• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,290 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

  • ...

The Situation

"So, this weather's crazy, right?" Miles said, trying to break the tension.

Peter then rubbed his forehead with both of his hands, trying to process what is happening, "I'm just....lost for words, right now. I mean, I've seen some crazy stuff in my lifetime, but this takes the cake." Peter then gestured to the otherworldly beings in front of him with his left hand, "I mean, there's a horse with wings and a horn, a tiny purple dragon, and two anthropomorphic hedgehogs standing right in front of me."

Sonic then chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah, I'm just as confused as you are." Sonic then walked towards Peter, "But, I know a way to make this all less confusing," He then extended his hand to Peter as a sign of friendship, "I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog."

Peter then chuckled and shook Sonic's hand, "Just call me your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man."

Twilight then stepped forward with a kind smile on her face, "I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm the Princess of Equestria," She then gestured her right hoof to Spike, who was standing beside her, "And this is my Royal Ambassador, and my number one assistant, Spike."

Spike waved as he blushed in embarrassment. Miles then stepped forward, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Equestria? What's that?"

Twilight smiled and turned to Miles, "It's the kingdom I rule over. I watch over every single pony in my kingdom and protect them if there is ever a threat that puts their lives at risk."

Peter's eyes then widened, "You mean there's a whole kingdom of ponies?"

Twilight nodded eagerly while Peter and Miles looked at each other, "Well, that's new." Miles muttered.

"And who might you be, if I may ask?" Twilight asked Miles kindly.

Miles then puffed out his chest with pride, "I'm Spider-Man."

Sonic then tilted his head in confusion, "But, he's Spider-Man." He said while pointing at Peter.

Peter then chuckled, "Yeah, people get us confused all the time."

Everyone then turned to Shadow, waiting for an introduction. Instead, he simply folded his arms and closed his eyes. Sonic rolled his eyes and gestured towards Shadow, "Don't mind him. He's like that with everyone. This is Shadow."

Shadow then opened one of his eyes slightly, "The pleasure is yours."

They all turned to Sonic, who shrugged in response, basically saying that this was normal.

Peter then put on a serious demeanor, "Now, would anyone like to tell me what's going on? Where did you all come from?"

"Well, I was at a party with my friends, you know, just a get together. But this one," He pointed his thumb to Shadow, who hmphed and folded his arms, "Decided to skip out on the party. He decided to brood on a rooftop instead of hanging out with his friends."

Twilight tilted her head in confusion and turned to Shadow, "Why would you not want to go to a party with your friends?"

Shadow scoffed at the alicorn princess, "Hmph. Because they're not my friends. They're annoyances."

Sonic then elbowed Shadow in the arm, "Come on, you know you care about us, Faker."

Shadow growled and batted Sonic's elbow away, "Tempt me further and I'll show you how little I care about you, Faker!"

Sonic smirked at his rival, "You'd have to catch me first, Shadz."

"Call me that again and I'll make you regret it, hedgehog!"

Sonic rolled his eyes and smirked, annoying Shadow even more. Twilight looked sad, she didn't know how to process this. Sonic says they're friends, but it seems that Shadow is pretty adamant that they're nothing of the sort.

Sonic then cleared his throat and continued, "Anyway, I went to go get Shadow and bring him to the party. But then Eggman attacked and-"

Sonic was cut off by the sound of Miles bursting out in laughter while Peter tried to hold in his laughter. Twilight and Spike then remembered what Sonic's nickname for Robotnik was and they started laughing too. Sonic then shook his head and joined in as well.

Shadow then growled in annoyance, getting everyone's attention, "Will you get on with it, Faker?!"

Sonic frowned at Shadow, "Jeez, learn to live a little, Shadz."

"I swear, if you say that again I'll-"

Shadow was cut off as Sonic waved his hand, signaling that he's heard this before, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyway, we went to go stop Eggman, only he was ready for us. He had a team there to back him up. I've fought some of them before, but there were two of them that I've never even met before. One was wearing a suit with a really long tail while the other guy was really old and flew around with wings."

Peter and Miles' eyes then widened in realization, "Vulture and Scorpion were there?" Peter asked.

"I guess." Sonic shrugged.

Peter then stroked his chin in thought, "Okay, go on."

"So, we beat EggHead's team, but he opened a portal behind him and kidnapped our friends-"

"Your friends." Shadow interrupted.

Sonic rolled his eyes, "Fine, my friends, and escaped into a portal. We followed him through and ended up here."

Twilight then had a thought, "That sounds similar to what happened to us." Her and Spike shared a worrisome glance before Twilight turned back to the group, "You see, Canterlot was invaded-"

Sonic then sighed, "Again?"

Twilight glared at the hedgehog before continuing, "As I was saying, these robots and armed bipedal creatures with glowing weapons invaded Canterlot. Spike and I tried to fend them off, but we then noticed that my hometown, Ponyville, was being attacked as well. We escaped and saw these weird creatures taking my friends into a portal-"

Sonic then looked worried, "The girls were taken?"

Twilight nodded solemnly, causing Sonic to look even more worried than earlier, "I didn't know these creatures, except for two of them. One looked like a new Metal Sonic model," Sonic groaned at that, "and the other was an old enemy of mine, King Sombra."

Spike shivered at the mere mention of that monster's name.

"Spike and I saw them enter the portal and decided to follow. And now, here we are." Twilight finished.

Miles then looked at Peter worryingly, "You don't think?"

"It's the only possible explanation." Peter replied.

The others looked confused, "Uh, wanna catch us up?" Spike asked.

Both Spider-Men turned to the group, "Yeah, but not here." Peter replied.

"Why?" Spike asked.

"Because, to understand what's happening, you're gonna have to know about me." Peter replied.

"We know a place where we can talk where no one can over hear us." Miles said.

Shadow looked skeptical, "How do we know you're not wasting our time?"

Peter shrugged, "You're just gonna have to trust us."

Shadow scoffed while the others glanced at each other. They then turned and nodded at the wall crawlers.

"Alright, Spidey. Lead the way." Sonic said in his usual cheery self.

Both Peter and Miles shot a line of web and took to the air. The others looked astonished, "Well, that's new." Twilight muttered. Sonic then took off after them at high speeds while Twilight and Spike took to the air. Shadow grumbled something and then skated after them.

(End song)

MJ was sitting on her couch, looking for anything that could help Peter and Miles. Suddenly, she heard her door open, she got up from her seat and turned towards the door.

"Hey guys, I think I've found something." MJ said as she turned around.

She then looked frozen as she saw Twilight, Spike, Sonic, and Shadow standing at the door with Peter and Miles.

Peter then chuckled nervously, "Yeah, so did we."

Meanwhile, in Netherworld. Both The Sinister Six and The Deadly Six were standing in front of a large portal in the villains base, Nethertower.

Eggman, Sombra, and Doc Ock stood before the team of villains.

Otto then stepped forward, "You know your teams. You know your missions."

"One team goes to Mobius to find my prized possessions while the other goes to New York to keep the pests busy." Eggman added.

Sombra then stepped forward, "Do not fail us. Return with what we seek, or else." He threatened.

Some of them nodded while the others growled in annoyance, Metallix simply turned around and entered the portal. They all eventually followed the robots example and entered the portal.

The portal closed and the three villains turned to one another.

"Do you think they'll succeed?" Sombra asked.

Eggman shook his head, "It doesn't matter if they do. There's nothing anyone can do to stop our plan. It's perfect!"

"All that matters is that we stall them for a long enough time for our little project to be completed. The Emeralds are just a nice ace up our sleeves just in case things go wrong." Otto added.

Eggman then chuckled, "But they won't. Everything is falling into place. And this time, no one is going to get in our way."

(End song)