• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 771 Views, 264 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 1: Pegasus Forever

Summer Shine sat back down at their table, her mind still reeling from everything she had just learned from her mother. Apparently, a Stand was a manifestation of someone’s soul, and they had been birthed through the entrance of magic in this world from her mother’s world of Equestria. How she only noticed her Stand just now, Summer didn’t know. Perhaps the portal had opened again? But if she were to guess, Stands would only manifest around magic, so whatever it was, something magical had happened, be it the portal or not.

Her mother had told her stories of her youth before, but today, for the first time in her life, she knew the rest of it. She had gone on an adventure years ago to protect the world from an evil principal who wanted to control the minds of everyone, but because of Sunset and her friends, they had vanquished her, but at the cost of some of her dear friends.

Summer had always thought they had died in accidents, but now she knew they had sacrificed themselves to ensure the principal wouldn’t win.

And now here she was with a Stand of her own. It was cool and all, but she had absolutely no idea how to use it.

“Man, a Stand? Cool!” Prism jumped up at the table and leaned closer to Summer. “Do you think I have one too now? Since you have one? Man, mom, why don’t I have one?”

“Wait, you know about Stands?” Summer blinked.

“Yeah, my mom told me all about them and how they saved the world!” Prism flexed an arm, then placed the other one around her waist pocket. “Yours didn’t?”

“No, it seems she left that out.” Summer looked to her mother, who laughed awkwardly.

“I just wanted her to grow up like a normal kid,” Sunset said.

“Well, she has. They both have.” Rainbow Dash pointed at their children. They’re nineteen now. They’re old enough to make their decisions. They’re in college. They deserve to know things now.”

“Well, I’ve already told her, so yes, they do.” Sunset smiled at her daughter. “Sushi, since you have a Stand now, I think it’s time I show you how you can use it to defend yourself.”

“Um, yeah, okay. I’d like to do that.” Summer and Prism shared excited looks and grinned at each other.

“Man, that’s so cool!” Prism began punching at the air. “How do I get my hands on one?”

“Not everyone’s destined for Stands, Prism.” Rainbow gave her a pat on the back. “But if you do get one, I bet it’ll be pretty awesome.”

“Right, so…” Sunset waved at the cakes on the table. “Finish this up. Then we’ll go see some Stands, alright?”

Summer and Prism shared a look, then got to eating their celebratory cakes. True to her word, Rainbow hadn’t ordered any chocolate cake, and instead, they had a cheesecake and a raspberry cake. The raspberry one was a bit sour, but it wasn’t half bad. As for the cheesecake, Summer enjoyed that very much. Maybe a little too much. She always knew what too much cake would do to her bowels, but she always went ahead with eating it anyway. But for today, there would be something more interesting than cakes, and that was the power of Stands.

She had only just learned of them so very recently, but she found she was already hooked on the idea of her body conjuring up a spirit to protect her. She had intended to go over to Prism’s after this to play some video games, but this was so much more interesting. Plus, it would be some quality time with her mother.

With the cake soon out of the way, Summer rubbed at her belly as she leaned back and let out an earth-shattering burp, then put a hand over her mouth as other patrons in the cafe turned to look at her.

“How unlady-like, Summer.” Prism made a face and shook her head. “Watch this.”

She placed her hands on her own stomach at the sides, then with a puff of air, she opened her mouth and let out an even bigger belch.

“Ten outta ten.” Rainbow got up and wiped at her mouth with a tissue before tossing it on the now empty plate. “We best skedaddle before people get the wrong idea about you girls.”

Summer quickly gathered her belongings and swooped for the door, both out of excitement and embarrassment for that sudden release of air. Sunset watched her daughter go and chuckled to herself. It had been some time since something like that had happened to her. And it had also been some time since she’d even used her Stand for anything other than getting her to higher places when she was sculpting. A part of her worried that she might’ve forgotten how to use her Stand, but she knew it was somewhat like riding a bike; it wasn’t something she would easily forget.

The four women got into Sunset’s car and they were soon disappearing away from the cafe and heading down a few curving streets as they got further and further away from the city center. Sunset Shimmer’s home sat on the edge of the city, past a swiveling road heading up a short hill and around a segment of woods.

She had picked a house further away from other people, somewhere she could live in solitude and away from the hustle and bustle of life. She knew that was a contradiction to her discovery of friendship and being with her friends, but she needed the silence to work on her art plans. After all, she still went to visit her friends all the time, so that was still okay.

Soon, her single storey house came into view at a turn off the main road, going down a dirt path into the woods. Sunset’s house stood at the end of the road, a white-walled structure with oak beams supporting its porch shelter, along with a slanted roof that went down to the left side of the house. Sunset had rows of windows lining the sides of the house, but around its backyard, where a swimming pool sat, was a segment of glass that could slide aside to merge the interior with the outdoors.

As she drove the car to a stop beside a sculpture of a pegasus rearing up on its hindlegs, Sunset shut off the car’s engine and got out. “Well, here we are. Home sweet home.”

“This one’s new.” Rainbow ran a hand along the pegasus statue. “Reminds me of your Stand, Sushi.”

“Mine?” Summer asked. She didn’t know Rainbow had already seen her Stand.

“Okay, we’re gonna have to work something out here.” Rainbow walked over and put an arm on Summer’s shoulder. “See, your mom’s called Sushi too. We can’t call both of you Sushi.”

“How about Sushi One and Sushi Two?” Prism suggested.

“I don’t want a number in my name.” Summer shook her head.

“It’s fine. My daughter may have the Sushi title.” Sunset waved a hand and laughed. “I’ve already had over forty years of the Sushi title. It’s her turn.”

“Then the odds have it. Summer retains her nickname of Sushi!” Prism held up her friend’s hand and cheered.

“It’s gonna take me some getting used to.” Rainbow shrugged. “But whatever. Sush- Ah, Sunset, you were gonna teach your daughter how to use her Stand?”

“That’s right.” Sunset pointed to the woods. “Let’s do it there. Don’t want to accidentally damage the property.”

“Not like you don’t have the money to rebuild it anyway,” Rainbow added.

“Hey, it doesn’t mean I want to wreck my house if I could’ve done something about it.” Sunset looked at her home in the middle of the woods. “I like this place a lot.”

“Yeah, I suppose. Lots of space to run around.” Rainbow followed along as the four women headed off through the trees. “Inside and outside. Remember that time when we tried to trap Santa Claus in the fireplace? And then he came out all smokey and tried to kill us?”

“Wait, that wasn’t Santa.” Summer still remembered what had happened seven years ago.

Someone had tried climbing down their chimney during Christmas and when they saw the boots appear at the fireplace, Sunset had been quick to lock up the fireplace’s little gates. He had struggled for a while, but then he managed to break past the brittle hinges and got out to chase them with a knife.

Sunset had beat him up that day before calling the police. Summer guessed the fool had picked the wrong house.

“He wasn’t Santa, but he had the figure.” Rainbow pointed out. “Lesson number one, never mess with a Sushi. Or a Jojo. He’s got plenty of stories of his own too.”

Jojo was another confusing name. Summer never knew if they were talking about Jostle Joyride or Cajole Joyride. Jostle Joyride was another friend of their parents, working over at the Canterlot Steelworks, along the side of the Freedive Canyon. He had also been on the long adventure with her mother and Rainbow Dash, which Summer now knew was a little more… bizarre than she had first thought.

Cajole was his son and he was three years younger than Summer and Prism. He was still in high school and what better school to send him than Canterlot High School, where Sunset and the others had been from. Jostle Joyride had been teaching him to ride the motorbike for as long as she could remember them, but Cajole was still young and he had a lot to learn before he could ride around like his father could.

“This will be far enough.” Sunset shrugged her shoulders around, then dropped her coat on the dirt ground. “You have to bear with me a little, dear. It’s been a while since I’ve called up a Stand like this.”

“No worries. I don’t even know how to do it.” Summer opted to keep her own coat on. She had a cropped black jacket over her usual blue top, and she didn’t want it getting dirty from being on the ground. “How do you do it?”

“You’ll get it.” Sunset hopped up and stretched her legs. “Jojo taught me the same way. Your Stand always appears when you’re in danger. After that, you’ll eventually figure it out. Here, I’ll show you.”

Summer watched as a golden aura appeared around her mother and a Stand emerged from within her and flew forward. It had wings and a horn on its head and it was clad in golden armor with sun emblems on them.

“Mom, wait, no, don’t!” Summer crouched down and covered her head as Sunset’s Stand closed the distance.

But then Summer felt a welling in her body, like a pin was being dropped and suddenly, that same blue-armored Stand showed itself, placing both hands against her mother’s Stand’s shoulders to stop it from getting any closer.

“Huh?” Summer looked up to see her Stand before her, its plated hooves digging into the dirt ground to stop itself.

“So that’s your Stand. Interesting…” Sunset smiled. “I guess it takes after mine, Alicorn Fantasy. Well, before that, Pegasus Fantasy.”

“That’s a cool name. What’s mine?” Summer watched as the two Stands disengaged and faced each other.

“You will have to look into yourself to find that out. Two ways a Stand gets its name. Either from within its master, or you could always just give it a name yourself, though I prefer the former.”

Summer stared at her Stand. It looked equine, like Alicorn Fantasy, only hers had no wings and was dressed in blue armor that resembled a football player’s gear. It stood in front of Summer and pawed the ground with one hoof, like a horse that was eager to start a race.

“So this is my Stand…” Summer breathed. “It looks so strong!”

The Stand stood proud in front of the group. Sunset nodded approvingly.

“Yes, your Stand looks powerful indeed. Now, do you know what it can do?”

“Um, punch things?” Summer suggested, pointing at her Stand’s bulky fists. They looked tough enough to smash through a brick wall with no problem.

“All Stands have some kind of ability, like how mine, Alicorn Fantasy, is able to reset you to a state you had been in recently.” Sunset snapped her fingers.

Then she blinked and did it again and only after the second time, her Stand’s horn emitted a soft blue light, then Summer found herself seated in the car, looking at the headrest to the driver’s seat.

“What the…” Summer looked at her hands, then out the window. Her mother, Prism and Rainbow were still standing out in the woods, now waving at her. She pushed open the car door, then made her way back over to the other women. “That’s really neat. I don’t even realize you’ve sent me back there until I’m there.”

“Been a while since I’ve used Alicorn Fantasy to reset anything…” Sunset rubbed at her chin. “Seems I’m a little rusty. But hey, at least it worked. Now, the next thing I want to test is how strong your Stand is, and what exactly its ability is.”

“How strong?” Summer repeated. “How are we going to do that?”

“We’re going to have a little fight, you and I.” Sunset smiled and gave her daughter a pat on the shoulder before walking further away. “My Stand against yours.”

“Uhhh…” Summer looked to Prism, but her friend just shrugged. “O-Okay.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t give it my all, dear.” Sunset stretched one arm to her right, then the other one covered her left eye. “Alicorn Fantasy!”

Sunset’s Stand emerged again and threw a punch towards Summer, but like before, as she ducked for cover, her Stand leapt out from behind her and stopped the punch with a hand. Alicorn Fantasy threw a second punch, smacking hers across the jaw. Summer dropped to the ground and rubbed at her face. That had hurt.

“Sorry, Sushi.” Sunset recalled Alicorn Fantasy for a second. “I forgot to mention, what happens to your Stand happens to you, since they’re extensions of you.”

“Could’ve told me that sooner, mom.” Summer got back on her feet and sniffed. “My turn.”

Summer sent her Stand charging forward, its armored blue hooves digging into the ground as it swung its arms wildly. Alicorn Fantasy blocked each hit with its muscled arms, the sound of the blows ringing all around.

“What’s everyone looking at?” Prism asked as she saw the rest of the group staring into space as if something extremely interesting was happening. “Is it more Stand hocus pocus?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” Rainbow Dash gave her daughter’s back a pat. “Only Stand users may see Stands. They can still affect you, but you would not know where and when they’re gonna strike.”

“Man, I wish I had a Stand…” Prism groaned and looked on to empty air, trying to picture a battle she could not see.

Summer’s Stand took a step back, then charged forward, placing its arms across its chest, becoming like a battering ram. Before it could hit Alicorn Fantasy, it was suddenly back where Summer was. It tried it again, but this time, as Sunset tried to have it reset, her daughter’s Stand flickered, and its position didn’t reset.

“Rusty…” Sunset shook her head and instead, Alicorn Fantasy grabbed the other on one shoulder and its neck, then spun to the left and let go, throwing it into a tree face first.

The tree split in half and fell on top of it, sending Summer down on her front, her back feeling as though a ton of bricks had fallen on top of her. She grabbed for her bloody nose, which had likely been broken from the impact.

“You okay, Sushi?” Sunset called as Alicorn Fantasy lifted the tree off her.

Summer rubbed at her face, then got back on her feet. “I’ve still got fight in me yet. If it’s anything I learnt from hanging out with Prism, it’s to not give up just because we get a little hurt.”

Sunset smiled and bent her body forward, then back, then swept one arm to the side through her long hair. “Then let’s find out what your Stand can do! Alicorn Fantasy!”

Sunset’s Stand dashed forward with its mighty wings and began throwing punches at her daughter’s, but Summer had it drop to a knee and raise its arms in front of its head to protect itself from the rain of blows. Summer didn’t know how to explain it exactly, but something in her mind seemed to click and the more she looked at her Stand blocking her mother’s attacks, the more she began to know about it, including its name.

“Come on, dear, is that all you’re going to do?” Sunset bent one knee up, then rested an elbow against it as her arm crossed over and grabbed her opposite shoulder. “You can’t keep it up forever. Alicorn Fantasy is really strong and it’ll get through soon enough.”

“But I don’t need to keep it up forever, mom.” Summer struck a pose, raising one leg up to her waist and putting both hands behind her head. She lifted one arm towards her mother, then pointed one finger down to the ground. “I know what my Stand can do now and it isn’t just defending against your attacks. It’s building up energy. Potential energy, to be exact, and it can do so with anything it touches, including itself and right now, it’s absorbing your Stand’s punches and saving it up as potential energy, and do you know what happens after that?” Summer’s Stand’s arms began to emit a bright glow as more and more energy from the punches built up inside its body.

“I can put all that energy into one big, serious punch!” Summer had her Stand do a backstep, just so that Alicorn Fantasy’s next punch barely missed. Then all the glow from the absorbed energy transferred itself into Summer’s Stand’s right arm as it sidestepped Alicorn Fantasy’s next strike. Sunset’s Stand saw the threat coming and kicked back and away from it as it threw a mighty straight punch, creating a small sonic boom as the fist broke the sound barrier in flight, ruffling the bushes and trees, sending leaves falling down all around them.

“Pegasus Forever!” Summer threw one hand forward, opening her palm and pointing all five fingers towards Alicorn Fantasy.

Bars on its back lit up and slid open, revealing twin thrusters, pulsing bright with overflowing energy. Pegasus Forever’s feet lifted off the ground, allowing the energy to launch it forward as its punch kept going, catching Sunset and Alicorn Fantasy by surprise.

Pegasus Forever closed the distance faster than a blink of an eye, connecting its fist with Alicorn Fantasy’s muscular abdomen. Sunset’s Stand doubled over as it got punched, spraying blood from its mouth like it was a tap. Sunset dropped to her knees and spat out a similar glob of blood.

“Mom!” Summer ran over to her as her Stand dissipated into thin air.

Sunset rubbed at her belly, then got up and hiccupped. “That one caught me off guard. Don’t you worry, dear. Mom’s been through much worse. But that was a good punch. Really, I hadn’t been expecting something like that.”

“Yeah, I don’t know how I knew, but I knew it could do that,” Summer said.

“I knew you knew it could do that.” Sunset smiled and ran a hand along her daughter’s paler hair. “So, Pegasus Forever, huh?”

“Yeah, I don’t know, I guess it was that option you told me. About finding out my Stand’s name.” Summer dusted at her outfit, then rubbed at her nose and winced.

“Here, I got that for you.” Sunset took one step back and stretched an arm up.

Summer Shine suddenly found herself standing back at the fallen tree, but her injuries had disappeared.

“Wow. That reset thing’s really cool.” She ran a hand over her face, quite surprised that nothing hurt anymore.

“And now we know what you can do too, dear.” Sunset walked over and gave her a hug. “Pegasus Forever. I like it. It reminds me of the friendship I gained when I had first discovered my Stand. It used to be called Pegasus Fantasy before I evolved it with the Stand Geode. A story for another time.”

“Man, all this Stand stuff!” Prism ran over and threw an arm around Summer. “How can I get one of my own?”

“No one really knows.” Her mother shrugged. “Sushi’s just awoke. Perhaps in time, you might have one too. But I’m sorry, Prism. Not everyone gets one.”

“Bummer, I wish I had one.” Prism folded her arms.

“Hey, if you’re as awesome as me, you’ll have one. Don’t worry.” Rainbow gave her a squeeze. “You wanna know how I got mine? It had been two weeks before I was due to get a checkup at the doctor. Suddenly, I was ambushed by some drug dealers who wanted me to smuggle coke for them through to the doctor’s assistant, who was working for Fillydel Caspo. But I wasn’t going to let ‘em, so I ran and they chased me into a restaurant that was currently being reviewed by Goredon Rampage.”

“You met Fillydel Caspo?” Prism widened her eyes. “I thought the cops got him?”

“I thought they got him got him,” Summer added. “As in, I thought he died?”

“I don’t know, I’m no history buff like Sush-Sunset.” Rainbow punched her arms forward and Running on Ice, her sleek blue Stand, appeared behind her, copying her movement. “But anyway, I think he was a Stand user too, because the drug dealers were surprised when Running on Ice suddenly appeared behind me. Only Stand users can see Stands, you see. Anyway, I didn’t know what had happened then, but they were suddenly frozen into ice sculptures and Goredon Rampage came out and shouted at me for freezing oysters. Of course I didn’t work there, so I was arrested for trespassing and getting involved with drug dealers. But when I was in jail, I thought I was being possessed, like that princess from Iced.”

“Wait, you were in jail?” Prism did a double take on her mother. “You have a criminal record?”

“Psshhh…” Rainbow waved a hand at her. “Like it did anything to dampen my job search. Anyway, I was in jail for all of three days when Principal Cinch found me and took over my mind. After that, Sushi, your mother eventually rescued me and I decided to join up with her to stop Cinch from taking over the world.”

“That’s… quite the story.” Prism looked at her mother in awe. “So it took drug dealers and an angry chef to bring about your Stand. Man, maybe that’s what I have to do. Where can I find some of Fidel Caspo’s men?”

“Fillydel,” Summer corrected.

“Yeah, him.” Prism pounded her fists together. “Come on out, Stand!”

She reached a hand for the sky, but nothing happened. She just stood there in silence, hoping something would happen.

“I… don’t think that’s going to work,” Rainbow said bluntly, patting Prism on the head. “Hey, it’s getting late. We should get going. I think the Sushis have some catching up with Stands to do.”

“Awww. Shame I can’t see ‘em.” Prism sighed, but nodded. “Alright. Sushi, I’ll catch you tomorrow on the flippity flip.”

After waving goodbye to Rainbow and Prism, Sunset put an arm around her daughter’s shoulders and looked at the tree they had knocked down earlier. She hadn’t thought her daughter would gain a Stand as well. Back then, they had surmised that the opening of the portal to Equestria was the reason they had received Stands, but she didn’t think anyone had come through recently. It must’ve been something else, something they didn’t know about. But what?

Sunset shook her head. For now, she owed her daughter a better explanation of their adventure years ago.

“Come on, Sushi. I’ve got a great deal to tell you about Stands and what we had to do to save the world when I was about your age,” Sunset said as she steered Summer towards the house. “How about I do that over a cup of hot tea?”

“Sure, I like tea.” Summer followed her in.

Unbeknownst to them both, they were being watched from the trees by a green haired individual, who clenched his fists when he saw them both enter through the front door. He had been wanting revenge for years and he had never known what had really happened, but their group had recently gained some intel from a visit to an old associate trapped in a cave in the Everfree Forest and he had learned more about the situation that had transpired years ago. He had lost someone very dear to him, along with his favorite companion that would follow her around.

Now that he knew who was responsible, he was going to take them down one at a time, starting with Sunset Shimmer and anyone she was with. They were all going to pay.

Author's Note:

I hope Pegasus Forever isn't as overpowered as it should be. :rainbowderp:
And here it is, our first chart of part 2, once again, thanks to Cinders of War for doing these up for me.

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