• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,090 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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Mane 6 vs Midnight

Sunny wasn’t even halfway towards the ground yet before Rainbow Dash had caught her and landed, gently setting her down somewhere safe.. well safer than the center of town anyway. She then raced back to her friends who were all staring down Midnight who was trying her best to hold her ground and not look nervous. “Figures you all would still be alive.. but I’ll be sure to change that this time.” she said and Twilight walked ahead of her friends and readied her own magic which was weaker after being asleep/frozen for a thousand years, but it was better than nothing.

“I don’t know how you’re back Midnight, but me and my friends stopped you once, and we’ll do it again!” she says with a determined look on her face but after a few seconds, Midnight just laughs.

“Oh Princess.. never a dull moment with you is there? That was when you were all younger and stronger.. now you’re all just a bunch of tired old mules. Meanwhile..” she says as she readies her magic, a few glowing markings forming on her body and armor. “I’ve never felt more awake and alive!” she continues and fires her magic towards them and they all split up, trying to surround Midnight. Rarity using her ice magic to pretty much skate around her and Rainbow Dash flys around her with that same daredevil-ish speed that she always had, even going faster than she could before. Applejack and Pinkie Pie both run straight at her and Fluttershy and Twilight both keep her still, Twilight using magical chains and Fluttershy using her powers over nature to make vines hold her down.

Rainbow dash hits Midnight with a lightning bolt and Rarity blasts ice balls at her, immobilizing her even more. Pinkie and Applejack both jump at her, Applejack's right leg glowing orange and Pinkie’s left one glowing blue and pink as they kick her as hard as they can, sending her sliding back across the ground and soon going IN it, making a trench. Rainbow Dash laughs as she lands by the rest of her friends. “Yep, we still got it.” she says and Applejack agrees while stretching.

“Like we never even left.” she says before bumping Rainbow’s fist with her own.

Twilight can’t help but give a giggle before she sees Midnight getting up. “Focus up girls, she’s not down for the count yet.” she says and everyone gets ready again. Midnight laughs loudly and blasts magic at them again but this time when they dodge, she’s prepared and she wraps magic tendrils around them and starts shocking them nonstop and swinging them around, slamming them into the ground, buildings, and even the statue of all of them, destroying it. She then throws them all back in separate directions, all of them receiving painful and bumpy landings. Twilight rolls to a stop, quickly getting on all fours and once again engaging in combat with Midnight. “Why did you have to come back?!” Twilight says, the rage evident in her voice as she tackles Midnight and kicks her up into the air before flying at her again. “Why didn’t you just learn your lesson?!” she asks before punching Midnight and sending her at least 30 feet back before she managed to stop. She smirks at Twilight and grabs something out of her back pocket and wipes the blood from her lip.

“Oh Twilight.. I did.” She says and Twilight growls and flys at her and once she’s close enough, Midnight takes out the alicorn amulet, puts it on and uppercuts Twilight, her punch packed with powerful magic and immense alicorn strength. The impact was hard enough to cause a shockwave that cleared the sky of any clouds in less than two seconds. “The question is-“ Midnight starts before flying up to where Twilight had stopped at. “did you?” she asks before slamming her fists down on Twilight’s chest, knocking her all the way back down to Ponyville. She then dives down and stomps on Twilight’s chest, knocking all the air out of her lungs. “See you may put on a brave face and look like a fully grown alicorn on the outside, but on the inside, you’re just a scared little filly who has no idea how to stand up to their demons.. to their bullies.. to their fears.. like I was.” she says before stomping on Twilight again in anger.

“You’re just the younger version of me, the weaker version, the little girl who couldn’t face reality after her entire family was taken away from her, right before her very eyes!! You think what I did to you before was bad?! Oh it can’t even hold a candle to what I’ll do to you and everyone else in this.. new Equestria. I’m already thinking of the most painful ways to hurt you, like say.. tearing off Rainbow Dash’s wings right in front of you?” she says as she levitates Rainbow Dash, who had been knocked back along with everyone else after Twilight crashed into Ponyville, over to them and begins tearing her wings off, causing her to struggle, squirm and scream in pain. Seeing and hearing Rainbow Dash in so much pain, something in Twilight broke and her anger reached an incredible height, a very familiar one. Her horn started glowing and so did her body as a few familiar ancient glowing purple markings formed on her face and her eyes started glowing a bit.

“Let. HER. GO!!!” she yelled, really channeling her inner Luna as she used the royal Canterlot voice. A burst of magic exploded out from her body and Midnight was knocked far away from her and Rainbow Dash. Twilight quickly got up and caught Rainbow Dash and gently set her down against a building. “Rainbow, are you ok?!” She asks frantically and Rainbow Dash can’t help but chuckle.

“Geez egghead, no offense, but you really do worry wayyyy too much. Especially about me of course I’m fine. Now go show her who’s boss!” she says and Twilight smiles and nuzzles her before flying up using all her strength or atleast half of it, slightly cracking the ground. As she glared at Midnight she couldn’t help but feel as much hatred as she did in the past for.. what Midnight made her into.

“Let me make something perfectly clear to you Midnight.. If you touch her or any of my friends ever again.. I’ll do more than just trap you this time! I’ll make you wish you had never. Been. Born!” she yells and Midnight scoffs and yells back.

“Little late for that, like.. 3,000 years late, remember?” she asks and Twilight growls. “And if you think that was the worst I could do?!” she chuckles before continuing. “Hon, I was just getting started. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure your precious little Rainbow suffers before they all die!!” she yells and that was the last straw for Twilight as she yells in unadulterated hatred and blasts her most powerful spell at Midnight that was meant to incinerate her but Midnight absorbs the magic from the spell and sends it right back at her. Twilight tries blocking it but it breaks her shield pretty quick, and she knew it would. The shield was meant to at least stop the spell from killing her and it did it’s job. She crashes through Ponyville, tumbling all the way to the other side of it, losing a lot of her armor in the process. Midnight flys up and is about to finish her off but then she holds her chest and groans in pain. She growls at nothing in particular. “You little.. ugh!! I guess our fight will have to continue another time princess! I’ve got some business to attend to! Until next time Twilight Sparkle!” she yells before looking at where Sunny is and glaring. “You too.. Sunny Starscout.” she says quietly before teleporting away. Twilight’s friends all rush to her and make sure she’s ok and she is but just barely.

“I’ll be fine.. Rainbow, where did you put the other alicorn?” She asks and Rainbow gives a sheepish look before disappearing and reappearing in a flash of lightning, having Sunny with her when she comes back. “Ok good, she’s safe.” she says, sighing relief before they all take time to get her to a better place before catching up with their old friends and students and even family members. Sunny’s friends arrive after a few minutes of taking a break but now.. they were on the dragon who everyone quickly recognized to be Spike, he was alive. After seeing Twilight and the others, he came out of his wild, giant state and turned back into his teenage self and hugged them all. Discord had even showed up along with Celestia, Luna, and Cadance to welcome them all back, especially Fluttershy. Twilight looked at Sunny and saw her friends all gathered around her and frowned. She didn’t know what all had happened while they were gone but she did know that if Midnight had put Sunny through the same thing that she had been through, then when Sunny woke up.. the path to recovery ahead of her would be a long, harsh, and unforgettable one. It would take a while but maybe, just maybe.. Sunny could be alright again.. she could be happy. She could stop Midnight.. once and for all.

Author's Note:

Sorry if not all the Mane 6 got a lot of dialogue or not any at all but they’ll get more and also sorry if their personalities don’t match the show, I’m not perfect, no one is.