• Published 22nd Mar 2022
  • 2,090 Views, 63 Comments

My Little Pony: Legends of Old and New - AlphaToothless95

Bringing magic back had many perks and benefits. But not all of them benefit the greater good. Sunny is about to learn that the hard way.

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First Impressions

Five days later

So far things have been going pretty well. The training was working very fast, Sunny was stronger and faster now. She was even way better at fighting and using her magic, so much better that she even beat Thunderbird once. He was kinda upset about losing to someone who's three times smaller than him. He eventually got over it, or at least that’s what he says but hey, can’t win 'em all right? Meanwhile, unknown to any of them, the other alicorn was causing trouble, summoning members of her old organization and destroying villages and her next target was Maretime Bay.

One reason for that was because she sensed a bunch of old magical artifacts there and she began to wonder why they would be in a city full of earth ponies. Of all types of ponies, she figured they would be the worst species to protect them. This meant that she didn’t really need to put up a fight to take them, she could just sneak in.. but where was the fun in that? She wanted a fight, not because she was preparing herself to fight Sunny, but because she just wanted ponies to dominate and enslave. She knew Sunny wasn’t in Maretime Bay at the time. She had asked ponies where she was and they said that she would be there but an anonymous source posted a video of two ponies she recognized teleporting her and her friends to who knows where and one pony she interrogated showed it to her.

As she and her organization made their way towards Maretime Bay on the airship that she herself created, she began to strategize about how to strike and how to find the artifacts. Then she thought that she was just overthinking it and it would be easy. As she gazed upon Maretime Bay, she was amazed at how far earth ponies had come.. it surprised and intrigued her, but it also disappointed her.. partially because she had to destroy it all.. but that was the weakness in her talking. The part of her that actually used to admire Twilight. She commanded for the gunners of the airship to fire at the town and ordered the strike team to go down and search for the artifacts.

They obeyed and Maretime Bay was officially under attack, ponies everywhere screaming and running for cover. Then suddenly robotic sentries and small mech suits were deployed and started firing back. They had the Canterlogic logo on them. The airship took some damage and the alicorn decided to go down there herself. With that being said, she jumped out and landed hard, cracking the ground beneath her and causing a shockwave that reached everything within a two mile radius. This shockwave also contained a spell that was meant to take out the power in that area and all the sentries and mech suits shut down.

As her minions continued to attack the town, now making their way towards Canterlogic, her sights became set on the lighthouse that was on the cliff. She sensed the artifacts there and a familiar one caught her eye.. Grogar's bell. She smiled evilly, making her way towards the lighthouse. “For such intelligent earth ponies, you sure are terrible at hiding powerful ancient artifacts that were used for evil.” she said as she continued to walk to the lighthouse. With any one of those artifacts, she could easily destroy Maretime Bay or brainwash everyone in it.. which is what she planned to do.

Back with Sunny and the others

Everything was going great. Given a day off, the Mane 5 took advantage and decided to have as much fun as possible. Pipp was live-streaming with Zipp and Hitch and Sunny and Izzy were relaxing by the pool.. or at least Sunny was. Izzy was actually swimming in it, obviously having a good time. Sunny giggled when Izzy came up for air and shook her hair out, splashing Sunny in the process. “Come on in Sunny, the water's fine!” Izzy urged her friend and Sunny giggled again and considered it. Before she could agree to get in the water she started to feel.. funny. Not in a good way but in a bad way.. she felt like something was wrong. She stood up but swayed a bit as she felt dizzy from this feeling. “Whoa, you ok Sunny? You don’t look so good.” Izzy said, noticing the change in behavior from her friend.

“I don’t know.. I just have this weird feeling like.. something’s wrong. I feel kinda.. sick.” Sunny said, leaning against a wall to steady herself and Izzy followed, putting a palm against her friend's forehead. To her surprise and confusion, Sunny's temperature was fine. She was about to tell Sunny that she doesn’t have a fever but it could be something else but before she could, Artemis and Thunderbird ran past them all in a hurry for some reason and Sunny decided to follow them.. which prompted her friends to follow her.

“What’s going on?” Sunny asked, getting no answer for a bit until Artemis stopped and turned to look at her, a hesitant look on her face.

“She’s made it to Maretime Bay.. which is now under attack.” she said, earning shocked and worried looks from the five young ponies. “Thunderbird and I are going there to hopefully get her to back off. By force if we have to- which we most likely will.”

“We want to go too! It’s my town to protect after all!” Hitch said, displeased with how the two decided to leave them out of it at first.

“None of you are ready, if she saw any of you, especially YOU Sunny, she would be on you like an angry mob on the thing that pisses them off more than anything!” she yells, flaring her wings and causing everypony to back up. She sighs and looks at Sunny “Please just trust us.. and let us handle this. Please?” she asks her, a pleading look on her face. To Sunny this showed how much she cared and didn’t want any of them to get hurt.. so she nodded. With that, Artemis and Thunderbird leave, grabbing their armor and weapons. Once they were gone, that’s when everypony started questioning Sunny's choice.

“Sunny, you can’t be serious! That’s our home, we should be there protecting it!” Hitch yelled. To everpony's surprise, Sunny yelled back.

“Don’t you think I know that?! I know it’s our home but.. what if she’s right? Maybe we shouldn’t get in the way..” Sunny says, but then the strangest thing happens. She winks at them, obviously planning something. After a bit more “arguing” they all decided to just drop it and walk off. A camera was monitoring the room which is why Sunny had to improvise, she was the only one who noticed it. After they were in a secure location, she and Izzy put an invisibility spell on everypony including themselves and they all snuck around, following Sunny who was leading them to things they’ll need for their first real battle- armor and weapons. After they each got their own, Izzy and Sunny combined their magic to teleport everypony to Maretime Bay.

Everything. Was. Chaos. So much destruction, so many casualties.. it hurt Hitch and Sunny’s hearts to see their home like this.. it wasn’t supposed to be this way. Sunny grew a determined look and went to help somepony who was trapped under debris. She easily lifted it off them and threw it to the side. She used a healing spell on them and they thanked her, her friends all did the same, going around and helping ponies in need while taking down the alicorn's minions. Sunny looked towards her lighthouse and saw that it was damaged.. and was continuing to suffer damage and suddenly Artemis and Thunderbird crashed through the door, tumbling down the hill a bit and the other alicorn walked out, holding Grogar's bell and the alicorn amulet which were both glowing.

She laughed evilly as she walked over to the two downed ponies. “It is SO good to be back! I haven’t had this much fun in ages!” she yells, laughing again. Sunny glares and suddenly takes off flying to her lighthouse and lands in front of her. She looks down at the young alicorn as soon as she lands, unimpressed. “So you’re the earth pony that changed the world and became an alicorn in return.. I don’t see the appeal.” she says.

“And I don’t see why you would go out of your way to hurt innocent ponies! To hurt children!! It’s me you want isn’t it?” Sunny asks, surprisingly earning a shake of the head from the alicorn who slowly walked closer to her, making her back up.

“It’s not you I want dear girl.” she said in a surprisingly warm and soft voice.. before suddenly grabbing Sunny by her throat, her tone harsh and cruel again. “I want your magic. And once I take it, I will take my revenge on this pathetic world. Every creature in it will feel my wrath.. starting. With. You.

“I don’t.. even know your name.. and you hate me so much.” Sunny struggles to say, choking from the grip on her throat.

“Oh where are my manners? You can call me Midnight Starkiller.. and this stallion right here,” she says as she teleports a picture of Sunny's dad into her hand and holds it into her face. “Your father? He was killed by me.. and our two friends here knew about it.” she continues while gesturing to Artemis and Thunderbird who are just now waking up. Sunny didn’t know what to say, what to think, or if this was even true.. but she felt her heart break into a million pieces. The picture in front of her started to burn and she looked horrified. Suddenly she was thrown onto the ground and her chest was stomped on, the alicorn having a powerful magic blast aimed at her face. “AND NOW IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO SHARE HIS FATE!!

Author's Note:

Do not judge me for the name, I had to think of SOMETHING. It was tough coming up with a name for an OC like an evil alicorn. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also don’t be afraid to ask me any questions or give any suggestions. Sure some might not be seen or accepted but still, your opinion matters.