• Published 8th Nov 2021
  • 3,027 Views, 94 Comments

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes - Phantom-Dragon

The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.

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My Brother’s a Hero to Me

The moment Bugs Bunny emerged into Sci-Twi’s own little world, even he had no idea what to expect. When the girl initially offered the rabbit a tour of her laboratory, she ‘literally’ wasn’t pulling his own foot.

This is your laboratory?” Bugs Bunny asked in disbelief.

“Yup! My lab, workshop, my personal space, my… everything!” Sci-Twi smiled.

Suffice to say, even for Bugs, this display before him was still pretty hard to believe. A young girl, a high school graduate of all people, having her own laboratory… in her own backyard. Bugs had his share of encounters with several laboratories over the years, but this one ‘really’ took the cake.

“And your parents are okay with you having all this high-tech equipment and everything?” Bugs asked. “Dis all looked like they’ve come from a mad scientist’s lab. And believe me, I’ve met plenty!”

All the same, Bugs carefully examined all the devices on display. The humming and buzzing of electricity filled the air, and the colorful chemicals bubbled within the flasks sitting on a table and heated by flames.

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Sci-Twi giggled. “Thankfully my parents trusted me enough to handle myself with this equipment. Shining Armor though… he’s a different story.”

“Ooh, Shining Armor, huh?” Bugs smirked. “Who’s dat? Yer boyfriend? Like a knight in shining armor for his lady faire?”

“Oh goodness no!” Sci-Twi giggled. “Shining Armor’s my big brother. Or more affectionately, and specifically, my BBBFF.”

“You’re what?”

“Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”


“Anyway, let’s go over some readings,” Twilight spoke. “First, I must examine you. Y’know checking for vitals and your… well… being…”

“Oh! Twilight!” Bugs exclaimed, feigning modesty. “Well all right, I’ll play ball with ya. Anything to further science, and a way to get back home.”

Soon Twilight proceeded to stick a few suction cups on Bugs Bunny. Each of which were wired to a few machines designed specifically to measure his heartbeat, breathing, and temperature. Sci-Twi carefully studied the readings on her machines, while studying her books regarding some information on rabbits.

“Hmm… fascinating!” Sci-Twi commented. “I’ve never seen anything like this! Especially from a rabbit!”

“I am a cartoon bunny, after all,” Bugs replied. “And as a cartoon, I can do all kinds of things no ordinary rabbits can do. Like dis.”

Bugs Bunny reached into his hoodie and pulled out a magic hat, popping it open to its entirety. He reached into the hat and, somehow, pulled himself out of it.

“Eh, what’s up, Doc?” The two Bugs greeted.

And adding to Twilight’s bafflement, the ‘real’ Bugs put the other one away.

“Wha-H-H-How? Where? What? When?” Twilight asked, completely flabbergasted.

“I’m a cartoon Twilight,” Bugs reminded. “What’d you expect? Another rabbit? Oh! I can also do this!”

Bugs proceeded to flip himself upside-down and started walking on his ears.

“Wha-huh?” Twilight exclaimed, further flabbergasted.

“And I can do this!”

Without warning, Bugs Bunny inflated himself to look fat before doing a mock impression of a rabbit hunter.

“Shh! Be vewy, vewy quiet,” He spoke in Elmer Fudd’s voice. “I’m hunting wabbits. Ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Once that’s done, Bugs Bunny quickly regained his shape. He zipped over toward Sci-Twi catching the girl further off guard.

“Elmer really let himself go over the years,” He replied, munching a carrot.

With a flick of his hand, Bugs Bunny tossed his chewed carrot away. The toss knocked a picture frame off its shelf, while also knocking down some books to fall down, like dominos.

“Hey!” Twilight exclaimed, collecting her books. “Don’t throw your carrots in my lab!”

Bugs merely shrugged as the girl quickly straightened out her books. As she inspected her equipment for damage, Bugs casually walked over and picked up a small picture fame that was knocked onto the floor.

“Sorry Twilight,” Bugs apologized.

“It’s okay,” Twilight sighed, composing herself. “Just try to be more careful from now on.”

Bugs took a closer look at the picture frame. Sure enough, there was Twilight hugging a grown man dressed in a soldier’s uniform.

“Hey Twi!” Bugs pointed to the man. “Ya didn't tell me you were dating a soldier!”

“Oh, that’s still not my boyfriend,” Twilight smiled. “That's my B.B.B.F.F. Shining Armor!”

“Your B.B.B…”

In a blink of an eye, a cartoon light bulb suddenly appeared over Bugs’ head. All at once, it finally dawned on the Rabbit.

“OOH!!! The big brother ya told me about it!”

Twilight confirmed with a nod and a smile, before looking down toward the floor rather sadly. This did not take long for Bugs to notice.

“Eh… I take it ya miss him a lot?” Bugs asked sympathetically.

“Almost 24/7,” Sci-Twi replied. “Before I transferred to Canterlot High, Shining Armor was the only friend I ever had… besides Cadence. He was one of Crystal Prep’s best students, then after he graduated, I… I hardly saw him anymore. He only came back, once… but since then… he’s devoted most of his life… to the navy, defending our country…”

“That’s every soldier’s relative’s dilemma,” Bugs nodded in understanding. “I’m not one to brag, But I’ve once fought in WWII, alongside Daffy. Long story short, we came back home to hear what we’ve missed out on. Please go on.”

“Anyway, I miss him more than I realize,” Sci-Twi sniffed, wiping a tear anyway. “Being so far away from him, makes me feel so… alone…”

Expressing her heartache and nostalgia, Twilight proceeded to sing her heart out.

BBBFF (Big Brother Best Friend Forever)

Soon as Sci-Twi ended the song, she took a seat by her desk. For a lengthy period of time she looked at the picture of herself and her brother, which only made her sad. Not too far away, Bugs Bunny couldn’t help but shed a tear in sympathy for Twilight.

“Oh, I hate seein’ a grown man cry,” Bugs sighed. “Especially when it’s a girl.”

Reaching into the pocket of his hoodie, Bugs Bunny produced a handkerchief out of thin air and handed it to Twilight.

“Here ya go,” He offered.

“Thank you,” Sci-Twi thanked.

She proceeded to wipe the tears away from her eyes and softly blew her nose.

“Hey, Twilight?” Bugs began solemnly. “Can I tell you something… personal?”

“Sure,” Twilight nodded. “What is it, Bugs?”

“Well uh, ya see… I know what it’s like to miss a brother,” He admitted. “Because I had a… big brother best friend forever, like you do.”

“Oh, really?” Twilight asked. “So… this B.B.B.F.F. of yours… what’s he like? What kind of rabbit is he?”

“Oh, eh, he ain’t no rabbit at all,” Bugs shook his head. ‘He’s a man… Granny’s nephew. He’s in college or was… give or take. It’s complicated.”


“Yeah…” Bugs sighed in nostalgia. “Course I was just a baby looney tune, then. But if feels like only yesterday. I remember… how he’d take me and my friends places. How he’d try to keep us on our best behaviors. And no matta how much trouble we’d get into, we always knew he’d be there and bail us out. He’d do it all for us, for no reason at all!”

“Wow,” Twilight smiled. “Sounds like a great guy.”

“He sure is,” Bugs smiled. “In a way, he’s like ‘my’ big brother. More than that, he’s kind of my hero.”

“What happened to him? How is he?”

Bugs Bunny scratched his head for a minute or two. It was clear he trying to recall the last time he’s ever spoken to his aforementioned brother.

“Eh… it’s been so long,” Bugs shrugged. “Lots of stuff happened when you grow up like everyone else. We moved out of Granny’s house and gone our separate ways, making our own way into the woirld. I got a job with Warner Brothers, and I became a celebrity and everything. It all happened so fast for just a cartoon bunny, what with reboots and everything…”

Bugs Bunny then breaks the fourth wall, addressing all the readers watching.

“Not to mention the crazy fan artists and fanfictions…”

“Who’re you talking to?” Sci-Twi asked, looking around.

“Never mind that,” Bugs Bunny brushed off. “The point I’m trying to make is… well, I guess we all have attachments to a long-lost relative or two. In a way, I guess that makes us all like…”

Relatable…” Bugs and Twilight said in unison.

For a brief moment, they looked up toward each other and when their eyes locked they could feel as though they were truly sharing a moment. A realization so shocking, it could not be summed up with additional words. After a moment, when it started growing rather awkward, both Sci-Twi and Bugs Bunny broke it with a laugh.

“Wow, listen to me!” Bugs Bunny began. “Getting’ all sentimental and everything; I oughtta win an Oswald for that performance.”

“You mean an Oscar,” Sci-Twi corrected.

“Nah, I mean an Oswald…” Bugs Bunny smirked. “Least from my universe anyways.”

“Heh-heh… I guess we have so much in common,” Twilight smiled, adjusting her glasses.

“But I’m just a cartoon bunny. I tell jokes, play a few tricks, make people laugh, and all for everyone’s entertainment.”

“Even if you guys are just cartoons… you seem to carry this same magic we all know and hold dearly. I can’t really describe it any other way, but it feels like you embody your own ‘magic of friendship’.”

Bugs Bunny scratched his chin, as if pondering on this newfound knowledge deemed ‘friendship’. To suggest that it was all very new to him would be quite an understatement.

“If ya say so Doc,” Bugs Bunny shrugged.

“Anyway, let’s get back to figuring out how to get you and your friends home,” Sci-Twi spoke, getting back on topic. “In the meantime, I suggest we’d determine if more of you have come to our world.”

“Sounds like a plan, Twi!” Bugs agreed.

Together they approached the monitor screens in the lab to determine if any additional news of strange beings coming to their world have been brought to attention. All the same, Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about her brother, Shining Armor. And then suddenly she remembered Sunset Shimmer’s farewell and departure, which didn’t even happen all that long ago. The memory of yesterday’s departure seemed to add this weight onto the heartache the scientific girl could still feel in her chest.

And yet, it was all a relief to her just the same. At least to get these emotions off her chest, to have someone to share it with… and with Bugs Bunny out of everyone in the universe. Turning to the cartoon rabbit beside her, Twilight walked over and much to Bugs’ own surprise she embraced him with a loving hug.

“Thank you Bugs,” Sci-Twi cried tearfully. “For being here for me.”

Though a slight confused at first, Bugs Bunny returned the hug with a gentle pat across Twilight’s back.

“Eh… your welcome,” He replied.