• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,290 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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(Beginning Of Act 1) How's Life?

Paramount Pictures presents

In association with Hasbro, Sega, Insomniac Games and Marvel Studios

An AllSpark Pictures Production



















(End song)

It was a peaceful day in Station Square, Mobians were going about their daily lives. Shopping, socialising, living the dream.

That is until an explosion erupted in the centre of the street, resulting in the flipping of multiple cars. From the smoke caused by the explosion, a blue hedgehog was thrown out of the smoke and crash landed into the side of a nearby building. Sonic shook his head and glared at what threw him.

From within the smoke, a giant Eggman looking robot walked out slowly from the smoke.

Sonic removed himself from the wall of the building and dusted himself off.

Eggman simply laughed at the blue hedgehog, "OH HO HO HO HO HO HO!!! Oh Eggman, you genius! Who would've expected a Death Egg Robot?"

"Uh, everybody. This is like the fifth time you've used it." Sonic replied while shrugging.

Eggman arched an eyebrow, "Wait, really? How did the others go?"

"Not well."

"Grrr. WELL THIS TIME, IT WILL NOT FAIL!!!" Eggman shouted as he fired the Death Egg Robots left fist at the hedgehog.

Sonic smirked and dashed forward and curled into a spin dash, hitting the fist back into Eggman's robot, causing it to stumble.

"You little..."

The fist reconnected and the mech then flew up into the air and aimed for Sonic, who just stood there and yawned in boredom.


The mech then fell to the ground, attempting to hit Sonic, but Sonic smirked and dashed out of the way as the mach landed on the ground, creating a crater where Eggman landed.

Eggman turned and noticed Sonic leaning against a lamp post with his arms crossed.

"So, how's the fifth attempt at destroying me with this thing going?" Sonic asked in a tone that just made Eggman's blood boil.

"Don't get cocky, hedgehog!!!" Eggman yelled.

The mech walked forward and fired both of its wrists at the same time, Sonic wasn't worried though. He dashed forward and jumped onto the left fist and air dashed to the right, he then bounced off of the right fist and leaped into the air.

Eggman saw this and facepalmed himself, "Oh, give me a break."

Sonic then curled into a ball and hit the mech with a Homing Attack that went straight through the mech's chest. Sonic landed on the other side of the mech and turned around as it began to explode. The Death Egg Robot exploded in a blaze of glory, ending this battle.

(End song)

Sonic looked up to the sky, already knowing that Eggman had escaped the explosion in his Egg Mobile. Suddenly, a crowd of people swarmed around the blue blur, several Mobians asking for a picture and for autographs.

Eggman growled as Sonic began to show off to the crowd.

"NO-ONE LIKES A SHOW OFF, SONIC!!!" Eggman yelled as he flew away in his Egg Mobile.

Sonic just stuck his tongue out as Eggman flew away. He then turned to the crowd once more and continued to entertain them.

"My life is perfect." Sonic said to himself.

"MY LIFE IS STRESSFUL!!!" Twilight Sparkle shouted so loudly that her voice echoed throughout the halls of Canterlot Castle.

Twilight had just finished up in a council meeting with every kingdom in Equestria. Even though it was meant to be a civil meeting, it erupted into a screaming match in a matter of minutes, which Twilight had to defuse, with great difficulty. She sighed as she roamed the halls of her castle.

For some reason, it still didn't feel like her castle. She still didn't feel like she fit the role of Princess of Equestria. Even after dealing with the greatest threat Equestria had ever faced, Dr. Eggman, which saved not only her world, but a whole other world as well.

She looked to the ground in remembrance, "Sonic, Tails." She said to herself sadly. It had already been a full year since they all stopped Eggman from rewriting reality, it had been a full year since Twilight saw her Mobian friends. And she missed them, boy did she miss them.

Sure she would see her friends from Ponyville from time to time, but even their visits became less and less frequent nowadays. She understood why though, they each had their own lives to live, and she had to respect that. It still didn't help that she was already feeling lonely.

"Is this what Luna felt like after being trapped in the moon for a thousand years? Sure I may have Spike and my guards to talk to, but I can't really talk to them. *Sigh* I miss hanging out with my friends. I miss going on adventures to save Equestria. I miss..... I miss being normal." Twilight sighed in sadness. Suddenly her eyes opened up in realisation. Was she starting to regret accepting being the Princess of Equestria?

She continued down the hall and thought to herself further. She didn't hate being the Princess, but she didn't exactly enjoy it either. She glanced up towards the stain glass windows that lead to her throne room, she stared at them for a moment before tears burned the bridge of her eyes.

She then sighed and continued walking.

"My life is lonely." Twilight muttered sadly.

"My life is really weird."

The Spectacular Spider-Man did a flip through the air and stuck to the side of a building as the car full of gangster's drove down the street at high speeds. Peter then leaped off of the building and fired some webbing and swung through the air towards the car.

A gangster in the back seat of the car turned around and saw Spidey swinging towards them. The gangster picked up a rocket launcher from the floor of the car and leaned out of the car window.

Peter's Spider Sense went off as the gangster fired the rocket launcher. Peter thought quickly and web dashed to the left to avoid the rocket. He then turned around as the rocket passed him and shot a line of web at the rocket. He then swung it around and threw it up into the sky as it exploded.

Peter then shot a line of web at a nearby building and swung towards the car. Once he was close enough, he shot a line of web at the car and pulled himself towards the car and landed on the roof.

The back seat goon saw this and leaned out the window to try and shoot the wall crawler, but Spidey webbed him in the face and threw him out of the car. Spidey created a web net above the sidewalk and the goon landed in the net.

Peter then crawled to the driver's seat window and knocked on the window.

"Can I have your license and registration, please?" Peter joked.

He then flipped over to the front of the car and planted his feet on the ground and pushed the car to a stop thanks to his enhanced strength. With the car stopped in the middle of the road, the goon tried to make a run for it. Spider-Man sighed and shot a web line at the goons back. Peter pulled the goon back and punched him in the face as he flew towards the wall crawler.

Peter then webbed up the goon and left him for the police as they arrived on the scene. He then swung into the air and landed on a nearby building. He then called Mary Jane to tell her his progress.

"MJ, Kingpin's gun running business is now officially out of business." Peter said happily.

"That's great, Pete! Each time we put a stop to criminal activity, we come one step closer to keeping New York completely clean of crime." MJ replied.

"And with Miles now helping out, it's made my job a whole lot easier." Peter said.

Suddenly, Peter got an alert on the police towers connected to his mask, there was a break in nearby.

"Gotta go, MJ. Talk soon." Peter said as he hung up.

He then ran to the edge of the building and leaped off of it and swung further into the city.

(End song)

Back on Mobius, Eggman flew up into the stormy skies and made his way into his Final Fortress.

He flew his Egg Mobile into the command deck of the Final Fortress and landed. He exited his Egg Mobile and walked over to a nearby computer console and began typing.

The doors leading into the command deck opened up and Orbot and Cubot hovered in and floated next to their boss.

"So? How did it go?" Orbot asked.

Eggman smiled and chuckled evilly, "It went perfectly. I got that Emerald without a hitch! Although, Sonic did manage to destroy my Death Egg Robot, but I digress." Eggman said as he revealed a red Chaos Emerald that he had in his pocket to his two lackeys.

"Wow, you actually did it." Cubot commented.

Eggman frowned at the idiotic robot, "What do you mean 'I actually did it'?! Of course I did it!!! I am Ivo Robotnik!!! I always get what I want!!!"

"Except for ruling Mobius. Rewriting time with your younger self. Controlling the Zeti. Controlling the Phantom Ruby. Controlling Dark Gaia. Ruling Equis-" Cubot listed but was then cut off by Eggman.

"ALRIGHT, I GET IT!!!" Eggman shouted.

Eggman then released a breath and then placed the Emerald in the slot it would fit into on the console. Eggman then turned around as a glass cylinder rose from the floor, containing a small rift in reality, the same rift Eggman used to get to Equis the first time.

"Now that I have the Emerald, I can now use it for my master plan." Eggman said.

"But don't you need all seven Chaos Emeralds to pass through the rift safely?" Orbot asked.

"Very astute, Orbot. That's why you're the smart one." He gestured to Cubot. "I recently found a way to use one Emerald to my advantage. I thought to myself, why go over there to take the power I so rightfully deserve. When I can just bring it here? I'll use the Emerald to charge up my Matter Transporter and bring the bearers of the Elements right into the palm of my hand!"

Eggman then walked over to a big blinking red button and smiled.

"This time, my plan won't fail!!!" Eggman shouted as he slammed his fist down on the button.

The cylinder began to glow red as a claw like gun descended from the ceiling and aimed itself at the cylinder. The gun began charging up as the cylinder continued to glow red. Suddenly, the rift changed colour and became blood red instead of blue. Alarms began blaring throughout the Final Fortress as the rift became unstable.

"No! Nonononononono!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!! IT'S BACKFIRING!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!! HOW?!!!" Eggman shouted as the rift then exploded, engulfing Eggman and his lackeys in a red light.

Meanwhile in New York, specifically The Raft. Doctor Otto Octavius was sitting inside his cell, thinking about what he would do once he got out of The Raft. He sighed, he felt naked without his arms. He placed his hands on his forehead, how could Peter betray him like that?

Otto stood up angrily and slammed his fists onto his cell door and screamed in frustration. He then calmed down and sat back down. Suddenly, his cell was engulfed in a red light, also engulfing Otto. And he disappeared.

Eggman woke up to find himself in a black void, nothing in sight except darkness. He looked to the left and saw Orbot and Cubot looking around at their surroundings.

Eggman then smacked Cubot on the back of the head, "Where are we, you dumbbots?!"

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

Eggman and his lackeys turned to see Otto Octavius standing there with his arms crossed. Eggman stood up and dusted himself off.

"And who might you be?" Eggman asked impatiently.

"Dr. Otto Octavius, at your service. And you are good sir?" Otto introduced politely.

Eggman smiled, a fellow genius, this could be interesting, "Dr. Ivo Robotnik." Eggman said, extending his hand, which Otto took and shook.

They released and looked around, "I don't suppose you know where we are?" Otto asked.

"Not a clue." Eggman replied.

"Well, this is a surprise." A voice caught their attention.

They all turned around and saw a black stallion standing behind them with an evil smile on his face. It was none other than King Sombra.

"I thought I'd be alone here forever." Sombra said.

The two geniuses looked at each other, confused as to what was happening.

"Why don't you both sit. And let your king fill you in. Hahahahahaha." Sombra laughed evilly.

Author's Note:

Welcome to the sequel to Chaos & Harmony.

But what's this? Seems like a certain wall crawling menace has joined the fun.

I decided to can Icons of Horror, I just wasn't motivated to continue that story.

Anyway, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Stay tuned.

(Warning: There may be some use of light profanity further down in the story, nothing major, but just thought I'd let you know.)