• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 771 Views, 264 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 15: As Long as There's a Memory in Your Mind

Summer Shine had got to know more about Bushido Spirit as REO Speedwagon walked down the streets of Berlin, passing through cobbled pathways and rows of cars as they made their way for the closest car rental service.

His grandfather had groomed him into becoming a protector of the innocent ever since he was five years old and even though his grandfather had passed away, he still resolved to live the life his grandfather had trained him to lead.

“I made him a promise as he breathed towards his last,” Bushido had said. “I promised to never go back on that promise to myself.”

He had traveled long and far from some small town in Japan called Kantarijji, at least, that’s what it sounded like to Summer. She wasn’t all that well versed in other languages.

Bushido Spirit had discovered his Stand when he was ten and for the next twelve years, he had been learning the intricacies of his Stand, Boney M, and Summer thought he was being modest, but he said he still had much to learn about his Stand.

That got Summer thinking about her own Stand. Did she know all there was to know about her own Stand? Perhaps there was more to it yet.

“Pssst, Sushi.” Prism prodded her shoulder to get her attention before whispering in her ear. “He talks a lot to you specifically. I think he might fancy you.”

“What, him? No way.” Summer’s cheeks turned red as she watched Bushido clean his sword in the corner beside the fishing rod rack. “Besides, we’ve only just met.”

“You know I have an eye for such things,” Prism giggled.

“You do not. You keep thinking I like your brother.”

“You make that one easy. That’s cause you keep sticking up for him.”

“That doesn’t mean anything!” Summer hissed.

Prism flapped a hand back and forth. “Anyway, I think it would be cool, you know? Having a Japanese boyfriend. He’s quite exotic.”

“Well, if you think so, why don’t you go for it, then?” Summer challenged.

“That’s cause he likes you. I’m pretty sure of it.”

Summer looked between Bushido and Prism, then shook her head. “You’ve got to find me some proof then, detective. I won’t believe you till you do. And besides, we’re on a mission!”

“Mission fission.” Prism stood up and dusted her red jeans. “I’ll sort it out for you, Sushi. It’s a good thing your best friend is so direct, huh?”

“Prism, really, I don’t think now’s the time.”

“We all deserve a little love in life, don’t we?” She turned to Fuchsia. “You think so, Fuchs?”

“Fuchs this…” The girl in question walked away from them to raid the fridge. “Love is meaningless. It won’t get you anywhere. It’ll just make you more upset.”

“Your parents definitely don’t think so!” Prism called after her. Then she waved a hand and shrugged. “Fuchsia's just being Fuchsia. Jojo would agree with me. Don’t you, Jojo?”

The boy looked up from his math paper and widened his eyes. “Uh… Sure, Prism.”

“See? He’s a good boy.” Prism chuckled. “Sweetie Belle, do you have someone you love?”

“Matter of fact, I do.” The older woman grinned and walked over, sitting down on a yellow worn couch beside Summer. “His name’s Button Mash. He’s a pro gamer. He competes in the greatest tournaments in the world for Factions of Folklores.”

“Hey, we’ve played that before,” Prism beamed. “Fun game, but I stopped because the players were too toxic.”

“I know the feeling.” Summer snorted. Her mom had introduced her to the game a few years ago, but she never understood how a game like that could be fun when your teammates constantly swear at you. They were worse than Fuchsia.

“So, you miss him, Sweetie?” Prism continued, sitting on the floor in front of them. “Surely it’s not easy being apart from him, even if it’s for a mission.” She gave Summer a wink.

“I do miss him all the time.” Sweetie Belle leaned back and looked up towards the ceiling. “But I deal with it. He’s away a lot because of the tournaments, so it’s not anything new. And hey, I wouldn't let a mission get in the way of love. Is it because of that new boy, Bushido?” She gave Summer a pat on the arm. “No harm in trying, Sushi.”

“You know about it too?” Summer groaned. “Fine, but I’ll get to know him before I make any decisions, alright?”

“No rush.” Prism waved both hands. “Just make sure to do it before he gets back to Japan or wherever.”

Summer sighed and took a look at him as he continued to wipe his sword down with a cloth. All of a sudden, there was the sound of a train driving by and the horn it emitted was loud. Really loud. Her hands flew to her ears and she ducked her head lower as the insides of REO Speedwagon began to rumble.

“Train? There’s a train here?!” Jojo put his work down and ran to the Stand’s looking glass. They were still walking down the streets of Berlin outside, along a row of parked cars and buildings. “That’s not possible.”

“It must be coming from the station back where we came from.” Gipsy Dance pointed to her back.

“It’s too loud.” Bushido stood up and sheathed his blade. “This is no natural circumstance.”

All of a sudden, a train appeared in the view of the looking glass and the group stared in horror as it came barreling towards REO Speedwagon. They didn’t have enough time to get out of the way.

“Hold on to something!” Sweetie Belle warned as the train collided with them.

Her Stand flipped back as it crashed through the window of a clothes store, tumbling a few more times before smashing into a cabinet, stopping only because of the brick wall behind it, which had cracked from the sudden impact.

Summer stood from the ground, rubbing at her forehead. She had smacked it against a wooden chest earlier and though there was no blood, it felt as though it was starting to swell. “Everyone okay?”

Bushido pushed a table off his body and dusted his hair. “I am.”

“Ow…” Prism rubbed the top of her head. “What was that? Why was there a train on the road?!”

“Sorcery is at play.” Gipsy Dance arranged her bandana and pointed out the window. “The train came out of nowhere. I’d say an enemy Stand is at work.”

“What are we even up against here?” Summer rubbed her growing welt. “A Stand that creates trains?”

“I do not think it’s just trains...” Gipsy pressed her face against the looking glass to get a better look. “There’s definitely something more to this enemy. I will take a look outside. Stay in here.”

“I’m coming too.” Sweetie Belle swung a fist up, then bent her left leg as low as it could go without touching the ground. “Two heads are better than one.”

Gipsy Dance nodded and made her way out of the backpack, with Sweetie Belle following close behind her. They emerged out in the wrecked store, pushing bits of wood off themselves and REO Speedwagon. The shopkeep looked out from behind the counter and looked around the room before setting his eyes on the two women.

“You’ve damaged my rack!” he squealed as Sweetie swung her Stand over one shoulder. “Someone needs to pay for all this material!”

Sweetie Belle and Gipsy Dance paid him no attention and stepped out of the store, standing back to back so as not to be taken by surprise. He followed after them, but before he could say anything else, something else began to make itself known, something in the air above them.

“Is that… is that a plane I hear?” The shopkeeper asked. He looked up into the sky, and so did Gipsy and Sweetie. There, bearing down on them was a World War 2 era German plane, swooping towards the ground.

The chatter of machine gun fire rang out and bullets tore up the ground near them. Gipsy pulled Sweetie out of the road and behind a wall, but the shopkeeper wasn’t as lucky. Bullets tore through his body and he spasmed about before dropping to the ground. Sweetie and Gipsy continued running down the lane as the plane zoomed down the street they had been on. They hid around the corner as they watched it go, only coming back out once they could no longer hear it in the air above.

“Just what is this enemy Stand?” Sweetie Belle pounded a fist against the wall. “It can call forth vehicles to attack us.”

“Keep your eyes peeled.” Spandau Ballet appeared behind Gipsy, its fans already brandished. “The Stand user has to be around here somewhere.”

“But the Stand user could be anyone,” Sweetie said. “They’re probably disguised as a normal person.”

Unfortunately for them, there were no other people on the street at the moment. Wherever this Stand user was, they were probably hiding in one of the buildings.

“They must be somewhere where they can see us.” Sweetie looked from window to window, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone ducking down, but there was none. “They would have to be somewhere they can be safe, somewhere they can comfortably see us where we won’t be able to easily spot them.”

There was the sound of hissing behind them and both women turned around and looked to the ground, automatically realizing it was the sound snakes make. The floor here was slightly damp and there were puddles of water around and from the puddles, two snakes suddenly slithered out, snaking straight for them. Sweetie Belle gasped and lifted an arm as they jumped through the air towards them, mouths open to reveal twin fangs dripping with venom. From behind her, two spinning fans sliced through them before returning to Spandau Ballet. The snake pieces flew by them, landing a few feet behind them before disappearing into nothing.

“So the Stand is creating these things from nothing…” Gipsy Dance surmised. “It must have a limit on these abilities.”

“Judging by what we’ve been hit with so far, this enemy Stand has a lot of variety,” Sweetie said, looking around for anything suspicious. “Who knows what it might throw at us next.”

“Maybe it’s a long range Stand,” Gipsy muttered. “But for something to have this kind of power and target us so precisely, I am of the opinion that it isn’t a long range one.”

“We need to find somewhere to retreat to,” Sweetie and Gipsy walked towards an alley. “Get out of the open. We’re sitting ducks if we stay in the streets.”

There was a low roar that sounded like river rapids, and Gipsy and Sweetie Belle turned around to see a flood of rushing water surging at them. The deluge was at least three meters high and churned with white foam.

“Run!” Gipsy shouted.

The two women broke into a sprint as the tsunami rushed at their backs. They sprinted past other people once they were out the other end of the alley, who also saw the water coming and ran with them. However, one teenage boy with headphones seemed too busy looking at his phone, and Sweetie Belle gasped in horror as the deluge engulfed the boy completely.

“Get to higher ground!” Gipsy jumped onto a table and pulled Sweetie up with her, then used an open window and her Stand to climb onto the roof. The water foamed and gushed past in a flood, but soon the water stopped flowing as it followed the path of least resistance downhill.

“Whew, that was close,” Gipsy panted, out of breath. “You okay, Sweetie Belle?”

“I think so,” Sweetie looked down at the destruction that the flood had made, before reaching a hand out to give REO Speedwagon a pat to make sure it was still there. Then she saw something strange.

The same boy with the headphones was standing in the street, his eyes still on his phone. He was completely unharmed, and didn’t even seem to be wet.

“What the…” Sweetie Belle muttered. “Gipsy, do you see that?”

“He survived!” Then she rubbed her chin and her brows creased in thought. “But it’s no illusion. The clothing store man, he got gunned down.”

Sweetie Belle looked down the hill at the path that the water had gone. There was little sign of the flood, even though people still seemed to be running. “I don’t see the water any more,” she said slowly. “But what does this mean?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know, dear?” Their thoughts were interrupted when a laughter sounded from behind a chimney nearby. Sweetie recognized the voice, and she turned with disbelief to see her older sister standing there with her hands on her hips and a devious look in her eyes.

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