• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 771 Views, 264 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 10: The Dance of Spandau Ballet

“Ugh, I’ve never once gotten drunk in my life, and now here we are…” Summer Shine leaned back on the couch and put a bag of ice to her face. “I didn’t even know what was going on, but I suddenly felt like passing out.”

“Strongest alcohol I’ve ever smelt…” Sweetie Belle rubbed at her face before splashing some cold water on it. “Can’t believe it put us all out. But you did it, Fuchsia. You got us out of that sticky situation.”

“Wasn’t much. Don’t mention it. I don’t need your praise and recognition.” Fuchsia had one leg on the chair, while the other dangled down below her. “It’s all pointless anyway. What matters is we’re finally close to land again. It’s about time.”

“Whatever it is, you did it!” Prism slapped her on the shoulder, much to her annoyance. “Hey, if it wasn’t for you, we’d probably all be dead already, though I would never have guessed it would be alcohol that would do me in.”

“Yeah, and I’m still underage.” Jojo rubbed at his nose and sniffed. “My dad would kill me if he found out. No one mention this to him, okay?”

“Right, uh, where do we go now?” Summer looked on as their yacht entered a long channel between two sides of buildings and streets. “I mean, once we land. We still need to get to Germany after this.”

We’ll have to get another mode of transport,” Sweetie Belle toyed with a packet of gum. “The fastest way there would be by train.”

“How many of these people do you think are also headed there?” Prism pointed a thumb at the other passengers, who were also still recovering from their hangovers. “With the Nugget Run and all, at least some of them must also be headed out there to get their hands on some gold nuggets.”

“You know what, that’s actually an idea.” Everyone turned to Summer as she spoke. “Uh, I was going to say, if everyone’s headed for the Nugget Run, all we have to do is follow the crowd. Right?”

“Sushi’s right.” Jojo gave her a thumbs up, as he flexed one arm. “The closer we get to Mount Fegel, the more people we’ll start to meet who are in it for the gold.”

“Hey, Jojo, random question, but can you do that thing your dad does? The one where he predicts what you’re going to say next.” Summer laughed. “I always did enjoy it, but I have no idea how he does it.”

“It’s a trade secret. Unless you can figure it out, I can’t tell you how it’s done.” Jojo wagged a finger in front of her face. “But… I don’t have my father’s talent. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet successfully predicted anything anyone’s gonna say.”

“Try it now, you’ve nothing to lose!” Prism raised an elbow, with a finger pointing out, while her other arm crossed over her chest and held the elbow up. “Try it on Fuchsia.”

“No, come on, even I know what Fuchsia's gonna say.” Jojo quickly averted his eyes as the girl in question glared at him. “Fuchsia, you’re gonna say… Fuchs this.”

“Fuchs this.” She looked away and went back to her magazine.

“See, I told you. Everyone knew she was going to say that.”

“If you’re going to try and have fun, leave me out of it.” Fuchsia grunted.

“Guess what I’ll say next!” Prism giggled, then groaned and put a hand to her head. “Man, that alcohol really hits hard.” She pulled her rainbow colored ponytail and placed it over her eyes. “I’d say I need a drink, but that’d just be the opposite of what I need right now.”

“You should get some chocolate cake, then.” Summer snickered as her friend tried to kick her blindly.

“Funny, Sushi. Very funny. I don’t see what you all see in chocolate. It’s disgusting! Especially bitter chocolate, I mean, come on, why are you torturing yourselves?”

As the yacht pulled further into Rotterdam, the group marveled at the buildings on either side being along the water’s edge. They found it cool that they were simply cruising down through a city on a yacht. But that soon had to end as the ship pulled alongside some docks.

The captain stumbled out and wished everyone a pleasant day before dropping atop a pile of rope. Summer and the others followed the group of hungover tourists down the ramp, all of them feeling very under the weather.

Everyone was too bumped out to travel far and instead, they found a quiet little cafe by the river to sit while they waited for their hangovers to pass.

“It’s a good thing Fuchsia and I weren’t inside with the rest of you when Alestorm hit.” Prism threw herself on a chair. “But wow, it feels like someone took a hammer and they’ve been pounding me non-stop… I can’t imagine what it feels for the rest of you. Can’t be all that awesome.”

“You have no idea…” Summer covered her face with a hand as she leaned back.

They decided to order lunch here, seeing as they hadn’t eaten anything since Norwich. Summer had herself a big platter of eggs, waffles and some cheese. She figured she needed to fill up her belly as much as she could before their next journey. There was no telling when they would stop to eat again.

Fuchsia Blush got herself a single slice of mango cake. Summer didn’t know how she survived on just dessert, but judging by how skinny she was, she definitely didn’t have enough to eat.

She probably just doesn’t care.

Prism ordered a cheeseburger, a staple American food, but she didn’t know anyone who didn’t like burgers. Even Prism liked them.

Jojo and Sweetie Belle ordered some noodles, which came in a thick soup that smelled absolutely wonderful. Summer looked down at her meal and started having second thoughts.

“So… plans now.” Sweetie Belle slurped a long strand of noodles into her mouth. “We’ll need to find the nearest train station and get some tickets for Germany. Leipzig’s the closest town to Mount Fegel, so I suggest we stop there.”

“She’s right.” Jojo flipped the map in his hands and pointed at Leipzig. Then he drew a line from it to Mount Fegel, which wasn’t all that far away. On the map. “It’ll likely take us about two hours to get there on foot.”

“Well, we’re not walking there, right?” Prism chuckled. Then she realized no one else was joining her. “What, really?”

“We could probably drive half the journey there until we can no longer proceed on wheels. But there might be a lot of traffic as well, with how many people are running to Mount Fegel for the Nugget Run. We might not even be able to get close by vehicle.”

“Just great. Just great.” Prism leaned on a hand as she prodded her burger with a fork. “Man, I wish I had a Stand that could just teleport us wherever we need to be. Think about it, no more traveling by plane, boat, car, whatever. No more traveling. Fuchsia, surely you agree with me on that.”

“I guess I do.” She brushed a hand through her straight pink hair, then cut out a slice of her cake. “Travel is meaningless. It does nothing but get you from one point to the next. In the most boring way possible.”

“See?” Prism waved both hands at Fuchsia. “Someone gets it.”

“We didn’t say we don’t agree with you, Prism.” Summer put on her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Well, if that’s a Stand to get, then I hope you get it.”

“Yeah…” Prism sighed, then bit into her burger. “I just hope I get a Stand while I’m still alive.”

Summer thought about those words as she ate her lunch. Her mother had lost three friends on her adventure to protect the world. She looked to everyone seated at the table here: Prism, her very best friend in the whole world, Fuchsia, Jojo, Sweetie Belle. No matter how much she wanted everyone to make it through to the end, she knew that it might not be the case. Her mother was strong, stronger than her, but even so she had lost friends. Summer wasn’t ready for that to happen, not to any of them. There had to be a way to protect them.

“Any takes on Weather Alternate?” Summer’s thoughts were pulled back to reality by Prism’s words. “Like, how do you think such organizations are started. Like, say I’m the leader of Weather Alternate. I’m just one woman, alone at first, then I start finding people in the world and I convince them to join my bizarre cause, and then they start finding more people, do you think it works like that?”

“Fisch this.” Fuchsia put her fork down. “I”m going to go get some fresh air. The cake isn’t even good anyway.”

She got up and walked out the door, while the rest of them watched her go.

“What, did I say something wrong?” Prism raised her hands innocently. “Though I have to say, it must be killer to be the head of some secret organization. I’m sure people like that get paid a lot.”

“Um, just how exactly do people like that get paid?” Jojo asked. “Who pays them? And for what?”

“You know, that’s a good question.” Sweetie Belle leaned closer. “My friends and I tried to start an organization for human welfare once, but while we were sending money out, it wasn’t coming back in.”

“Wow, is there anything you haven’t tried, Sweetie?” Summer was impressed. Her resume must’ve been packed with skill sets.

“Hmm…” She put a finger to her chin. “I guess we haven’t tried drug running.” Everyone looked aghast. “Well, yeah, we haven’t tried anything illegal. Not yet anyway. Besides, now I’m here helping you kids out. I’ll have a big story for them once I get home.”

“You know what we haven’t tried?” Prism snickered. “Joining Weather Alternate.”

“Yes, we haven’t tried that too.” Sweetie Belle raised a finger and grinned.

“Maybe we should. That would certainly help us get closer to Mount Fegel.” Jojo chuckled.

Before anyone could take another bite out of their food, there was the sound of something swishing through the air and suddenly, a spinning object flew in between them and Jojo had to throw himself clear as it bisected their table and his chair.

“What in tarnation?” Sweetie Belle slid her chair back and got up. “This looks to be the work of an enemy Stand.”

“Where are they?” Summer ran over to help Jojo up. “What was that?”

The swishing noise came back and Summer turned around just in time to see it coming back towards them. She kicked Jojo’s legs out from under him and dropped to the floor as it passed by their table again. Other patrons in the cafe got clear of their wrecked table and looked between them and a shattered window to the outside.

“Owww…” Summer rubbed her head. The hangover certainly didn’t help.

“It came from there.” Prism pointed outside, but she didn’t see anyone particularly suspicious. “Come on!”

Prism ran ahead and jumped through the broken glass, searching around the streets as Jojo leapt through after her.

“Prism, did you see them?” He looked around himself.

The girl shook her head and grunted. “No, I don’t know who’s the one attacking us.”

“Just keep your eyes- look out!” Jojo threw himself into Prism and knocked her away just as another spinning shape sliced past over their heads. He was about to look up, but then he remembered they came back and he ducked again just as the projectile passed by them again. “We’re clear.”

“Yeah, we are. Can you get off me. Taking the chance to feel me up, huh?” Prism grinned.

Jojo looked down and he realized one hand was over one of her breasts. It was squishy to the touch. He blushed and quickly threw himself off. “I didn’t… It wasn’t…”

“I know. Save it for later. We’ve got a Stand master to catch.” She gave him a pat on his head.

“Well, about that.” Jojo pushed past her. “I’ve got a Stand to catch. You don't have a Stand and we can’t have you running into one of those spinning weapons. I’ll find them and I’ll stop them. They can’t be far, whoever they are.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I think I see the Stand master.” Prism pointed to a corner around the next street.

Jojo followed her finger and saw a woman peeking out from behind a brick wall. When she saw them looking, she quickly ducked and disappeared behind it.

“Good eye, Prism. Now stay here.”

“No chance. I’m coming along.” She picked up a shard of glass from the floor and followed after her friend.

Jojo jumped up and called forth Tenacious D, which appeared under him and acted as his ride before reaching out and grabbing Prism.

“Woah, this is so fast!” she yelled.

“It’s just Tenacious D.”

“I’m moving so fast! This is crazy!”

“Hey, you said you wanted to come along.”

“I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying it.”

Its wheels spun hard and they were at the alley faster than Prism could imagine and there, standing at the other end, was the woman. Her back was facing them, but her head was turned to them, her eyes wide and wild, surprised that they had reached her so quickly. Instead of continuing her escape, she straightened her stance and turned around to face them.

“So… You’ve found me.” She flicked one hand up, then bent it back down and placed her fingers on top of her head, as she stood on tip toes on both feet, with one angled forward and the other curved around her back.

She had on a red bandana covering the top of her head, and under that was a caramel face with curly raven-black hair and shimmering pink eyes, set in firm resolve. Her outfit consisted of red poncho over a white half top, followed by a red skirt, and her arms had bangles of gold dangling from them. She had a faint scar on her forehead, poking out from under her bandana and it made her look a little more sinister.

“So you’re the Stand master.” Jojo swiped one hand to the side, then brushed up his fringe with his other hand. “Tenacious D!”

Jojo wasted no time in sending his Stand after the enemy, but as his Stand rushed her, its horns bared, the woman cartwheeled to one side, and all of a sudden, a golden Stand shot out from under Tenacious D and delivered a palm right under its chin. Jojo’s Stand fell on its back and his chin felt like it had just been hit by the butt end of a hammer.

“Oof!” Jojo said as he flew back and fell onto the floor. “Watch out, Prism! She’s a crafty one!”

“What am I even supposed to do?” Prism exclaimed as she looked around. “I don’t have a Stand!”

“Well, you insisted on coming along! Ugh, great. You got my clothes all dirty.” Jojo rolled back up and raised both fists. “Just get behind something, Prism.”

“How foolish of you to bring a Standless human here.” The woman lifted one leg and gracefully spun around, then brought it low till she was almost doing a split with one leg, reaching a hand towards her toes, while the other hand went high. “If you truly intended to kill me, you should’ve come more prepared. I’m going to get what I came for and that’ll be your heads!”

“That’s what you think!” Jojo growled and summoned Tenacious D once more. “I’ll show you! Tenacious D, Time Warp!”

Jojo’s Stand began to spew exhaust from its back and from inside its wheels as it planted both fists on the ground. With a loud bellow, it suddenly charged and before the woman or her Stand could even react, it was gone, speeding forward so fast that a blink would miss it completely.

It hit her golden Stand in the chest, then lifting its head, Tenacious D tossed it up into the air, then spun around and grabbed the ground, tearing its fingers into the asphalt to stop itself.

The woman flew back herself, clutching at her chest as her blood began to run down from her mouth. “Im-Impressive…”

Her Stand got up and flourished twin fans in its hands. Blades extended from their ends as it did a spin, its golden skirt spinning in the air with it. Instead of feet, its legs ended in spiky points and it ran forward on them, then jumped towards Tenacious D legs first.

Jojo’s Stand blocked one foot with an arm, but the enemy Stand spun upside down and jabbed its other foot forward, catching Tenacious D in the left shoulder.

“Ah!” Jojo grabbed his bicep as blood sprayed from it, but it wasn’t over yet.

The Stand next flipped back to its front and swung its fans forward over and over, forcing Tenacious D on the defensive and with no choice, Jojo had it reverse away from it to get enough space to charge again.

But the woman wasn’t having any of it. Pointing a palm forward, her Stand twisted one fan on its side, then threw it, sending it spinning forward like a helicopter rotor. Tenacious D ducked under the first one, and remembering how it comes back, Jojo had it stay down.

“Ha, you think you’ve figured out Spandau Ballet’s fans?” The woman placed a palm under her chin. “They’re not as straightforward as you think, stolto.”

Instead of going straight back the way it had come, the fan suddenly tilted vertically and sheared Tenacious D across the back before returning to its master.

Jojo dropped to his knees and cried out as a line of blood gushed from his back.

“Jojo!” Prism ran to his side, then glared at the woman. “You’ll pay for this!”

The woman scoffed at her. “What are you even going to do? You don’t have a Stand. Now, I would just kill you here and now, but first, I will need some information.”

“What do you want?” Prism held the shard of glass out in front of herself.

“Tell me, where is Eximus Exo?” She stalked forward alongside her Stand as a golden glow warped around both of them.

Prism lifted an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“Playing dumb, huh?” The woman crossed her arms in front of her, then lifted her wrists higher. “You’ve done enough to hurt my people. Now away with you.”

Her Stand, Spandau Ballet, pirouetted on the spot, then threw both fans out in arcs, which now spun towards Prism and Jojo from the left and right.

“Not yet!” Jojo grabbed Prism again and threw them both back as Tenacious D charged back in from behind the woman. The fans swished back again and Jojo had to run a few steps further as they passed again before returning towards their owner.

The woman jumped out of the way and her Stand was about to punch it, but then Tenacious D spun on one wheel and one arm, then to her surprise, it flipped itself up on its arm and swung its entire body weight at Spandau Ballet, smashing it across the face and chest and launching it into a nearby brick wall.

The wall shattered from the impact and the woman was thrown back across the alley, landing a good distance away.

“You okay, Prism?” Jojo kept an eye on the hole in the wall.

“You know, if you want to keep holding me, you could just say so.”

Jojo looked down and he had one arm around Prism’s back and the other one on her shoulder. His face reddened like a peach and he scooted away.

“Uh huh.” Prism dusted her shirt, then gave his cheek a pinch. “Anyway, thanks, hero. Did we do it? Did we win?”

“No, it’s not over, not yet…” The woman pushed herself off the ground, clutching a shoulder. “You still… need to pay for the crimes… of your organization.”

“Our organization?” Prism and Jojo looked at each other.

“I heard it from the mouth of this one earlier!” The woman pointed at Prism. “I am Gipsy Dance, and I am here to destroy Weather Alternate for the death of my family and my people!”

“I don’t even know who you are,” Prism said.

Gipsy Dance’s aura returned and her Stand appeared beside her, fans brandished. “You will.”

“Wait wait wait wait wait!” Jojo waved his hands around before Spandau Ballet could throw its fans again. “Gipsy, can I call you Gipsy? You’ve got it all wrong! We’re not Weather Alternate. We’re here to stop Weather Alternate! Prism was just asking questions about them earlier, we’re not with them!”

Gipsy Dance’s conviction seemed to waver. “No, you’re just trying to fool me now. I am no stolta.”

“Stop, just stop!” Jojo raised his hands, then Tenacious D vanished. “I won’t fight you anymore. We thought you were Weather Alternate. We’ve been getting attacked all the way from Canterlot. We thought you were one of them. We’re here to stop them from awakening the Nugget People!”

That made Gipsy’s eyes widen. “Nugget People? What do you know about the Nugget People?”

“Weather Alternate, they’re planning on waking the Nugget People at Mount Fegel. That’s where we’re headed. They need to be stopped.”

Gipsy looked to a portion of the wall, deep in thought. Then with a clap of her hands, Spandau Ballet faded away and she walked closer. “The Nugget People are a force of destruction. My people, the Romani, have passed down stories through generation after generation. What could Weather Alternate possibly hope to achieve- of course.” She snapped her fingers. “Like they did with my family. They seek to prune what they deem as weak in the human race.”

“You should come with us.” Prism reached a hand out to her. “You hate them more than we do. They have to be stopped and you can get your revenge at the same time.”

“I had thought you were too young to be members of Weather Alternate. I am sorry I attacked you. I should’ve waited longer to make sure.”

Prism raised both hands. “Hey, I’m sorry I made you think I was Weather Alternate.”

“Well. Now that this is all settled, uh, we should get back to the others.” Jojo pointed a thumb back down the alley. “They’ll be wondering what happened. I need some new clothes too. These are starting to stink.”

“And I believe I can help with your injuries.” Gipsy put a hand to her chest. “We specialize in healing herbs.”

“Prism Dash, your next words will be…” Jojo gave her a thumbs up. “I wish I had a Stand.”

“I wish you were taller, Jojo.” Prism laughed. “Hey, you almost got it.”

“Dangit.” Jojo swung an arm down.
Deep in the Weather Alternate bunker, Dolfy Horner was sitting at his desk, going through the logistics of his organization. They needed to be organized and well positioned if they wanted their plans to succeed without anyone being the wiser. The Nugget Run did a good job of covering up Weather Alternate’s real intentions, but it also meant that there were a lot of strangers running around. None of them could be allowed to see the truth. Not yet.

The door to Dolfy’s office opened, letting in one of Dolfy’s inner circle, Auto Gunship. He was a tall man with neatly combed back hair and wearing a purple suit with spinning rotors as cuffs. He had a green shirt and a red tie on the inside, done up nicely.

“My leader,” Gunship said, standing at attention in front of Dolfy’s desk. “There’s been news.”

Dolfy looked up and gestured with his hand. “Well, out with it.”

Auto put his hands behind his back. “I’m afraid Gobble Gab has been killed.”

“Gobble Gab is dead?” Dolfy exclaimed. “That’s unacceptable! What is everyone’s problem if they can’t take down a bunch of kids?! They suck! I sent her ahead of Gloriosa’s task force to stop them before they can reach us, and yet she failed!”

Auto Gunship continued to stand there as Dolfy ranted.

“We must take extra precautions! Keep a close eye on these children, and move our people over to Fegel Ein Base!”

“Fegel Ein, sir?” Gunship managed.

“Yes, Fegel Ein!” Dolfy stood up and slammed his fist on the table. “Fegel Ein! Fegel Ein!”

“Yes, sir!” Auto Gunship saluted and marched out of the room, eager to deliver Dolfy’s instructions to the rest of Weather Alternate. He was also glad to get out of his leader’s office, as he tended to rant at great lengths at small matters.

Gobble Gab was a member of his inner circle, people that were born right here in Germany, people born of noble lineage. There was no reason for her to have failed, unless they had underestimated the enemy. They might be children and of lesser bloodlines, but if they could take down members of Weather Alternate, then they were formidable enemies indeed.

Dolfy put his hands together and tapped the index fingers against each other. He would have to keep an eye on these children. For now, perhaps it was better if Gloriosa’s team continued after them.

He gazed at the picture of Fegel Ein Base on a map on his desk as he grabbed a gold nugget in his hands. They had two bases along the slopes of Mount Fegel, and should this Sushi group approach the foot of the mountain, they would be there and they would be ready for them.

Pressing his hands together, Dolfy crushed the nugget into pieces, then threw it across the room. That was what would happen to anyone who crossed him.

Author's Note:

A new challenger has arrived.

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