• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,090 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Broken hearts and shattered bonds Pt. 2

With Sunset’s team

No one understood what they were going to find this far out into the ocean but if Sunset says to come out here, then she had a good reason. Capper was still new to meeting Sunset but Tempest assured him that Sunset was one of the most trustworthy ponies she knew, so did Starlight and Trixie who were now on the side of the ship, looking over the edge and into the ocean, looking for anything that could be who Sunset said they would find. “See anything?” Starlight asked, still looking around.

“Nope, not yet.. do you.. do you think any of this is gonna work? I mean.. we saw how powerful and dangerous Midnight is.. even the elements of harmony were barely enough to get rid of her, it took multiple tries.. I’m scared Starlight.. she terrifies me.. so does the thought of losing you or anypony else I care about-“ Trixie says and she would’ve continued but then she felt Starlight place a finger on her lips to shut her up before she can ramble on.

“Hey.. we’re gonna be ok Trix.. we’ll make it out of this and somehow everything will go back to normal.. but for this to work we all need to stay focused and have faith.. ok?” Starlight asks her worried friend, earning a nod and a determined look from her. “Also anyone ever tell you that it’s super cute to see 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' so concerned for the safety of her friends?” Starlight asks with a smirk, knowing what Trixie's reaction would be: a blush and a bunch of stammering excuses like “that was just a test!” or “I was only pretending to be scared!” to which Starlight just responded to them all with “Mhmmm sure.” before nuzzling Trixie, prompting her to nuzzle back. After that, they go back to looking after Starlight hears something. “Trix.. do you hear that?” she asks.

Trixie strains her ears to listen and hears.. “Is that.. singing?” Trixie asks, confused and a bit creeped out. “M-Maybe we should leave.” she suggests but Starlight stops her from going to Capper.

“No wait that’s not just any singing.. I recognize the voices.” Starlight says, trying to remember where she’s heard those voices from. Before she can take long to remember, she hears Trixie scream and sees her back up from the edge and fall on her backside while still backing away. “Trix, what’s wrong?!” Starlight asks and when she goes to check on her, Trixie is shaking so much.

“S-Something in the water, something huge! It swam by so fast though as if it was 8 times smaller!” Trixie says and Starlight goes to check but something hits the ship, causing it to shake and almost make her fall off.

“Uhhh is the stress getting to me or.. is the fog closing in surprisingly fast.. while the singing gets louder?” Thorax asks and to everyone’s shock and horror, the fog really is closing in as the singing got louder and louder. Ember flys up to try and see what or who’s causing all this but gets knocked down by what looks like a tail. Thorax catches her and asks if she’s ok and she nods. Sunset blasts fire everywhere to try and hit whatever’s out there but she doesn’t seem to hit a single thing. She’s suddenly tackled from behind and taken off the ship.

“SUNSET!!!” Everyone yells as she gets dragged into the water by a massive dragon-like creature with fins which they quickly recognize to be a siren.

“You mean Sunset was bringing us all the way out here to find the Sirens?!” Sunburst asks, a bit shocked by their appearance and annoyed that Sunset didn’t tell them that she knew they were out here.

“The what now?” Capper asked, prompting Sunburst to explain before he notices Starlight about to jump in the water and runs to stop her but she already jumps.

“Starlight!!” both he and Trixie scream when she does. Meanwhile Sunset was struggling to get free from the tail that was dragging her further and further away from the ship while also struggling to hold her breath. When she’s slammed against a rock it knocks the air right out of her. She’s then drug up into the air and dropped for one of the other Sirens to get her. She had just gotten dragged by Sonata, now it was Aria’s turn. Aria wraps her tail around her and tries squeezing the life out of her, causing to scream in pain as the strength of Aria's tail started to crush her bones. Aria then spins around with her before throwing her to their leader and the one she would’ve been the most excited to see if it weren’t for the fact that they were trying to kill her and Adagio was just about to but a blast of blue magic hits her in the face, causing her to flinch and drop Sunset. Starlight catches her and tries swimming back but Aria and Sonata grab them both.

“What are you all doing?! It’s us!! We’re friends remember?!” Starlight yells but only gets growls in return. Adagio floats up to them and growls in their faces until she actually starts to remember them.

“It’s us Adagio.. you remember don’t you? It’s me.. Sunset.” Sunset says weakly and Adagio shakes her head and looks at her.

“S.. Sunset? You’re.. you’re alive.. take them back to the ship.” she commands Aria and Sonata and they put them both back on the ship. They then glow the color of the gems in their chests that match their colors and when they stop and land, they’re ponies like them. Adagio walks to Sunset and kneels down to look her in the eyes. “How is this possible.. we thought you died a long time ago..” Adagio says sadly and Aria and Sonata agree.. before Sonata tackles her in a hug.

Sunset chuckles then answers. “Well it helps when you’re frozen in time in another dimension sooo..” they all look shocked then Adagio looks angry and sad and.. regretful.

“I so wish I could have killed Midnight now. Especially after the pain she caused you.. the years all of you lost.. it’s all because we helped her just to try and spite you and the pillars of old.” she nuzzles Sunset.. almost lovingly. “I’m so sorry.. we all are.” Sunset blushes but nuzzles her back and reassures them that it’s fine.

After she gets up she breathes in and out before telling them the truth. “Midnight is back so.. you might get your chance.. but she’s just as powerful as we remember if not more.” she says and they all growl. “I was hoping that you and a few other villains would be interested in helping to take her down.” she continues but gets nervous when Adagio crosses her arms and gives her a look like she just offended her.

“Villains huh?” Adagio asks and Sunset realizes her mistake and instantly tries correcting herself.

“N-Nonononono! I’m sorry, I meant reformed villains!” Sunset shouts but Adagio’s look doesn’t go away. Not until she steps closer and boops Sunset's nose.

“Just don’t let it happen again, ‘Kay?” she asks and Sunset nods, sighing in relief.

“Ok next stop, the Crystal Empire.” Sunset says and Capper instantly turns the ship around and starts sailing back to land. The Dazzlings get an idea and turn back into Sirens and push the ship so they’ll get there a lot faster. Within half the time they made it out there, they’d be back on land before they knew it. Then Sunset realized something. “Hold on.. where’s Discord?” she asked and to her surprise and annoyance, no one knew.

Back in the Crystal Empire

As Hitch and Izzy stared at the reformed Legion of Doom, they didn’t know WHAT to think. From what they heard, they were still evil, Cozy Glow was still an alicorn and a little filly, Tirek was still huge and beefed up, and Chrysalis was still scary and evil-looking but none of them were like that. Chrysalis was now white with a flowing, blue mane and blue eyes, she was actually beautiful looking and she had no more holes, plus her wings were beautiful now. Tirek was smaller to the point where he was at eye level with her, he had silver armor on with four gems in it that were different colors, his hair was somewhat like a teenager's, hanging to the point where it almost covered one of his eyes and he was only still a bit muscular. Cozy Glow was just a pegasus and she actually let her hair down and she looked very pretty that way.. well for the most part it was down, only in the front, there was a pony tail behind her head, her old bow holding it like that.

They looked so different than how they used to.. they actually looked better and most importantly.. they actually looked happy. Cozy Glow was now a teenager and she and Flurry Heart looked around the same age. “Uhhh nice to see you both again but who are the three new ponies?” Cozy glow asks, gesturing to Hitch, Izzy, and Brightburn.

Celestia looks at them before looking at everypony. “Let’s just say.. we’ve all missed a lot. Come on, I’ll explain on the way.” she says, leading everyone towards the castle.

Meanwhile, unknown to anyone, Sombra was lurking along the edges of the shield that protected the empire, watching as his kingdom was subjugated to weakness. He wished he had a plan to get in.. but just as he was going to leave to come up with one, he heard a familiar voice and let out a growl of frustration. “Now isn't this just a sad sight, the mighty King Sombra, kept out of his own kingdom by a pathetic shield.” Midnight says as she walks out of the shadows caused by nearby trees, a smirk on her face.

“What do you want Midnight, if you’re not here to help me, then you should not be here. Leave now while you still have a chance.” Sombra says with a threatening tone but Midnight isn’t fazed at all, if anything it was just amusing that Sombra thought he could intimidate her.

When he walks past her to leave, that’s when she decides to strike and she places a hand on his back, using a corruption spell on him and he screams as he tries to fight it but his efforts are futile. “You can’t fight it Sombra, that spell was strong enough to corrupt an alicorn so you have no chance. You’ll thank me later.. when you topple the Crystal Empire with the magic that’ll come with the spell.” Midnight says and she notices that Sombra's eyes glow purple.. then red as he slowly stands up. “Good boy, now go and destroy the Crystal Empire.” Midnight says as she cuts an opening into the shield and he nods and walks through. Once he was done, there wouldn’t even be a Crystal Empire for him to take over, but by the time he realizes that, it’ll be too late. Midnight chuckles evilly as she walks off, she loved being evil, but what she loved even more.. was tricking other villains into thinking they can be rulers.. when there could only be one.