• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,074 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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The terrible truth behind the ugly lie

Things in Maretime Bay were now somewhat better. The damage has been made manageable, Artemis and Thunderbird donated some of their own technology to help repair and improve what was destroyed or damaged that belonged to Canterlogic, and a lot of ponies from their organization came to help repair the buildings that were still standing, even Sunny’s lighthouse. Speaking of the young alicorn, she was absolutely peeved to say the least. She had calmed down a bit when they had first started rebuilding but her frustration grew overtime and at the same time, so did her hatred and anger. She tried not to let those emotions get the better of her because it would go against who she was. But this was driving her crazy.

She wanted answers. She needed answers, and she needed them now. Right now, she’s sitting on the edge of the cliff her lighthouse resides on, thinking. Because of her two “mentors” and their little secrets, she had almost lost her hometown, her house, and one of her best friends. When she thought the energetic unicorn hadn’t made it, she felt her heart drop and felt like she didn’t know what she would do if she lost Izzy. Possibly go after Midnight for revenge? Attack Artemis and Thunderbird? Those thoughts scared Sunny just as much as the thought of losing her friends. Said friends walk from behind her and sit next to her. She looks at them and smiles. “Hey guys..” she says half heartedly.

“Hey” they all say back and after that, a moment of silence followed and continued for a few minutes. “Soooo.. whatcha doing out here?” Izzy asked her, slightly concerned.

Sunny sighed and looked out to the horizon before answering. “Just clearing my head..” she said.

“Sunny.. what happened? We know what happened at Canterlogic but.. I feel like there’s something you’re not telling us.” Hitch said, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him then back at the ocean.

She sighs and puts her face in her hands, shaking her head slightly. “Artemis and Thunderbird have been lying to me.. to all of us. About my dad.. about Midnight.. she told me she was the reason he died! That she killed him! And they knew about it! I feel so betrayed..” she explains, gaining shocked looks from all her friends and a sorrowful and confused one from Hitch.

“Argyle.. so he was involved in whatever those two were doing.. and he didn’t tell you.. maybe he wanted to keep you safe and keep you away from whatever harm came with what he was doing?” Hitch asks and Sunny just shrugs and mutters a maybe.

Sunny suddenly feels Izzy lean into her shoulder and nuzzle her and she blushes but doesn’t know why, then she just nuzzles her back and smiles. “Thanks Izzy.. I needed that.” she says and Izzy smiles back.

“Anytime Sunny, whatever happens, we’ll figure everything out.. together.” she says and her tone is so soft and reassuring when she does that Sunny can’t help but feel at least a little better and agree with her. She nods and stands up and her friends do the same.

“You’re right.. together we can do anything and together we will stop Midnight and send her and the other villains back to where they came from.” she says, growing her signature determined look and all her friends agree.

“Okayyy just one question, how are we supposed to take out all of them?” Pipp asks, doubt evident in her voice but this earns a reassuring smile from her sister and a reassuring wing around her shoulders.

“One step at a time sis, one step at a time.” Zipp says and her sister smiles back. They all come together for a group hug and everything feels like it’s gonna be alright. That is until Artemis and Thunderbird land behind them and they all turn to face the two, glaring at them. Artemis sighs.

“I know you all have been waiting for answers so I’ll make this quick. Sunny, your father.. he was a hero.. he was one of us.. he did want earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns to be united and figured that what we were doing was the right way to do it.. but he didn’t realize all the risks and apparently.. neither did we.. before she was trapped, Midnight made clones of herself and Thunderbird and I hunted them all down.. except one..” she said with sadness creeping into her voice at that last part and it’s clear what happened. Thunderbird continued for her.

“Argyle thought he might’ve discovered what really happened to the Mane 6.. and possibly discovered a location of something that could free them from where they vanished to. But before he could confirm it.. Midnight's clone murdered him a day after he started his journey.. we destroyed the clone but by the time we got there Argyle was already on death’s doorstep.. before he died he made us promise.. not to tell you about anything he did.. but things changed when the crystals made you an alicorn.. and we decided that after you had a bit of time to try and get used to being one, we would tell you.” he explained and Sunny was distraught more than anything. Her father was so close to finding her lifelong heroes.. but Midnight, she.. she..

In that moment.. all Sunny felt was rage, sadness, and confusion. This time all her rage was directed.. at Midnight and her magic slightly got.. darker and started turning red. Before anyone could question what was going on with their friend, Sunny let out a scream of anger and sadness right before flying off and causing a shockwave that knocks everypony over. She was going after Midnight and no matter what anyone said or did, nothing would stop her.

Inside the airship's throne room

As Midnight continued to gaze at the two powerful ancient artifacts, she could feel herself gaining strength from them both, imagining all the things she could do with them. She would’ve used them to destroy Maretime Bay, but as well as her, they didn’t have enough strength after not being used for a thousand years but also like her, they were gaining strength with every second that goes by. Someday soon, she would be able to easily destroy a city three times bigger than Maretime Bay.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a boom was heard outside but it wasn’t thunder, it was the sound of an enraged alicorn breaking the sound barrier. She smirked and realize that Sunny must’ve learned the truth, that or she and her friends just decided to attack and steal the artifacts back. Either way she was going to enjoy this.. she killed the father, now it’s finally time to destroy the daughter. She stood up and levitated the artifacts over into her hands but then thought better of it. She wouldn’t need them to defeat Sunny.. probably, she teleported Grogar's bell to a safer place and looked at the alicorn amulet.. thinking about putting it on. She just sighs, knowing the risk but putting it on anyway.

Right after she does, Sunny bursts through the roof and lands, shaking the entire airship. Midnight is impressed but only mildly as she claps. “Very good, you’re learning, adapting, growing stronger. I’m almost hesitant about fighting you.” she says but Sunny doesn’t look amused in the slightest and she notices the outline of red around Sunny's magic and a knowing look grows on her face. “Ohhhh so you’ve come to fight. To avenge your dear old daddy, huh? Well come on then little Starscout.” she says, taunting Sunny. What she wasn’t expecting was for Sunny to teleport behind her and punch her, sending her flying outside the airship. Sunny flys out after her and continues to attack her, punching and blasting her nonstop. She was stronger than Midnight expected and more ruthless, she was punching Midnight so hard, she was actually starting to draw blood. Midnight catches one of her punches and quickly punches her back and that sends Sunny flying miles away, prompting her to follow.

Sunny tried to stop but was completely out of control, Midnight tackled her out of the air and they both crashed into a small village in a forest of ponies with.. stripes? Oh Sunny's heard of these, they’re called zebras. Sunny wasn’t concerned about that though, once they crashed, she and Midnight got separated, now she was looking around for her frantically as she was getting up. “Come out Midnight! Show yourself!” she shouted, walking around and not minding the zebras staring at her in confusion and fear. Suddenly she heard Midnight’s voice.

“Gaze upon me Equestria! For I am about to defeat the new alicorn meant to be your 'protector'!” she yells as she walks out of the darkness, a drone next to her, obviously planning to record the battle for all of Equestria to see and for everypony to either gain hope or lose it. Midnight charged at Sunny but Sunny stops her in her tracks and they clash, causing a shockwave that shakes the trees and the ground, also cracking it and causing the zebras to run away in fear. Sunny was starting to lose ground as Midnight was starting to push her back. She gets an idea and lets herself fall back, kicking Midnight over her in the process. She gets up and blasts her through a bunch of trees, making a pathway to her and Sunny follows it.

She sees Midnight getting up but stomps on her, forcing her to stay down. “You’re not going anywhere.. not until I get some answers!” Sunny declared and Midnight lets out a growl of frustration and relaxes. “All I wanna know is why.. WHY? Why did you kill my dad.. or why did you make your clone do it for you? All he wanted was to make things better for everypony, including the guardians.. did you even know he was gonna try and bring them back?” she asks and Midnight stared at her with wide eyes for a bit before bursting out into laughter, confusing Sunny.

“Of course I didn’t know about that!! And you think I was in control of my clone for that?! I just gave her a choice! She chose to end his life because he was with Artemis and Thunderbird. I only saw her kill him, I didn’t make her do it.” she said and Sunny realized her mistake but as soon as she started to soften up, it was too late. Midnight stabbed her in the leg and she screamed in pain before Midnight blasted her, grabbed her leg, and slammed her. After that, she threw Sunny into a house. Sunny tried to get up and blast her but Midnight grabbed her right arm and blasted her horn before grabbing both of Sunny’s hands and starting to push her down, trying to use her own magic to blast Sunny.

Both their magic started to combine and grow until it started becoming unstable and forming a giant magical overload that was slowly destroying houses, trees, anything that was caught in the explosion. When it was over Sunny slowly sat up and looked around and saw all the destruction they caused.. she saw one young zebra who looked to be her age, if not a year younger, crying over the fried bodies of her parents and Sunny frowned.. she did this.. all of this was her fault. She was the one who gave in to her anger and hate.. now a young female zebra and possibly many more.. have lost their families..

Suddenly Midnight pins Sunny down from behind and holds her up in her magic before slamming her around until she’s knocked out. “Instead of just taking your magic and killing you.. I have a better idea, why destroy Equestria myself.. when you can do it for me?” she says and she looks at the still crying young zebra who looks at her back and looks a bit scared and confused. Midnight smirks and gets an idea. “Maybe there’s a use for you too young one.. tell me.. how would you be interested in a little payback..?”

Author's Note:

Sorry this was such a long chapter, my goal is to make this story as amazing and dramatic as possible. And yes, the young female zebra is an important OC, or atleast she will be.