• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 771 Views, 264 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 31: By Low Water or High Sea

From the minute she set foot on the helicopter, Summer Shine knew their ride wouldn’t last long and true to her thoughts, as they got closer to the spire, the water came alive beneath their vehicle, growing tentacles as it lashed out at them.

Jojo attempted to take evasive maneuvers, but the attack had come so suddenly that they weren’t able to react fast enough and the tail end of the helicopter was hit. Alarms instantly began going off across the board and the helicopter started spinning out of control.

“Jojo, do something!” Summer yanked on her joystick hard.

“It’s no good, we won’t make it. We’re going down!” Jojo began flipping more switches. “I’m no helicopter expert. I only know how to fly this thing once it's been turned on! Hang on!”

The two of them pulled and yanked on whatever they could, trying to aim the helicopter for the nearest rooftop. They had a close call, almost crashing right into a skyscraper, but Bushido had called out Boney M, using its shield to safely push them away, spinning them around the building before they bumped into the side, breaking the tail off the helicopter and sending them further out of control.

“There!” Fuchsia was suddenly beside them, pointing a finger at a squarish piece of land that stuck out of the water just in front of the spire. “Celldweller says that’s an entrance. Land there, for fuch sake.”

The underside of their helicopter bumped into the next building, but with enough yelling and pulling, Jojo and Summer eventually got the helicopter to the landing spot, scraping it against the ground as it came to a halt just off the ledge, causing everyone to scream even more. But they were alive and they had made it.

“Out, out, out…” Jojo ordered as he peeled of his seatbelt and hopped out of his seat.

Fuchsia was the first out, spinning around and grabbing the bottom of the helicopter as Celldweller formed over her arms, holding it in place. Summer and the others scrambled out, hopping past her and onto dry land. Once they were all accounted for, she let go of the helicopter’s rail and the entire thing tipped off the edge, landing in the water below with a loud splash.

“Looks like we need a new vehicle yet again. Everyone alright?” Jojo patted down his jacket and scarf, then adjusted the hair on his head.

“You pilot like someone who just woke up from a coma.” Fuchsia narrowed her eyes at him. “But at least we’re here.”

“And we’re not alone.” Bushido pointed with a hand. “It seems we were expected.”

The group looked to a huge cave entrance into the spire ahead, where their platform led across a narrow rocky path. Walking towards them, one foot in front of the other, was one of the Nugget People. Summer remembered her almost immediately. She was dressed in grey cloth and she had three blue horns atop her mop of brown hair.

“Lowodda,” Summer breathed.

“I have been expecting you.” The Nugget Person placed one hand on her barely covered chest, then the other one behind her back before giving them a bow, tilting one foot up at the same time. She had adornments across her thighs and ankles, along with spikes coming off her waist sash. “Mhagmea knew you would come. She knew you would waste the last moments you had been given to come and stop her.”

“You seem to know a lot,” Bushido declared. “Then you also know that you will lose. The human spirit cannot be stopped by monsters like you. We will endure whatever you have to throw at us.”

Lowodda smiled sinisterly at Bushido. “You talk a lot, but say very little. Is hot air all you have to bring against us, the mighty Herrakries? If so, you stand no chance of beating me, let alone Mhagmea.”

At this, Bushido fell silent, clenching his teeth and gripping the handle of his sword tightly.

“It is because we cannot lose. When you risk everything, you do everything in your power to beat all odds.” Jojo clenched a fist, then stepped forward on his opposite leg and pointed a finger at her. “That is why no matter what, we will find a way to beat you Nugget People.”

“This one is a new human.” Lowodda placed one hand on top of her other arm as she crossed them in front of her chest. “But it makes no difference. But you call us Nugget People. A degradation of your future rulers. Dirt People. That is what you are. You will all be nothing more than the dirt under our feet, and then, my waters will wash you away. Observe, Running Wild!”

A greenish Stand appeared behind her, its tail coiling around its master as it placed both hands together on top of Lowodda’s head.

“We’ll see about that. Tenacious D!” Jojo stretched an arm forward and flexed the other.

Tenacious D sped right out from Jojo, its wheels kicking up bits of debris as it accelerated on, tilting its head downwards so that its horns were now aimed for Lowodda’s chest. The Nugget Person did nothing, nor did her Stand, and Jojo thought he was going to get a free strike in as Tenacious D got closer and closer.

But Jojo couldn’t help but feel something was off. There was no way she would stand there and let him hit her. She was making a move, but it wasn’t something he could see. In fact, this thought became so prevalent in his head that Jojo stopped his Stand in its tracks, still three feet away from the enemy. He didn’t like how confident she looked, standing there with her arms crossed.

“Saw through my attack, did you?” Lowodda lifted a hand under her chin and chuckled. “Too bad. I would’ve liked to see you drown.”

It was then that Jojo looked down at her feet and noticed the thin layer of water just over the rocky surface, pooling around her and then off to the sides.

“If you had continued on, your Stand would’ve gotten stuck in Running Wild’s trap and you would’ve washed over the side where you would drown until you die,” Lowodda began explaining. “Perceptive of you to have seen through it like that…”

Jojo put one arm to his left, parallel to the ground, then the other one went through his hair, brushing it back. “That’s because you now face Cajole Joyride, son of the great Jostle Joyride, grandson of the illustrious Jolly Joyride! And your next words are going to be, ‘I have never heard of you. But have at you.’”

Lowodda shrugged. “I’ve never heard of you. But have at you.” Then her face warped into one of surprise, followed by a smile. “That was some trick. But I accept your challenge, human. Fair and square, as you say.”

The water trap under her leaked off the side and disappeared.

Jojo looked back at his friends, then raised a finger and grinned. “Don’t worry. I got this. I won’t let you down. Tenacious D!”

Jojo’s Stand smashed a fist into the ground. Its wheels began spinning and steam poured from its nostrils, ready to attack once more. Lowodda’s Stand, Running Wild, glided forward in the air, its tail swishing behind it like a mermaid’s tail, except it was coiled like a spring. Its body was clad in green and purple plates, all decked out with yellow markings resembling gills all over its body.

As Tenacious D charged, Running Wild raised its arms and water from the sides erupted up, forming into spiraling tentacles, whipping around in the air before its master. Tenacious D ducked under a swipe from one tentacle, then threw its body over another one before punching through a third, giving it an opening right to Running Wild, but almost instantly, the tentacles converged on Tenacious D’s position, breaking down and forming into a ball of water around it. The lack of air was quickly noticed by Jojo as he grabbed his throat, trying to keep his composure, but then Running Wild threw a hand forward and his Stand was flung back, crashing against the ground before flipping around, causing Jojo’s muscles to ache across his body.

Everyone flinched as Tenacious D’s bubble burst, drenching all of them with water.

“M-Man, we had to get w-w-wet…” Prism clutched her shoulders and shivered.

The water in the cold weather chilled them, but Jojo wiped down his face and arms before flexing both arms, fighting against the cold with his fighting spirit. But something felt weird about that. It was as though something about his fighting spirit had waned. He didn’t quite know how to explain it, but Lowodda started laughing, a soft mutter at first, soon blossoming into a full blown laugh to the sky.

“What's so funny?” Jojo asked. She was up to something again.

“I shall tell you in a minute.” Lowodda licked the corner of her mouth. “Actually, I shall tell you now. You were just affected by my Stand’s ability.”

Jojo looked at himself, then at his Stand, then at his friends. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary except for that weird feeling. He couldn’t quite tell what she had done to them.

“Why don’t you try attacking me again? I promise you will find out.” Lowodda smirked.

“Tenacious D, go!” Jojo wasn’t going to find out just by standing there, so attack her he would.

He was about to make it use its special attack, but then its wheels sputtered and it never accelerated from zero to a hundred as he had intended. Instead, it rolled over to Running Wild, only for the enemy Stand to see its attack coming and pivot around it, knocking it down from behind with a whip of its tail.

“Steam!” Jojo called out.

His Stand breathed and attempted to release a cloud of steam to burn the enemy, but only a puff of breath came out.

“What’s happened? What have you done to my Stand?” Jojo pointed an accusing finger at the Nugget Person.

“Running Wild has the ability to take your Stand’s ability away.” Lowodda pointed a crooked finger at him. “Its water washes over you and infuses itself in your cells, nullifying the length of your fighting spirit before retreating away from your body, carrying the abilities of your Stand. It is now hidden away in a chest underground, all locked up in locks, ready for you to find. But… you will also have to contend with me and my Stand.”

Bushido Spirit looked at his hand, then directed it forward. “Boney M!”

His Stand moved forward and attempted to throw its shield, but it left its hand and clattered uselessly to the ground.

“What happened to fair and square?” Jojo flipped back to face her and threw one arm to the side, cutting the air. “Not much of that, are you?”

“You should’ve known to not immediately trust people when you don’t know them. And you should know, I will do anything it takes to win, even if it means going around you.” Lowodda pointed one finger on each hand forward, then moved them together. “I’ve another present for you.”

From under Summer and the others, tentacles of water had wrapped around their legs and they were lifted up into the air upside down before the tentacles swirled and encircled the rest of their bodies. Summer tried to send Pegasus Forever out, but the same thing just happened to her Stand, with the tentacle tied to her somehow also already tied to Pegasus.

“It is now just you and me, Cajole, son of Jostle.” Lowodda spun on her heel, then shot both arms straight up. “Now let us see what kind of power you have without your Stand ability. My guess is that it isn’t much.”

“Grr…” Cajole stared daggers at Lowodda. “Your Stand is strong, I’ll give you that. But I’m not out of the fight yet! Like my dad told me, it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

“Right of you to compare yourself to a dog. But you Dirt People should be even lower. Come now, witness the true power of water.” Lowodda was raised into the air by a pillar of water beneath her as Running Wild circled around it, before launching itself at Jojo with a splash.

Jojo dived to the left, only getting a faceful of water as he did so, but his mind was racing. How was he supposed to fight the Nugget Person if his Stand had lost its ability? Then it hit him. Literally and mentally as a jet of water erupted from the puddle he had splashed in. If the Nugget People were weak to sunlight, then he could use his hamon to his advantage here. Finally, a good use for his abilities, but it wouldn’t work against the enemy’s Stand. Only a Stand could hurt a Stand, so if he wanted a chance at stopping Lowodda, he would first have to find a way to get past her Stand.

It was either that or find out just where she had buried their Stand abilities, but in a location like this, a created structure over a ruined city filled with water, it was going to be like finding hay in a needlestack.

Jojo spun himself around in the air, then dashed to one side as he summoned Tenacious D again. His Stand ability might be gone, but it could still pack a punch. And he had to rescue his friends.

Lowodda gestured and her Stand reared up, shooting a jet of water from its mouth. Jojo dodged again, but the stream of water caught his shoulder slightly. He yelled and grabbed the point, coming away with red mixed with the water.

“Did you know that water can cut like a blade, if enough pressure is used?” Lowodda told him. “My Stand is capable of generating such high pressures. Face it, human. You never had a chance.”

“Doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying!” Jojo leapt onto Tenacious D’s back and drove forward. Even without its ability, it still had wheels for feet. It could travel faster than two legs could run.

Running Wild swooped around its pillar of water, now grabbing balls of water with its hands and tossing them at Jojo and Tenacious D. They swerved around the projectiles and Tenacious D even jumped up and spun one wheel through an orb, blasting it to droplets before attempting a punch at the enemy Stand. Running Wild snaked around the pillar, then dashed through it, grabbing Tenacious D around the horns and throwing it to the side, sending it flying off the rocky bridge.

“Aaaagh!” Jojo cried as he was thrown off along with his Stand.

If Tenacious D had its powers, he could simply have it ride back up the rocky surface, but right now, there was no way and the water was coming up to his face fast. He guessed there was no alternative now. He had to find their Stand abilities, and he would also have to make sure Running Wild couldn’t do the same thing again.

“Bah, I’ll have plenty of time to figure this out as I look for the locked chest,” Jojo told himself. “But I can’t take too long. My friends are still up there and Lowodda could be doing anything to them right now while I’m falling. I have to find it before she decides to kill them. But how do I find something that’s supposed to be hidden? It’s like pirate treasure, but I don’t have a treasure map!”

Jojo looked down at the water’s surface below him. There were about three stories left to fall. Falling from such a height wouldn’t kill him if he fell properly, but it would still hurt. But before falling in, he had to think of a way to find the chest, or he was going to be spending too much time in the water, water that the enemy controlled. There was no telling what Running Wild could do with all this water he was soon going to be swimming in.

Looking back up, he confirmed that Lowodda no longer had her attention on him and was likely already making her way to his friends. He contemplated taking her attention away from them, buying them more time, but if he were to do that, he would surely fail down here, because he was about to fall into her domain. He wouldn’t last a second if she was still after him.

“I’m sorry, everyone. But please… bear with it for a while more. I need time to do this.” Jojo looked back down at the water’s surface. By now, he had about two storeys left to fall. “I have to find a way to find the chest. I have to!”

Jojo angled his body so that his feet were facing down. He put them as closely together as he could as his mind continued to race. “Think, Jojo. Think! All that homework, for what? If you can’t think of something, then you might as well quit school now!”

And then the thoughts hit him again. Running Wild never traveled far from its master. When he and Tenacious D were further away, Running Wild would use its water abilities on them, only venturing out to the melee when he was close enough.

“That would mean it’s a close-range Stand,” Jojo said. “It won’t be able to go far from its master, which means its treasure chest has to be close as well, maybe at a range of twenty meters! There might just be a chance to find it if I suss out its possible locations! We can do this!”

And he had finally got his prediction right earlier against Lowodda. Perhaps he was more in tune with Nugget People than real people, but whatever it was, it gave him more confidence that he could think like one and that would mean he would find the chest with their Stand abilities and save his friends before Lowodda could kill them. Now came the next bit, where he would have to prevent their abilities from being stolen again, but he already had a plan for that.

As the water rushed up to meet him, Jojo could only smile and hope for the best, knowing that they would surely triumph against this ancient enemy. They had to, or there would be nothing they could go back to. He took a deep breath and braced himself for the impact. The longest he had ever held his breath for was about five minutes, usually less. It was a good gauge to urge him on to save his friends, so he was hoping to get it done in one go. They were depending on him now.

Jojo screwed his eyes shut as his body pierced the water’s surface and everything around him went silent.

Author's Note:

Running Wild, the first of the Nugget People Stands!

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