• Published 8th Aug 2022
  • 1,139 Views, 7 Comments

Knights of Harmony - NexusZero66

With kaiju beginning to appear in Equestria as well, the land will need heroes of its own more than ever before.

  • ...

Chapter 3- Awaken! Tiga-oh!!

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long. A couple things happened that delayed in writing the chapter. Hope you enjoy it

Deep in the Everfree Forest

Dawn breaks shining light into the land. Tirek is walking through the woods of the Everfree. The shriveled old centaur walks by many trees for a while up until he comes to an opening where many of the trees had been cut down with the center having been dug up. In the dug-up ditch, a group of 30 people were there continuing to mindlessly dig the hole deeper and wider.

His eyes scanned around the area in search for something. Someone appears behind Tirek as the centaur lets out a frustrated growl.

"Already losing your patience, are we?" Tirek turns to face a green kaiju with a green cape that seems to be a foot taller than the Riders.

Aside from a black sphere on its chest and a single horn, the kaiju's face seemed to resemble a nose with its eye in where the nostrils would be and what looks like huge ears on its back with earrings on them.

"Ura. If I recall, you said this wouldn't take long." "Yes. I said it wouldn't take long. But I never said when it'd get done by. Even you must know how long things like this take." Ura defended himself walking back and forth behind the centaur. "You should just be grateful you were able to find the map thanks to our help."

"Yes, that may be true but by the time we find the temple, the Princesses will have found out that I have escaped."

Ura tsks waving a finger. "Better not let Branken hear that. You know how he hates weakness. And I'd rather not deal with his temper today. Hm?" An orb appeared in between them. "Seems we have an intruder."

The two look into the orb to see the Everfree Forest with a white blur moving through it. The blur stops for a moment revealing AbareKiller looking around before running in a different direction.

"AbareKiller? Never thought he'd leave his homeland to come after us." "Will he be trouble?" Tirek questioned the kaiju. "Possibly. Which is why we'll have to cause a distraction. And I know the perfect one for the job."


The town was full of life as ponies got to work getting their morning started and preparations done before other ponies filled the streets. Sugarcube Corner filled with the scent of baked goods, construction ponies were working on getting a building done, along with other ponies doing their own specific thing.

Everypony was active by this time. We'll all except for one pony, or dragon in this case.

Within the home of Twilight Sparkle, Spike was sleeping peacefully in his basket while tucked comfortably in his blanket. He seemed to be having a good dream from how he's mumbling, "I'll protect you, Rarity." with a smile.

Though a shadowy figure walked into the room and creeps up to the little dragon, lowering its head slowly with its mouth open full of sharp teeth.

The next thing everypony close by knew, a loud, ground shaking bark come from the library without warning. Causing the ponies to get startled and look to straight at the place wondering what creature could've made such a loud bark.

"Ow." Spike groaned with his eyes spinning in a daze. He was brought out of it by Guardie, the german shepherd, licking his face. "Guardie, did you really have to wake me up? It was just getting to the good part."

"Yes, he did." Twilight answered walking into the room. "Otherwise, it's difficult to wake you up. And I'm not going to let you be late for your first day of school." She looks to their canine with a smile and scratches the back of his ear. "Thank you for the help, Guardie."

Spike grumpily glared at the happy dog saying "Traitor." under his breath as he watches him love the scratches as he leans into them. "Do I really need to go to school? I'm pretty sure I'm over the grade level you put me in. Plus, I'm a Knight of Harmony."

"And what exactly is a Knight of Harmony supposed to do?" Twilight questioned him making the small dragon scratch his head in thought. "Well...I um..." "Exactly. Until we can decide or figure out what we or you need to do, you should focus on learning more and maybe train with uncle Dusk a little. You did have trouble against the last few kaiju you've faced."

Spike looks down to the ground knowing what she means. He remembers back to his with Cobolda who he barely managed to defeat. Then despite the second being a cheap shot, there was Junior who knocked him out of his Rider form with one blast.

He even thought about his fellow Riders. Not having stronger or useful forms like them, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to face more than one enemy like how they did.

"I guess so. Maybe I could get the CMC to help me come up with new moves or something." He said while walking to the door. But he stops for a moment to look back at Twilight with a teasing smirk. "Though I'm sure it's also so you can practice what you can say to Drago while trying to find him, like you did the last couple days." With a small blush she glares at her little assistant. "I-I'll go get started on breakfast."

Twilight watched as he ran out the room with Guardie following behind him. Staring towards the door, her face saddens.


Twilight is walking down the hall of Ponyville's hospital. She had gone there after having been at the Summer Set Celebration's party for a while and decided to head back to the hospital to check on Emerald.

Reaching the room, Twilight uses her magic to slowly open the door to peek inside, but the door gets fully opened from the other side.

"Sorry. I was just- What- Emerald?" She had thought it was the doctor or a nurse checking in on them. But instead finds Emerald. "What are you doing? You should still be in bed resting."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't planning to leave. I just wanted to stretch outside for a bit before going back to sleep." She demonstrates by not being able to fully open her wings inside the room. "If you don't mind, would you like to join me outside? I would like to hear a bit about your family and Spike."

Twilight leaned to the side to check on Spike and CMC. She sees them still bunched up sound asleep on the couch that Emerald had moved next her bedside. Emerald had covered them with the bed's blanket to replace her wing for the mean time. "Of course."

Twilight backs up to allow Emerald to pass by her and begins following the dragon out the hospital. Once outside, Emerald walked to an open grass field before returning to her original size. She spread her wings out wide and cracks her neck a bit.

"So, what would you like to know?" Twilight asked while sitting on the grass next to her while she stretched. "Not really sure what I could say. We're just a normal family like anypony else."

"I'm sorry, Twilight. That was a lie." Emerald apologized with a sorry face. "I'd actually wanted to talk about something else. I would like to know about your family. But that can wait for another time."

Twilight felt a bit nervous at this. "What'd you really want to talk about then?" She asked as Emerald sat down beside her. "Is there something bothering you?"

"What are Spike's other connections to this land?" Twilight looked at the dragon confused. "What do you mean by connections?" "What other friends does he have other than with your friends here in Ponyville and your family? Does he have a rival? What teacher is the most important to him? These are the connections I'm talking about."

"Oh...Well," She paused trying to think back for the answers. "Aside from our family and friends here, he does know a pony back in Canterlot named Pony Joe and then there's the princesses. He doesn't have a rivalry with anypony as far as I can recall. And...he doesn't have any teachers because...he's never gone to school before."

The more she thought about the last one, the more Twilight felt bad and guilty. She had been so focused on her own lessons with Princess Celestia and relying on him as her number one assistant that it never came to mind on how Spike never tried making friends of his own and never thought of seeing to it that he got educated properly.

She wasn't sure on how to face Emerald anymore after having admitted to not being a good sister or guardian to Spike. Twilight just kept her sight set to the ground with saddened eyes. But then she felt something warm wrap around her. She looks up, she sees its Emerald's wing draped around her shoulder. She looks back to the dragon, seeing her with a warm understanding smile to her.

"It's alright, Twilight. It wasn't just your responsibility. Everyone involved in Spike's life is responsible for how things turned out. Especially for both me and Celestia. Me for having only watched Spike from the sidelines. And Celestia for having used the egg as part of her test for you."

"Then why ask about his relationships with others? Why are important for you to know about them?" Emerald just looks away from her seeming to be unsure of something. "Please, Emerald. I need to know what this is about if it involves my little brother. I promise to never tell anypony else about this. Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye."

With a giggle from seeing how Twilight made the promise, Emerald shrinks back down again to face her. "Within Spike is a magical power that you could say relates to the magic of friendship. But it's one that keeps growing the stronger the bonds he forms. It was one of many gifts granted to save certain species from going extinct."

"Extinct? What could make dragons come close to becoming extinct?"

"Dragons weren't always so powerful. Just like how ponies didn't have alicorns."

Twilight immediately surprised hearing the last part. "Wait! Is becoming an alicorn one of those gifts you just mentioned?"

Emerald nods before she begins to draw the shapes of a dragon and of an alicorn. "No creature remembers what was causing the extinction of creatures back millions of years ago. But as part of species that lives for long periods of time, we were able to remember about there being treasures and what they represent but not what they were. Alicorns is the only one we're sure of. Just like the dragon's gift, alicorns isn't a state that's easy for a pony to become."

"Then this gift that's in Spike will change him?"

"It is a possibility. The only one who will know before it's shown will be Spike himself. Unlike the alicorn gift, this gift will begin to awaken little by little as Spike grows with his bonds. Once its awoken enough, a test will be presented to Spike that'll test both him and the ones he shares a bond with. If they succeed, the gift will take the collections of all his bonds and will form itself along with them into something that'll suit him best. Whether it'd be changing him or becoming a tool for him to use. That is why it's important for Spike to become close to others and forge new bonds."

Twilight was a bit afraid to ask. "If it's a test, then what'll happen if he fails the test?" The dragon stayed silent for a moment. "Rebirth." "What?! It'll kill him!?"

"No. But it would be a bit the same as that. If he fails, the gift will move itself to someone new, taking everything along with it. Spike will be left empty. He'll just wake up not knowing who we are or who he was. He'll just act the same as an infant until he learns as he continues growing."

Twilight gasped jumping to her hooves. "H-How is that a gift? Why would such...such a curse be made?" "Twilight." The unicorn paces back in forth in panic. "We have to get rid of it." "Twilight." "Maybe Celestia will know of something that could help." "Twilight." Emerald voice raised a bit. "Oh, I know. Maybe like with me, Reiji or Connor could take it out by using one of his-"

"Twilight!!" Returning to her original size, Emerald lifted and slammed a claw onto the ground making it shake a bit to stop Twilight's pacing and turn back to her. "I can understand that you're worried but believe me, unlike an alicorn, this gift cannot be removed unless it wishes to."

"I...I just don't want to lose him. He's my little brother." Emerald lifts Twilight's chin with her tail. "You won't." "How do you know? How can you be so sure?"

She smiles to the unicorn. "What better way is there in making and strengthening bonds than getting help from those who gain magic through friendship. I know you all will help him through this and lead him to creating something incredible." She shrinks down once again before turning back towards the hospital. "We should head back now. I'm sure Spike will get worried and mad at me for making him think I left if he wakes up."

Taking only a few steps, Emerald stops to look back to Twilight. "Can you promise me that you won't tell Spike about any of this just yet? There are a few others I want around along with your family before we tell him about any of this. Can you do that for me?"

Thinking for a moment, she smiles to Emerald. "I did already promise to not tell anypony about any of this. And nopony can break a pinkie promise." The dragon smiles back to her saying "Thank you." and then looks back forward to walk back into the hospital with Twilight following behind.

End of Flashback

"A gift. If I could pass my test, I know for sure you'll pass yours, Spike." Twilight quietly said to herself with a smile before walking out the room.

Ponyville's Schoolhouse

20 minutes later all the fillies and colts of the class were taking their seats at their desks as the bell rung. Miss. Cheerilee comes walking into the room and stands in front of her class.

"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee." The whole class greeted her out loud.

"Good morning, everypony. Now before we start class, there are two things that need to be done first. First we'll be introducing three new students to the class but also somepony who has been living here for a while now." She looks to the door. "Spike, please come in now.

Opening the door, Spike walks into the classroom feeling a bit nervous with all eyes being focused in on him. Though his mood does brighten when he sees his friends the CMC who wave at him. He had told them about him being put into school which excited them. He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves as he stopped next to Miss Cheerilee. Following behind him are the two fillies from Canterlot, Misty and Rose.

"I'm sure you all know our local...young dragon, Spike." Cheerilee hesitated for a moment not knowing how to say Spike age as a dragon since she didn't see him as a baby dragon from how he wasn't a baby in her eyes. "And this here is Misty Strum and Rosey Melody. They've transferred here from Canterlot. They'll be joining our class starting today. As for the second thing, due to our new addition, we'll be changing the seating arrangement" The class becomes a bit excited as they stood up to move to the front of the class to wait. "Now hold on while I decide the new seating arrangement."

"Spike!" His three friends run up to him while some of the other went to talk to Misty and Rose. "It's so cool to have you here." Sweetie Belle excitedly said.

Scratching the back of his head, Spike chuckles. "I don't really get what's so cool of having me here." Scootaloo playfully punches his shoulder. "Are you kidding? You're a Knight of Harmony that's help save the day three times already. Plus having you around will mean more opportunities to go on adventures of our own and maybe get our cutie marks along the way."

"But it's mostly just great havin' another friend around." "Should he consider that a good thing or a bad thing?" They all look to their left to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stop next to them which makes the CMC let out an annoyed sigh. "What do yah want, Diamond Tiara? We're tryin' ta welcome Spike to school."

"Of course, you would. It makes sense for losers to stick together." She laughs with her friend Silver Spoon doing the same.

Upset, Scootaloo moves in front of Spike to look Diamond Tiara face to face. "There's nothing about Spike or us that's a loser. Especially Spike. He's helped save the town and other places lately. He's even one of the Knights of Harmony."

"Wait. Is he the one that everypony aren't sure actually exists?" Silver Spoon questioned after tapping her chin in thought for a second.

The four looked at her confused. "What do you mean everypony isn't sure I exist?" "Yeah! Rainbow Dash and the others all say he did. We've also seen Spike during all those fights." Scootaloo stated to defend her friend.

Diamond smirks. "Exactly. Only you have seen him. As far as anypony knows, only ponies have the magic to become one of the knights." "Why would they think that?" Sweetie asked. "Because only ponies have been seen turning into those knights. Or at least for the red knight and the two mixed colored ones. If you're really a knight, then I would avoid these three losers unless you want your image to go down along with them."

"Why you--" "Okay, everypony I'll be assigning your seats now." Scootaloo was cut off from Miss Cheerilee announcing out loud. Scootaloo wanted to continue but her 3 friends stopped her and pull her along as they moved away from the 2 fillies.

Cheerilee waited until all of her students were listening before continuing. "Starting from my right for the first row, will be Diamond Tiara, Rumble, Pip, and Kettle Corn." Said colts and filles began moving to their seats as she continues. "The second row will have Apple Bloom, Spike, Rose, and Misty. Third row will be Silver Spoon, Button Mash, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Twist, Ditsy, Featherweight, and Aura are in the fourth. And lastly will be Peachy Pie, Sunny Daze, Snips, and Snails."

Once she finished, Cheerilee smiled watching her students finish taking their seats and looked forward to her ready.

"Okay Everypony. Now that that's finished, we can get started on today's lesson. Today we'll be learning about photosynthesis. Can anypony tell me what photosynthesis is?" The first to raise their claw and hoof are Spike and Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom."

"Photosynthesis is when plants turn sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into oxygen for us to breath and energy to feed themselves with."

"Yes, Apple Bloom." Cheerilee looks to the whole class. "Just about every creature, including us ponies, need the oxygen that plants create to be able to survive. But plants aren't the only one that use photosynthesis. Spike, can you tell me what else uses photosynthesis?"

"Yes. If I remember correctly, the others that use photosynthesis are algae and a few bacteria."

Cheerilee nods with a smile. "Very good, Spike. Now pay close attention everypony. While explain how this process is done." As she continued explaining, Apple Bloom and Spike faced each other for a second to give rach other a low high hoof and claw.

Meanwhile at the Library

Guardie climbed down the stairs of the basement with the dragon Fullbottle in his mouth. Reaching the bottom with all the tools Connor had brought still there, Guardie walked up to the large machine that had been used to create the dragon gem Fullbottles and slots it into the machine.

He turns running up to the table with the tools and stops at the left corner where a couple empty Fullbottles were. Guardie takes a bottle, runs back to the machine to insert the empty bottle to the bottom slot and then closes his eyes. It took a moment before his body lit up in light that flowed into the gem container.

The machine is then activated by the dog to begin mixing the dragon essence with the light. "Guardie!" Hearing Twilight call him, he leaves the machine to do its work and runs back upstairs. He runs into the living room where he finds Twilight seated on the couch with Rarity and Fluttershy next to her, while Applejack is seated on the couch chair.

"Hello, Guardie." Fluttershy with a smile, being at the corner next to him, begins petting him. "How do you like your new home? Are you happy living in Ponyville?" She gets two happy barks from him. "That's good to hear."

Applejack giggled a bit. "After what he probably had ta put up with while under Junior and Akumaro's control, I'm sure havin' any normal home would make him run from here to Manehattan and back with joy."

Rarity looked to Twilight. Which reminds me, how is our little hero today? Was he excited for his first day of school?"

"Not one bit." She said along with Applejack and Rarity causing the three to laugh a bit. "Hopefully his day will go well and he makes some friends."

"Oh please darling, it's school. I'm sure he'll manage to make a friend or two." Rarity said reassuring her friend. "Thanks, Rar-" "Afterall he is the more sociable one between you two."

Twilight frowns at the remark. "That isn't true. We're both equally sociable with others." Pinkie suddenly pops up, in between her and Rarity while saying "Don't lie, Twilight. You're setting a bad example." and placing down a box of different colored frosted cupcakes. "Ah! Pinkie, when'd you get here? And what do-"

"Just now. And I can't tell you who it's a bad example for. The writer might get mad at me for pointing him out again." She had said normally but then whispered the last part. "I'm going to make some tea. Wanna help, Fluttershy?"

"Of course. Come on, Guardie. I'd love to hear more about your old world." With a bark, Guardie goes along with the two to the kitchen.

Her friends stared at her with their eyebrows raised. All their attentions are then drawn to Rainbow flying into the room. "Did I miss anything?"

"No, Rainbow." Applejack answered. "We've been waitin' on yah this whole time ta get here. What took yah so long in gettin' here?"

"Well, I was being lectured by a friend for almost running into them while practicing one of my stunts." "Yah mean Construct, right?" Applejack confidently guessed. "Yup. Never misses a moment to lecture me every time I almost or do crash into him. For such a smart guy, you'd think he'd learn to move out of the way."

Twilight expression becomes confused the moment she heard the name. "Construct? Do you mean Construct Match?" Her rainbow haired friend looks to her. "Yup. That's the one." "How do you know him? Is he staying anywhere in Ponyville?"

This time it was all her friends that look at her a bit confused. "Of course, we know him. And he lives here In Ponyville. Don't you remember?" The unicorn tried remembering as Rainbow continued. "I told you about how he was the first unicorn friend I made. That we both moved into Ponyville on the same day which was the reason I hung out with him and became friends."

While trying to recall the event, Twilight remembers something she was told before.


During the time of the Fall Formal when she and the guys first met each other, they we in the library explaining what they each knew about what was happening.

"Though what about us?" Connor asks. "We're not from here. So, I'm pretty sure we don't have doubles in this world."

"You mean, this world didn't use to have a double for you." Drago states making the others focus on him. "The second you were sent here; you became permanently bound to this world. Meaning the world had to add you guys in, in some way. So, you can say you guys were snuck into history."

"Does that mean when Twilight goes back, she might run into a version of us in there and will either not know them or just think they've always been around?"

"Yeah. Pretty much."

End of Flashback

"Hello, Twilight?" Hearing Rainbow brings her out of her thoughts. "Did you remember now?"

"No. I think Construct is Connor's Equestrian self." "What the hay are you talking about? I mean I guess they do look similar, but aren't they supposed to completely look the same?" Rainbow questioned confused. "Normally, maybe. But their Drago did say that the guys would've been snuck into our history or time which seems to be another option. So, maybe it couldn't completely merge them into our world unless it made some changes to them. Which would explain why the first part of their names, along with their mane and coat colors are different."

"If they were added into our lives, then why can't you remember them like we do?" Rarity asked.

Twilight thought for a moment. "I think it's because Spike and me were in their world when the guys awakened as Riders. That could be the reason me and probably also Spike didn't remember Construct when he showed himself alongside my uncle in the cave."

"WHAT?! He was there that day?" Rainbow flew up in front of Twilight, shaking her until she says "Maybe if his name is Construct Match." "That jerk! How could he hide such an awesome secret from me, one of his best friends."

Rarity giggled at that. "Dear, I'm sure that would be Turner who's his best friend. Considering how well the two get along when compared to your friendship with him."

With a frown, Rainbow turns away while in the air with her hooves crossed. "I never hear him deny it." She mumbled to herself.

"So, what's the news, Twilight?" Applejack asked looking to her with Fluttershy and Pinkie pie coming back with tea and cups that they set down before taking their seats. "Did yah figure out what Connor had left you? Cause the messages yah had made Spike sent us late at night seemed really important."

Twilight helped pour tea into everyone's cups while they each picked a cupcake.

"Sort of." Twilight holds up her hoof with the Coreseeker. "From what I was able to understand, the kaiju seem to be charging areas with negative energy. I'm just not sure why."

Pinkie gasps loudly. "Maybe they need it as a way to regain all their powers and to become giant like the two Spike and Guardie rumbled with in Canterlot. That way they can send more meaner scary kaiju to make lots more negative energy by scaring ponies." Every one of her friends stare at her with blank expressions. "What?"

"I think you're right, Pinkie." "Yup. I'm great at guessing." The pink pony confidently said before letting Twilight continue. "That could explain their reason for causing terror and destruction. Their old world and ours must have some differences when compared to each other." She takes a sip from her tea.

"Though that's only a piece of the puzzle." Startled by the familiar voice, Twilight chokes on her tea for a second before looking towards the hallway and finds her uncle who is eyeing the room. "Not a bad place. A lot homier than the one you had in Canterlot."

"Uncle Dusk?" Twilight stands up to run over to give her uncle a hug. "What are you doing here?"

Breaking the hug, Dusk uses his magic to make a scroll appear. "Celestia has left me in charge of finding recruits for the Knights of Harmony. So, I've decided to make the base of operations here in Ponyville once we've found enough warriors to join."

"Are there any other heroes like yourself and AbareKiller?" Rarity asked while she and the others stood around Twilight.

"Yes. During my journey, I met a couple other heroes like myself. Some protect certain areas while a few others journey around to help or protect anyone in need."

Twilight took ahold of the scroll with her magic as Rainbow flew in front of Dusk. "What do these other heroes look like?"

The stallion motions towards his niece. "Twilight will be able to somewhat answer that question." They all look to their friend as she begins reading.

"Dear Twilight, I hope you and your friends are all doing well. Canterlot has almost made a full recovery from what the battle had done to it. Which brings me to the reason for writing this letter. While my sister, Luna and I were helping our guards give aid to the citizens, a couple told us of three different heroes who had saved them. One group had told us of a black horned warrior that fought the kaiju with a sword that seemed to be something different when sheathed and shot out what they thought was magic. A second group only saw a green blur that moved from building to building before coming down to strike down the kaiju. The last group said the warrior that saved them was white with black stripes and fought the kaiju with only their bare hooves, or hands in this case. We had the guards try looking around for them, but they seemed to have left the moment the battle ended. Twilight, I'd like to ask you and your friends to help Dusk in locating these warriors when he finds a lead on them and ask them to help in protecting our land from the kaiju. I'll understand if you'd want to refuse. You did say you were going to try and help Spike look for his siblings. Along with helping him be prepared for the next time he faces off against a kaiju. You have my full support in whatever you choose my dear student. From your friend Princess Celestia"

The news completely caught the girls by surprise with the expression clearly shown on their faces, except for Pinkie Pie who just seems excited by it. They were mostly just surprised others had shown up to help fight the kaiju without having been noticed by any of them or the Riders.

"Uncle Dusk, do you know who these three are?"

"Only the green one if it is her." He answered his niece. "Her name is Shurikenger, a ninja Ranger. I met her a week after I had inherited my powers."

"Why don't we take a seat? I'm sure you must be tired, Dusk." Rarity suggested. Agreeing they all sat back down at the couches, except for Dusk who uses his magic to bring over a chair from the kitchen.

Rainbow hovers over the others as she asks, "If you two know each other, then why didn't she stick around?"

"I told Twilight before that we mostly see ourselves as allies instead of friends. Which is why we mostly decide to move on once our job is done." Dusk looked over the selection of cupcakes. "She and the others probably sensed what was happening and decided to come help out."

"Yah've only said their hero names. Do yah not know their actual names?" Applejack asked before taking a bite of her cupcake.

Dusk shook his head. "Nope. The only reason they know me is because of my magic having been taken."

Twilight spit takes the second after she had taken a sip from her tea. "WHAT?! Your magic was taken!? How? By who?"

"By a kaiju that goes by the name of Branken." He picks up a red frosted cupcake. "But I'd rather talk about that right now. What I need to focus on now is finding someone to replace me as Timefire. I actually already have someone- Wait." Dusk stands to do a quick scan of the room. "Where's Spike?"

Ponyville Schoolhouse

Hours later, the class had been released to have lunch and recess. Most of the kids had finished their lunches and were now spread around playing different games and activities.

Spike and the CMC were sitting at a lunch table with Spike and Scootaloo on one side while Apple Bloom sat next to Sweetie Belle on the other side. The Primal Cell lied between them projecting an image of four different Cross-Z forms. From left to right are a silver Cross-Z with dragon jelly pack shoulder armor and transparent blue parts on the face and chest, a magma orange colored Cross-Z with black molten rock dragon heads around the body, a darker blue colored Cross-Z with red, and a light blue Cross-Z with black and white armor pieces all around the body.

"I think the orange one is the coolest looking one." Scootaloo said while looking at the description of the form. "Cross-Z magma huh. Hey Spike, this one uses a weapon like your Gaburyu Breaker."

"I like Great Cross-Z's colors." Sweetie points from the darker colored one to the black and white suit. "Rarity would probably like it too and Cross-Z Evol for their colors."

Apple Bloom and Spike are watching video clips of Cross-Z's first ever battle. "This Banjou fella sure is really strong and great at fightin' as Cross-Z. Don't yah agree, Spike? Spike?" She and her friends look to him when he doesn't respond and sees his attention having been to an image of the silver Cross-Z. "Cross-Z Charge, huh? Is their somethin' the matter with it?"

"No. I'm just thinking that this form reminds me of that one day." He looks to his claw. "The day I became a huge dragon because of how greedy I got getting gifts. I wonder if that part of me will be affected by the form."

With a smile, Scootaloo hits Spike's shoulder with a playful punch. "What are you worrying about? Connor even said the form will have to be changed. And with him working on it, I'm sure he'll keep anything bad from happening."

Sweetie nods. "Yeah. Connor is really smart after all. Hm... Speaking of Connor, do you think he'll actually finish making more of those small dragons for us?"

"I'm sure he will. He did say they were almost done." "Until what's done? That dumb club of yours?" Apple Bloom and the girl's groan as Diamond Tiarra and Silver Spoon come walking to them from the playground. "What do yah want, Diamond?"

"Nothing from you, blank flanks." She looks to Spike with a smirk. "We want to talk to him." "Me?" "Yes you. Why don't you play with us instead of being around these blank flanks."

Spike shakes his head. "No thanks. Me and the CMC are busy talking about my powers."

His answer seems upsets Diamond. "What? You can't be serious?" Silver Spoon nods agreeing with her friend. "Yeah. You better rethink that choice, Spike." "Exactly. Even if you're a Knight of Harmony, you can still wind-up a loser like them-"

Diamond and Silver Spoon are suddenly lifted and moved to the side with Rose and Misty sliding to a stop where the two had been moved from. Spike and the CMC were surprised by this as the two girls looked at him with huge smiles.

"Are you really a Knight of Harmony!?" "What's your hero team?" "Do you know Build?" "Were you at Vanhoover when it was attacked?" "When'd you become a Knight of Harmony?" "How'd you become one?" "Do you know Timefire and AbareKiller?" "Can you turn into a Knight right now?"

"Um...yes, I am. If I remember right, your names were-"

"I'm Rosey Melody." Rose quickly answered pointing to herself and then to her friend. "And she's Misty Strum, my best friend." "Hi." "What are your names?"

Standing up, the little dragon stood in front of the two fillies. "I'm Spike. And the three behind me are my friends Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle."

"Hi!" The three greeted. "Me and my friends are also part of a club we made called the CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!" Apple Bloom added with her and her friends shouting at the end. "I'm guessin' yer a fan of the Knights. So are we."

The two fillies nodded. "Yup. We really like Build from how he protected and saved when those scary things appeared."

"Hey! Who do you-" "You both came from Canterlot, right? What made you move to Ponyville?" Sweetie asked interrupting Diamond.

"Besides wanting to see where the Knights of Harmony first appeared," Rose paused to point towards town. "My parents moved us here to open a shop here."

Misty looks to Rose. "I moved here to stay close to Rose because she was my only friend in Canterlot."

The group were stunned by Misty's reason for having moved. Not once had they ever heard of somepony moving just to stay by their friend's side.

"So, you didn't have any other friends? Why?" Scootaloo asked.

Spike taps his chin. "I guess I could see that." "What do you mean, Spike?" He turns to Sweetie Belle. "It's a bit hard for colts and fillies to make friends in Canterlot. Mostly because they act snobbish like their parents or their parents will only let them make certain friends."

"Really? That sounds like having to deal with many Diamond Tiaras." Scootaloo said becoming irritated by just the mere thought. "Now that'd be a nightmare. Glad I live in Ponyville with only one of her."

"Excuse me! How dare-" "Can you change into a knight, right now?" Misty asked, cutting off Diamond.

"Sorry, I can't. I promised my sister that I'd only transform when there are kaiju attacking or in emergencies." He walks back to the table to grab his phone. "But I could show you something else. Transport Lock Engine Cast and Sapphire Dragon Fullbottle."

Holding out his left claw, the two items materialized while he set his phone back down on the table. "Wow!/Amazing!/Cool!" The two friends and Silver Spoon loudly said with excitement. He presses the bottle against the bottom of the lock and jumps up opening into dragon mode after charging.

Ryuga roars before beginning to fly all around the school, making every filly and colt stop what they're doing to look up in amazement at the mechanical dragon. Pipsqueak and the others followed Ryuga as he flew back to the group and circled around them before landing on top Spike's head.

"That's really cool, Spike. Where did you get that?" Pipsqueak asked.

Spike points up at his little friend. "His name is Ryuga. Ryuga, say hi to everypony." The small mechanical dragon roars to all of them. "A friend of ours made him to help me out when I need help."

"What does he do to help?" Ditsy curiously asked Spike.

"A lot of things. So far, he's gone to get help and helped me out when I first fought against a kaiju as a knight. You could say he's a sidekick or assistant. Right, bud?" Ryuga roars, breathing out fire.

"We're going to be getting ones of our own soon." Scootaloo spoke out from her seat.

In excitement, all the fillies and colts circle around Spike as they bombard him with questions. Each asking if his friend could also make ones for them and if they could be different animals or creatures.

"Way da go, Scootaloo." Apple Bloom said as she and Sweetie with deadpan looks turn to Scootaloo, who chuckles nervously and says, "I forgot I wasn't supposed to let anypony know that."

The Library

Guardie runs back down into the basement with Pinkie and Fluttershy following behind him.

"What's down here, Guardie?" Fluttershy questioned as she watched him walk up to the machine.

He stops in front of it as the machine finishes creating the new Fullbottle. "OOOO! A new bottle. What's on it?" Pinkie said excitedly taking the new bottle off the machine.

Fluttershy leans in to also take a look at the bottle. The new bottle is a mix of red and purple with the bottom and top being silver. The image of what looks like Guardie's Color Timer molded into the front with an extra shape on both sides of the Timer that curve upwards.

"Is this a Guardie Fullbottle?"

With a few barks as a response, Fluttershy shakes her head. "No. He said it's the Tiga Fullbottle." She pauses for a moment as Guardie continues. "What? A voice told you to make it? Do you know the voice?" He shakes his head. "That's really strange."

"Yeah. Maybe he was hearing a ghost." Pinkie suggested energetically. "Or an echo. O-Or maybe something from the future. Or probably-" Guardie suddenly starts growls startling her and Fluttershy. "What's the matter boy? Is the voice saying something?"

Fluttershy recognizes his stance. "Is something coming?" Guardie jumps up changing into a ball of light that flies up out of the basement. "Guardie, wait!"

Outside the basement, Twilight was still talking to her uncle and friends in the living room. Rainbow was just hovering above her friends while Applejack was now seated with Twilight and Rarity. Dusk had sat himself in Applejack's first seat.

"Hm?" Rainbow is too late in noticing the ball of light and gets spun in place as it raced past her. "GAAAHHHH!! What was that?"

"That was Guardie." Fluttershy answered as she ran by with Pinkie following after the light. Twilight and the others stared at each other for a second before shooting to their hooves and chased after them.

The light flies up high above an open field outside of Ponyville before brightening up. In town, everypony's attention is drawn to the light or blinded by it.

The brightness of the light even manages to reach the school. Spike, along with the colts and fillies, covered their eyes for a moment before looking towards it. Fading out, Guardie back in his original giant form is revealed from where the light had been.

"Guardie?" "Wow. I almost forgot how big he was." Both Sweetie and Scootaloo said while Apple Bloom ran to Spike's side to ask, "What is Guardie doing?"

Spike's group, along with Twilight's group in front of the library, watched along with Ponyville's citizens as Guardie begins walking away from the town. On his fifth step, multiple purple energy blasts came shooting out of the ground at him with most of the shots hitting their mark. "GUARDIE!!" Both groups shouted in worry. The lion dog kaiju recovers from the shots in time to see eight giant worms looking kaiju burst out of the ground in front of him.

Having stumbled back a few steps, Guardie charges towards the worms swinging his claw at them but misses them all by the worms retracting themselves back into the ground. Guardie growls as he searches the ground for any signs of his opponent.

Four of them sprang out and wrapped themselves around Guardie's neck, tail, and arms. The lion dog roars, struggling trying to break free, only for the last four to shoot out of the ground to begin bashing him by using themselves.

"What the hay is that?" Hearing Rainbow, Twilight uses the Coreseeker to look up the kaiju once it captured a picture of it. "It's known as Hades Beast Worm. Wizard heroes known as Magiranger faced these kaiju." "So, this overgrown fish bait can be beaten using magic?"

"Not with any of the spells we know. But it also says that this creature follows the commands of a commander grunt called a High Zobils. If that kaiju is defeated, the Hades Beast should lose their coordination and run- Ah!"

Twilight and the others watched as Worm threw Guardie across the ground away from Ponyville. He quickly gets back onto his feet and breathes out three energy blasts at the Hades Beast. Worm avoids the attack by retracting back underground. Before the kind kaiju could search around, all eight pop back out all around him and begin firing blasts from all sides causing Guardie roar in pain.

"Guardie!" Fluttershy shouted in worry.

"He can't seem to keep up with those horrid things." "Maybe if the big fellah could change like he did last time, he'd have a better chance." Applejack brought up after Rarity.

Pinkie hops in place. "YEAH! Time for Kyoryu King!"

"He can't." Dusk spoke up saying. "From how Spike explained it before, he needs to activate it first using that new item of his."

Rainbow groans in frustration. "Then why hasn't he done it yet? I'm sure a huge rumble like that can easily be seen from the school."

"Maybe they know." They turn to Pinkie who's pointing behind them. Turning around, they find a purple spell circle with new grunts they haven't seen before appear rising from it. Humanoid shaped like the others, these brown and silver foot soldiers seemed to be wearing masks with each holding either a large butcher-like blades, axes, and spears.

"Ugh!" Rarity scrunches with disgust. "What are those horrible things?"

Twilight looks them up. "Those are Zobil." "Which one is that leader of theirs?" Twilight shakes her head at Rainbow. "None. It must be somewhere else."

The group suddenly start hearing screaming. They turn to find more spell circles appearing all around town with Zobil appearing from them all. Golem Soldiers and Imps appeared randomly around town while Orgettes formed and Nanashi came out of small gaps and begin attacking.

"Gosh darn. Don't these varmints ever learn their lesson?" Applejack cracks her neck. "Seein' as Connor and Reiji are gone, were gonna have ta handle this on our own."

"You're right." Twilight looks up to the sky for a second. "The spell circle isn't active this time. We need to distract or fight off any kaiju we see while also helping anypony that needs it." "On it!/Yah can count on us./Gladly./Okay./Okie dokie lokie!" "Uncle Dusk, you should help Rarity and-"

"Nope. I may not be able to transform or use magic, but I can still handle myself in a fight." Dusk charges on ahead.

"But Uncle Dusk- Oh boy. Let go girls." Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow run after Dusk to help in the fight while the rest ran in different directions to help other ponies. "I hope you're alright Spike."


Spike and his classmates watched as Worm continues shooting blasts at Guardie. Mostly all the colts and fillies had a look of fear, along with Cheerilee, who had come out to see what was causing the loud commotion.

He watched for a second longer before patting himself down in search of the second phone but remembers it's still in his backpack. Apple Bloom takes notice of him the second he runs towards the school.

"Spike, where are yah goin'?" She questioned, making him stop in his tracks.

"I can't just standby and watch. I need to help." He turns to face back towards the school to continue. Though he only gets one step in before all three groups of grunts appear in between him and the school. "Wha- You guys again? Wait, aren't you guys new?" He questioned pointing to the Zobils.

"Rah!" Three Zobils shoot out balls of slime from their mouths at Spike.

He quickly jumps flat onto the ground avoiding the slimes that hit, ripping into the ground behind him. Standing up, Spike looks at the damage done to the ground behind before facing back towards the grunts feeling a bit worried.

"I really need to get to my belt." Spike said to himself with his sights set to the school behind the grunts.

"Spike!" Hearing Cheerilee, Spike looks back towards the bench to see she has gathered the students behind it and a tree next to it while she stood in front of it out of cover. "Get back here. It's dangerous."

He tries to quickly go over his options seeing as how the grunts were standing in his way of getting to his belt. Though before Spike could think for too long, his Primal Cell is dropped on top of his head.

"What?" He looks up to find Ryuga hovering over him. "What was- Oh, that's right! Thanks, Ryuga. Now go stay and protect everypony." The small dragon roars understanding and then flies back to the class. Spike faces back towards the grunts after picking up the cell and then charges towards them.

Seeing this, the grunts run at Spike with their weapons ready. Spike waits for a second as they got closer to each other before holding up his phone. "Transport Gaburyu Breaker." Materializing in his right claw, he inserts the Sapphire bottle into it.

(Sapphire Dragon! Devour! Dragonic Sonic!) The weapon announced the last part after charging. Holding out the knuckle weapon, Spike rams his way through the grunts down the middle of the crowd at high speed. "Transport dragon Fullbottle!" He shouted as he keeps jumped, smashing through the window. "RAH!!" All the grunts that can shoot all fired into the school, which wreck and destroys everything they hit on the inside.

"SPIKE!!" The CMC shouted out worried. They were about to run towards the school to help but Cheerilee holds them back.

All the grunts stop shooting, staring into the smoke inside the school wondering if they killed their target. (Wake Up! Cross-Z Dragon! Are you ready?) "Henshin!" (Wake Up Burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!) The smoke gets blown away from the constructs closing and Cross-Z jumping out of the building with his transformation completed.

"Cross-Z!!" "You guys just had to go and ruin my first day of school." (Beat Closer!) Being summoned from the belt, Cross-Z takes ahold of the sword and makes a dash at the grunts with the wizard Fullbottle. "Time to see what you can do." (Special Tune! Hippare! Hippare!)

The grunts readied themselves as Cross-Z got closer. (Million Slash!) To everyone's surprise, including the grunts, Cross-Z's slash attack creates a hole that he disappears into. The Rider reappears behind the grunts while they're distracted.

"Whoa! That was cool." Amazed for a second, Cross-Z pulls the hilt again. (Hippare! Smash Slash!) Thinking it would launch another slash, he swung the sword with the blade hitting the ground. Though instead of a slash, a huge red spell circle appears around the grunts and shrunk pulling the whole bunch together into a pile. "Alright! Now for the finish." The Gaburyu Breaker is summoned out. (Gaburyu Breaker!)

(Tourmaline Dragon! Devour! Dragonic Burst!) Thrusting the knuckle weapon forward, orange stream of magma flames from it and hits, destroying the grunts in one go.

He heard his classmates cheering the behind him as he looked back to Guardie who is still being beaten around by Worm. "Hold on, Guardie. I'm coming to help now." Cross-Z said to himself while bringing out the new phone with the cards. (Guardie! Fusion Standby!) Fireballs and energy eyeball blasts came hitting Cross-Z from his left and the ground around him before he could use the cards. "AH!!" He's sent flying away from the school.

"CROSS-Z!!" Apple bloom and Sweetie worryingly shouted. "Come on. Let's go help him." Scootaloo jumped out of the group with a determined look but finds herself not having moved an inch.

She looks behind herself to see Cheerilee with her hoof on her tail. "Scootaloo, no. It's too dangerous."

While the two and the rest of the class were distracted, Rumble notices Rose and Misty sneak away. "No way, I'm missing out on this." He quietly spoke to himself before doing the same to follow after them.

"Ugh!" Having dropped his weapons, Cross-Z grunted landed rolling across the grassy field of the park. "Ow. What did that?" The Rider said to himself, rubbing the back of his head.

*Ghastly Laugh* "Wha- Ugh!" Turning around, he barely catches the glimpse of what looked like a skeleton jump past slashing him across the chest before he could do anything and then with a spear being jabbed against his waist, gets sent tossed against a tree a few feet away.

Getting back to his feet slowly, Cross-Z finds three kaiju standing across the field from him. One is a skeleton wearing a black cape, witch-looking hat, and sword in its right hand. The second is what looks like a Zobil, but is purple with the silver on the chest looking like a rib cage and holding a spear. The last has a red upper body resembling the shape of a samurai's armor, having shoulder pads with an eye shape, and a huge blue face coving around the legs and holds two short swords with a sorrow looking face on one's blade and the other having a rage face.

Looking down in front of, he finds the Beat Closer and quickly picks it up to hold it at the ready. "I really wished Build and OOO was still here."

Having his focus on the kaiju, he doesn't take notice of Rose and Misty peeking out from a bush across the field behind the kaiju. Rumble peeks out from a different bush a few feet away from the two.

Within the Everfree Forest

Abarekiller runs through the forest as a white blur that stops at an edge of a cliff, that's at the tops of a large mountain.

From there, he can see the battle going on between Guardie and Worm. While smoke coming from different parts of Ponyville.

"Spike." He runs back down the mountain as a white blur, but upon reaching the bottom, he stops to duck and roll to the left out of the way of a yellow energy crescent slash. The Abaranger looks back to see the damage the attack had done, seeing the attack had dug up the ground, along with some trees having been split down the middle. "Rouki." He said looking back forward.

Walking out from the darkness of the woods is a black humanoid kaiju having the shape of a wolf with a horn coming out of the forehead, holding a large double-sided crescent blade in its right hand.

"We meet again, AbareKiller. No..." Rouki points his blade's tip towards the Ranger. Like AbareKiller, Rouki dashes towards him as a purple blur. By an inch, the Ranger barely manages to duck under Rouki's blade and then quickly pulls out his Wing Pentact in blade mode to block the blade after Rouki stopped behind him to take another swing. "Zero! You'll pay for what you did to me 400 years ago."

"What?" The two pushed each other back and both used their free hands to punch each other's chest, causing them to stumble back a few steps. "How'd you-"

"You're scent was easy to follow the moment I found the area you were in. Now before killing you, I wonder if you've lost your edge." Rouki said crouching into a ready stance. "If you believe that, then you'll regret it."

AbareKiller and Rouki both instantly dash towards each other as blurs the second the Ranger finished speaking. Clashing as they passed each other, the white and purple blurs moved through the forest while continuing to clash back and forth.

While the two moved battling in the forest, Ura appears at the top of the mountain AbareKiller had just stood on a few minutes ago. He chuckles seeing the sparks that are created from the two battling.

"Perfect. Now we can continue working in peace." Ura happily said to himself before disappearing.


The roads of the town were filled with ponies being chased in different directions by Golem Soldiers and Imp. The Nanashi, Orgettes, and Zobils were mostly focused on breaking or tearing into some buildings.

Within one such group of ponies being chased, Filthy Rich and his wife, Spoiled Rich were running within the small group. Spoiled, with fear in her eyes, looks back while running to see the Golems and Imps chasing after them. Trying to quicken her pace, Spoiled trips over a rock as she looked back forward and falls flat on the ground.

"Dear!" Filthy immediately stopped and ran back to help his wife up. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine." "Come on. We need to hurry and run. Ah! Look out!" Filthy uses himself to cover his wife as the grunts jumped at them to strike with their weapons. But before the attack could reach them, a magenta wall formed between them, causing the grunt to slam into it and fall on top the other grunts behind them. The two were confused until they looked to their right where Twilight was standing having used her magic. "Thanks for saving us, Twilight."

"You're welcome. Now hurry and get to Town Hall." Twilight instructed as she started shooting magenta beams of magic at Golems and Imps charging towards them. The two just nodded before running off to catch up with the others. Twilight waited until the Riches were out of danger before running off to continue the fight and see if anyone else needs help.

Meanwhile, more grunts were destroying the buildings around Sugarcube Corner. Orgettes used their clubs as a flamethrower to shoot fire at the buildings or Nanashi and Zobils going inside to wreck everything inside. Turning their attention towards Sugarcube Corner, the Orgettes take aim at the building.

Applejack came up running from their left with a lasso at the ready. She hurls the lasso to the Orgette's club from the end of the row and tugs it a second before they fired causing the one to burn its allies. "That oughta teach them ta burn others towns." "Rah!" Nanashi come rushing out of the non-burnt buildings across the road from her.

"INCOMING!!" Not getting time to react, Rainbow comes ramming through the group of Nanashi from their right. "And that's a strike! Try beating that, AJ!" She shouted down to her friend with a huge smirk.

Applejack frowns annoyed before looking around to find Zobils coming out from the buildings down the way from her left. She then looks to the burning Orgettes with her sight focused on the clubs on the ground. Smirking back up to her friend, she undoes the lasso end of her rope to tie it through and around the handles of the clubs. "Rah!" The Zobils shouted as they charged up to her. Finishing tying the rope, she twirls it making the clubs spread into a 'Y' shape and then hurls it towards the grunts, knocking them all to the ground from hitting them across the face.

"Top that." "Easy. Bet I'll beat more than you." "Yur on." The two then race in separate directions in search for more grunts.

Not far, Imps walk around a corner with Nanashi and Zobils both coming out of buildings in front of them, each searching around for their own target to attack or destroy. Down the road they spot Rarity and Fluttershy leading Lyra, Bon Bon, Time Turner, and Derpy to safety. "Rah!" They all dash charging towards the group.

Pinkie jumps right out of a bush dressed as a cross walker in their path. She blows her whistle while holding up a stop sign, bringing the grunts to a stop. They stared back and forth between her and each other seeming to be confused. "Say hello to my little friend." Pinkie said loudly pointing over to their right. Curious, they all look to the right to find...Pinkie?! "LET THEM HAVE IT, GUMMY!!" Having been more confused than ever, they looked back forward only to be face to face with the ends of three large party cannons with their three pull-strings all being held in the mouth of Pinkie's small toothless pet alligator.

Not far ahead, Rarity and Fluttershy were hurrying along with their group while also doing their best to avoid the grunts. "Oh. Will Pinkie really be alright?" Fluttershy asked her friend while feeling worried for Pinkie Pie.

Her question is then answered when they hear the sound of the party cannons firing. The two look back for a second seeing the grunts flying away from them with confetti and party streamers. "I believe she has it handled."

Ponyville's Park

"grah!" Two Nanashi screamed as they flew dropping into the park's lake.

From the shore they came flying from, a small group of all five types of grunts are fighting Dusk, who they had surrounded. He slides under an Imp before rearing up his back legs and bucks sending it crashing into four grunts. Dusk then reacts quick enough to step back to avoid a Zobil swing its axe, that embeds itself into the ground in front of him, and then jumps forward, rolling over the grunt to avoid two Golem arm blades. A Nanashi gets it head hit with a downward kick as Dusk rolled down from the other side of the Zobil that he then headbutts.

Dusk bites onto the Nanashi he kicked and swung it into a couple of grunts that tried running up to him from his right. He stops for a moment when he hears the sounds of a battle coming from a different part of the park that's in the direction of the school.

"Spike..." He then focuses back on the grunts, picks up a Nanashi's sword by his mouth, and then charges towards more grunts. "Hold on until I get there, kiddo." He spoke in his head.

Close to the School

Cross-Z is being pushed around as he used the Beat Closer to fend off the skeleton's sword. Ugh! Ah! The Zobil looking kaiju had slashed him from behind with its spear, with the skeleton taking the opportunity to slash him across the chest with sparks flying off from both hits. It then grabs ahold of Cross-Z to deliver a headbutt and follows with hitting him to the left with the hilt of its sword across his face. "Ow. Two against one really isn't- Gah!" The second Cross-Z turned back to them, turning to face them, he gets hit square in the chest by the Zobil's spear and sent flying back a few feet.

"Damn thing, I'll turn you to scrap metal!!" The kaiju with the huge face yelled out while trying to hit Ryuga, who is flying circles around and shooting fire at him, with his two swords. "Ugh! Why you little- Duh!" Ryuga had spun while letting out flames that covered him and then rammed himself into the kaiju, knocking him to the floor. Ryuga then flies over to Cross-Z, who is getting beat around by the two kaiju and assists him by creating energy chains that wrap around them. "Why you little... Huh?"

"Thanks Ryuga." (Hippare! Smash Hit!) Cross-Z swings, hitting the two kaiju with a powerful slash covered in blue flames. "Better finish these two before they break free." He brings out the Ruby Dragon Fullbottle while saying this. (Special Tune!) "You should rethink that." "What?" Turning around, Cross-Z finds the third kaiju across the field holding both Rose and Misty in his hands. "Let them go."

"I don't think so. If you want them to survive this, then toss your weapon away and put away your pet." Ryuga growled at the last demand. "Shut it, tin can. So," Energy begins building up in his shoulders as he held up the two fillies in front of them. "What will it be?"

Cross-Z tries thinking of what options he could use to get out of this mess. But the more he thought, the more the grip on his weapon tightened from how he couldn't think of any way out of the situation.


In four different areas, objects were beginning to light up. The first being the Tree of Harmony. The second is in town where Pinkie notices a glowing, blinking light coming from inside her mane.

"Hm. I wonder what is." She shoves a hoof into her mane and began searching for the light while naming the objects she drags out. "Balloons, flags, jump rode, paintball gun, birthday cake flavored ice cream, t-rex bone, Chronojet Dragon card, Geed Claw"

In the last two locations, a faint glowing light was coming from the inside of a small box that sits at the top of a shelf in Zecora's home and the other in a room, underground with Diamond Dogs, full of piles of gems with one pile having light faintly seep through.

Back at the Battle

Not wanting to risk their lives, Cross-Z tosses his sword to the side. Ryuga seemed ready to attack but gets stopped by his Rider grabbing ahold of him. "Sorry Ryuga. We just can't risk it. Please change back into standby mode." The small dragon seemed to be against the decision but complies with Cross-Z's command and folds back into a lock. "There. I did as you wanted. Now, let them go." He demanded as he set the Engine Lock to the side of his belt.

"Fool!" He lowers the girls a bit to fire two lasers from his shoulders. "AH!" Cross-Z is sent flying into the Zobil, who catches the Rider and holds him up in a hold. "Let him have it!" *Ghastly laugh* The skeleton laughed as it continuously assaults Cross-Z with its sword. "AH! GAH! AH!" The dragon Rider cried out in pain while being held in place by the Zobil.

"NO!!/STOP IT!!" Rose and Misty could only shout as the other two kaiju continued beating on Cross-Z.

"Spike!" Rumble quietly shouted. "There has to be something I can do." He looks at his surroundings, trying to see if he could spot of a way to help out. "Hm?" Rumble catches the glimmer of something hidden up on a tree a few feet away. Squinting, he spots the front of the Gaburyu Breaker sticking out from the tree's leaves. "That'll work."

Back in Town

Sitting next to a huge pile of different items, Pinkie is still pulling out different objects from her mane and tosses them into the pile to continue the search for the light.

"Poke'ball, Ryusoul Key, Dual Disk... Hm?" She stops when the light begins blinking faster. "Oh! Maybe it means I'm getting closer." She quickens her pace.

Zecora's House

The zebra was in the middle of her house stirring a potion she was cooking in her caldron. About to take a sip of it, she takes notice of a faint glow coming from behind her.

"Oh my." Zecora became shocked the moment her eyes landed on the box. "Seems the time has come, for the hands of time to proceed on their path."


Two Diamond Dogs, having the appearance of Rottweilers, were guarding the outside of a five circular keyhole locked door that's at the end of torched lit hallway with armor and shields made of diamond. They stayed keeping their eyes focused down the hall.

"Hm?! What!?" One of the guards shouted backing away from the door.

The second guard does the same after he takes notice of the same thing. Facing the door, they watched as a faint glow came shining out from under the door.

"What's happening?" The second guard questioned.

"Go get the boss. Let him know the treasure is reacting to something." The first guard ordered the second, who complies and rushes down the hall. "What could be drawing the treasure's attention."

Back at the Battle

Still holding the fillies, he big, faced kaiju laughs hysterically watching the two other kaiju continuing their attack on Cross-Z.

"Stop it already! This isn't a fair fight." "Yeah! You jerks are real scaredy cats for using us as shields." The two filles shouted as they struggled to get out of his hold.

"What do we care? If anyone has a problem with our methods, then they can come up and say it to my face." He told the two, having brought them up to eye level.

"THEN HEADS UP!!" "Wha- Ugh!" Before the kaiju could react, Rumble comes flying into him from behind with the Gaburyu Breaker being held in his front hooves. Causing him to release the fillies while Rumble crashed, rolling along the grass. "Ouch. Thought that'd go more better."

Rose and Misty run up to their classmate. "Rumble, are you okay?" Rose asked as they helped the colt back onto his hooves.

He stumbles from side to side. "Ask me again when I'm not seeing doubles." Right then, energy laser blast came hitting the space around them. They looked behind themselves see the skeleton kaiju coming towards them. "Run!" They run to their right but are stopped by fireballs passing by them from their right, hitting the ground a few feet ahead of them in a row that creates a wall of fire.

"You brats aren't going anywhere." The huge, faced kaiju said while sharpening his two swords against each other. "At least not until I hack off a piece from each of your bodies."

The three turn around to face the two kaiju who are advancing towards them in different directions. They slowly take steps back as they get closer but stop the moment they feel heat. Looking behind to see that they're getting closer to the fire, they face back forward with fear not having anywhere to run to.

"No." Cross-Z, still being held in a lock by the Zobil-like kaiju, tries prying himself free but has no success. The damage he had taken from the attacks earlier had left his body feeling weak. "Grah!" He had continued to struggle until the kaiju suddenly gets shot in the face. "Wha- Never mind. No time to think." Now freed, Cross-Z quickly runs to and picks up his sword. (Hippare! Hippare! Million Slash!) The Beat Closer announced as ruby flames covered its blade and Cross-Z then thrusts it forward, launching the flame as a wave towards the two other kaiju.

"DAH!" Both kaiju are hit by the attack, knocking them to the floor in front of Rumble and the girls. The three take the chance to dash over to Cross-Z, while the Rider does the same while attaching his sword to his back to pick up the Gaburyu Breaker. "I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream." The big, faced kaiju said out loud as the two stood and prepared to fire their attacks. (Ruby Dragon! Devour! Dragonic Breath!) The dragon Rider gets behind the three as the kaijus fire their attacks and then uses his own to intercept theirs. The fillies and colt watched helplessly from behind Cross-Z as the Dragonic Breath struggles along with the two's laser attacks trying to push each other back. "Enough with this joke!!" The big faced shoots fireballs along with his laser attack.

The added attack begins pushing back Cross-Z's all the way back to him, causing an explosion upon reaching them. "AH!/Cyah!/Ah!" Cross-Z, the fillies and Rumble screamed from being blown to the ground. "GRAH!!" Cross-Z looks to their left seeing the Zobil kaiju that's back on its feet roaring. [What should I do? I can't beat these three on my own. But] Cross-Z was doubting himself in his mind. But he then began thinking back to Build and OOO's battle in Canterlot. How even when they were outnumbered and even hurt, they still pushed themselves to continue fighting in order to protect everyone. With the feeling of not wanting to disappoint his fellow Riders, Cross-Z manages to stand on one knee while holding up the Gaburyu Breaker at the ready. "But I'm not going to let everyone down."

"This will end it!!" The two kaiju open fire at Cross-Z, who braces himself to try stopping the attacks.

Right then, back in town, the blinking light in Pinkie's mane stops blinking and shines brightly the moment she thinks she finds it. "Ohohoh! What could it be!?" The area around her becomes covered in a blinding light the moment she pulled out the object. Now miraculously wearing sunglasses, what she finds in her hoof is the Tiga Fullbottle. The light retracks back into the bottle before floating off Pinkie's hoof and flying off. "Guess it needed to go somewhere."

The bottle made its way all the way to Cross-Z's battle in a flash. It stopped in front of him with a barrier made of its light shielding them from the laser attacks. "What is that light?!" The kaijus covered their eyes from the blinding light.

The Tree of Harmony's light went into the Elements of honesty and laughter with beams of magic matching their colors shooting out the next second. The beams fly out of the cave, moving all the way through the Everfree Forest and into the park. The light kept the group from seeing the beams hit the Tiga Fullbottle, causing the light to die down as the bottle absorbed the magic.

Cross-Z and the kids unshielded their eyes in time to see two beams of light be shot out from the bottle with one heading back into the Everfree Forest while the second one went diagonally into the ground.

Zecora's Home

Zecora's attention is so fixated on the box's glow that she didn't notice the light from the beam until it came shooting into her home and into the box.

The zebra gasps as the glow from the box intensify along with it lifting off the self. Cracks appeared one after another on the box until it bursts apart to reveal an object that resembles an eye. "Makena." Zecora spoke out softly. She kept staring at the eye until needing to cover her eyes when the eye gets swallowed by light.

The second the light died down, Zercora looked around not finding the eye anywhere before setting her eyes on the remains of the box. "She's returned."



The guard, that had remained in front of the door, turned to look down the hall to see the other guard rushing with a Saint Brenard Diamond Dog, wearing a black suit with gems around the ring of the collar and red tie, and more guards following behind them.

"Yes, boss." The guard turns back to the door with the others stopping behind him. He holds his paw up to the lock while his diamond armor extended to cover it and forms five key fingers. He inserts them into the lock and unlocks the door with a twist of the five fingers.

The all rushed into the room filled with many piles of gems. They all gain shocked expressions when they spot the beam of light hitting a pile in the middle of the room. The pile then gets burst away with bits of the remains of a metal box. They only see the shape of a lock before it got swallowed put into light. Next thing they knew, the loud sound of digging through stone was heard. They find a hole in a wall of the left side of the room.

"Boss, was that.." "Seems so. Lockjaw has revived." The Saint Brenard answered his guard while his eyes stayed glued to the hole.

Back at the Battle

The light from the Tiga bottle faded before dropping into Cross-Z's hands. "What happened?" "I'm not sure." Cross-Z said answering Rose's question.

"That won't matter soon for you all." Cross-Z was too late to react when the two kaiju fired their laser attacks towards him and his classmates again. Not having time to use an attack, he turns to cover his three classmates in order to shield them.

(Soiya! Kurumi Squash!) Right then, someone with huge knuckles bursts out of the ground in front of them and stops the attacks with their two huge knuckles covered in energy before brushing the lasers to the side.

"What?!" Hearing the kaiju's surprised voice, Cross-Z turns back along with his three classmates peeking out. The four became shocked to find what seems to be a samurai-looking Rider.

Their suit is mostly blue with a bit of gold on their arms, legs, and Gaim's symbol as part of the helmet's head. The helmet has a silver samurai mouth guard and a visor shaped like a sliced orange, having the same color as the armors. A light brownish orange armor that covers the upper body and shoulders, along with the back of the Rider's helmet resembled a walnut. Around their waist is a belt with a bright neon yellow strap and black buckle lined with silver. On the buckle is a knife piece on its right, an open Lockseed with the inside image of a walnut in the middle and of the huge knuckle weapon on the bottom piece, while he left had the front left side image of the Rider's helmet. A katana looking sword, known as the Musou Saber, with a gun like barrel above the handle and space in the middle for a Lockseed to be placed hung on the left side of his belt.

The Yobil kaiju seemed it was about dash towards the Riders but stops upon hearing the sound of a motorcycle coming from behind it. The kaiju, along with everyone else, turns towards the sound. It doesn't get the chance to see much as someone on a motorcycle rams past it. Causing the kaiju to tumble to the ground.

The group become even more shocked and surprised when the motorcycle stops next to them. The bike seems to be a dual sports type with a dark silver frame having the shape of what looks like a horse head with a will-o-wisp like horn in the front and an orange seat. But what surprises them more is the Rider that's driving it.

This Rider's armor is translucent black with orange lines making bone shapes and white lines making Ghost's symbol, a rune eye in the middle of the chest. The face of the helmet has an orange color with two black big round spots acting as eyes, two small silver bits sticking in from the sides and the same horn as the bike's on their forehead but a bit bigger. The Rider wears a black short-sleeved hooded jacket with orange outlining the edges. The orange strapped belt around the Rider has a single eyed looking buckle having the image of the Rider's face in the eye, a trans clear cover showing a smiling face under it, and an orange handle on the right.

"Seems like helped arrived just in time." The black Rider spoke in an excited female tone as she got off her bike and took off her hood. She holds out her hand to Cross-Z, helping him back onto his feet. "Never thought Secondary Riders would be here in Equestria. Oh wow! This is a cool weapon." Ghost said while reaching over to grab onto Cross-Z's right arm to look at the Gaburyu Breaker.

"Who are you two?" "My Rider name is Ghost. Kamen Rider Ghost." Ghost answered before pointing to the other Rider. "And that's Gaim."

"You did well facing these three on your own, kid." Gaim spoke to them, with an older sounding voice, while still facing towards the two kaiju. "Now it's our turn to help out. Leave Kagekamuro and Dora Skeleton to us, Cross-Z. If you can defeat that High Zobil, Worm loses its tamer and will give that big guy a chance to fight back from it going berserk."

Cross-Z looks over to the High Zobil. "If it helps Guardie, then there's no way I'm quitting now." Feeling fired again, he holds up his fists ready to fight.

Ghost claps her hands together before summoning out a sword from the belt. The sword is black and silver with a double-edged blade, having the same eye symbol above the handle. "Then let's show them what we're made of Riders." All three Riders charge towards each kaiju.

"Don't treat us so lightly. We won't be taken down so easily." Kagekamuro and Dora Skeleton begin firing lasers at the Riders. Gaim and Ghost just use their weapons to shield and push their way through the attacks. "What?!"

Gaim has the knife on his belt chop down twice. (Soiya! Kurumi Au Lait!) Energy walnuts formed around the knuckles so the moment he reached the kaiju, he ducks under the swing of their weapons and upper cuts them with the knuckles launching and dragging them into the air. (Daikaigan! Gan Gan Mina!) Ghost's sword announced and repeatedly says the end part after holding its eye symbol in front of the belt's eye as she came to a stop behind Gaim. (Omega Break!) She jumps up as the two came down and hits them with a powerful slash that sends them flying into two different parts of town.

"After them." "On it!" Ghost agreed running back to her bike.

Gaim brings out a lock with a cherry blossom on the front and 'LV-01' on it. Pushing the lock's side to unlock it, Gaim tosses the lock to his right. The lock unfolds and enlarges into a motorcycle that seems to be the same type as Ghost's but is mostly white with a bit of pink and black. The front has a white cherry blossom molded on it. He gets on the bike and drives towards town with Ghost following behind him.

The moment Cross-Z charged towards it, the High Zobil did the same dashing towards him. Cross-Z ducks rolling under the Zobil's spear. Before he could stand back up, the High Zobil had already turned around to jab its weapon at him. "Whoa!" The Rider rolls to his right in time to avoid being impaled but gets the Beat Closer knocked off his back. Staying on his tail, the High Zobil hits the Gaguryu Breaker out of Cross-Z's hand the moment he got on his feet and then follows up getting three hits on him with a fourth sending the Rider rolling back. "Ugh. Me and my big mouth. What am I supposed to do?" Cross-Z questioned as he stood back up.

As if to respond to him, the Tiga bottle glowed with the dragon Fullbottle shooting out the slot and then takes its place in the belt. "What? This bottle is really weird. Oh well, let's see what it'll do." (Wake Up!) Cross-Z turns his belts crank before rolling under the kaiju's spear again. (Ready? Go! Dragonic Finish! Yeah!)

The High Zobil turned doing a wide swing thinking Cross-Z would roll to the side again but to its surprise, the Rider quickly turned and used his left arm to stop it. "Grah?!" It get surprised again when it sees a Color Timer like Guardie's appear in the middle of his chest, along with the flame design on his protectors disappear and turns completely yellow.

"Ha!" Cross-Z wrapped his arm around the spear before delivering a powerful punch to its chest but he keeps the High Zobil from falling back by keeping ahold of the spear and follows by ducking under the spear and past the Zobil. "Dah!" With blue flames covering his left arm, Cross-Z switched hands on holding the spear to use the flame covered one to chop it in half and then chops the back of the High Zobil's neck. When it turns to face him, Cross-Z shouted "Hyah!" landing a back kick on its chest, sending it flying back a few feet.

"Yeah!/Get him, Cross-Z!/Send that creep packing!" His classmates shouted out to him. Cross-Z catches the Tiga bottle when it shots out of the slot. "That was awesome. Now to finish this like the original Cross-Z." (Wake Up!) The belt called out when he reinserts the dragon bottle. After turning the crank, Cross-Z crouches a bit while holding his arms out wide apart with a chinese dragon made of blue flames flying down behind him. (Ready? Go! Dragonic Finish! Yeah!) Having waited for the High Zobil to get back on its feet, Cross-Z jumps with the dragon breathing out fire that launches him towards the kaiju, swipes a kick across its chest leaving a burning blue streak across its chest and then explodes the next second after Cross-Z lands a few feet behind it. "With that done, then that means" He looks towards the Hell Beast.

Worm stops its attack on Guardie before going berserk and each head shooting blasts randomly around different directions. The area was beginning to become wrecked by the attacks. Luckly, most of its blasts only land near or over Ponyville.

"Let's try this again, Guardie." Cross-Z yelled out bringing out his new phone with the Guardie card still inside it and the two cards appear in his hand. (Bakuryuu Tyrannosaurus! Kishiryu Tyramigo!) "Bring forth the guardian with chivalrous dino guts!" He pushes enter while holding it up. (Cross-Z Fuse! Guardie! Kyoryu King!) Both rexes appear around Guardie as he stood and began swirling around him before going into the Color Timer. The kind Kaiju glows transforming into his mecha form.

"Hey, wait a minute." Cross-Z spoke to himself. He looks himself over a moment before looking back to Guardie. "Doesn't he need me to be inside him when transformed? What am I supposed to do then? Huh?" He had questioned while watching as Guardie began firing his cannons at Worm. His phone then rings showing the numbers '1-0-7' and '1-2-0-5' light up. "Two spells? Okay then. Let's try them out." Cross-Z dials the first set and then holds it up pressing enter. (Maagi Magi Magika!) "Wha?1 What's happening?"

The Rider gets surprised when a huge blue spell circle, with his symbol in the middle, lifts him off the ground to pull him up to it. Passing through the circle, Cross-Z grows giant while his body transforms into a four-leg winged dragon. He seemed to be a mecha like Guardie with his body having the same color as his Rider form. The body mostly being blue, the joints being black, white claws and spikes along the neck, blue wings and tail with golden flames design on them, and a gold head with blue gem on top of the head and eyes matching his visor's color. Gold covered the upper sides of the front legs. This is Cross-Z's Majin form known as Majin Dragonic.

Cross-Z flies around enjoying his new Majin form. "WAHOOOO!! THIS IS AWESOME!!" While diving down, he sees some of worm's blasts headed towards town. "Oh no you don't." He breathes out blue fire at all the blasts before they could hit the town and then turns to breath fire at Worm.


Having ended up back around Sugarcube Corner, Applejack and Rainbow were side by side facing opposite directions as many grunts surrounded them. There were even some grunts on top of the building around them.

"Things don't seem ta be lookin' so good fer us." Applejack said eyeing the grunts as they got closer. "Got any ideas, Rainbow?"

The pegasus looks up at the grunts on the roof. "Simple. Move fast, hit them hard, and save the day in time to take my late afternoon nap."

"In that case, there's only one option, I reckon." "Right behind you. I'll take the half in front of me, you take on the other half." The grunts all held up their weapons when they see the two ponies ready themselves. "And how yah reckon we do that?" "AAAAHHHHHH!"

Applejack and Rainbow get startled along with the grunts when Gaim comes driving up from Applejack's side with Kagekamuro being dragged along from the front of the bike. "This is your stop." With the huge fist reappearing on his left hand, Gaim punches Kagekamuro off his bike, sending the Ayakashi crashing right through the grunts and skipping across the ground on the other side.

Standing back up after having jumped out of the way, Applejack and Rainbow run past the grunts, who stumbled falling into each other, and over to the Rider. "Another Rider?! Where the hay did you come from?"

"Kamen Rider Gaim." The Rider walks in between the two while answering Rainbow's question. "Anything else can wait until later. For now, it's time for a little extermination."

"Now that's an idea I can get behind." Rainbow enthusiastically said with a smirk. She and Applejack face towards the grunts ready to fight again. "Care ta do the honors then, Gaim."

Making the second huge fist appear and then slamming them into each other, Gaim holds up both fists as Kagekamuro and the grunts stood back up. "This is our stage now." Gaim and Applejack charge towards them while Rainbow takes off to attack the ones on the roof.

"DESTROY THEM!!!" The grunts followed the Ayakashi's order and charge to meet the two while the ones on the roof began shooting at Rainbow.

Gaim punches his way through grunts while Applejack bucked an Imp that ran up to her and sent it tumbling onto other grunts following behind. Nanashi and Golems come in from Gaim's sides, but he blocks their weapons with his fists and sends them flying after countering them. Taking notice of Zobils on a roof shoot towards, the Rider punches each of the shots into grunts running towards him. They were about to fire again but are hit off the roof by Rainbow flying by.

"The ones on the roof want to join in? Fine by me." (Pine!) A Lockseed with a Pineapple on it that Gaim brought out announced after pushing the side to make it unlock. (Lock Off! Lock On!) The belt announced after switching the locks and begins playing a Japanese horagai stand by music. With the walnut armor dissolving into liquid and visor's color becoming blank, a zipper appears above him and unzips to bring out a pineapple armor. he uses the knife to chop down on the lock, opening the front of it to show a slices pineapple and an image of a flail pineapple weapon. (Soiya! Pine Arms! Funsai destroy!) The armor dropped down onto his head and unfolds into a Japanese samurai style armor with the back of Gaim's helmet now resembling a pineapple and the visor now having a pineapple slice look. The weapon from the image, known as the Pine Iron, appears in his hands. Holding the handle in his left hand, he begins spinning the pineapple end with the other hand. "Who's first?"

Grunts charged at Gaim while Zobil and Nanashi fired slimeballs and arrows at him. Spinning the flail side to side, Gaim fends off each of the shots and arrows before looking to his left to slam his weapon into a group running up to him, sending them flying in different directions. He pulls on it to have it swing by him and ram into other grunts coming in from behind.

"No way I'm going to let you all shoot again." Spinning himself clockwise, he has the flail swing upward to hit all the Zobil and Nanashi about to fire at him all at once. He stops to look up at Rainbow. "Pegasus, help round them up so we can finish them."

"Hey! The names Rainbow Dash! But I'm on it!" She shouted back to him as she speeds up, ramming into grunt not on the road and knocking back in with the others in order to pile them all in one space.

(Soiya! Pine Squash!) The belt announces after Gaim presses down the knife once. While swinging the handle to wrap around the grunts and keep them together, he lets the pineapple end of his weapon to drop in front of Applejack before it enlarges. "Think you can get a strike?"

Applejack grins understanding what he means. "Easier than bakin' an apple pie." She turns facing away from the fruit, reels up her hind legs, and then with great strength bucks the huge pineapple, sending it rolling forward. All the grunts tried struggling to free themselves but by the time they did, the pineapple hits destroying most of them in an explosion while the rest were sent flying all around.

"Nice strike, AJ!!" Rainbow shouted while hoof bumping with Applejack.

"It's all in the-" Applejack had said with a smirk until they heard multiple slashes in front of them. Fireballs that we cut in half past by both their sides and exploded behind them. Facing forward, they find Gaim standing in front of them with the Musou Saber in hand. "Thanks fer the save there, Gaim."

Keeping his eyes set forward towards Kagekamuro, Gaim rests his sword on his right shoulder while holding a thumbs up for the girls. "He's mine." Is all he says before walking towards the Ayakashi.

Applejack and Rainbow did as he said and just watched as the two dashed towards each other and began clashing blades. Gaim mostly just parries each strike, even by taking steps back. Backing away from a strike, the Rider ducks under the next to deliver a slash across the side of the Ayakashi's waist. "Damn samurai. I'll-" Kagekamuro stops upon hearing a click. He turns to find Gaim pressing his sword's gun barrel against his chest with four glowing dots in the blade. Pulling the trigger, Gaim shoots four shots into the Ayakashi.


"I'm sorry but the boutique is closed." Rarity yelled as she, Pinkie and Fluttershy had barricaded themselves inside Rarity's home. The three struggled shoving against the couch in order to keep the grunts out as they tried breaking in through the door. Along with them, Rarity's furniture was being used by other ponies who were doing the same to keep the grunts from entering through the back door and windows. "Where's Discord when you really need him?"

"I don't know. He usually appears when I call." Fluttershy squeaks out of fear when they're pushed back and inch, but they manage to push it back in place.

Not hearing anything from Pinkie, Rarity looks over Fluttershy to see her on her hind legs and her back against the couch while reading what looks like a script.

"Pinkie, what exactly are you doing?" "I'm trying to see what'll happen next. Because this is when the hero usually comes to save the day." Pinkie answered while turning to show her friend the script. "Pinkie, we aren't in a movie."

Outside, the grunts were trying their best to break their way in. Though their attempts are brought to a halt when Skeleton comes crashing against Rarity's house above them and falls into pieces on to them, from having broken apart.

"Do you fellas have room for one more?" They all turned to find Ghost standing across the road. With her sword in hand, she tilts the hilt and slides the top off the blade off to rotate it and slide it back in to reveal a barrel which completes the Gan Gun Saber's gun mode. "Since it's been a long time since I've been in one of these gathering, I want to make the most of it."

"Grah!!" The grunts all made a battle cry before charging towards the Rider.

Ghost let's out a sigh of relief. "I'll connect the hearts of others with my beliefs." She immediately shoots down a few grunts before charging towards them.

Ghost shoots a couple more of them before jumping over them to avoid the axe and knife of a Zobil and Imp. But she didn't come back touching the ground. Instead, she glowed hovering upside down above them while shooting them in the back as she went by them. Ghost flips back upright when she lands in the middle of the grunts. "Now you see me." She said in a taunting voice with a glowing make the same as the one on her chest appears on the back of her right hand. "Now you don't." The moment they all try swarming her at once, Ghost becomes intangible and phases into the ground causing them all to slam into each other. The Rider then comes spinning out of the ground with whirling orange energy that knocks the grunts in just about every direction.

Back at the boutique, Pinkie's head could be seen peeking out from the door. Having heard the commotion outside, she and her friends moved the couch a bit to be able to open the door enough to peek outside.

"See! I told you the hero appears around now!!" Pinkie shouted with excitement.

Rarity and Fluttershy peek their heads out in time to see Ghost use her gun to blocks three Imps swords while holding on to the arms of three Golem Soldiers in the other. She uses their own strength to flip them onto the ground.

"A Rider?!" Rarity spoke sounding shocked from the sudden appearance of a new Rider. "Are they a friend of Connor and Eiji?"

"Twilight did mention how the other Riders looked during one our tea parties. But she never mentioned a Rider like that one."

Back in the battle, Ghost has an Orgette hold onto her as they spun, shooting a couple of grunts while going around and then uses the momentum to flip the grunt down along with her. "Rah!!" She sees a couple grunts run up to attack, rolls out of the way to avoid them and then flies on top of a roof.

"Whoa! I don't like the tone of your voices. And I know the best way to fix that." Ghost brings out a silver eye and presses its side making '06' appear in the eye. Tossing her gun up into the air, she opens the front of the belt to remove a black eye which causes her jacket and visor's face to disappear. She then inserts the new eye and closes the belt. (Eye! Bacchiri Minaa!) The belt continued the last part along with a jingle. A white, black and gray colored coat piano keys in the front, shoulders and strips that seem to act as the arms comes flying out from the eye and flew around the Rider like a ghost. The jingle ends when Ghost pulls the belt's handle outward and back in, making the eye blink to now show the image of a grey musical score. (Kaigan! Bee~tho~ven! Kyokumei! Unmei! Ja-ja-ja-ja~n!) The belt announced along with an orchestrated tune choir as the coat flew placing itself onto Ghost with the stripes moving to the back of the shoulders and the same musical score sliding up, becoming the visor's new face along with the horn.

Catching the gun, Ghost begins pressing the piano keys on the coat to create energy constructs of musical notes. She waves her hand and gun around like a conductor of an orchestra to control the movements of the musical notes, sends them at the grunts to knock them around and continues this until they're all out in the open. Ghost quickly pulls and pushes the handle, making the eye blink to now show the inside of the eye being sonic rings with three musical notes. (Daikaigan! Bee~tho~ven Omega Drive!) Lines of musical notes appeared, flying down to the grunts to move around them and lifts them into the air before converging on them, destroying them all.

Ghost bows down a couple times while saying, "Thank you! Thank you! You've all were a wonderful audience. Now where'd that skeleton go? Ugh!" She looked around for a few seconds before something knocks her off the roof. "Ouch. That wasn't nice."

Looking back up, she sees Dora Skeleton before it jumps down to impale her with its sword. Ghost quickly rolls out of the way and back onto one knee while creating more musical notes to launch at the Dora Monster. Skeleton becomes invisible with none of the notes hitting their mark. Ghost tries to spot for any sign of the kaiju. After a moment, she gets slashed across the chest twice before getting what feels like a drop kick, knocking her onto her back.

"If that's the way you want to play, then fine." Standing back up, Ghost brings out a yellow eye and pushes the side for the inside of the eye to show '02' in it. She then proceeds to switch the eyes again. (Eye! Bacchiri Minaa!) With the Beethoven coat and face disappearing, An antennaed silver hooded coat, with light bulb arms and yellow lining the edges, flies out of the belt. (Kaigan! Edison! Elec! Hirameki! Hatsumei~oh~!) After blinking to show a yellow light bulb in the eye, the coat places itself onto Ghost with the arms turning onto the shoulders and the light bulb image becoming the new face.

"Now, what to do about this guy." Ghost spoke to herself as she stood lost in thought. Skeleton reappears slashing her twice from behind and then another across the chest when she turned to face him, sending her fly back a few feet. The Dora Monster then goes back to being invisible. "Ugh...hm!" A small cloud formed over her head as she stood up and shots lightning down onto the antenna. Ghost snaps her finger shouting "Eureka!"

Holding up her left hand in a prayer-like position, the glowing symbol reappears on her hand as the clouds around Ponyville began darkening and building up together with rain pouring out from them.

Rarity and the others looked bewildered at what they just saw. "They're able to control the weather!?" Still invisible, Skeleton looked around confused by the sudden change in weather.

With her hand holding her weapon, she pulls the handle outward while still holding the prayer stance that make a huge rune eye with Edison's light bulb image in the center of the eye. "My life is burning brightly!" Ghost activates the finisher, changing the image in the belt's eye to a lit-up bulb with bolts of electricity around it. Energy transfers from the rune eye to her left hand as she raises her a finger towards the sky as the belt announces, (Daikaigan! Edison Omega Drive!). Lightning shoots from the finger into the clouds before coming back at her with others following suit causing Skeleton to be electrocuted from the area having been soaked by the rain.

Looking to her right spotting her target, who's invisibility keeps going on and off because of the lightning shocks, Ghost aligns the eyes of her weapon and belt to activate its finisher. (Daikaigan! Gan Gan Mina! Gan Gan Mina!) Electricity began building up into the gun's muzzle as Ghost took aim and pulled the trigger. (Omega Shoot!) Ghost fires a powerful electrical shot that hits its mark and destroys the kaiju.

Back at Sugarcube Corner

From opposite ends, Gaim and Kagekamuro ran down the road while shooting at each other. The Ayakashi shoot fireballs that the Rider uses his sword cut through them before pulling on the sword's tab to fire four shots.

"Gah!" Kagekamuro gets hit with the next reload of shots. "Damn, bastard! Try this!" The Ayakashi charges energy into its shoulders.

Seeing this, Gaim takes the chance to bring out a different Lockseed and pushes the side to unlock it. (Orange!) The space above the Rider unzip in a circular motion with an orange shaped armor coming out from it. (Lock off! Lock on!) Switching locks, the pineapple armor disappears into liquid.

Gaim does a hand stand the moment Kagekamuro fires his lasers, allowing him to avoid the attack and kick the orange armor into the Ayakashi. "Dah!" With the kaiju being knock to the ground and the orange armor flying back to him, he chops open the front of the lock to show the image of a sliced orange while the bottom has a sword with orange slice-looking blade known as the Daidaimaru. (Soiya! Orange Arms! Hanamichi on stage!) Placing itself onto his head, the armor opens and folds in to become samurai themed armor onto Gaim's shoulders, back and chest. The visor now had an orange slice look and an orange samurai looking helmet back piece. With the Daidaimaru appearing in his left hand,

Gaim gets into a crouching position with both swords held out to the sides. "Dual!" Gaim charges forward which prompts Kagekamuro to shoot fireballs. At first the Rider only uses the Musou Saber to cut his way through the attacks while resting the Daidaimaru on his shoulder but then uses both as he got closer to the Ayakashi.

Kagekamuro brings out his two swords. "Why you- Gah!" Sparks flew off the Ayakashi as Gaim ducked sliding past him while having slashed the waist with saber and then quickly turned to land another slash across Kagekamuro's back with the other sword. Kagekamuro turns to bring down both his swords on the Rider but Gaim blocks them with both of his. He shoves the Ayakashi back before landing six strikes on him. "I'm growing tired of this game!" Kagekamuro shouts angrily before firing the lasers from his shoulders.

Seeing this, Gaim connects the hilts of both his weapons to make them into their Naganita Mode with both blades facing in opposite directions. (Soiya! Orange Squash!) Activating his belt's finisher, Gaim spins his weapon while orange energy covers the blades. He dashes forward despite the Ayakashi firing lasers. The Rider's weapon acts as a shield from how the orange energy blocking the laser. He then quickly knocks both swords out of the Ayakashi's hands and slashes upward, sending Kagekamuro flipping through the air and landing face flat onto the ground.

Gaim was about to walk up to the Ayakashi, but steps and jumps back when the last of the grunts first tired attacking him from up close while the Nanashi and Zobils shot at him after his first few steps back. The Rider stops to look back at the kaijus when he stopped to see that he's now at the other end of the road.

"Alright, time to bring this act to a close." (Lock off!) Unlocking and removing the Lockseed from the belt, Gaim attaches and locks it onto the Musou Saber. (Lock on! 1, 10, 100, 10,000:) Seeing what the Rider is doing, grunts fire at him again but are knocked to the sides by him spinning his weapon again. Gaim stops the spinning for energy to fill the saber's blade and swings only using the Musou Saber end to launch multiple orange energy slashes. Kagekamuro and the grunts all get hit by the slashes and trapped in an orange energy sphere. Turning to use the Daidaimaru end, Gaim dashes forward as the inner part of the blade lit up, slashing each sphered grunt in half. (Orange Charge!) Reaching Kagekamuro, the Rider stops to slice and dice the sphere to bit along with the Ayakashi and ends with him cutting the kaiju in half from the waist while he ran past him.

Gaim stops in his tracks in front of Sugarcube Corner with his weapon held out to his right side. Behind him, both the upper halves of the spheres and grunts float off the bottom before exploding, while Kagekamuro's sphere along with him fell into pieces before exploding. He turns back to face towards the Ayakashi. "First life down. Now for the second li- Oh shoot." Gaim takes a step back looking up at the skies.

Twilight comes running up to help her friends but stops with a shocked look when the unexpected hero came into her sights. "A Rider? Where'd they- huh?" She takes notice of Gaim's sight set to the sky. "What are they..." She takes notice of the area darkening and gasps when she looks up at the sky.

Outside Ponyville

The battle continued as four of Worm 's heads fired blasts of energy at Guardie while the rest were trying to shoot down Cross-Z as he does a fly by and claws off one of the heads, making it shriek out in pain. Guardie uses the cannons on his back to blast of two more heads.

"Hm." Cross-Z notices Worm about to retract its heads. "Guardie, we need to stop it from escaping."

"As you command." Guardie roars marching forward with his drill tail beginning to spin. "Deracium Drill!" Reaching where the heads retracted into, Guardie drills his tail into the ground with a shriek coming from the hole the moment the tail hit something. The kind kaiju uses great strength with his tal to yank out the core body of Worm from the ground and tosses it into the sky. "Finish it, master."

While Guardie charges its beam attack, Cross-Z inhales deeply with blue flames building up in his mouth. "Overburn!" "Zeperion Pulsar!" Guardie fires his beam while Cross-Z breathes out a more powerful version the blue fire breath that his finisher used. Both attacks hit Worm, causing it to explode a moment after.

"Alright! Now that was an awesome way to save the day." Cross-Z shouted full of excitement as pieces of the Hell Beast fell down on an area away from Ponyville. "Hm? Master, look." "Wha?"

They looked up to see the sky above them filled with a dark aura. Before Cross-Z could question what was happening, bolts of black lightning shot down onto the three areas where the kaijus had been destroyed. The bits and pieces of them flew up into the dark aura.

Gaim and Ghost, who is back in his base form, ran meeting up at the edge of town where they could see Cross-Z and Guardie. "Things are going to get bad if we don't do something." The samurai Rider spoke with concern.

"Then let's change the field." Ghost brings out a MagiPhone similar to Cross-Z's but resembles more of her suit's color scheme and opens it to show her symbol in it. She dials in '7-1-9' and then presses enter while holding it up. (Majika Maaji Majuna!) With the tip lighting up, the symbols of the three Riders each appeared in front of them before racing and converging into each other that engulfs the whole area in a bright flash of light.

Not far behind the two Riders, Twilight and her friends came running up to them. "Wait! Hold on!" Was all see got to say before the bright light blinded them.

The group rubbed their eyes, regaining their sight but gasp at the sight now surrounding them. Ponyville and land they knew was gone and replaced with an area that seemed to be a mix of a savanna and volcanic landscape with gems sticking out randomly all around.

"Sweet Celestia./Oh my." "Where the hay are we?" Rainbow had shouted over Rarity and Fluttershy.

"It's the Quantum Field" The group looked in front of them to find Ghost had turned to face them.

"Quantum Field?" Twilight questioned making Gaim turn to them. "Yes. A dimensional arena you could say that's created by using a portion our magic. It's a way to-" "To prevent damage and destruction done for battles involving giant kaiju, am I right?" Twight spoke up interrupting.

Ghost nods. "Yup! Bingo! Though there's more of a bigger reason." "What kinda reason?" Before answering Applejack's question, the two Riders looked back ahead towards the sky. "That hurricane of a reason." The Mane 6 move beside the Riders to focus back on the battle field.

"What is this place? Huh?" Cross-Z and Gaurdie were standing in the middle of the area confused before setting their sights back on the dark aura in the sky as it begins to disperse. But with its dispersal, it leaves behind a dark sphere that floats down not that far from the two giants. "This does not seem good."

Right then the sphere shatters to reveal a kaiju that seemed to be a combination of all three. The body mostly resembles Dora Skeleton but is red with its upper body having similar features as Kagekamuro, such as skeletal version of the huge face as the chest and the blades from his sword attached to both wrists. The eight heads of Worm replaced the cape as the heads moved around like tentacles. Standing before them now is Tartarus Fiend- Skeleton.

"Guardie!" Understanding Cross-Z, the two prepare their attacks. "Overburn!" "Zeperion Pulsar!" The two unleash their attacks at Skeleton. Though to their surprise, the kaiju disappears with attacks not hitting anything. "What? Where'd he- Ugh!"

Skeleton reappears in front of them with a ghastly laugh before using its bladed arms to slash at the two. Making Guardie stumble back to its left while Cross-Z crashed onto the ground on the right. Guardie charges forward, trying to swipe at Skeleton but being faster, the Tartarus Fiend uses one arm to block the hit while using the other to slash Guardie across the chest with sparks flying off.

"Ugh..." Cross-Z shakes off the hit he had taken. He looks back to the battle seeing Guardie try to fight back as Skeleton keeps landing hits on the kind kaiju. "Guardie, hold on. Over- Gah!" Cross-Z was preparing his attack but gets blasted by the worm heads turning to face him and shoot purple lasers similar to Kagekamuro's.

"Kyoryu-" Guardie gets cut off by Skeleton wrapping one arm around his jaw and the other to hold him in a head lock. The Tartarus Fiend then uses its strength to lift and toss Guardie over itself and having the kind kaiju land on top of Cross-Z.

With a ghastly chuckle, energy built up in the mouth of the huge head. Before the two could recover, it fires a powerful blast at them, that drags them across the ground and into a huge gem shard. "Cross-Z!!" Twilight and the others shouted worried.

While the two were trying to recover and stand, the worms disattach themselves from Skeleton, seven of the heads moved through the air like snakes as they made their way towards the two giants. They wrapped themselves around the two keeping their arms and legs tied to each other, shut their mouths, and the seventh tying Cross-Z's wings together. The eighth worm straightened itself into a pole with gems floating off the ground and towards the pole to morph itself into a two-handed great sword.

The Mane 6 gasp at the scene. Their two friends are tied down while Skeleton advances towards them slowly with the blade of its sword dragging along the ground.

Seeing this, Ghost brings out her phone again. "That's it! I'm going in." Before she could take a step forward, Gaim holds out his arm to stop her. "Gaim, why? He needs our help."

"No. He needs to handle this on his own." "What!? Are you joking? That whole thing is practically screaming trouble!" Rainbow shouted after flying in front of Gaim to be face to face. "Don't count out him out just yet. If he's gained that form, then there's still one last thing he can do."

Twilight and rest of her friend look to the Rider. "What do you mean?" Gaim says nothing but keeps his focus on the battle.

Back at the battle, Cross-Z and Guardie continued to struggle against their binds as Skeleton was only few steps away. "This is bad. This is bad. We have to do something. But what? There must be something else I while in this form. Uh!" Cross-Z recalls that he had gotten an addition spell aside to the one that transformed him. "That's right. The second spell. But how do I use it while in this form?"

"Speak the incantation." "What?" Cross-Z questioned as Skeleton stopped in front of them. "Speak the incantation to use the spell."

"Then what were the incantations for those numbers?" Cross-Z asked himself trying to quickly remember as Skeleton brought up its sword to finish them. "Ma...Maagi...Maagi Jiruma ah..." Right as it brought down the sword on them, it came to him and he shouts, "Maagi Jiruma Magi Jinga!"

Right at last second, the spell circle that had transformed Cross-Z into his Majin form burst out from him, forcing the worms to release both him and Guardie as well as stopping Skeleton's sword and sending the Tartarus Fiend flying back.

(Maagi Jiruma Magi Jinga! Dragonic Gattai!) The phone's voice announced out loud with blue flames circling around them. Cross-Z flew up towards the circle hover over them while also circling around Guardie. He flies through the circle which causes his front claws, wings and tail to disconnect from him while the arms and head fold forward to form a chest similar to that of Tiga's, with the legs folding upward from the sides. Guardie roars before straightening himself out with his tail, cannons and the front of his chest disconnecting from the body. His legs rotate around with the claws to fold up and have feet unfolding out. His head then folded back to allow the inner part of the body folded out and combine with the arms after the claws flipped to bring out humanoid hands.

Cross-Z's tail splits into four pieces while Guardie's cannons split into twos. The tip ends of the tail connect to the bottom of the feet with the back heel extending out to match the feet's height and the back ends of the cannons fold open to connect to the sides of the legs, giving them the appearance of exhaust ports. Cross-Z's claws connect with the last two pieces of the tail with the front end of the cannons attaching behind the piece before they combined to the back of the arms. The dragon wings combine to the front side of the shoulders. Guardie's lower jaw opens fully to reveal a set of green eyes with the six mane-like horns sliding together to make an upper head that resembles Tiga's. Before Guardie's head put itself back into place, the back part of Cross-Z's lifted forward with middle of it to split open to reveal a mouth guard piece resembling Cross-Z's having the white fin spikes on both sides of the face. The two connected with each other completing the face.

"Wha?!" Cross-Z finds himself in a room of light with a prism colored alter forming in front of him. Looking at the alter, he sees an empty space on it shaped like his phone. He decides to place the phone on it, causing it to light up with his mark appearing behind him. His visor lights up as information raced in his head and then holds his hand over the alter. "Awaken! Tiga-Oh Dragonic!" From the outside, Tiga-Oh slams his fists together with the transformation completed.

Back with the others, Twilight and her friends, except for Pinkie who is bouncing up and down with excitement, were all stunned by what they just seen the two become.

"What is that?" "That is called evening the plain field." Ghost answered Twilight with grin under her helmet.

Growling angrily, Skeleton has the seven worms reattach to itself and begins raining down shots of lasers at Tiga-Oh. Though unlike for when they were separate, Tiga-Oh easily marches through the lasers. Seeing this, the Tartarus Fiend launches the worms towards the mecha.

"Uh-oh. What do we do?" "Crush them."

From flames being shot out the cannon barrels, Tiga-Oh strikes throwing a lightning-fast punches at three worms that tried coming straight at him, which destroys them upon impact.

"Wow-wee! Did you see that, Rainbow? They took down that worm snake thingie so easily." "Yeah! That was so AWESOME! Uh... but they'll need to be 20% cooler if they want to match me." Rainbow answered Pinkie trying to only sound half impressed.

The other four worms try coming at him from different angles. Two from the sides, one from behind and the last from above. "Ryu Streak!" Fire shoots out from the exhaust ports on the right leg, which Tiga-Oh then does a round house kick that leaves a burning streak that knocks the three coming at him from the sides and back away and turns doing an upper cut destroying the one coming from above.

Before the worms recovered, Tiga-Oh creates energy copies of the shoulder wings that put themselves next to each other to make a shuriken. "Cross Wing!" Tiga-Oh launches the shuriken at the last three worms which splits them down the middle as it went in a circular motion.

"Now for the bonehead." The mecha turns, charging towards Skeleton.

The Tartarus Fiend lets out a ghastly laugh as it became invisible. Tiga-Oh stops from having lost the enemy and begins looking around to see any sign of Skeleton. After a moment, he gets struck from the side. He tries taking a swing in that direction but only manages to hit air. He continues trying to swing in directions he gets hit and slashed at from but can't land any of them.

"Oh no." Fluttershy quietly spoke worried. Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity began shouting "Come on, Cross-Z! Don't lose ta that darn snake!/Kick that bone freaks butt./You can do it, Cross-Z!"

"Ugh! Guardie, what can we do?" "Leave it to me, master. Burner Formation!"

All four cannon parts disconnect from Tiga-Oh. Guardie's chest piece that connects to the left hand to act as a shield. The front cannon pieces place themselves on the side of the legs with the pieces that had been on the legs attached themselves to the shoulders.

Then from both the cannons and exhaust ports, fire shoots out spreading through the area all around. Skeleton appears on the far right from the flames burning the Tartarus Fiend. Tiga-Oh turns to face it with the shield aim towards it. "Roaring Inferno!" The shield builds up the flames in front of it before shooting it forward like a flamethrower, which forces Skeleton to try stopping it with its sword and ends up getting knocked over.

"Alright! Now, Breaker Formation!" Cross-Z shouted with both the Beat Closer and Gaburyu Breaker being summoned to both hands.

All the parts disattach to reform with the chest piece connecting onto the left arm with the two tail pieces with the claws attached placing themselves together on the underside of it. The two open cannon pieces refold themselves to connect to each other while placing itself on the right arm. The cannons attached to the sides of the back one while the drill tail connect to the front one.

"Let's go!" Cross-Z has Tiga-Oh charge forward.

Skeleton does the same with sword at the ready. Following Cross-Z's movements, Tiga-Oh uses the drill as a lance to cross blades with Skeleton's great sword, shoves the Tartarus Fiend back and follows with a slash across its chest. Cross-Z pushes forward with the attacks by having Taig-Oh stay on Skeleton's tail as he slashed and thrusted the drill into it. "How about this!" Cross-Z charges the knuckle's attack. Seeing Tiga-Oh ready the claw arm, Skeleton brings its sword in front of itself to have it act as a shield. (Cross Knuckle!) Fire covers the claw shield as the mecha swung it hitting right through the sword and into Skeleton's chest. (Hippare!) The drill begins spinning after Cross-Z pulls on the Beat Closer's hilt. (Smash Hit!) He has Tiga-Oh swing the drill as Skeleton stumbled back, hitting and destroying the blades on its wrists, and then swings back the drill in an upper cut slash that has sparks fly off the Tartarus Fiend as it fell rolling back along the ground.

Skeleton makes an angry ghastly laugh as it stood up and began building up a huge amount of energy into its chest.

"Finish it now, master!" "Got it!" Shaking the Tiga bottle a bit, Cross-Z inserts it into his sword. (Special Tune! Hippare! Hippare! Hippare!) The drill began getting faster and faster as the sword called out. The mecha keeps himself in place as the cannons acted as thruster with flames made of light spiraling along the drill. (Mega Slash!) He pulls the trigger as Skeleton fires its blast. "Tiga-Oh! Zeperion Breaker!" Tiga-Oh releases his hold on the ground to allow the cannons to launch him forward as he drills right through the blast.

Before Skeleton knew, its attack had completely been dug through. It stood standing still for a moment before looking down a finding a huge hole through it. Tiga-Oh stood a few feet behind the Tartarus Fiend with his back facing to it. Skeleton falls to its knees before slamming flatly onto the ground, exploding the next second.

Twilight and her friends shouted happily in cheer for their dragon friend's win with Ghost and Pinkie giving each other a high five/hoof. Gaim just crossed his arms and nodded. Aside from the Riders, Twilight and the other get surprised as the world around them became bright again that they have to cover their eyes. When the light died down, they're welcomed back to Ponyville by the sounds of the surprised startled citizens who had been standing where the Mane 6 disappeared.

"Twilight." The girls turn around to face a shocked looking Mayor Mare. "Do you mind explaining the giant?" She asked pointing over them to Tiga-Oh.

"Well, you see" Twilight pauses as the ground shook from the giant mecha walking up to them. "That's a bit of a long story."

Hours Later

It was now sunset as the disaster all around Ponyville had been cleaned up. The Mane 6 and Riders were standing at the center of town. The two Riders had helped the group in restoring as much of the town as they could. Gaim and Ghost looked around admiring how the ponies had just resumed enjoying the last of the day they had left.

Ghost waved to ponies as they gave their thanks while walking by. "To think how much has changed since we've been gone. I wonder what else has changed."

"Wait," The two looked down to their left at Twilight. "If I heard right, do you mean to say you two have always been in Equestria."

"That's right." Gaim confirmed. "We along with five other Riders had helped protect this world during the time we were awake." "Awake? What do you-" Gaim holds up a hand stopping Twilight. "I think that can wait. We all could use a rest before having to tell a long story."

"Yeah, you're telling me." They all look to Cross-Z. "That was really tiring and also painful. Ouch." He had stretched a bit but stopped when he felt a small sting. "Do all Riders have to deal with these sores and bruises?" Cross-Z asked in a joking manure, making the other chuckle and laugh.

"CROSS-z!!" Hearing the CMC, the group look ahead to see the girls come running towards them with Rumble, Rose and Misty following along. "Cross-Z, did yah see that other giant?" Apple Bloom asked with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle also asking, " Yeah! It was so cool. They were flying all over the place." "And who are they? Are they new Riders?"

Cross-Z lets out an exhausted sigh. "Yeah they are. But I agree with Gaim. Can we talk about this later? We did so much today that I'm starving." He ends with his stomach rumbling.

Ghost and Gaim see he's about to deactivate his transformation. "Wait, Cross-Z! What are you-" Undoing his transformation, they see Spike in his human form before being surprised to see the ponies act normal to his original dragon form. "Wait, do all of you already know he was a dragon?"

Twilight and the others all looked at the Riders with confusion. "I don't understand. Is there something wrong with Spike being a dragon?"

"Nononono! That's not it." Ghost quickly answered with her hands raised defensively. "It's just surprising. During the time we had protected Equestria a long time ago, the Ponies and other races never really interacted or care for one another. If one was in trouble, the others would just ignore."

Gaim nodes. "Yes. It was a time when many battles happened. That was part of the reason we've never showed our identities to many others, aside from those that gained our trust. But if times have changed, then I see no reason to stay transformed any longer."

Looking to Ghost, he gives her a nod before proceeding to undo his transformation along with her. Gaim closes the front of the orange Lockseed before unlocking and removing it with the belt saying (Lock Off!), while Ghost opens her belt to remove the eye and just closes it with the belt saying (Oyasumi!) Both Riders transformation come undone to reveal their human forms.

Ghost is a teenaged girl with white skin and black medium hair that was all combed over to the right side. She wore tan colored short sleeved, unbuttoned shirt and shorts, a green tang top, three gold bracelets on her left wrist and zebra striped shoes. While Gaim was a grown man with light yellow-ish skin and spiky short brown hair. He seemed to be a gym teacher from how he was dressed in a light blue tracksuit and green running shoes.

They were only in a human state for a second before they began to glow. "My name is Makena." Ghost said as she changed into a zebra with Ghost's symbol on her rear and three gold bracelets on front left leg.

"And I'm known as Lockjaw." Gaim changed into a yellow-ish furled husky Diamond Dog wearing the same blue tracksuit jacket and a green collar with the Gaim symbol on it.

Twilight seemed like she was about to ask a question but doesn't get the chance to. Right before she could ask, they hear the sound of a faint boom before becoming confused by the sunset's light getting overshadowed by a white light.

"Twilight, what's that?" They all look to Spike before looking towards the direction he's pointing towards.

Out of the town and towards the Ghastly Gorge, they see a huge tower of light shooting up into the sky and piercing through the cloud. What follows after is the town getting hit by a shock wave that knocks down everyone outside while having shaken up any pony inside their homes or the stores/shops.

This time Makena let's out an exhausted sigh. "I'm guessing that means dinner is postponed."

To Be Continued