• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,291 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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(Act 2 Finale) Next Stop....Mobius

"No way! So you guys are saying that Discord was Grogar?!" Knuckles asked.

Applejack nodded, "Eeyep. Apparently it was to help Twi gain confidence in herself."

Discord raised his hands in defense, "Hey, in my defense.....I thought it was a good idea."


Rouge rolled her eyes, "Oh, here we go."

During their time as prisoners, everyone decided to get to know one another, to pass the time and hopefully forge new friendships. The Mobians told the Equestrians about themselves and their adventures, and the Equestrians did the same.

"I still can't believe Sonic fought a Time God, a Water God, and an ancient Dark God and won!" Rainbow exclaimed in amazement.

Amy nodded, "Yep. And guessed who caused all of that?"

Pinkie started bouncing around her cell, "OOH, OOH, OOH! I LOVE GUESSING GAMES! DO YOU GUYS LOVE GUESSING GAMES?! I CAN'T WAIT TO-"

Pinkie was cut off by Rarity clearing her throat, preventing the party pony from going into hyper mode, "Darling, I believe it is quite obvious as to who caused those horrible events."

Fluttershy then spoke up, "Um.....Surely he couldn't have caused every single one."

Rainbow crossed her forelegs, "I'll bet every single bit I own that he did."

Pinkie looked confused, "Um, who are we talking about?"

Applejack sighed and facehoofed, "We're talkin' 'bout Eggman, Sugarcube."

"Oh.....That makes sense." Pinkie replied.

Tails stroked his chin in thought, "What I wonder is, what is he up to?"

Cream cuddled Cheese in fear, "It won't be anything nice."

"It can't be anything good." Amy added.

Vector rolled his eyes, "It's Eggman. It's never good."

"Knowing Eggman, he's already planning something diabolical, evil. I bet right now he's doing the most evil thing he possibly can." Tails said aloud.

"SEGWAY!!!" Pinkie and Discord shouted in unison.

Meanwhile, Eggman, Otto, and Sombra are busy building their ultimate weapon of destruction.

"NO, NO, NO! We need that power for the mouth laser!!!" Eggman exclaimed.

Otto scoffed, "Ivo, we need mobility. How are we meant to conquer any dimension we choose when we CAN'T MOVE?!!"

Sombra then threw a wrench at the two doctors with his magic, "WHY ARE WE EVEN ARGUING ABOUT THIS?!! WE DON'T EVEN HAVE THE PROPER POWER SOURCE YET!!! In fact.....WHY ARE WE EVEN BUILDING THIS THING?!!!"

Eggman facepalmed, "I offered to have my Badniks build it, but Otto wanted it to have a craftsman's touch."

"We can build our ultimate weapon just as well as your lackeys can, Ivo." Otto replied.

"Well excuse me. I just want our Sinister Egg Core to be perfect!" Eggman seethed.

"I'm still not fancy on the name." Otto muttered.

Eggman then threw his blowtorch on the ground and stomped over towards Otto, much to the annoyance of Sombra, "Oh, don't get him started on that again." Sombra muttered.

Eggman then got in Otto's face, "Okay, I'm going to explain this one more time. The Sinister prefix is your naming convention as you literally named your team the Sinister Six! The Egg prefix is my naming convention for all my mechs. And the Core means the core weapon to our victory! Therefore-"

Otto then waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Ivo."

Sombra then realized something, "HEY WAIT A MINUTE! WHERE'S MY NAMING PREFIX?!!"

The two doctors ignored the unicorn and continued bickering, "Well, maybe if you listened, I wouldn't have to repeat myself!" Eggman exclaimed.


Otto then slammed two of his mechanical arms on the ground, "Well, maybe if you could come up with a decent mech that could strike fear in the hearts of our enemies, then maybe I would pay attention!"


Eggman got right in his face now, "What are you implying?"


Otto got in Eggman's face, "What are you inferring?"


"That your saying I can't come up with a good name for my own mechs!" Eggman yelled.


"Oh, well done. I'm impressed that your feeble mind could answer that correctly, you simpleton!" Otto replied.


"Why you little..." Eggman growled.


Eggman just facepalmed, "Just....activate the portal so we can move to phase 2."

Eggman then started walking out of the room. Otto grumbled something as he exited the room, switching off the lights as he left, leaving Sombra in the darkness.


(End song)

Back in New York, the group had recently returned to MJ's apartment. Miles said that he would meet up with them later as he had to repair his suit from the damage it had sustained from his fight with Zor. Sonic and Twilight were talking on the couch while Shadow and Spike were conversing in the kitchen, well, Spike was conversing, Shadow was just ignoring the baby dragon.

Peter and MJ were looking on MJ's laptop, searching for any sightings of portals in New York. Suddenly, the apartment door opened and everyone turned to the door.

They all saw Miles standing at the door, in a new suit.

Peter and Sonic whistled in amazement while everyone else looked on in awe. He upgraded his suit in a matter of hours.

"Well? What do you think?" Miles asked.

"Gotta say, Miles. Little jealous." Peter complimented.

Sonic gave a thumbs up while everyone else complimented the young prodigy. Suddenly, MJ got an alert on her laptop. She opened it and saw that a portal had opened in Times Square. Everyone walked over and saw where the portal was.

Peter looked at everyone else, "Well. Looks like we got our invitation."

"Best not keep them waiting." Twilight replied.

Peter kissed MJ and they all headed to Times Square. Twilight and Spike flew through the air, Peter and Miles parkoured through the city with their web swinging and Sonic and Shadow ran/skated towards Times Square.

Sonic and Shadow skidded to a stop as everyone landed next to them. They all looked at the portal while the pedestrians ran in fear.

Shadow turned to Peter, "You know it's a trap, right?"

Peter shrugged, "Yeah, I don't really care."

"Wherever this portal leads, it's another step closer to stopping our enemies." Twilight added.

Sonic then stepped forward and clenched his fist, "Well, what are we waiting for? They rolled out the welcome mat."

Everyone nodded and walked towards the portal. Sonic and Shadow entered first, then Twilight and Spike. As Miles walked through, Peter turned around and looked at his home one last time before sighing and turning to the portal.

"With great power, comes great responsibility." Peter muttered as he entered the portal.

The portal then closed, it appears our heroes' adventure has only just begun.

(End song)

End of Act 2

Author's Note:

Get ready, next stop is Mobius.

Stay tuned.