• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,290 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Getting To Know The Wall Crawler

"So, let me get this straight." MJ said to everyone in her apartment while she sat on the couch, trying to process what she was told, "You're a princess who rules over a land of multi coloured ponies?" She gestured to Twilight, who nodded in response. She then turns to Sonic and Shadow, "And you two are anthropomorphic hedgehogs who stop a mad scientist on a daily basis?"

Sonic smirks, "Well, I stop EggHead on a daily basis." He then points to Shadow, "This one just broods twenty-four seven."

"Watch it, Faker!" Shadow growled in response.

Twilight glanced over with a look of worry on her face. She hated it when friends didn't treat each other nicely, and it seems that Shadow didn't really like Sonic. So why was Sonic so sure that the two of them were friends?

MJ then turned to Peter and gave him a deadpanned look.

"It's not like this is the most confusing thing we've ever heard." Peter said to his girlfriend.

Peter then did the unthinkable. He took off his mask, shocking Miles and MJ. Everyone stared at the wall crawler as he smirked.

"Well then. My name is Peter Parker, and you all might wanna buckle in for this."

Meanwhile at Times Square, a portal opened up in the sky and a yellow moon mech with a face on it floated out of the portal.

And standing on top of the mech is none other than Zazz, who's laughing hysterically. Electro then exits the portal, his entire body surrounded in electricity. The two villains smirked at each other before Electro chuckled to himself.

(Start from 0:09)

"Time to cut the power!" Electro shouted.

He then released a burst of yellow electricity, shutting off all the screens in time square and knocking several parked cars onto their sides.

Zazz laughed as the moon mech opened its mouth, "Let's test out these crazy new upgrades!!!" Zazz screamed as the mech fired a giant blue laser from its mouth, tearing the street apart.

Electro laughed as he shot up further into the sky and released a massive wave of electricity.

"Ignore this, web-head!"

Electro then released a massive wave of yellow electricity that crackled in the sky and spread across the skies of New York.

(End song)

Back in the apartment, Peter had just told the group how he was bitten by a radioactive spider, giving him his powers. Twilight was deep in thought, he started being a superhero at a young age, how did he manage to keep his cool?

"Anyway, I started doing wrestling matches for money. I won the cash prize, but the manager didn't pay me. His money was stolen and I could have stopped it, but I didn't. And that decision costed me the life of my Uncle Ben." Peter revealed.

Everyone either gasped or looked surprised. His uncle had died, and he blamed himself. Shadow looked surprised as well. He especially knows how it feels to lose someone close, he could relate to Peter on that level.

"Oh, Peter. I'm so sorry." Twilight said with tears in her eyes.

Peter gave a sad smile in response and continued, "I eventually found the guy who had killed my uncle, and I literally held his life in my hands. I could've dropped him from that building and avenged my uncle, but I didn't. It's not my job to play executioner, I was told by my Uncle Ben, that 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' And I've lived by that sentiment ever since."

Everyone smiled, that quote is one to remember. Shadow even gave Peter the slightest smile, but no one noticed.

"A few years later, I had a job with a brilliant scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius. We were going to change the world. But unfortunately, he went insane and released a deadly virus called 'Devil's Breath' upon the city and killed hundreds, maybe even thousands of people..... including my Aunt May." Peter revealed with a sad tone in his voice.

Everyone looked sad again. Peter had lost the only family that he had left. He's gone through so much, and yet he keeps on a happy face. How does he do it?

Shadow then spoke for the first time since they had arrived in the apartment, "I can relate."

Everyone looked at him with a shocked expression.

Shadow continued, "I know how it feels to lose someone close to you. You keep up the good fight, hoping to change the world for the better. To honour their memory." Shadow then turned to Peter, "You never give up. Even when life knocks you down, you get back up and fight. And for that, you have my respect."

Everyone looked shocked, except for Sonic, who chuckled and nudged him in the side, "I knew you were a big softie, edgie the hedgie."

Shadow glared at Sonic, if looks could kill, "If you utter one word of this to Rouge...."

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of lightning outside. They shrugged it off, only for several more sounds of lightning strikes went off outside. Miles walked to the window and saw what the commotion was about.

"Uh, guys?" Everyone turned to Miles, "Seems like the power bill is about to go up." Miles joked with worry in his voice.

Everyone went to the window and saw yellow electricity fill the sky.

Peter frowned, "Electro."

Shadow crossed his arms, "He obviously wants your attention, Parker."

Peter turned to Shadow, "Well, he's got it." Peter then walked away from the window.

They all saw Peter walk to the couch and grab his mask, which was lying there on the arm of the couch. He picked it up and put it on.

Sonic turned to Twilight, "Well, ready for another adventure with this dashingly handsome blue hedgehog?"

Twilight chuckled and nudged her friend in the arm, "Always."

Spike then hopped on Twilight's back, "You all realise it's a trap, right?"

Miles smirked as he put on his mask, "We know, but we gotta stop him."

Twilight then levitated Spike off of her back with her magic, "Spike. I want you to stay here."

Spike frowned, "But, you'll need help! I can help!"

"I know you can, but this is a threat that we've never dealt with before, you could get hurt." Twilight then smirked, "Besides, I think MJ will need some help around the place."

Spike sighed and then gave her the slightest of smiles, "Okay. Just be careful."

Twilight nodded and turned to everyone else.

"Ready?" Peter asked.

Sonic gave him a thumbs up while Shadow and Twilight nodded in response.

Peter then turned to the window, "Let's go pull the plug on Electro."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter

But next chapter we finally get into some action with the fight against Electro & Zazz.

Stay tuned.