and stabbed the swords into the ground to create an electrical field around the Ayakashi. They then launch mantis blades that bounce off the field while hitting Hitomidama multiple times before colliding and exploding on him, bringing him to his knees.

Grifforzer and Ootsumuji get hit back before every one of the OOOs ran the scanners over their belts. (Scanning Charge!) The two get hit with multiple kicks by all the OOOs, sending them flying all around until it ends with Ootsumuji landing onto Hitomidama, and the chimera landing on his own.

"How's he this strong?" (Tatoba!) Grifforzer looks up to get hit by both of OOO's tora claws going across his chest and then gets knocked to his back by one of the claws upper cutting him.

"No matter how many of you villains are around, others like me will never let you have this world to toy with. Remember that." OOO said pointing at Grifforzer before he disappears with a growl. He turns to the Ayakashi while pulling his sword off his back and connecting the scanner to it. "Now to end this with a bang." He declared while holding up the extra hawk, tiger and hopper medals.

(Taka! Tora! Batta! Full Set!) The Ayakashi stand up hearing the announcement and see OOO run the sword over the belt. (Tatoba! Dual Scanning Charge!) The sword began play Tatoba's melody with a charging sound until he launches a three colored slash with three rings following that hit and holds the two in place.

"Now I'll show you the true strength of desire." Changing into hopper legs, OOO jumps high up into the air with the slash's rings aligning with him and the same colored rings as appearing in front of the Rider. "Seiya!" OOO shouts thrusting down both his hopper legs into a kick that hits and pushes the slash through the two Ayakashi.

"GYAAAHHH!!" The two kaiju screamed as the Tatoba rings overlap each other into an 'X' shape and the explode. The ponies and Dorodoros shouted cheering in glee with the other grunts disappearing behind them.

"And that's how it's done. Though why do I feel like I'm forgetting something." OOO said to himself as he tried thinking but then hears a noise behind him with two shadows growing bigger behind him. "Oh shit."

Canterlot Shopping Area

During that time, the captains and the Kunoichi were too blinded by the light to see a faint glow come from the rubble.

"Build!" Gale and Midnight raced to the rubble the moment the light died down. They only got halfway before a net came up in front of them. They didn't have time to stop or avoid it causing them to run into and get caught in it. "Hey! Let us go!" She had yelled as they struggled to get out but are halted by Suiren and Ran pressing their swords against the two's necks.

"Quiet and watch as your last hope dies." Suiren declared as her other three teammates brought out the rocket launchers they had put away before and fired them at the pile of rubble.

The captain watched in horror as the rubble pile explodes into pits. "Go retrieve the body. I'm sure our Young Noble Junior would want to see the remains of the human." Sakura and Yuri do as they're told and run over to search for the body. Ayame turns to the captains. "We have no need for you though. Kill them."

The captains resumed struggling as Suiren and Ran readied to end them. "He's gone!!" Sakura shouted making her teammate look to her. "What do you mean?" "There's nothing here but a hole."

(Cross Combo!) Ayame and the others heard under them before a phantom looking wolf heads came phasing out of the ground and biting onto the three Kunoichi. "Gah! How'd he-" Build bursts out of the ground behind them in his SameBike form and slashed them across their chests with his saber making them fly into Sakura and Yuri.

"You're okay?!" "Yeah. Not sure how, but I feel it has something to do with Spike." He answered Gale's question before hand setting down the two fillies. "Leave the rest to me and take these two to a safe distance."

"But it's-" Midnight was about to argue but Gale holds her hoof in front of him. "Then you better end this. I'll hate it if I have to save your damn flank again." "Just get your butts into the sky." "Let's go, Midnight." He just nods, picking up Rose while Gale picked up the other and then the two flew up into the sky with the fillies shouting, "Thank you for saving us!".

Build looks back to the Kunoichi getting back onto their feet. "You'll regret not having escaped while you had the chance." "Maybe before but not now." (Samethrottler!) He summoned his sawblade weapon before getting into a stance. "I'll be the one to find the formula to this equation."

The captains and fillies watch from above as Build and the Kunoichi ran at each other and began clashing.

"Who is that?" Misty asked Gale while on her back. "That's Build. One of the Knights of Harmony." The captain answered as they watched Build blocked Suiren with the Samethrottler and reached behind himself to shield himself from Ran and Sakura with the tire and saber.

He shoves them back to twist around, slashing all three but he sees they replaced themselves with straw dummies. Sensing the other two about to attack him from behind, He ducks, rolling backwards to avoid their katanas and quick strikes them from behind. Though once again they're straw dummies.

Build looked around for a second before relying on his echolocation. "This annoying trick isn't going to work on SameBike. Besides" He unfolds and reves the throttle handle twice. "I hate cheap tricks." (Jawsome Requiem!) Build quickly turns launching an energy sawblade tire towards the roof of a shop three building down. It slices through three rockets mid-air as it made its way towards Ayame, Sakura and Yuri and cuts through their rocket launchers, causing them to explode along with the rockets.

"Build!/Build!" Suiren and Ran shouted charging at the Rider from behind as their teammates fell off the roof and jump at him to strike him down with their swords. (Jawsome Crush!) The two get slashed across their chests from Build having turned and using his weapon to slice through their swords. "Ah!/Ah!"

"Now to round them up." With a glow from his bike shoulder, Machine Builders made of energy appear around the Kunoichi and began attacking them. Build watched as the bikes pushed the Kunoichi close to each other before revving the throttle three time. (Jawsome Frenzy!) Crossing his feet, the Rider begins spinning like a twister with water around it as he moved towards the girls.

The Kunoichi were busy either blocking or avoiding the bikes that they didn't take notice of Build till he started moving all around them, hitting them with multiple slashes. He stops a few feet in front of them with his back facing them.

"How was- Ah!" Build turned to see Ayame jumping at him. Not having much time to think, Build just swings his weapon upward as she brought her sword down on him causing the two to slash each other and fall to the ground stumbling back. "Should've seen that coming."

"Use these!" A voice shout to Build behind him from within a comic bookstore called House of Enchanted Comics with two objects being thrown out a broken window. "Huh? These are" Setting his weapons down, he picks up a purple Fullbottle with a shuriken image molded on it and a yellow one that seems to be "Comic and ninja. But where'd they come from?" The Rider looked into the store in time to only see a trapdoor in the floor close. He wanted to follow but notices the Kunoichi beginning to recover. "Next time."

Build switches bottles. (Ninja! Comic! Best Match! Are you ready?) "Build up." Following the process, the construct closes replacing the armor. (Shinobi no entertainer! NinninComic! Yeah!) Shark had been replaced with a ninja looking armor with a purple scarf attached to the right side of his back and a purple visor shaped like a shuriken. While bike was now a yellow armor with a comic strip on the chest, a comic book shaped shoulder pad, a pen design on the left arm, and a yellow visor shaped like a comic book with a pen drawing it.

"What?!" Yuri along with the others were surprised by Build's new appearance as a new is formed in front of him from the belt and he takes ahold of it. (4Koma Ninpoutou!) It's a katana looking weapon with a four-panel comic strip as the blade, having four different ninjutsu, and a fountain pen tip. "Do you think you can defeat us by copying us?"

"It's not a matter of who's better. But of who's smarter. Which you mangie furballs certainly are not." Build spoke in a mocking tone to them. "Prepare to die, Build!" Ayame yelled enraged along with the other Kunoichi as they charge at him.

Build does the same dashing towards them while holding the sword upside down. As they were about to reach each other, Build's scarf stretches and wraps around the Rider, making him vanish. The Kunoichi stopped in their tracks to look around themselves for any signs of him.

"Build, show your- Cyah" Build appeared of a second and kicks Suiren across the face as he flew by. "Where'd he-Ugh!" Sakura gets tripped and axe kicked in the gut by the Rider who disappears again. Build goes back and forth, appearing and disappearing as he attacks the girls with slashes, punches, and jump kicks.

"Enough!!" Ayame yells out as she swung her sword to her left and gets blocked by the Rider who reappears with the scarf returning to normal. "You have good senses." Build said surprised while trying his best to avoid and dodge the girls. He jumps over Yuri to avoid Ayame's sword and thrusts his legs into a kick on Suiren, who he also uses as a springboard to launch himself to his left to slash down on Ran.

Though after trying to counter Sakura's kicks with his own, he ends up getting kick back a few feet by her and Suiren. As he got up, they surrounded him. "Ninja vanish." He said to himself as they were about to pounce him all at once and presses the sword's trigger 4 times with it making slash sounds. (Kakuremi no Justsu! Doron!) The last part was announced pressing the trigger again with the sword creating a huge smoke screen.

The Kunoichi jump up to light poles trying to search for Build in the smoke. "Where is he?" "There!" Ran shouted after a moment with all of them looking to the left where she is pointing to see movement in the smoke moving towards them. "here he comes!" They all jump to strike him down.

(Bunshin no Jutsu!) They heard at last second, along with the comic word 'BOOM' being seen in 5 different spots ahead of them. They get surprised by five Builds jumping up at them and kicking them in mid-air with a sixth Build coming up behind them holding the Vortex Saber as well and slashes them as he ran by. "Looking for someone?" The sixth mocked standing next to the other hims looking back at the girls on the floor.

"Ninpo! Falling Cherry Blossoms!" All five Kunoichi shouted firing the petal attack at the Rider.

"Let's one up them." Three Builds press the trigger 3 times and the other three press it twice. (Fuuton no Jutsu! Tatsumaki Giri!/Katon no Jutsu! Kaen Giri!) The first three launch a tornado slashes that catch push the Kunoichi's attack back at them. The last three send burning slashes that go along with the attack lighting the energy petals a blaze. "Kyaahhh!" The girls land into the middle of the shopping area after getting hit by the attack.

Build appears up on the roof of a two-story building with the Kunoichi looking up to him as they stood. "You five have caused enough destruction and sadness to this city. By the law of this city and the will of the ponies living here, I'm ending this." He declared throwing the saber past them to stab into the ground a few feet away and then turns ths belt's crank. Comic-looking purple drawn ninjas appear randomly all around on the roofs of buildings and on the ground. "The law of victory have been set."

(Ready? Go!) The Kunoichi watched as Build and the ninjas each hold up one arm with yellow spinning shurikens appearing over them. (Vortex Finish! Yeah!) They all throw the shurikens that the girls try to hit away but mostly get hit multiple times before they realize Build jump down and zoom past them with not only a slash hitting them but the comic word 'ZOOM' being in-between them.

"Let's make this a big one." Build comes to a stop next to the saber and pulls it out of the ground, along with bringing out two bottles. (Dragon! Lock! Vortex Match!) The weapon declared as he stabbed it into the ground to have chains shoot out around the Kunoichi and chains them together.

With blue flames seepiing out from under the saber, Build swings causing a Chinese dragon made of blue flame to course through the ground towards the girls and begins circling them with the flames building up within the circle until it's a fire dome and explodes. "KYAAAAAHHHH!!" The Kunoichi screamed in pain.

Build waits a moment for the smoke to clear before hearing grunts. Within the small crater are what looks like five female cat women wearing ninja outfit that are a bit burnt with their faces covered. "We won't forget this, Build." One that sounds like Ayame said before they disappeared.

"Yeah. I bet." Build said relaxing a bit as the captains land next to him with the fillies.

"Nice job, Build. But you let them get away." Gale pointed out but smied. "Though after all you've done, I can let that pass."

"What happened to you though?" Midnight asked after setting Rose down. "You could hardly move before."

Build looked himself over. "I was wondering the same thing. But I have a feeling this was Spike's doing." He said looking to the stoned Skeletal Tyrant.

"Is it over now?" Rose asked but Misty suddenly pointed her hoof over the buildings. "WHAT'S THAT!?"

They watched as they saw flames in the distance retract with Ootsumuji and Hitomidama replacing them as they grew into giants.

"What in tartarus are those things?" Gale shouted looking up in horror along with Midnight and the fillies.

"Hitomidama and Ootsumuji. They a type of kaiju called Ayakashi that have two lives. When their first life is taken, the second life turns them into giants. And seeing as they were destroyed, that could only mean"

Build pauses seeing Ootsumuji swing his sword acroos the ground, with them hearing a "Whoa- Ugh!" as OOO hit the ground on his back, sliding to a stop next to them. "Ow. Man there has to be better ways on- OW!" He rubs his head from Build having smacked it.

"You just had to make this more difficult." "I'm sorry I forgot." OOO said in his defence as he stood up while Build looked to Skeletal Tyrant. "Our only hope to deal with them, is to get Guardie to defeat them."

Within Skeletal Tyrant

Cross-Z along with Guardie had watched the whole events that transpired and now see the giant kaiju.

"It was great we were able to help my friends, but how are we going to deal with those two if were just stuck like this? Ah!" The two Ayakashi begin destroying parts of city around them. "We need to do something, Guardie!"

"We will. You just need to finish our unity." "It's not finished? Then how do we finish it?" Right then, his phone rings again. But instead of a new set of numbers to dial when he opens it, The upper half of it opens up again to shoot two lights in front of him.

The lights took the form of cards having the same color as the Tree of Harmony with the Elements of Harmony on the back. One was of a red and silver mecha t-rex with the name Bakuryuu Tyrannosaurus at the bottom. The second of another rex but is different having drills and cannons on it with the name Kishiryu Tyramigo.

"Your three small friends made these to go along with your phone." Cross-Z took ahold of the cards which makes the card in the phone glow before shooting out to become like the other two but stays the same on being an insert card. "Now is the time to unite!" "Alright!"

(Guardie! Fusion Standby!) The phone had announced inserting the card back in with a standby charge sound playing. (Bakuryuu Tyrannosaurus!) Cross-Z swiped the first card on the reader with Tyrannosaurus appearing to his left. (Kishiryu Tyramigo!) Tyramigo appears to his right.

"Bring forth the guardian with chivalrious dino-guts." He holds up the phone and pushes enter. (Cross-Z Fuse!) The image of Guardie appears around Cross-Z with the rexs swirling around them until they enter the Color Timer and cause Guardie to glow brightly. (Guardie! Kyoryu King!)


The two Ayakashi were continuing their destruction. "Hm?" Hitomidama stops from seeing Twilight and her friends in the distance heading towards the castle. "The damn pink menance! You're going to learn what happens when you mess with a star!"

While he readied himself to launch fireballs, Ootsumuji takes notice of the Riders. "You got to have your fun, OOO. Now let us return the favor." He said pointing his sword towards them.

"DIE PI- Gah!" Hitomidama stopped yelling as the stone Skeletal began crack and letting out a bright light that makes him and Ootsumuji cover their eyes. "What's happening!?"

Everyone looks to the statue to see it burst into pieces. With the light dying down, a new huge creature is revealed resembling Guardie's original form but is a mecha now. His body was mostly silver, red replacing the gray and gold outling the edges, and eyes that are completely green. On both sides of his back are bigger versions of Tyramigo's Knight Cannons and a drill tail similar to Tyrannosaurus's.

Inside Guardie, Cross-Z was now in void of light were he felt united to the creature from how he could see everything Guardie can. "Wow! This is amazing. My body feels full of magic and power." "Focus my friend. The enemies are ahead." "Right. Then let's go!"

Letting out a rex sounding roar, Guardie charged at the Ayakashi and began battling with the two. Fluttershy smiled from where her and her friends were watching in amazement seeing Guardie ram into Hitomidama's shield making the Ayakashi stumble back and turns in time to catch Ootsumuji's sword and push it to the side to headbutt him.

"He's free!" Fluttershy shouted happily hearing the creature roar.

"How can you tell?" "INCOMING!!" Rainbow shouted the moment Rarity asked her question as a fireball heads towards them. The girls scream not having time to avoid it but a huge tail moved in front of them and shields them from the attack.

They see it's Guardie's tail that protected them. "Thats how." Fluttershy answered smiling at the creature.

"Guardie, can we move this fight away from everypony?" He roars answering Cross-Z as he leened forward to fire the cannons at the Ayakashi. The two held their weapons up to shield themselves. "Hey! Hey! Who do you-" Hitomidama doesn't get to finish from seeing Gruardie's drill tail hit the two the moment they lowered their weapons.

"Aaaahhhhh!" They shouted as they flew off the edge of the city and down the mountain. Guardie roared as he charged towards and jump of the edge to go after them.

"Go get them big guy!" Rainbow shout out to him. "Let's hurry back to the castle." They all nod to Twilight as they continued towards the castle.

Canterlot Castle

"You princesses really know how to make things exiting." Junior said full of joy. He was hitting Celestia's and Luna's beams of magic to the side. "How about I show you what a Yokai can do." Stabbing his sword into the ground, Junior fires red lightning from both his hands at the princesses.

Both princesses create barriers around themselves thinking it's an attack. The lightning wraps around the barriers and begins swinging them around following Junior's hands. Junior laughs as he slams them into the castle wall, ground and trees that were around before finishing by slamming the two into each other. The barriers come undone as both princesses fell to the ground.

"Princesses! Ah- Ugh!" Timefire was about to run to them but was stopped by Akumaro holding his claw out in front of him and then clawing him across the chest. "You should worry about yourself first, Timefire. Let me remind you why."

As the Timeranger got up, Akumaro got behind him and began hitting him with multiple jabs of his claws. "Ah!" He's sent flying with the last hit and landing a few feet in front of the princesses.

"Sad that this is all the strength you have left, Timefire." Akumaro said as he and Junior walked up to the Timeranger and the princesses but stop a couple feet away from them as they watch Timefire force himself to stand.

"I may not be one their guards anymore. Even so, I will still not let you or any creature hurt the princesses." He spoke while using his sword to help him stand.

"Then we'll help show that conviction by ending your life." Junior and Akumaro began building up energy into their hands. "Goodbye fool." Right as they were about to fire at Timefire, a blur came up and hits the two back as it went by. "What?"

The blur stops in front of Timefire to show it's AbareKiller. Before he could say anything Killer back kicks the Timeranger, making him fall on his back in front of the princesses. "Dusk!" Celestia and Luna quick move to his side to help him up.

"Brute, who do you think-" Timefire hold up his hand to Luna. "It's okay, Princess Luna."

Killer looks to him from the corner of his eye inside of the helmet. "I thought I told you not to push yourself." "Sorry. Can I count on you?" He looks back to the two kaiju. "Like you even need to ask."

"Seems you survived that burial, AbareKiller.." Akumaro mocked as the Abaranger took a few steps forward. "Do you really think you can defeat the two of us on your own?"

"I don't think. I know I can." Killer dashed at the two, with them doing the same as they began colliding as blurs moving around the area.

In the Sky

Emerald was in her original size flying below the clouds with the CMC riding on her back as they made their way towards Canterlot.

"Hurry, Emerald! I bet we're missing all the action!" Scootaloo impatiently whined. "I hope you realize, I don't plan to let you three go anywhere near danger. I am responsible for your well being after all."

"I just hope Spike was able to help Guardie." Sweetie Belle said with a worried look.

"I'm sure things will work out. After all, he and the others wouldn't let us down, ri-" Apple Bloom gets interrupted as a loud roar reached them.

They all looked down towards the ground for the source where they get surprised by the sight below Canterlot. Below they seeing a shiney looking Guardie battling against the two kaiju as he hit one holding a sword with his tail and then getting rammed by one with a shield that he just shoves back.

Grabbing Ootsumuji and tossing him into his fellow Ayakashi, Guardie leened forward to fire the cannons at the two making them fall back and lets out another roar.

"Is that-" "GUARDIE!! IT WORKED!!" The CMC shouted with joy, interrupting Emerald who just smiles at them.

"Damn over grown dog! You'll pay for turning on us." "And for making the main star like me look bad." Hitomidama angrily shouted after Ootsumuji.

"How about we show them who the real stars are?" Cross-Z spoke from within that Guardie answered with a roar.

Guardie charged at the same moment as the two and rammed into them. As they all stumbled back, Ootsumuji jumped back in time as Guardie swung his tail and hit Hitomidama to the side. The Ayakashi then started swirling his hair around to create the gust of wind attack. "Try this!"

As he launched the attack, the cannons on Guardie's back repositioned themselves over the shoulders and blue energy began charging in them. "Runboldt Turrent!" Cross-Z called out as the cannons rapid fired blue energy arrows that rip through the wind and hit Ootsumuji, knocking him to the ground.

"I'll bring you back under our control." Guardie turned to Hitomidama seeing him about to fire the black energy from his face. "Kyoryu Burst!" Right as the Ayakashi fired his attack, Guardie breathes out a huge blast of fire with orange electricity around it. It goes through the attack and hits Hitomidama on the face. "GAAAHHH!!" He screamed rubbing his burnt face.

"Now, Deracium Drill!" Guardie charged up to the Ayakashi with red energy spiraling around the tail as it spun. "That's nothing to my-" Hitomidama said holding up his shield which gets broken through easily allowing the drill to hit him. "Owowowowow!" Guardie then swings Hitomidama around and tossed him into Ootsumuji.

Slaming his tail onto the ground, Guardie lets out a powerful roar. "Let's end this, Guardie." The huge creature slams his hands together and as he spreaded them wide apart a line was created that begins gathering energy.

"Shit." The two Ayakashi said knowing what usually comes next. "Zeperion Pulsar!!" Guardie fires a beam of light from his Color Timer that hits the line and comes out the other side more bigger and powerful. "GAAAAAHHHHH!!" The two Ayakashi screamed as the beam hit and then exploded. The huge creature lets out a victorious roar. "Yeah!"

Emerald smiles down at them, glad he was able to stay safe and laughs looking at her back with the CMC repeatedly shouting "THEY DID IT!!".

Canterlot Castle

Twilight and her friends finally made it to the castle, seeing it ahead as they ran up to it. Twilight gasps seeing Timefire hurt by how the princesses are helping hold him up.

"Uncle Dusk!" Twilight shouted out speeding up her pace.

But they are force to stop when three blurs slammed into the ground ahead of them. AbareKiller jumped out of the dust cloud while still face towards it. Akumaro and Junior emerged as the cloud cleared. Twilight and her friends stood still and watched as the three circled each other.

"Who the hay is that?" Rainbow asked quietly watching in anticipatient for what would happen. "I think that's my uncle's ally. AbareKiller."

Killer makes his move the second the two charge at him. Reaching each other, Killer knees Junior in the chest, causing him to stumble back, then ducks under Akumaro's claw to which he follows with an elbow to the back of his head and spins counter clockwise to deliver a wheel kick across the Ayakashi's face.

"Damn bastard." Junior runs up to Killer throwing punches that the Abaranger blocks. Frustrated, the Yokai throws a kick that Killer catches and surprises Junior by yellow energy blades having formed on his wrists and ankles.

Junior too slow to react as Killer let go of the leg to thrust forward in a circular motion to slash Junior's waist three times and then high kicks his jaw whne he turned around.

"You're fast. But can you keep up with this?" Akumaro runs up and begins throwing his rapid speeding claw jabs at Killer, But not only does he keep up blocking but also lands punches on the Ayakashi making him take steps back until they're close to some trees. "Rah! How are you this- Gah!" The Abaranger had landed a punch to Akumaro's face.

"Your mine now!" Killer looks back to see Junior about to fire blasts at them. Right as he fired, Killer jumps flipping over Akumaro and uses the tree behind him to help thrust himself into the air. "Ah!" Akumaro gets hit by the blasts.

Junior makes a frustrated growl before looking up, only to see Killer bring down an axe kick on his head. The Abaranger then side kicks the Yokai's chest the moment he landed. sending Junior falling flat on his back across the field.

Killer unholsters his weapon while looking and forth between the two. "You two are going to pay for having buried me before. So, hurry up and come at me." He spoke setting his sights on Akumaro while holding the Pentact in tact mode over his shoulder.

"Is that so? Then let's put your skills to the test." Akumaro creates another kemari and kicks it at the Abaranger. Even with it's fast movement, Akumaru is surprised Killer is able to react to its direction change and kick it back. The two kicked the ball back and forth at each other for a moment until Killer draws energy arrows as the Ayakashi hit the ball back and launch them past the ball and to Akumaro as they exploded around him.

"Ugh! Why you- Uh?!" Abakiller was gone from sight. Akumaro looked around for him but notices a shadow. He looks up in time to see Killer do a midair flip kick on the ball, propeling it at great speed toward the Ayakashi. Akumaro uses his claws to catch the ball and is pushed back as he changed it back into a ball of energy. "That was clever. But not good enou-"

He stops finding Killer in front of him pointing the Pentect at the ball. Without another word, AbareKiller fires a laser through the ball and hitting Akumaro, sending him flying back and slamming onto the floor from the ball exploding on him.

"Next is" Killer pauses to duck under Juniors sword and changes the Pentact to blade mode as he used it to stop Junior's next swing. "you." The two then shove and kick each other back. The Yokai ran back up to Killer to clash blades with him but takes notice of the Abaranger mostly just defending against the attacks instead of fighting back.

"What's the matter, AbareKiller? Are you more confindent on fighting barehanded than with your weapon?" Junior questioned him in an insulting tone. "In that case fool, this battle will be my-" Killer steps to the side, avoiding Junior bringing the sword down on him and lands a slash on the Yokai's waist making sparks fly. "Ugh! You bastard!"

"You talk too much." AbareKiller lectured as he jumped over Junior swinging his next strike and turns to land another hit across Junior's back. Turning to face the Abaranger, Junior gets his sword knocked of his hands by a wheel kick and then gets slashed on his leg as he tried swinging a punch at killer, only for the him to duck under it.

AbareKiller gets multiple slashes on Junior before he upper cuts the Yokai in his gut, sending him into the air and falling onto Akumaro.

The princesses were amazed by AbareKiller from how they were having trouble with the kaiju because of not know about what they could do and yet he was handle the two at the same time with ease.

"Time to put an end to this. Ah." AbareKiller suddenly dropped his weapon and fell to his knees while clenching his chest. "Raaaahhhhhh!" "Killer!" Timefire called out to his ally who seems to be in pain as energy sparks around him. "Shit. He's almost at his limit."

"Limit? What are you talking about, Dusk?" " I'm sorry my princess but I'm not allowed to answer that." Timefire answered Celestia's question while seeing Akumaro and Junior begin to get back up. "I need to help him." The Timeranger painfully grunt while trying to stand. "You can't. You're too hurt." Celestia said while she and Luna kept him from moving.

Junior chuckles seeing the Abaranger in pain. "Seems like you're hurt in someway. What a fool." "Yes. Allow us to put an end to it." The two rush towords Killer with sword and claws at the ready. Twilight and her friend were about to help but (Kuwagata Lightning!) "What?!"

The two are hit with a green lightning slash. "Gaahhh!" (Kaen Giri!) Akumaro and Junior heard after having been electricuted and find Build appear in front of them, landing a burning slash that sent them falling on to their backs. "I'm guessing you forgot about us."

OOO lands next to Killer with his sword in his left hand and holds out his right. "Need a hand?"

"RAH!!" AbareKiller thrusted his arms apart, making the sparks disperse off him and stands back up on his own after picking up his weapon. "Thanks but I can handle the rest." OOO just nods taking a step back with Build jumping out of the way of the fight as the two kaiju stood up.

"I've had enough of you damn fools!" "I fully agree." Junior and Akumaro spoke with anger as they built energy into their hands.

Unphased by the scene, Killer holds out the Pentact in his right hand, began moving it in a circular motion stopping at his left shoulder with energy building up into the blade. At the same time, he got into a kneeling position while sliding his left leg in a cresent shape to the back making him look like he's about to thrust forward.

Everyone remained silent as the finishing blows were about decide the victor. After a few seconds the two unleashed two power blasts of energy towards Killer who stood still even as the blasts hit their mark and caused a huge explosion. "Fool." Junior said with a small laugh while Twilight and the others were shocked by what they just saw. "Hm? Wait." Akumaro said as the smoke cleared.

With the smoke having cleared their doesn't to be any signs of the Abaranger. "Delta End." Everyone head looking along with the two kaiju who looked behind themselves to find AbareKiller on one knee, holding his blade outward to the side.

The two then looked at themselves finding a slash across their chest with the damage having effect on them at that second with sparks and small explosions coming off their bodys. "GAH!! DAMN YOU, ABAREKILLER!!" Junior wanted to continue fighting but Akumaro stopped him. "It's best if we take our leave now. We've accomplished our mission. So, better to put this match on hold." Junior makes a frustrated growl before scoffing and disappearing with his ally.

Every guard and ponies watching cheered knowing the villains had been defeated and chased off. AbareKiller though was panting and feel to one knee.

"Hey are you okay?" OOO asked as he approuched the Abaranger with Build and the girls doing the same. But as soon as they got close, Killer fired his weapons laser in front of them, forcing the group to back away.

Killer stood up and looked to Timefire. "My job here is done, Dusk. Try not pushing yourself from here on out." With that said, the Abaranger took his leave running past everyone as a blur and was gone out of the city within seconds.

"What was his deal?" Rainbow questioned sounding a bit pissed off. "Don't mind him. That's just how he's always been." Timefire answered as the princesses help him walk over to the group. "His additude is questionable. But he's reliable to count on when in a fight."

"Are you okay, uncle Dusk?" Timefire nods to his niece. "Yes Twilight. But I just can't-" Right then, Dusk's transformation comes undone, giving the Riders a second to see how the human form looked before changing back into a pony. OOO wanted to point out how he's Chief Dusk but gets elbowed by Build to keep him quiet. "Guess I really will have to look for someone to take my place as Timefire." Dusk said looking at the V-Commander.

The group were about to question him on that but stopped when they heard a dog bark followed by four voices shouting "We're here!". They turn to look down the road and see Emerald walking towards them with a german shepard walking next to her carrying Spike and the CMC.

"Apple Bloom!/Sweetie Belle/Scootaloo!" The three rushed to their sisters and began hugging the life out of them. Happy to see their little sister again safe and sound. "You three are in so much trouble later." Applejack informed them while they squeezed the life out of them, with the CMC groaning at that.

Spike hops of the dog and runs over to give his sister a hug which she gladly returns. "I'm so glad you're okay, Spike. Though, where'd you find this dog?" She asked looking confused at the dog.

The little dragon holds his claw out to the dog. "Everypony, this is Guardie. Guardie, these are my friends and family." He introduced him to the group. The girls all circle the canine. "Nice to meet you, Guardie./Hi Guardie. My name is Fluttershy/Guardie, do you have a favorite kind of cake?/And thank you for saving us earlier. That was really sweet of you./This fella was that huge critter?/You were really awesome out there!"

Build and OOO were just enjoying watching the scene along with Dusk and the princesses. This lasted until the Riders marks began to appear on the back of their hands which caught everypony's attention along with the Riders and then get surprised when a portal opens up next to them.

"Seems like our job here is done." "Either that or the others need our help back at home.e others need our help back at home." Build turns looking to the girls. "Sorry we can't stick around to celebrate. But we need to go."

"So, you're just going to up and leave without saying goodbye?" Gale yelled out as she and Midnight landed next to the princesses. "And I was just starting to get used to you." Build doesn't say anything as he walked up to her and handed her a few bits. "Hm? These bits seem strange. Did you forge these?" She questioned giving him as suspecting stare. "Because I could have you arrest for this."

"Technicly yes. But i just wanted to return your helmet." "If that's the case, why would you- YOU!!" Midnight quickly holds Gale back as she tried lunging at the Rider with anger in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I had to test the Samethrottler and your helmet was the perfect target to use." Build apologized backing up back to OOO.

OOO looks to Emerald. "Are you ready to go, Emerald?" She remained quiet looking down at Spike. "Emerald? What's wrong?"

She sighs looking to OOO. "Actually, I was-" "You should go back?" Spike spoke up interrupting her, drawing everyone's attention onto him. "But, I'm supposed to-" "It's okay. I...I actually want to find my brother and sister in my own way."

"BROTHER AND SISTER!!?" The main 6 shouted shocked by the news.

Spike just nodded to them before looking back to his aunt to continue. "I...I can't really explain it. But I feel like they want me to search for them the hard way using the gem and I think they'd be right. I don't think I'd be able to face them if I didn't show I was just as eager to find them. I'm sorry if you don't agree but that's just how I feel. Is that okay with you?"

Emerald just stared at Spike for a few moments, making him think she's against the idea, but she ends up giving him a warm smile. Kneeling down, she reached out and cupped his cheek.

"You really are your father's son. If that is what you choose, then I'll fully support you. Just let me know if you ever need help." She said handing him the enchanted gem. She looks to Twilight and the whole group. "But I feel you won't need it considering the reliable number of friends you have."

Spike runs up and jumps to give his aunt a hug which she's more than happy to return. Twilight smiled watching along with her friends until Emerald's tail pulled her into the hug which she happily hugs back.

"You two stay safe and watch out for each other. Can you do that for me?" "We promise." The two answered before breaking the hug. "You stay safe too, aunt Emerald. And we hope you come visit us again soon. You're welcomed to stay over at the library any time you want." Twilight said happily.

"I'll stop by when I can." Emerald stands up and walks over to the Riders. OOO and her seemed ready to go but they noticed Build looking up at the clouds. "Build, is something the matter?"

Build walk over to Twilight. "Seems I was right." Twilight was confused by this for a second as he held his Primal Cell over the Coreseeker, but then remembers about what he said earlier. "Do you mean about your theory?" He nods with the two items making confirmation noises. "It didn't matter that they lost. They were able to achieve their goal at the end."

"What do you mean? What was their goal?" Luna questioned as the Rider walked back over to the portal. "They wanted to create a negative reaction to the area by putting fear, doubt and any other emotions considered opposite to harmony." Twilight and the other were beginning to get worried by how Build is making it sound. "For what purpose would they need to do all this for?" Celestia asked.

The Rider shakes his head. "I'm not sure. That'll have to be something you all will have to look into." He then looks to Twilight. "You should look into finding a spell to change you into humans so you all can get used to walking with two legs. That way you all can help if another spell circle appears. Or if anything, a way to counter the spell. You'll have to decide on that, Twilight." Build watched Twilight nod saying "You can count on me." before walking back to the portal. "Until next time then, everypony." Build said while walking into the portal.

"Goodbye everyone." "Good luck, guys. Do your best on defending your home. And if you ever need it, you can call on the Riders for help anytime." Emerald and OOO said as they went into the portal with the others shouting their goodbyes to them and for them to come again.

After the portal closes, Dusk turns to Celestia. "Princess Celestia, I have a favor I need to ask of you later."

She gives him a curious look. "And what might that favor be?"

"It's nothing right now." He answers before looking to Twilight and Spike. "For now, I think I should let the rest of my family know I'm alright and catch up with them a bit." "That sounds like a wonderful idea." Celestia agreed with a smile. "Besides, I don't think he's ready just yet." Dusk added looking to Spike.

Back at the Cave

AbareKiller stumbles walking into the cave but then collapses in front of the Tree of Hamony. His body glowed and in a flash of light his transformation had come undone and is revealed to be Zero the Fenrir. He tries standing but falls back to the floor and passes out.

To Be Continued